THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1919. VJznt Ad Rates. iCaaB With Order 14a per word . ... each Insertion 3a per word (or 1 consecutive Insertion! 1 per word -for each addltionat Ineertlon. No I taken fur lesi than a total of or lua than lc per day. CHARGE. t par lino (count words to lint) 1 tlma. ' to per Una each time, t consecutive times. 1 Bar line arh time, 49 ci n.ecutlve ttmea MTIATIONS WANTUI. tin par line per rfeek. CAKDfl OK THANKS AM) ; HNLRAL NOTICES. Its par Into each Inaartlan. Contract Kites on Application. For convenience of advertiser! want ids will ba accepted at thi following offlcei: MAIN OFFICE . Bee Building. Amti Offlei 4410 North 2mb St. l.alta Office S618 North 24th St. Vint. Offlco ........ 246' South ISt h St. Perk Off Ira 2611 Leavenworth St. Walnut Offlco 818 North 40th 8t outh 8!do 131) N 8t. Council Bluffi 14 Main 8t. THE BEE will not ba reiponslble for mora than ono Ir.eorrect Insertion vt an edvertlsement ordered for mora than one tlma. , Via THB TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently bring or lend your Ida to any of tha ihove offlcea Ak for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the lami rood aervloi at when delivering- your ad in peraon. - ' , ' 1MIONE TYLEB 1000. Evening Fdtttoni .r '-00 M. Morning fcdltlooi .'.'10.00 P. SI. SundsyErfltkns 10 P. M. Saturday, DEATH" :FUNERAL NOTICES KBUN Charles C, at tha residence, 1717 Wlllli Ave.. January 17, 1919. Mr. Kern la survived by hla wlfa and three daugh ter!, Elliabeih and Dell Kern, and Mr!. JSathew R. Mason of Omaha. Funeral Sunday. January 19, 1919. from residence. 1717 Willis Ave., !t 1 p. n- Interment Went Lawn cemetery, MACS John H., January 17, 1919. aged JJ yeara. Funeral Sunday, January If, at I p. m. from Bralley A Dorranca chaoel. Nineteenth and Cuming streets. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. Deceased la aurvlved by fcis widow and one ' rtsnithter. Miss Daly Maus. AlohH Edward 11., son of Mr. an Mra. Daniel S. Moss, died Wednesday, Jan- ' uary 15. at El Paso, Tex., aged 21 years. Funeral service! Monday, January 20, - I p. in., at the residence, 2452 South Thirty-eighth street. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and embiamera. Tel. H. S6. Office. 2811 Farnam. - HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director!, g, lth 8t. Phone Doug. T01 1230. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaken. S3d-Far. H. 410. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffman quality lervlce cost! less. 4th and Dodge. Douglai 2901. , nUDbl)DER CO.. Funeral Director!. F. L. Fero. Mgr.. 22d and Cuming 3ta. Phono Douglai (77. Auto ambulance. t JOHN A GENTLEMAN, T'ndertaker and Embalmer. 2411 Farnam St. Harney 292 FLORISTS. Fontanel! Fiurlsta, LEE L. LARMON 1S14 I'onrtai ft Douglai 2241. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. I). 5000. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. D. 124s. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. .Family lota on easy payments; thoughtful service; perpetual caro; atreet cara to entrance. Phono Walnut 820 or Dougjai 239, and our auto will call fut you. i iHS larp-it' display of Tioniimenti in tha United 6titei. FRANK SWOBODA, 1215 8. lath Phone Douglas 1S72-62I6. "LOSTFOUND. REWARD" OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraom having lost mm! artlalei would do well to call at the offlcea of th-5 Omaha Council Bluffj Stret t Rail way company to ascertain whether they left It In tha itreet car. Many article! each day iro turned la end the company li anxloua to reiton them to tha rightful owners. $100.60 REWARD For Information leading to recovery of my 1917 Dodge touring car. Engine No. 228,305. Car No. 177,390. Stolen from 1524 North 25th St. Call Webster 3969, U)sTEiaiern Blar P1"! reward. Colfax ;0H7, LOST Soiiil gold cuff link. Reward. Harney 6341. Initials J. A, FOUND Ctiwj Inquire at 4120 8. SSth. FO R S A LE M 1 S CE LL AN EO US. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! ! 10 ROOMS OF FURNITURE, RUGS ANB LINEN. AT 1419 DODGE STREET. MONDAY, JANUARY 20. STARTS AT 1 P. M. This Is staple rooming house furniture consoling of 10 beds, springs and mat tresses. 10 dresseri and 10 commodei. 10 bowls and pitchera. . 10 rugs and carpets. of.'Ice desk and ehelr, cigar show case. 10 bed comforter! 32 sheets, 20 pll loivs. 32 pillowslips, towels, imall mir ror and ninny articles too numerous to mention, will be sold In the store build ing at 1419 Dodge St., Monday, January Suth. at 1 p. m. JAMES I,. DO WD, Auctioneer. Phone, Red 3:'5 or Harney 44K6. DON'T BUY until yo" have Insiiected the many won dfu! bn.'galns we are offering In our JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE of medium and high grade FURNITURE. tnn:w FURNISHINGS, RUGS, STOVES and COMPLETE OUTFIT. Thla month finda ua heavily overstocked and big redtictlona are prevalent throughout our emtio atocR. in many instances reum tionl ai great al 40 per cent. Special ainlion and accommodations to pur chaser! of completo outfits. Sea ua and avs. We pay ,h fre'int. STATE FURNITURE CO. i w. Cor. Hth and Dodge. Opp U.P.ldg. M. DOLOuFF. Furniture, atovea, ruga, linoleum, Vlc troma. trunks, lultcaaea, bedding, linen, r.i.tter ooSa for lesa money. Credit If v..a wish. Open evenlncs. 1839-47 N. 24th. Pho'iei: Web. Ho?. Web. 4825. ' "tUUNITl'KFl REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING, aiatlsfactorliy guaranteed. Will repair or buy, alo stonigs space. S. W. M phone, Webster lfitU ioRE tho a Cttrload of old ftrrnUura In ii.'k -i condition must be sold at once. Oil at offu-e. Miiiflrrt hotel. ToWli Auction House la the plac to I'.avo jour odd pice of furniture turned cr!t. P-el 2e, or H. 4,i;. SALi Furniture of suite, and. suite 1,, R -it. Douglas 228. Pianos and Musical Instruments i OU b.vLi. $v'U eltH'trlo piano and $33 worth of rolls, used months, 1460; pert t!iin. W. E. Rownd, Gravid Inland, NVb. t'vH fcALE Hi-and new playwr ptano, cab inet and music. Bargain If taken at once. Leaving city. 131? ParK.hAve. Vrhnna Apt.. No. 6. Harney 47'.-. t'lAN'-'S for r-nl 24 pr no. A. 117. Typewriters and upp'ifS;- ' I'Ki'JEWklTKBS AND ALOING . MACHINES NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machiness.west of Chicago, laa furntsn any make at most any p.-ice ou tvsira to imy. Wi rent and vpatr ;i makis and wilt buy or trade tor your on! machine. Every machine guaranteed. S-e us befora you buv, CKXTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. t Batahhpned over 36 yara) Puglas 4121 Farnam St. LiiBCILT, sold. rent'il, repaired. Carbon paper, ritibona and euppiies. fervlce gua;ante.l. Trv us. Phone Doug. 6031. OFFI"!? EQUIPMENT CO., !' North loth St. y , V. . i To e.. -u j :.. i on t,.i- i t.pvri?.cr. "rlta for iit. M i .. 'i tuflco Supply ID., 14it4 Dudgl Kt JT- marlv TS'). Co.. U vrKiVIUTt:i:a""ali mlin, sold, rttueo aod tPt'Rir-d. Th W. N. LONG COMPANY, 11 .pwn. T"L 1. I :.NT an o.i-vr T t'writr, thro months tor ?ti.t". diver Agency, 13ua Faroara Cio'i'vrg and Foi iAL'iL,j' "itiity Burn n.usii; Loit, cluuij, SOU Vin'soa St, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ,r- - - Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES ? j Wi rent, repair, tell needle! ind parts MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ISih and Harney Bta Doug. 1SI ,. Store and Office Fixtures. FuR MALE Clothing Btora fixturea; IJrand Rapids Puilout cablneta; 4 flnfir show cast's, mirror hat oase, wrapping counter, window fixtures, ftc, A bar gum If taken at once. Duff at Moulton, Tcunisf-h, Neb. W'S buy, aell and maki deska. aafea, show cases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture !A Mupplv Co.. 11th and Dounlsa. D. 2724 jBilliard and PocketTable. BILLIARD PARLOR; fine; Hi tibieirbeit year-round resort town In United States; 20 mllee from Kansas City, Missouri; big business can prove tt. Investigate now. Address, Room 6, BheHon Apt!., Kxeeisior (springs,- mo Pool tables, T. F. Hall. 4.U Ry. Ex. D. 7408. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Optician' trial case, also completo stock of framea Nensea, etc.. Strictly first class. Owing to alckneaa wilt iscrlflce. Call at 2S18 N. Thirty first atreet. ' FOR SALE for cash A aet of abstract books, located In a town of 2.000 popu lation.. Tho booka ara np to date. Prici 24,000.' iiood opening for an attorney. Bm.lfl, Crestnn, la. ( KEW 2S10 inoney weight acale; new cheesi cutter; new vegetable apray inq Other grocery fixture!. Want offer. !c C. Beavers, 760 Omaha National Bank. SEVKN mounted elk heads, 7 deer beads, 10 antelopa heads, 2 eagles, 2 mountain sheep heads. Addresa John Bohn, Colum bus, Mont WE pay mora for Liberty bonda, partly paid up receipt! and war savings stamps. Get our prices flrat 'Room o42. Securi ties Bldg. - .- OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattressea made over In new ticking at half tha price of new ones. 1007 Cuming. Douglas 2467. FOR SALE Flour, bran, short! Inn straight or mixed cars. Write for prices. The Western Mills, Western, Nel WANTED TO BUY. IBERTY BONDS WE PAT BEST PRICES s . SEE US FIRST. 602 SECURITIES BLDG.' SIXTEENTH AND FARNAM.. j LIBERTY BONDS. Spot cash for Liberty bonds and for partly paid up. See me if you need the money and must sell.. 108 McCAGUE BUILDING, 15th and Dodge. UBElfflr" " BONDS We pay spot cash for liberty bonda, war Havlnga stamps and partly paid-up receipts for bonda. Remember, our pri vate offlcea ar on i tho fourth floor. Take elevator and our number la 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. Nortwest Corner 15th and Dodge' Sis, . liberty: BONDS. I will pay 92.00 to $95.00 cash. Will also purchase partial payment receipts. Call at S2S WOODMEN OF THE WORLD BLDG. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold ind traded. .1. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 14 JENKINS. 705 South 16th, will pay beat price for old clothea, shoes. Job lot! of all kinds. Residence, Douglai 2032. Of fice. Douglas 8092. t GUTTMAN paya highest price for furni ture, carpets, stoves, clothes, shoes, trunks. Dounlas 3971. Res., Web. 4204. WE buy WHsta paper and pay good prices. Phono or writs Omaha Paper Stock Co. Douglas 15 WANTED. TO BUY Timeclock system. Address Box 201, Kearney, Neb. LESSARD & HOJI, 2021 Cuming. Ty. Hi32. LTBKRTY Instil bought. Ill South 16th ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, lide, knife, lunburst, box . pleating, covered buttons, all aizea ind ityles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennsntl. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-3118 Brown Bldg. Phone. D.1936. HEil S tTtCH I N GTL EVn N GTBlj T T 0 N S. G.U. Van Amain Pleating Co., 2S8-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 210 Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tents and camping supplies FCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. Baggage and gxpress. "TV, ivil,T Woir" R- R- Ticket A lie Jiiiy t ay offtca. D. 295. Omsha Transfer Co. Bath and Massage. Miss Fisher. 270 Brandeis Theater. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., I7th and Martha ta, Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chiropractors. ii. T. iiallby, D. C, 812 Bee Bldg. D. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd-Sidg. D. S4tiL SPIN'OGRAPU, Dr. Edwards 24th, Famam. Costumes. - FULL dress suits for rent, 102 N. 10th St., opposite Postoffice. John Feldman. Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE Dancing academy, 2424 Far nam. Class and privata .lessons. Call 1. 750. - Dentists. Dr. Bradhury. N'(Tipiiial V. Q.VV. Bldg. Tart's iicrTuil Rm., 20S Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Detectives; JAMES ALLAN. 212 Neville Blk. . Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1130. Fiim Developing. FILMS developed. . rolls lor; packs, loc; one-day service, Kass Studio, Nevilli Bik. FILM IhTvEXOPING Filma developed . free. Jlnll orders solicited. THE EN SIGN CO.. 1-107 Howard. THE HOPSON CO. Try us for better quality kodak finishing. The Ilopson Co.. 2 S. ISih . D,v t.LOI'l -NG atd printing. One-day service Photo Craft ffiop. 1402 Farnam Fixtures and Wiring. TT T F J XJfc:ieclrlc washing machines, e-' vJ JAetectrjc irons and reading lamps. 2222 Cuming SL Douglai 2619. Furriers. ALASKAN FUR CO. Remodeling- and , rtlir.lng. N. E. corner ISth and Codglsa, Phona Douglas ?2. Historical Costumes. , COSTUMES of all ages from Adam asl Fte to the. world war: costumes fr theatrkftis and masquerades ; in a pyt shell. coiutn's for everything can leased at Theo. Llcben & Son, 1!'6 lioward St. Omaha. i Jewelry. DT ATTONri8 pay h st Pt uxnxi. lOw)t(, privilege to b ::y back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16lh. Red 0K1. Osteopaths. -iR. MABEL WK.-.-iiij,' SH Brandos Birtg. T. 2H0. a. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought aid sold. In ternational Patent Co. (21 Brandela, ' D. 6-91. , . Y ,' . Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnbart Ptg. Co, 414 8. Uth l. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper c ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for v.bookon rectal diseases with.testi- monmls:- .- ' 'j ' DR. E. R. TARRY. . ; . ' 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Restaurants. TRY our good meals at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant, 210 9. 16th, upstairs. Tailors. Died'ick. P L. 210 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2422. Safes. BARGAINS 1213 Farnam. Q A TfTTlS J. Jf. Derlght Safa Co. tjm LIU Towel Supplies. Omsha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 682 Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement! and printing. Doualaa Printing Co Tel. Donglal 044. BUSINESS CHANCES. atTr6fit7iBle, going busi- . . AM- - . a -' --rS T Price. Established business for past 10 yeari. -Will pay for Itself In a' few month, Muit bi lold at once. Martin Inveat ment Co., 682 Brandjels., Douglsi 069Ij FOR i SALE 220,000 atoca general raor- chandlso doing 276,000; practically an cash., to settle estate; doubli brick building. Established 40 yean.- Writ! for particulars. Box Y 297. Omaha Bee. FOR :SALE for cash Pool hall and fix tures six tabiei. In a'town of 9,000 popu lation. Doing better than 2100 per week. ' Cheap rent. Price 12,200. Bog 168, Crei- ton la. FOR further development of hydro-electric proposition; we can use your nueur bonds as collateral. Addresi Room 1, 286 wasnington oi., runmo, i. x. WE'LL aell your atore at profit to you; also ouy lluerty Donns. xuu Aiivcaimeui Co., 642 Securities mm, DRY GOODS, ahoei and notlona. Stand Investigation. Box A-i. omana nee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for loidien. lallor and marine! who will show their discharge papen at our office In the lobby of the Bee building, Seventeeenth and Farnam. 1 YOUNG man discharged from army. 7 familiar with tractori !nd other ma chinery, and with loma office ex perience, destrea position as talesman . with machinery house. Box Y29S, Omaha Bee. lEXPERIENCKD automobile salesman, yone who really knows automobiles and trucks, wanti a position , with good company In or out ot city. Box A 24, Omaha Bee. JL YOUNG man wants position as itenog rapher or other celerlcal work, 1V4 yeara experience as stenographer. Call Red 1967. Goldberg. YOUNG man with two yean college want! clerical position with futun. Some business education. Doug. idii. H. E. Moore. JL, EXPERIENCED man wanta clerical T3T position. Call Nur Pyetikl, at Council . Bluffs, Black 1727. DRUG clerk with ichool training and store experience desires position. . Call room 404, at Ty. 1600 after 6 p. m. DISCHARGED soldier wanta position. Is experienced shipping clerk. Call Gepson at Col. 1844. DISCHARGED soldier wanta position K is salesman or shipping clerk. Would appreciate Interview. Call Webster 3991. Jl HONORABLY discharged soldier T wanta position as chauffeur. Privati family preferred. A. Kunce, H, 6365. L DISCHARGED soldier wants position A on ranch. Would consider mechanical work In city. Call Colfax 1936. A-DISCHARGED soldier desires position K as chauffeur.-' Private family pre ferred. .' T. S. Gottschalck. Walnut 1692. discharged soldier wants Job K driving Ford truck. Call Van Scoy, at D. 666,1.. t YOUNG MAN, graduate of Bush Motor college, Chicago, desires position as chauffeur. Private family preferred. Carl Hartman. D. 2419. SITUATION WANTED By a sober, In dustrious - automobile repairman, all around experience of 12 yeara. Ad dress Box Y 207, Omaha Bee, COLORED! CHAUFFEUR wants a Job driving a private car. Cm furnish good city references. Can keep up hi! own cat". Omaha Bee, Box A-36. TAINTING, paper and carpet . cleaning, odd Jobi.. Johnson'! Cleaning Co., Web. 1802. FOR ex p. practical nurse, call Tyler 2213-W Female. LADY want! place in flower shop; object employment; experienced. Phone Y. W. C. A. Laundry and Day Work. WOMAN Wants any kind of day work. Call Harney 6724. ' BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call an! deliver. .Webster 4282. COLORED lady wanta cleaning by dayf Web. 4419. DAY work wanted. Call Webster , 1236. CLEAnTng and day work. Webster1872. WANTED .Bundle washing. Web. 4425. BUNDLE washing. Red 8779. MAN wants Job as watchman or some clean Inside work. 2012 Vinton St. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. LARGE Omaha manufacturer wants capable young nian who has had experience in advertising, who can write copy and booklets and understands general printers' terms and can assist in sales promotion; state age, experience, references, salary expected. Ad dress B-41, care Bee. iSOLmmS -AN.D SAILORS i , ATTENTION' The .Bee will publish your situation ' wantM mis FREE of charge. Just bring - youf discharge . papers to our ' office In lh lobby. of the Bee building, 17th and Farnam. A star will be placed In each ad to Indicate your service In the army, navy or marines. Brlug them In NOW. . WANTED man between age of 30 and 5 years, who 4irs had practical business training and thorough knowledge of the present day employment methods, for position of fcmplcyinf? superintendent, for factory employing1 300 people; 75 per cent workers. State qualifications, experience and reference. Addresa, Box A-;,9, OniRha Bee. YOUNG AiLX, 16 and .over, are eligible for government railway inall clerks, $92 month. Examination! soon. Kor fr particulars write Raymond Terry (former civil service examiner) 783 Co lumbian Pidg'.. "Wash (nut ton. OFFICE aarUBtant, J cretin department,' wholesale house, Western. .Ref erence Bond Ass'n Professions- grid Trades. y lilKCTRICAlj Kiijrineeririic graduate or Ptudent with at least tvo years univer slt.ytr? inlnjF,-.:wantd. by .large corpora tion, ' hHfltluartre rt 9imaha t young man with initiative to ltarn design of email D. C. Motor Generator and Stor age Battery power plants; state experi ence nd Bnlitry wanted. Addresa Box WANTLI All round man who can make rubber stamps, s-! & etenciis. VftHftc Coast Ss'amp., Works, Spokane, , WK' ';!'- " " . if A NT fc. lh I pholsi -sf er for iumitUf 4s lariijieuU ok iliOS. Bb. i 11 ELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. UKN H to 40 bei-onie railway mall clerks. IS! month. List government positions f ee. Franklin Instituts, Dept. 230U Rochester, N. Y. WANTKLr Man to do auto trimming and painting; steady job for good man. F. P. Parnum '-., 2123 ( timing St. Salesmen and Solicitors. . . j DISTRICT MANAGER to handle thi best accident and health policy on the. market. Top. notch aalary and commission paid to producers. Call at . ' 538 Bee Bldg. WANTED A well known wholesale- house wants a capable - salesman of ex perience to call on distinctive trade in Nebraska. Goods popular and well eitah. lished. Address Bo A.-, Omaha Bee, advising experi ence, age and aalary expected. STOCK SALESMAN. A few good men to aell stock for es tablished, dividend-paying tire comr pany. Call or write 1518 Farnam St. THE BORROM1TB WATER SOFTENER replace! the dangerous, Insanitary cis tern. Delivers fresh wator, hot or cold, softer than rain from any faucet. Savea 60 per cent to 75 per cent of your aoap. Makea water better for drinking. Con nected with water supply In basement Can be Installed in any residence, old or new. Resident salesmen wanted for open Nebraska territory on commission basis only. Borrnmlte Sales Co., 660 Little Building. Lincoln. WANTEP. Salesmen, experienced, covering retail grocery trade for two yean or longer. Prefer men employed, looking for oppor tunity with large food produce manu facturer. Give reference, aalary, tele phone, full detalli In confidence. Box A-42, Omaha Bee. WE CAN USB A FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY SALESMAN. Must be a producer and furnlih good referencs-i Apply Mr. Paul, iiYEES STAND1SH MFG. CO. ' 12th and Howard Sti. SALESMAN An opening for in energetic man -for Omaha and surrounding ter ritory; big money for a hustler; small Investment required. Call Monday or Tuesday between 6 and 8 p. m. Mr. Gray, room 631, Hotel Castle. HIGH-CLASS salesman to market special ty manufactured by the Carey Salt Co. Apply by letter, stating previous ex perience to G. F. IX, care Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln, Neb. STUCK SALESMEN can make a business connection on one of the best selling Industrials ever offered. This la a rare opportunity. References. 1012 First National bank building. A gents and Canvassers. WANTEB Agents, also housewives; earn big money weekly; will not Interfere with regular work; elegant, beautiful evap orated and condensed milk can Bervers; Instant seller; . every housewife needs one; become agents today. Write Davli Can-Server Corporation, Flatlron Bldg., New York. Boys. WANTED Two tboys to carry The Omaha Bee morning routes. Apply at Bark na tion, 2G16 Leavenworth 8t Miscellaneous. CUDAHY PKG. CO. HAVE COMMENCED . CUTTING ICE AT SEYMOUR LAKE NEED 100 MORE MEN Take Ralston car at 24th and N Sts. : wages 40 cents per hour; free lodging. BRAKKMGN, FIREMEN. tlEO-lSOQ monthly, experience unnecessary. Write, send stamp for requirements. Railway, nddrens Box T-291. Omnhn Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS, $J5-$85; Steno. and Bkkpr.. 76. i TUB MARTI COMPANY, 11W W. O. W. Bldg. V. STENOGRAPHERS. $1S-t80-75-l6S-50. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1 1 3 First Nations! Bank. GENERAL office assistant, uptown office. $15; exceptionally nice office. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n. PRIVATE lessons given In bookkeeping, shorthand and penmanship. Harney Household and Domestic. Experienced white girl for general house work, no washing, second girl kept; good wages; pleasant room with bath. 420 North 48th St.. Walnut S92. WANTED Girl to assist with hoasework; small house; no laundry work or cook ing; very good wages. Phone Harney 4SS. 109 South 2d St. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; good wages; imall family. Mrs. L. P. Campbell, Walnut 8636. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no laundry. Walnut 164. Mrs, A. C. Panenast. 4lrt Davenport. WHITE GIRL Wanted to assist with housework. No washing or cooking. Call Webster. S15J. , ( GIRL for general housework, small family and best of wages, laundry work out Call .1200 Center St. COMPETENT general girl, must be good cook, two in family. Best wages. Har ney (ill. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. Mra. .Charles K. Smith. 3565 Howard St. WANTED A competent whje girl for general housework In family of two. Barney 430. WANTED A competent cook and second girl. Mrs. C. N. DletJi. 428 H. Slth St. GIRL for housework, small family; good wages. Walnut Sfi. 61108 Capitol Ave. WANTED A good cook; no washing. JOS Snuih 88th St. Telephone Doug. 7644. WANTED A good cooi(7 MrsT"w. Marsh. 0 Pine St.. Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework, no cooking. Call Harney 4322. Saleswomen and Solicitors. UGL'SBWIVfcS, as well as expert salcs jadiea can make $4 a day and up dur ing spare time selling corsets, under wear and complete ladles' accessories. Advancement according to ability. Per manent training class free. , WaL 813 A, M, Archer, illi Burt &b HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. ( HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY There ts n opportunity with us for 15 or -0 smMtiouH, Inexperienced tftrls to become skilled operstors, who will re ceive pay while learning. For work on men's shirts, women's house dresses and aprons, we ftlso need some experienced workers, We have done evurythlna; possible to encourage congenial, pleasant surround ings for our girls. The work Is done by power-driven ma chines and la not strenuous. Our ld cafeteria will furnlah you with hot luiiches at & moderate cost. Just the thing when the day la cold and disagreeable. , . , , WORKING HOURS FROM v 8 A. M. to 5 P.'.-M. "Call at tbe employment department and talk It over. ME. SMITH & CO., ITH AND DOUGLAS ST. ENTRANCE. , TELEPHONE ' OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS 1 UNUSUAL. OPPORTUNITIES FOR- ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent increase In salary. Work la clean, pleasant and Inter esting MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO", 613 New Telephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A gi'i for dining room work. The Woodruff. 114 No. 18th St. PANTRY G1KLS WANTED Hotel Fon tenelle. Miscellaneous. WANTED Names women and girls, IS to 45, wishing to become Omaha post office clerks. 11,000 first year. Ad dress, Box Y 294, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Man and wife or email family; farm. Twenty milch cows, horses, hogs, chickens furnished; share proposition; need 1300 to J500; reference required. Immediate deal. Lock Box , Haigler, Neb. WANTED Men, ladies and boyi to learn barber trade; big demand; wage! while learning; itrlctly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St, Trl-City Barber 'College. Phone D 2147. ' UOLER Barber College wania young men and ladies to learn thi barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED at once, atrong capable man and wife without children for work on modern farm. Beferences, Address, Box J80 Beemer, Neb. EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open In both the DAT AND NIGHT SCHOOL Tet It Is not too late to enter. Begin now and get that mental train ing and discipline that will double your earning capacity. Complete course! In Accountancy. Machine Bookkeeping, Comptometry, Shorthand .and Typewriting. Stenotypy, Railroad and Wlrelesi Telegraphy. Civil Service and all English and Com mercial Branchei. Write, call or phone (Douglai 1565) for large illustrated catalogue. Address: BOYLES. COLLEGE, Boyles Building. - ' Omaha. Neb. STOP work: learn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work;- quick and easy: free catalog. National Auto Training Assn. 2814 N. 20th. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglai 6890 LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classei. Omaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg.. D 52. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WANTED Desirable young lady to share small apartment. The Helen, Apt. 7, 2464 Harney. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms suita ble for two; close to car line. 1101 S. 30th Ave. Harney 4579. THREE furnished rooms. In modern home, walking distance, j 2645 Capitol Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms; water furnished. No children. Tyler 1808 W. TWO and 3 nice rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. Uth. Hotels. HEATED fyioms, $2.50 week. Apartments wlth'kitchenette. Ogden hotel. Coun. B. Rooms Wanted. KEF1NED widow lady who has position downtown wishes a place to board and room and for hr 6-y'-old girl. An aged couple or one who has a little girl In family preferred; good remunera tion will be paid; beat of reference! given. Address Box A-33". Omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES. North. 2S29 Parker St., 6 rms 120.00 3218 Burt St., 8 rms 40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. South. PETERS TRUST CO., Specisllsts In Apartment management. A FEW house! for colored. Good loca tion!. F. D. WEAD. SlO 8. ISth St Tyler 1M. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 72. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SON8 A CO.. Bee. 7-ROOM, strictly modern, $30 newly deco rated. 1504 South 29th. Red 6R2. Miscellaneous. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Agenta 1 Omaha Nat'l Bk.,Bldk. D. 10U. $15 261t SEW A RD, 5 rooms and toilet. $10 109 S. 2Sth, 4 rooms, water paid. Ringwalt Bros., Brandeis Thea. Bldg. 15 acres near Louisville, Neb. .... . $200 25SS Doulgas St.. t rooms... $ 3$ JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. BIRKETT CO. Care of property and Insurance. 151 Be9 Bldg. Douglas 33. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. FOR RENT Large apt., completely mod ern. No. i Harte apts. 6001 Under wood Ave. S. S. Swltser. Walnut 8tl. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. MODERN aiore, 16th St., near postoffice, low rent O P. StebMne. 10 Chicago FO RR EN T New 1I d SlYs, orT" Har ney St.. near 18lh, suitable for auto . salea or supplies. N, I", Dodge & Co., 15th ind Harney Bt, $115 per mo., 118 8 loth SL, 20x60 fu. full bssement, iteam heat - D. 6343. WORLD REALTY CO. FOR small stores In Dundee on Dodge St. see N. P. Dortge & f'o.. 15th and Hernev. Read The Bee's Want Ad Col umns Every Day if You Want to Find the Best Bargains. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTEDTO RENT. or 7 -room modern hoise In Welt Farnam, Dundee or Field club diitrlcta, Phone. Douglai 2020 and ask for Mr. Harris. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. J8. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATE?. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VaCaNI HOUSES AND APARTM K1MT8. FIREPROOF W ARE H olj S E. Separate locked rooms for houithold goodi ind pianos; moving, packl"- am ehlrplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE! CO.. 80 8. 15th. Dougloa 4102. REAL ESTATES-IMPROVED. North. $-room house, with two lots; full cemented basement, furnace heat, electrlo lights, creened-ln porch, good well, garage, chicken houne, good place to garden and raise chli-kens, Termi to right partv. 6551 North S4th. FIVE-ROOM cottage, part mod., near new Cuming St car barn. Owner moving on farm. Price, $1,100; about $300 cash, bal. $15 per month. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Blk. Tyler 721. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMEN t. $23 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1671. South. NEW BUNGALOW, $4,000. A very attractive home,' well built; tucco finish; oak floors and oak and white enamel finish; five nice rooms, with large attic; nicely decorated; locat ed on a corner lot In Leavenworth Heights Addition; $500 cash will handle; Immediate possession. GLOVER & SPAIN, $18-20 City National Douglas 3982. A BARGAIN Nine-room house near Hanscom Park; only $3,350; near church, itorei, Ichool, and car line; $500 rash, balance monthly. Call Doug, 7412 week days. FOR SALE. Hanscom Park district, close to car and school; fine neighborhood; look at 2334 South S3d St., and call Colfax 111$. H. Gakemeler. FOR RENT AND SALR HOUSES, COTTAGES ft APARTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY OO, 101 S. 17th St. Douglas (01$. FOR SALE 907 Williams, St., elegant home, 60 ft lot; bargain. Tel. daytime, Doug. 7024, evening; Doug. 6664. ' Miscellaneous. STORE AND COTTAGE, $2,350 Good location, corner lot, modern ex cept heat; also barn, paved itreet, $660 cash, balance $20 per month. P. J. TEBBENS CO., Phone D. 2182. Six-Room House, ' Close-in, for $2,000. House In good order, with lewer, water and gas; east front lot 40x140. W. H. GATES, ' 647 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. Flv. room stucco, oak floori throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fine lo cation. Price 4,600 or terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Doug 1722. 642 Paxton Block. WE. SELL, rent, insure and tnka uvani ou city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Amei Ave. Col. t 7 BARGAINS In homes, Inveslm. nl. pror ertlee and acreage near Omtaa. Harr'--n ft Morton. SIS Omaha Ntt Ilk B'dg REAL ESTATE-BusinessPior'iy. WE NEED imall home! or imall nent property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electrlo Bldg. Tyler .. BUSINESS property end investments. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 420 First Nattonnl Bank Hidf BUSINESS corner near postoffice, $4,000; must be aold; elose estate; great bargain. Red 5475. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CUMING Near 29th St., 23 or 44 feet; must .be sold to close estate. . C. A. Grimmel. 849 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. TJorth. WEST Farnam building lots ai low ai $395; $10 down, $6 per month: ill Im provement! Douglai 6074 South. BIG GARDEN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only two blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street, high and lightly: blRck soil; price $295 and $345. THE BYRON REED CO. 1612 Farnam St. Douglas 297. Dundee. DUNDEE 8 Rooms, Brick and Stucco, 2 Lots, Garage Attractive 8 -room itrlctly modern brick and atucco home In excellent re pair. Oak floors throughout, mahogany and white enamel finish. Fireplace, eunroom, sleeping porch,' hot water heat, instantaneoua heater, enamel laundry tubs, garage for I cars, 2 large 60-ft lots. . Beautiful location, high and sightly. Property carries a first mort gage of $8,500 due In lit yeara it 6 per cent This Is a real home In one ot the best residence sections In the city and can be bought for at least $4,000 under actual cost to duplicate. Now va cant. Immediate possession. Call ug for price and terms. J. L. HI ATT. CO., QfJA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE q 1'UU BANK BLDG. TYLER 00 ATTRACTIVE DUNDEE BUNGALOW MUST BE SOLD, account owner leaving Omaha. Nearly new, well built, 7 rooms, modern living room with brick fireplace, beamed celling, bullt-ln book cases; attractive dining room, bullt-ln buffet; convenient kitchen with all bullt-ln features; -2 large bedrooms, tiled bath, 1st floor; 2 large bedrooms, stor age room, 2nd. Finished In oak, birch and white enamel, oak floors through out. Full cement basement; fine Vacuum Vapor heating plant vacuum cleaner, laundry tubs, extra toilet, etc. Garage, cement driveway. South front lot 60x128 ft; one block to car line convenient to Dundee school, near Happy Hollow. Shown by appointment. Price ind termi on application, Do not fall to see thla property If you are looking for a plassy bungalow. GEORGE A CO., 02 City NRt. Bank Bldg. Doug. 768. 4815 Dodge St. Very Fine Home Price $3,7o0 Wi ire offering one of the newest and most desirable Dundee homes, lo cated right on Dodge St. having beau tiful lawn and surroundings, at a low price. House contains 7 rooms, four on first floor and three on second floor. Beautifully finished and decorated; fire place and bullt-ln features; mahogany finish In part; paving all paid. Do not go to house, but call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1 1814 Harney St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST your bargains with us. We 'want homes. Investment and acreage. Phone Douglai 416. We will lend our sales man for a personal Inspection. McCagu! Investment Co. CAN deal your house In city for acres, or your acre! for house In city. Call Mr. Browne, Acreage Specialist. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 1518 City Natl. i Douglas 6238. WANT to hear from owner of good home up to $20,000 Who wants to lell for cash. Dundee or West Farnam. Ad- . dress, B-71, Omaha Bee. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quirk sales. 442 Bel Bldg. Phone Doug. n7. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Miscellaneous. $10,150 will buy i acres choice, culti vated land, flose to Omaha and etreet car line. Liberty bonds as good as rash. B. Stevenson, (6$ Brandeis Building. FINANCIAL. $100 to $!0.$00 .MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed Bldg.. 18th ind Farmm Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 42. Real Estate,- Loans & Mortgages. $2,600, s.l per cent mortgage secured by forty acres eastern Nebraska land, valued at $6,000. E. H. LOUGEE. Ino.' 638 Keellne Bldg. , CITY AND FARM LOANS. $H and f per cent: loans for Mircb 1, tV per cent. Dumont ft Co.; Keellne Bd , No Delay Cloalng Loana W. T. GRAHAM. $04 Bee Bldg. ; Dou.HS3J. OMAHA BOM ES-'eaST. NEB. FARM S O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. 11. Thomas i "Son.. Keeline Bldg" Stocks and Bonds. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds Uack'i Bond House. 1421 First Nat Bk Bid!. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. 40 ACRES near Fair Acres, good Improve. menu; possession next March; priced to aell. Nilsson. 423 Securities Bldg Arkansas Lands. JANUARY 2ist Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Kansas Lands. 0-Acre borne Southeastern Kimai; well Improved r black land; will exchange for Omaha property. 8. B. A R. E. MONTGOMERY, 21 1 City Nst'l Bank Bldg. Omi ha. Neb FOR SALE 314-acre farm Vt McPherson county, Kansai. Extra well Improved, H mile to good town. . Addresi Box A-S4. Omaha Bee.' Missouri Lands. IMPROVED MISSOURI V FARM , 193 acr?s rloss to good town, Jasper county, s;ood wheat farm, ISS.flO an acrs, terms. Writs i fr our IMt list of farm bargains. Dona hey & Kally, Carth 8ff, Mtusnurt. Nebraska Lands, KIMBALL COUNTY WHEAT LANDS. "What Is land worth that will produce 20 to 40 bushels of what to ths acre at the present price of bushel? An opportunity for you to timke im mense profits. One man had over 3&, 000 bushels of wheat from 1,000 acres. Farm lands of the same quality ran still be purchased here from $36.00 to 160.00 per acre. Present values can not last. No better Investment can be had for the apeculator or farmer. Get Into the wheat crowlnjr business white lands are cheap and prices high. 1 offM only my own land for sale. 1 buy absolutely the best to be hsd, pay the cash, aell on term to suit the purchaser. BARGAIN NO. 1. I If you wsnt quick returns on. your money buy this farm! 491.64 acrea It miles due louth of Bushnell, on tele phone and mall route, near ichool. and In a good neighborhood. This place li all fenced and cross fenced, 160 acrea In winter wheat, 136 acres In winter rye, all put In at the right time and looks fine, covered with about a foot of mow it present, Which absolutely Insure! i good erop. Improvements consist of good granary on cement foundation, good well and windmill, house and barn fair. " There li not over 10 acrei of thil farm that Is not A-l wheat land. Price, $40.00 per acre. Easy terms. BARGAIN NO. 2. I consider this the best section In Kimball county. Entire section lays prac tically level. 10 miles out. 400 acrei In winter wheit on land broken last spring seeded last week - In August. This Is the finest piece of wheat In Kimball county. No other Improvements. One- half of crop delivered In town goei with the land. Price, $60.00 per acre. $5,000 rash. $5,000 March 1. $10,000 October 1, or will take the crop for thil payment If purchaser desires. BARGAIN NO. 3. $20 acres 1$ miles from Bushnell. On Rural Route and telephone line. Thla Is almost a perfect half section, all level except a few acres, loll the very beat, heavily greased, good hay land. Thlg cIsbs of lAnd will produce $5 to 40 bush els of wheat to the acre If put In prop erly. It li the kind to buy and Improve to suit yourself. Price, $35.00 per acre. Easy terms.' BARGAIN NO. 4. Unimproved 640 acrea nine mllea out. W0 acres of the section lays level to rolling and can all be plowed In one field, balance of. 40 acrei rough but ex cellent pasture. This section of land la located in one of the best fanning com munities In the county. Improved farms adjoining on every side. A bargain for the speculator or the man with the large tractor. I consider this section when it Is broke out to be worth $60 per acre. I offer this for quick sale at $30.00 per acre. $5,000.00 cash. Balance easy terma For further Information, write R. E. HOLMES, Owner, BUSHNELL, NEB. BUY THESE BARGAINS AND GET POSSESSION MARCH 1. $00 acrei. only i mllei from Cul bertson; 160 icrei Republican valley land: no waste land; 260 acsei culti vated; 25 icrei In alfalfa; 10 acrei of timber; 50 acrei of fine winter wheat The balance of the cultivated lands are In excellent shape for spring work. Thli ranch, li Improved with a nine-room house, roomy barn, illo, two well! ind mills, and grass Is fenced In two pas ture!. Price only $36 per acre. Half cash, balance at 6 per cent. 720, acrei, only 4V, miles from Haves Center; good five-room house, birn, sheds and t wells; all fenced and cross fenced; 170 acres cultivated, balance is rolling to rough, but fine pasture and hay ground. Price $25 per acre; $5,000 cash,- balance at $ per cent. 160 acrei, out 6 miles; well Improved; 50 icres cultivated, . balance paature. Prici $40. 160 acrei, mllei from town; well Improved; level road. Price $40. 400 icrei, out 10 miles; $00 level, 110 cultivated; R. F. D. and telephone; poor house, large barn and granary. Price $9,000. . 600 acrri, out it mllei: poor Improve, mehts; loti of timber, some will raise alfalfa; S60 acrea cultivated, 160 In wheat Prici $25 per lore. Liberty bond! accepted ai cash. ' A. R. SMITH, CULBERTSON, NEB. TWO WELL IMPROVED CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS AT THE RIGHT PRICE! 100 acres V, mile from town, has i dandy good set of Improvement!, 16 acrei alfalfa, 25 acrea of flni pisture, balanci under plow, and A-l. place to handle live stock. Price for a short time. $140.00 per acre, about one-Bnlf cash, balance terma 160 acres, located CH mllei from Cen tral City, nicely Improved, 60 acrei ot the very best of pasture, balance under plow, 40 acrei seeded to wheit looking fine. Thi! li an Ideal grain and stock farm In a fine neighborhood. Price fpr 20 days only, $125.00 per acre, na-haif rash, balance good terma The above farm! are located In the Great Platte Valley, good black loam aoll and tbe very best of pure water at a depth of ftom eight to twenty feet POSSESSION MARCH 1. See M. A. LARSON, Central City, Neb. Bl'SH.N'ELL, western Kimball county, Ne braska, a nicely Improved grain and stock lection elose to town: 100 aorei cultivated, 200 ai res more tillable land, laying level to rolling; good house, nice barn, well, windmill and tank, and all fenced. Immediate possession. Aslt for the price if Interested. Termi: $1,000 cash, balance $1,000 each year at per cnt. This beat! renting. J. R. Carter, Bushnell, Neb. WILL TRADE wheat farm for merchan dise stock. One lection ' choice land, well Improved; 600 acrei level, 140 acrei in winter wheat, balance rolling pn ture land. $46 per acre. Must be flrst-clasi stock. Guy Forsllng, owner, Bushnell, Neb. , FOR SALE V, section of Platte valley land. IVi mile! of county leal. Oood Improvement!. $100 per acre. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested addrea P. O Box No. L Plattsmouth, Neb. . Bee Want Ads are the Best, Busi ness Booster. FARM AND RANCH LANPS. Nebraska Lands. $14,000 l)Us"360" acrea, tv, nvlUe tioiiii town 1.500 population. Mil aorea lilie.l. 1 " acrea ipelndid pasture, 2$ icrei viluabli timber, good $-room house, concrete bssement, barn. 4)xlli$, iprlngi ind creek, abundance frulti Including 49 head of cattle, 4 horses, all oropi, auger tools, potato digger, poiato planter, disk harrow, lind rollers, grain drilla, weeder, $ sulky cultivators, mlkv plow, horn rake, manure ipreader, t'alea, cream aspirator, mowing ma chine, grain binder, corn harvester, hay tedder, disk harrow, wagons, aletgha. cutter, harnesses, hay racks, engine, ensilage cutter, many email tools; $5,000 cash; free list; $ per cent milk $3 $7 per 100, eggs S7o dox. Ellis Bros, Sprlngvllle. N Y, CHEAP ranch, 6 acres. $ mllei from Callaway, Neb.; gently rolling clay loam; 30 acrei of alfalfa, $00 acrea under cul tivation, 100 acrea hay land, all fenced and good buildings; soma timber; po sand, no rocks, all rich, fertile land, only $.16 an acre. For particulars ad dresi R. K. Brega. Callaway, Neb. FOR SALE Sarpy county farm; i sec tion well Improved; mile to ichool: near $ railroads; good place for feeding; soil In good condition. Been feeding several years. Addresa Owner, Box A-36. Omaha Bee. 440 ACRES improved stock ranch In west.' em Nebraska; 100 anrea broken, bal ance In pasture and hay. 1710 North 34th St. WRITE me for picture! and priori of rcy farm, and rncha In good old Diwts county. Arib L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. WELL Improved 160 icrei between Hoi. dredge ind Elm Creek: $100 per acre. Write Leery. 1014 Farnam St.. Omahn. GOOD Omaha Income property for clem ' western land or cistern Nehraika farm. Mr Pease. 211 Brandeli Theiter Bldt, MERRICK COUNTY, improved corn od alfalfa farma it the right price M a. LARSON. Central City. Neb C D. ARMSTRONG. Reiltor. ineclallxei li Nebraska farm lands. 126-t Securltle, Building IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms Kimball Co., Nebraska. B. E. Holmes Bushnell. Neh. , Montana. MONTANA ranch, including live stork, lo cated ( mllei from railroad wheat av erage! 40 to 60 and oata 76 to 100 bush- li per icre. J.600-icre ranch Including 100 head of high grade rattle, Hereford! Ind Pur hams. Iff head of horses, $1,400 stallion, $1,600 new farm tractor and other nec essary farm machinery. 2.000 acres tillable, .Ja acres ran be Irrigated, plenty of water, considershle alfalfa. 60 acres In full wheat, profit last year iweeeded $30,000. New H-room house, electric lights, hot and -old water, water-power plant for operating machinery, etc. Can hae posses, ilon it once; $40,000 cash required, bal ance at 6 per rent Interest. Address Box A-29. care Bee office. New York Lands. NEW YORK FARM FOR SALE. ADD TO YOUR POWER SUCCESS EV ERY HOUR. 20 cowi, teim. tooli, crops, $6 icres for $.onn. PROSPERITY HERE LIGHTS ', TOUR FUTURE SKY. ' : 12 cows, team, tooli, crops, $ icrei for $6,600. THE, YEAR THAT IS to BE WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU AND 60 acrei, S-room house, I barns, or chsrd, wood, meadow, level. R. R. towr and great state macid. road 1 mile $2,000 with $500 .cash. $100 yearly. R. R. fare one way. Write for photos. E. MUNSON. 1426 8. 8ALINA !T. -SYRACUSE. N. Y. Oregon Land. IRRIGATION "In the Heart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project. Alath.-ui County. Oregon; an empire an the mak ing: the land of opportunity; 2ii.mi( acrei open for entry: fertile loll; plenty of witer: land with full witer right: i $71 00 an acre; termi: homeitead entries nearby. Write for literature ind detalli to Jordan Valley Farmi. 122 Flnt a ftlonil Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb Nexi (excursion January 6th South Dakota Lands. DO YOU want this? 160 or tio acres li Hand county. South Dakota. So cheap that I don't want to publish the price. JOHN PUSEY. MILLER. 8. D. Wisconsin LandsT WHEN you buy land, buy the best. We have some of the very choicest land In the belt lection of North Central Wis. consln, for sale on easy termi. Good .clay loim loll, country thickly lettled; good water, schools, roads snd mar kets. Write for book ind map. John 8 Owen Lumber Co., No. to Mill 8t. Owen. Clark County, Wis Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 a.. Including paid up water right, .lenry Levi C. M. Rylsnder. $34 Omshs " Miscellaneous. Bargains for March 1st Possession . 140 acres Improved, all valley land; 2$ acrei pasture, balance In cultivation; email grove and orchard at buildings, real snap. Price $176.00 per acre. 120 acrea Improved fine valley land; 11 acrei paiture, some alfalfa, balance In cultivation; very belt of -soil; only , 16 mllei from Omaha In , Washington county. Price for quick sale $200,00 per acre. 160 icrei Improved nen'r High road, Blair, Neb.! gentle rolling land, good soil, , Price $180.00 per acre. 130 acrea valley land, fair let lm provements. 24 miles from Omaha near Waterloo, Neb. Price $100.00 per acre. 820 acrei highly Improved fine gentle rolling land near Ashland, Neb. Price $180.00 per acre. . 80 acrei Improved very choice vallpy land 26 mllei from Omaha near good email town; about 40 acrei cultivated, balance fine hay and pasture, but can all be farmed. Price 1185.00 per acre. The above are only a few of the many bargains we have to offer. For further particulars see HELD LAND CO., 664 BRANDEIS BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. KHUN E DOUULAS 91 4. FARMS FOR SALE POSSESSION- tl SPRING IF BOUGHT AT ONCE. 160 acrea, well improved, close to town Price $240 per acre. Good terms 80 acres, four mites of Cresto'n. fair Improvements, good loll. Prtce $140 per icre. Can give good, long time et 6 per cent Interest on $7,000 of the purchase price. 160 acrei of land, three mllei of Cres ton, one of the best Improved farms In the Hate. Land lays good: well tiled Price $290 per acre, 80 acrei, fairly well Improved, four mllei of a good town. Price $146 per acre. Good, terma on $8,000 of the pur. chase price. These ire all good bargalm. Can flvi possession ilareh first. nox its, t.reston, Iowa. 20.000 ACRES for sale at right prlre. lo cated In Keith and Perkina counties Nebraskl. Phone D. $146. HELD LAND CO., 641 BRANDEIS BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. I have over 20.000 acrea of land In eastern Colorado and western Kansas; good level buffalo grasi Isnd. Will aell it pricei ranging from $6.00 to $10.00 per i-r wllh reasonable terms If desired. Write "for particulars. H. C. WEAR, WICHITA, KAN. AUTOMOBILES. MEEK3 AUTO COT ' Used cara bought, sold and exchan Wi buy for cash and s.ll on tm Full line to select from. Middle State Game. 1026-8 Firnsm St- Dougtei 4101 MKP.KS AUTO CO. " t'SF.D CARS AND TIlTicki AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2C20 Farnam fit, Omaha. Neh , NEW TIRES ON SALE" Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman. Flak Write for r.rlr.. nn.. ..... KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, xi FA frV A M FOR 8ALK FrdKd an. goodleTii'S-1 ; extras, cilce. t7o. .fbant opjas tili 1 t i t