Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
AUTOMOBILES. ' SLIGHTLY luxl Panhard one-ton truck romplet with winter cab, paintl;, tc. tl,o. V IH-ton Panhard, Mm equipment. In cluding body, 11,200. Defiance H,-ton, 11,445. All guaran. td aim as new. STANDARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY, ' Carl Chanaatrom. Pres. ?o;0-tOS3 Farnam fit Dour. 1705. Oood Used Cari. - ll 7 Ford. 1117 Chevrolet. 1115 Studebaker Six. Knudsen Auto Cn. 117 Farnam, Douglaa 65S1. FORD AUCTION New and tiled cara, 20 to aclect from HRUANS. TOrRINOS. ROADSTERS. TKl'CKS. Friday afternoon, Jan. 10. at MANGOLD UARAGB GRETNA, NEB. 117 Iludiwn aupvr-eix wire wheels, over hauled and In perfect running order. Nearly new 1918 Ford edan, electric tarter and lights, shock absorbers and many other extra. 1916 Hupmoblle touring, repainted and overhauled. Victor Motor Co. tiZi Farnam. Douglas 48(1. CH BAP CARS 14 Ford touring, daudy. tilltf: 17 Mason roadster, 1186; 16 Empire touring, $300; 17 Chevrolet touring, $300; 16 others. $S25 to IS00; all guaranteed. TRXWVKR AUTO CO., 1819 Farnam St. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright. Hit, International Newt Hervlea. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus THERE 1 W MHt FlbH IN THAT IAKE KNOW J Tthatj BUT lT6 BETTER THAN &E.1N' HOME CLEAN IN' OUT THE furnace: JAT FRieno- " ( V S 1 THERE lNT too ARE I KNOW 6& NH IN , in" l that: Vv, that lake Time ,r) J . KftS' - t - . ii.'- jt j i r jc ft jf k i mw i j AV THERE- A M " V ' v. t tvj r i r a. v I or9.-J 'iliW'iiis 1 t "Mal 'V , 4J J,.l,JI)yp'i .'.!.,.,.. Tgls i. M 'I au-ueTSrjjig 7 AUTOMOBILES. MEEKS AUTO CO. L'aed cara bought, aold and exchanged We buy for cash and aell on time. Full Una to select from. Middle State Oarage 2viif-t Farnam St. Douglas 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO KISSEL KAR SNAP 6-passenger Kissel touring car. First class condition. Must be aold quickly. Snap. Va room 627. Wellington Inn. USKD CARS ANf TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congreaa, Lea Pullman, Flak. Write for pricea. Mention sizes. Kaiman tire jobbers, soih farnam. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service atation for Rsyfleld carburetora and - Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. OLOBK VAN AND STORAGE CO., will store your auto. Rates for Ford cars, $ a month; large cara, $5 a month. Douglaa 4231. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. , MARSH OAKLAND CO.. jsnn Farnnm St. 1 BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson, Ford Agenta. D. 3600, WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Autu Exnhange Co. 10119 Farnam St. D. 6035. GOOD USED CARS. OUT L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sta. Douglaa 1170 FOR SALE cheap, nearly new t-paseenger Sedan. Will take Liberty bonds In part payment. Tel. South 806. Market and Industrial News of the Day QUALtTT USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1562 FARNAM. WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 110 Farnam. Harney 414, 1917 FORD CHASSIS. PERFECT CONDITION, OOOD TIRES, $26S. TYLER 21s. 2064 FARNAM. Ford Market. 2330 Farnam. 2230 Farnam. 26 New Ford Bodies. $135 Each. FORD town car body, 1917 F. P Barnum, 2122 Cuming St. model, D. 8044. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 3.000 MILES. 30x9 $ 7.5030x8Uj $ 9 25 32.SV, ., 10.26 32x4 11.76 32x4 11.60S4x4 .......... 12 00 Wa furnish the old tires. Agents Wanted. I 1N 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 151$ Davenport Street GAIN mora miles: have your tires re treaded by G. & G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tires and eliminate your tlra troubles. Powell Supply Co.. 2061 Farnam St FORD light delivery, good running or der: will Sell cheap. H. 6785. RESPONSIBILITY Who are the responsible used car dealers? Is it the firm or company that has a place of business and has confidence in their judgment of values of used oars to put their own money in them, or is it the firm that will take any old car on consignment and try to sell it on commission and not have a dol lar invest iJf or is it the curbstone dealer that is here today fcaui gone tomorrow? We claim to be responsible, for we have $15,000 of real American money invested In used cars that are real values. We claim to know the value of used cars, for we have had twelve years of exper ience with all makes. A car that is left on' consignment is always priced high, for "if the man that leaves it would price it worth the money some dealer would buy it : And cars bought off the street are liable to be stolen and are not cheap at any price. Remember, when you buy from us you get the advantage of our" experience and judgment and if you are not satisfied with your buy in twenty-four hours, bring it back and get your money. We carry the stock and make the price. Auto Clearing House Douglas 5383. 2032 Farnam. Within the Next Ten Days We Must Sell 50 Used Automobiles The price isvwhat will do the work. See our list of cars before buying. These are a few out of our stock: Ford Roadster, 1918. ' Ford Touring, 1917. Ford Touring, 1918. Tord Sedan, 1918. Oakland Roadster, 1918. Oakland Coupe, 1918. Oakland Touring, 1918. Oakland Sedan, 1918. Buick-6 Touring, 1917. Overland Country Club, 1918. Reo Touring, 1917. Saxon Touring, 1917. Hup Touring, 1917. Dodge Touring, 1917. Studebaker Touring, 1917. International Truck, 1918. All cars will be found on our sales floor. We can save you at least 25 on any used car you wish to buy. Call and look over our list of bargains. ' Visit our shop where our mechanics are overhauling each car we buy. 4 ' Industrial Garage Co. 20th' and Harney Streets, Omaha, Neb. I Wanted-Real Estate Loans Tli r.AnunBHvi Van fnnnev to loan on either business or UV VVllDVa w wmw W " residence properties at the lowest association rate in the city. Only 6 and No Commission. ' The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n Resources $14,500,000.00. 1614 Harney St. LIVE STOCK Receipts were: Official Monday . Official Tuesduy... Official Wednesday Estimate Thursday Omaha, January (, ltll. Cattle. Hok. Sheep, . 1,858 12,422 17.200 .12,261 17.081 20,60 . 8,755 18.284 13.137 . 7,000 14,500 9,500 Four days this wk.. 37,874 64.107 60,787 Sams days last week.26,093 63,206 33,157 Same days 2 wks. ago.12,418 24.821 16,413 Same days 3 wks. ago.41,951 77,567 30,463 Same days year ago.. 36,826 53.838 08.26 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., Jan. t, 111. RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hrs. A Mules. Wabash I 2 Missouri Paclfio .. ..8 1 Union Pacific 6 50 1 C. & N. W., asst.... 28 88 2 C. N. W., west.. 40 3 11 C. Ht, P., M. A O.. 2 28 C, B. A Q., east.... It 6 8 C, B, A Q.. west.... 45 5 18 C, R. 1. P., east.. 10 17 C, R. I. I F., west., i 8 Illinois central . ... t Chi. Ot. Weat 12 4 Total Receipts ....271 224 60 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 1,070 4,681 1,043 Swift & Co 2,100 4,472 5,523 Cudahy Pack Co.... 1.846 3,793 3,203 Armour & Co 1,180 4,846 .... Schwartz tk CO. 255 .... J. V. Murphy 660 Lincoln Pack. Co.... 34 S. Omaha Pack. Co. 10 ft. Clair Pack, Co... 1 Klgglna Packing Co. 16 Hoffman Bros. 21 , John Roth A Sons. 7 .... .... Olassberg 16 .... Md ( .... .... W. B. Van Bant A Co 71 Benton A Van Sant. 64 W. W. Hill Co... 14 V. P. Lewis .". 318 Iluntzinger A Oliver 40 .... J. B. Root A Co,.... 264 J. H. Bulla 44 Rosenstock Bros. ... 144 .... .... F. O. Kellogg 155 Werthelmer A Dcgen 59 ,, Kllis A Co 61 Sullivan Bros 110 Mo.-Kan. C. A C. Co. 89 B. O. Christie 21 Bnker 3 Manner Bros 107 .... .... John Harvey 912 Jensen A Luhdgren 32 .... . ... Dennis A Francis.... 85 .... .... Cheek A. Krebs .... 38 Other Buyers 1,385 3,984 Total 10,047 20,06$ 13,016 Cattle Offerings In the cattla division amounted to 7,000 head, making supplies 37,oo bead for the week. Trading was steady on desirable steers to easier on !n-betwea and plain trades of staera and yearlings. As compared with a week ago desirable weighty steers are fully steady and others' weak to a quarter lower. Year, lings have been vary uneven and 25c to 75c lower than a week ago. Butcher stock was steady to lower this morning and steady on desirable weighty cows for the wttk to 25o lower on the medium grades, Canners . were fully sttady and feeders wert steady this morning and for the week. Quotations on cattla: Cholca to prime beeves 817.25 18.60; good to choice beeves I15.0017.00; fair to good beeves, llf.75 014.75; common to fair beeves, 11.004) 13.60; good to cholca yearlings, $15.6041 17.50; fair to good yearlings, JU.001J15.68; Short Term Notes AUTOMOBILES. AMERICAN Railway Express Co. will take bids on weight basis for steel, vehicle springs, auto parts and ac cessories, machinery and parts, etc. Bids close 1 p. m. January 14, 1911. For particulars call at Sales Bureau, 1109 Harney St. A. W. Feigel, agent USED tlrea, first-class condition, 15 to fit. Sent on approval. Duplas Tlra Co. Ill 8. 17th St. Repairing. RADIATORS Wracked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; larg stock used radiator New Ford honeycomb radiator. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1819 Cuming. 2064 Farnam. EXPERT radiators, fenders and auto bodies; repairing at reasonable prices. Prompt attention given to garag work ship your radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE. Doug. 7390. 218 S. 19th St. Painting. F. P. Barnum Co., 2122 Cumlnit. D 8044. High grade Automobile Painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H ARLEY-D AVIDSON MOTORCYCLES, Bargains In used machine. Victor H. Roos, th Motorcycls Man. 27 tb and Leavenworth. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial Hm solicit your old clothing, furniture. Phone Doug. 4121 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1119-1114 Dodge St. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale. Don't forget the big auction ot over 200 horses and mules at atock yard' stables next Thursday, January 16th. If you want to buy horses, this Is the place. If you have horses to sell bring them to this sal. We ' can sell any kind you may have. I. C. Gallup, Auctioneer. NOTICE to farmers, selling out harness stock, sacrifice. Owner in France. See bargain at resldenc. 2194 Lake St MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by th Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and note a secui Uy, $4. mo., H. goods, total, $3.50 PROVIDENT LOAN 80CIETY, 432 Security Bldg., 16th A Farnam. Ty. 661 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND IV2 LIBERTY BONDS. O OT O W. C. FLATATJ. EST. 1191 ,0 ITH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. 951 . Lowest rate. Private loa booth. Harry Maleabock. 1614 Todge. D. 6619. Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ella M. Smith and husband et al. to Mollis Rosenblatt, n. w. cor. ISrd and Webster st., 90x147 120,080 John Qruber and wife to Richard Bykora and wife, n. w. cor. 10th and Y ate., 6H110 1.509 Magio City Realty Co. t Mrs. May Roy, n. w, cor. ISrd and X ta., 44x117 109 Hasting Hayden to Levi F. . Bhrura and wife, iifh st. 200 ft . ot King st, . a, 140x14 950 Roy B. Condon and wife to Martha A. Holslngton, . w. oor. lith av. and Titus av., 42x'.20 5.500 Roaco C Phelps and wife to Tony Bonnocl, SSrd St., 80 ft. it. of Hart- av., w. I, 80x127.4 2,200 Quotations through th National City company, First National Bank building, Omaha, Neb.: Bid, Asked. Am. T. A T. Co. 6s (1925 101 10H Am. Tobacco 7s (1921) 12 . 10214 Am. Tobacco 7s, (1922) ..... .102 193 Am. Tobacco 7s (1923) ,.103 -03'i Arm. A Co. con. d. s (1919) 100 H 101 Arm. A Co. con. d. 6s (1920) 10 , 101 Arm. A Co. con. d. (a (1922) 100 101 Vi Arm. A Co. con. d. 6a (1924) 101 102 Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1919). .,,100 10 Beth, Steel Co, 7s (1922), ...100 101 Beth Steel Co. 7s (1923) ... .100 101 British 6s (1919) 100 irOU British 5s (1921).. ...... w 98 I8H HrooRlyn R. Transit Ts (1921) 84 On. Argentine c. 6s (1927)., 92 94 C. B. A Q. joint 4s (1921)..., 95 5 C. A W. Ind. 6s (1919)...,,. 97 99 City of Paris 6s (121)...,,, 99 99 Cudahy Packing Co 7s (1923) 102 192 Delaware A Hudson 6s (1920) 88 99 Fed. Farm Loan 4 (1937). .100 101 Fed. Farm Loan 68 (1918). .102 14 Oen. Electric 6s (1920) 100 101 Interboro K. Transit 7 (1921) 91 91 Liggett A Myers 6s (1921).... 99 99) Union Pacllfc 6s (1928) .,.,104 106 U. S. Liberty 3l ,. 99.80 99.74 V. S. Lib. 1st 4s ,.92.80 93.06 U. S. Liberty 2d 4s 92.80 92.06 U. S. Liberty 1st 4s...... 96.40 96.64 f. S. Liberty Id 4.., ...,..! 95.30 U. S. Liberty 3d 4 14s. ...... .96.23 Ot.SO U. 8. Liberty 4th 4 Vis 15.68 95.74 common to fair yearlings. 110.0013.00 choice to prim gras steers, 111,00411. 00; fair to good grass beeves, 313.00015.00: common to fair gras beeves, (9.00 9) 12.50; Mexican beeves, $8.004910.09; good to choice heifers. $10.0Q13.60 good to choice cows. $10.00918.00; fair to good news, $8.2649.60; common to fair cow, $7.0008.25; prime feeders, $13.50915.50-: good to choice feeders, $11.00111.60; fair to good feeders, $3.6009.50; common to fair feeders, $?.008.00; good to choice Blockers, $9,500)12.60; stock heifers, $6.59 08.60; stock cow $6.257.60; ttock calves, $7.00 10.50; veal calve, $7,509 13.60; bulls, stags, etc.. $9.26010.50. ' Hogs 202 loads ot hogs were scheduled to arrive here today estimated at 14,500 head. Th market was fairly active, on. enlng possibly 10c lower than yesterday' beat time, gradually grow better Until then were spots that looked as tool a any time yesterday. Th market was very uneven, probably steady to 10c. lower catching the various angles. Bulk of sales was $17.004917.25, tops reaching $17.45. Light hogs were difficult to Mil with most of them below even money. Sheep and Lambs Receipt war 47 loads estimated at 9,500 head. Th mar ket was a trifle slow In opening, but showed more activity after sale began than Indications were early. Sale were steady with yesterday most ot th Iamb selling from $14.50 with top undetermined. Ewes reached to sam top a yesterday of $10,511. Quotations on sheep: Lamb good to choice. $16. 00918. 85; Iambs, fair to good, $14.0016.00; lamb feeders, 13,004f 15.35; yearlings good to choice, $11.00(913.00; yearlings fair to good, 9.049.60; year ling feeders, $9.6010.00; wtbr fat, $10.60011.60; wether feeders, $8,500 10.50; ewes, good to Choice, $1.60010.60; ewes, fair to good. $8.00.6; W feeder, $.0027.50. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Jan. 9. (U. S. Bureau of Markets, ) Cattle Receipt, 19,000; mar ket, strong to 15 cent higher; calve, teady; beet cattle, good, choice and prime. $16. CO 20.00; common and med ium $9.86018.60; butcher stock, cow and heifers, $$.15014.10; canners and cutters, $7. 15 ($8.15; stocks and feeder, good, choice and fancy, $10.50014.00; Inferior, common and medium, $8.00019.10; veal calves, good to choice, $17.00 017,19. Hogs Receipts, 60,000; market opening weak, 10 cents lower, closing It to 15 cents lower than yesterday's best lime; bulk of sale. $17.60017.10; butcbar. $17.6O0!7.$6; light. $17.10017.71; $16.90017.55; throwouta, $1.001.B0; pigs good to choice, tl.2501T.tO. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 12,090; lambs opened steady; later trad 11 to 25 cents lower; sheep about (teady; lamb, choice and prime, $17.26017.40; medium and rood, $18.50017.15; culls, 111.760 14.26; ewes, choice and prim, 110.750 11.00; medium and good, $9.26010.76; culls, $5.0007.75. St. Louis Iiv Stock. St. Louis, aJn. 9. Cattle Receipts, 6,500 head; market teady; native beef steers. $11.601$.60; yearling steer' and heifers. $9.60016.90; cows, $7.10012.10; stockers and feeders, $9.60011.00; fair to prim southern beet steers, $10.90011.00; beet cows and heifers, $7.50016.09; can ners and cutters, $7.2508.00; native calves, 17.7617.60. Hog Receipts, 11,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; light, $17.00017.86; pigs. $13.00017.00; mixed and butcher, $17.604M8.06; good heavy, $17.10318.10; bulk, $17.(0017.96. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,700 head; market steady; lambs. $16.50017.25; ewes, $8.60010.10; canners and chopper, $6,000 9.00. GRAIN MARKET Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Jan. 9 Cattle Receipt, 7,000 head; no southern, steady; prim fed steers, $18.0020.00; dressed beef teers. $12.0017.75; western steer. 110.00 017.00; southern steers, $7.90011.00; cows, $7.0014.00; hefers, $8.00016.09; stockers and feeders, $7 50-5 16.00; bulls, $7,600 10.00; calves, $7.00 14.00. Hogs Receipts. 18,00 head; market steady; bulk, $17.00 17.40; heavy, $17.0 17.60; packers and butchers, $17.15017.06; lights. $16.80017.40; pigs, 119.00014.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; lamb, $13.60 016.85; yearlings, $11.60011.00; Wthrs, I10.00ll.50; ewes. $9.00010.25; stockers and feeders, $t.80lf.OO. fit Joseph Uva Stock. Cattle Receipt", S.tOO head! market ateady; steers, $10.00 18.25; - cows and heifers, 87.00815.50; calve, $7.00 0119. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; markt lower; top, $17.40; bulk, $1(.9O01T.$9. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; lamb, $16.00 16.60; ewes, $8.00010.60. , Slonx City Un Stock. Sioux City, la:, Jan. t.Cattl Re ceipt, 4,800 head; market lower: beat steer. 18. 00011.10; fat cow and heifer, I7.00O12.00; cannera, 15.6006.75; stock ers and feeders, $8.50013.00; feeding cows and heifers, $9.0009.25, Sheep and LambsReceipt, 2,500 head; market strong. New York Coffee. New York. Jan. 9 The market tor cof fee futures wa lower today under a re newal of scattering liquidation and trade selling accompanied by report of lower offer la th cost and freight market Trading wa very quiet at th opening which wa t to 10 point net lower, tint becam a little more active on th break whloh extended to 14.Ho tor Hay and 13.70 for December or about 3t to 61 points below yesterday' closing figure en th more active month. Th close waa a shad up from the lowest on some posi tion a a result ot covering, but showed a net dsclins of 35 to 4 points. Closing bids: Msy, 14.10c; July, 14 15c; September, 14.00; October, 13.15c; December, 12.8te; January, 12.10c Spot coffee nominal; III 7 It He; Santo 4s 22c. Omaha, January , 1919. Receipt of corn today wer moderate, while arrivals of other grain were, gen erally light. Receipts were 28 cars of wheat 108 car of corn, 86 oar of oats, 1 car of rye and It cars ot barley. Corn prices were off from 1 to 8 cents. Early trading wa low, sellers being it luctant to sell at the decline. Cusli prices followed the drop In Chicago fu tures, which wee oft today on the news of the recommendation by the food ad ministration of removal of restrictions on importation of Argentine corn. Oats declined to 1 cent. Rye was 2 centa tower and barley l to 2 onta de cline. Wheat figure advanced 1 to 2 cent. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. RcIpt Today, Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat 28 37 47 Corn 101 108 138 Oat ............. 26 33 42 Rye 1 Barley It 1 10 Shipment Wheat 61 (9 : Corn 100 101 80 Oats 23 92 1 JA Rye .............. 18 22 Barley 7 13 2 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 9 M 35 Kansas City 16 57 Ik St. Louis 46 100 32 Minneapolis 111 Duluth .ISC Winnipeg 211 flnrn No. a white' t mm tl S1 u . a ears, 11.61. No. 1 yellow: 1 tr (special uiiiin;, i.o; i rars, i.oz. no. 4 yel low! 9 Cam 91 Rl I rmrm. II &fl 1 .a. 11.49. No. 6 yellow: I can, $1.49;' 3 cars,' $1.48: 5 cars. $1.47. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.60'.;,. No. 4 miked: 1 car, $1.49; 9 cars, $1.49; 1 cars, $1.48. No. 5 mixed: 1 car, $1.49. No. t mixed: 1 car, $1.45. Oats Standard: 1 car. 71c. Vn 1 white: 4 car. 79 tic. No. 4 white: 1 car, 70 c. RyeNo. 3i 2 car, $1.61. Barley No. 1: 1 cars, $1.02. Wheat Kn 1 tiaril- I oar 1111- 1 rtr 12.32. No. 2 hard: 1 car. 12.30: 4 cars. $2.29. No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.2; 1 car, $2.25. No 4 hard: 1 car. 91 IS. Nn i northern spring: 1 car, $2.17; 1 car, $2.16. No. 1 northern spring: 1 ear, $2.17. Uo. t mixed: 1 car. 12 11. Hamnl. nlYJ 2-5 ear, $1.80. FINANCIAL Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. Jan. 9.Snsational breaks In the value of corn resulted today from statements that the food administration had recommended to the war trade board the canceling of bans which forbade Im ports of corn from Argentina. Notwith standing that the statements were denied at Washington, heavy selling took place, and the market closed excited at the low- eat point of the day, with net losses of !c to 7c. January, $144 to 11.44, and May, 11.11 to $1.36. Although a general rush to throw hold ings of corn overboard began right at the opening of business, It was not until the last hour that the weakness bordered on demoralisation. The climax came after J. J. Stream, chairman of the coara grain division ot th food administration, had kald on 'chang her that It was true the licensing Imports from Argentina had been recommended. A previous to today the majority of dealers had been relying on official statements that no such licenses were contemplated the notice to th contrary took the trad by surprise. Th reason tor th acuta con sequent depression In prices here waa the possibility that large amount of Argen tine corn would be imported In view ot It great relative cheapness. Oat and provisions tumbled with corn. Cash quotations: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.64; No. S yellow, 11.4901.51; No. 4 yellow, 11.4401.46, Oats No. 8 white. 70O72c; stand ard, 71 071c Rye No. 3, $1.1201.12. Barley $1.00 1.07. Seeds Timothy $8.00011.00; elover, nominal. t Provisions Pork Nominal; lard, $22.10; ribs, nominal. Chicago doling prices, furnished The Be by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain broker, lis BVJUth Sixteenth trt. Omaha t Art. Open. High. tow. Close. Yct'yT Corn I I I Feb. 1 41 1.41 1.27 1.18 1.44 Men 1.40 l.tO 1.31 1.36 1.42 May 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.36 1.41 J'ly 1.3$ 1.38 1.84 1.85 1,40 Oat I Feb. 1 .71 .71 .t .69 .72 Mch .71 .72 .70 .70 .72 May .72 .72 .69 .70 .73 J'y .90 ! .69 ! ,67 .67 .19 Pork Jan. , 46.60 46.00 46.00 41.00 46.70 May 43.00 43.10 42.37 41.17 41.17 Lard Jan. 22.30 21.10 22.90 22.90 23.25 May 24.00 24.00 23.50 23.25 25.60 Rib Jan. 23.21 25 49 25.25 25.21 25.60 May 28.80 23.80 23.37 23.17 23.87 Mlnenapolls Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. 1. Barley 91c $1.00. Rye No. t. $1.1701.57. Bran $50.00. Corn $1.4701.49. Oat 6t7o. Flax $3.5201.(4. Kansa City Grain. Kansas City. Mo., Jan. I. Corn Jan uary, 11.50; February, $1.44, March, $1.42; May, $1.40; July, $1.39, St, Louis Grain. St Louis, Jan. 1. Corn January, $1.47; May $1.38. Oats January 72c; May 71c. Liberty Bond. Nsw York, Jan. 9. Final price on Lib erty bond today were: $s, $99.50.: first convertible 4a, $92.84; second 4a, $92.90; tint convertible 4, $96.40; second con vertible t. $95.!; third 4, $9120; fourth 4, 196.62. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, Jan. 9. Evaporated Apples Dull. Prune Scare. Apricot Firm. Peaches Nominal. Raisin Firm. TnM City Prodoe. Kama City, Mo., Jan. 9. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Egg Two cents loww; firsts, (to; sec onds, 10c. New York. Jan. I. Sneclaltlea whoaa In trlnslo values for the most part r yet to be determined were th conspicuous ieaiuree or today s stock market, standard shares lapsing in lethargy or yielding to pressure. The sesaton as whole offered cumu lative proof ot the dominance of pool and of cliques on on hand and th Indifference of public Interest, or outside, support on the other. For example, dcallhgs m rail wer re stricted to less than half a dosen ot th active or representative shares and most of these wer quoted at comparatively rare intervals. Th on striking lnoldent of that divi sion was a further advance of 90 point for Texa Paclfio Ind Trust Certificates to 120, a gain ot 170 point thu fir this year. Texa Land I an offshoot of the Texa and Paclfio railway, who share have been stronger and most active ot th iow-prlced rail. Former' leader among Industrials and equipment wer most often eclipsed by the erratlce movements of oils, tobaccos, sugars, leather and other shares of no defnite description. Advances In some of these stocks ranged from two to ten points at their best, but these were largely reduced before the close on t Mexican Petroleum' reaction from It five-point gain to an extreme loss of two points and heavy selling of U. S. Steel at a loss of 1. Liberty bonds Were steady, but other domestio issue and International ease4 from fractions to 1 points. Total sale (par value) aggregate $9,75,000. Old U. S. bonds wer unchanged n call. Sale. High. tow. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. .20,900 77 73 75 American Can ...30,300 60 49 49 Am. Car A Fdry. 1,500 91 90 90 Am. Loco 600 62 61 tl Am. Smlt. A Ref.. 7,900 76 76 It Am. Sugar Ref.. 4,200 114 113 114 Am. T. & T 1,100 100 100 100 , . i- nM iaaa m n i in mn Atchison 2,000 93 92 92 at A erar aweST nAA IA A V . A A. Ki. Ot TV. l.a.O.iJ. afUU 1VB iVO vJ Bait. A Ohio .... 300 4 4 4 n a. m a h a A . ft a A 4sasU California Pet.... 2,100 21 21 23 Canadian Pac, ... 100 169 169 169 Cent. Leather ... 1,200 tl tl 61 Che. A Ohio 700 57 67 (6 C, M. A St. P..., 1,200 41 40 40 C. A N. W 400 tt t6 96 C, R. I. P. Ctfs. . 1,200 26 25 26 Chino Copper .... 1,200 13 11 31 AColo. F. A I.... 100 38 18 $8 Corn Prod. Ref... 20,700 10 49 50 Crucible, Steel ... 1,800 68 67 67 Cuba Cane Sugar. 13,500 11 39 29 Distiller's Sec. .. 9,500 66 (4 64 Erie 1.700 17 17 17 uenerai mec. ... ivw vie s General Motors .. 4,400 111 129 129 Ot. North, pfd.... 1,000 94 93 04 Gt. No. Or ctfs.. 11, 800 14 31 11 Inspiration Cop... 6,600 47 46 46 T, M.. Mar rM 1.000 107 V 106 107; Inter. Nickel 1.600 11 11 11 inter, raper .... , K. C. Southern... 400 1 11 11 Kennecott Copper. 1,600 11. 12 12 Maxwell Mot. ... 400 29 29 2 Mexican ret jb.suo iuv i Miami Copper ... 190 24 24 24 ... ..i tj-a e SOA 1GU 2 9 Nevada Cop 00 17 17 17 . ... .An i, . . . . . i .. n. n. ski.. iv N. Y. Cent 1,400 76 74 74 vt a. w 1AA 1AA 106 10 Northern Pao. ... 900 01 H4 ... .. .j. .... . . , r Oft; racmo Man ..... iu i ..ts ."-n Pennsylvania .... 700 46 46 45 Pittsburg Coal ... 1900 60 49 49 Ray Cons. Cop.... 100 11 10 20 Reading 1,100 11 11 11. Rep. Iron A Stel. wi " arl. fn SAO 11U llU 11 9outhrn Pacific. 7,100 102 101 101 Southern By i, Studtbaktr torp. .n.ivv t i t.... 11.100 11 187 187 Union Pacific ,900 129 128 120 U o. ina. Al.,., J,1W va wo U. S. Steel 7,400 04 tl 91 it a at l r.M .. 1 AAA 11IU. 115 115 Utah Coppr 1,100 72 , 71 72 Westlnghse Elec. 600 42 41 42 Bethlehem B 4,700 02 11 61 Total sale for in aay, it,ivv snar. New York Bond. U. S. 2s, reg.. 98 Gt. N. lit It U. S. 2s, coup. 91 I. C. ref. 4s..., 83 U. S. 3s, reg... 11 Int. M. M. fs..lO0 U. S. 8s, coup. II . C. S. ret 6i.. 14 U. S. Lib. t 99.(0 L A N. un. 4s.. 81 U. S. 4s, reg.. 10 M K A X 1st 4s 67 U. S. 4s, coupon 10 Mo. Pao. gen. 4 It Am For Seo 6 99 Mont. Power ( 11 Am. T. A T. c 5 93 N. T. C. deb, (a 08 Anglo-French 6 97 M. Paclfio 4s.. 15 Arm A Co. 11 N. Pacific I.... 11 Atchlwn gen. 4 86 S. L. ref. 4 17 B. A O. c. 4s 79 Pac. T. A T. 5 94 'Beth Steel r 6s 17 'Penn. con. 4s 91 Cn. Leather 5a 96 Penn gen. 4s 11 Cen. Paclfio 1st 81 Reading gn. ts 81 C. A O. CV. Is.. 17 8 L A 8 F a Is 61 C B A Q joint 4s 16 S. Pac cv. Is ..104 C M A S P C 4 81 Southern Ry 5 91 C R I A P ref 4s 76 T. A Pac. lit.. 91 A S. ret. 4 70 Union Paclfio 4 89 D. A R. G. r. 5s 57 U. 8. Rubber 6s 87 D of C 6 (1931) 97 U. S. Steel 6 100 Erl gen. 4s.... 66 Wabash 1st.... 96 General Elec. Is II French gvt 5s 104 New Trk Money. New York Jan. 0. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Unchanged. Francs Demand 15.45; cable, $5,44. Guilders Unchanged. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollar Unchanged. Tim Loan Firm; It day, 90 day and six months, 6 06 per Cent. Call Money Strong; high, ( per cent; low, I per cent; ruling rat, ( per cent; closing bid, I per cent; offered at 6 pr cent; last loarp 1 per cent Saw York Sugar. New York, Jan. I. Sugar Unchanged. Pry Goods, New York. Jan. I. Cotton good and yarns today ware quiet with further casing tendency. Wool goods wer quiet New York Cotton. Nsw York, aJn, I. Cotton closed steady at a net advance of 17 to 10 point. Duluth, Jan. 9. Linseed $4.4704.10. SKINNER PACKING PANY OULTIW BUTTER EGGS 1116 -1118 -Doudlos St Tel-Douglas 1521 atl.flaVW Mk HJl reAei M Vew York Metal. New York. Jan. 10. Metal Unchanged. mericia Teleph n I Ttfopapl. Co. A dividend of Two Dollar per ihart wflt be paid on Wednesday, January 15, 1910, to stockholders of record at th eloi Of buiin on Friday. December 10, lilt, G. D. MILNE. Treasurer. New York General. New York, Jan. 9. Wheat Spot tedy; No. I red. 13.15, track New York. Corn Spot easier; No. I yellow, and No. 1 whits, 11.18, cost snd freight New Tork. Oats Spot weak; stndard, 80a. Hops Finn; state medium to choice, lilt, 3O04Ooi 1917, 19021c; Paclfio coast, 1918, 35041c; 1917, 24029c. Lard Weak; mlddleweat, 123.60013.10. aTllow Weak; city special loose, 12c. Other articles unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Jan. 9. Butter Market firm; creamery, 6468c. Eggs Market higher; receipts. 1.066 cases, firsts, 0c; ordinary firsts, 680 19c; at mark, cases Included, 61061c. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 26030c: springs, 25c; turkeys, 30c. Potatoes Higher; receipts. 25 cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minesota, bulk, $2.1902,20; do, aacki. $2.1602.26. New York Produce. New Tork, Jan. 1. Butter Strong; un changed. Eggs Steady; unchanged. Cheese Firm, unchanged. Poultry Alive, easier; chickens, 28 0 22c; fowls, 3437c; old roosters, 23c; dressed, market firm; broilers, 40042c; chickens, 2901lc; fowls, 26086c; old roosters, 13014c; turkey, western, 380 44e. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Qa., Jan. 9. Turpentine, firm, (8c; no offerings; receipts, It bbls.; shipments, 17 kbls. ; stock, 10,(88 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales. 164 bbls.; receipts, 207 bbls.; shipments, 7 bbls.; stock, 11,738 bbls. Quote B, D B, 113.17; F, $13.20; G. H, $13.t5; I, $11.76; K, $16.75: M, $11.25; N, $lt.S0; W. O., $11.45; W. W $11.75. New York Cotton Futures. New Tork, Jan. I. Cotton futures opened firm; January, 28.90c; March, 27.25c; May, 26.20c; July, 26.60c; October, 23c. Today's Calendar of Sports. Racing Winter meeting at New Or leans. Winter meeting at Havana, Cuba. Basket Ball Opening of the season of the New York State Intercollegiate Basket Ball leagne. Boxing Roy Moore against Gen Gan non, 10 round, at Superior, Wis. AMUSEMENTS. Douglas SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE Dally Msrines, :I5 Nlht 0:11 This week: LEONA LA MAR: HENRY B. TOOliKR; THE MISSES CAaU'UELL; Charles Irwin; Dickinson A Peaion; Three Maiuna JtDt: Nelaa A Nolan: VMkly Allied Review; Orpheura Travel Weekly. Mats.: 10s. 21 and 00. Bean lad Stslls, 70 WW: IQe, , toe, 75 as 91.00 Next Sunday For the Week Matt. Sun., Wed. Sat The "Broken Rosary" A Dartnf Drama of Money, Marriage and Baseball Matt, 25-50c. Night, 50.75c, $1. Tenitt, Saturday Matinee Saturday 25c and 50c Harry Blaney'a Comedy Succe "The Unkissed Bride" Funnier than "Fair and Warmer" and 'Twin Bed." Prices Eve., 2Sc, SOc, 75c and $1.00 JiVII li aaJ I cii.r7i.xsrs -iinnrmi mj "OH CHARM" A Muical Comedy With Girl 3 OTHER ACTS HALE HAMILTON In "FIVE THOUSAND AN HOUR" OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" (07 Dally Mats., ll-2S-S0c F'Vy'V Evng, 28-B0-7Se.l LAST TIMES TODAY ,a;J HARRY COOPER AND SPORTING WIDOWS tgSS&Sk Tesaorrew (Sat.) Mat. and All Week B0N-T0N GIRLS lesteTWn MOirS' DIM! 9JATIWEI WEEK OAVa PHOTO-PLAYS. COMMERCE HIGH WIN HARD GAME ON Y.M, FLOOR Defeat Central Furniture Team by 4 Points; Beddoes : Defeat Balloon Company and Nakens Trim Fort. ! ' ! 1AST NIGHT'S HESl LTS. , Commercial High St, Central Furniture, ' 20. Hedileo SI, Siity-eecond Balloon eom-' ' . pany 4. X. W. Nakens 20, Fort Omaha 7. COMMERCIAL LF(.l'K STANDINGS. I Played. Won. ImU Pet. N'akena I t 10m Commerce High .. t 0 , 100 Fort Omaha 2 1 l turn Bwlileo , .. 1 1 AM r Central Furniture. . . OOO Sixty-seoonda t 0 S OOO The first game between Commerce High and the Central Furniture teams was a tight battle from start to finish. The High team wis lead- ing by one point at the end of the first half and could only increase their lead three poftits during the final period, the score being 24 to 20. . Mahoney, center, was the sensation of the evening, making 16 counters for his mates. The team from the fort was com posed of substitutes, the real team . being in Lincoln, where they had a game with the University of Ne- ', braska. The team put up a stifl game, however, their opponents scoring but 6 points during the first half. The Bcddeos bucked up dur ing the final period, and managed tc pile up a score of 31 to 4 by the end ' of the game. AMUSEMENTS. Jll l. U .1 aj --mm. Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (MILDRED HARRIS) i Drawing mcSiNcCrowds To See Her Performance in Borrowed Clothes Only Two More Day. Balcony, 15c; Orcheitra, 25c. Sunday GABY DESLYS in "INFATUATION. PHOTO-PLATS. II "Mirandy Smiles" Today and Saturday rmv 'Wsir THEDA BAR A IN "THE SHE-DEVIL" f 1 L7l JfJL-JLiV V J aC ri DOUGl Presents Clark "LITTLE MISS HOOVER" MUSE MUSE PICKFORE) THE STAR and Music Played by ROBERT CUSCADEM AND HIS FIVE ARTISTS ' i AKE "JOHANNA ENLISTS" A COMBINATION THAT IS BOUND TO PLEASE MUSE MUSE AUDITORIUM, Friday Ev'ng, JAN. 10 GALLI-CURCI PRICES $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and , $2.50.