Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1919, Image 1
v THE VVEATHERt Fair Tuesday and Wed nesday; slightly colder Wed nesday. RIEF RIGHT REEZY AILY Hourly Tenipcraiurra. Hour. Itrg. lluur, H i! IP "VIRTUOUS WIVES" SPARKLING SOCIETY NOVEL READ IT IN THE BEE FROM DAY TO DAY. Omaha DfT. . . M . . . . . . 87 , . SH . SS ... , . , . .89 S . m.... ;fl m. in........ M 1 p. III. S p. in. 8 p. la. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. 8. p. ni. 7 P. n. 1 p. m. 7 ft. m,. 8 a. iu.. a. m.. 10 a. in.. 11 a. iu.. li m 84 ..14 BITS OF NEWS BURN ELEVATOR SHAFT TO EXTRACT CHICAGO WOMAN. Chicago, Jan. 20. Policemen and airmen worked for half an hour with a gas torch tonight in extract ing the body of an unidentified womaq caught between the elevator nd the steel shaft of the lift on the seventh floor of a downtown hotel. Part of the elevator shaft had to be burned away with the torch before the body could be removed. She died shortly after being taken to a hospital. BOOSTS J6 GIFT CHECK TO $60; JAILED. Norfolk, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special Telegram.) John Alexander, a farmer, who has been working for Thomas James at Battle Creek, pleaded guilty4 in justice court here this evening to raising a check from J6 to $60. Alexander had been given -the ?6 check as a gift from his :inployer. He reciprocated by boosting its total. Alexander was taken to the Madison county jail to await trial. TAKES "MORE NERVE" TO KILL SELF THAN THREE MEN ' Hiilshoro, Ore., Jan.p). Charles W. Colby, 68, early yesterday morn ing shot his wife in the head while she was sleeping in their ranch home rear here, and then took his own life by shooting himself. Colby's wife was 33 years old. In a sealed note to J. Frank Stroud of Beaverton, Colby said he had killed three men in his life, but what he was about to do required much more nerve. Colby had been ill several months and it is thought brooding over the differences in their ages and a mortgage on the ranch, mentally unbalanced him. PASSAGE FROM- EUROPE IMPOSSIBLE. CABLES DAVIS. Washington, Jan. 29. Ambassa dor Davis at London cabled the State department today that it is practically impossible to obtain re turn passage to' the United States from Europe at this time. Officials said this condition was due to the use of so much tonnage in return ing American troops home" and to ihe general congestion of trans Atlantic traffic. , THIRTY-THIRD YEAR FOR NATIONAL PARK BILL. Washington, Jan .20. The senate bill to make the Grand canyon a national park was passed today by the house and sent to conference. In the arc set aside are 99 square miles of public land, now parts of two. national forests and a Same refuge: The proposal has been before tongress for 33 years. BANK, ONE SURMISES, WILL HAVE "FAT CHANCE." Geneva, Jan. 20. The Commer cial Bank of Budapest has decided to sue former Empercn Charles-for 1,000,000 crowns, which he subscrib ed to the eighth war loan and which : he refuses to pay. DEAD SPARTACAN ; GERMAN BY" MARRIAGE. Berne, Jan. 20. How Rosa' Lux emburg, the dead Spartacan leader of Berlin, managed to gain German citizenship, is related by the Tage blatt, of Berne. Rosa, who had been expelled from Russia for activities among the Jews, was living in Zu rich, when she decided to go to Ger many to propagate socialistic ideas. She was 'warned that she would be expelled, so she sought a lawyer in Zurich and demanded to know whether it was possible to contract a mock marriage with a German j-itizen so as to become immune from expulsion. The lawyer said there would be some difficulties as to obtaining a man to go through such a ceremony. Rosa soon produced a German known as Dr. Lubeck, and he mar ried her on payment of ten francs. Rosa immediately left her husband and went to Germany. Lubeck later was expelled from Switzerland as an undesirable foreigner. Gen. Harries to Have Charge of Relief for Russians in Germany K Paris, Jam 20. The American Red Cross w ill begin immediately the work of providing relief for Russian prisoners in Germany, who are said to number 1,500,000. Large sums of money have been contrib uted for this purpose by Russian societies and individuals in France ind Scandinavian countries. This relief work possibly is the , result of a clause in the new armi stice conditions and will be under the general supervision of Brig. "Gen. Harries, of the American army who is in Berlin in connection with the repatriation of American prisoners. Many Firemen Expected to Attend Meeting in Fremont Cremont, Jan. 20. (Special Tele gram.) The committee in charge of the arrangements for the annual convention of the Nebraska State Volunteer Fireman's association to be held here Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week has plans made for entertaining one of the largest crowds in the history of the organization. Alliance, which has a large delegation, accompanied by a band, will arrive early tomor ow. J. W. Guthrie of Alliance is president of the association. Alli mce is one of the candidates for :lie 19J0 meet ScottsblutT. also is iftcr the convention. Auburn sends A-ord that it will be represented by big delegation. Six hundred fire men are expected to be in attend mce. Fight Famine Belief. Washington, Jan. 20. Debate on the administration hill appropriating f 100,000,000 for food relief in Europe nd the near east, covered a wide range in the senate today and again prevented a final vote on the meas ure. Passage of the bill is conced in! by both advocates and oppo- tM.r Omrha j A II Seventeen-Year-Old Bride of Escaped Nebraska Convict Says Past Is Dead; Will Appeal to .Authorities. Special to The Bee. Denver, Colo., Jan. 20. Mrs. Mary Reel, 17-year-old bride of Sergeant Walter B. Reel, will use every means in her power to secure the pardon of her young husband, under arrest here by order of the Nebraska authorities. He is charged with escape from the prison at Lin coln, where he was serving time for murder. Ten years ago, on the advice of his lawyer, Reel pleaded guilty to a charge of being accessory to a murder, although he says he' was not within two blocks of the scene when the murder occurred. He was sentenced, served five years in the Nebraska penitentiary and escaped. He came to Denver, began a new life and made many friends. Reel was a clerk at the Colorado hotel when the war broke out. He went to Canada to enlist, was later sentfl to France, where he was wounded in battle three times. When finally discharged he returned to Denver with a Canadian bride, resumed his former position and then came his arrest and exposure. Never Told Wife. Mrs. - Reel today sought aid of city and state authorities to secure the young officer's pardon. .."Walter never told me ne- had any trouble in the past," she said. "Why should he? It mightyfiave prepared me to meet this shock but I would rather not have known. The past is dead. If he did wrong he was sincerely sorry and this three gold wound stripes show that he fought hard to make himself right with the world." It is generally felt that if extradi tion to Nebraska proves necessary the Nebraska authorities will take into consideration Reels subsequent record, and that an appeal to the governor of Nebraska for "a pardon will receive a favorable hearing. Identified by Photo. ' A photo in a Denver newspaper, showing Walter Rifenberg, known as Sergeant Reel, together with a story of his heroism on the battle fields of France, resulted in his ar rest. Warden W T.' Fenton was read ing a Denver paper last week when he noted a large portrait of Reel and instantly recognized him as Walter Rifenberg, sent up ixpm Ainsworth, to serve a 25-year term for murder in the Nebraska prison. Rifenberg proved to be a model prisoner and two years ago was sent to work at the farm at the "Girls' Industrial home at Milford. Six months latef, the authorities say, he took French) leave. Persons With Social Diseases Cannot Be Held Says High Court By a Staff Correspondent Des Moines. Jan. 20. Under a de cision of Iowa supreme court hand ed do"wn today persons thought to be suffering from private- diseases cannot be detained for examination and treatment. The opinion was written by Jus tice Weaver and concurred in- by other justices of high court and was given in connection with habaes corpus proceedings brought by Marlin J. Wragg of t,his city." It is said the decision will not affect men and women already under detention but will prevent further examination of persons found in disorderly ropms and those suspect ed of having such diseases. Justice Weaver declares that forc ing a person -suspected of being diseased to submit to av examina tion is a violation of human rights. Court-Martial Funston. Captain Is Reappointed Washington-, Jan. 20. The War department announced ' reappoint ment of Capt. Sam Bucklew, a na tional infantry officer, djsmissed from the army after trial by court martial on charges involving . the accounting for certain construction funds intrusted to him while he was on duty at Camp Funston, Kan. It was disclosed that Captain Buclew had been restored to the service be fore the department made public the dismissal order with its confirma tion by the president more than a month ago. It was said at the department that Secretary JBaker made a personal investigation of this case and ordered Captain Bucklew's reap pointment on the ground that the govermesit had not suffered and the officer had not benefited from the transaction which resulted in his (trial VOL. 48. NO. 186. Lj 0) m mhMm i(tf May M. 190. t P. 0. nitt lot f March 3. IS8 1 A 1. J Newspaper Correspondent xSees Himself Stamped and Passed by Official Censor Lies in Bed in Germany Among Folding Typewriters and Cigaret Smoke; Dreams of Drifting. Into Print Across Leagues of Ocean Cables on Golden Strands of Music. , BY DAMON RUNYON. . Staff Correspondent of Universal Service. Special Cable Dispatch. ' With the American Army of Occupation, Coblenz, Jan. (. A pain, sharp and sinister, hit us in the left lung without warning. . So we went avay to the old hotel in the old town of Trier, which had been the origi nal, headquarters of the press division when it fitst came to Germany nearly two months ago. Our arrivat seemed lo cause some excitement Shrill feminine voices called from floor to floor. One- of those Amerikaner correspondents had returned. He was sick. There was a fine flutter among the zimmer madchens. Correspondents are never forgotten by the zimmermadchens in any hotel in which they have stopped. We rather suspect that it is because of the mess they leave behind. The English speaking wife of the proprietor came up, duly solicitous. blie had no vacant room, put as suredly she would find a roonj for a correspondent, especially for one who was krank which is to say, ill. It' was not a large room which she produced. Its one window looked out on a drtary dead wall. Through it came the sound of street car bells and the monotonous voices of-aged newsboys crying their ' afternoon papers, along with other noises Nof the town which is at once one pi the most picturesque and at. the same time most thoroughly, boche and most thoroughly depressing of all Rheinish towns. Cheerful News. Two zimmermadchens peered timidly into the room. Where had we been since we went away from them? What was the trouble? Ach! It was doubtless the Spanish fever. There -was much Spanish fever in Trier. We had better be careful. One of their brothers had died no't long ago from Spanish fever and so quick we'd scarcely his trusty red pencil in hand, took believe it. This was cheering news, indeed. And now came other members MURED i SMS WILL DIE BEFORE WB OTHER Otto Furst, Found Deserted After Motor Car Acci dent, Refuses to Tell About .It. Otto Furst, 37 years old, 3029 Pratt street, is in the Lord Lister hospital as a result of serious in ternal injuries received last night when an automobile, in .whkh . he was riding overturned 10 miles pn the west Dodge road. Two other occupants, wFose names were not learned, are believed to have been injured also. Police have been un able to locate them. Furst was found by a party of unidentified motorists who brought, him to Omaha and left him lying on the sidewalk at Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets, without aid. He was found there 'by Dr. J. L. Gilbert, 103 South Twenty-fifth street, who notified the police. He declined to divulge the names of the two men who were with him, say-4 ing: i win cue oetore 1 give out those names." The automobile "Vhich they were driving was completely wrecked. Farm Loan Bonds on Sale at Federal Land Banks Washington, Jan. 20. -Federal farm loan bonds may now be bought from each of the 12 land banks un der a new treasury policy. Texas Mob Burntf'Kegro. Hillsboro, Tex., Jan. 20. A mob this afternoon took Bragg Williams, a negro, to the corner of the public square and burned him to death for the murder of Mrs. George Wells and her child, December 2, 1918. Yanks Will Marry French Girls Says Yvonne Gall French More Lovable and Home Life Appeals to Hearts of Soldiers, Says Opera Singer. , By Universal Service. Chicago, Jan. 20. Mile Yvonne Gall, of the Chicago opera, herself a Parisienne and a relative of Marshal Petain, says it's true at least 20,000 Yanks French girls. American soldiers, she says, are struck by the home life, of French girls and never again will be satis fied with girls of their native coun try. She doesn't hold,' however, that, French girls have greater beauty or charm 'than their Ameri can cousins. "Our girls are perhaps not as clever as yours," said the opera singer, but they are more lovable, OMAHA, TUESDAY, 0) 5 0) J 'LZJ Uli of the "flying circus" or press di vision. Never let it be said that they would permit a worthy brother to lack company in the hour of ill ness, especially when. he Had the only spare room in town. , They each and severally delivered themselves of advice concerning remedies for our ailments, illus trating their remarks with narra tions of personal experiences. Then they took a viva voce vot and de cided that a doctor might not Se a bad scheme. After which they set up their folding ' typewriters, lighted cigarettes and waited for Lt. Francois Du Tessen, our French liaison officer, who had drawn up a text of the remarks of Marshal Foch during our interview with the French commander and had taken it back to the marshal for his ap proval. Morgan and Hia Red Pencil. Capt. Gerald Morgan, chief censor of the American army, arrived with a look around the room, then estab lished a temporary office on,a little table at the head, of our bed. Noble Hall of the London Times came in with a -fur lined overcoat (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) 0 Li A II iii S GET D1SGMARGE FROM M1Y TOHORROV Chamber of Commerce . Hopes to Be Able to Welcome Boys from Dodge in Body as Return. Omaha and Nebraska men of the army units at Camp Dodge will be discharged Wednesday, and the of; ficers Thursday, according to a wire to the Chamber of Commerce last night. Randall K. Brown, H. H. Lovell, Herbert Connell and H. E.- Dysert of the war activities of the Chamber of Commerce conferred with army officials at Des Moines in regard to bringing ,the boys home in a body. Mr. Brown will arrive in Omaha this morning and after a consulta tion . here, what arrangements have been made will be made known. It is tHe hope of the Chamber of Commerce officials to welcome- the boys home at a public demonstra tion. High Mortality from Flu. ; Reported in U. S. Army Washington, Jan. 20. Some idea of the high mortality from influenza among troops in camps at home for the six months' period ending De cember 27, Was shown today in a report by the surgeon general of the army. The death rate for the six months rose to 32.15 per thousand per year from all causes. ' The rate from influenza and pneumonia was JU.U7 per thousand per year. Message of Sympathy. London, Jan. 20. President Wil son has sent a telegram of sympathy to King George on the death of his youngest son, Prince-John. - more appealing to the heart of a brave, good man. Here's the dif ference: "The French girl follows her hus band; the American girl wants to lead him. The French girl is happy in doing for the one she loves; the America finally, they will find t her. "French, wives are helpmates of their husbands; not their slave driv ers. French daughters ' obey their parents, do not dictate to them. French mothers arc teachers of their children; not their servants. "Your wonderful Amarican sol diers have seen, all this and will not be content to be treated again as the American girls treat their sweet hearts. If they come back to America, finally, they will gnd it necessary to return to France, eith er to live there with i French girl or bring one back to the United States JANUARY 21, 1919 Z3PJ Sloan's suits to Fight in House Re in Defeat of Effort Remove Civil War . Veterans. WASHINGTON BUREAU OMAHA BEE From a Staff -Correspondent. Washington, Jan. 20. Congress man Sloan fought a successful fight today against numerically stronger odds, defeating the bill to transfer the Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, So. D., to the War department and to remove the pres ent occupants of the sanitarium elsewhere, in order that the insti tution might be occupied by present day soldiers returning from overseas service. Congressman Gandy, author of the bill, in support of the measure said the board of managers of soldiers' homes favored the scheme as did the governor of South Dakota and the surgeon general in charge. He said there were only 330 pa tients at the institution, 247 civil war veterans, 75 Spanish war veterans and eight others and that an exam ination of the patients disclosed the fact that only 37 of the total num ber of inmates of the sanitarium could not be moved elsewhere. Says The Boys Need Place. The War department, he said, had found that 600 beds were available rat the sanitarium and in the emer gency created by thousands of boys coming home from Europe, gassed and wounded, he believed it should be turned over to the War Depart ment to be used by the present day soldiers. Representative Sloan, after recit ing the reports of the committees of the two houses when the sana tarium was created, the words of which laid stress-on the medical and curative powers of the water there, the institution having been desig nated for civil iwar veterans, pro tested against moving the old sol diers now inmates of the sanitarium whose average age is 76 years. Adams Calls It Infamous. Mr. Sloan quoted Commander-in-Chief Adams of the G.-A. R. as stating that the bill was "infamous." He said Department Commander J. S. Hoagland of Nebraska was op posed to the transfer of authority and heread a letter from Dr. Field, BrotherNof Beatrice, now a member of the sanatarium, in opposition. Added interest in the debate was created by the three civil war vet erans'in the house, General Sher wood and Representatives Hollings worth of Ohio, and Osborne of California, who made short speeches in opposition to the bill. Johnson Supports It. Representative Johnson of South Dakota, fresh from the battle-fields of France, was given a rousing re ception when he rose to speak in favor of the measure which, it is said, is being pressed because of commercialism. By a vote of 161 to 92 the house refused to suspend the rules and pass the bill, the motion to suspend requiring two-thirds of those voting. Of the Nebraskans voting Sloan, Kinkaid and Lobeck were against the bill. The Iowa delegation voted as"fol lows . against: Haugen, Towner, Ramseyer, Scott, Sweet, Green and Kennedy. Good voted for the bill. Revolution Breaks Out in Portugal; King Manuel Proclaimed London, Jan. 20. A revolution has broken out in Portugal accord ing to a wireless dispatch from Lis bon. Paiva Conceiro has placed himself at the had 'of a royal revolt at Oporto, Bargo and Viscus and has proclaimed former King Man uel, king of Portugal. Government troops are reported on their . way to suppress the con spiracy. The wireless dispatch adds that former King Manuel has sent a telegram to the 'Portuguese government reproving the attempt in his behalf. Montana Bone Dry Law to Be Rigidly Enforced; Will Confiscate Goods Helena, Mont, Jan. 20. Mon-' tana grocers and druggists who are selling flavoring extracts and other preparations containing al cohol will be prosecuted for viola tion of the prohibition law, de clared Attorney General S. C. Ford today. "It is clearly a violation of the law," said he. "The law provides for confiscation, not only of the alcoholic preparations, but of all else in the store. By Mill l tir. Daily. M.B: Dally m ,. M.JOi autildt Nab. lAi WUli Terrorist Challenges God After He Kills Priest and Is Shot Down BY WILLIAM J. BUTLER. Staff Correspondent (Special Cable Dispatch.) London, Jan. . .'. A story of a terrorist challenge to God and its tragic result comes to the Daily Express from an authoritative Russian sourte. A small party of terrorists broke into a church and in the vestry murdered the priest. People- were in the pews while the tragedy was enacted. Another priest was praying at the altar. One of the mudrerers stalked down to the pulpitclimbed into it a hitherto unheard of liberty and waving his arms shouted: "You see how silly all this .religion is. There is no God. I tell you there never has been a God. I have just killed a priest. "In the silly old days you have told me God would kill me because I killed a priest. Well, here you see me in the pulpit. I have killed a priest and God doesn't lift a finger to kill me." A pistol shot rang out and the terrorist fell dead in the pulpit. A man in the congregation, smoking pistol in hand, stood calmly. "He said God would not kill him. I did. I was God's instrument." ALLEGED HEAD OF 'ART' GROUP ' UflDEMRREST Investigation of Oniaha Jew ish Welfare Board Leads to Taking of Chicago "Ama teur" Photographer. . Rufus T. MacComas," prominent Chicago photographer, is under ar rest in Chicago, charged with send ing objectionable letters through the mails. Postoffice authorities al lege MacComas is head bf a syndi cate that has been luring girls rang ing from 8 to 14 ytars to their phot tograph studios. The operation of the alleged syn dicate was discovered by members of the - Omaha Jewish " Welfare board and resulted in the arrest of A. E. Butters of Omaha charged with offering obscene pictures fof sale. A charge of, "enticing" was also filed against ' Butters." His bonds were fixed at $2,000 but later reduced and he was released. Arrests will be made in other cities soon, it is said, of men wanted, being declared members of the syn dicate of which MacComas and But ters were leaders. Advertised for Models. According to postoffice inspectors who lodged the change against Mac Comas, he and his friends, all "am ateur," photographers, inserted ad vertisements in newspapers for little girls for "art poses." ' From a num ber of replies "fit subjects," were picked. Photographs are said to have been exchanged between the members of the syndicate together with stories of their "experiences." The letters were written in code to escape vio lation of the postal regulations pro hibiting obscene literature being sent through the mail. 'Pictures of Children. Letters which have been trans lated are said to contain "exper iences" of depravity of the syndi cate inconceivable to authorities whose daily experiences deal with the most hardened criminals. The young girl models were the victims of the syndicate. In MacComas' trunk were found hundreds of photographs of nude children and letters detailing "ex periences" of other members bf the syndicate. MacComas says he is an amateur artist and denies wrong do ing. . . , The arrest of the Chicago man fol lowed postoffice inspection of letters exchanged between -, him, Butters and the others, It is said federal chatges will be filed here against Butters. v Americans Will Sail Home Down Rhine, Present Plan By Associated Press. Coblenz, Jan. 20. Arrangements are in progress, according to reports here, by which the American army of occupation eventually will be taken home by way of the Rhine to Rotterdam or some German port for embarkation. The plans for troop transportation on the Rhine call for a large number of barges and also for the use of all available river steamers. Meanwhile, efforts are underway to perfect a plan to bring American army supplies up the Rhine to Cob lenz from Rotterdam, thus obviat ing the long rail haul across France. Emperor Charjes May Have to Leave Home in Vienna Paris, Jan. 20. The Austrian gov ernment has informed former Em peror Charles, who is reported to be ill,1 that unless the monarchist movements at home and abroad cease, his presence in then Austrian capital will not be tolerated, ac cording to a Vienna dispatch re ceived here. It is generally known in Vienna that the emperor was forced to abdicate but that he re serves his personal rights to the throne. . Modify Homestead Residence. Washington, Jan. 20. A senate bill modifying homestead laws to shorten the period of residence re quired of settlers in mountain re gions of the west was passed today by the house without amendment. !. KM: TWO PENTS aaiiua 'antra X V7 Vi-iiXO. ZD of Universal Service. SOCIALISTS LEAD 111 FIRST IIUi'JJLECTIOfl Early Returns Show Majority Socialists Polling Big Vote; the German Democrats Vote a Surprise. London Jan. 20. "The course of the elections throughout the German state," says a German government wireless dispatch received here to night, "has clearly proved that the development of a republican form of government interests the whole Ger man nation. Participation in the elections was strongeverywhere and in the sharpest contradiction to the indifference which vast classes, es pecially the buurgeosie, have shown on the occasion of former elections. Especially remarkable was the strong percentage of women amoitfg the masses of voters and IhS perse verance of both male and fSmale voters to record their votes, despite adverse weather conditions. "Only from the Rhineland, the mining district of Hamborn, Cassel and a few small places have there been disturbances due to the vio lence of Spartacan bands. Every where else the day has been quiet both in the province and in the large towns. "The party administration of 4he independence socialists has now ap pealed to the.workers to suspend their protest strike and return to work." . Socialists Strong. Paris, Jan. 20. Returns of the election for the German national assembly for the Third electoral district of Baden show the major ity socialists to have won five seats, the centrist party five seats, the German nationalist party one seat and the German democratic party three seats. The votes cast were: Majority socialists, 362,948; cen trists, 380,644; German nationalists, 78,786; German democrats, 226,811. Among the well known Germans elected 'in Baden "were Konstantin Fehrenbach, former; president of the reichstag, and Herren Dietrich, Haase and Wirth, membersu of the Reichstag. In Wurttemburg, Math ias' Erzberger, Friedrich von Payer, former vice chancellor; Adolph, Groeber and Herr Kehl were elect ed. The first results are too incom plete to permit of any opinion as to the significance of the election, but the old national liberal party vir tually has disappeared in Baden and Wurttemburg. Liberal PartyNEnded. . In Freiburg, Baden,,the majority socialists got 1,697 votes; centrists, 25,773; German nationalists, 4,276; German democrats, 9,920. In Moun heim, centrists, 18,765; German na tionalists, 6007; German democrats, 26,562. In Lorraien, Baden, cen trists,' 3,852; German nationalists, 1,444; German democrats, 8,572; majority socialists, 10,944. The results in Wurttemburg were: (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Sold Out Again The Sunday ee with tjur Handsome Rotogravure Section If not a regular sub- scriber, make sure of getting it regularly hereafter by placing your order now, . , . .88 . .88 . 88 .11 Bolshevist Power Is Enemy tc Entente, Says French Min ister to Russia at Sen atorial Luncheon. By Associated Press. Paris, Jan. 20. The two notable events of the day were the meeting of the supreme council to cpnsidct the Russian situation and the gala luncheon to President Wilson at Luxemburg palace. " ' Th Innrlipnfi- besides brmcms.' together a brilliant assemblage, alio , brought out the declaration from President Wil-jn "that the peril of France, if it continues, will be the peril of the world, and not only France must organize against the peril, but the world must organize against it." The meeting of tlie supreme coun cil was attended by President Wil son, Secretary Lansing and rep resentatives of the other four great powers. An hour was given over to hearing M. Noulens, the French ambassador who ha., just returned from Russia, where he personally witnessed the various changes which have been taking place in the gov ernment and conditions there. What he told the council was not dis closed, but an authorized statement from M. Noulens sums up his views thus: Bolsheviki Led Huns. "The bolshevist power is the en emy of the entente. -It is responst bit for the Russian defection from the entente. It furnished Germany vith food during the war. It pro tested against the terms of the Ger man armistice. These acts show an uncompromising attitude of hos tility against the entente. "Tyranny and terror, which are in creasing daily, should place the bloody chiefs at Moscow and Petro grad outside the pale of humanity. No society 6f nations could deal with such a regime, which consti tutes today the most serious ob stacle to a general peace. Until the regime fails, a development which I hope the allies' will actively, seek to bring about, Europe will continue to be exposed to the severest risks of agitation and war. M. Noulens will be followed to morrow by the Danish minister, H. Scaveniue ,who will speak along the same lines. Luncheon Elaborate. The luncheon to President Wilson was one of the most elaborate func tions thus far held, with 300 guests at the table, including two presidents and many premiers and public lead ers, -ih the sumptuous setting of one of the finest of the old world pal aces. The throne room of the Bour bon kings was used for the first time since, 100 years ago, Napoleon banqueted his generals returning from battle. The republican guard ia white uni forms and gleaming helmets lined the marble staircase as President Wilson ascended. The menu was a beautifully engraved work of art. bearing President Wilson's portrait on the cover. Speech Applauded. President Wilson's speech was warmly applauded, and as he closed the band of the republican guard too'k up the inspiring strains of f "The Marseillaise" with ' the voice of a tenor from the opera joining in the refrain. The presi dent was so impressed with the demonstration that he wrote a hur ried note on his card and sent it to the singer. The guests then withdrew for coffee in the salon Victor Hugo; . where two brilliant groups formed, one with Marshal Foch in the center and the other with President Wil (Contlnned on Paja Two, Column Twn.) Search for the Cause of Delay in Pressing Broatch-Tanner Case LincolnJan. 20. A feature of senate proceedings this afternoon was the informal investigation that took place as to who "passed the buck" in the Broatch-Taiiner contest for the incumbency of senatorial dis trict No. 4, Douglas county. Secretary of State Amsbcrry was called and tsked why there had been a delay in presenting the papers relating to the contest. He said that he had questioned former Secretary of State Tool, who said he had the papers but had referred them to his chief clerk, who had referred them to another clerk, whrrhad referred them to the bookkeeper, but before they reachf.l the janitor they had been located. The matter finally sifted down a to a matter of veracity among the various persons affected and Mr. Amsberry was vindicated, and held blameless for the delay, WWMMWw ? .IW-ILILULHJJ IMI I 'JW F P"1 I3J l, Oj s 1! fr E&Br?krrir"