Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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, I
V '
. Peter Baltzer, Former Na
tional Guardsman, Tells
Vivid Story of Fight
ing in France.
Active participation in the battles
. of Chateau - Thierry, Soissons,
.'. Marne, Argonne forest and the
Somme was the experience of Peter
Baltzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Baltzer, 3174 Farnam street. Baltzer
was wounded twice in the battles of
die Marne and Chafeau-Thierry, and
was gassed in the Argonne forest.
He returned to the states on Jan
uary 3, and is in Omaha today to
visits aprents.
"The American boys fought with
the grit of a superhuman," he said.
"No sooner had we ' set foot on
'l-rcnch soil last July than we en
'trained for Chateau-Thierrv and
started fighting the same day that
we landed. Actually, the French
forces in that sector were lost until
we fellows from the old Fourth Ne
braska went at the Huns. The
English were worn out at Soissons,
ana we lent a hand. We had no
chance for hand-to-hand bayonet
lighting because the boches were on
the run toward Berlin."
Twice Wounded.
Corporal Baltzer received ma
chine gun bullets in the rieht ankle
and mouth. From the day he land
ed in France he was with the 16th
licldy artillery, which remained in-
lacr since juiy, mo.
rrom tne time we took our
stand in the trenches, we were not
given rest. We were at the boches
every miniHe of the day and night.
Whether it- was 'over the top,'
reononnoitering duty or barrage fir
ing, the 16th field artillery did their
When 4he Germans began an of
fensive on September 26. Corporal
Baltzer was gassed in the Argonne
"My squad was just trying to
crawl through a barrage of the en
emy, when a , gas bomb exploded
near us," he said. "One man ahead
of mc was killed instantly. Another
to my left was wounded, and before
I could put on my gas mask I was
out for the count, with chlorine gas
in my lungs."
Brjngs Home Trophies.
Corporal Baltzer still suffers
minor effects of the gas. Scars of
bullet wounds on his upper lip and
inkle are also evident.
"I saw many Omaha boys over
there, who went through the same
hell that I went through, and all
say they wouldn't sell their exper
ience for a gold mine." ,
He brought home a grip full of
German war trophies that he took
from dead Huns. Corporal Baltzer
enlisted in the old Fourth Nebraska
infantry , two years ago, and until
last spring was on the Mexican bor
der He will got to Camp Dodge
Monday to receive his discharge
Tronthe army. .
Woman Sent to Jail
Says Soldier Lured
Her from Her Husband
Clara Divers, 508 South Thir
teenth street, was sentenced to five
days in the Douglas county jail yes
terday after she pleaded 'guilty
in federal court before United
States Judge Munger to charges of
prostitution within the five-mile
'zone limit. ,
" She confessed to improper rela
tions with a soldier stationed, at
Fort Omaha.
The woman told a strange story.
She said that the soldier called her
away from the side of her hus
band, and induced her to go upstairs
with him. She admitted taking
money from him.
George Hunt Makes Search
in Omaha for Lost Daughter
The fatted calf will be killed for
Margaret Hunt, daughter of George
Hunt, '4708 South Twenty-seventh
street, if she will, return to her
father. x
In 1894 Mr. Hunt's wife died, leav
ing six children. Unable to care
for them as he believed they should
be cared for he placed them in an
orphanage. A number of years la
ter Mr. Hunt married again. Hav
, ing a home, he decided to share it
"with his .children.
He found his son, and four of his
daughters, but the fifth daughter,
Margaret, had left the orphanage
and there was no trace of ' he
whereabouts. Several months ago
he received word that she was mar
ried and living on the South Side.
He immediately left his home at
Fairbury, Neb., and came to Om
aha. He found employment at a
packing house, and ,has since been
carrying on a systematic search for
his daughter but as yet been nable
to locate her, or to discover the
name of her husband. He has
asked the Bee to aid him in his
T.let the Influenza
Test Successful
Thera it a reaaotf. By
properly adjusting your spine,
Dr. Burhorn corrects the cause
of sickness. Then your neres
do their work and thus health
is restored. Make me prove it
Adjustments are $1.00 or 12
for $10.00. Outside calls made
by appointment are $2.50.
(Palmar School Chiropractor)
Suit 414-19 Securities Bids;,
Cor. 16th and Farnam SU.
Doug. 5347 Lady Attendant
Store Hour! "
9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Every Djr.
iiii .mi
,The Ask Mr. Foster '
arvica supplies fraa infor
mation rut winter travol.
' (Balcony)
Sunday, January 12, 1919. ' STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY ' phbne Do'ugja, 2100
1 : ! :
r .
Announcing For Monday a
M .... ILH IW wm fWk
- v
At Radical Price Reductions Ranging from, l to Ys Under the Former of Regular Selling Price
THIS is another of our annual underprice features scheduled for the month of January off ered to you at a time when you can be benefited by the extreme saving possibili
ties. Not only are our stocks ample, but the collection of blankets and comforters which are now offered at reduced prices is the largest we have ever had at this season.
1 1 jl l 1 il. 1 1 il i. . - .1 . Jl . . "
wnicn means inai we nave me gooas wnen mey are mosi neeaea. v
Cotton and Wool Blankets Reduced to.$3S8.
Practically, our entire line of popular priced
blankets in plain gray or brown, with pink, blue or
brown borders, blue and white; gray and white;
tan and white, pink and white plaids. Full double
bed size. A real-winter weight blanket and one
which will give excellent wear; for rooming
houses, hotels, etc. v
Also double bed size, khaki color blankets with
brown border and well finished ends, $3.98 each.
Sub Wool Blankets Reduced to $4J)8. v
Over one thousand pairs of sub-wopl and large
size cotton blankets, plaids with blue and white;
tan and white; gray and white; yellow and white;
lavender and white, etc., with assorted borders
and shell-stitched ends; also plain tan or gray with
mohair binding in pink, blue or brown borders.
These blankets are exceptionally eavy with a nice
soft nap, which makes them extremely warm.
Reduced to $4.98 a pair.
Heavy Single Khaki Blankets $3J8. (
Heavy single blankets in khaki color, with four-inch dark gray border, regular size and a very good
1 J 1 1 i 1 - A A t 1,1 1 J. A 1 1
usea msieaa oi comioners; auio roDes, camp Dianiceis, etc., at $6.vo eacn.
Double Bed Blankets at $2S8 a Pair.
Full size gray, tan blankets, with assorted borders and soft,
fleecy nap made of a fine grade staple cofton
than manufacturer's price today, at, a pair
blanket to be
Gray Cotton Blankets $1.49 a Pair.
A good quality cotton blanket with blue or pink
borders, for single beds or children's beds. Sizes 45rx
76, at, the pair
Our Entire Stock of the Finest Wool Blankets and Comforters Offered Monday at a Discount of 25o
The Blankets ,
AT this discount we include our entire stock of the finer grades, regularly priced
from $9.00 to $35.00 a pair.
Included are: ' r v
All wool plaid blankets in pretty co .inations.
All wool plaid blankets with 3 or 4-inch blocks;
All wool plain white blankets, ribbon bindings. .
All wool plain gray or tan blankets. t
They're the product of the best woolen mills in the United States, made of im
ported Australian wool and will wash and clean beautifully. v
Burf-Nish Co. Downstair Store. '
lers and soft, thg f q
m. Cheaper JJo
The Comforters
REPRESENT all the finer qualities regularly priced at $5.00 to $40.00.
range of selection is exceptionally large.
Handsome silk covered comforters, various plain colors.
Dainty silk covered comforters, floral designs.
Silk covered comforters, wool, part wool or cotton filled.
Comforters with batiste or satin coverinsrs. varn tied.
Cold type cannot express the beauty of these exquisite' bed coverings; you
must see them to appreciate the wonderful values they are at 25 off reg. price.
Burgeii-Naih Co. Downatalrs Stora. "
Our Entire Stock of Soiled Muslin Underwear
Offered Monday at a Big Reduction
THE remarkable selling of the past week in our muslin un
derwear section, has been the cause of a great many
pieces becoming soiled and mussed from display and han
dling. . ,
The accumulation consists of all grades and kinds and
affords a splendid opportunity to select dainty underwear at
. a sharp price reduction.
In the sale are corset covers, night gowns, envelope
chemise, drawers, petticoats and combinations as well as our
entire stock of Phillipino hand made and hand embroidered
garments and silk underwear. " - .
BurfeM-Nufe Co. Second Floor.
Beautiful New Foulard Silks
Receive Their First Showing Monday
Saturday's express brought in time for
Monday's showing a superb collection
of new Spring 1919 Foulards.
They are in blues and blacks with ring, coin spot,
small polka dot, scroll, broken plaids and figured de
signs in one or two-tone effects.. All 36 inches wide.
The "price, $2.25 4 yard.
BurgMS-Nuh Co. Main Floor
$2.00 Delivers Any "Standard"
Sewing Machine to Your Home
THIS is home furnishing time and for this week we
offer special values in this well known make of
sewing machines.
, "Standard"
4-Drawer, .
And you can buy any. of these specials on terms
as low as
$2.00 Down and $HD0 a Week.
Other specials
Clark Rotary at $39.00.
White Rotary at $40.00.
Standard Electric at $50.00.
Wheeler & Wilson.jised, $12.00.
Edgemere, used, at $7.00
Singer Rotary at $35.00.
Cleveland Rotary at $32.50r.
Wizard Electric at $45.00. .
Montgomery & Ward, used,
Burgu-Nuh Co. Third Floor
Underpriced 1
INSIDE skirt belting, good
quality, 2, 2 or 3 inches
wide, black or white. Per
yard, 10c.
Sewing thread, 3-cord, 200
yards, dozen 28c; spool, 2e
Safety pins, assorted sizes,
dozen, 5c
Children's and misses' hose sup
porters, white or black, pr., 15c
Dress shields, guaranteed qual
ity, regular and opera shapes,
sizes 2, 3 and 4; pr., 19c, 23c
Sanitary napkins, package of
Vi dozen, for 25c.
Skirt markers, each, 25c.
Best machine oil, bottle, 15c.
Bias lawn tape,, sizes Nos. 1
to 5, white oul;; 5-yard
bolts, each, 5c.
Sweet water pearl buttons,
dozen, 5c.
Skirt binding braid, assorted
colors, yard, 15c.
Boys' trouser bands, each, 10c.
Dexter knitting cotton, ball 10c
Washable elastic, pink and blue,
VASSAR pins, card, 12 He
Vanta twistless tape, pink and
blue, for 15c.
Midd laces, assorted colors,
10c and 15c.
Buri-Naih Co. Main Floor.
Women's Stamped
Night Gowns
TpXCELLENT quality nain-J-J
sook, full size, deep hem,
all new designs for white or
colored embroidery, $1.29 each.
Combination Suit, 89c
Stamped, combination suits to
match, four sizes for selection,
at 89c eaclv
Child's Dresses,-98c
Clearance of children's
stamped dresses, ready made,
except for embroidery stitches,
sizes, 2, 4, 6. Chambray, ging
ham, pique, poplin, lawn, barred
muslin, special at 98c each.
Stamped Cases, $1.50
Continental tubing, best qual
ity, sizes 42x42 and 45x45, at
$1.50 pair. (
Knitting Yarn, 79c
Khaki, light aiyi dark gray
knitting yarn, special, 79c a
Carpet Warp, 29c
Colored carpet warp, green,
navy, orange, red, black, brown,
yellow, -lb. spools, special,
29c each.
BurgMa-Nah Co. Third Floor.
Linens of the Dependable Kind
From the Looms of Ireland's and Scotland's Best
Manufacturers at Less Than' Present Wholesale Cost
m HE thrifty housewife and the bride-to-be will do well to purchase linens at thi3
time. ,
Damask Table Clotfrs
Irish linen damask table cloths made from pure
flax. At the January sale prices of $4.85, $6.10, $7.30 I
each. j)
Scotch Table Cloths
Extra heavy weight Scotch linen damask
table cloths made from pure flax, $7.50,
$9.75, and $10.43 each.
Damask Dinner Ndpkins
Pure linen damask dinner napkins. These
are of, Irish and Scotch manufacture and
are priced much under today's wholesale
cost, $5.50, $6.95 and $8.45 dozen.
Table Damask at $1.95 ,
Irish linen table,damask of heavy
weight and splendid quality, $1.95 yard.
Pillow Cases at $3.75 "
Pure linen pillow cases, hemstitched
ends, $3.75 pair. .
Linen Lunch Cloths, $3.89
Linen crash lunch cloths with scal
loped edge. Size 45x45 inches, at $3.89
each. - . -
Linen Breakfast Sets, $4J95
Homespun linen breakfast sets. Set
consists of one cloth and six napkins to
match. $4.95 set. . . .
Linen Guest Towels, 53c
Irish linen guest towels, hemstitched
ends, 53c each. .
5 Au
Irish Crash Toweling, 28c
19 inches wide, all white, splendid,
absorbing quality, 28c yard.
Linen Toweling at 25c
Linen glass toweling, 18 inches wide,
25c yard.
Jrish Damask Napkins, $225"
Size 22x22 inches, $2.25 for y dozen.
Luncheon NapJcins, $3.69 .
Scalloped edge, pure linen damask,
$3.69 for i2 dozen.
Huck Toweling at 55c
Irish linen huck toweling in plain and
fancy designs at 55c, 75c and 80c yard.
Embroidered Tea Cloths, $319
Hand embroidered tea cloths. These A
are of round thread Irish linen with
hemstitched edge and priced at $3.19
each. ,
Burgesa-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Satin Finished Bed Spreads
In Annual White Sale at $3.50
SATIN finish bed spreads with scalloped edge and cut
corners for full size beds, at $3.50 each.
Marseilles Bed Spreads.
Satin finish Marseilles bed sets
for fulL sized beds. These have
neat scalloped edge, sale price,
J$5.49, $3.95 and $9.75.
J trocnet isea
Spreads $2.75. (
For full size beds, hemmed ends,
each at $2.75.
Burf (Naah Co. Miln Floor
Again Monday Our Great Clearaway of
Women's Shoes at 20 to 50 Off Regular
TT T,rTTM?TT?TTT 1.. J Iji i jl ...
TT70NDERFUL values and, although the selling has
" f oeen xremenaousinere still remains a great range
of selection. Our entire stock is included in the clearaway.
... ..-...
women boot or ail ailvor gray kid.
. Women' boot of all battlethip' gray kid.
Woman' boot of all field mouse gray kid.
Women' boot of all brown kid.
Women' boot of all fawn buck.
Women' boot of all black kid.
Women's boot of gray kid, warumbo cloth
Women' boot of field mouia gray kid, war
umbo cloth top.
Women' boot of black kid, gray warambo
cloth top. " i
Women' boot of all tan Rusia ea!f.-
Women' boot of colored kid, Englith whip
cord top.
Women's Patent Vamp Shoes
Button, cloth or kid tops in a variety f
styles, at
20 A
Price '
f Special!
Women's Gold Slippers
Women's fancy gold or
hrnkpn Ki7o
Burfua-Nath Co. Second Floor.