Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 23

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Omaha Dealers Are Inviting
Their Salesmen to Be Here
for the Exposition
Omaha's 14th annual automobile
show, March 1Q to. IS, will have for
its guests some of the biggest men
in the automobile industry, accord
ing to plans now being made by
Omaha distributors
Omaha dealers are inviting their
sales managers to be here for the
entire week.
Among those invited are Edsel
Ford, son of Henry Ford, who has
taken his father's place, at a salary
of $150,000 a year, as head of the
Ford motor plant.
Expect Big Men
"The distributors expect 'most of
the men they have invited to at
tend," said Clarke C. Powell, mana
ger of the show, Saturday. "The
Omaha territory provides the best
field for automobile development in
the entire country, and manufac
;urers fully appreciate the fact." 1
Other leading factory men who
have been asked to come to Omaha
;or the week are:
R. I. Oilier, vice president, and
H. A. Biggs, salesmanager, of
F. A. Akers, salesmanager, and
Paul Gee, district salesmanager, of
U. B. McCurdy. district sales
manager, of the Cleveland truck
E. C. Howard, general sales
manager, and E. G. Gorman, west
:rn salesmanager, of Cadillac. .
General Salesmanager
0. II. McCormack, general sales
manager of Hudson.
P. L. Emerson, general sales
manager, and A. L. Spetler, assistant
salesmanager, of Oldsmobile.
J. E. Roberts, general sales
manager of Cole. r
R. C. Rueschaw, vice president
and general manager, and John
Tainsch, assistant general sales
manager, of Mitchell.
George Graham, general sales
manager of Pierce-Arrow.
James Dunlap, salesmanager of
Chandlerr- ' -
J. C Ayres, vice president and
general manager of Denby truck.
Master Truck is to Be
Handled Here by Truck
and Tractor Company;
The Truck and Tractor corpora
tion, located at 1310-18 Jackson
street, has recently made arrange
ments for 1 handling the Master
truck, which was introduced" here
about a year ago. ,
The Truck and Tractor corpora
tion is headed by two well-known
aud influential Omaha business men
and it is their plan to put an or
ganization behind the Master truck
which will give it representation
second to -none in Omaha.
A complete stock of parts has al
ready been shipped to Omaha and
machinery for forging bodies,
Fprings and wheel work has been in
ftalled. The company has a stock of
springs for most every car known in
this territory. s
Iry addition to the general truck'
lusiness, the Truck and Tractor
corporation will represent the
Goodyear and Rubber company as
agents for their solid truck tires.
Fifty-Four Douglas Trucks
Shipped to Java Past Week
Omaha people interested in the
industrial development of the city
will be 'interested in knowing that
a factory turning out one of the
best auto trucks and pleasure cars
is located within the city limits.
The Douglas Motors corporation,
of which George Christopher is
president, is located at Thirtieth and
Sprague streets, and is a newly
built factory occupying 40,000 feet
of floor space and employing at
present 75 people and daily increas
ing the out-put of cars and trucks,
of which they are manufacturing a
high grade pleasure cars, the Doug
las eight.
Mr. Christopher states that the
truck business is the department
that will receive the most attention.
Their investment in tools and ma
chinery represents around ?4S,000
in addition to carrying on hand raw
materials and supplies to about
$200,000, owning their own building
and ample ground tor extension oi
the factory.
During the past week the Douglas
Motors corporation's business repre
sents orders for 54 trucks to be
rnnstrnrtiM and delivery.of four pas
senger cars. One car was forward
ed for export to Java. 11ns car was
sold entirely on the specifications
given in advertisement.
Iowa Territory Added to
That of Big Omaha Firm
Toozer-Gerspacher Motor Co. has
increased its territory by taking
over nearly all of the Iowa district
for Dort. '
xi, -;it oetaVil'sh a branch
II. u,ii, " -J
office in Des Moines in the near
future. For the present Iowa busi--u.;i1
he handled from the
Dmaha headquarters.
iSergt. F. W. Meis, jr.. of the 4th
balloon eomnanv. has been honor-
. J. P. Linch has. recently returned
to Omaha's automobile row with a
brand new' Taterson model, which,
according to Linch, is one of the
best little six-cylinder automobiles
on the market. '
Ait entirely new design stamns
the word "distinctiveness" all over
this new Paterson model. The lines
are sham and clear rut hut ilpsiirnprl
in such a manner that the whole ap
pearance makes you think .of the
time-worn phrases "Snap and
Style," which are so often associ
ated with the description of automo
The Pafprson whirb is matmfar.
tured at Flint, Mich., made a very
tavorabie, impression in Nebraska
territory last year, in fact the im
pression was so favorable that it
was impossible to supply the de
mand. ALimifarttirincr frilitifs at
. ......( .
the Paterson factory have been in
creased considerably during the past
year and Linch has been assured
that there will be plenty of cars dur
ing the toming year. Upon this as
surance Linch has already started
an energetic campaign to secure
dealers. '
Peterson Real Booster
for the Havvkeye Truck
R. V. Tcterson, of the Peterson
Truck company, is a very enthus
iastic booster of 'the. Hawkeye truck,
manufactured at Sioux City, la.
According to Peterson the manu
facturers put this truck through a
course of demonstration test which
will make the most hardened truck
man "sit up and take notice." In
stead of telling people what the
truck will do the Hawkeye manufac
turers do the Old Missouri stunt and
actually show them. y
Une of the eye openers which
most visitors remember is perform
ed in the following manner. A 2yZ
ton load is put on a 2-ton model and
the truck is driven against the build
ing, telephone pole or other station
ary object, whicH eliminates the pos
sibility of the truck moving forward;
then the motor is started and its
power demonstrated through the
fact that the rear wheels spin.
There is not another car on the American mar
ket which embodies so many standard and high-'
priced features at a low price as the Velie!
rpiMKEN! Continental!
Rcray! .Velie! four of
the bigegst names in the history
of American industries.
And the reputation behind each
of these names is staked on tho
Velie Automobile. -
rpiMKEN AXLES, both
front and rear, with extra
large Timken Bearing9 all
around. ,
Nothing better can be bought.
TOR. The Six-Cylinder
Velie-Continental Motor is ad
mitted to be the masterpiece of
all motors ever made by this
great corporation.
TION. The name Remy has
stood.for the best in ignition
and Larting and lighting since
before the automobile was born !
2204-C3 Farnam St.
( V 1 r-J
Jones-Hansen Garage Open to
Public Day and Night; Mu
sical Program Planned
Each Day.
The first complete iine of Cad
illac cars ever exhibited in Omaha
will be shown this N week at the
Jones-Hansen-Cadillac companys
garage, Twenty-sixth and Farnam
Special arrangements have been
made by J. H. Hansen to keep open
house, night and day, so that the
public "will have the opportunity to
see the brandj new demonstrators
which have just arrived "from the
factories. " i
No sales will be solicited, Mr.
Hansen declared. The garage has
been handsomely decorated for the
occasion, and the company's repre
sentatives will be present to answer
any and all questions of admirers of
the most complete and attractive
automobile exhibit ever offered the
Omaha public, it is said.
Open Day and Night.
The doors o fthe garage will be
thrown open Monday morning and
everyone interested in automobiles
is invited as a visitor. "Our repre
sentatives will be on the floor night
and day," said Mr. Hansen, "and
they will be glad to welcome any
one who desires to see the cars.
They will answer all questions and
explain anything they are asked to
A, musical program has been ar
ranged for each night during the
week. Both vocal and, intrumental
numbers will be given, and all have
been invited to help enjoy this fea
ture of the exhibition.
12 Models Shown., ,
The cars which have already been
placed on the floor are: Town lan-
daulet7-passenger suburban, 4-pas-
senger Victoria, 4-passenger special
model 7-passenger special finished,
car, painted, Hawaiin russet with
cape top, 5-passenger brougham,
roadster.-landaulet limousine stand
ard town car and regular touring
Mr. Hansen has arranged for spe
cial decorations "for the Occasion.
Smilax, ferns and palms in profusion
furnish the principal embellishments
in the garage and show room. Ar
tistically placed, and decorated are
a number of bird cages containing
canaries. The liberal number ot
ferns and palms present! the spa
cious show room as averitabe sum
mer garden. The four large pillars
in this room are decorated with
hanging baskets of L'Art Nauveau,
and Mr. Hansen has spared no ef
fort to render the show room as at
tractive in appearance as the cars
are specimens ot the tactory s out
put, i
rpHE VELIE car would be
an exceptional car if it ex
celled in these features alone.
No other car at anywhere near
the Velie price has them.
- far more elegant than most
cars. Its mirror body finish is
twenty coat3 deep, its lines are
long and continuous, its smartly-tilting
windshield, gently
rounded body sides and plaited
up'holstery make the car far bet
ter looking than most sixes.
rpHE VELIE is comfort-
- able, roomy, easy-riding.
You may choose from nine
body styles, open and closed.
Search far and wide. Study
every car on the market. You
will not find a value like that
for the touring car.
Dorea Auto Co.
Fhone D-S554
, .
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CLce Ya4cr
E, Lee Yager, vice president of
the Bonney-Yager Auto com
pany has recently come to Omaha
to take an active part in the work of
that company.. The j Bonney-Yager
company were formerlyStudebaker
distributors in Denver, Colo., and
Mr. Yager remained in Denver to
close out their interests at that
It was the original intention of
the Bonnes-Yager company to re
tain their contracts both, at Denver
anj Omaha. Aftdr giving the mat
ter a great deal of consideration it
was decided that the Omaha field
offered them an opportunity to
which they could well afford to de
vote their entire time.
Now the
Cadillac Salon
Showing All Models
This , ;
Jones-Iiansen-Cadillac Company
Fartiam Street at 'TwenlyzSixth
Auto Business Has1
Returned from Its
' Summer Vacation
"Business is here. When we say
'better business is on the way,' we'.re
just a little behind the 'other fellow,"
says Ralph W. Jones, of the Card-
Adams Motor company. .
Accordingly, Mr. Jones has sent
out to live automobile dealers a let
ter, which says in part:
"Business is back. She returned
from her vacation a few days ago
and has kept us very busy entertain
ing her all week.
"Prices are settled. The new deal
er contracts are ready, and as usual
are on a fair and liberat basis. Some
readjustments of territory are being
made and we are trying hard to
please every dealer in this respect
"There is big business just ahead,
for you and for us, if we make an
unusual effort right now. For this
is the time for tremendous effort,
to put into the selling of cars the
same enthusiasm and determination
we put into our war work. It is a
case of going over the top every
day " .
Special Farmers' Course
at University of Nebraska
To meet a desire on, the part of
tarmers that they have aid in the
farm accounting, organization and
marketing, special courses will be
given along such lines at .the Uni
versity of Nebraska, beginning Jan
uary 7 and continuing tour weeks.
Other short courses will be given
in dairying, poultry raising, animal
husbandry, automobiles, tractors,
etc. One hundred and twentyfive
farmers are now taking a short
course in automobiles, tractors, and'
trucks. The short courses are open
to any one.
New Wietz Master Six to
Be on the Market Soon
The Metz Motor company has
put a new gear car on the market
which "will be known, as the Metz
Master Six, and which, according to
General Sales Manager R. A. Pick
ens, surpasses all models previously
shown by the Metz people. The
Metz dealers throughout the coun
try will be able to demonstrate the
car and accept orders within the
next few days. !
Studebaker to Have v
Entire Eastern Show
Brought to' Omaha
"The Studebaker exhibit at the
Omaha automobile show, March 10
to 15, will be just as big, just as
complete and just as pretentious as
the Studebaker display at the New
York and Chicago shows," said C.
S. Connor, manager of the Omaha
branch. Saturday.
"We are making a determined
drive this year to get as many of
cur iuu or more dealers in five
states to come to Omaha during
show week.
Mr. Connor is. going east next
week to arrange for the Omaha
show exhibit.
Again Enlarge National
Tractor Show Building
Kansas City, Jan. 18, (Special.)
the special building-home of the
fourth annual National Tractor
show to be held in Kansas City,
week of February 24 to March. 1,
is to be again enlarged. This is the
second time that the demand for
floor space has necessitated a change
in the original plans. The Tractor
show building will now coyer an
area of over 1 10,000 square feet. Guy
H. Hall, secretary of the Kansas
Uty Tractor club, said today, ' 1 he
fourth annual National Tractor
show will demonstrate the remark
able development of the American
tractor.- Four years ago the possi
bility of such a building as is now
. . , i l .
Deing erecica ro nouse we great
annual event would , have been
The American tractor, as an
armoured tank, played an important
part in the war. Now, in its original
capacity, the tractor is working
wonders in all parts of America,
helping this country to make good
its food pledge. It is predicted that
over 500,000 tractors will be in use
in America the coming year. Should
this prophecy be fulfilled America
will be able to meet the demands of
starving Europe, completing the
task of making the world safe for
democracy. '
Home Made Primer.' .
An ingenious method of making a
priming outfit consists in running
a lead from the lower compartment
of the vacuum tank to the top of the
THE distinguished service rendered by the Cadillac
in France is paralleled, in less heroic environment,
by the every-day experience of Cadillac owners- j "
' ' : ' '
.You will find that the average owner, while proud as
we are proud of the high honor conferred upon his
carby the War Department, does not see how the
Government could well have done otherwise.
The fact that the Cadillac was of ficially designated as
' the standard seven-passenger car of the United States
army, pleases, but does not surprise him. -
'''.''. v
England long ago anticipated this action by the Amer
' ican Government, when the Deyar Trophy was twice
.in succession conferred upon the Cadillac.
' ". . " v
Ye told the simple truth when we said a few weeks
ago that there is only one thought in the world today
about the Cadillac.
That thought is that the Cadillac is a .truly great motor
car in name, and in fact, the standard of the world.
inlet manifold, installing, of course,
a control to be operated by hand.
Whenever a start is made the driver
opens this control and a little of the
1 '
Other feature are Hood
hung separate from Radiator,
Prest-o-Lite Tank and Lights,
and the price is hard to heat.
Peterson Truck Co.
x Dsr?8tro?s
2427 farnam St- Omaha. Phone
gasotine from the tank flows int.
the manifold. Care must he take!
to plug the priming line in low
Check the
In the Hawkeye l-Ton
model you will find-
Buda Motor, 3x5V.
Fuller Clutch and Trans
Clark Internal Gear Rear
Axle, equipped with M. & S.
Differential, which permits
pulling on one or both rear
wheels. '
-v,i Aerh.-irveA and returned to
the Toozer-Gersi-aebcr people.