Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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South Side
South Side Branch Caring for
Seventy-Five; Influenza
Cause in Many
Seventy-five families are being
cared for on the South Side by the
Associated Charities, according to
., Mrs. Anna Born of the South Side
branch. Mrs. Born says that in
f nearly every case either the father,
the mother or both have been ill
with influenza. In a number of cases
the father has died, leaving a large
family for the mother to provide
Mrs. Born also calls atteniion to
the large number of people who have
come to Omaha, lured by the high
wages paid. Many of these people
' are from the country and have been
forced by crop failures or other ad
verse conditions to come to the city
for jobs. With little or no financial
reserve, they are forced to appeal
to the charities in case of sickness.
Former South Omaha
Soldier Sends Mother
. Mexican Souvenirs
When Mrs. B. J. Arnold of 4410
South Twenty-fourth street, opened
a letter from her son, Pri. C. E. Ar
nold, and saw two criso bills float
lightly to the floor she exclaimed.
with delight, Why the boy s been
On closer investigation, however,
she found that the bills, one a five
and one a 20, were made in Mexico.
The letter explained that they were
worthless in the United States.
Young Arnold, who is a former
South Side boy, is stationed at Fort
Bliss, El Paso, Tex. Several weeks
ago, he writes, his company was
equipped for overseas duty. He was
much elated at the thought of see
ing duty in France, and even pre
pared a letter to his people, which
he gave to a less fortunate chum to
mail after he had sailed. Jut as
they were getting on a train for the
port of debarkation, however, orders
were received to remain at Fort
Bliss, and his hopes were shattered.
Denver Cattleman Greets
Friends in Stock Exchange
H. H. Robinson of Denver, well
known at the Union Stock yards as
one of the pioneer cowmen of Ne
braska and Montana, spent a busy
morning yesterday at the Stock ex
change greeting friends and recall
ing reminiscences.
Mr. Robinson was the manager of
the Bay State Land and Cattle com
pany, which, at one time, ranged
around 70,000 head of cattle on the,
prairies of western Nebraska and
eastern Wyoming.
"It is a pleasure for me to think,"
said Mr. Robinson, "that I shipped
the first corn-fed hogs that greased
the floor of the old Hammond Pack
ing company .
Limited Service Men Look
, for Release in Near Future
' Limited service men on the South
Side are waiting anxiously to be
mustered out of the service. J. J.
Breen, of Local Board No. 2, re-
, cetved notice yesterday that no mail
would be received at the draft board
office in the South Side city hall after
January IS. Men working in the
office consider this a good omen,
and expect to be mustered out of the
service in a short time.
Brief City News
South Side Brevities
Have Root Print It Beacon Press.
Royal Sweepers, Burgeas-Granden
Movies at Parks moving: pic
ture machine has been purchased
by the park department and Is to be
used In giving exhibitions at the
community centers.
Course In Road Building A short
course in roadTJuildingr has been in
stalled in the engineering depart
ment course of the University of
Nebraska. It will require from four
to lix weeks to complete.
Munger to Hold Court Here
Federal Judge Hunger of Lincoln
will hold court in Omaha Saturday
in the absence of Federal Judge
Woodrough, who has convened
court in Oklahoma this month.
Methodist Leader to Speak Dr.
Sherman Powell of Indianapolis,
stewardship secretary for the Cen
tenary movement of the Methodist
church, will speak at the Trinity
Methodist church. Twenty-first and
Binney streets, Friday night at 8
p. m. , i
Visit Omaha Friends H. H. Hot
comb, assistant freight traffic man
ager of the Burlington, with head
quarters in Chicago, is spending
the day calling on Omaha friends.
Mr. Holcomb was a fornrer resident
of Omaha and was general freight
agent of the Burlington when he
was here.
Warm Weather in State Accord
ing to the reports to the railroads,
all points in Nebraska, Colorado
and Wyoming are reveling in a
brand of weather similar to that en
Joyed by Omahans. Out in the
state this morning temperatures
.started in 20 to 36 above zero, con
tinuing to rise as the day advanced.
Carey Cleaning Co. Web. 392.
Pioneers of Douglas
County Hold Annual
Election, of Officers
At the meeting of the Douglas
County Association of Nebraska
Pioneers yesterday afternoon the
following officers for the ensuing
year were elected by acclamation:
President Charles Unltt.
First Vic President Henry W. Dunn.
Secnd Vice. President Mrs. Alice A.
Third Vice. President Alvin Metzlcr.
Fourtli Vice President Mrs. Ida Knight.
Fifth Vice President Frank Dewey.
Sixth Vice President Mrs. John
Seventh Vice President John O. Willis.
Secretary Mrs. Mary Cormack.
Assistant Secretary Mlsa Anna K. Bow
man. Treasurer Jacob Counsman.
The secretary reported the death
of David, H. Mercer, former presi
dent of the association. W. I.
Keirstead and Mrs. Alice A.
Minick, were named as a committee
to formulate and present resolutions
on his death, which were adopted.
Members of the association were
urged to attend the funeral of Mr.
Mercer to be held at the First
Presbyterian church at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon. ,
Death of other members since the
last meeting was reported as fol
lows: Sarah Brewster, George M.
Drexel and Lewis S. Reed.
Mesdames R. M, Fay, Caroline
Lockner and Jennie Maginn, were
appointed a committee to prepare
and present an entertainment pro
gram for the next monthly meeting
of the association.
Arranging for and preparing the
program of the mid-winter picnic to
be held February 22, was turned over
to F. J. Stafford, Mrs- Al Sorenson,
Charles G. Hunt, Mrs. George W.
Winship, H. D. Rhoades, Mrs. Mary
Cormack and Mrs. Agnes R. Stev
C. J. Southard, attorney, formerly of
South Omaha, Is now associated In the
law practice In Omaha with C. C. Shep
pard, under the firm name of 8heppard &
Southard, 477-481 Brandeii Bldg., Omaha.
County Attorney 8hotwell notified
Captain Madsan of the South Side police
eserday that he could bo reached, In
camt of a violent death, by telephone at
DouKlaa 3008 or Harney 230. He also
listed the telephone number of his rhlef
clerk, Paul IT. steinwenaer, as nuiiiiii.
The publication of these numbers was
A letter nr received yesterday by the
South Side police from Mrs. Hulday Eck,
of 13 N. street, Lincoln, requesting that
they search for her son, Eugene Eck. Mra.
Eck aaye that the last time she heard
from her son was In September. At
that time he was employed at a packing
house on tha South Side. Ha wa In the
laat drafj .
Woman Declares She Has
Not Bought Costly Dresses
Married life for Emma May Kas
. trinos "has not proven an absolute
success, not full of joy, peace, hap
piness and contentment," she al
leges in a divorce petition filed
Thursday against Steven Kastrinos.
This. is because Stevens has a ten
dency not to work, she alleges.
Plaintiff has worked hard sine:
her marriage and "has not spent
her money in fashionable dress or
costly attire," but has applied all
the proceeds of her earnings to
their home, she says. Plaintiff as
serts her husband is capable of earn
ing between $S0 and $100 a month,
Anna D. Pendrock charges cruelty
. in her divorce suit against Michael
Pendrock filed in district court
Thursday. He threatened her and
addressed her in such vile and pro
fane lano-nace of such character she
does not wish to set it forth in her
petition, she states.
- Mrs. Pendrock asks the court
fnr riictnrlv nf their four children.
John, 12; Louis, 10; William, 8; and
Veronica, 6, and to award her
South Side property, owned by her
husband and a sufficient sum for
the, care of the children.
. University Club Elects New
, Officers at Noon Meeting
The following officers were
. elected for the University, club for
the ensuing year at a meeting
Thursday noon. . N. H. Loomis,
oresident: Howard Smith, vice-pre
ident; Sam Caldwell, second vice
oresident: G. M. Durkee, third vice
president; W. C. Ramsey, secre
tary; U J. uaassen, treasurer.
and Police Find
Large Touring Automobile
Police are looking for the owner
of a large touring car, license num
ber 119568 Neb., that' was found at
Twenty-ninth and Mason streets
Wednesday and brought to the po
lice station by Kenneth Bush, 2905
Leavenworth street, and V. W. Ben
ner, No. 6, Portland apartments.
The boys told the police that two
unidentified men in another touring
car were making ready to haul the
recovered automobile away but
quickly left the car standing when
the boys came upon them. Polic
have the car at the station- .
John Rahm Surprised by
Employes on Birthday
John B. Rahm, vice-president and
general manager of the United
States Supply company, was sur
prised by his employes Wednesday
on the occasion of his b-rthday. On
reaching his office, the notes of a
bugle caused the office and ware
house force to asemble. and march
single file through his private office.
iach presented Mr. Rahm with a
cut flower, .which were arranged by
one of the young women in a hand
some decorated basket provided for
the purpose.
is some-times
painful. For
instance when
the doctor says
up -the dearly
loved cup of s
coffee, sss
Happiness fol
lows however
when one finds
out how
delicious and
health making
, is the pure
,. cereal drink
9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Hash C my
9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Thursday, January 9, 1919-
-Phone Douglas 2100
Announcing For Friday
An Extraordinary Mid- Winter Clear away of
BEGINNING Friday in the Downstairs Store we will inaugurate a remarkable clearaway of muslin underwear, including exquisite pieces made of fine quality
nainsook and muslin, beautifully trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbons in dainty designs. ,
The prices have been cut from 10 to 25 under the regular price and there is not a single garment in
the assortment that does not represent a wonderful value.
Included Are: '
Women's Night Gowns
Women's night gowns, daintily trimmed 95c
Women's nainsook gowns, lace trimmed $1.35
Women's embroidery and lace trimmed gowns.. $1.50
Women's muslin gowns, lace trimmed, at $1.65
Women's gowns of fine quality, trimmed $1.75
Women's beautiful lace trimmed gowns $1.95
Women's gowns trimmed with embroidery. . .$2.25
Women's embroidery and lace trimmed gowns.. $2.50
Women's Envelope Chemise
Lace and
, Women's
nainsook chemise, lace trimmed 49c
chemise, daintily trimmed, at 65c
or muslin envelope chemise 95c
embroidery trimmed chemise $1.35
envelope chemise, lace trimmed $1.65
beautifully trimmed chemise $1.50
chemise of fine quality material $1.75
chemise prettily trimmed with lace... $1.95
r Included Are:
Women's Corset Covers
Corset covers of nainsook, trimmed 19c
Dainty corset covers of nainsook or batiste 25c
Women's corset covers of splendid material 49c
Batiste or nainsook corset covers at 65c
Women's corset covers, trimmed with embroidery, 75c
Women's corset covers, with lace and embroidery, 95c
Beautifully trimmed corset covers at $1.25
Corset covers trimmed with pretty lace $1.50
Women's White Petticoats
Under ,
Regular Price
White petticoats with muslin flounce
Women's white petticoats, embroidery trimmed
Muslin petticoats, embroidery trimmed
Dainty petticoats, lace or embroidery trimmed..
Petticoats with flounce trimmed in lace
Women's petticoats, beautifully trimmed
Muslin petticoats, of splendid quality
Petticoats with lace or embroidery trimming...
. .69c
. .75c
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Specials For Friday From
The House furnishing Section
HOUSEHOLD mop outfits consisting of 1
triangle shape cedar polish mop with
handle, 1 triangle shape dustless mop with
handle and bottle of cedar oil polish. Set,
complete, 69c.
Gray enameled dish pans, 14-quart size, first
quality, $1.00.
White enameled tea kettles, seamless, reg
ular size, $1.95.
Blue and white and all white enameled tea
pots, 1-quart size, 59c.
Splint clothes hamper with hinged cover,
large size, $1.35.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
Entire Stock of Children's
Sweaters and Knit Goods
WE will place on sale Friday our entire! 1
stock of children's sweaters, leggings, O
sacques, scarf sets and sweater sets, includ- ' ' ,
ing broken sizes at a greatly reduced price. J P HCC
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
Boys' Pants
Knickerbocker pants that are
just the kind for the boys to
wear to school. Very service
able; sizes 7 to 16. Choice at
98c a pair.
Burgeai-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Large Lot of Yarn
Odd balls and skeins and
slightly soiled yarn, including
4-fold Germantown, Shetland
floss, Saxony, Vicuna, Teazel
yarn, etc. Choice, 25c each.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Women' sand Misses' Wool
Fibre and Silk Sweaters
- . I ( UR entire stock of women's and misses'
m I sweaters, including heavy wool, also
4 j fibre and silk sweaters. The entire assort
Qff ment has been subjected to a great reduc
tion. Birgeaa-Naah Co. 'Downataira Store.
A Large Assortment of
Men's Shirts
THE wise man will purchase several of
these splendid shirts for the savings
are remarkable. There are negligee styles
with soft or laundered cuffs made of per
cale and madras.
Good patterns and colors to
select from.
They are slightly soiled but
tney are great values at 59c
Sizes 14 to 17. 1
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Sale of Soap, 10 Cakes
Choice of Pearl White, Dia
mond "C" and White Borax
Naphtha soap. Friday in the
Downstairs Store at 10 cakes
for 43c Also Lux at 2 pack
ages, 25c.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Knitting Yarn
A large assortment of knit
ting yarn in khaki, light and
dark gray in Vt -pound hanks.
Very special Friday , at 79c a
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
A Clearaway of Children's
Black Sateen Bloomers
T71 RIDAY in the Downstairs Store we offer
JU you choice of a large lot of children's
bloomers made of splendid quality black
sateen and they are priced at an extremely
low price.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
Clearaway in the
Downstairs Store of
Infants9 Wear
THE baby can be outfitted here Friday. with dainty
little clothing at prices that are greatly reduced.
Baby Dresses, 49c to $125
Baby's long dresses, made of shepr
nainsook and prettily trimmed with
lace or embroidery, from 49c to $1.25.
Baby's short dresses of
fine quality nainsook
trimmed with beautiful
lace and embroidery.
Baby Petticoats,
49c to 95c
Short and long petti
coats of beautiful white
nainsook, very sheer and daintily trimmed with lace and
embroidery, 49c to 95c each.
Children's muslin drawers made of gbod muslin, em
broidered or lace trimmed at 19c each.
Muslin petticoats for children daintily trimmed with
lace or embroidery, 15c, 25c and 35c. .
' Children's muslin gowns, trimmed with lace or em
broidery, at 65c, 75c and 95c each.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
7 C" A
Our Entire Stock of
Baby's Bands and Vests
THIS assortment includes our entire stock
of winter weight wool and cotton vests
and bands for the baby. The lots have been
greatly reduced and offer great savings.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
AINTY Laces.
Specially Priced
Vol Lace, lc
Laces and insertions, also
silk and cotton braids, choice, 1c
a yard.
Lace Remnants, 5c .
Short lengths of laces, em
broideries and nets, from Vi to
1 yards long at 5c each.
Embroidery, 10c
Embroidery insertion, edges
and headings from to 5 'ach
es wide at 10c a yard.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Women's Union Suits
A big lot of women's union
suits of white cotton, ankle
length, Dutch neck, and low
neck. Very special, 98c each.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
Women 8 Hose i
Children's and women's hose,
including odd lots of cotton and
lisle, seamless. These are
splendid values at 25c a pair.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
A Special Sale of
Children's Middy Blouses
MIDDYS for the children, made of good
quality Indian head muslin, with self
or contrasting trimmed collar, cuff, belt and
pockets. A large variety to select from at
this very low price.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
Marion Harland's Complete
Cook Book Special Friday
CUT down the high cost of living by fol
lowing the recipes given in Marion Har
land's complete cook books, which are on
sale Friday at the special price of 39c each.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store.
A Clearaway of
Mina Taylor
House Dresses
HERE is the opportunity you have been
waiting' for to purchase house
dresses for the coming months when you
will be shut in by the cold weather.
And then. too. von will want thpm 25
for the porch this spring as well as
now. Buy several at this price.
They are made of splendid quality
percale or chambray in light or
dark colors. Made high or low neck.
There are sizes. 34 to 36 only, but they
are really wonderful values and on account
of the low price there will be no C. O. Ds,
no exchanges and no approvals.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downataira Store
S5t: A
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