Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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m pnisoiiERS
Prominent Public Leaders
.. Removed From Jail and Ex-,
"ecuted by Military .With-'
- cut Authority.
Vladivostock, Jan. 19. Of the
prisoners who were released from
: jait at Omsk as the result Of an
abortive bolshevik plot late in De
cember; nine who voluntarily re
turned were killed by the military
, without the knowledge of Admiral
Kolchak, the" supreme governor of
the Omsk government, or. of his
'ministers, according to information
' ' that has just come to light.
"The motive, of the executions is
obscure but the inclusion among
ythe nine victims of several , impor
tant members of the constituent as
sembly, prominent journalists and
public leaders points, in the minds
of many, to the use of bolshevik
methods of intimidation and sup
pression of the idea of a constit
uent assembly.
"'Reluctant to Leave.
When the jail was opened on ti e
night of December 22 the political
prisoners at first refused to leave
their cells and it is stated they were
threatened with being shot if they
persisted. They were told, it Is
reported, that the authority of
Omsk had been seized by the bol
sheviki. The, following day, when it be
came clear that the plot had failed,
the government issued a proclama
tion urging those who had been re
leased to -return to prison under
pain of .courtmartiat
. The military authorities and the
minister of justice appealed to 'the
relatives of the men released, advis
ing their immediate return, and the
fugitives were brought to prison by
their wives, relatives and acquaint
ances. Spirited Out of Jail.
At 3 o'clock in the morning of
December 24 an automobile stopped
at the jail and 'took away nine of
the prisoners. All of these have
since completely disappeared. When
the facts became known to the
council of niinistry the supreme
ruler. Admiral Kolchak, sent a me
cial detachment of soldiers to guard
the prison.
Peace Stopped Work
on Remarkable 'Hush'
Boat of British Navy
London There is now lying at
Clydebank, nearly completed, a re
markable hush" boat of the British
navy, which, according to the ship
ping paper, Fairplay is something
notable in the history of naval archi
tecture. , '
This is the Hood, a battle crtise
' of extraordinary size, speed and gun.
power, and which would, says Fair-
play, have inaugurated new meth
ods of naval fighting and shown the
Germans that we are still far ahead
of them in na'val construction." .
The prospect of an early termina
! tion of hostilities caused work "to
be eased on this great vessel, b it in,,
order to make room for merchant'
j" shipping the Hood has been nearly
J- completed and is now out if the
' fitting- basin.
Fairplay says the vesseP'is under
' stood, to be the finest combination
of size, speed, gunpower and light
1 armor yet dreamed of, and farther
.- ahead of the present "hush boats"
the Courageous class than these
were of the Lion and Tiger. As it
. lies at Clydebank the Hood fcems
, to fill all the space which was at one
time occupied by the Lusitania, and
, a war vessel as long as the Lusitania
to say nothing of its other feat
ures is something notable in the
history of naval architecture."
"Con" Men Get Bank Roll of
$21 From Illinois Visitor
Henry Walters, a farmer of 01
ney, HI., en route to Casper, Wyo.,
, lost $21 and his faith in "con" men
Saturday night. Alighting at the
; Union station, Henry thought he
would "take in the town." He did.
AUer striking an unvoluntary ac
quaintance with one "con" man, too
clever to describe, Henry told police,
they promenaded along Douglas
street. A pal of Henry's, new ac
quaintance metthe pair and sug
gested "matching coins." The two
"con" men did but not Henry, for
. the Ulney farmer was always "even
man with ons of the duo. Henry
reported the disappearance ef his
former $21 nd the two men to the
Villa Band Coving " .
Toward Texas Border
Marfa, Tex., Jan. 19. Rumors
; reached here tonight from the
border that Francisco Villa, with
his m;n command and General
. Felipe Ageles with his rebel force,
were moving in the general direc
tion cf the American border at
- San AfUoniev Chihuahua, opposite
. Candf :lari, -Tex. No rebel bands
have teen reported closer than 50
; milesTfcf the-border tonight, how-
ever, 'V,'.
. : Tare 3' at Eltinge.
; Xew :,York.Up in Mable's
. Koom, a ip.rce oy wnson v-oiason
V ' ' i-'uvup nini.ll 1103
'. ed a hli in Bo?ton, will be presented
;at the"' theater soon for
an inri, mtt nsscrmnt TT-r!
Dawn, John' Cumberland and Wal
ter jones are m trie cast. A. tl.
Woods is the producer. "Under
Orders" which has ended an engage
ment at the Eltinge, sent on
1 tour.
The -Weather
. Comparative I vh Hrart.
' "r . . . !!. 1H. J8!T. 111.
Hlphfst yMtrnljr....n IS l J!
i.ovvnt ytrdy SI I il 14
Vent) tmprtur. ., .43 It "I 51
rrrlitttl6ii 00 T .00 -.03
Tmvr'ar and precipitation depart
'nr,i from th normal; .
. N ftrmtl tpTjprtur
' ' tcess for lh dnr 22
(Mai .rs March ....1160
Normal prwlpllatinn. . . . , 0.02 tnrh
laclrify for Ih n,y .Alt Inrh
'lntn.1 r!nfa!l n'.nrr Msrrh l...l,?f.5 (n.-hea
')! i'-Jir.-h 1 Inrhxa
T .i.f i tor. sr)od HIT t.M tnch
I ii .movf tar cor. ptnrt 1111 11. I iacfct
Bolsheviki Are Destroyers
Is Message to America; of
Grandmotherof Revolution
"If Help Is Not Forthcoming at Once Any Government
Set Up in Russia Will Fall," Says Mme. Breshkovs- ,
kaya; Seeks Aid for 4,000,000 Orphans
and 8,000,000 Illiterates.
Seattle, Jan. 19-Catherine Bresh
kovskaya, known as the "Grand
mother of the Russian Revolution,"
arrived here today from the Orient,
via Victoria, B. C.
"Is it true I'm in America at last
with my friends?" she exclaimed at
the dock where she was met by
friends and a delegation from the
Seattie branch of the Bohemian Na
tional alliance. Among the friends
was Miss Helen Stuart Dudley, a
Bostomsettlement worker who came
here to accompany Madame Bresh
kovskaya across the continent to
Boston and Washington. Madame
Breshkovskaya and Miss Dudley, it is
stated, have known each other for
Russian socialists do not desire
allied troops in Siberia, Madame
Breshkovskaya declared. Russian
people want the Czecho-SIovak sol
diers, she asserted.
"The coming vf Czecho-SIovak
soldiers would be welcomed by the
people just as they would welcome
the coming of Christ as a deliverer,"
she said. "The only order existing
today in Russia is that which has
(Continued from Page One.)
the gun crew declared she kept on
attending to the wounded until or
dered from the field by an officer.
Boyd M. Hemp, of Des Moines,
a radio operator on the Jacob Jones
when that craft was sunk by a tor
pedo on December 6, was on the
Comfort. -
All branches of the service were
represented aboard the Lapland, in
cluding? women nurses and war
workers. The Lapland met heavy
(veather on the trip across and this
was responsible for the death on
board of Capt. John R. Buckingham
of this city, attached to the ord
nance department, and who once
was private secretary to former
United States Senator Clarence W.
Watson of West Virginia. Colonel
Watson, also of the ordnance de
partment, was aboard the Lapland,
and he said the rigors of the voyage
aggravated a stomach ailment of
Captain Buckingham. , .
Memorial Services Held ;
. for Two Late Senators
Washineton. Tan. 19. Memorial
services were held in the senate to
day for the late Senators Jacob H.
Gallinger of New Hampshire, the
former republican leader, and James
H. Brady of Idaho. f -
Senators paying tributeHo' the
memory of Mr. Gallinger -were
Lodge of Massachusetts, republican
leader; Hollis and Moses of New
Hampshire, Warren of Wyoming,
Thomas of Colorado; Nelson of
Minnesota, Smith of Georgia, Smoot
of Utah, Weeks of Massachusetts,
Smith of Arizona and Watson of In
diana. Those eulogizing Mr. Brady
were Borah of Idaho, Thomas ef
Colorado, Chamberlain of Oregon,
Smoot of Utah, Pomerene of Ohio
Page of Vermont and Nugent of
Mexican Army to Contain
100,000 Men in Two Years
Mexico City According to plans
of the War department the Mexican
army, in 1920 will contain 100,000
men. Recruiting has been stopped.
Only native Mexicans will be ad
mitted into the military service. Sol
diers ofvimmature years are being
discharged and other reforms calcu
lated to increase the efficiency of
the troops are being adopted.
These facts are being given out
for the announced purpose of dis
proving rumors that the govern
ment planned to increase the army
to 400,000. One hundered thousand,
it is said, are sufficient to maintain
order in the republic
been established wherever these
troops gained a foothold. I hope
some day to lead President Masaryk
of the Czecho-SIovak on a. tour of
Russia so that he may educate our
people to the true standard of demo
cracy:" Madame Breshkovskaya said she
came to America to tell the people
of the United States that financial
help is needed for 400,000,000 Rus
sian orphans and 8,000000 Russian
"To this cause I will devote the
remainder of my life," she aserted.
Madame Breshkovskaya asserted
that she also came to America to
deliver a message that the Russian
bolsheviki. are destroyers.
'They have failed because they
are destroyers. Ruination is their
motto. They are not construction
ists." Madame Breshkovskaya cele
brated, her seventy-first birthday,
January 13 while crossing the Pa
cific. Her fellow passengers arrang
ed a special birthday dinner follow
by speeches and a dance in her
(Continued from Page On.)
Eightieth division, and Francis J.
Kernan, organizer of the overseas
service and supply and member of
supreme war council.
. The brigadier generals decorated
are Leroy Altinge. assistant chief
of staff, A. E. F.;, Preston Brown,
chief of staff of the Second di
vision and later commander of the
Third division; Avery D. Anirews,
assistant chief of staff i: charge of
transportation; Dennis E. Nolan,
chief of intelligence, A. E. F.; Fox
Conner, assistant chief of staff in
charge of equipment; Harold B.
Fiske, chief of training section, gen
eral staff, A. E. F.; Harry A. Smith,
commanant of army schools at
Langrej, France, and civil admin
istrator in occupied Germa'n terri
tory; Johns.jn Hagood, organizer of
training system in- France; "i'aal B.
Malone, brigade commander during
major operations; Frank R. McCoy,
secretary, general staff, A. E. F., and
subsequently commander of the
Sixty-third infantry brigade; Hugh
A.' Drum, chief of staff, First army,
and William D. Connor, assistant
chief of staff of the- A. E. F.. and
later chief of staff of the service of
supply. " .' ' .- V1.
The colonel named is John McA.
Palmer, who was on the general
staff and later commanded the Fifty-eighth
infantry brigade north of
Thousands of Belgians Are ,
Returning from England
London From Southampton and
from Grimsby, Scotland, ships' are
taking back to Belgium the first
consignment of the thousands of
Belgian refugees who sought shel
ter in the country at the beginning
of the war. Present arrangements
for the repatriation of the exiles
contemplate the return only of
those belonging to Antwerp and vi
cinity. Later those whose homes
are in other parts of Belgium will
be taken care of.
Speed with which general repatri
ation of the Belgians will be carried
out depends upon the international
conditions of Belgium and improve
ment of road and rail transport. The
repatriation will be at the expense
of the British government.
Putting in order lines of com
munication with released territories
in Belgium has been slow, laborious
work, and there are many Belgians
in England who have not yet been
able to get into "touch with their
people at home.
Everyone, old and
young, can drinl
with benefit to
health . . ,aoo A
delicious, drud
free beveraol
lilllllS v
Seventy Thousand Mines Laid
Under U. S. Admiral's Di--.
rection Bottled Up
New York, Jan. 19. Rear Ad
miral Joseph Strauss and Command
er William Glassford, who achieved
distinction with the American naval
forces abroad, arrived here' on the
Lapland today. Admiral Strauss
was the head of the greatest mine
laying expedition ever attempted,
whenan American and British fleet,
working under his orders, spread
70,000 mines across the North sea,
from the Scottish coast to Norway,
245 miles, and virtually bottled up
the German submarines operating
out of Heligoland and Kiel.
"When the armistice came and
some time ' before that, the work
of laying the greajt field, 20 miles
wide and 245 miles long, was com
pleted," said Admiral Strauss, "and
long before that time we had be
gun to take toll from the subma-"
rines. We have positive infornia
tion that many German submarines
were destroyed. Our fleet con
sisted of 11 sliips, four ocean .tugs
and several tenders, and a force of
7,000 men."
Commander Glassford was com
mander of the destroyer Shaw when
his steering gear jammed at 6 o'clock
in the morning of October 9. She
was one of the convoys of the giant
Cunarder Aquitania, then in -the
British channel loaded with Amer
ican tropps for a British port. It
was a question whether the Shaw
would ram the Cunarder or Com
mander Glassford suffer his craft to
be cut down. He chose the latter
course and the Shaw was cut in
two just forward ot the bridge by
the knife-like bow of the Aquitania.
Hanscom Park Folks
Were Bone Dry for the
Last Couple of Days
A real, honest-to-goodness dry
belt has been established over in the
southwest part of town.
Saturday morning a break oc
curred jti a water main on Pacific
street at Thirty-third. News was
telephoned down to the water office
early in the forenoon. Along about
noon an inspector, went out to look
it up. Sure enough, the main was
After dinner a repair squad
opened attack. Neighbors were no
tified the water would be turned
off till about 7 p. m. The water was
turned off. A hole was dug and the
broken main exposed about mid
night Saturday, Then the diggers
decided they had had enough of it
for one session and knocked off.
When they returned Sunday morn
ing they found the soaked soil had
caved in and filled the hole. This
required more digging. "'. Late Sun
day afternoon, the main -was again
exposed and watef turned on again.
In the meantime, bucket brigades
might have been seen toiling up hill
and down, as the marooned residents
visited favored householders and se-
tured water for culinary and ablu-
uonary uses. Most ot the tolks out
that way are not in favor of such a
bone-dry state' of affairs.
Navy Dirigible Makes New
Endurance flight Record
Washington, Jan. 19. Two en
durance flights by the navy dirigible
A-236, from, the naval air station
at Key West, Fla., one lasting 32
hours and covering 750 miles and
the other 40 hours and 48 minutes
and covering about 850 miles, con
stituting a service record, were de
scribed in official reports today.
Rising winds stopped the first
flight November 24, although suffi
cient fuel and oil remained fo, eight
more hours. In the first 10 hounj
the ship was lightened 300 pounds
by consumption' of gasoline. Her
crew brought her to within 50 feet
of the sea and with bucket and line
took up enough water to restore her
proper balance.
The second trip, December 24 and
25, was made under overcast skies
with a wind ranging from 20 to 36
miles an hour. The motor was
stopped only twice, for three min
utes eacii time, to fill the oil reserve!.
(Con tinned from P&fe One.)
sees in 'their death the natural re
sult of the victims' appeal to the
lowest passions and violence.
Wrhile the iiftiependent socialists
of Bavaria and other parts of Ger
many are endeavoring to consoli
date the two socialist parties inde
pendent of Greater Berlin, in their
two newspapers they appeal to" the
workingmen for a general strike as
a protest against the "domination
of military anarchy."
The whereabouts of the bruised,
battered and bullet-perforated body
of Rora Luxemburg, chief lieuten
ant of the late Dr. Karl Liebknecht,
leader of the Spartacan forces, con
tinues to be the most puzzling fea
ture of the tragedy which brought
to a temporary halt all. Spartacan
and bolshevik activities in Germanv.
The military authorities are still in
vestigating the action of the com
manding, officer assigned to the
motor car which was supposed to
carry the woman to the Moabit jail.
and which halted just long enough
to permit a stranger to jump on the
running board and fire the fatal shot,
after which, other persons rushed up,
seized tne body and disappeared.
Public Funeral Barred.
The date of the interment of the
body -of Dr. Liebknecht has not
yet been decided upon, but it as
stated that the dead Spartacan lead
er would not be buried in Berlin. It
is not unlikely that any attempt to
make his funeral the pretex for a
big demonstration would meet with
prompt opposition by the military
government, which for the present is
prohibiting street parades. .
ine city nas Deen so completely
garrisoned with new trooos as to
discourage the Spartacans irom at
tempting any propaganda at this
time. With the death of the two
leaders the Red Flag also disappear
ed from the list of Berlin's revolu
tionary journals. It was floated m
the early weeks of the revolution
by Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
as the official organ,
The Red Flag's editorial rooms
have been occupied by government
troops. Herr Meyer and Herr Mar
cusson, co-editors with Liebknecht
and Rosa Luxemburg, also have led.
Die i-reiheit, the organ of the inde
pendent socialists, appears to have
assumed the editorial legacy be
queathed by, the Red Flag, as the
newspaper seems to have become
the official mouthpiece of the Ger
man bolsheviki. 4 .
Assembly Meeting Postponed.
Amsterdam, Jan. 19. The Lokal
Anzeiger of Berlin says it learns the
Ebert-Scheidemann government has
finally decided not to hold the na
tional assembly for which elections
arc going on today.
i .
Stranded Transport Refloated
Fire Island, Jan. 19. The United
States transport Northern Pacific,
which ran aground on a sandbar off
Fire Island Light New Year's day,
was floated tonight.
Mrs. Mell J. Bellinger Dies of
Heart Disease in Apartment;
Found by Husband on
" Return FfOm Calj.
When Dr.;Mell J, Bellinger, return
ed to thefe apartments in the Grand
hotel, Council Bluffs, Sunday morn
ing after being out on professional
work since midnight he found Mrs.
Bellinger lying " in the bath room
dead, , Death apparently was due to
heart failure, from which she had
been suffering . acutely for several
s Mrs. Bellinger had arisen from her
bed and had reached the bathroom,
and had apparently'sank to the floor
and died without a struggle. Death
had evidently occurred several hours
before.. She" had been suffering
severely from headache and". had an
acute attack Saturday afternoon, and
manifested extremely weak heart ac
tion during the early, part of the
evening. The usual remedies brought
relief and she appeared to be in, a
r.ormalJ condition and was resting
easily". when Dr. Bellinger responded
to the' midnight call. -'
Mrs. Bellinger had always taken
a deep personal interest in her hus
band's work and" since last April had
been his chief office assistant. Dur
ing the flu epidemic she taxed her
strength the limit in her effort
to assist him and aid the sufferers
with whom! she was in .constant con
tact. She was deeply affected by
the pitiful condition of some of the
families, among his patients, where
all the members were stricken and
where poverty added to the terrors
of the disease. I
Mrs. Bellinger ,was 52 years old.
She had been a continuous resident
of Council Bluffs for 30 years. She
was endowed with a strong men
tality, and her spiritual development
carried her far beyond the usual
level. She used wisely her large
financial means and there were few
in the city who did more effectiveJ
charitable work. Her refined mind
made her the center of a brilliant
intellectual group to whorri her
death will be a real misfortune.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Bell
inger is survived by one brother,
Joseph McClanahan, well known
Texas business man, and two
nephews, both in war work at Wash
ington. The body was removed to
the Cutler funeral home, where the
casket will remain until funeral ar
rangements are perfected.
Raw Materials Restrictions
Removed by War Board
Washington, Jan. 19. Supervision
over distribution of most of the es
sential lnported raw materials was
removed yesterday by the war trade
board. All textiles, hides and skins,
iron and steel, ferro-alloys, plum
bago and praphite, pyrites and shel
lac are included in the board's order,
which does not apply, , however, to
pig tin, jute, and its products, and
tin re and concentrate.
iYou will enjoy a few moments inspecting all of the lat
est types of Cadillac Cars now on exhibition at the
Cadillac Saloii
y The
Company ,
respectfully invites you to attend this reception.-, If you.
do not see the open or enclosed car you wish to inspect,
just ask for it. One Cadillac car of each model now
being manufactured has just been received.
A Music in 'the evenings by West Sisters '
Decorations arranged by Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
Come Bring your friends,
Afternoons and evenings; '
Cadillac Building
Farnam Street at Twenty-Sixth
Board Plans to Write ,
Off Third of Cost of
New Merchant Craft
Washington, Jan. 19. Early ac
tion toward carrying out the pro
posal to write off about 30 per cent
of the war cost of American ship
ping, was forecast today in official
quarters, and at the same time it
was said this step would be follow
ed by a shipping board order reduc
ing existing freight rates in Ameri
can bottoms. ,
This policy, under which it is in
tended to charge to profit and loss
nearly a $1,000,000,000 of $3,000,000,
0(10 which merchant craft in this
country cost to , build during the
war, was .formulated by Chairman
Hurley of the shipping board, now
in France, and the news of it reach
ed here through Associated Press
dispatches from Paris, - '
There still has been no official an
nouncement from the. :, shipping
board, but those familiar with the
plan do not hesitate to discuss it
informally and to say that it is de
signed to put the American mer
chant marine on a solid financial
basis and pave the way for a satis-
.fartnrv rearltnRlminr rf rw-nn
freight rates, impracticable on theT4
basis of inflated war cost caluations.
Drug Clerk Testifies
Lebaiidy Sought Poison
. on Day He Was Killed
Mineola, Ny Y., Jan, 19. Attor
neys for Madame Jacques. Lebaudy,
who shot and killed her husband,
the self-styled "emperor of Sahara,"
in their hotel at Westburv January
11, obtained today from a New York
drug clerk an affidavit stating that
Lebaudy tried to; purchase poison
the day he was slain. According to
the affidavit, Lebaudy said the poi
son was "for his wife and child."
The clerk said he refused to make
the sale. ,
The affidavit, it is believed, 'will
strengthen Madatne Lebaudy's claim
that she and 'her daughter, Jacque
line, had been threatened repeatedly
by her husband.
Ernest E. Suffern, an attorney
who said he had charge of Madame
Lebaudy's affairs for. more than 10
years, issued a statement today, de-
c.anng there was no likelihood tliat
a successful attempt would be made
to prevent her and her daughter
from inheriting the major part of the
slain mans fortune, estimated At
several millions. So far as known
Lebaudy left no will.
Dardanelles Must Remain
Open, Says Morgenthau
New York, ,Jan. 18. Asserting
that almost every country in the
world has "foolishly or selfishly
helped to keep the Turk alive as a
nation," Henry Morgenthau, form
erambassador to Turkey, said in an
address here today that the mis
take of the past "in permitting Tur
key to continue because of the bal
ance of power" must not be made
at the peace conference.
lhe Dardanelles must remain
open and unfortified," he said. "They
are the great waterway between
Asia and Africa and are vital to
..-,: . , . . .... . :u, .
wiLSonTOTOun i
IEL0S Oil Willi
Visit to Belgian Capital Will
Be Deferred Until v He
Is Ready to Depart
for Home.
Paris, Jan. 19. All arrangements
have been made for President Wil
son's visits to the American battle
fields and to some of the devastated
regions of northern France but the
time has not been fixed. The visits
will depend 'wholly on the proce
dure of the peace conference and
the turn of affairs in the meetings.
President .Wilson probably will
travel by train, having army motor
cars meet him at different points for
a tour of the region surrounding the
stopping places.
. It now appears the president's
visit to Brussels will be deferred im-
il he is ready to depart for borne.
One plan under consideration is for
Mr. Wilson to leave Paris on a spe
cial train which will carry the whole
presidential party to the Belgian
capital. From there the president
will go direct to Calais without re
turning to Paris, crossing the Eng
lish channel and sailing from some
English port. v
Congress to Speed Up
Wheels of Legislation
Washington, Jan. 19. In an ef
fort to clear the calendar; of im
portant legislation before the ses
sion ends March 4 both the senate
and house will give general right of
way this week to appropriation bills.
At the same time committees will
be engaged on general supply
measures and in special hearings
and investigations. .
The senate expects tp pass to
morrow the administration' measure
appropriating $100,000,000 requested
by President W'iJson for famine re
lief in Europe, while the house, after
passage of the legislative appropria-
tion bill, the fourth of the 16 regular
supply measures, plans to begin)
work on the annual diplomatic and
consular bill.
Final action may come this week
on the long-delayed war. revenue
bill. The conferees, with but few
important questions remaining open,
resume ,work tomorrow on the( 1919
war profits tax rates and hope for
complete agreement on the bill bv
Saturday. ",. 1
High Price of Booze in Iowa
Is Downfall of Omaha Negro
Jasper Price, 4536 South Twelfth
street, set the markit price of booze
too high about a month agosome
where in Iowa, and last night De
tective Francel arrested him upon
advice from federal autrrorities.
Price is colored, and a good sale of
intoxicating liquor was guaranteed
him in Iowa, but someone
"squealed" H is charged at the
South Side police station with il
legal" possession of. liquor. . '
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