Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1919, Image 1

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    .trn i in Mn 1"
Washington, Jan. 8. Secretary
Daniels wrote Mayor Smith of
Philadelphia today that unless the
municipal authorities immediately
improve vice conditions in Phila
delphia, steps will be taken by the
government "to give the needed pro
tection to the 'thousands of young
men in uniform who must either
visit Philadelphia or be denied the
liberty which ought to he given
Chicago, Jan. 8. Edward, W.
Morrison, who has hee.i dubbed the
"moneyless millionaire," is to be a
millionaire again.
Ji'.dge Anderson, in the federal
tourt today announced that he
would enter an order setting aside
the transfer by Morrison to At
torney James R. Ward, of property
valued at approximately $3,500,000.
The story told in court of Morri
son's life was one of a profligacy
which witnesses said increased with
age. In 1916, in stubborn disputa-
tion of acclaim for $130,000 against
him. Morrison transferred his entire
fortune to Ward, with the under
standing that Ward was to take
care of all creditors. Morrison was
declared a bankrupt just a year ago
New York, Jan. 8. Some of the
loot of "Christmas" Kenoug, notor
ious swindler and forger, has been
found in a safe deposit box in this
city, according to a statement made
tonight by Edwin P. Kilroe, assist
ant district attorney.
The contents of the box, which
Kiltoe said fairly bulged with jewel
ry and travelers' checks, are esti
mated to ba worth between $15,000
and $.'0,000. It also contained $2,360
in cash.
The articles can be identified, Kil
. roe said, by merchants who deliver
ed them on bank drafts stolen by
"' Keough. who was arrested in Al
1 toona, Pa., two'weeks ago after no
had attempted to pass a bogus draft
in Pittsburgh.
It has been Keough's custom r
years to operate only during t! c
Christmas holidays and at Easter
- Medina, O., Jan. 8. Capt. Martin
Van Buren, Bates, 74, world famous
as 4 giant, died at his home at t
' ville, near here, today.'Bates, who
toure,d the world with a circus, was
seveit feet four inches "tall and
weighed 36" pounds. He wis car
ried twice, his first wife being over
eight feet talL
Boston, Jan. 8. Lieut. Gov. Chan
ning H. Coxtoday sent a telegram
to Senator Lodge Asking him tQ in
troduce in congress ... a resolution
providing for the' changing""" the
name1 of thi Panama canal to
"Roosevelt canal." "In this man
ner," said Lieutenant Governor Cox,
"''''there would be linked ' together
for all time; the "name of 'this great
American .- leader, and this great
American contribution to the
world."- ' -
The Omaha
VOL. 48. NO. 176.
Etrt MMM-cItu Mu 2S, 1906. tt
0M P. 0. dr act ft March 3. 1(7$
By Mall (I year). Dally. 14. W: Sunday. 12. M:
Dally and 8un., J5.M: outald Nat. wataoa atra
Fair Thursday, Friday and
Saturday; somewhat colder
in east portion Thursday.
Hourly Trnipcniliirri.
5 a. m IT! 1 p, oi 4A
a. m IKi S u. ni .4.1
7 at. m it 3 p. ni .41
a. i tii 4 p. ni. .45
9 a. m S.I 5 p. m. 4.1
10 a. ill '! Dp. in , 40
11 a. in HO 1 p. in S
IS m 80 8 p. m , ,S
Iowa Senator Desires to In
sure Proper Legislation
Before Owners Get
Roads Back..
Washington, Jan. 8. Legislation
to prevent President Wilson from
turning railroads back to private
management in the immediate future
will be introduced in congress soon.
it 'was said today after Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Clark had
told the senate interstate commerce
committee that most members of the
commission believed the president
should be deprived of this power.
Senator Cummins of Iowa, declar
ed a resolution" taking from the
president authority to return the
roads at will would be presented to
congress shortly as a means of in
suring that congress will have time
to consider suitable railroad legisla
tion before the lines are returned to
private management. This might
be accomplished by amending the
railroad control act.
Frank Kennedy Named
' Head of Labor Bureau
- Lincoln. Jan. 8. (SpeSal Tele
gram.) Frank A. Kennedy of Oma
ha has been appointed labor com
missioner by Governor McKelvie.
W. H. Osborne of Omaha haS been
appointed secretary of the state in
surance board.
Kennedy's appointment comes
after a hard contest between him
self and T. Pr Reynolds of Omaha
George R. Sheldon Seriously
Injured in Accident in Mine
Duquoin, III., Jan. 8. George R.
Sheldon of New York, treasurer
of the republican national commit
tee, was injured seriously in an acci
dent in a mine here today while
makinr an inspection with New
York, Detroit and St Louis officials
of the North American company.
Many Nebraska Men at
Funston to Be Released
Kansas City. Mo., Jan. 8. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Half the troops of
the Tenth division, now stationed at
Camp Funston, will be released to
return to their homes, it was learned
today. Many Nebraska men will be
affected by the order.
Former President Roosevelt
Buried With Simple Rites
as Leaders of Nation
Pay Silent Homage.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Jan. 8. Theo
dore Roosevelt lies at rest tonight
beneath a cemetery knoll near the
rambling rural highway along which
he traveled so many times in boy
hood and in manhood between the
Sagamore Hill house, which was his
home, and the quiet village of Oys
ter Bay.
Perhaps po other ex-president of
the United States has been paid the
tribute of so simple a funeral as the
one which was given Colonel Roose
velt this afternoon on the shore of
the Long Island sound. Military
and naval honors were not his in
death, only because it had been his
wish, and that of his family, that
the last r.ites be surrounded only
with the simple dignity that might
attend the passing of a private citi
zen. '
But the American nation, and for
eign governments as- well, sent rep
resentatives, as did also the state
and the city in which he was born.
These noted men sat in the pews ot
tiie little red-gabled Christ Episcopal
church, while brief services of prayer
and scripture readings were held
without a eulogy, in which so much
might have been said. There was
no singing or organ playing.
Family in Prayer Service.
It was noon when, at the Saga
more hill homestead, all of Colonel
Roosevelt's family except the.
sons, Lt Col. Theodore Roosevelt,
jr., and .t, Kermit Roosevelt, who
are soldiers in Europe, assembled
for a few moments of private prayer
at the side of the casket in which
lay the body. Draped over the
casket were battle flags under which
the colonel fought as a Rough Rider
on Cuban soil more than 20 years
ago. Rev. Dr. George ETalmage,
rector of Christ church, said the
comforting words which were the
final ones spoken for the colonel in
the presence of Mrs. Roosevelt, for
she dd not accompany the cprtegc
to the church or to the grave in
Young's Memorial cemetery. At the
Sagamore hill services only mem
bers of the immediate Roosevelt
family were present.
The body was then taken from
the famous room of trophies which
Colonel Roosevelt had assembled
from all quarters of the globe and
was carried from Sagamore Hill on
its final journey. Snow had come
at dawn and had been-falling stead
ily until the country side was white,
but the sun broke through the leaden
clouds as the hearse left the Roose
velt estate and passed into the high
way leading to Christ church.
Moves Slowly to Church.
Between hedges touched "itli
melting flakes, and under bare win-
(Contlnufd on Pt Twq, Column Four.)
American Forces in
Siberia and Northern
Russia Total 12,941
Washington. Jan. 8. American
forces eerating in Siberia and
northern Russia total 12,941 officers
and men. the War department an
nounced today. In Siberia are 255
officers and 7,267 men, and m north
em Russia are 5,419 men.
The units in the Archaneel reeion
are the Three Hundred and Thirty-
ninth infantry, First battalion of the
Three Hundred and Jenth engineers,
the Three , Hundred and Thirty-
seventh field hospital and the Ihree
Hundred and 1 hirty-seventh am
bulance company.
In Siberia are the 1 wenty-seventh
and Thirty-first infantry, Company
D, of the r-itty-tlurd telegraph bat
talion; field hospital com'pany No 4,
evacuation hospital No. 17; medical
suddIv depot No. 7, One Hundred
and Forty-sixth ordnance depot
company; ambulance company No.
4, four staff officers; quartermaster
corps detachment, comprising two
officers and 27 men: medical detacn
ment of 12 officers and 67 men, and
small detachment of ordnance, sig
nal corps, engineers, cavalry, intel
ligence, Philippine Scouts and photo
graphic sections.
British Seamen Discontented
Over Delay in Demobilization
London, Jan. 8. Discontent 1ias
made its appearance in the grand
fleet over the slowness of demobol-
ization, especially among the auxili
aries whose duty jt has been, to
sweep uo mines. The crews of
many of the auxiliaries were recruit
ed from the fishing .fleets and the
men wish to share in the huge pro
fits now being made by the fisher
Further demonstrations by the
soldiers took place today in London
and other centers.
Army Chaplain Suffering
From Paralysis Left Long
Unattended by City Police
Condition of Rev. Jeremiah Roach of Peoria, Recently
Discharged From Camp Logan, Mistaken for
Drunkenness; Lies in Cell Thirteen Hours.
Rev. Jeremiah Roach, Catholic
chaplain in the U. S. army, suffer
ing with paralysis of the tower limbs
and vocal organs, lay on tjie ce
ment floor of a cell in. the city jail
13 hours Tuesday before medical
aid or legal attention was afforded
him. When Captain Vanous learned
of the man's condition Tuesday
night, he ordered him taken to St.
Josephs hospital where he is said
to be in a critical condition.
Because he was unable to talk co
herently and appeared in a stupor
charge of drunknness had been
booked against Chaplain Roach. He
was found in a delirium at the Bur
lington station at 7:30 o'clock Tues
day morning and taken to the police
station where his sufferings in
creased with the oral torment of
Patrol Conductor N. D. Woods.
When Policeman A. J. Trapp,
acting turnkey, discovered the' ser
ious illness of Chaplain Roach, he
notified Captain Vanous and Dr.
Edstrom, police surgeon. Dr. Ed
strom said the man was suffering
with paralysis.
The chaplain was stricken with
the malady on a Burlington train,
but with assistance was able to walk
inside the station where his condi
tion suddenly became worse.
At the police station, Patrol
Conductor Woods during the day,
noticed the chaplain's serious con
dition, but neglected to summon
aid for the man.
Chaplain Roach had $325 and his
priestly attire in a suitcase.
Before other policemen and re
porters, Woods took several arti
cles of the chaplain's official ap
parel from the suitcase, ridiculing
the sacramentals.
Assistant Chief of Police Demp
sey and Rev. B. Sinne, pastor of
St. Mary Magdalen's church, saw
the condition of th chaplain before
he was taken to the hospital.
Chaplain Roach's home is in
Peoria, 111., where ne was on his
way when stricken. He enlisted in
the army as a lieutenant " in the
chaplain corps more than a yt&f
ag- and was stationed at Camp
Logan, Houston, Texas. ,
Rev. Father Sinne said: "Such
conditions are terrible to happen' in
this city. The police system of
treating prisoners is 'rotten," to say
the least. There should be an in
vestigation." J. Dean Ringer, city police com
missioner, declined to comment on
the case, until he could receive a
report on it.. -
Commander of Department of
iast Dies in N. Y. Hospi
tal; Won Horrorsin Indian
and Spanish Wars.
New York, Jan. 8. -Mai. Gen. J.
Franklin Bell, commander of the De
partment of the East, died of heart
disease tonight at the Presbyterian
hospital in this city.
He was taken to the hospital three
days ago for observation, but it was
not realized that his condition was
serious and his death came as a
complete surprise. He was 63
years old.
General BelKwas a West Pointer
of the class of 1878, and during his
40 years in the army had many diffi
cult assignments. As a lieutenant
he participated in some of the hard
est fighting in the Indian campaigns.
He was a first licuttnant in the
Seventieth cavalry when that part of
that famous regiment fought the
battle of Wounded Knee.
At the beginning of the Spanish
war, Bell was promoted to tne
rank of major. He sailed from San
irancisco tor Manila June 15, icsy,
and took a prominent part in ihe
Philippines campaign. One of his
exploits was to swin out into the
harbor and aroundUhe Spanish forti
fications to get information which
coiild not be obtained in any other
Subsequently, as the ' colonel m
command of the Thirty-sixth U. S.
volunteers. General Bell participated
in the Luzon campaign and was
awarded the congressional medal
of honor.
The exploit which won the honor,
was a charge in which he led his
men against enemy works of the
Filipinos. For his services in the
Philippines he was promoted, to
brigadier general of volunteers. At
the time he was the youngest gen
eral in the army.
When the regular army was re
organized in 1901, Bell was made a
brigadier of regulars, jumping over
584 captains, 277 majors, 98 lieu
tenant colonels and 77 colonejs.
Although General Bell trained the
Seventy-seventh he was not permit
ted to lead it to France for the
medical board whhch examined him
found his physical condition such
that he was not fitted for active ser
vice in the field.
f - M
Twenty Liebknecht Followers
Killed and Many Wounded
in Battle With Troops
of Government.
Berlin. Jan. 8. "The government
feels tonight that it has 'the 'situa
tion firmly in hand," was the state
ment made to the correspondent at
9 o'clock tonight at the chancellor's
palace, where the members o trj
government have been in session
Lthftiughout the day. Most tense ex
citement marked the day, which
ended in short but sharp fighting in
front of the palace shortly after 5
The Spartacans approached the
government troops .guarding the
palace, carrying a white flag, an
nounced that the palace was suv
rounded and demanded its surrender.
The demand was refused. The Spar
tacans then opened fire, killing three
government soldiers and wounding
several. The fire was returned i-nd
20 of the Liebknecht followers ere
killed and a large number woun-d.
The Spartacans made several minor
attempts within the next hour to
approach the palace, but were driven
Some fighting occurred at other
points, but so far as can be learned
there were only a few victims. One
clash came when-the Spartacans at
tempted to storm the new central
telegraph station in the Oranien
hurgersstrasse. The government
soldiers in the building used hand
grenades and the radicals were
driven away.
Ministers Denounce Spartacans.
London, Jan. 8. (British Wireless
Service.) Chancellor Ebert and
Philipp Scheidemann, the majority
socialist leaders, are endeavoring to
persuade the people of . Berlin to
stand by the present government.
Addressing large crowds before the
chancellor's feilace, they bitterly de
nounced the 'insane policy and ras
cally behavior" of the Spartacans,
and promised to meet the danger
with firm determination.
Herr Ebert said the government
was determined to maintain security,
freedom an right, and would stand
or fall by the national assembly,
which was the way to freedom and
a happy future for Germany.
Scheidemann said:
"You know what the stake is. If
these machinations are continued
our women and children will be
left to famine worse than war."
Report That Harries v
Lowered U, S. Flag in
Berlin Unconfirmed
Washington, Jan. 8. Meager
official advices concerning the
riots in Berlin reached the State .
department today. They gave
no details, but pictured the situa
tion as serious. .
The War department had no
advices from General Harries and
other army officers in Berlin in
connection with the execution of
the armistice terms and neither
department had anything to con
firm an unofficial report which
was brought to their attention
that General Harries had raised
the American flag over the hotel
where he was stopping and later
had lowered it because of threats
from the mobs.
Soviet Army Defeated by
Russian Troops Operating
Under Authority of the
Omsk Government.
Washington, Jan. 8. Loyal Rus
sian troops operating under the
authority of the Omsk government
have defeated a large bolshevik
army, capturing 31,000 prisoners and
large quantities of war material, ac
cording to a telegram from the
Omsk authorities to the Russian
minister at Stockholm. The mes
sage as printed in the Swedish press
was received today by the State . de
partment. The telegram said the third bol
sheviki army of ten regiments had
been shattered and that tlfe loyal
troops had advanced beyond Kama
and Noet and were pursuing the
enemy toward Glassov. . Booty cap
tured included armored trains as
well as large quantities of war ma
terials and reserve supplies.
It was assumed here that the Rus
sian forces referred to were those
which recently captured Perm, a city
in European Russia, near the Siber
ian line. More than 10.000 prisoners
were taken in that engagement.
Siberian Factions United.
The all-Russian government at
Omsk has succeeded in winning to
its support all the factions of Si
beria and some of the strong or
ganizations of Russia, according to
a dispatch from the Russian minister
pf foreign affairs at Omsk received
today at the Russian embassy. Chief
among the factions are the Plek
haiiofT group of the social demo
cratic party "Edinstvo," and the
Omsk group of the socialist revo
lutionary party, which has been one
pf the most serious obstacles in Si
beria to the full control of the gov
ernment by the Omsk leaders.
, Frpm other sources information
came that dissension caused by the
friction of General Semenoff -had
ended and all reports of the. Omsk
government were now in full accord.
Twenty-Five Per Cent
of Balloon School
Men to Be Discharged
Twenty-fiveper cent of the sol
diers who have been taking the
ttaining course in the Fort Omaha
balloon school, will begin demob
ilization January 15, according to
instructions received yesterday
from the War department at Wash
ington. This means that 800 men
will be given their releases within
a short time.
The men will be sent to the army
posts within a radius of 300 miles
of their homes and receive their dis
charges there. They will not be dis
missed in companies, as was antici
pated by the soldiers, who for ex
tended periods had been prepar
ing themselves for Service abroad.
According to the order from the
War department, they will be re
leased with reference to their de
pendencies at home, and the em
ployment awaiting them, Captain
Ayling, post adjutant, declared. Ar
rangements for marriages also will
have a bearing on the time re
leases will be given, it was said.
Receives Letter Written by
"Teddy" Day Before Death
New York, Jan. 8. Although suf
fering almost constantly from his
long standing ailment inflamma
tory rheumatism Colonel Roose
velt not only kept up his public
writings, but found time during the
last 10 days of his life to digest a
250,000 word volume on pheasants,
written by William Beebe of the
New York Zoological park, of which
he intended to write a review. On
the day before his death he wrote to
Mr. Beebe; pointing out certain er
rors in the classification of species,
which he suggested should be cor
rected in a subsequent edition. The
book was sent by Mr. Beebe to
Colonel Roosevelt the day before
This, one of the last letters written
by Colonel Roosevelt, was received
14 hours after his death.
Church Pillars Convicted'
of Violating Espionage Act
San Francisco., Jan. 8. Joshua
Sykes, pastor and founder of the
Church of the Living God, and
three of his apbstles, John Fergu
son, A. M. Dean and Walter Cros
by, were found guilty late today in
the United States district court of
violating the espionage act. A
third apostle, Philip Nelson, was
acquitted. Sykes and his apostles
were charged with having aided
young men to evade, the military
draft and of having advised enemy
aliens not to register.
Germans Long Fed on Lies
About IJjTavy by Von Tirpitz
Declares Captain Persius
Famous Naval Critic Gives Inside History of Teuton
Mistakes on Sea, Leading to Final Collapse of
Nation's High Seas Fleet Largely Myth.
t (By Universal Service.)
Not until October 1, 1917, did Germany begin to concentrate on
building U-boats. '
The order to quit building big, "useless" fighting ships was inspired,
not by the admiralty, but by the army command..
(Lacking materiaL or U-boats, the Germans then assigned the bulk
of their surface fleet to the scrap heap, the material to be used for sub
marines. This lends strength to Admiral Rodman's statement before a con
gressional committee the other day that the surrendered German ships
are virtually old iron.
"Lie and bluff celebrated veritable orgies, especially under Tirpitz
and ,Capelle."
rersius nails as lies the state-?
ments that Germany had a, "tre
mendous number of U-boats and
that losses were many times made
up by new boats.
In 1917 Germany lost 66 U-boats
and put into .service 83 new ones, a
balance of only 17.
In August, 1917, 11 submarines
were lost; in October of the same
year, 12.
The high water mark of sub
marine strength was in October,
9X7, when Germany had a total of
146 "front" submarines.
' U-Boat Myth Exploded. ,
Captain Persius explodes, the
myth that U-boats were built by the
scores and that the construction
only took a few weeks, as was the
impression outside Germany at the
height of the submarine warfare.
He shows the period required for
building U-boats grew longer rath
er than shorter owing to lack of
material and workers.
The "lie one of our chief weap
ons of our warfare on land and
So writes Capt. Lothar Persius,
Germany's foremost naval critic, in
a sensational article exposing the
weakness of the German navy and
the policy of bluff by which the
naval administration tried to make
the world believe it was a formid
able fleet. Here is the full text of
the article, only brief excerpts of
which were recently cabled to this
By Capt. Lothar Persius.
Berlin, Dec. 15. (By Mail.)
Th great mass of the German peo
ple still stands astounded before
the riddle of how it was possible
that the military collapse could
come so suddenly, and particularly
how it happened that the body
blow( that felled the old regime was
dealt by the navy.
There were many who until quite
recently harbored the hope that our
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Meetings Between American
Delegates and Entente'
Premiers May Begin Be
fore End of Week.
Paris, Jan. 8. Many important
questions concerning the arrange
ment of the program for the peace
conference which have been in proc
ess of solution probably will soon
be adjusted as a result of President
Wilson's return to Paris. The presi
deitty now has personal, knowledge
of the views of some of the premiers
on these subjects and he has sup
plemented it by his observations
during his Wp to Italy.
The president during his trip to
England and Italy kept in close
touch with the members of the
American peace delegation in Paris
and it is evident from the expres
sions of officials that the settlement
of various matters wil progress
more rapidly from now on.
The president's informal talk with
Colonel House Tuesday night dealt
with the attitude of Premier Clem
enceau and Lord Robert Cecil re
garding a league of nations. The
conference gave the president fresh
information concerning their views
nd today Colonel House and
Secretary Lansing conferred with
Lord Robert Cecil, who is the British
authority on a league of nations
So it may be regarded as certain
that the program is making prog
ress and that-inja few days mat
ters will be in shape for the first
steps of the conference.
Meetings To Begin Soon.
In fact it is admitted that the
first meetings between President
Wilson and his aides and the en
tente premiers may occur the end
of this week. These, conferences
wiirb informed and will carry for
ward, m a spirit of accommodation
thediscussions which have taken
place during the president's absence
between individuals of the various
delegations and also between var
ious groups. The meetings are ex
pected to develop great importance
later, but at present it may be said
the results of value have been
reached and that the ground has
(Continued an 'Page Two, Column Three.)
Joint , Session Held at Lincoln
to Take Official Recogni
tion of Result , of
.From a Staff Correspondent.
'Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 8. (Special)
When the senate and house of the
legislature of Nebraska met in joint
session today, to canvass the vote,
the newly elected officers were de
claied in office and the usual for
malities . attendant on such occa
sion., were carried out.
Tomorrow, Governor Neville will
deliver his recommendations to the
legislature and he will be followed
Wilson in Role of
Prime Minister at
Peace Conference
Paris, Jan. 8. The Temps says
it is able to state that President
Wilson has informed Premier
Clemenceau that he does not de
sire to be considered at the peace
congress as the head of a state,
but only as the prime minister of
his state.
The Temps says the United
States constitution makes the
president not only the head of
the state, but the head of the
government, and that President
Wilson will claim only the right
to the prerogatives of the last
named position at the peace conference.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 8. The Ne
braska legislature in session to
day paused aTew moments, as a
mark of respect to the late ex
President Theodore Roosevelt.
Representatives of both parties
made brief speeches on the life of
the former executive. The senate
passed resolutions stating that
"the work of Roosevelt will in
fluence your destiny as long as
our government is worthy ' of
by Governor McKelvie, who will
give his inaugural address, i'hen
the session will be in full swing.
Spectators of the proceedings
were favorably impressed with the
personality of the law-making body.
"Old men for counsel, young men
for action," was the thought that
suggested itself in making an analy
sis of the capabilities of the body.
There is just that sprinkling of older
men to give to the body the balance
of conservation essential to wise
action, and a preponderance of
youth essential to efficiency and
courage of action.
Most of the men are possessed of
(Continued on Fag-e Two, Column Six.)
Congressman-Elect Berger
and Four Associates Face
Prison Terms; Motion V
for New Trial Filed.
Chicago, Jan. 8. Five leaders of
he socialist party were found guilty
by a jury after five hours and SO
minutes' deliberation in Federal
Judge Landis' court today of con
spiracy to violate the espionage law
by delivering public speeches and
circulating puDlished articles with .
the willful intent of causing insu
bordination, disloyalty and refusal
of duty among the military and n
val forces of the United States and
with interfering with the recruiting
service and the enforcement of tilt
selective draft law.
Five Men Convicted.
The men found guilty are:
Victor L. Berger, congressman
elect from Milwaukee and editor oi
the Milwaukee Leader.
Adolph Germer, national secre
tary of tiie socialist party. v.
J. Louis Engdahl, editor of tht -American
Socialist, official publica
tion of the socialist party. - '
William F. Kruse. national secre
tary of the Young People's Socialist
Rev. Irwin St. John Tucker, so
cialist writer and lecturer, formerly
director of the literature department
of the socialist party and author ol
"The Price We Pay," "Why We
Should Fight" and other anti-war
pamphlets. - - -
May Be Imprisoned.'
The convicted men face prisoi
terms of from one to 20 vears. a fini
of from $1 to $10,000, or both, at the
discretion of the trial judge, who
will fix the punishment later.
Attorney for jthe defendants im
mediately presented a motion for a
new trial. Judge Landis fixed Jan
uary 23 as the date when he will
hear arguments on this motion.
The five defendants were taken in
custody in the court room, but a
few minutes later were released on
their old bonds of $10,000 each.
Seymour Stedman, chief counsel for
the defendants, declared that the ,
case will be appealed to the United
States supreme court, if necessary, .
to keep his clients out of prison.
The jury halted in its labors for
five minutes at 11:45 a. m. out of ",
respect to the memory of Theodores
Roosevelt. Out in the corridor the
defendants, their lawyers and
friends were ordered by the bailiffs
to remove, their hats while the city
paid its respect to the former presi
dent and statesman. -
Berger Surprised at Verdict '
With the exception of Berger, who
appeared nervous, the defendants
listened to the reading of the ver
dict without a sign of emotion.
Berger said: '
"The verdict is a surprise to me.
I was certain the jury would acquit
us on the case made out by the
government. I am no more guilty
of this charge than the judge on the
bench. I have been a citizen of this
country and stood for the principles
for which I have been tried for 37
years. Now if I am to be perse-
cuted for them I shall accCpt' my
fate like a man." .' ; ; .. .
United States Leading
in Munition Production
in Last Months of War
Washington, Jan. 8. -Figures .
made public today by the ordnance
department of the inter-allied bureau
of statistics show that 4he produc
tion of munitions in this country
had grown so rapidfy that in the'
last months of the war the United
States was far ahead of Great Britain
and France.
Average monthly production of
machine guns and machine rifles for
July, August and September, 1918,
in the United , States was -2770,
against 10,947 for Great Britain and
12,126 for France, In the same
period the United States produced
monthly an average of 233,562 rifles,
against 112.821 for Great Britain and
40,522 for France. With respect to
small arms ammunition production
in the United States was 277,984,000
rounds, in France 139,845,000 and in
Great Britain 259,7o.000. . ;
Beach Quits as Chairman
of Republican Committee
Lincoln, Neb.,. Jan. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Having been appointed
state fire warden, Ed. Tieach hat re
signed the chairmanship of the
republican state central committee.
The affairs of the office have been
placed in charge of Nels Hansen,
The probabilities are that -A the
committee chairmanship will go to
Myron L. Learned, now vice ch
man. ;