Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Iowa Lodge, A. 0. U. W., Now
Restrained from Doing
: Business in State,of
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special to
'The Bee.) The Nebraska supreme
court today handed down a decision
upholding the action of the Douglas
county district court in refusing the
Iowa lodge, A. O. U. W., a license to
do business in the state of Nebraska.
The action was brought by the Iowa
lodge against the state insurance
board. '
The supreme court did not base its
decision on the same grounds as the
lower court. The supreme court's
decision was based on the fact that
lhe Iowa organization did not first
secure permission to establish lodges
under its jurisdiction in this stale
from the grand lodge.
The district court opinion was
based on the contention that the Ne
braska lodge needed all the support
obtainable to keep on a sound finan
cial basis and would be handicapped
by lodges in its territory joining the
Jowa jurisdiction. They also con
tended that the. similarity in names
would interfere with the Nebraska
Supreme Court Rules
: That Petitions for ,
Court House Illegal
By a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Jan. 20. Petitions Cir
culated and signed in Platte county
for a new court house there are
illegal, the Nebraska supreme court
held today. A clause in the pro
vision attempting- to fix the site for
the ne building; contravenes the
Nebraska law on the subject, the
high court says in its opinion, and
invalidates the petitions.
Judge Sedgwick of the supreme
bench files a dissenting opinion in
which he says that the county board
was bound by the expressed wish of
the taxpayers of the county to lo
cate the building on the present site
and that the failure to raise objec
tion to the. form of petitions at the
time of the circulation should act
as an estoppel.
The question was raised in an in
junction suit brought by John W.
Mylett of Columbus against the
county, board.
Alleged Auto Thief Hurt
in Attempt to Break Jail
Fremont, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special
Telegram.) C. J. Boles, alleged au
tomobile thief, was badly bruised
and cut when he attempted to escape
from the Dodge county jail here.
Boles had been given the freedom
of the corridor anJ when the' other
prisoners went to another section of
the jail pried open a bar that had
been sawed by another prisoner
soon after the jail was put in use,
and climbed out on the roof.
; He started to climb down a rope
he had made from blankets in the
cell, but lost his hold and fell about
0 feet. He was picked up uncon
scious by members of the , police
force v who came from the station
across the street. He is now in the
hospital, where he will recover.
Boles was arrested at Belleville,
Kan., two weeks ago for stealing an
automobile befcnging to D. C.
Wheeler. He said he became
despondent when he failed to hear
from his father who lives at Enid,
Okl., and decided to escape. .
Senate Bills.
? (Introduced Monday.) ' ' '
rS, F, No. 43, by Reed. Require county
hoards to pay over to the treasurer, ot
l ities nd villages one-halC of all auto
registration1 fee which rs paid by bona
fiiio residents it cities or vllsites, the
money to be tiled lor atreet improve
ments. S. F. No. 4tV by Brooks Provide! for
1.ree of divorce when a party baa been
mrurably Insane fw a perio of 1 years
prior to filing petition, and providing that
such divorce ehall be conditioned upon
iha report of a medical inquisition and
for tha taking car at all property in
volved. 3. F. No. 47, by Alnlay and Hoegland
Prrmlis cities second class or villages own
ins; electricity, steam or other public
utilities to furnish its products outside
the corporate limits, and giving1 them
power to build and maintain transmission
S. F. No. 4S. by Alnlay Relating to
the payment of tuition In free public high
schools for non-resident pupils. ,
S, F. No. 49, by i:happell Provides that
every eitiien, Instead of every person ot
l'-Kal age. or possessing other quallfica
lions shall be entitled to vote at district
meotlngs and school elections, .
S. F No. 60, by Peterson Changing the
law relating to county surveyors so lis
to give swstary of 12,000 a year in coun
ties ot 60,000 Instead of 100,000 and pro
viding for a deputy surveyor in counties
of more than 100,000.
S. F. No. 61, by Peterson Providing
that In counties of over 60.H00 instead of
100.000 the county surveyor shall be
.-ounty highway commissioner and adding
5700 to tha salsry of the deputy county
8. F. No. 61, by Eushee Amendment
to the primary law providing for the
nomination snd election ot delegates to
srato conventions and making the present
primary law apply also to nominations
' vf candidates of state conventions of all
late officers except governor, each county
'hall be entitled to one delegate for each
:'0O votes and also made the duty of
'he ststa conventiorf .besides nominating
candidates for state offices except gov.
ernor to formulate a state platform ar.d
-tect a state committee. delegates to
county convention arc also to be elected
ly direct vote.
1 .
V""-rai piir fT
When weak, nervous and al! ran dcram; when
vick and despondent and everything seems
j ft wrong, send for tiuga-Tone tie gi eat
Search the world yrm cant find a remedy
' -t has such wonderful power for buikimi
?"h, red blood and strenirthenuiR weak and
(bartered nerves as Nusra-Tone. Nuita-Torte st
nce improves the action of the stomach, liver
nd boweis, makes) trie bowels move easy and
-(-pilar, sharpens the appetite, improves) the
b;-vd Circulation, puts th.i ruddy glow of health
' the chttk and sparkle in the eyel
ft coots I.fs) laata a whole -tnnta.
;.c battle- I s it SO days and If tob
re wit bene ted, take tb rvmaladrr
f the aeaasra bark ta tha slrne-irist
aad set yaar awsey bark. For ante
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, Stores
and otner good drug stores, iry it
House Bills.
(Introduced Monday.)
H. R. No. Ill By Esrtoa Green. Rslse
salaries of supreme court clerk's baltiff
from ll.:"0 to ll.sco,
H. R. No. 112 By Foster and others.
Creates stata licensing and examining
board for barbera, to have control of san
itation in barber shops, schools and col
leges. Board to consist of the governor.
attorney general and labor commissioner.
who shall appoint three secretaries to ad
minister the law.
II. R. No. 113 By Baker. Prohibits
any Interested psrty or relatlvea ta aerva
aa commissioner for altering or vacating
H. R. No. 114 By Bsker. Requires
peddlsrs to paint Itcenss numbsrs on
H. R. No. tis By Anderson of Knox.
Prohibits public school teachers from us
ing religious Inslgnls. Penalty fine of
$100 or imprisonment for SO days. School
members who perml violation may bs
H. R. No. 1H By Rost. Pisces IS
dally penalty on railroads falling to sup
ply shippers with cars within seven daya
after application. '
H. R. No. 117 By McLsllan. Psrmlts
conscripted as well aa volunteer soldiers
to be commandants at aoldler homes.
, H. R. No. US Hy Lancaster delegation.
Ratsea salary of Lancaster countv register
of destle from 12.600 to $3,000 and deputy
to rrom to 11,800.
II. R. No. 119 By Maurer. Forblda
teaching of modern European lsnguages
in common schools. Penalty each day
$100 fine or 30 days In jail.
H. R, No. ISO By Jacobson. Regulates
procedure to be taken by shippers in fil
ing damage rlalma against railroads. Re
quires csrrlers to scknowledge receipt
thereof within 10 daya and advise claim
ants of aay ateps necessary to complete
H. R. No. 121 By Jacobson., Requires
railroads to act on shippers' damage
claims within 60 days of presentation.
Allows 7 per cent Interest and $30 attor
neys fees.
II. R. No. 122 By Maurer. ' Limits tax
exemption of taxable church property to
real estate 150x200 feet.
H. R. No. 12.1 By Maurer. Forbids
display of any flag or other emblem of
any rorelgn nation except on permit of a
commission consisting of tha governor,
necretary' of state and attorney general.
I'enalty, $100, fine or 30 days In Jail.
H. R. No. 124 .By Downing. Repeals
nonpartlaan election law.
H. R. No. 126 By Behrena. Question
of creating a aanltary drainage district
In towns of less, than 1,000 population
must be spproved by majority of legal
voters, after filing of petition by two
thlrda of freeholders.
H. R. No. 126 By McOrath. Empow
ers county assessor to Inspect books of
banks, trust companies arid savings and
loan aaoclations for information regard
ing depositors' accounts.
H. R. No. 127 By Foster and Berka.
Extends terms of Omaha municipal court
Judges from two to four yeara and con
tlnirea incumbency of those now in office
until 1 923.
H. R. No. 12$ By McLeod. ExemDts
property left by descendent to parents'
children,- husband or wife from Inheri
tance tax.
H. R. No. 12 By Trarewell and Mor
rison. Appropriates $10,000 for speclfed
Improvements at Valentine and Gretna
fish hatcheries.
H. R. No. 130 By Barbour. Requires
county and township treasurers to report
weekly, when so requested, in writing to
secretaries of Irrigation districts In re
gard to collections.
H. R. No, 131 By Larsen. Empowers
employer or employes In strike or lockout
troubles to Initiate proceedings by the
stats board of mediation for a aettlement.
H. R. No. 132 By Schmidt. Requires
land owners to mow cockleburrs and sun
flowers on their own land and In roads
adjacent thereto. Penalty $10 to $200
fine? Where owner neglects to cut them,
any other person may do so and collect
a reaaoanbls sura In payment from the
,H. R. No. 13S. by Fults. Extends dou
ble election board law to include precincts
of mora than 60 voters as. well as those of
mora than 100 voters.
H. R. No, 134, by Hosteller and Harris.
Raises police salaries In cities having pop
ulation of from 6,000 to 26,000.
H, R. No. 136, by Carroll. Raises county
attorneys salaries from scale of $300
$2,000 to scale of 1758-12 600. Lancaster
and Douglas county unchanged.
M. K. No. 136, by Thompson Makes it
compulsory upon county boarda to publish
personal tax roil in newspapers, preaent
law discretionary. i
H. R. No. 137. by Allen of Gaga. Pro
vide for free issuance of .huntin- and
fishing licensee to residents of Nebraska.
H. R. No. 138, by Harts. Provides san
tary regulations for' packing houses.
Limits women employes In pscking houses
to eight hours per day. , Penalty $100 fine
or 30 days' In jail.
H.,n. No. 13, by Larsen. Establishes
minimum wsga commission, composed of
labor commissioner, one man and one
woman appointed by governor. Commis
sion empowered ta Investigate and at its
discretion establish minimum wage for
women and minors In any industry. Com
mission may create advisory boards for
each Industry, to make Investigations and
report to u. umpioye receiving less tnan
minimum may recover- In1 civil action.
Penalty a fine of $50 or imprisonment for
60 days. Emergency. s
H. R. No. ,140, by I.arsen. Requirea
railroad to maintain building or shed cov
ering track on which stand cars which
sre beiftg repaired. Penalty fin $50-1100
or ten days. In Jail.. -
H. R. No. V41, by Morrison. Provides
that state shall assame i entire ' cost of
bridges over streams more than $176 feet
wide. . ,
H. R. No. 142, by Larsen. . Eight-hour
dsy for employes of governmental subdi
vision or contractors therefor. Penalty
$100 fine or 0 daya in jail. -H.
R. No. 143.- bv Larsen. School su
perintendent required to furnish dupllca-
tlona of all child labor certificates to
stata labor commissioner.
Appoint Adjutant General
Until Return Df Co!.- Paul
Lincoln, Jan. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Col. Joseph, A. Storch has
oeen named adjutant general until
the return of Col H. J. Paul from
France. Colonel Paul was ap
pointed adjutant general sometime
ago and announced his acceptance,
but his return has been delayed.
Lieutenant-Colonel Storch served
in the Spanish-American war and
was wounded in action: He formerly
was brigadier general of the national
guard. He was commissioned a
major on the outbreak of the war
with Germany and served at Camj
Snelling, Camp Dodge and for a
short time in France.
Ill 'i;'::n
In just the same way 'as modern
machinery saves labor, so modern
Off ice Equipment
fitted to the particular task you or your clerks
have to do, saves time, labor, mental effort, etc.
for everything for your of
fice,, even to the floor coverings
Phone Tyler 3QQ0
Orchard f&Wilhelm Co.
l: I i I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I; I Vt I
STATE mill"
Want Permanent Connections
With City Pavements; Dele
gation From Beatrice
Starts Movement. '
By a Staff Correspondent
Lincoln, Jan". 20. Besides the
general provision to be made by the
legislature for continuing state aid
on permanent roads in all counties
of Nebraska requests will be made
for special appropriations to pave
highways to colinect outlying state
institutions with city pavement.
This proposal will have the endorse
ment of the gbod roads organization.
The first plan of this kind was
laid before the State Board of Con
trol by a delegation from Beatrice
with reference to the institute for
feeble minded at that place. Those
in the delegation were Speaker
Dalbey of the house, Mayor R. V.
Heffelringer, City Commissioner
Wallace Weigel and Attorney H. E.
The Norfolk hospital for insane,
the penitentiary at Lincoln, the in
sane hospital at Hastings, and other
institutions will be. included in the
bill which the Beatrice delegation
expects to have drawn. The esti
mated cost at Beatrice is $20,000.
Automobile, Stolen in
Fremont Found at- Avery
Fremont, Neb.; Jan. 20. 1Spe
cial Telegram.) Fred C. Laird
went to Avery in response to tele
phonic information that his road
ster, stolen from the streets Satur
day night, had been abandoned in
the ditch near that place, The car
was badly damaged. No clue as to
the thief has been obtained.
State Board of Irrigation
Revises Premium Lists
Lincoln, Jan. 20. (Special.)
The State Board of Irrigation met
today with Secretary E. R. Daniel
son at the state house. The entire
day's session was spent in revising
the premium lists. The' annual
meeting of the board will be held
tomorrow afternoon at the Lincoln
Commercial club rooms. ,
OeV 265 Flu Cases Reported.
Lincoln, Jan. 20. (Special.) On
ly 265 new influenza cases were re
ported to the State Health depart
ment over Sunday, while but two
deaths, according to State Epidemi
ologist Wild.
Ilcw Influenza Starts
Influenza starts with a cold. Keen
free from colds and be safe.
Colds do not fasten upon those
who keep their systems fre from
food-waste, theft bowels open, their
blood free from dangerous poisons
that food-waste allowed to remain,
always creates. -
See how dangerous it is! If youf
blood is filled with these poisons,
your kidneys, your lungs and skin
pores are overworked trying to
throw off the poisons and cannot
act against the cold. There is noth
ing to stop it. It can easily turn in
to influenza and then Pneumonia,
which has caused such a vast num
ber of fatalities this fall.
Be safe! Keep your bowels open,
wholly free from accumulated food
waste. That, o.ur doctor will tell
you, is the vital precaution.
Get a bottle of SALINOS from
your' druggist. It will' thoroughly
empty; the entire digestive tract,
even the lower bowels, where most
poisons are formed. SALINOS is
inexpensive a bottle for a Quarter
at your druggists, (larger sizes, 50c
and $1.00). It really is pleasant in
taste and pleasant in action. Get it
today, Sure! Try SALINOS to
morrow morning. Adv.
vr - . . , l
N .. i 0 6 BrLL-ANS
1 1 wi rvaici
Sure Relief
n r -
l-l:;li:i;.l ii
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I
Barrows Is the Man,
' Stroke of Whose i?cn
Made Country Dry
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Jan. 2(J To Lieuten
ant Governor Barrpws belongs the,
peculiar and historic distinction of
being the person whose official
act made the United States "bone
He was the first executive officer
among those of all the states,
whose signature affixed to the res
olution jointly passed by the sen
ate and house of the Nebraska
legislature, ratifying the constitu
tional amendment providing for
national prohibition, legally con
sumated this important piece of
economic and social legislation.
As soon as he wrote his name
on the document Nebraska be
came the 36th state of the union
to ratify the amendment and make
it the law of the "land.
Status of Douglas
County Offices Will
Be Affected by Bills
Information received from Lin
coln confirms an exclusive article
printed in The Bee last month, that
bills are to be offered in the legis
lature, affecting the status of the
Douglas county board of commis
sioners. One proposition is to make it
possible for the county treasurer,
county attorney and county clerk
to appoint two others to serve with
them as a county board, displacing
the present board.
Another proposal is to have the
county clerk, county attorney.
county treasurer, county judge and
the county surveyor serve with the
present board until the expiration
of the terms of the county commis
sioners and then have the county
officials mentioned serve as a
county board.
It is further proposed to provide
fof election of county commission
ers at large in place of the present
system of districts.
Kearney Canteen Workers
Unable to Meet Wounded Men
Kearney, Neb., Jan. 20. (Spe
cial.) Local canteen workers -are
bewailing the fact that they are not
being kept posted when train; of
wounded soldiers pass through this
city, consequently are . unable to
meet the boys and extend to them
courtesies of the canteen service.
Sheets-rCotton Yacd Goods I
Five Special Offerings
for Tuesday
SlxOO-Incli Bleached Sheets,
Extra heavy linen finish, suit
able for hotels or rooming
houses. Your choice of two
popular brands, each 1.55
Bleached Muslin.
Si Inch width splendid noHty Mnslln for maLing sheets and
pillowcases. Soft finish, free from dressing, at 19H
Pillow Tubing.
(6-Inch Fillow Tubing, Genuine
Pepperell or Salisbury make.
This popular width is now be
ing sold at less than wholesale
cost Yard, at 34
Annual January Sale of New Silks
Continues With Characteristically Immense Assortments
Tlie opening of this event was accorded a generous measure of success, and every purchaser was
enthusiastic over the excellence of these materials and their low pricing. Assortments are large
enough to maintain the attractiveness for Tuesday continuance of this most unusual event. ,
36-inch Chiffon Taffeta, in
cluding Cheney Brothers
famous Taffeta, Swiss Messa
line, and Satins, in a full line
of shades suitable for"street
and evening wear 2.00 val
at a Saving of $5 to S10
tntitnnnc tin
. Invented and Patented by V. C. Free.
' Or on Terms of 1.00 Down and 1.00 a Week.
Main Floor.
si ip
Present; Rate of $70 Per
Month Fixed 2Q .Years
Ago; Will Mean Much
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Jan. 20. State house
stenographers heretofore drawing
$70 a month are slated for a raise
of at least $85 to $90 in-the salary
bill, whose preparation soon will be
commenced by the finance commit
tee of the house. This will be done
to even up things with other em
ployes who have received wage in
creases in the past. Chairman Good
of the committee said.
Seventy dollars was fixed as the
standard rate of remuneration for
stenographers 20 or 25 years ago,
and in the case of a great many em
ployed in the capitol it has never
been changed. x
In making up the departmental
salaries , and maintenance bills
Chairma.. Good said the schedule
would first be prepared for all de
partments down to those affected
by the new administrative code bill.
If the reorganization in view is pro
vided for a good deal of revision
must follow.
Heirs of Kearney Man Sue
Union Pacific Railroad
Kearnev. Neb.. Ian. 20 CSns'-
ciaL) Heirs of the iate Albert
Gammill hive filed suit in district
court here against the Union Pa
cific railroad company for $50,000
damages. Gammill was killed in
the yards here. April 25 of last year,
beinir. crushed to rlpath while em
ployed at the coal chutes.'
Pioneer Dundy County Man
Is Laid to Rest at McCook
McCook, Neb., Jan. . 20. (Spe
cial.) Joseph Robidoux, sr., of
Benkehnan, who died, in a Hastings
hospital, Friday morning, was
buried in Calvary cemetery of this
city, this morning. Joseph Robi
doux was a pioneer citizen of Dundy
county, and an early merchant of
i ii mi I Ussf ixi
15 Inch Androscofrgln Fillow
Tubing Extra fine quality
for making pillow cases. A
"very popular width, at, per
yard. - j - 39d
Outing Flannel.
Genuine Amoskeag Outing Flan
nel, in white only. Extra
heavy, warm, fleecy, nap;
positively worth 30c. Special
at, a yard, 31t
-Please Note These Are New
40-inch Crepe de Chine, plain
and printed Georgette
Crepes, Voiles, Stripe Shirt
- ing Silks, other desirable
weaves; all the newest
shades included in the above
lot. Worth 1.75 tg 2.00,
7-15 cnam Stitch Machine.! 10
$45 Drop Head Singer... $33
$35 Rotary Machine $25
$32 Drop Head Machine.. $22
$25 Drop Head Machine. .$18
$25 Drop Head Machine. .$2(1
JIach machine is fitted
with a complete set of
We will take your old
sewing machine in cx
exchange for
Former Comty Judge
Must Serve Term for
Forging Name to Note
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Jan. 20. (Special.)
Conviction of William L. Whitney,
former county judge of Thayer
county, sentenced to serve a term
of one to 20 years in the peniten
tiary, was affirmed in the Nebras
ka supreme court today.
He is alleged to have forged the
name of J. M. Gumble to a note
for $500 which he persuaded
Sylvia A. S. Stauber to accept as
collateral on a loan. Whitney was
executor of the Stauber estate.
Would Make It Impossible
for Alien Jto Hold Office
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special
Telegram.) The senate then went
into the committee of the whole and
reported" four bills for passage, in-
ciuuing one wmcn maKes it mi- f
possible for an alien to hold public
t..j: -- i - .
At the first sigrr of a cold
Colds cannot gain a start if
waste. -
First Aid In Influenza Prevention
When the bowels are inactive and food-waste lies in the
system it ferments, creating dangerous poisons which are absorbed-
into the blood.' Then the kidneys, lungs arm skin
pores are not equal to the task of getting this poison out of
the system and disease gets a quick start.
Colds Precede Influenza
The colds that follow blood sluggishness, due to the
poisons created by constipation, leaves the body an easy
prey of influenza and after- that PNEUMONIA!
Ask any doctor what precaution you should take against
colds, influenza and pneumonia and he will tell you to take a
thoro laxative. But pills, tablets and vegetable compounds
are only partljr effective.
Your druggist has a product called SALINOS that is a
thoro laxative which will completely enlpty the entire digest
ive tract, including the lower bowels, whenfe most poisons
are lormed.
SALINOS is really pleasant
pleasant in action.
You can get a bottle of SALINOS for a Quartei (larger
sizes, Fifty cents and a Dollar) .
Be Safe! Get It Today! Use It Tomorrow Morning.
Towels at Special Prices
January Sale
One lot of Turkish
Towels slight mill
imperfections (no
holes), so called
drop thread, plain
white or colored
borders. An Extra
good value while
10c Plain,
the lot
lasts. Each
Wash Cloths,
Full Bleached Turk
ish Towels; soft,
heavy and fluffy
kind, hemmed
eS- . 19c
lull Bleached Turk
lsh Towels
hemmed ends, 18z
36 inch size, i Cn
Each lsJL
Main Floor
Spring Silks, Off
36 ta 41-inch Tricolette In
navy -and black only; this
beautiful fabric is the newest,
creation from La Belle
France, just made for the new
style dresses f the coming
season. Worth 4.00 to 4.50 a
' yard. During this great sale,
1,500 Pairs Children's Shoes
In Two Special Lots
On' Sale Tuesday Main Floor
This offerinc conmrises the combined
ing of
to 3.50,
Mrs. Roosevelt Extends
Thanks to Legislature
Lincoln, Jan. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Letters were read in the
senate today from the Douglas coun
ty V. C. T. U., the state V. C. T.
U. and the First Presbyterian
church of Omaha thanking it for
passing the ratification for national
A telegram from Mrs. Theodore
Roosevelt was read, expressing ap
preciation for the resolution of
sympathy extended by the senate.
Must Stand Charge of
Beating Up Aged Couple
Lincoln, Jan. 20. (Special.)
The application of Charles Chandler
for a writ of habeas corpus to pre
vent his extradition to Missouri on
the charge of beating u. an aged
couple while intoxicated at St. Jo
seph in September of 1917 was de
nied by the supreme court.
Chandler charged there were
technical errors in the application.
see that the bowels are open.
the system is, free from food-
to take, pleasant in taste and
Towels at 39c This
lot comprises Chief
Value linen huck
Towels, hem
stitched ends; also
fancy or plain
white Turkish tow
els, hemmed ends;
. a big value.
Hack Towels,
hemmed ends, 17x
34 inch size; soft
and absorbent
the Bolt
40-in. Crepe Meteor, Char
meuse, Radium, suiting
weight La.Jerz Satins, Geor
gette Crepe, Crepe Tussah,
Crepe- de Chine, Jersey Silk.
Wash Satin Gros de Londres,
etc. All that's new and beau
tiful. Values to 2.50 and 13, at
broken lines and assortments of our
children's shoe stocks, divided in two
groups and on sale as follows ;
900 Fairs Misses' .and Boys' Shoes,
in gun metal,, or kid, button or
lace stvle. Sizes. S'.'o to 2. A clear
all shoes that were marked up
600 Fairs Misses' and Boys' Shoes,
in heavy chrome calf, leather uppers
or vici kid, mat kid top, button and
lace style; also some in patent colt
vamp, made up with w hite kid top.
Sizes, from 8V2 to '2. A clearing of
shoes sold up to 4.50, at 2.95
Main Floor.
Gains Sixteen Pounds in Less
Than Thirty Days by
Taking Tanlac.
William Carrick, for many years
a resident of Tacoma, Wash., is now
a citizen of Hunter, Mo. While en
route to his future home in Hunter,
recently, Mr. t'arrick called at the
Owl Druft Store in Kansas City,
purchased two bottles of Tanlac ami
made a statement regarding his ex
perience with the medicine thnt will
lw of interest to all sufferim
people. "I have never seen anything,'1
ijaid Mr. Carrick, "sell like Tanl;c
is selling out on the Pacific coast,
around where I lived. A friend of
mine actually went neventy-fi'
miles one day to get a bottle ard
knowing what 1 do about it now, I
believe I would do the same thuip.
rather than be without it. When I
first started taking it I had litt'
idea it would do me any good, but
when I tell you I have gained si
teen pounds in less than thirty (la;
and am able to work for the fir. I
time in months, you can understand
why I talk like j do about it.
"Something like a year nr;o r.ij
appetite went back on me and my
stomach got in such a bad fix th-1 ,
nothing I would eat seemed to d i
me any good. My food would sorr
soon after maals and keep me b?le!i
ing up sour gas for houi-3. I sufforr I
terrible pain about my stomach all
the time and" at times I would turn
so deathly sick that I could hnrd'"
retain a thing I had eaten. I dropur.l
off twenty-seven pounds in weight
and hardly had strength to raise m v
hands and was so' nervous for clmot
six weeks that I hardly slept Rt all.
I finally got down flat on my bad;
in bod. I couldn't take a bit of nour
ishment except a little milk aiv!
for five weeks I thought ysure 1
would never pull through.
"I was stopping with my nephew
in Tacoma at this time, and as Itj
had seen Tanlac recommended so
highly he went down and got a, bot
tle for me. Well, sir, by the time
I finished my first bottle I was on
my feet and feeling like a different
man. My appetite picked up -riirht
away and I soon-'got so I couldn't
get enough to eat, and ever since I
finished my second bottle I have
been feeling strong and fine as yoj
please. The sourness, gas and pain
has left my stomach entirely and
nothing is barred from my diet. It
was about the close of Spring when
Tanlac straightened me up and I
worked every day this Summer, at
my trade as carpenter, and have
felt fine all the time. I don't be
lieve I ever enjoyed better health
than , I do now. I have personally
recommended Tanlac to hundreds
of people and as I was passins:
through here today, I stopped in to
get two' bottles to carry down to
Hunter with me, because I don't
want to be without it."
Tanlac Is sold in Omaha bv all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy under the
personal direction of a special Tan
lac representative. Also Forrest
and Meany Drug Company in South
Omaha and the leading druggist in
each city, and town throughout tha
state of Nebraska. Adv.
of the vital forces ot lhe body,
depleted in the struggle with acute
disease, depends not upon super-,
ficial stimulation but upon ade
quate nourishment. The body
needs to be nourished back to
strength and power.
a pure, wholesome tonic-focd,
absolutely non-elooholie, tones f-
and strengthens by nourishing the 4
whole system body, blood and
nerves, jxounsn your ooay ft ,
Scott & Downc, ElMinficM, N. J. 1 li-li
- Mr. George Schillo, 620G ".
Pear avenue, Cleveland, -
writes: "I am glad I was rec- ;
1 ommended to your medicine. -.
I was pretty well rundown,
2 nervous, and loss of ambition. "
2 felt tired at all times, could -?
not sleep, and hd loss of ap- I
petite, felt weak and trembled -
from weakness. I find your "
; Cadomene Tablets are helping ''
2 me very much. I was writing -
: to my sister about my run- 2
2 down condition. She advised -
m me to take Cadomene, as she
phad been as bad off as myself. ".
. Cadomene built her nerves up-
- and restored her health. I am 2
2 more than thankful I received -
her advice." Sold by drug- "
gists everywhere. Adv. 2
iiisiiiitiitiitilii.iiinimnimnin(i,ti,ti,i,iii. . .
They Go, not because it is a fad.
but because they wish to obtain tin
greatest possible hair beauty and b
sure they are not using anything
harmful. They have found that 1,1
washing the hair it is never wise to
use a makeshift, but is always ad
visable to use a preparation mad
for shampooing only. Many of our
friends say they get the best result
from a simple home-made eahthrox
mixture. You can use this at a cost
of about 3 cents a shampoo by get
ting some rantnrox irom your drug
gist and dissolving a teasnoonful in
a cup of hot water. This make.-,
enough shampoo liquid to apply to
all the hair instead of just the to.)
of the head, as with most pre on ra
tions. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt I
are dissolved and entirely disappear
in the rinsing water. Your hair will
be so fluffy that it will look much
heavier than it is. Its luster an I
softness will also delight you. AU.