2 CUCKIilGIIAL! TELLS SENATE ABOUT YARDS Omahan Declares Kendrick Bill Would Give Single Packer Power to Close Market. From a Staff Correspondent. Washington. Jan. 20. (Special Teleeram.) Everett Buckingham, president of the Omaha Stock Yards company was a vitness today betore the senate committee on agriculture which is holding hearings on Sena tor Kendrick's bill "To stimulate the production, sale and distribution of live stock and live stock products and for other purposes. Mr. Buck ingham read the title of the bill and said on the outside it suggested "stimulating." but on the inside "the other purpose mentioned" suggested confiscation, which created a laugh and happily paved the way for a goodnatured hearing" all around. Mr. Buckingham showed to the committee in detail the workings of the stock yards company and endea vored to make clear that it was de signed simply to furnish facilities and service. . Gives One Man Power It's the bridge between where transportation ceases and where the packing companies, or buyers' re sponsibility begins," Mr. Bucking ham said. He brought out one point in the Kendrick bill that thus fai seem ingly has been overlooked. , . Under one of the bill's provisions, it would be in the power of one man, were he connected with a packing company by retaining more than 1Q per cent of the stock of a stock yards company, automatically to close up the market. The rail roads in consequence would not be permitted to deliver stock , and it would therefore be in one man's power to close up the Chicago live stock market. . Let Conditions Remain. Mr. Buckingham suggested that the committee would better let con ditions remain as they are and thought the changes suggesfed were impracticable. In reply to a question, Mr. Buck ingham said he did not believe the government could operate a stock yards company as successfully and under private operation and as for. the railroads operating the stock yards, 'he thought the railroads had about all they wanted to do to look after the transportation of the coun try and were not interested particu larly in taking over public markets, v' Call Dahlman East. The railroad administration today wired ex-Mayor Dahlman to report in Washington as soon as-convenient. It is understood that the agricul tural appropriation bill will carry $1.01)0,000 for the control and eradi cation of tuberculosis in cattle, and that' the appropriation for"' hog cholera' -will: be the same as in the present bill. 'The tuberculosis ap propriation is' looked upon as a distinct triumph for the northwest. Objection by Hitchcock . to Potash : Importation" Washington, Jan. , 20. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska protested in the senate today against importation r-f Alsatian or German potash, as re--ccntly proposed by Chairman Hur ley, of the shipping board. The sen ator said Mr. Hurley's statement had done great injury to the American potash industry fostered by govern ment agencies during the, war. Sen ators Shafroth of Colorado andTitt man of Nevada, also ."presented pro tests from potash interests of the west, - . American Bluejackets . Thrive on Spanish "Flu" Germs; Doctors Baffled One Hundred Boys from Navy Face Possible Death' in Effort to Check Spread of Disease; Inoculated With Germs, But Not a Single Man Takes Disease. For That Florida Trip Ikrlman Cushion Top Yardrcbe Trunk i The best and most practical trunk made. The padded top pre vents clothes from fall ing off the hangers. The lift top makes all garments equally easy to get. Outside construction of trunk is supreme in trunk building. Priced no higher than ordinary trunks. Just more detail and thought put into the trunk for your comfort. Won't you let us show you? , : Frelmg & Steisle J Omaha's Best Baggage BuUJers jj lSC3Farnan Street j E By Universal Service. Washington, Jan. 20. Distin guished service medals may never adorn their blouses, but American bluejackets recently faced possible death as unflinchingly as any of the destroyer heroes who battled U boats. These men comprise the "flu" squad of the navy. Under the . supervision of naval surgeons they have time and again exposed themselves to the deadly germs. They have inhaled "flu" microbes. They have had the little "flu" bugs injected into their veins. They have taken in the cause of the "flu" epi demic in every known form. Navy physicians wanted to estab lish the nature of the "flu" germ and something of the way in which the disease is spread. They called for volunteers who would expose themselves to it, as the band of heroic physicians in the famous "yellow fever squad" did in solving the mystery of yellow fever. Knowing that thousands'' of vic tims of the f'flu" had died these 100 sailors volunteered for. the duty. Science Baffled. , But to the astonishment of the physicians of the navy and of the public health services, not a man so exposed or inoculated developed any symptoms of the "flu." Medical science is baffletl. Every man should have been in bed seriously ill if medical science knew anything of the nature of the deadly epidemic. But not a man developed even a, fever or cold. 1 The "flu" mystery is the title of the public health service record of the experiments. They were carried on in Boston and San Francisco. Thirty men at Boston were in oculated with secretions, filtered and unfiltered from the upper r:-i pository passages of a typical case of influenza in the active stage of the disease. The material was in troduced into the nose and throats of members of the "influenza squad" by sprays and swabs. Each of the 30 kept on showing the most amazing health, I en vol unteers visited the Chelsea naval hospital and allowed influenza pa tients to cough and sneeze in their faces. Each was exposed to . the influenza for about three-quarters of an hour. And all continued dis gustingly healthy. Blood from five patients with typ ical cases of influenza was injected into the veins of ten men of the squad. None became ill. None Took Disease. Pure cultures of the "influenza bacillus," is isolated and determined by medical science, were introduced in the nostrils of members of the squad; a filtered suspension of wash ings from the upper air passages of an acute case of influenza was dropped in the eyes of two members and more was injected into another with a hypodermic needle; but none took the influenza. The influ enza is a mystery, that's all. Sci ence is still baffled. , "Sanitarians will do well," Sur geon General Blue comments, "to go on applying the general princi ples of control that are based on the justifiable assumption that the disease is a droplet infection. I be lieve, however, that we have not given enough consideration to the hands and mouth as a part of infection,-, nor have we .sufficiently; emphasized the possible infectivity of the earliest stages of the disease." The public health service expects to continue the experiments and the 100 heroes of the influenza squad will again and again expose them selves to the fatal epidemic with the hope that the veil may be lifted and humanity made safe from it. Ve 17ILS0II URGES WHOLE WORLD to qmGAniZE (Continued from Fag On.) . son. the premiers and foreign dele gates crowding around. , ; The two presidents again received military honors when they departed. President Wilson wound up a Dusy day by going to Hotel De Grillon at S , o'clock, where he held , a conference with the American dele gates. ... British Bar . Central Powers. The British plan for the league of nations prepared by Lord Robert Cecil has been completed. It was sent to 'the printer tonight. . Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey cannot be admitted to the league of .nations at the present time, but they should be allowed to join, as soon as the league is satis fied that they are entitled to be ranked among the trustworthy na tions of the world. This is the opinion explained by Lord Robert Cecil. ' Ten Members Meet. The council as it met today com prised ten members two from each of the five great powers President Wilson and Secretary of State Lan sing, representing the United States. The three additional members from each "power did not attend, as full meetings of the membership of 25 are assembled only when subjects of especial importance are under con sideration by the council. The supreme council adjourned its "session at 11:45 o clock to give President Wilson an opportunity to attend the luncheon given him by the rrench senate. ' Has Foremost Place rreiiminary conversations over the , structure of the league of na tions are, strictly speaking, still in the stage of being discussed in meet ings of the supreme council, and are not technically before the peace con gress as a whole, but the fact that the congress has advanced this ques tion to the foremost place in .its pro gram is taken to .indicate that such progress is being made in the su preme council as to warrant the ex pectation that a definite and some what detailed program will be soon evolved. This program, it) is be lieved, .will present the common thought of the leaders of the United States, Great Britain and France and, therefore, may furnish a start ing point from which all the peace delegates may participate in . the work. President Wilson is person ally pressing forward this one fea ture ef the work of the peace con gress to the -virtual exclusion of all Nothers. With a definite plan formed for erecting a structure upon which all nations can agree, there are about 25 working days remaining of the time that President Wilson has al lotted to himself for work in France before leaving for home. Iowa and Nebraska Yanks Released from Prison Camps Washington, Jan. 20. The War department tonight made 'public a list of American prisoners who have been released from German prison camps and who have arrived in allied or netural countries. The list included. Released from German prison camp, RaMatr, France. Chris H. Kruse, Silver City, la. Martin H. Brammicr, Syracuse, Neb. . " Dick Bunk. Kanawha, la. Frank C. Davenport, Woodburn, Iowa. ' Lawrence Conner, 1716 East Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa. Lawrence V. Faher, Keokuk, la. To Oare C' h P Py . " Tk I.AXATTVR RRoMO QriNlNE lTlhlcU.1 It mrr ;Le Oouah nri fW4ach 'unit worka -t't M. E. w. WUMiit aituuur m wvh box. 2v SOCIALISTS III LEAD III FIRST i HUN ELECTION (Continued ffom Page One.) majority socialists, 470,316 votes and seven seats; German democrats, 332,010 votes and four seats; cen trists, 303,050 votes and four seats. Twenty-four of the 831 , election districts in Grea,ter;'B.erlin give the following totals: " German democratic party, 7,375; majority socialists, 8,195; indepen dent socialists, 3,005; German na tional party, 4,706; German people's party, 2,W0; Christian (centrist) party, 2,254. The strength shown by the democratic party is surpris ing to the politicians' in view of the Let that Berlin always has been overwhelmingly socialist. Regular Election. The streets of Berlin were vir tually buried under a deluge of election dodgers, handbills and leaf lets, while the fronts of houses and available windows were plastered with huge posters hung up by cam paign workers during the morning, frequently without the knowledge of house or store proprietors. The spectacle was one wholly new to Berlin, where the bill board priv ileges are strictly confined to the fa miliar columns on the street cor ners, while the distributions of hand bills is ordinarily severely restrict ed by police regulations. Yesterday, however, the house and shop fronts on Unter Den Linden from the Pariserplatz to the opera house were one continuous bill board appeal to the voters. The majority socialists alone are reported to have distributed 30,000,000 dodgers, in ad dition to wall papering the city with myriads of posters. Government Helps Socialists. The entire apparatus of the gov ernment was set in motion for the majority socialist campaign. The in dependent socialists confined their attempts at vote-getting to public meetings. Thfi German democratic party carried on an. active house to house canvass. The conservatives, clericals and national liberals proved themselves, comparative tyros in campaigning methods, relying chief ly on the party newspaper organs. For the purpose of protecting the polling places a machine gun squad was in position within a hundred feet of each voting place, while strong military police patrols aho were on guard. The voters every where turned out early and the rush to the polls resulted in the forma tion of long lines of men and women awaiting their turn to vote. is shoe bus GAM BE CUT "I will always wear shoes with Neelin Soles." writes Mr. M. Newman of the I. Newman Mfg. Co. of Minneapolis. "They are superior soles jn every way, waterproof, more comfortable and more durable. After many months of wear they remain in good condition." Mr. Newman, and millions of others, have found that the answer to the shoe biil problem lies in getting soles that wear a long time Neolin Soles. - They are scientifically made, very tough and yet have the other qualities that soles should have comfort and absolute waterproomess. Get Neolin soled Bhoes for your whole- family. They are found nearly everywhere and in all styles. Have worn shoes, re paired with Neolin Soles. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to- out wear any other heels. NEWSPAPER f.lAfl SEES THE CENSOR GIVE 111 0. K, (Continued from Fajce On.) just presented to him by his paper, dangling clear to his heels. If he ever fajls down in that coat he'll never be able to get up again. He removed the extraordinary garment tenderly and piled it on top of us, fearful lest we might be cold. ' By this time fever had commenced to creep over us and we had a hazy illusion that they were holding our wake. We conceived the horri ble idea that Captain Morgan was slapping his familiar stamp "passed by censor" on us and out us on the- cable. Faces grew vague and in distinct through the fog of smoke. As an evidence of our feverish phantasies we thought we heard the voice of Herbert Bailey of the Lon don Mail ordering wine. President-Lieutenant Du Tessin arrived with the precious manu script of Foch's remarks. It was in French, and all hands save purs manned their typewriters while Noble Hall took a chair in the mid dle of the room and started to read the manuscript into English. Things Get Serious. Becoming imbued with the soirit qf the remarks, his voice took on a sonorous intonation. He waggled his left index fingerbv wav of em phasis. ' The twpewriters rattled fiercely into his linirual oath. Now and then , there was a pause for everybody to debate the exact shad ing ofisome Frenchy phrase. Lieutenant Du Tessin sat com placently regarding the activity which was in a sense the result of his endeavors. Occasionally Bert Ford, of the International News service, would arise solemnly and shake hands with uu lessm, so carried away was he by Foch's conversation and Du Tes sin being the nearest representative o fthe French nation. Suddenly the door opened and we heard muffled voices saying "mein Gott!" Batting his eyes behind a Dair of tnicK specKS as ne tried to peer through the smoke which befogged the room was a young German doc tor. His heavy shoes spoke elo quently of his recent vocation of soldier. His thoughts about the scene he was witnessing were doubt less most interesting but having located his patient which was' us on the bed he came over and, pro duced a stethoscope and a pocket electric light. i He put one or both down our throat we've forgotten which and listened through one or -both' to" our lungs. Then ' he; wrote out a sheaf of prescriptions which Captain Mor gan absent-mindedly-stamped "pass ed by censor,'' arid went away bu,--bling like a camel. Two more zimmermadchens peek ed in but were promptly dispersed by Lieutenant Du Tessin with a loud "raus" he holding their pres- ence interfered with businesj. Hall's Voice Soothing. ' , Once more the battery of type:. writers resumed. Noble Hall's voice clambered to perorational cliffs. It was most soothing.. We were dreaming that we were' drift ing lazily into print across leagues of ocean cables on golden strands of vocal music duly tamped "pass ed by censor," when out of the "clear sky of contentment someone remarked that the censor would not release the story until Saturday, albeit, it would go by courier to the telegraph office at Nancy that night. In the chilling silence which fol lowed our temperature fell two de grees. All eyes turned toward Cap tain Morgan. He nodded brutally We have a very hazy recollection of a three or four-hour ride in a foul compartment of a train back to Coblenz; of much turmoil and .confusion and of a terrific amount of advice when we arrived at our hotel; and finally of a German doctor with a gray moustache and a uniform coat of the German army who shed bitter tasting powders in great pro fusion. Then we have still another dim recollection of hearing the voice of Major Bozeman Bulger saying outside the door, "Say, Captain Mor gan, that telegram of yours shook us up around here. We thought you meant that this fellow was dy ing. What kind ot a time did you have down there, captain?" And of the voice of Captain Morgan say ing with similar sweetness, we had a wonderful time. It was just like the good old days before the armi stice." 0'Hare Predicts Dire End 1 Unless Nation .Sees' Light "Unless the people of the United States take over the industries of this country soon, we will be surged in a seething spirit of bolshevism," shouted Frank P O'Hare, nationally known socialist, before 600 people last rght. Kate Richards. O'Hare, his wife, who was convicted under the espionage act, and was scheduled to si-eak also, did not arrive in Omaha. Mr. O'Hare said he did not know where his wife was,, and spent two days trying to get in wire communication with her. "I lay my wife's conviction . to dirty, lo down political conspiracy to wreck her career and the princi ples of socialism," shouted O'Hare to his hearers. Following the .meeting, a collec tion of $150 was taken up and $1,000 was pledged by the socialist party to help defray expenses . of Mrs. O'Hare's trial before, the supreme court. . , Iowa Artillery Returns on Board Rbchambeau " Halifax, Tan. 20. The , French liner Rochamblau, carrying. 833 re turning American soldiers, chiefly from Minnesota and Iowa, and about 600 civilians, . including a daughter born at sea to Lieutenant and Mrs. T. M. Wilkinson oi Whitc ville, Tenn., made an unscheduled stop ' at this port today to obtain supplies and coal and water.' The steamer, was 11 days out from Bor deaux , for New York.' Rough weather with strong head winds had delayed it and, when in mid-ocean, engine trouble developed. The 339th field artillery makes up i '-.st of the fighting men aboard. With them are 10 Knights of Co lumbus secretaries and Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. and Salvation Army workers. , " ' ,. , Big Coal Crop; Washington, Jan. 20. Final figures on, bituminous coal produc tion last year, as prepared by the geological survey, and announcell yesterday by the fuel administration, show, an output of 585,883,000 net tons, an increase of 34,092,437 net tons over production in 1917. 'v By-product and bee-hive coke pro duction for .the year was 55,670,000 tons, an increase of 1,063,172 tons compared with the output the year j before. ... New Burleson Phone Rate Now, Effective on Long Distance Lines ..Washington, Jan. 20. New toll and long distance telephone rates approved by Postmaster General Burleson will become effective at midnight tonight except in those states where temporary restraining orders against the companies have been issued by the courts. This an nouncement was made, tonight by W. II. Lamar, solicitor 6f the Post- office department, and a member of the tederal wire control committee. Under the new rates as announced by Mr. Burleson, there will be a basic charge of 6J4 n,'Hs a mile air line mileage with half the day rate for night service up to midnight, and one-fourth of the day rate between that hour and 4:30 o'clock in the morning. - Proposed Theater War Tax Disastrous Say Managers New York, Jan. 20. Passage of the proposed 21) per cent war tax on theater tickets would throw out of employment between 10,000 and 15,000 persons engaged in theattrical and allied industries, according rb a statement made tonight by , the united theatrical managers. It was stated also that plans for the construction of a dozen theaters outside of New York City would be abandoned and that 75 theatrical productions now under preparation would be canceled. There already are 5,000,000 names on the petition of protest which will be sent to congress, it was declared. Norris Asks to Prevent Interlocking Committees Washington, Jan. ' 20. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, the repub lican leader, today called a confer ence of republican senators for Wednesday to consider the Norris resolution which would prevent in terlocking of committee assign ments and alleged, domination in conferences of a few veteran sena tors. Under the resolution chairmen' of the appropriations, finance, foreign relations and other important com mittees would not be eligible for membership on any other commit JJ Amaw FOIWA-FIT COLLAE 25 CENTS EACH CLUZTI.PEABOCY'frCawver K Automobil owner mi Spragu tir and tubes, not because they are made . in Omaha, but for the reason they are the best that can be made. Office and Mill: .18th and Izard Sts. 56- Kut At. U. 8. rt Ott. ... . , - , - ' C u t .. C a r t a.g Cos is WithThis Free Service Selecting the right type of truck tires and then giving these tires systematic care is inseparable from making deliveries on the lowest cost basis. Here is where we furnish valuable help. ' 1 In rendering to our customers a scientific service covering the choice, application and inspection of their truck tires, we are able to save them many thousands of dollars. For your specific working conditions we might recom mend either Goodyear S-V Solid Tires or Goodyear Cushion Tires or -Goodyear Pneumatic CordTruckTires. Then, consider, for example our precautions in applying tires. We park your trucS" out of the way of collision, place strong wooden horses f under the frame .and take. off one wheel at a time. Then the 'bearings of each wheel are kept in a separate pan and greased thoroughly before wheels are "re-applied. Following that, we examine wheels for loose or. broken spokes, shrunken felloes or loose felloe bands; check body and chain clearances; look for broken or weak; springs; inspect brake adjustment. We render service nights or Sundays by appointment. Possibly you would like to know our many other ): methods of helping truck 1 1 owners cijt cartage costs. Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station IHompson-Beldext &(jd Th e 7tzsJu'on. Qenier &r Tixzi Tuesday a Final Clearance of All Separate Skirts Eighteen wool skirts in black, pi aids and stripes. Former prices, $15 to $29.50 c?tr qc; Tuesday . $DH No Alterations. Thirty-seven silk skirts of poplin and satin, in black, blue and tan. Formerly $16.50 to $35 GQ Tuesday $Ol All Sales Final. SUIT SALE WEDNESDAY WATCH FOR PARTICULARS Children's Wear New Low Prices White dresses-of pique, pop lin, lawn and voile, 6 to 12 year sizes - S 10.50 dresses, $7.50. $9.25 dresses, $5.98. $6.25 dresses, $4.7$.. $4.50 dresses, $3.49. Children's gowns of fine nain sook, slipover short sleeve !! style, lace or embroidery trim 1 mings, sizes 4-16 years. $3.75 gowns, $2.89. $3.00 gowns, $2.49. $1.75 gowns, 98c. $1.50 gowns, $1.19. ' 75c gowns, 49c. Union Suits Women's silk union suits sold for $6.50. A special Tues- . day for $4.98 a suit. $7.50 silk union suits, $5.98. Sale of Hosiery T Children's ribbed cotton hose, with double knees and soles. 50c quality, in black, 39c a pair. U Children's wool hose in black and white. Not all sizes. Regularly 50c and 75c. Tuesday, 35c a pair. IT Women's wool hose are now selling at greatly re-, duced prices. Extra Linen Values Tuesday Heavy Irish linen nap kins (22-inch) $10 a dozen regularly, Tues day, $3.45 a half dozen. The same size in a $10.75 quality, $3.95 a; half dozen. PATTERN CLOTHS $10 (2x2 yards) $6.89.' $12 (2x2 yards) $8.89. $13.50 (2x3 yds.) $10.89. Irish damask cloths of a heavy quality. Regularly $10. Tuesday, only $6.75. ? m 0TK1H o 9 11 And though they are going rapidly, still the assortments remain good in all sizes. Your choice of Manhattan, Eagle and Arrow makes in madras, silk mixtures and fine silks. All new, fresh and clean. Ready to put on. The Savings Are Splendid Pure , linen hand kerchiefs won't last long at the remark able "prjee of 19c; $2.25 by the dozen. H Fine neckwear, 50c. Unusually attractive patterns in all colors. The price is possible because of a special purchase. The Men's Shop To iht Left as You Enter LY K O Is som m erfctnsi peak 1 oftlyt lliie eftciur ebove, RetuMeil substitutes. Brings renewed energy, strength and endurance to thosa who are weak, frail, tired and worn-out Keep Clean Keep clean Inside, as well as outside. Do not allow food poisons to ac cumulate in your bowels. Headache, a sign of self poisoning, will point to numerous other troubles which are sure to follow. Keep yourself well, as thousands of jothers do, by taking, when needed, a dose or two of the old, reliable, vegetable, fami ly liver meaicine, M Km' The Great CenerdTcnls ASK YOUR DA UCG1ST 2 .DanWand WhyL T IT Tha Remedr louTiiair cuticur. FRUCK Jk nror-A PTAD V CORPORATION Auditorium Garage Phone Doug. 6429 or Doug. 5460 1310 Jackson St. .1 : ; ; ; 1 I'fcead The. gee's Want Ad Col- t ... j umns Every Day' if You Want to Find the Best Bargains rang Mrs. Maggie Bledsoe, Osawatomie, Kan., says: "Black -Draught cured me of constipation of 15 years standing, which nothing had been able to help. I was also a slave to stomach trouble . . . Everything 1 ate would sour on my stomach. I used two packages of Black-Draught, and Oh!, the blessed relief it has given me." Black Draught should be on your shelf. Get a pack age today, price 25c One cent a dose. it in A3 BrEptis EBII HIE -MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES r No organs of tfii human body art so important to neaitti and ion; life as the kidneys. I When they slow up and com mence to kg in their duties, look out! Uoneer is in sieht. ! Find out what the trouble Is with imt delay. Whenever you feel nervous, ! weak, duzy, suffer from sleeplessness, : cr have pains in the back, wnke up at ' once. Xour kidneys need help. These are j signs to warn you that your kidneys re not performing theip. functions ' properly. They are only lalf doing their work and are allowing impurities , to accumulate and be converted into uric acid and other poisons, which sire causing you distress and will de stroy you unless the? are &iva Um "ur sj-siem, 4 i Get some GOLD 2LTEDAL Baarle? Oil Capsules at once. They are an oi tried preparation ufd all over tha world for centuries. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined 1 with strength-giving and sygtem-cle.ng ing herbs, well known and used by phy sicians in their daily practice. GOLD MEDAL Ilaarlem Oil Capsules are im-, ported direct from the laboratories ia Holland. They are convenient to tak, and will either give prompt relief oe " your money will be refunded. Ask for . them at any drug store, but be mm to get the original imported GOLU : MEDAL brand. Accert no substitute. : la scaled packages. Three suea, , Established 1894. t k . . . . .ucrosiui irniment for Rupture with-" out resortinf to a peinful and UncerUia eurgu" 1 operation. 1 em the only reputable physi cian who will take sueh eases upon a guaranteed" to give satisfactory resulta. I hae devoted more than 20 years to the exclusive irntmMt.1 nru- Kn r1ittntmn frnm hiiatriona Wi s.e.e u I 1 i ... . " ad