Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Would Recognize Territorial
Aspirations of Jugo-Slavs
While Safeguarding
Italy's Frontier.
Paris, Jan. 10. President Wilson,
It it said, has virtually made up his
mind how far he will support
Italy's claims at the peace table
and informed Premier Orlando of
his decision, but it is probable his
ideas will not be made known pub
licly until the peace delegates have
been advised of them.
It is asserted by persons close to
the president that he favors only
partial endorsement of Italy's am
bitions. The expectation has been
expressed that President Wilson is
agreeable to meeting the principal
features of Italy's claim to territory
undeniably Italian and essential to
safeguard her sovereignty and at
the same time to recognize the ter
ritorial aspirations of the Jugo
Slavs. It is anticipated that the presi
dent's leanings in favor of Italy do
not go so far as to warrant the
suggestion that he is in favor of
giving Italy control of the Adria
tic, but that by a project of inter
nationalization he is willing to sat
isfy the Italians that there will be
no military threat to the east of
them, according to persons sup
posed to be well informed on the
The president is" said to realize
that the Italians are depending al
most solely on the United States
lor support, but that he has felt
from the first that he could not
endorse their claims in full, though
he is said to entertain the warmest
sympathy for Italy.
Armistice Expires Jan. 17;
No Prolongation Granted
Basel, Jan. 10. The Deutsche All
gemeinc Zeitung. a copy of which
has been received here, says it is
announced that Marshal Foch, commander-in-chief
of the allied armies
on the western front, has tele
graphed the German armistice com
mission that the entente govern
ments have not acceded to the re
quest for a prolongation of the armi
stice which ends January 17. Ac
cordingly, General Foch said, he
wouil meet the German plenipoten
tiaries January 14 or IS at Treves.
"We have 900 gar-,
ments left to" sell
you this season,
with their price
tags cut absolutely
in two.
There are dresses
of serge and satin,'
with the slim sil
houette effects
that are now the
final word in style.'
There are suits of
broadcloth, velour
and serge, just a
few of each sort,
but all the sort of -
values that will
give the lucky pur
chaser a warm
glow about the
heart after she has
taken her "buy"
home. .
There are about
235 good looking
coats, of splendid
wool velour, that
will protect you
through the sever
er winter weather
just ahead.
.... O
(Continued from Fag On.)
dear to him, upon the altar of
"All he had to give he gave to his
country. His gospel of American
ism is today the heritage of his
"His mesage to alt patriots, could
he but speak, would be regs-adlcss
of the new-made gap in the ranks
tarry on, Larry on.
"Therefore in the spirit of Wash
ington and Lincoln and Roosevelt,
the republican party will go for
wardever forward that the cause
of liberty, fraternity and American
nationality may he advanced and
government by the people, of the
people, for the people may not
perish from the earth.'
riie committee reamrmed tne
party's indorsement of woman suf
frage and urged congress to pass
the constitutional amendment for
suffrage and republican state legis
latures to ratify the same when it
is submitted to tnem tor action. .
Members of the committee ap
plauded speeches attacking the
democratic national administration
for what was termed its socialist)'
tendencies and demanding that the
railroads be returned to their own
ers without unnecessary delay.
Governor Beeckman of Rhode'
Island referred to the recent victory
o-he republicans m the congres
sional elections and said that the
people of the north were tired of
paying 90 per cent of the taxes and
having it expended by the minority
of the south which domiiiated th
democratic national administration
Governoi Burnnuist of Minnesota
denounced bolshevism, anarchy and
socialism and said the hope of the
country, for the future was in the
election of a republican president,
Me spoke of the activity of the
Nonpartisan league in the north
west and said the sympathy of the
democratic party had been with
that socialistic organization.
Governor Harding of Iowa criti
cized the democratic national ad
ministration for its aliened extra
gance and inefficiency and referred
to W. G. McAdoo, federal director
of railroads as the crown prince
"This is too big and too great ;
country to be ruled by one corner
of it. said Governor Harding.
hope the republican congress will
see that the railroads are returned
to their owners without delay.
Congressman Koval Johnson o
South Dakota, who appeared in the
uniform of an army officer, and
others made similar addresses.
Hays Given Vote of Confidence
Chairman Hays was given a vote
of confidence by the members and
authorized to name an executive
and other committees at his discre
Mrs. Medill McCormick of Illi
nois. chairman of the woman's ex
ectitive committee, read a long re
port outlining plans tor woman s
organizations in every state and for
active participation of the women
'in the national affairs of the party
in the future.
the committee settled the con
test over the national committee
ship in Louisiana which has been
pending since the last republican
national convention in 1916 by
seatme Emu Kuntz. a neero.
Rev. C. R. Maxwell asked Chair
man Hays to urge congress to make
an investigation of the activities of
the Nonpartisan league in the
northwest. Maxwell was formerly
a lecturer for the organization and
said that Colonel Roosevelt just be
fore his death had advised him to
take his request to Chairman Hays.
The names of possible candidates
for president most persistently men
tioned in informal gossip today were
Gen. John J. Pershing,' Gen. Leonard
Wood, Gov. Frank O. Lowden of
Illinois, Senator Warren G. Hard
ing of Ohio and Senator Hiram
Johnson of California.
New Director Speeds
Up War Risk Insurance
Bureau's Operations
Washington, Jan. 10. Col. Henry
D. Lindsley, new director of the
war risk insurance bureau, told the
house rules committee today that
the organization had not, functioned
properly, but that now authority
was concentrated in the director
where it belonged.
Colonel Lindsley said he was or
ganizing so that correspondence
would be answered immediately.
Certificates to all policy holders
will be mailed out' by February 1,
but all cannot be delivered by that
time because of erroneous addresses,
Colonel Lindsley said that any one
not receiving a certificate by that
date should communicate the cor
rect address to the bureau.
Clemenceau and George Win
Support to Ideas on Impon
tant Problem Before
(Continued from Page On.)
cerning laws and treaties that effect
vitally their daily lives,
Wage workers should have ha
representation at the peace confe
ence. But then, the American dele
gation is representative of nothin
but Mr. Wilson's will, and Mr. Wil
son is relying wholly upon suhse
quent ratification by the American
London, Jan. 10. (Reuter Dis
patch to Canadian Press) Mes
sages from Paris indicate that Pre- people to justify his exclusion from
mier Clemenceau and Lloyd George tn.e .councl, of "v ?.Iem.e"t """j
have scored a great success on the
County Attorneys of
State Will Ask for
Increased salaries
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special)
A meeting of the county attorneys'
association of Nebraska was held
here this afternoon to consider the
preparation of a salary bill for intro
duction in the legislature and name
a committee to work for its pass
age. The members believe that with
the high cost of living they are en
titled to an increase.
The county clerks are also getting
ready to have a bill put in increasing
their salaries. F. O. Lundstrom of
Burt county, chairman of the legisla
tive committee for the association,
was in Lincoln a day or two arrang
ing for a meeting next week.
General Dies in France.
New York, Jan. 10. Word was
received here today of the death
January 4 in France of Brig. Gen.
John Edmondson Stephens, com
manding the Sixty-first brigade,
field artillery. General Stephens,
who was a native of Franklin, Tenn.,
died of pneumonia at Camp De Coet
quidan. Flood Danger Passed at Paris.
Paris. Jan. 10. The danger' point
in the flood condition caused by the
rising of the River Seine has been
passed. The water it now receding.
question of the freedom of the seas
and that very little is likely to be
said on this subject when the actual
peace conference assembles.
lhe Spanish-Moroccan question
also has been settled to the satisfac
tion of England and France.
Premier to be Envoy
Premier Lloyd George Andrew
Bonar Law, chancellor of the exche
quer; A. J. tfaltour, secretary ot
state for foreign affairs, and George
Nicoll Barnes, privy councillor, have
been appointed plenipotentiaries to
the peace congress by the British
cabinet, according to the Express
and the Mail.
William Morris Hughes, premier
of Australia: Sir Robert L. Borden,
premier of Canada, and Gen. Lewis
Botha, premier of the Union of
South Africa, will be colonial repre
sentatives who will have seats when
the congress takes up business of
interest to the dominions they repre.
sent, it said.
Smuts' League Program.
In a pamphlet published today
entitled a League ot Nations, a
Program for the Peace Conference,"
Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, former
member of the British war cabinet.
says it is necessary to view a league class at the hands of those whose
might question the finality of his
He also relies upon the influence
of his rhetorical ethics upon th
minds of the masses of Europe to
compel acquiescence In his projects
by the leaders of the allied powers,
Lvents alone will determine th
wisdom of his scheme,
A priori, it would seem doomed
to failure. The world is too exten
sive. too tomnlex. and at the mo
merit too demoralized to admit of
a settlement upon preconceived ac
ademic lines.
Proletariat Wins.
One thing, however, is clear: that
is, that the conditions under which
live sreat masses of people in
countries who must labor with their
hands and earn their bread by the
sweat of their brows, must receive
the most intelligent and sympathetic
consideration on the part of those
who guard the destinies of the great
From the rank anarchy of Rus
sia s bolshevism to the almost tin
precedented protests of the Bntis
soldiery aeainst conditions of de
mobilization, the verdict of th
common man is heard in every
country, demanding justice and bet
ter treatment for himself and his
of nations not only as a possible
means to prevent future wars, but
as a great organ for the orderly and
peaceful life of civilization and as
the foundation of a new mter-
natmnal svstptn. '
superior education and greater ad
vantages have put them in control
of the machinery of government
lechnically. perhaps, the problems
they present do not fall within th
primary purpose of the peace con
General Smuts says that the Eu- ference, which is to settle the terms
ropean empires will all disappear
and that Germany will become a
truly federal democratic state.
"In the league of nations." he
said, "all states should be considered
equal and should vote as states,
whatever the number of their repre
sentatives delegated to the general
conference of constituent states. Be
sides the conference there must be
a small council composed ot these
that Germany, Austria, Turkey an
Bulgaria must accept as the con
ditions under which they will cease
to be enemies of the civilized world
But every day more uncertain an
unsettled conditions develop i
these countries.
Is Peace Possible Now?
It would be impossible at thi
moment to discover a responsible
five great powers: The British em- government whose signature could
pire, the United States, trance, ne. accepted as a guarantee or tin
future conduct or uermany. aus
tria is already divided, and who can
speak for Turkey.
i he initial consideration before
the peace conference is whethe
there can be any stipulated peace
at all with the Teutonic powers, or
if the allied governments are not
charged with the task of preserving
social order in the regions of Europe
which formerly the enemy govern
ments controlled.
Wholly new social forces evolve
a hew civic order and new industrial
states which may promise peace, and
prosperity-'to peoples whose de.
pendence upon military autocracy in
the past led them to their present
condemnation and ruin.
Peace Delegation Weak,
If this is so we in America must
adiust ourselves to the duty of
maintaining a considerable army in
Europe for some time to come,
will not be popular. It will
acquiesced in only by recognition of
the fact that having put our nana
to the plow, we cannot turn back,
It will be made more tolerable to
our people, if it shall be accompanied
by the accomplishment of some in
ternational arrangement which will
benefit the workinsr classes ot the
countries throukh a common ef
fort at mutual benefit. '
But it is a pity that the American
delegation from the great American
republic to the council at Versailles
is not representative oi anyumiB
but a single personal will.
Italy and Japan, Germany being
adred w'ien she has a stable demo
cratic government."
Will Agree on Fundamentals.
Paris, Jan. 10. President Wilson
before he returns to the United
States will reach an agreerrlent with
entente representatives as to certain
fundamental questions, according to
the Gaulois. These questions con
cern the new boundry between
France and Germany, indemnities
and reparations and Balkan and
Near Eastern matters.
(Continued from Page On.)
zeiger and the Vossische Zeitung
proved unsuccessful
lhe bpartacans have been driven
from the government printing office
and the barracks of the pioneer
guards in Koepenickerstrasse. which
was the scene of heavy fighting
lhe chancellors palace in Wil
helmstrasse, where the five members
of the government have their head
quarters, has been converted into an
armed camp. The spacious recep
tion hall is fille J with men armed
with rifles, hand grenades and flame
throwers. Several rooms have been
fitted up as temporary hospitals for
the wounded picked up in Wilhelm-
strasse and Unter den J-inden.
, Gas and Water Cut Off.
Charlottenbursr. one of the larg
est communities of Greater Berlin,
was without gas and water Wednes
day on account of a strike of city
New Governor Gets to
Office on First Day
of Term Before Sunup
Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 10. (Special)
Gov. S. R. McKelvie reached his
office at the state house today for
The surface street car the first day of his official life before
lines are not operating and the sub- daybreak.
wav s bad v overcrowded. Mcrveivie s nrsi omciai aci was iu
The. rumor that the Snartacans approve the $10,000 bond of his pn
had occupied the Imperial bank is te secretary, Phil Bross. He was
declared to be untrue. kept busy during the day conferring
It is estimated that more than with members of the legislature, who
200 nersnns have fven UllpH in the called and paid their respects and
fiphtinir in Berlin sinr MnnHav. The With the routine office work. The
Chsnte and other outlying hospitals governor issued a writ oi exiraamon
cared for 300 wounded yesterday, ihis morning for George bchreiner,
Twelve dead were carried into the
chancellor s palace in Wllhelm-
strasse during Wednesday.
lhe Berlin regiment of mounted
sharpshooters is supporting the gov
ernment enthusiastically and other
troops in the city are also loyal.
lhis whole bolsheviki uprising
will be put down within the
next three days. We are absolutely
sure of our position. The entire
bourgeoise and three-fourths of the
Berlin workmen are with us.
This statement was made to the
correspondent today on behalf of
the Ebert government. The speak
er added:
"The report that martial law will
be declared is incorrect, but we have
made every military preparation de
manded to meet the situation."
Macklin Gets Thirty Days
on Petty Larceny Charge fawSS
Sylvester iMacklin, negro shop
lifter whose escape and flight from
store detective resulted in the
shooting of a bystander Thursday
afternoon, was tried ' yesterday in
police court and given a jail sen
tence of 30 days for petty larceny.
A. reterson, Benson, who was
njured, underwent an operation yes
terday afternoon for the extraction
of the bullet. He will recover.
formerly of Fort Morgan, Colo., who
is charged with selling mortgaged
goods at that place. Schreiner re
fused to return when a Colorado of
ficial came for him.
"I Am Fading Out Officially,"
McAdoo Tells Railroad Men
Albuquerque, N. M.. Jan. 10.
Describing his position as director
general of railroads as "a hot pok
er, William O. McAdoo, en route
to California, where he will begin
his return to private life, made a
brief speech to several hundred
Santa Fe employes here today.
As director general l have been
handing you boys increased wages
and an eight-hour day, while I have
been getting ?1 a year and an 18
hou'r day," said Mr. McAdoo. "I
must go back to private life I am
20?" asked a voice
in the crowd.
"1 am fading out officially," re
peated Mr. McAdoo with a grin.
Bourgeoise Parties Win
Baden Assembly Election
Copenhagen, Jan. 10. Results of
the elections to the national assem
bly in Baden have been disappoint
ing to the radicals, according to an
admission made by the Freiheit of
Berlin. The independent socialist:
failed to elect a single representa
tive. The bourgeoise parties elect-
Monsignor Fay Dies.
New York. Jan. 10. Monsienor
Sigoverney W. Fay of Baltimore,
icd at the rectory of the church of ed 72 representatives aeainst 39 for
Our Lady of Lourdes here today of the majority socialists, who polled
pneumonia following an attack of less than one-third of the popular
n i - -
uiuuenzik I vote.
Neckwear for
Fashions that meet with
favor include high neck
vests and vestees, high
collars with jabots. Col
lars and sets with cuffa
of organdie, satin and
pique. Ruffling in Geor
gette and organdie.
17ieljFksJiioxi QeiiierjaryixaiKa
Many Fakes of lit
erest for Saturday
We Think This Our Best Sale
of Silks and Woolens
Nothing has been purchased for "Sale"
purposes. Only good things from regular
stock are included. Haskell's and Belding
Silks have new low prices a few of which
we mention. A lot of other values not listed
wiil be discovered by a personal visit.
Pure dye chiffon taffetas,
in the best of spring col
ors (36 inches wide),
$2.50 quality, $1.98 a yard
$2 quality, $1.69 a yard.
Belding's Nancette, a Sur
rah weave that's very new.
(36-inch), $3 regularly,
Saturday, $2.39 a yard.
Satin Liberty, a rich dress
satin in a fine assortment
of colors (36 inches wide) ,
$2.25 quality, Saturdayat
$1.69 a yard.
Haskell's famous black
silks of undeniable super
iority, at the price of or
dinary silks.
The Newest Millinery
Satin in combination
with Georgette crepe
and satin and beaded
The Very Low
est in Price
of the season. Really
marvelous values at
their new price,
Saturday $7.50
Correct Gloves
for Present Wear
Trefousse French K i d
Gloves, pique sewn. In
black, white and all fash
ionable colors; $2.75, $3
and $3.75 a pair.
Washable Leather Gloves,
single clasp and strap
wrist styles. Tan and gray.
$3 and $4.25 a pair.
Apparel Sales
A Thompson - Belden
Coat at is present re
duced price will be high
ly satisfactory. Exclu
sive furs much less Sat
urday. Many bargains
in The Store for Blouses.
Bedding Values
of Importance.
Nashua Wool Nap Blan
kets, in a full assortment
of plaid patterns. Extra
heavy twill, size 66x80.
Positively worth $7. For
Saturday, $5.60 a pair.
Seamless Bed Sheets, ex
tra heavy round thread,
size 81x99. Selling regu
larly for $2.50. Saturday,
$1.89 each.
In the Basement
Toilet Articles
Reduced "Saturday
Bath soap, 8V3C cake.
Ivory articles reduced
to 25c, 50c and 75c.
Hand lotion for 25c.
Saturday Linen Specials
Hemstitched Linen
Damask Table Cloths
$10 values for $7.50.
$12 values for $8.50.
Table Cloths With
Napkins To Match
$10.00 Cloths for $6.89.
One dozen Napkins to match,
$10.75 quality for $7.89 doz.
$7.50 Cloths for $5.89.
Napkins to match, $10 qual
ity, $6.89 doz.
Turkish Towels
39c Bleached Towels, 25c.
50c Bleached Towels, 35c.
73c Bleached Towels, 59c.
$1 Bleached Towels, 75c.
Linen Napkins
In Half Dozen Lots
$10 Napkins, $3.45 for one
half dozen.
$10.75 Napkins, $3.95 for
one-half dozen.
Wash Cloths
10c Turkish Cloths, 7c.
20c Turkish Cloths, 15c.
10c Scrub Cloths, Saturday,
3 for 25c.
35c Hemmed Kitchen Tow
eli, only 25c.
12 He Disk Clothi, lCc.
25c Hemmed Clai Towels,
for only 19c.
Saturday Shoe Bargains
Two hundred and
fifty pairs of shoes,
mostly button styles,
in small sizes, 2yo to
5, reduced for clear
ance purposes to the
Ridiculously Low
Price of
a Pair
All Sales Final.
I "
1 i f
Hand Tailored Suits
For Less
Than the Materials Alone Are Worth
About seventy-five suits, all told, which
must go Saturday to make room for new
arrivals which are starting to come.
The Entire Stock at Three Prices
$29-50 $39.50 $49.50
Including all winter suits, both plain tailor
ed and fur trimmed styles, all hand tailored
and new this season.
$49.50 to $65 Suits, Saturday $29.50
$65 to $105 Suits, Saturday $39.50
$110 to $169.50 Suits, Saturday, $49.50
All Sales Final No Alterations No C. O. Ds.
The Men's Bhm
lias Numerous Good Offerings
The Shirt Sale
Manhattan, Eagle and
Arrow Shirts are all sell
ing at new prices. Make
your selections now while
assortments are good.
i- - -
Pure linen handker
chiefs,' 19c; by the doz
en, $2.25.
Outing flannel night
shirts, Brighton make,
all sizes, $1.50 quality,
for $1.29.
$2 mufflers, for $1.65.
Good colors any in
Any $2 tie, Saturday,
at $1.65.
Linen mesh underwear,
two-piece Kneipp gar
ments, $3 regularly. To
close them out Satur
day, $1 a garment.
Fibre hose. 35c. Three
pairs for $1. Small sizes
The Men's Shop To the Left as Ycu Enter
An Opportunity to
Save on Corsets
A great many models in
various well known makes
are on sale Saturday. You
may find just the corset
you like in this selection,
and if you do, the price
will prove interestingly
low. There are plenty of
medium and large sizes.
As every woman can use
an extra pair, we suggest
that this is a good time to
CorsetsThird Floor
Extra Lace Values
Venise bandings that have
been selling from 50c to
$1 50, '
Saturday, 19c Yard
Wide Venise bandings sold
from $1.50 to $2.50,
Saturday, 59c Yard
Reduced Prices on
Women's Hosiery
Pure thread silk hose with
lisle tops and soles, in
black, white and colors,
$1.25 quality, 98c.
Cashmere hose, regularly
85c, Saturday, 59c a pair.