Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1919, Image 1
SHOULD SOLDIERS HAVE JOBS HELD BY WOMEN? SEE ANSWERS IN SUNDAY BEE. mrp R I E F k(right IJREEZY BITS OF NEWS THE WEATHER; Fair Saturday and Sunday; not much change in tempera ture. Hourly Tmperal jrea, 5 aw m Si; I p. in 41 6 n. m St t p, m 40 7 ai. m. ,. SI! t p. m ....47 SO! 4 p. ni 41 II . m Ml 5 p. in 4H II) at. ni H4j 0 p. m ..40 11 a. ni 811 ! 7 p. ni 4S I! n 4l, . m 41 Omaha Daily 'Bee The SAFEGUARD PLANNED " FOR SAVINGS STAMPS. Washington, Jan. 10. Buyers of $100 and $1,000 war savings stamps now being prepared for issue, will be iafeguarded against loss by a plan of registration worked out by officials of the war loan organiza tion. Receipts for each stamp of the higher denominations will be kept at the Treasury department. The $1,000 stamps will be sold at banks only, and the $100 ones probably at postofrkes and banks. This will leave the distribution ct the smaller stamps, however, to the worker who sold the 1918 green stamps. TWO OFFICIALS PREFER HORSE TO AUTOMOBILE. Washington, Jan. 10. Secretary of the Treasury Glass and Post master General "Burleson prefer t:ie time honored horse-drawn vehicle to the automobile and in deference to their wishes the house appropria tions committee amended the lepfis lative bill today so as to provide carriages for their personal use in stead of automobiles which will bt. furnished other members of the cabinet. ROOSEVELT FRIEND OF ZIONIST MOVEMENT. New York, Jan. 10. Theodore Roosevelt recently approved the Zionist movement and the efforts to establish a Jewish commonwealth in Palestine, it was revealed today by the Zionist organization of Ameri ca. In a letter dated October 16, 1918, to Mrs. Richard Gottheil, lie wrote: '1 believe in the organization of the Zionist state, just as I believe in the creation of the Czech and Armenian states, but in each case the Czechs, Jews or Armenians of the independent foreign states must all, alike, be foreigners to the Ameri can citizens of Jewish, Czech or Armenian origin who stay here." CHANCELLOR'S PALACE TURNED TO ARiED CAMP German Government Kept in Power by Aid of Troops; Berlin Newspaper Row Storm Center. Paris, Jan. 10. The latest news received from Berlin indicates that the government forces have widened the barred zones inside the city and ucceededn effecting a junction be tween thclroops corning from the provinces and those already in the city. ' Copenhagen. Jan. 10. The Spar tacans. Recording to' the Berlin cor respondent of the Berlingske l'i dende, have occupied one of the water works in Berlin and now are attempting to seize the cattle market with the object of cutting off their , adversaries' supplies of meat. The government forces, anticipating the scheme, have been reinforced with many machine guns. The fighting in Berlin, which the Berlin correspondent of the Berling ske Tidende describes as victory ior the government, began Wednes day when the Spartacans were de feated in an attack against the for eign office. At midnight a battle was raging in southwestern and central Berlin. The government troops attacked the Spartacans at the Silesian rail way station with bombs and 65 per sons were killed. The government "orces were tided by aviators. Later the government troops at tacked the Lehrter railway station, on the north bank of the Spree, op posite the Tiergarten. Spartacans Hold Newspapers. Berlin, Jan. 10. The inner city has been comparatively quiet during the last 24 hours. The presence of strong and numerous detachments of government troops who are pa trolling the downtown streets and eliminating all needless traffic has had a reassuring effect. Occasional shots fired as a warning have re sulted in the dispersal of crpwds of curious. "Newspaper row," which com prises the buildings of the leading bourgeoise newspapers, was the scene of fighting during the night and early today. The efforts of the Kovernment troops to drive the Spartacans from the Wolff bureau office, the Tageblatt, the Lokal An (Continiwd on Ps Column Five.) Coroner's Jury Finds Blizek and Family Were Burned to Death Cedar Rapids, la, Jan. 10". In the opinion of the coroner's jury which completed its work tonight Frank Blizek, his wife and their three children were not murdered, but were burned to death in the Tire which destroyed their home early yesterday, near Oxford Junction. All had been confined to their beds with influenza. The murder theory developed to day when it was found that the bodies were apparently headless. Rumors spread that the family had been murdered by tramps, hoping to find money in the house. All evidence, however, pointed to acci Jcntal fire. The family has had a tragic his tory. Blizek's father was killed by " a train ten years ago. Her riiind de ranged by the shock, the mother .s'uot herself, and wounded the oilier son, Louis. He recovered and is now in France, havingVecently re ceived gunshot wounds and gas in juries. Blizek h?s been active in all pa triotic work of the community dur ing, the war. - VOT. 48 Mf) 178 tttM VULi. 30 HO. 0Kf)lt n L Committee Pavs Homage to Roosevelt; Speakers Em phasize Need of Re publican Success. Chicago, Jan. 10. Denunciation of bolshevism and insiduous socialistic doctrines marked numerous ad dresses today at the meeting of the republican national committee here, several speakers declaring that the election of a republican president is all that can save, the country from evil days in the future. With women sitting in the coun cils of the party for the first time in its history the day was 'a veritable love feast at which plans were '.aid and campaign strategy discussed. Chairman Will H. Hays established a precedent by delivering a short prayer before he called the meeting to order. Later in the day Chairman Hays suggested that the committee con sider what it might do to express its admiration for the late Colonel Roosevelt. Acting upon this sug gestion the committee decided to ap peal to the republicans of the coun try to erect a permanent memorial to the former president. It is plan ned to raise the necessary funds by popular subscription. The character of the memorial is to be decided upon by a special committee of which V. B. Thompson of Yonkers, N. Y., is chairman. The other mem bers of the committee will be named by Chairman Hays later. Hays Suggests Memorial. "We have no idea at present iust what the memorial w'ill be, or now much it will cost," said Chairman Hays. "It may be a library taole for the Roosevelt home or it may be a monument or some kind of building that will cost millions of dollars." In suggesting the idea to the com mittee Chairman Hays said: "I suggest for your consideration the idea that this committee sponsor a movement for the development ot a permanent, memorial to the mem ory of Theodore Roosevelt. Just what the nature of this might be or the extent to which it might be car ried is a matter for careful consider ation, but it cannot be too substan tial nor of an extent too treat adequately to measure the merit of the deceased." After representatives from every state had delivered addresses on the death of Roosevelt, the commit tee adopted bv a risintr vote the following resolutions presented by national Committeeman John 1. King of Connecticut: "The republican party mourns the passing of Theodore Roosevelt. In an hour of difficulty and danger, he lias tallen like a warrior in battle, leaving a place in national and inter national leadership which cannot be filled. . Pledgi Loyalty to Ideals. ' "The truest tribute it is possible to pay his memory is in the pledge that his party, the republican party, shall remain true to the ideals of Americanism and of special ad vancement with which his name will forever be linked and for which, throughout his useful career, he struggled with such heroic and in spiring ardor and devotion. Histcrv will write his name high on the roll of those who, not only of this nation but of all the modern world, wrought greatly in human ity s behalf. "Under the .leadership of Abraham Lincoln the republican party proved its lovaltv to the nation when charged with the full responsibility of government in a supreme crisis! in the hie of the republic. "Under the leadership of Theo dore Roosevelt the republican party in a world crisis, proved that as a party out of power it could rise to the same high level of devoted ser vice and by its patriotic course in sure complete national unity in sup port of the country's cause. Above all others, as the turopean war came on, his virile voice was heard arousing Americans to a sense of their dutv and their peril, and to the imperative necessity of subordinating every other consider ation in both public and private life to the one purpose ot achieving Dy victory a just and enduring peace. Ready to Give His Life. "With all his limitless energy and dauntless courage, his far-reachjng vision, his genius for organization and leadership, his tremendous force of thought and gifts of expression, with his breadth of human interest and human sympathies, and his re markable range of personal at tainments the quality in Theodore Roosevelt which most enobles a life crowded with high achievement, is that like his great prototypes in the presidency, Washington and Lin coln, he was ready to lay his all. hi3 own life and the lives of those (Continued on Far Two, Column Two.) lEluftlAL FLAWED BY HO. P. u iM4-eltM iMtttr May W. IK. t p, o, , Ml Martn 3. 139 U in! Ll W Liu Wickersham Believes That Common Man Must Receive Most Intelligent and Sympathetic Consideration From Those Who Guard Destinies of Great Nations First Question to Be Settled at Conference is Whether Discord in Europe Will Not Prevent Any Stipu lated Peace at All With Teutonic Powers; Must Preserve Social Order. By GEORGE W. WICKERSHAM Former United States Attorney General. (Copyrighted 1919, by New York Tribune News Service.) London, .Jan. 10. (Special Dis patch to New York Tribune and Omaha Bee.) The actual date of the assembling of the delegates to the peace conference again has been postponed. The latest dispatches from Paris indicate the probable delay, with "informal -conferences" in the meantime. Possibly this means that the leaders of the great powers hope during this period to reach an agree ment on the essentials of the main program which may be promptly adopted by the conference. This would not be that "open di plomacy," which is one of the ideals put forward in some quarters, but it would be more apparent to ac complish practical results than could be reached in the same time by meetings of the entire confer ence. Cannot Wait on League. Meantime, well informed corres pondents report that the proposed league of nations is to play an im portant part in the consideration and determination of the great eco nomic questions which are con fronting all the countries of the world. But the league of nations is not yet an accomplished fact, and as far as can be learned, not even its outlines have been definitely settled. It can hardly be imagined, there fore, that the consideration of eco nomic questions such as are press ing to the front in every country to OLHilUNDR SALARY. FORT STATE 0FFI0 Records Show That Dan J. Connell Served as Combined Labor Commissioner and Factory Inspector. From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln.'Neb., Jan. 10. (Special Telegram) Dan J. Connell of Omaha, appointed factory inspector under the Neville administration, has in reality been serving as labor com missioner and since September 1 has been drawing $125 a month as com bined labor commissioner and fac tory inspector, the auditor's records disclose. George Norman, publicly credited as labor commissioner, has been de voting his entire time as compensa tion commissioner under appoint ment of Gov. Neville. Mr. Norman said the duties of the office have been so heavy that he did not have time to look after the work of the labor commissioner. The situation attracted attention today when it became known that Mr. Norman expected to hold over until next July under his commission from Gov. .Neville. Frank A. Kennedy of Omaha, ap pointed by Governor McKelvie labor commissioner, arrived here today to take over the duties of the office. Gov, McKelvie, it is understood, docs not share the same view as Mr. Nor man but believes that the labor com missioner and the compensation law commissioner must be combined into one office. A Thousand Yous It would easily take a thousand yous, traveling hard all day, to find out for yourself what the farm land advertisements tell you in a few minutes morning or evening. They deserve your atten tion. They deserve your confidence. And what is more to the point, they will save you money. They point out for you -the Farm land Bargains of this section, read them today tomorrow and next day. If you have a farm for sale, let the fact be known by using the Bee Farm land columns and "Keep Your Eye on The Bee" Improving Every Day 'IS HO, ES OMAHA, SATURDAY, day can be held to await the func tioning of a yet created league of nations. That a more speedy consideration of such questions will be undertaken by representatives of the various powers now gathering in Paris, is suggested- by the announcement of the arrival there of Bernard Baruch and "Medill McCormick, as "mem bers of the economic branch of the American peace commission," and by the departure from New York for Europe of Samuel Gompers. . Mistake Omitting Gompers. The object of the latter is said to found a new international federation of labor, having its basis in the trade union movements of the var ious countries. Mr. Gompers is quoted as having made the state ment that organized labor in Ameri ca was sending a representative to Europe - to watch the council at Versailles, where questions of the greatest import to millions of peo ple will be discussed and settled. I have thought, from the moment that the list was promulgated, that President Wilson had made a capital mistake in not including Mr. Gompers among the delegates to the peace conference. Mr. Gompers quite truly says that the laborers of the world are asserting the right to be heard and to be consulted eon- (Continurd on Page Two, Column Four.) ELKS DO HONOR TO OFFICERS OF LODGE Bruce A. Campbell Delivers Address Following Initia tory Ceremony at' Masonic Temple. Following a dinner at the Fonte nelle and an initiatory ceremony at the Masonic temple last night. Grand Exalted Ruler Bruce A. Campbell of the Elks spoke on the Elks' part in the war. "The day that saw the signing of SOME OF 'EM ARE TALL. Size is no bar to hojding office iu the Elks lodge. The Elks like 'em long, short and tall. Bruce A. Campbell of East St. Louis, 111., grand exalted ruler, who passed ' Friday in Omaha, is a "big man in size too, for lie is srx feet three inches tall and weighs 210 pounds. Fred C. Robinson of Dubuque, la., grand exalted secretary, who accompanied him, is only four feet ten inches tall and weighs but 108 pounds. v "Texas" and "Rhode Island" are here on an official visit to the lodge, the first one in ten years. They were special guests at the Elks' initiation held Friday night in Shriners' Temple. the armistice," he declared, "saw more,, than 50,000 Elks wearing the army' or navy uniform's of the Cnited States. . "We took the lead in all worthy work of relief and defense of our flag and let us keep it! "In Omaha and in every lodge throughout this country let it be known that the B. P. O. E. is identi fied first with every worthy move ment and not with politics. "The only business of the Elks has been the prosecution of this war until the last enemy flag was hauled down and the order has devoted its entire time to this work of victory. "Elk lodges have subscribed $4,000,000 for Liberty bonds, have given $3,000,000 to the Red Cross, $1,000,000 to the Y. M. C. A., and in excess of $1,000,000 to other war relief organizations." Other prominent Elks last night at the dinner and initiation were: Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, Dubuque; Frank Rain of Fairbury, slated to be the next grand exalted ruler. Mr. Campbell is a resident of East St. Louis, III. Exalted Ruler Charles R. Doch erty of the Omaha lodge of Elks presided last night. Mr. Campbell and others of his party left at midnight for Kansas City to be honor guests of the Elks there. The Masses Case Dismissed. New York, Jan. 10. The indict ment against the socialist magazine, The Masses, and five of its editors and contributors, charged with vio lation of the espionage act, was dis missed in the federal court today at the instance of Attorney General Gregory. JANUARY 11, 1919. AA RICKEHBACIIER IS PREMIER AGE OF YANK ARIY Luke and Lufbery, Both Killed, Second and Third Respectively on Of ficial List. -4 EDDIE RICKENBACHER Washington, Jan. 10. Capt Ed ward V. Rickenbacher of Omaha and Columbus, O., famous as an automobile driver, was the premier "ace", of the American air forces in France, having 26 enemy planes to his credit. An official report receiv ed today at the War department showed that there were 63 "aces" men downing five or more enemy machines in the American army when the war ended. First. Lt. Frank Luke, jr., of Pheonix, Ariz., who" was killed in action, was second in the list of "aces," with 18 victories to his cred it, and Maj. Victor Raoul Lufbery of Wallingford, Conn., who was also killed in action, was third with 17 victories. Before joining the Ameri can army Major Lufbery was a member of the Lafayette escadrille. Gained Fame Early. Capt. Eddie Rickenbacher. noted as an auto racer in Omaha and other cities.awent overseas as a motor car driver for General Pershing. He had spent a number of years here before he branched out in the rac ing game. General Pershing allowed him to go into aviation training and within three months he was Lieutenant Rickenbacher and "flying high." May 31, 1918, he saved the life of i Lieut. A. Meissner, a Brooklyn av iator, from Hun bullets and brought down five German planes single handed. Tli air battle took place east of Thiacourt, France. Within a short time, he was pro moted to the rank of captain in the aviation corps. It was given out from the War department that Captain Ricken bacher would assist the government in establishing an aviation school, independent of the army and navy college's. Lloyd George Premier and Lord of Treasury in New British' Cabinet London, Jan. 10. The new British cabinet will be headed bv David Lloyd George as premier and first lord of the treasury, according to an official statement issued tonight. The other members of the govern ment include: Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons Andrew Bouar Law. President of Hhe Council and Leader in the House of Lords Earl Curzon. Ministers without Portfolio George Nicoll Barns and Sir Eric Geddes. Lorn Chancellor Sir F. E. Smith. Home Secretary Edward Shortt. Foreign Secretary Arthur J. Bal four. Secretary for the Colonies Vis count Milner. Secretary of War and of the Air Ministry (which have been com bined) Winston Spencer Churchill. Secretary for India Edwin S. Montague. First Lord of the Admiralty Walter Hume Long. President of the Board of Trade Sir Albert Stanley. Senate of California Votes for Dry Nation Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 10. The senate of California voted to ratify the national prohibition amendment today, 25 to 14. The assembly has not yet acted on the measure. New Loan to Belgium. Washington, Jan. 10. A credit of $3,250,000 in favor of Belgium was established today by Secretary Glass. A i V fcaarafi-alaVaatniiiirifln By Mill (I yiar). Dally. 14.90: Dally and Son., $5. SO: outtlda Nab. TRAFFIC TIEUP IN GOTHAM KEPT UP BY DEADLOCK Port of New York Paralyzed While Boat Owners and Workers Prepare for Fight to Finish. New York, Jan. 10. No hope of an early settlement of the strike which has paralyzed the port of New York for two days was ap parent tonight. Leaders of the 16,000 workers on tugs, lighters and ferry boats declared emphatically that they were prepared for a finish fight. Their employers, members of the New York Boat Owners as sociation, were equally emphatic in their assertion that they never vould yield to the demand for an eight-hour day. The visit to the city late today of Secretary of War Baker led to the hope that his influence might result in an adjustment, but the hope was shortlived. When the secretary left tonight for Ottawa he had given no intimation that the War depart ment would take a hand in the con troversy. On the contrary, he said tire strike had not resulted in serious embarrassment to the department. Returning troops were being de barked without delay, he stated, and there had been no interruption to the flow of supplies to the army over-seas. Enough navy tugs are available for this work, Mr. Baker said. Put Up to the President. Washington, Jan. 10. Further government action to end the strike of marine workers which has tied up shipping in New York harbor, awaited Word tonight from Presi dent Wilson in Paris. Urgent reports on the situation were sent to him by the Department of Labor and the executive offices of the White House, after govern ment representatives in New York had failed in efforts to compose the differences between the boat owners and their employes. It was said that ! the president's personal influence with the workers was counted on to induce a resumption of work pend ing a settlement of the questions at issue. Secretary Wilson and Hugh L. Kerwin, chief of the division of con ciliation of the Department of Lab or, were in close touch all day with department representatives at the scene of the strike. , Boat Owners Blamed. , Blame for the present crisis was placed on the boat owners l.y the war labor board in a telegram to Gov. Edge of New Jersey, replying to his request that the board make another effort to adjust matters. Basil M. Manly, joint chairman of the board, asserted that the marine workers have offered to arbitrate, but that the boat owners consistent ly refused and had abrogated :heir agreement thus placing themselves in an "untenable position." ' Hope that the strike, at least so far as it affects railroad craft, would be ended within 48 hours was ex pressed tonight by railroad officials who declared that unless it was ?nd ed within that time "drastic" action would have to be taken to insure the movement of food and other supplies to New York City and over seas. Walter D. Hines, assistant direc tor general, was in communication today with Director General Mc Adoo, who was traveling through New Mexico, enroute to California. Wilson Signs a Bill. Washington, Jan. 10. Notice of the signing by President Wilson in France of the first bill sent to the White House by congress after the president sailed last month was cabled today to Secretary Tumulty. It was the measure authorizing the payment of transportation home of war workers leaving the government service. . Hunting in Nebraska along the Platte River is splendidly shown in pictures in the Sunday Bee Rotogravure Section and will be sought after by hundreds who have shot from their blinds the birds that annually mi grate south in the fall. You no doubt will rec ognize 2. friend or two in one of the several pic tures shown. Phone Tyler 1000 now and have The Bee delivered regularly by carrier to your home Sunday, tl HO: aoilaaa axtra TWO CENTS. Zeppelin Flies Four Days Without Landing in Effort to Save Huns By Universal Service. Special Cable Dispatch. London, Jan. 10. Continuous airship service between England and America in the near future is predicted by Maj. Gen. F. H. Sykes, chief of the British air service. As an instance of what has already been accomplished, he cited today the fact that a Zeppe lin was four days in the air with out landing, flying from Jamdeli, Bulgaria, to German East Africa, carrying 12 tons of ammunition for the relief of a force operating there. Upon his arrival in German East Africa, the Zeppelin com mander was informed that the German force which he was to aid had surrendered.' He thereupon set out for home and reached his base in perfect safety. Crowd in Luxemburg Demands Abdication of the Grand Duchess DUCHtSS OF L.UXLMBU.RS- Metz, Jan. 10 (Havas) A large crowd paraded before the grand ducal palace in Luxemburg today, requesting the abdication of the grand duchess and the proclamation of a repub1ic. A committee on pub lic safety has been appointed and quiet is being maintained everywhere in Luxemburg. The Paris Matin on January 6, re ported that Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide of Luxemburg had decided to leave her country owing to the political situation there which was said to have become unfavorable for her. During last November it was reported that her abdication would be demanded by the parliament and the people. The grand duchess is 24 years old and has been the ruler of Luxemburg since June, 1912. Cable Company Denied Injunction to Prevent Seizure of Its Lines New York, Jan. 10. The injunc tion suit brought by the Commer cial Cable company and the Com mercial Pacific Cable company against Postmaster General Burleson to restrain him from taking over for the government their respective ca ble lines, was dismissed today by Federal judge Learned Hand. The court's decision in the mat ter was based on the contention of the United States district attorney that the court was without jurisdic tion in the case, inasmuch as the action was undertaken by President Wilson as an executive act for war purposes. Bee Employes' Dance Increase Shoe Fund The dance given by the employes of the Bee business office in the Turpin academy, Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets last night, added a total of $125 to the Bee Shoe fund. About 100 couples were present. Features of the evening were several exhibition dances by Mr. and Mrs. Conners, singing by Miss Agnes Britton, and a duet dance by Mr. and Mrs. Conners accompanied vocally by Miss Britton. Just be fore the c'.ose the hall was darkened a spot light thrown on the Ameri can flag and all present joined in singing the Star Spangled Banner. t) I -' K-k ' (rf if . Vt-, ! ; , ) ' V , ' V: "'Via i Tf- 4 a? H A WiltM INCITE TO VIOLENCE Troops in Argentine Directed to Put Down Outbreaks Regardless of Cost in Blood. . Buenos Aires, Jan. 10. At 11 o'clock tonight battles between strikers and police were raging in all parts of the city. There was a sharp conflict in front of the post office. If the fighting spreads in this district it probably will be necessary to close the cable office. Several attempts were made to night to capture the first district police station, one block from the American consulate. It is impos sible at this time to make any calculation of the number of cas ualties. Buenos, Aires, Jan. 10. General Dellepaine commander of the forces opposing the strikers, has assumed a military dictatorship and has tak en over all the forces of the govern ment. General Dellepaine's assumption of dictatorial powers followed two serious attempts by strikers to cap ture police headquarters. He has assumed the functions of the minis ters of war, the navy and the in terior, making himself supreme commander. His supporters say he is exerting all the forces at his dis posal for, and not against, the gov ernment. The newspapers say the strike is the outcome of a bolshevik revolu tionary movement by foreign agita tors who rush through the streets in taxicabs bearing red flags. . Anarchist Outbreak. There was an anarchist outbreak today at Mar De Plata, a fashion able bathing resort, 230 miles south east of Buenos Aires. The anarch ists attempted to occupy the police station, but were repulsed when forces were landed from the cruiser San Martin. Several persons were killed in clashes between strikers and gov ernment forces here today. Sol diers and police were instructed to put down outbreaks of violence re gardless of the cost in blood. The regional federation has ordered that the general strike be continued in definitely and has instructed its members to oppose' all acts of ag gression by the government forces. Shoot Up Stores. The strikers began the day by shooting into every business house which attempted to open, and after the shops had closed devoted their energies to burning privately own ed automobiles. A cavalry patrol this afternoon had a pitched battle with a group of Russian who had sacked a gun shop. Cavalry has taken over the municipal slaughter house to insure a'proper distribu tion of meat. This the strikers tried to prevent. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the railways 'announced that not a train was running in the republic. The only newspaper permitted to circu late today was La Vanguardia, the socialist organ, other papers being burned by the strikers as fast ss they appeared. Police reports in dicate that more than 100 persons were killed in the affrays of yester day and last night. " ' ' - Taft to Lead Crusade in Behalf of Plan for a League of Nations New York, Jan. 10, Plans for a series of nine consecutive "con gresses" in behalf of a league of na tions, to be held in New York, Bos ton, Chicago, Minneapolis, Port land, Ore.; San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Mo., and Atlanta, Ga., beginning February S and end ing February 28, were announced here today by the League to En froce Teace. .former President Taft will pre. siae at each rally. Earling Resigns as Head of St. Paul Railroad Board Chicago, Jan. 10. The resignation of Robert J. Earling, chairman of the board of directors of the Chica go, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway, was announced today. He built the St. Paul line to the Pacific coast and made it the first line to use elec tricity in operation over the conti nental divide. - Mr. Earling is nearly 71 and en tered the service of the road when 17 as a telegrapher." It was announced that he will be succeeded by Ransom M. Calkins, former traffic manager of the road, who was elected president in No vember, but who for several month has been out of the railroad and it charge of shipbuilding interest d the Pacific coast, 1