Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    5 A
1711 1 HARRY RUT
of the latter' plan (or five-year
contiiyiation of government con
trol to provide a test period, and
has supported most of the policies
of the retiring director general. He
originated many policies of the rail
road administration. If congress
does not enact new railroad legisla
tion at an early date, Mr. Hines
favors returning the roads at once
to private management, and this is
expected to develop into a strongly
contested issue within the next
month or two.
Until he became a member of
the railroad administration staff a
year ago, the new director general
was chairman of the Santa Fe, and
was one of the youngest railroad
executives in the country. He is
now 48 years of age. He became
affiliated with railroads as a law
yer. Will Carry on McAdoo's Policies.
Chicago, Jan. 11. "Mr. McAdoo's
policies are my policies, and I in
tend to carry them out through the
existing railroad organizations,"
Walker D. Hines telegraphed to re
gional directors, immediately after
announcement of his appointment as
director general, which was made
by President Wilson by cable and
on recommendation of Mr. MeAdoo.
The new director general also de
clared for "a square deal for labor,"
fair treatment of railway owners
and patrons and closer understand
ing between the public and the
government on railway questions.
Mr. Kines' first official act today
was to delegate the railroad admin
istration's case in the New York
marine workeiY strike to the war
labor board for settlement.
MeAdoo in Los Angeles.
'Los Angeles,, Cal., Jan. 11. Wil
liam G. MeAdoo reached here to
day on his trip from Washington to
Santa Barbara. Cal., and was
greeted at the Santa Fe station by
prominent local democrats, the
mayor and a delegation of citizens.
He was escorted by a parade
through the business' district,
headed by a naval band and fea
tured by an escort of motion picture
workers in cowboy costume.
In a speech at the hotel Mr. Me
Adoo said that he was not. at pres
ent," an advocate of either private
ownership or pernTanent govern
ment control of railroads, but
wanted to see the present methods
well tried out.
Mr. MeAdoo, accompanied by
Mrs. MeAdoo and their youngest
daughteit, left late today for Santa
Barbara, Cal. t
Railroads Do Not Expect
Car Shortage This Winter
With the Omaha roads the freight
car problem has worked itself out in
a satisfactory manner. While there is
no great surplus of empty cars,
there is a sufficient supply to take
care of the business.
Railroad men are not inclined to
the belief that from now there will
be anything like a car famine. They
point to the fact that grain stocks
have moved out in great volume
and that the grain remaining in the
hands of farmers is not likely to
bring about any congestion of equip
ment'. Cattle and hogs have been pretty
well cleaned up and consequently
there is no possibility of there being
any serious shortage of stock cars.
In the matter of cars for, handling
coal, the available supply is ample.
Dealers are well stocked up with
coal and as a result the demand for
cars is light.
retary of the Marina Workers' af
filiation. , t
Mr. Condon also stated tht ths
strike committee had ordered word
be sent immediately to all members
of the affiliation that as many as
possible should return to work to
morrow morning. He added that the
committee had agreed to leave the
whole controversy for settlement by
the National War Labor board,
which is expected to meet Monday
morning at the latest.
. IICQi'ta Ullllill VW I
rvfrnim nm nv
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New York, Jan. 11. The marine
Washington, Jan. 11. Walker D.
1 lines, assistant director general of
railroads, lias been appointed di
rector general by President Wilson,
succeeding William G. MeAdoo,
who now retires to private life.
J Mr. Hines. vho was recommend
ed by Mr. MeAdoo, is an advocate
kworkers, whose strike has tied up the
port of New York for three days,
voted tonight to return to work as
soon as possible in compliance with
the cabled request of President Wil
son, according to an announcement
tonight by Stephen J. Condon, sec
Iowa Soldier Reported El.
Ottawa, Jan. 11. The name of II.
Perrin, Marion, la., appears in the
Canadian casualty list issued her
tonight. He is reported ill.
Bee Want Ads Are the Best Bus
iness Boosters.
i 2
.11 Mil ...irftf
The French Room
'A Display of 1919
One Month Earlier
Than Usual.
Individuality, original and artisticin
terpretation of the modes.of the new season
make their first appearance Monday.
Second Floor
Women's Shoes
A Disposal of Lines
Formerly Priced to $12
at 6.85
' PHE assortment consists of all
k black kid, field mouse, gray,
brown, Russian calf, with cloth
tops to match; sizes broken, but
all sizes in the lot. Styles, bigb,
Cuban, military and walking
heels. Your choice, pair, WS.
- Red Cross Patent
Leather Pumps
High heels, will make a
nice pump to wear with
Bpats will look well
with your new spring
suits. On sale Mondaj
atrper pair 3.95
Main Floor
0-M EN'S
Lisle Hose,
white and black,
also colors, regu
lar and out-sizes.
Price per pair
JbuiiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiii Sh.
"""iHiai.ih.: SN
m- it -v m ..n" ... iiiMinr
THE RACE kVflfl?
Fiber Hose,
lisle. tops, spliced
soles, v heels and
toes, shoe shades
as well as bright
colors. Pair
New Frocks for Southern Clime Visitors
Correct Styles Revealing Spring Fashions
"TAILY arrivals in our Dress Section hold the interest of travelers who anticipate
yisit to warmer sections. Also early purchasers will find delight in preparing
their -wardrobes for Spring. Gowns that may be appropriately worn for afternoon,
evening and theater wear. Georgettes, Poillet,1 Tricolette, Rusharara Silks, Taffetas,
Poulards, Meteors and Crepe de Chines are proving favorites. Smart draped, cling
ing type skirts, with drapery of embroidery . and headings; loose Japanese type
sleeves. Novel collar lines are striking ideas in new model?.
Prices Range From $39, $55,' $75 and up to $125
Rosemary Frocks Here Exclusively
Extremely smart, correct new models, shown in Serge, Georgette, Meteor and Taf
feta. Six models as depicted in Vogue and Harpers Bazaar. Sold exclusively in
Omaha by Brandeis Stores. Priced at, 35.00
Second Floor
yh -
New Blouses, 12.95
Styles and Values That Will
Find Immediate Approval in
the Eyes of Particular Women,
New arrivals-in Georgette Crepe Blouses, in flesh, white,
bisque and light blue with the soft, tucked, draped white collars
and cuffs; exquisite touches of the val lace trimmings and the
dainty crochet buttons. At 12.95.
Other Blouses, Special at 10.95
This style has tucked vest, round collar with plaited frill
on' edge, also on cuffs; colors, white, flesh and bisque. At 10.95.
Second Floor
Recall Mme. Galli Curci
INVITE her glorious voice to your home through the' medium of the Victrola. Have
her repeat for you at will the same superb renditions you heard at her concert. Come
in and we'll gladly play them for you. .
t ...
74499 "Rigoletto" Cavo Nome, 1.50. , 74510 "Lakme" Bell Song, 1.50.
74509 "Lucia" Mad Scene, 1.50. . 74522 . 4t?eer Gynt" Solvejgs, song, 1.50 x
You'll be delighted with them. You'll realize that her Victor Records bring to
yon her art and personality w;ith unerring truth.
Pompeian Room Mala Floor
Newly Arrived Silks
Advantageously Purchased and Therefore
Capable of Being Priced Very Reasonable.
40-Inch Novelty Striped Marquisettes, in light and dark
back grounds
40-Inch Plain Colored Marquisettes, in dark shades
40-Inch Poplins, in good color assortment
40-Inch White Crepe de Chine, good weight
36-Inch Black and White Check Silk
36-Inch Tub Silk, light grounds, colored stripes; will
wash perfectly ...
36-Inch Satin Messaline, in all the wanted street and
evening shades; good weight; high, lustrous finish; an
exceptional value
36-Inch Chiffon Taffeta, soft and mel
low, light and dark shades. A silk of
dependable wearing qualities, well
worth 1.75
"V v
at ;
36 and 40-Inch New Foulards, About 30
Pieces, Reducea to. yard. 1.50
Pretty coin dot, floral stripe; all over and disc
effects in -navy, white wisteria, the new blue, black,
brown, gray, tan, Copenhagen.
is i raa o 1 1 a. , a jaiu
36-In. Wash Habntal Silk,
in pink, navy, peace blue
and yellow, at yard
21-Iq. Fin Check Silk, in
satin and surrah weaves,
at, yard
The January
ales of White
Entering the
Second Week
Monday IN A GEEAT many respects this is tha greatest
White Goods sale we have ever held. Concen
tration and judicious buying places us in an en
viable position in, regard to assemblage qualities
and prices.
Unreserved approval concretely demonstrated
by the immediate and continuous response of our
patrons has attested the fact that this is THE
In the following sections will be found mate
rial savings worthy of cmphaslss
. Household Linen
y Stamped Linens Bedspreads
. Imported and Domestic Lingerie
Women's and Misses' Blouses'
Longcloth and Nainsook
Corsets Wash Ribbons
Misses' and Children'
Washable Clothing
Sheets, Pillow Cases, Domestics
- Men's Shirts, Night Shirts and
Dress Goods
At Special Prices Monday
Fine All Wool French Serge, Yd., 1.69.
A good weight, exceptionally fine for dresses, suits
and skirts ; suitable' for all seasons. The newest
shades including black. Special, for Monday, at
a yard, 1.69.
50-Inch Fine French Serge, Yd., 2.69.
Pure all wool, the soft finish kind that makes up
so prettily for the new style dresses, in a full range
of all the wanted shades including the popular
navy blue and black. Special for Monday, at a
yard, 2.69. .
12-Inch French Serge, Yd., 1.00.
A very fine weight, exceptionally good for dresses,
in all the season's newest shades, including black.
Special, per yard, at, 1.00. ,
41-Inch All Wool Epingle, Yd., 2.39.
All pure wool; a very fins quality; beautiful for
the new style dresses and suits. Comes in all the
season's most popular shades. Special for Mon
, day, at a yard, 2.39.
Main Floor.
Exceptional Values Monday in
Warm Knit Underwear
WOMEN'S Union Suits,
medium or heavy
fleece lined, high neck, long
sleeve, Dutch neck, ' elbow
sleeve or low neck, sleeve- -less,
ankle length; regular
price 2.00. Choice of regu
lar and extra sizes, all "
at 1.50
WOMEN'S Union Suits,
of wool, or silk and
wool; low neck, sleeveless,
ankle length; regular and
extra sizes. On sale 3.95
BDYS' and Girls Union
Suits, medium or'
heavy fleece lined; nigh
neck, long sleeve, ankle
length; in white, peeler or
gray; sizes. 2 to 12 years;
regular 1.25 and 1.50 values.
On sale, at v 98
fleece lined, high neck,
long sleeves; sizes 4 to 12
years; regular 50c values.
On special sale, each 29
Third Bloor
Fine Lace Curtains,
-A Sale in Four Groups
Imported and Domestic Curtains. Some placed on sale
because of small quantity, others slightly soiled. The display
includes Brussels, Irish Point, Duchess and Novelty Curtains,
1 Lot No. 1 : Lot No. 3
Novelty Curtains ; reduced
from 20.00 per pair to 15.00
Irish Point Cur
tains, 50 inches wide ; in white,
ivory and ecru; yards
long; reduced from 12.50 per
pair to pair, ' 9.00
T nf ?Duchess and
O10' Irish Point Lace
Curtains; reduced
per pair to pair, at
from 15.00
Lot No. 4 S NBet0-
tains, some
plain, or plain centers with
borders, others with lace edges;
36 to 45 inches wide, 2 yards
long; reduced from 5.50 per
pair to pair, at 3.75
5,000 Yards Curtain Nets in Lengths From 8 to 10
x yards. At Half Regular Price.
Third Floor
The January Clearance of Rugs
THIS sale represents a regrouping of various sized rugs taken from broken assortments. It re
quires but a casual inspection of the offerings (some of which are to be seen in our Douglas
street windows, and a glance at the reductions in effect to concede this to be a rug clearance of
more than ordinary interest. ,
In Addition to These Many Odd Size Rugs Are Priced Less Than Cost
9x12 Art Loom, Bangor, Bagdad and
Karadi Wilton Rugs all new, clean mer
chandise ; beautiful patterns and color
ings. Rugs that Ave have been selling
regularly up to 95.00. Special for this
sale 9x12 Size 59.98
8-3x10-6 Size
f9xl2 Carleton, Fervac, Bussorah and
Electra Axminister Rugs Good patterns,
beautiful colorings, suitable for any room
in the house; regular prices up to 52.50.
For this sale, at 39.98
Other sizes reduced in proportion.
3Cx63 Wilton Rugs, regular 15.00 value, special at
36x63 Saxony Rugs, regular 18.75 value; choice, at
36x72 Axminster Rugs, regular 7.50 value; choice
27x54 Wilton Rugs, regular 10.00 values; choice, at
27x54 Axminster Rugs, regular 3.50 values; choice
9x12 Velvet and Axminister Rugs Ex
ceptionally good values, just the patterns
and colorings you want. Choice for this
sale, at 26.98
9xJ2 Body Erussels, Sandford ant'
Ilartford Velvet Rugs that have
sold all season at 45.00 34.98
Smaller , 6izes in proportion.
No Itui Sent on Approval mm
Ho Eiclianjulliird Floor.
A Sale of Switches
At Prices Nowhere Excelled.
Exceptional assortments, beautiful shades. This sale offers
an unusual opportunity to secure splendid qualities of hair at
low prices. ,
20-Inch Switches, of fine wavy hair , 1.75
24-Inch Switches, of fine wavy hair; 5.00
value. Choice, at 3.48
Real Human Hair, naturally wavy; switch
20 inches long; 10.00 value, at , 7.98
AIT Around Transformation, fitted and ven
tilated; a 40.00 value, at . 35.00
A PPOINTMENTS toliciitd for facial
1 massage, manicure, etc., in addition
to superb hair dressing service. Marcel
wave, specially priced, at 1.00
Second Floor
Take Advantage of These Prices in the
Sale of White oods
linrton'i White .Irish ropllrf, high
lymercerized, soft finish, 36
inches wide. January Bale, choice,
per yard 75
Pretty White Novelties, In plaids,
stripes and embroidery effects,
for dainty blouses, 38 inches wide,
per yard 59
Fine Quality White Dress and Waist
Voile, made from firm, hard
twisted yarn, 44 inches wide, at,
per yard 40d
Fine Sheer Quality WhKe Striped
Flaxon, name stamped on selvage,
32 Inches wide, per yard 25d
English Long Cloth, best qnallty,
chamois finish, snow white, made
from finest selocted cotton. 12
yard bolts, 42. inches. wide, on
sale, per bolt 3.08
Imperial Long Cloth, fine finish, for
undennuslins, pura white con
tains no filling, 36 Inches wide,
12-yard bolts, per bolt 3.49
Imperial Chamois Finish Ions
Cloth, a new shipment, snow
white, free from filling, launders
and wears perfectly, 36 inches
wide. 12 yard bolt, bolt 1.69
Imperial Sea Island Nainsook, Xo.
1910, 40 inches wide, 12-yard
bolt, per bolt 5.49
Imperial English Kalnsook, Ko. 40,
40 inches wide, 12-yard bolt,
Jan. pale, per bolt 3.08
Colonial Dame Nainsook, oft and
sheer, 36 inches wide, 10-yard
bolts, at ' 3.08
White India Unon, good weight, for
aprons, house dresses; 27 inches
wide, at, per yard
i 1
. 3
r -J1