Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Tae Associated Press, of whlcs Ttas Be ii number. It siclill
suliUsd lo the u for publication of til Dim dispatches credited
lo It or aot otherwise erdlt4 la this parer, sod also the local
ma publiihed herein. All rlibu ol publioaUon of our special
Slitulches art stso reserved.
rhlesto People's flu Building. Omsha Tha Bm Rldf.
.Vw fork ii rifto An. South Omaha JS18 N it
fit fouls New B'k of Commerce. Council HlufTt 14 N Main St.
Washington 1311 O St. Llnooln Llttlt Building.
Daily 69,418 Sunday 63,095
average elrculition for the noatk subscribed ud nrom to bj
& B. Basso. Circulation lianatar.
Subscribers leaving tho city should havo Tba Bm mailed
lo thtm. Addroai changed as often aa requested.
Old Glory is the only flag for Americani.
What wouKl "Squatter Governor" Pearman
say to a no smoking rule?
The reappearance of the "panhandler" is an
other sign that the war is over.
Governor McKelvie has outlined a real pro
pressive program for the lawmakers.
No smoking in the house chamber at Lin
coln is to be the rule, but the rest rooms are not
far away.
Keith Neville will rest in Florida for the
winter, after a more or less trying time in the
state house.
Mr. Wilson wants to be registered as
"premier" at the peace conference. What's the
matter with Lansing?
'-. Let us hope that Governor McKelvie gets a
chance to sign one death warrant that of the
tumble-down state house.
The revolution in Berlin is to establish the
rule of the proletariat, and if you want to know
what that means, look at Russia.
In order to maintain "freedom" in Germany,
Liebknecht proposes to prevent elections being
held. That is good bolshevik logic
Those presidential bills of fare are simple
enough when translated, but most of us will
cling to the kind of grub we are accustomed to.
v A little more common sense and a little less
hysteria might help to solve the social diseases
problem. Wild talk will not get us anywhere.
' Maybe when the police get accustomed to
looking for something othej. than contraband
booze, we will hear less of neglect of sick prisoners.
Mr. McAdoo will not journey this way on
his trip out west. If he did he might realize
the mistake he makes in going to California for
Captain Perseus says that Von Tirpitz is a
liar and a bluffer. The inexorable logic of
events established the truth of that assertion
ing ago.
if The incoming and outgoing governors of
Nebraska were unanimous on several points,
chief of which is that the state shall remain
bone dry.
"Abe" Shotwell was greeted with a huge
bouquet when he took his office. Let him now
conduct himself so another will be coming to
him four years hence.
"Vic" Berger may be "doing time" when the
next congress meets; at any rate, the action of
the court at Chicago will simplify the duty of
the house committee on privileges and elections.
The new directory of the Chamber of Com
merce faces an era of tremendous opportunity,
and has a chance to do wonderful work for
Omaha. Harmony and energy are the elements
of success.
Railroad men and others are assured in ad
vance that the return of the roads to their own
ers is not going to be nearly so easy as was the
act of taking them over. Getting back is always
much harder than going down.
, The president would better hurry home, for
the house has declined to follow one of his
urgent recommendations. If he stays away long
enough, the democrats may get into the habit
of thinking for themselves, and then anything
may happen.
Friend Edgar Howard has not so expressed
himself, but we take it for granted he is filled
with gratitude that he was spared the threat
ened responsibility of becoming governor of
Nebraska. War held a dreadful terror for him
in this regard. ,
City Lure-Farm Lure
- Possibly in the good time coming, in that
paradisaical era which a great many think is the
dawning, there will be a revolution in the busi
ness of farming. A revolution in the sociologic
aspects of farming more especially than in the
ways and methods ol making two blades of
grass grow where one grew before. There will
be progress in farm methods, of course. Prog
ress that will make for tensification and in
crease. But, apparently, the main thing needful
is a revolution that will make farm life attrac
tive; give to it a lure for the young men and
young women, who, according to many and
various accounts, are being lured by the white
lights, movie shows, noise, music, bustle, hustle,
-and general "gregariousness 0f tne c;tjes an(j
: towns.
. The "lure" of the town has probably been
vastly overstressed. Anyhow, there , is a cor
responding lure to rural life. And. this rural
life is very strong, as the suburban extensions
of all modern cities show. The lure of the town
amounts to about this, that business opportunitywage-earning
opportunity averages better
in manufacturing and commercial centers than
on the farms. The farm hand hasn't, in most
instances, much in the way of betterment pros
pect to dazzle his imagination. If he is above
: the ordinary he may, by the time he is 30,
become a renting farmer and may be at fifty a
land owner. .
As to making farm life more cheerful that
is already coming to pass in the greater attrac
tions of village community life. Every farm
community has' its village focus. Butt speaking
of the farm revolution the main thing to be
revolved or evolved is better and quicker op
portunity for the wag workers ia farming.
Governor Neville going out and Governor
McKelvie coming on have laid before the state
legislature an extensive program, much of
which must be laid over for detailed discussion
at another time. The messages are in agree
ment as to the ratification of the prohibition
amendment to the federal constitution, as to
equal suffrage, restrictions to be placed on
foreign languages in the public schools, and
vocational training for school children.
Governor McKelvie has a more important
bill of particulars, for the -lawmakers than is
suggested by these generalities. He asks that
a sweeping change be made in the system of
state administration, whereby more compact
and efficient government may be provided. This
plan contemplates the abolition of various
boards and commissions, and the substitution of
a "cabinet" therefor. Many officers, whose
duties overlap or duplicate effort, would be
eliminated, responsibility would be brought
more definitely to the head of the department
concerned, and generally the good of the state
would be conserved, the governor thinks, by the
adoption of his plan. ,
Accompanying the suggestion for a cabinet
government is another for an executive budget,
for the management of appropriations and ex
penditures. The advantage of such a system
has been thoroughly established, and the gov
ernor urges the legislature to give these pro
posed reforms effect immediately, without wait
ing for the adoption of a new constitution. On
the subject of the constitutional convention,
he asks that the call be issued for the earliest
possible date, that the work may be undertaken
without delay.
As might have been expected from him,
Governor McKelvie gives much attention to the
agricultural and stock raising industries, and
puts decided emphasis on his recommendations
for legislation in the interest of these important
factors in the state's life. His familiarity with
the needs of the farmers and stockgrowers,
the dairymen and others engaged in food pro
duction, supported by his recent consultations
with groups of interested individuals, should
give weight to his proposals. While his pro
gram on these points is elaborate and inclusive,
he especially puts stress on the creation of a
Department of Agriculture, which shall be man
aged in the interests of the state's chief indus
try. Under this all the food producing and
marketing activities of the state will be pro
moted. The question of land ownership and tenant
farming, referred to in the message, may have
further consideration, as it is one of vital im
portance to Nebraska.
One recommendation for a law, which will
meet popular approval, is to do away with nepo
tism. Another deals with highway legislation,
on which topic good advice is offered the law
makers.. Steps for the building of a new state
house also should be taken, according to Gov
ernor McKelvie's views.
Governor McKelvie properly urges the
legislators to redeem every promise made ;n
the republican platform. In this way they will
but follow the example of the legislature con
trolled by the republicans in 1907, when every
pledge was enacted into law, and the state was
given the benefit of the most noteworthy set of
progressive and constructive statutes ever
adopted at a single session.
Co-operation between the members of the
legislature and the executive harmonious in pur
pose, should bring great benefit to Nebraska.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Secretary of War Baker announc
ed that 1,500,000 men were equipped
to fight.
The Cossacks Wjith Kaledine at
their head proclaimed the Republic
of the Don.
Central powers withdrew peace
terms made public at the Brest
Litovsk conference.
In Omaha 30 Years Ago Today.
Palmer's Madison Square com
pany gave a performance of "Jim
the Penman" at the Grand, with F.
C. Bangs in the title role. At the
Boyd the Daly's played "Up-Side
A small cask of whisky from
Socialist Leaders Held Seditious.
Conviction of Berger, Germer, Engdahl,
Kruse and Tucker on charges of sedition may
be accepted as further vindication of the maj
esty of our government. These men early in
1917 impudently opposed the entrance of the
United States into the war, and steadily there
after they had flouted the government and in all
ways sought to hamper the efforts to raise and
train an army. Hundreds of their followers
have been sentenced by military courts for
doing only what these advised, and now they
are overtaken by the civil law because of their
refusal to submit to it.
Rose Pastor Stokes and Eugene V. Debs,
who also offended in, similar ways, have been
convicted and sentenced, and now await the
determination of the supreme court on appeal.
This action is not so much a move against so
cialism as it is one in defense of established in
stitutions. " Berger and his associates sought to
substitute their "international" ideas for the
judgment of the American people, and accord
ingly got into trouble.
Theonly remarkable feature of the trial has
been the attitude of Berger, the "brains" of the
socialist movement in America, who sought to
evade responsibility for his teachings, and who
even when sentenced pleads that he is a good
citizen and loyal to the government he has
sought to subvert Men may admire a truly
courageous rebsl, when they have only con
tempt for one who tries to shift away from the
outcome of his own acts and counsel.
Dublin was received at the customs
house. The duty on it was $48.
The "unknown" in the six-day bi
cycle race has been identified as
Sergt. Ned Reading, chief musician
of the band at Fort Omaha. He
only mounted a wheel for the first
time last June and smashed his bi
cycle the first day. If he wins, it is
said, the officers at the fort wil!
present him with a $100 gold watch.
F. P. Kirkendall has gone to Cali
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Davis of Mil
waukee are visiting their son, Coun
cilman b. P. Davis.
The Day We Celebrate.
Timothy J. Dwyer, physician and
surgeon, born 1873.
Clarence J. Canam, realtor, Lorn
in 1851.
Charles F. Harrison, of the firm
of Harrison and Morton, realtors,
born in 1857.
Maj. Gen. John A. Lejeune, who
went to France in command of the
U. S. Marines, born in Louisiana, 52
years ago.
Maj. Gen. William P. Burnham,
who commanded the Eighty-second
division of the national army in
France, born in Pennsylvania, 59
years ago.
Reed Smoot, senior United States
senator from Utah, born in Salt
Lake Citv. 57 years ago.
Carroll S. Page, United States sen
ator from Vermont, born at West-
field, Vt., 76 years ago.
Financial Records of 1918
Wreckage of War and Industry.
One impressive fact looms up big in con
nection with the war. The human wreckage
incident to battle, thanks to the industry, skill
and invention of the surgeons, will not be any
where near as great as had been looked for.
A dispatch from Washington says: "Of 71,114
wounded and injury cases tabulated in Ameri
can expeditionary hospitals between January 15
and October 13, 1918, 85.3 per cent recovered
and returned to duty. The percentage of
death was 8.8." This accounts for 94.1 per cent
of those who were injured and taken to hospi
tals for treatment, leaving 5.9 per cent to be
listed as disabled to such an extent as to be un
fitted for military service. That means 4,195
cripples, a number sufficiently shocking, bu,t not
at all alarming when compared with the hazard.
In Nebraska for ten months last year among
29,000 employes in the state's industrial plants
7,053 were injured in some degree; although the
number permanently disabled is not stated in
the report at hand, it is quite likely it is pro
portionately as high as that returned by the
army. In 1909 deaths from accident and injury
reported for the registration area in the United
States, which excludes accidents on farms,
totalled 43,519. These figures are not conclu
sive as robbing war of its horror, but are per
suasive to the end that the chance of being
killed is nearly as great in peace employment as
it is in military service.
"Too many cooks spoil the broth,' and too
suiaa tsktmtu' u ILVxtr - 4$fuft tfas nlotm.
This Day in History.
1814 Sir Aubrey De Vere. cele
brated Irish poet and patriot, born
near Limerick, Ire. Died there Jan
uary 21, 1902.
184fJ Henry D. Gilpin of Pennsyl
vania became attorney general of the
; United States.
1844 Sir Hudson Lowe, the cus
todian of Napoleon at St. Helena,
died in London. Born at Galway,
Ire.. July 28, 1769.
1890 England celebrafed the fif
tieth anniversary of the inaugura
tion of penny postage.
1894 Anarchist Vaillant was tried,
convicted and sentenced to death in
1915 Lille was evacuated by the
Germans and occupied by the allies.
1916 Herbert Samuel was ap
pointed home secretary in the Brit
ish cabinet.
1917 Constantine of Greece in
dorsed President Wilson's peace
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Today is the 150th anniversary of
the birth of Marshal Ney, one of the
most brilliant soldiers in French
Rt. Rev. Owen B. Corrigan today
celebrates the tenth anniversary of
his consecration as titular bishop of
Marca and auxiliary bishop of Bal
timore. Chairman Hays has called the re
publican national committee to meet
in Chicago today "to discuss the
general situation and to lay plans
For the future."
Former President Taft is to pre
side at the opening session today
of a national conference of the lay
men of the Unitarian church, which
meets at Springfield, Mass., for the
purpose of considering in general
what the Unitarian church can do in
the cause of reconstruction and the
perpetuation of democracy.
Storyette of the Day.
General H. P. McCain said in a
review of the "Foreign Legion" at
Camp Devens, Mass.:
"Training for. war is hard and
tedious work, but our men have al
ways submitted to it with a good
grace. I saw the other day a letter
from a young college student in
training. He wrote to his mother, a
society leader of Boston:
'"Dear Mother: I have put in a
whole month how washing dishes,
making beds, peeling potatoes and
sweeping floors. I tell you what it
is, mother, when I get back home
from this war I'll make some girl
a darn fine wife.'"
Daily Cartoonette.
TflE 3N0U OFF THj- 10UrC-HEa
New York Post Annual Review.
Participation of the United States in the
world war, and the rapid expansion of .the
country's industrial and financial effort, had the
natural effect of establishing unprecedented
totals in numerous departments of finance and
industry in 1918, at the same time that imposi
tion of wartime "control"' brought about con
traction in other directions. Increase in the
circulation of banknotes, in bank loans, and in
re-discounts at the Federal Reserve institutions,
expansion of bank clearances, aad the flotation
of unprecedented amounts of government
bonds, were among the most striking develop
ments of the year.
Federal Reserve notes, of which $1,246,000,
000 were outstanding at the end of 1917,
amounted to $2,685,000,00 a year later, the in
crease being no less than 115 per cent. At the
same time, the bond-secured "Federal Reserve
banknotes" were expanded by $109,000,000. Re
discounts by members at the Federal Reserve
on December 6 were $1,864,000,000, an increase
of approximately 175 per cent, within the
Atthe national banks, there was a similar
but not so large an increase in loans, which
amounted to more than $10,000,000,000 on No
vember, a sum never before approached. Be
fore this year, the high-water mark had been
touched on November 22, 1917 (according to
the controller's report of that date), "with a
total of $9,535,000,000. The . country's check
clearances also established a new record for a
single month, with $32,078,500,000 in October,
as against the previous greatest monthly total
of $28,264,300,000 in October, 1917.
Flotation of the third and fourth United
States war loans were the most spectacular in
cidents ot the year in American war finances.
The third Liberty loan elicited $4,176,000,000 in
applications from 18,300,000 subscribers; the
fourth Liberty loan resulted in sales of $6,989,
000,000 bonds to 21,000,000 subscribers. The
two loans of the preceding year had brought in
$7,653,000,000 of applications from 14,000,000
Gold holdings of the Federal banks at the
year-end touched the unprecedented sum of
$2,090,000,000. Gold retained in the national
treasury for all purposes ran up to more than
$2,500,000,000. The country's stock of money of
all sorts on December 1 was $5,993,600,000, an
increase of approximately $900,000,000 within
the year.
The particulars in which the returns of
finance and business, fell below previous totals
were as interesting and significant as these
records of expansion. Imports of gold from
abroad were not much more than one-tenth of
the great total of 1917. Gold coin in circulation
and in the country's banks similarly contracted,
a natural result of its concentration in the hands
of the Federal Reserve institutions. Exports
of merchandise, even as measured by the year's
higher level of prices, were below those of 1917
though importations were the largest in our
history. Trading on the stock exchange was
less active. Business in bonds, however, large
ly as a result of the placing of the tremendous
government loans, was the largest that had ever
been conducted on the exchange.
Daniels and Greatest Navy
Secretary Daniels, who not so very long ago
was classed as a little navy man, is now urg
ing a program that by 1925 would make ours
"incomparably the greatest navy" in the world.
We do not know whether Mr. Daniels quoted
these wods or not. They were first used by
President Wilson in his St. Louis speech, in
the enthusiasm of his preparedness tour of the
country, but on his return to Washington he
revised the declaration imperspicuously to "in
comparably the most adequate navy." Hereto
fore, the most ardent advocates of strengthen
ing the American navy have conceded that
Great Britain needed the largest navy, because
it is an island empire, with far-flung posses
sions circling the globe and presenting so many
exposed points as to necessitate a wide dis
tribution of war vessels.
The United States has much coastline, but it
is generally continuous. Our chief difficulty has
been in preserving the balance of our navy, with
sufficient scouting vessels as well as first-class
battleships. Unless the rules of naval warfare
are to be altered, we shall also need more
hydroplanes and submarines than anybody
dreamed of a few years ago. But with a prop
erly balanced navy we could hold our own even
against Great Britain's larger navy, for it would
be compelled to'protect all parts of its empire,
while we would have the advantage of select
ing points of concentrated attack. This natural
disadvantage of Great Britain caused world ac
ouiescence in the "double standard," permitting
Great Britain to have as large a navy as any
other two nations, until Germany formed its
great design, which precipitated competitive
naval building throughout the world. The
world naturally shrinks from a revival of such
competition, not only because of its back-breaking
burdens, but because of its provocations
to war.
The intimation that we shall need a navy
larger than England's will be in 1925 to dis
charge our functions in the proposed league of
nations, if taken seriously, would damn that
project, on which neace lovers the world oyer
base their hopes. Even if America were willing
to bear such a burden, other nations would
begin to distrust our disinterestedness and we
should have all the old rivalry revived. The
hint that we are trving to bluff our associates
in the war is incredible, but no more appealing
reason has been offered. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
(Judge Owl. fleeing with tho help of
Peggy and Hilly Belgium from three lady
Owls who would marry him. hides In an
old barn. There Peggy, Billy and tho
judge are startled by the appearance of
black men In red masks.)
The Kniglitsof the Flying Riibblt
The red-masked black men were
apparently as much startled and
alarmed as Peggy and Billy. They
stared open-mouthed up into the
darkness of the haymow, from
which had come the hoot of Judge
Owl. Than the man on tho throne
spoke in a solemn but shaky voice.
"Brudder Most High Guard, apply
de torch to de Illuminations."
"Brudder Supremest King, Ah
obeys yo' command," answered the
fattest of the black men, striking a
match and beginning to light lan
terns that hung about the council
room. These lanterns were the
scariest kind of things, some of them
being grinning skulls, some heads of
serpents, and some jack o' lanterns.
"Brudder Mostest High Guard, yo'
will please investigate da noises in
de tipper chamber an' report at once
if dey is spies present.
"Brudder Supremest King, Ah
obeys yo' command!" spoke a tall
lanky black man. lie started
briskly toward the ladder which led
He went down so fast be
missed a stop.
to the haymow, but as he climbed
up his courage evidently oozed and
oozed, for when he got to the top
h- gave just one hasty, frightened
look around, and then went down so
fast that he missed a tep.tand tum
bled noisily to the tloor. Instantly
all the others jumped up prepared
to lire. The Mostest High Guard
picked himself up, saluted and gave
his report.
"Brudder Supremest King, Ah
finds de council room free ob spies."
"Good, Brudder Mostest High
Guard. We will now proceed to' ini
tiate these most unworthy candi
dates Into de mysteries ob our ex
alted order."
Billy Belgium snickered.
"I know what it is," he whispered.
"It's an initiation Into a negro
The Supremest King addressed the
three candidates.
"Candidates, yo' is now de scum
ob de earth. Befo' yo' am admitted
to fellowship wid dose brave Sir
Knights ob de Flyin' Rabbit, yo'
mus' prove yo' courage. Am yo
ready to show dat yo' don't fear
death In mos' awful form?"
"We is," replied the candidates in
trembling voices.
"Den yo' will be conducted to de
lake ob perdition, dere to be put to
de test."
Solemnly the guards led the three
candidates around the council
chamber and up a plank to the
edge of a large, round watering
tank, which was filled almost to flie
brim. There they stood, one be
hind the other, the foremost with
his feet over the edge of the tank.
"Now, let de hurricane loose,"
shouted the Supremest King. "Bring
forth de bumper an' let him bump."
The Most High Guard and the
Mostest High Guard threw open the
door of a large box at the bottom of
the plank.
"Ba-a-a!" came a cry from the
box, and there bounced forth a
fierce, prancing ram.
"Old Buckhorn, our ram! Gee
whillijters!" exclaimed Billy Bel
gium. Buckhorn paused Just as he struck
tho plank. Then he lowered his
head and leaped forward with all
his might. His head hit the back
of the rearmost candidate with a
resounding whack. The candidate
hit the one in front of him, and that
one smashed into the man at the
edge of the tank. Again old Buck
horn leaped forward. There was a
second loud whack, and the three
ca.ididates went tumbling head over
heels into the cold water.
"Wow! Isn't that fun!" shouted
Billy Belgium.
"Wah! Wah! Wah!" roared the
Knights of the Flying Rabbit, while
the candidates spluttered and
splashed in the tank.
"Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" laughed
Judge Owl.
"To-oo! To-oo!H shrieked other
Daily Dot Puzzle
3l) .25 fT
S3'i'i'J a- 5
B. M, 5
St. t4 v
An Ortolan flies by the gate
If you will trace to forty-eight.
Draw from one te two and eo on to
the end.
People and Events
The new year 1919 presents a pair of twin
figures that will not be seen on the calendars
again until 2020. a century and one year away.
Youngsters ambitious to span the distance must
watch their steps and carry accident policies..
Automobile drivers in New York state in
creased their killing score last year by
piling up a death record of 969 persons, as
against 858 in 1917. Over in New Jersay strict
enforcement of safety rules brought down the
death list from 245 in 1917 to 197 in 1918.
St. Clair county, Missouri, after litigating
for 47 vears. compromised for 11 per cent of the
principal, interest and penalties the .claims of
holders of the county's bonds given as bonuses
to railroad promoters. The promoters never
rendered any service for ie bonds, and the
county resisted payment in vain. The settle
ment amounts to double the original debt.
Up in Montana, where the lid was tightlv
riveted December 30, natives speak of the event
as the date of the dust storm which so ob
scured the heavens that few, if any, visioned
the dawn of the new year through friendly
glasses. At last accounts all the copper state,
excepting the bolsheviks of Eutte, had sobered
The dairy league of the Empire state, serv
ing New York, refuse to sell milk at the fixed
price of 8.4 cents per quart, insisting on 9.3
cents per quart at the farms. As a conse
quence the state milk conference board sought
a milk supply in other states, and promises an
abundance of milk without the aid or consent
ot the league.
1 he Blue Grass state treasury strikes an op
ulent note these days and views comfy-like the
prospect of an early snooze in the lap of lux
ury. Inheritance taxes on the rlagier estate
promise to put $4,500,000 in the state treasury,
a sum sufficient to wipe out the state debt and
leave about 51.300.000 surplus to whet the ap
petites of lawmaking spenders.
Little noise comes out of Pocantico hills
these pulsing days. Old John D. never won
fame as a noise-maker, anyhow. Besides, Jan
uary is dividend time, a season of inward joy
and pocket comfort. Still, a curious world
would like to know how John feels about Henry
Ford's 200 per cent dividend. Rockefeller div
idends hitherto held the top score for fatness
and regularity, but Henry's 200 percenter goes
over the too handily. Perhaps the flivver lean
explains Focantico's silence, ' v
Mild and Soothing.
Omaha, Jan. 7. To the Editor of
The Bee: ' I think it is near time
that all decent readers of your pa
per insist that correspondents like
"Aitch," "Paganus" and "Mack" get
out of their ratholes and sign their
names to their "epistles."
But If, as "Mack" says, quoting
Sancho Panza, "it sbe a waste of
lather to shave an ass," then I sup
pose that in cases like these "it
would be a waste of eloquence to
appeal to a rat."
The only way I can .explain the
presence of such rodents In our
midst is that they are plain, every
day English junker propagandists,
and of course they must earn their
England, as the whole world
knows, has as much right to rule
and rob Ireland as any other high
way robber has to overpower and
rob his victims. No more and no
With the election of 73 republican
members of Parliament in Ireland,
there is now no other choice left to
England but to march its army out
of the island or be branded as the
supreme hypocrite among the na
3808 .North Eighteenth St.
Conscription in Ireland.
Upland, Neb., Jan. 6. To the Ed
itor of The Bee: I have read with
much Interest the discussion in your
paper concerning the Irish question.
I read in your Monday's paper the
protest sent in by Dr. Gleeson. It
seems strange that some people can
ncrt stand to hear the truth. If the
Catholic priests are not some of the
main ringleaders In the Irish dis
turbance, who are? Was it not the
priests and bishops of Dublin ami
other cities who most violently
threatened resistance toward the
conscription act? Can you name a
single instance when a Protestant
minister uttered words against the
conscription as did the Catholic
You will find that the Ulstermen
were the first to volunteer intp the
British army. You will find that
they were supporters of the draft,
and the only reason the draft failed
was on account of the resistance
made by the Catholic priests and
their followers.
The Irish question will not be set
tled satisfactorily until the Cath
olic priests are forced to relinquish
their hold on the Irish people.
Owl voices. "We've found him!"
And Miss Snowy Owl, Miss Great
Horned Owl and Miss Screech Owl
came crashing through the window,
sending the glass flying in every di
"Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" cried Judge
Owl again, but now it was a scream
of t fear. Scared out of his senses,
he tumbled down from the haymow
among, the Knights of the Flying
Rabbit. And the Knights, their
mirth .turning to quick alarm, scat
tered to right and left.
(Tomorrow will be told how Judge Owl
Freedom of the Press.
Omaha, Jan. 7. To the Editor of
The Bee: -I admire your courage
in permitting space in your paper
for such letters as signed by "James
Irvine'' and "Paganus." In these
days of enlightenment why should
not euch letters be published, and
why should such men as John J.
Gleeson, M. D.. protest against the
use of your columns for their pub
lication? It is the topic of the day
that should be given consideration,
and It is the duty of the press to put
such topics of vital Importance be
fore the people 'for dlscuslson.
But the idea of his letter Is to
discourage your and other presses
in bringing it to the attention of
respectable people and keep them
slumbering. Yours for freedom of
press. F. H. HORROCK.
Beatrice Express pipes a cheery
prose song on reaching the tenth an
niversary of publication under the
present management.
Booze sleuths down Tecumseh way
captured the goods en route to dry
spots, but the runner dived from a
speeding train and got away. The
scout got the goods, but the Tunner
saved $100.
Crete Vidette Intimates that the
town's night cops need optical treat
ment for active 'service. Recent
tests show they cannot see or recog
nize a drunk after nightfall. The
brand of hard cider is also invisible
in the dark. v
"Yes, I believe I did say, a week or
so ago," observes "The Old Man" of
the Norfolk Press, noting the mer
cury scooting for the cellar, "that
California had nothing on Nebraska
as a winter resort, but I had my
fingers crossed."
High hopes are cherished In Beat
rice that the new year will bring
"improved passenger service on the
Union Pacific and Rock Island lines."
Service that serves public needs
thereabouts is surely needed. Send
word toGeneral Manager McAdoo.
All the customary grades of New
Year resolutions are on exhibition,
from the sentimental to the uplift,
the Jovial and the ribald. One olit
of the common class, exhaling the.
spirit or good will and throbbing
with the heart touch, comes from
the pen of Gene Huse of the Nor
folk News. During the year Gene
solemnly resolves to cultivate, old
friends more closely and work up
as many new friends as possible. By
the way, Gene's new car is said to
New York World: "It does not
matter much what title may be
given to General Pershing perman
ently. He will always be the general
who commanded the American army
in the greatest of wars and who led
it to victory. No official rank can
add to or detract from that distinc
tion. Baltimore American: The English
fleet has received its ovation in home
waters, the American fleet has had
a glorious homecoming, and the
German fleet, with its flag hauled
down nad forbidden to float, is cap
tive in enemy ports. So ends the
chapter which was to write German
supremacy on the sea.
New York World: Senator Cham
berlain of Oregon finds nothing in
the war or In the conduct of the war
that he can commend without reser
vation except the United States sol- j
dler and sailor, and he might even i
take a crack at them if as a demo- j
crat he were not soon to come up
for re-election in a republican state.
4 IH
Nuiated Iron Increase! etrength end
endurance of delicata, nervoue, run
down people in two weeks' time In
many instances. It has been used and
endorsed by such men as Hon. Leslie
M. Shaw, former Secretary of the
Treasury, and E-Governor of Iowa;
Former United States Senator and
Presidential Nominee Chas. A. Towne;
General John K. Clem (Retired), the
drummer boy of Shiloh, who was ser
geant in the V. 3. Army when only 12
years of age; also United States Judge
G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims
of Washington, and others. Ask your
doctor or druggist aboat t .
Ends Stubborn Coughs ; ;
rt a Hurry ; ;
For real effectiveness, this eld home-
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lly and cheaply prepared. T
You'll never know how quickly a
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Anyone who has coughed alt day and
all night, will say that the immediate
relief -given is almost like magic lb
is very easily prepared, and really
there is nothing better for coughs.
Into a pint bottle, put 2jf ounces
of 1'inex; then add plain granu
lated sugar syrup to make a full
ftint. Or you can use clarified mo
usses, honey, or corn syrup, instead
of sugar syrup. Either way, tho full
pint saves about two-thiras of the
money usually.spcnt for cough prepara
tions, and Rives ypu a more positive,
effective remedy. Ut keeps perfectly
and tastes pleasant children like it.
You can feel this take hold Instant
ly, soothing and healing the mem
branes in all the air passages. It
promptly loosens a dry, tight cough,
and soon you will notiea the phlegm
thin out and then disappear altogether.
A day's use will usually break up an
ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is
also splendid for bronchitis, croup,
whooping cough, and bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a most valuable coneen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, the most reliable remedy
for 'throat and chest ailments.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
dr.itrgist for "2Vi ounces of Pinex"
with directions and don't accept sny
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded,
Tho Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
After each meal YOU eat one
and get full food value and real stom
ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart
burn, bloated, (assy feeling. STOPS
acidity food repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion: keep? the
3tomach sweet and pure
EATONIC is tho best remedy and only cost
a cent or two a day to use it Yon will be de
lighted with results. Satisfaction guarantee!1
or money back. Please call and try it
Green's Pharmacy, Cor. 16th and Howard
Sts., Omaha, Neb, -
loin the
Fall Cut
Oandruffy Scalps
Hair and Wake It
Parisian Sage Keeps the Scalp Clean, Quickly Stops All
Itching and Stimulates New Hair to Grow
or Nothing to Pay.
1 111 Dandruffy heads mean faderl. KrltfV
straggly hair that finally dies and then
you are hairless and nothing can help you.
See the Bald Spot. That Shows What
Dandruff WU1 Do.
If you have dandruff you must get rid
of it quick its positively dangerous and
will surely ruin your hair if you don't.
The only way to abolish dandruff for
good is to destroy the germ that causes
it. To do this quickly, surely and safely
and at little expense, there is nothing to
effective as Parisian sage, which you can
get from Sherman & JlcConnell and good
druggists everywhere.
iXt Kun,teed to banish dsndruff.
stop itching scalp and falling; hair, and
promote a new growth or the cost, small
as it is, will be refunded.
Parisian sage Is a scientific' preparation
that supplies all hair needs an antiseptio.
delicately perfumed Imuid, neither sticky
or greasy, easy to apply, and guaranteed
not to color the hair or scalp.
flood looking hair is half th batth. .
any man t or woman s personal appearance.
Neglect means dull, thin, (ifelesa hair and
finally baldness, while a little attention
now insures thick and lustrous haw for
years to come.
No matter what your hair troubles tr
a Parisian sage massage tonight oa miM
not bt disappointed. Adv. (