Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1919, Image 1

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London, Jan. 9. Crown jewels
have been brought out of their war
time hiding place and returned to
the Tower of London. They were
not paraded back. In fact, the re
moval was so informal and quiet
that no one, perhaps, who saw a
couple of automobiles containing
fol'r army men disguised as civilians
suspected that they were carrying
?3'),000,000 worth of jewelry.
Windsor Castle, about 25 miles
from London, became the reposi
tory for the jewels soon after Ger
man aircraft began to bomb the
metropolis. They were placed in
a thick walled stone vault.
Seattle, Jan. 9. Seattle democrats
announced today that they will urge
all democratic organizations in the
country to light welcome bonfires
on the night President Wilson re
turns from France.
San Francisco, Jan. 9. Baron
Allardt von Dem B. Muench,
nephew of the former German am-
. bassador,' Count von Bernstorff.
was : sentenced today to three
months- in the county jail for perpe
trating a fraud upon the govern-
; nient by attempting to enter the
coiintry with a forged passport.
. Baron Muench pleaded guilty
with Edward Michael Zaccho, a
Dane, alleged to be a diplomatic
agent of the German foreign of-
fice, to indictments charging them
with conspiracy to smuggle into
Berlin military papers brought
from Shanghai. .
Judge M. T. Dooling sentenced
Zaccho to a term of one year.
Washington, Jan. 9. Payment by
the government of a pension A
$5,000 a year to Mrs. Edith Carcw
Roosevelt, widow of Colonel Roose
velt, was proposed today by a bill
introduced by Representative Galli
van of Massachusetts.
New York, Jan. 9. Charles E.
Hughes was re-elected president of
the- Union League club at the an
nual meeting tonight and General
Tershing was elected an honorary
member. Nine new members were
admitted, among them being Will
.H. Hays of Sullivan, Ind., chairman
of the. republican national com
mittee. The club authorized appointment
of a committee to study the bol
shevik menace in the United States
and to formulate a course of action
to be pursued in helping to prevent
the outbreak of disorder.
A memorial deploring the death
of Col. Theodora Roosevelt, a mem-
,ue- of the club, .was adopted,
. , Camp Di'x., N. J., Jan. 9. A trade
school sfor. crippled, and convales
cent soldiers, with more than 1,000
soldiers from overseas already in
their classes, has been organized
here. Courses are furnished in
stenography, typewriting, auto
repairing, printing, telegraphy and
wit-jless telegraphy.
A bureau of the United States
civil service commission has been
established in camp to enable of
ficers and men leaving the service
to take examinations for clerical and
other, positions with the government.
The Omaha Daily' Bee
VOL. 48. NO. 177.
Ettd u Mcud-claM mitttr May 2t, I90f, at
Omaha P. 0. aadar art ! Marck I. I7S
By Mall (I yur). Dally. S4.50: 8ua4ay. I1.U:
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Fair Friday and Saturday
no decided change in tem
perature. Hourly Tempcraturra.
S . m Jt 1 p. in U
at. an W t p. m
.ta.m til 3 p. ni. M 4 p. m ST
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Rnnnnc toy?
Growing Driving Power Shown
" in Conferences; France
Names Delegates and
Presents Protocol.
Leaders See Signs of Success
r in Next Election and Dis-
cuss Candidates for
, x Presidency.
Chicago, Jan. 9. Party leaders
from nearly every state arrived here
today to attend the meeting of the
republican national committee to
be held tomorrow. The session will
. be a political "love feast" at which
the republican victory at tue con
gressional elections last November
.will be canvassed and plans for the
1920 presidential campaign dis
cussed. Practically every state will
be represented by the national com
mitteeman or his proxy. Party
leaders brought optimistic reports
from every section indicating, they
said, success in the next presidential
Although Chairman Will H. Hays
declared any discussion of candi
dates for president was premature,
the party leaders in preliminary and
informal conferences tonight dis-
; cussed probable candidates and is-
, sues. Among the names mentioned
in the gossip were: v
Gen . John J. Pershing, Gen.
Leonard Wood, Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts,
Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa,
Senator P. C Knox of Pennsyl
vania, Senator Warren G. Harding
of Ohio, William H. Taft of Ohio,
Senator James E. Watson of In
diana. Gov. Frank O. Lowderi of
Illinois, Former Gov. Charles H
Whitman of New York, and Senator
John W. Weeks of Massachusetts.
Gov.-Elect Henry J. Allen of
' Kansas was mentioned as a possible
candidate for vice president by his
The two issues most frequently
mentioned in the gossip were an
attack on the alleged extravagance
of the national democratic adminis
tration and a strong declaration
-Against bolshevikism and socialistic
doctrines, including government
ownership or operation of the rail
roads and other public utilities.
By Associated Press.
Paris, Jan. 9. Official announce
ment was made today that the coun
cil of ministers had approved the
nominations as the French repre
sentatives in the peace congress of
the following:
Georges Clemcnceau. the pre
mier; Stephen Pichon, 'oreign
minister; Lucien Klotz, finance min
ister; Andre Tardicu, French 'ligh
commissioner to the United States,
and Jules Cambon, former ambassa
dor at Berlin.
Marshal Foch, it is announced,
will naturally be a member of the
peace congress as the commander-in-chief
of the allied armies. The
technical representatives of the
French government probably will in
clude Leon Bourgeois, authority on
the subject of a society of nations.
Council Taking Form.
Announcement of the French del
egation, in addition to bringing a
distinguished array of French
statesmen into the arena of the
peace congress, hag begun to give
definiteness to the delegations, of
the great powers, of which the
American delegation has been by
itsel; up to the present time. It is
expected that the British, Italian
and Japanese delegations now will
be announced officially.
The leading figures, like Premier
Lloyd George and Foreign Secre
tary Balfour for Great Britain;
Premier Orlando and Foreign
Minister Sonnino for Italy and
Viscount .Chinda and Ambassador
Matsui for Japan, already are
known, although not officially ap
pointed, but the designation of a
full list will bring into being the
real directing force of the congress,
consisting of 25 members repre
senting hve great powers of the
French Delegation Strong.
will be this supreme council
or tne great powers wnicn win
guide and shape the deliberations
and results of the entire congress,
and while all the, other powers will
later have a full hearing and a
voice, it will ne tne great powers
which will initiate and direct the
general conduct of affairs.
The personnel of the French dele
gation is recognized as exception
ally strong, combining the political,
diplomatic, financial, economic and
military sagacity of. France. The
appointment of Jules Cambon is
particularly gratifying to the Ameri
can delegation . owing to his inti
mate knowledge of and sympathy
with American affairs resulting from
his long service as French am
bassador in Washington.
M. Cambon, with Foreign Muiis
(Conttnued on Pp( Two, Column Four.)
Congress Charged With
Wilfully Wasting Money
mm mmmi i
Advice of Experts Ignored and
Funds Misappropriated,
Charges Former Head
of Security League.
New York, Jan. 9. Charges that
members of congress have "re
peatedly ignored the advice of our
naval board and of our army and
navy heads, and have wasted money
by log rolling and misappropriation
of funds," were made by S. StaV
wood Menken, former president of
the National Security league, here
today in testimony before the con
gressional committee investigating
the activities of the organization.
The scene of the inquiry was trans
ferred from Washington to New
York today.
Asked by Representative Johnson
of Kentucky, chairman of the com
mittee, to explain what he meant,
the witness declared that congress
for years had been "spending the
public money where votes are thick
est." He cited as an instance of "mis
appropriation" the postoffice build
ing at Bar Harbor, Maine, "a town
of a few thousand 'inhabitants.''
which he declared "would do credit
to a city of a million."
When pressed as to what con
gressmen he considered guilty of
wasting money for personal pur
poses in this instance, Mr. Menken
answered, "whatever congressman
or congressmen were instrumental
in having it put through."
Mr. Menken severely criticised
the method of making, naval ap
propriations, declaring that in soma
cases dry docks had been built
"where there was not enough water
to bring the ships to the dook."
To a. question of Representative
Harrison of Mississippi whether
Mr, Menken meant there was per
sonal corruption" -in
)f the
witness answered no.
Asked why he did not enter con
gress himself and "help New York
out," Mr. . Menken said he would
gladly run if Mr. Harrison would
getf the nomination for him "from
the political powers that be."
He said he thought New York
had the "finest misrepresentatives
in congress of any city in the United
States.'.' .
Allies Will Destroy
Forts at Dardanelles
Unless Turks Disarm
London, Jan, 9. The allies
have notified .Turkey that unless
the Turkish force at Medina lays
down its arms immediately the
forts at the Dardeanelles will be
The Turks have "shown an un
willingness to surrender in ac
cordance with the armistice
terms, but all the garrisons ex
cept that at Medina, which is the
largest in Arabia, laid down their
arms through peaceful persua
sion. Fakhri Pasha, commander
at Medina, offered one excuse
after another until the allies
were forced to send an ultima
tum to the Turkish government.
Resolution Introduced at Lin
coln Following Delivery of
Messages by Old and
New Governors.
Iowa Family of Five,
Sick With Influenza,
Burned in Their Home
Cedar Rapids, la.. Jan. 9. Frank
Blizek, his wife, their six-year-old
son, 14-year-old daughter and 2
year-old daughter were all
to death early this afternoon, when
their farm home at" Oxford Junction
in Jones county was destroyed by
fire. Their charred bodies were re
covered from the debries five hours
All members of the family were
ill with influenza. They lived in a.
valley half a mile from the nearest
house. Unable to get help, the
father, in spite of his illness tried
to get their meals. The rest were
all confined to their beds. '
Soon after 1 o'clock residents in
the nearest farm house saw a cloud'
of smoke rising over the hill top.
When they arrived at the Blizek
home it was in flames and the roof
had fallen in. An alarm was given
over the countryside, but it was
several hours before the throng
could begin searching for the
From a Staff Correspondent
Lincoln, Jan. 9. (Special.) Sel
(lon has the state of Nebraska wit
nessed inaugural cerembnjes of
greater, democratic simplicity than
those that marked the induction in
to office of Governor McKelvie.
The house chamber was packed
with members of the upper and
lower houses, state officials and em
ployes and guests from all over the
It. is doubtful if a similar incident
has ever occurred irr the history of
any state in the union where the
outgoing and the incoming gover
nors were possessed of such youth
and personalities as occurred here
The messages of the two execu
tives were listened to with the
closest attention, and while the
ceremonies were in progress the
events that transpired were made a
part of the pictured history of the
state by the operation of moving
pidture machines. A feature was
that both men advocated dry laws
in the nation. ....
Officers Take Oath.
burfiC(j$Jeutenant Governor Barrows. Sec-
Colonel Roosevelt's Estate
Placed in Trust For Widow
retary of State Amsberrv. State
Auditor Marsh, , State Treasurer
Cropsey, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction Clemmons, At
torney General Davis, Commissioner
of Public Lands and Buildings
Swanson, were given the oath of
office by Chief Justice Morrissey.
University Regents John R. Web
sster and Frink Judson of Omaha,
to whom' the oaths of office should
have been administered at the same
time, were not present.
The resolution takes the form of
a bill and its supporters assert it
will be passed by both houses -by
practically unanimous vote.
To Ratify Prohibition.
Owing to the difference in the
form of the oath, H. G. Taylor, state
railway commissioner, was sworn in
separately. Following the formal
induction of the executives into
office there was an informal recep
tion of brief duration after which
a communication from Secretary of
j State Lansing of the federal goverti-
(Contlnurd on Fare Two, Column One.)
Will Made in 1912 Read to
Family; Disposes of
rtroperty Valued at
About $500,000. -
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Jan. 10,-Col.
Theodore Roosevelt's will, made jn
1912, was read to members of the
family at Sagamore Hill today and
probably will be filed with the sur
rogate of Nassau county tomorrow.
Although the value of the former
president's estate was not made
known, it was understood to amount
to not more than $500,000. Accord
ing to Attorney George C. Cobbe of
New York, who read the vvll, the
document nrovides that the' entire
estate, except the family silver and,
plate, shall be held in trust tor tne
widow during hex life, and gives her
power to dispose of it by will as she
sees fit. In the event she leaves no
will, the estate is to be divided in
equal parts among the childreri.
The silver and family plate, Mr.
Cobbe said, are to be divided among
the children, as is a $60,000 trust
fund left to Colonel Roosevelt by
his father. ........
The will named as trustees Lieut.
Col. Theodore Roosevelt, jr., and
W. Emlen Roosevelt, a cousin of the
colonel. '
Mrs. Roosevelt, who was unable
to attend the funeral yesterday, will
visit the grave in Young's Memorial
cemetery tomorrow, after which she
will leave Sagamore Hill for a brief
visit to Colonel Roosevelt's sister,
Mrs. William S. Cowles, at Farm
ington, Conn. She will be accom
panied by Mrs. Ethel Derby and
Captain Archibald Roosevelt.
' Hundreds of visitors thronged the
cemetery today and it was learned
that one of the reasons for the sta
tioning of a military guard of honor
about the grave was to prevent
"souvenir hunters" from carrying
Laway the floral tributes.
As the visitors stood about the
grave today, an army airplane from
Quentin Roosevelt field at Mineola.
flew low and dropped a laurel
wre'ath which landed squarely on the
grave. -
Telegram's, cablegrams and let
ters of condolence continued to pour
into Sagamore Hill today and Cap
tain Roosevelt said that all which
bore addresses would be answered.
He expressed the appreciation ,ot
the family for the many message.,
which gave' ho address to which re
plies could be sent
Inaugural address of Governor
McKelvie and message of Gov
ernor Neville will be found on
page 12.
Detective's Bullet,
Sent After Shoplifter,
Hits Another Man
L. T. Finn, special detective for
the Brandeis stores, was booked at
the police station for investigation
Thursday afternoon shortly after-he
had accidentally shot T. A. Peterson,
6573 Miami street, while chasing
Sylvester Macklin, colored. 1315
Davenport street. Finn was chas
ing the negro, whom .he caught
stealing merchandise from the store.
In attempting to Shoot at Macklin,
Finn accidentally shot Peterson in
the shoulder. The wound is not
Finn did not give himself up at
the police station until he brought
down two women, Jessie Oglesby
and Beatrice Littlejohn, both living
at 2315 North Twenty-eighth street,
on charges of obtaining goods under
false pretenses.
Finn was released on bonds.
Polish Militia Driven Out of
Vilna by Ru'ss and Mas
sacre Ensues; Lemberg
Still Held by Poles.
By Associated Press.
Warsaw, Jan. 9. Vilna has fallen
into the hands of the bolshevik
army, several thousand strong,
which drove out the Polish militia.
A massacre of civilians began at
once, partly because the Poles had
offered resistance and had arrested
or shot the members of the local
bolshevik committees.
The Polish troops, who had no
cannon and only a few cartridges
per rifle and were under command
of General Veitko, retreated to
Lanovarova, where they were dis
armed by the Germans and sent
to Bialystok. There they were rob
bed by the Germans and were start
ed off for Polish territorv.
Lemberg, where the Poles are
defending themselves against the
Ruthenians, appears - safe for the
time being.
Paderewski Appeals to Patriotism.
The political situation at Warsaw
is stationary. As a result of inter
views which Ignace Jan Paderewski
has had with . General Pilsudski,
Paderewski has agreed to form a
new cabinet, provided the socialists
now holdihg places in the ministry
withdraw from their predominating
position. General Pilsudski ex
pressed himself as not wishing to
use his authority to force the with
drawal of these socialists.
Paderewski is working hard and
making appeals to patriotism. He
declares that he is willing to sac
rifice every ambition if only a cabi
net can be formed which the allies
can recognize and extend aid to
with safety to themselves as they
fear that a certain sort of cabinet
would lead to headlong bolshevism.
General Pilsudski and other lead
ers are being' told very plainly that
the allies will help only when Po
land is internally united.
Prince Eustache Sapieha, who
led the recent attempt to overthrow
the' government, is still in prison.
He was arrested by the personal
red guard of Minister of the Interior
Thugut, who himself had previously
been arrested.
People Starving in Petrograd.
Refugees from Petrograd say that
the streets are full of starving peo
ple, many of whom have money,
but can get no food. There has been
an outbreak in Riga. The popula
tion there is composed of Letts and
Esthonians, who for the most part
are socialists and opposed to property-owning,
and the aristocratic
classes, who are of German origin.
Messages from Kiev report that
city and district quiet, now that
there is no longer any thing left to
steal, or land owners left to rob or
Kiev seems to be joining with
Leon Trotzky, the bolshevik for
eign minister, and Nikolai Lenine,
the bolshevik premier, are making
overtures to the Ukranians, saying
that they have no wish to turnover
the Ukraine government to tne op-nosition.
Workmen's congresses have been
formed at Kiev, one Ukranian and
the other Russian. The Russian
congress is entitled the workmen
and soldiers' deputies and is a tool
of the bolshevik. Both congresses
have declared that they do not wish
intellectuals among their members.
Farmers' committees have Ieen
formed here to distribute public
lands and the lands stolen from
former land owners. ".
Leaders Will Press Famine
Relief Measure in House
Washington, Jan. 9. Although
their efforts to have the house rules
committee . report a rule for im
mediate consideration of the bill
appropriating $100,000 for famine
relief ir. urope failedJoday, ad
ministration leaders announced to
night that they had not given up
hope of early ponsideration of the
Gronna Urges Fulfillment
of Guaranteed Wheat Prices
Washington, Jan. 9. Senator
Gronna of North Dakota, republi
can, in an address in the senate to
day urged the fulfillment of the
government guaranteed prices
wheat in 1919 and asked that
farmer be dealt with justly.
Spartacides Determined to
Form Government by and
For the Working Classes
Leaders Declare Bund Represents Great Mass of Pro
letariat, Not Only of Germany, But Entire World;
Political Purpose to End Federation of States
and Substitute Single. German Republic.
By Universal Service and London Daily Express.
Berlin, Jan. 8. (Special Cable Dispatch.) From the central com
mittee, directed by Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, I have obtained a
summary of the views of the extreme radical socialist, or bolshevist
party. It is as follows:
"The Spartacides are determined to carry on a class struggle of
the working classes against bourgeoise until it has established a govern
ment by and for the working classes, excluding all others from participa
tion. "The Spartacus band represents the great mass of the proletariat,
not only of Germany, but of the entire world. The present revolution
does not'affect Germany alone, but is world-wide. It aims to end in a
universal establishment of a dictatorship by the proletariat, with all
resistance crushed.
Aims of Bund.
The immediate object of the
Sparatacus bund in Germany was
outlined at the recent Spartacus
congress as follows:
Disarm all police and soldiers not
belonging to the proletariat.
Control all munitions plants.
Disarm the ruling classes; arm
the workmeen in the bolshevist
Free the individual from army dis
cipline. End the military caste.
Establish a revolutionary tribunal.
Try the chief men guilty of caus
ing the prolongation of the war, in
cluding the Hohenzollerns.-IIinden-burg,
Ludendorff and Tirpitz.
The political purpose is to end
the federation of states and substi
tuting a single German Socialist re
public, absolute socialization of the
state, with a six-hour day and in
surance against unemployment.
To Confiscate Property.
The first work lying before the'
proletariat government, which they
hope to form, will be the couhsca
tion of the dynastic fortunes and
incomes, cancellation of state and
public iebts, including war loans,
but excepting poor , people's small
towns; confiscation of the real
estate, all banks, mines, industrial
and commercial companies and of
all fortunes above a certain low
Nationalization of the traffic sys
tem by the Soviets is another plank
in the red's platform., '
Under' their plan all factory work
ers are tb' control .the production of
the places where they work.
A central strike commission also
is to be established if
their way.
Marine Workers' Strike Ties
Up Traffic hv Harbor;
Boat Owners Make
Arbitration Offer.
New York, Jan. 9. Unless rail
roads can bring food into New York
by roundabout routes, the hunger
point may be reached within 48
hours and the lives of thousands im
periled as the result of the marine
workers' strike, which tied up vir
tually all traffic in the harbor today,
according to a statement tonight
from the office of A. H. Smith, re
gional railroad director.
Hope to Avert Famine.
Mr. Smith asked for a 48 hour
armistice and stated if this was
granted the strike could be settled
across the table. At a conference
with Mr. Smith, however, the men
told him the proposal could not be
considered until the general strike
committee held a meeting scheduled
for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
It was stated at Mr. Smith's of
fice that to avert possible famine,
live stock, foodstuffs and 'milk were
being given preference over all other
freight coming into thiscity. .The
milk situation was described as
"even worse than that of solid
food'' as there were thousands of
babies , and invalids who must be
1 supplied.
T tm A ? fnn , e . T . ..
ne ho.uuu meniDcrs oi tne inter
national Longshoremen's association
at this port are ready to strike in
sympathy with the marine workers,
according to a report made tonight
at a meeting of the strike commit
tee by Paul A. Vaccarelli. represent
ing the association. "We have
pledged you our support," he said.
Agree to Name Board.
The boat owners' association an
nounced tonight that the men had
signed an agreement for the appoint
ment of a conciliation board to arbi
trate all differences. This announce
ment brought prompt denial from
the strike committee, which termed
it "an owners' welfare proposition."
Meanwhile, many other agencies
are at work to restore normal
conditions in New York harbor,
which were almost unprecedented
today. Union leaders declared that
16,000 men were idfe. Scarcely a
ferry, tug or lighter moved after 6
o'clock this morning." There were
no tugs to dock ocean liners and
no boats to carry freight.
Gen. Ludendorff Returns
to Berlin from Sweden
Berlin, Jan. 9. General Luden
dorff, former chief quartermaster
general of the. German armies, ac
cording to the Nachrichten of Leip
zig, has returned to Germany from
a recuperating trip to Sweden.
Twenty Thousand Workmen
in Riot at Steel Works,
Which Results in
150 Casualties.
Buenos Aires, Jan. 9. It is re
ported that there were ISO casual
ties here this afternoon as a re
sult of a clash between troops and
strikers at the Vasona Steel Works.
The troops opened fire on the strik
ers, who responded with rifles.
The government has stationed
scldiers and artillery in the vicinity
of the steel works, and troops from
various sections .of the republic, in
cluding Rosari(j( are being rushed
Twenty thousand strikers sur
rounded the plant in an attempt to
force strike breakers ti leave. The
government rushed up a squadron
of national mounted police to escort
the workers tosafety.
During the afternoon street cars
and taxicabs were overturned or
destroyed. As night approached
the situation admittedly was asum
ing grave proportions.
Nearly all the industries of the
city, including the transportation
lines, have been paralyzed by a 24
hour general strike called in protest
against the "use of force by the
state" in the fight Tuesday in which
five metal workers were killed and
30 wounded. '
It Pays
to Read
You've often heard the say
ing, "It : pays to 1 advertise."
. That is true, and it also pays to
read advertisements pays
you. Especially will it pay you
at the present time to read the'
"Investment" and "Business
Property" advertisements in
The Bee Real Estate Columns.
It will pay you in mony tTd.
There are many business prop-
. erty bargains being offered at
this time by the Omaha
"Realtors" in this paper, watch
, for them and
'Keep your eye on The" Bee'
'mprovin'g Every Day. '
Outbreaks Occur in Man)
Cities as v Government
Troops Pour, into
City, of Berlin. ;
By Associated Press. . f
Copenhagen, Jan. 9. Government
troops have occupied all the public
buildings in Berlin and thousands of
government troops are still entering
the capital. v
The Berljn correspondent of" the
Berdlingske Tidende, who : sends -this
information, declares that the r
Spartacans have been beaten and
that quiet was partly restored today.
Bloody fighting occurred at the
Anlialt railroad station Wednesday
night when Spartacan groups tried
to occupy the building, according
to Berlin advices received by way
of Frankfort. They were repulsed'
by government troops, who in-
flirted heavy losses on them.
There was lively shooting Wed
nesday forenoon at many points, ' kw--cluding
the Brandeburg gate, which .
the government forces had captured
during the night Several persons
were killed or wounded. - - Jl .
The tronns of the - government"
they- "have? directed an incessant fire from ms&
chine guns on the roof of the chatt'
ctllor's palace in the direction
Unter den, Linden and Wilhelmr
strasse. Later the firing increased
in intensity, especially in the neigh'
borhood of the Brandenburg gate,
and many people were killed;
v Red Riots Spreading.
Serious Spartacan riots are going
on at Dresden, Brunswick, DusselJ
dorft, Essen and Dortmund,' ac
cording to the Munich corre
spondent of the Politiken. Several
towns iri the Ruhr district are hi
the hands of the Spartacans.' ,
During the rioting reported hv
Munich on Tuesday evening a mob -of
several thousand persons at
tempted to storm one of the largest ,
banks, but was repulsed by ma'
chine guns, according to a Munich,
dispatch to the Politiken. The
riots, the dispatch states, were pro
moted by the Spartacans. " j
State of Siege Proclaimed. i
Amsterdam, Jan. 9. A state of
siege has been proclaimed in Ber
lin, according to a late dispatch
from that city. The proclamation
probably was made by the, Ebert!
government. ' , ' 5 ? f
The government, - it rs repftrted
decided to take energetic measures'
and assembled a large number ol
troops. Premier Ebert issued a,
manifesto to ' the "workers, bouri
geoise and soldiers" denouncing the"
Spartacans as being responsible'.fof!
many persons being killed tt.d
wounded. The manifesto continues:
" We now must accept the. fight
into which we have been ' forced. .
We have hesitated too long end,
must be prepared to intervene with
out restriction for the defense of
revolutionary order. We appeal to
you in, the view of forming a volun
teer republican defense guard. Wc
must not stop until order has' Seen
re-established in Berlin and the peo
ple assured the possibility of enjoy
ing peace and the fruits of the reo-
Union." . ; :
Heavy Fighting in Streets. ? ,
Berlin, Jan. 9. Heavy . fighting
continued throughout last;night at,
various points in Berlin The civil,
warfare already is estimated to Have;
cost 20 times as many lives as were
sacrificed in the overthrow of the
Hohenzollern. dynasty 60 days Igo.- :
The Spartacans held the reichstagr"
building, v .they- approaches to-i the
Brandenburg gate and the Silesian i';
railway st' ion. ;, .y; aJ"
War on , Berlin to restore !
order is threatened by Bavaria,' ac
cording to a speech made today is
the Bavarian Chamber of Deputic
in Munich by Herr Auer, the minis.1
ter of the interior. Bavaria, he said,
proposed to intervene with arms if
conditions in Berlin continue unset
tied. ,
Boy Struck by Automobile
Lies -Unconscious in Hospital,
John Dougherty,-9 years old, 321 f
Charles street, suffered a fracture
of the skull yesterday afternoon)
when struck by an automobile drivJ
en by W. F. McMurray, 1429 North
Seventeenth street, on Fortieth
street between Farnam and Douglas.
The lad ran behind a southbound
strttt car and in front of the auto
mobile which was going northwards
He was taken to Birchmore . hos
pital and had not recovered CO
sciousness at midnight.