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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1919)
10 1 f THE BEE : OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7r 1919. Want Ad Rates (Cub With Order.) 1140 per word each Insertion. 3a par word for I consecutive Insertions. 1 per word for each additional Insertion. No a- taken for less than a total of or leu than lOo per day. - , CHARGE. ' to per lino (count ( words to line) 1 tlma 80 per Una 'each time, a conaeoutlVe t Intra. To par line -ach time. 20 consecutive tlmea SITUATIONS WANTED. Iffl par line per week. I CARDS OF THANKS AND FIXEBAL NOTICES. 10s per Inle each Inaertlon. Contract Ratea on Application. For convenience of advertiser! want ada will be accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building. Ames Office 4410 North 20th St, Lake Office 2518 North I4th St. Vint, n Office 1467 South 18th St. Park Office 2615 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office ail North 40th 8t South Side 131 B N St. Council Bluffa 14 Main St. . THE BEE will not be reaponalble for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon if an advertisement ordered (or more than one Urn. Use THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently bring or aend your ada to any of the above offices. Ask for a Want Ad Taker nnd you will receive the aame (rood, service aa when delivering your ad In peraon. PHONE TLYER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10.00 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Gooais. H. DOLGOFF. Furniture, atovca, ruga, linoleum, Vic trolas. trunka. suitcases, bedding, linen. Better gooda for leaa money. Credit If you wish. Open evenlnga. 1839-47 N. 24th. Phonea: Web. 1607. Web. 4825. Pianos and Musical Instruments PIANOS for rent $4 pt-r mo A. Hoape Co. Sewing Machines. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES atisiHOW Fred, at hla home, 2"i S direct, Sunday evening, January 6, ngtl 66 years. Funeral services Wednesday, January e I. at 2 p. 111. at the Zlon .utheran church. Twenty. ninth "and 3 afreets, " South Side. Friends welcome. Inlei- ment Wist Lawn cemetery. Ho lias been a resident of Omaha for 82 years e and leaves a wife and a host of frit-mis to-mourn hla departure from tills ejrth. UVRL'IN Mrs. Nella Doedyms, wife of AI ,t bert Burdln. aged 23 years, died Janu- arr t. Funeral Tuesday. January T, from Haynea chapel, Twenty-fourth and Ames "V veu. Burial Forest Lawn cemetery COX Mrs, Carrie M., motheF ofShe7nTan B. Cox. ' Funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 'clock from Brewer's chapel. South Omuhu, under auspices of the Adah chapter of Eastern Star. vThe tureral of Mrs. C. M. Cox, who died at 'her homo at Los Angeles Cal., will -. hn held from Brewer' a Chapel, South Hide, Tuesday at 2 a. pi. Burial In , i-orem i.awn cemetery J -L1NDULAD Hniina t-.. aged 34 y.-ars, I rl!l41 -. . . u.. 1 . v uUW, Micrw uviuvcu wiie oi arvia C. January , 1919. ?, Funeral private Tuesday afternoon at ;. 2 o'clock from N. P. Swanson's chapel ' to rorem i.nwn cemetery JThe tuheral of Mrs. Fred Scott, formerly Misa Ella Gllcrlst, who died at her home. J, Norfolk, Neb., will be held from f., Brewer'i Chapel Wednesday 11 a. m., Rev. n. L. Wheeler officiating. Burial In Craceland Park cemetery. B13HM John V., aged 71 years. r Funeral aervlces by St. John'a Ma r; aonle lodrfe No. 25, at Cole & McKay's j parlors, 2616 Far nam St. Tuesday at 10 71 o'clock a. m. Friends welcome. CARD OF THANKS. 'OR the flowers furnished at the funeral, and to the many friends for their kind, , nesa shown me on account of the death ,,. of my belowed wife, Mrs. Carrie Duve, 1 sincerely thank you. HENRY DUVE. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. I HEAFEY& HEAFEYT j Undertaken ;and oanblamers. Tel. H. I: 868. Office, 2611 Farnam. . I HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors. Phon Doug. 1226. 701 H. 16th St ! HOFFMAN FUN ERA T. HOUR Hoffman quality service costs less. 24thajid Dodge. - Douglas 3601. : STACK & FALCONER" Independent Undertakers. 33d-Far. H. 400.' STL. DODDER c6F"uneral Directors? F, L, Fero. Mgjr., 22d and Cuming Sts. " Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. -SOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and ',emDiamer. 1411 Farnam St. Har. 292. FLORISTS. ftW' LEE t. LARMON V IUI; Douglas ft. Douglas 8244. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needlea and parte MICKEL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 11th and Harney Sta. Doug. 1662. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES v V NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewrltera and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at moat any price you dealre to pay. We rent and epalr all makes and will buy or trade for, your pfd machine. Every machine guaranteed. Bee ua before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over IS years.) Douglaa 4121 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. . Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. .6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., ." i . 106 North 16th St. ' ' V TYPEWRITERS all makes, aold. fented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, 11B Farnam. Tel. D. S96. WE can aave you 86 to 816 on your next "typewriter. Write for list Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge St,, for merly Typ. Co. OUTDOOR SPORTS Copyright, 1919. Internatlon'l News Service Drawn for The Bee by Tad RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three montha for 86.00. Oliver Agency, 1906 Farnam Street, -City. x ONE Neostlle; good condition. Call at (09 Keeline Bldg. before Tuesday night. Store and Office Fixtures. TO settle an estate will aell complete ma hogany furnishings for two offices, ball at 609 Keeline Bldg. before Tuesday night. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 11th and Douglaa. D. 2724. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers sttaoted. renovated and made up In new featn proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. BOYS bicycle for salecheap. 2232 South mn or. . WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. To cash your Liberty bonds and re ceipts, go to room 108, McCague Build Ing. No 'waiting. The front stairs or eievator at rear up one story to main floo; ROOM 108 McCAGUE BLDG. -Northwest Cor. 16th & Dodge Sts. I BUY LIBERTY BONDS. and partly paid up receipts. High est cash prices paid by stranger in Omaha. Strictly confidential. Money Waiting. See me at once. Room 542 Securities Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS. ' Spot cash for. Liberty bonds and for partly paid' up. See me if you need the money and must sell. 300 McCAGUE BUILDING, 15th and Dodge.' LIBERTY BONDS. -We pay spot .-csU. for Liberty bonds and partly paid up receipts. 411 McCAGUE BLDG. ' LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Spot cash for Liberty bonds of any Is sue. Room 108, McCague Bldg., main floor. Northwest cornel" 16th and Dodge Sts. DESKS DESKS bESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 JENKINS. 706 South 16th, will pay best price for old clothes, shoes, job lots of all kinds. Residence, Douglaa 8032. Of fice, Douglas 8092. GUTTMAN pays highest price for furni ture, carpets, stoves, clothes, thoes, trunks. Douglas 3971. Res.. WeV 4204. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co.- Douglaa 164. LESSARD ft SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. LIBERTY loans bought. Ill South 16th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. U Ilenderst.ii. 1619 Farnam. D. 124. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES, V WEST LAWN CEMETERY. ; Family lota on easy payments; J thoughtful service; perpetual care; street i cara! to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or (.Douglas 829, and our auto will call fur yen. litel iRrifHt dlplay of aionuments la . the .United Stttes. FRANK SWOBODA,. 41216. a l.'ith Phone Douglaa 1872-6216. & BIRTHS AND DEATHS. "Births V, W. and Anne Covert. 2311 JSorth Sixteenth street, boy; Dennis and Sadie Schaffnlt, 2S63 Bristol street, boy: William and Ella Crosby, 2566 Plnknev treet, boy. ' Deaths Frank Oaer, 37, 703 South Sev enteenth avenue; Achilla De-Sember, J', 'SI 21 South Thirty -ninth street: Anthony Zakaros, 2, 302 Jefferson street; Joseph Khakin, 60. hospital; Catherine Qulnn, 88, 2663 Cuming street: Jnmes E. Dennis, 19, 602 Xqrtfc Twenty-fifth street; Earl M. Cooler, 21, 1719 Charles street; 1 Elvon Franks, t months, 719 North Twenty-second Street: Anna M. Blttner, Jt, hospital: Thomas A. Horan, 31, hospital: Melville KhgeiMV 1 months. Child's Saving Insti tute; Baby EtheK 26 lays, Child's Saving institute: Anna ISherman, 63, 2621 Miami street:, Baby Jones, 4 hours, 1712 Capitol venue: Clara A, Browning, 39, hospital; Annie M. Oavler, 61, 3526 Seward street; Thomas J. Marr, 32. hospital; June E. Abbe It, 27, 2001 Poppleton avenue; Oscar Mills, 30. Kaat Omaha; Pavld Anklnson, J, hospital ;, Stamslous Mozgay, 6, 4412 South Thirty-fourth street. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. IVrmits to wed were Issued to the fol- ! lowing: Name. Age. I Diamond 'A. Morris Omaha 24 : Otive H. DterHef, Omaha , 23 Harold F. Davis, Omaha '...22 ' Martha Richmond, Omaha 20 ' Hubert Wlnsfleld, Collins, Mo. ...."....21 Krvlt Thomas. Olenwood. la 17 j LOST, FOUND, REWARD. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET ' RAILWAY COMPANY. 'persons having lost some articles i would du well to call ai the offices of ft lie Omaha A Council Bluffa Streit Rali v way company to ascertain whether they 'Seft It in the street car. Many -articles each day are turned la and the company Is anxious to restore :Hro to the rightful owners. e: o- .. anuury 4. 1919. one atallon .'-horse and black mate of 1,160 lbs., har ness and spring wagon. Any one know ing of this rig call Web. 1661, and I will v reward you. LOST Between 31st St. and down town -district, a small package of letters and cards. Please return to J. G. McBrlda, 904 So. 20th St., and get reward. LOST On Ft. Crook, Bellevuo or river road, bill book, containing currency and ' notes: liberal reward for return to Charles M. Thatcher. 1908 Harney St. LOST Third loan Liberty bond, 11.026,659; . lost In South Omaha, Monday. Dec 10; 4 finder please return to 2801 T St., and receive liberal reward. LOST pocketbook on 33d and Harney line with check, pocketknlfe, two keys and soma small change. Finder call Colfax 316: receive reward LOST Gold bracelet watch between pub - lie library and Burgess.Nash. Return 13 No. Slst vae., phone Har. 2496. Re TOT SALE MISCELLANEOUS i . "iiture and Hoasebold Goods. - DON'T BUY until 70 have Inspected the many won. i derful bralne we are offering In our JAN CART CLEARANCB 8ALE of , tned'ura- and high grade FURNITURE. HOlTfrC FURNISHINGS. RUGS. 8TOVE8 ' nd COMPLETE OUTFIT. This month finds us" heavily overstocked and big reductions are prevalent throughout our Entire stock.-- In many Inatancea reduc tions a great as 40 per cent. Special attention and accommodations to pur chasers otacomplete outfits. See us and Save, We pay the freight. STATE FURNITURE CO. 8. W. Cor. 14th and Dodge. Opp U.P.Bldg. t. LUX. gas range, laundry stove, piano. .111 NO. 22th ave., phone Colfax 131. a k.1. kiud? oI f urnAure must be sold at once, cheap. 931 N. Hth 8U Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button, holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON "AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone. D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U.TVanArnam Pleating Co., . ' S36-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 3109. Awnings. AWNINGS ANDNwRCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents Mid camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes' Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. THE Baggage and Express. ONLY WAYZSd9l: THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Chiropractors. DR. E. T. MALTBY, 312 Bee Bldg., D. 3072. - ("- 'lit ll I I U ' K own ZZ - outdoor, poaT l(lfi I HW"0' Gil. OomT Y1- . . . a a. " ' i x v vaJIU1- 3U3T T VSVi tn rM" "I - u innw . tcr mm 4 TiiAjG- 7T MAKE Op VOOtt jVlvO ON WHICH HOWf . QMER-Ft-owf vaW Tl PS BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE On account of poor health e will sell our hardware and farm Implement business. The stock Is clean and up-to-date, not run down. This Is a splendid opportunity to get a good hardware and Implement business, lo cated In the' best of farming communi ties In central Illinois. Address Lock Box 396, Prlncevllle, 111. HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. FOR SALE. Cigar and Confectionery Store, 314 So. 10th. Phone D. 8921. Reasonable price. FOR SALE Garage and truck line. In voices about 115,000. Good reasons for selling. Box A-3, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Bath sanitarium. Dr. Mac Namara, 633 Securities Bldg. Phone Douglas 8871 or Douglas 6773. POOL hall, soft drink parlor and restaur ant combined for sale. Call South 4287. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. EFFICIENCY expert wants position aa of fice manager or charge of cost department- Will render complete financial statements and complete audit, will also Install system If desired. Address Box 6164. Omaha Bee. DISCHARGED SOLDIER wants clerical' work. Experienced In auto accessory and wholesale lines, also bookkeeper ana stenographer. Best of references. J. W. Austin, 808 First St. Hastings, Neb. BOOKKEEPER Ynunff mnn rienirea tin sttlon; references furnished. Box A-4. Omaha Bee. WANTED Position as engineer, light plant. Prefer Alamo oil engines. Box Y-290, Omaha Bee. IF you need a good carpenter, call Doug las 8197. Female. Bookkeeper-stenographer, with auditor experience, desires position where ex ecutive ability and efficiency Is de- manded. Box Y 287, Omaha Bee. TEMPORARY work In bookkeeping or ledger work; many years' experience. ' Douglas 4796. STOCK SALESMEN Men who have enough money to finance themselves to sell securities In good' dividend-paying company. Good bank refernces. Excellent personnel. Live leads furnished and every asslst , ance given in closing business. You can Interest the large as well as the small Investor. Exclusive territory ana good commissions. Arrange appoint ments by phone. DOUGLAS 9069 WANTED Four live salesmen who are willing to make from $40 to 360 per week. Discharged soldiers or sn'lors preferred. See Mr. Whitman, 312 Balrd Bldg HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic, WANTED An experienced salesman to sell leather and shoemakers' supplies In Omaha. Trade established. Address E. B. Plekenbrock & Sons, Dubuque, la. WANTED Salesman with cars, good sal ary. Box 5024, Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS Our "New and Complete His tory of the War," now ready; best book and terms with premiums; prompt ship meats. OUTFIT FREE. Write Nichols Co., Napervllle, 111. WANTED Young single man, aged about 25, for position of road collector; per manent position; salary, $100 per month, railroad fare and bonus; good chance for live wire. See manager 312 Balrd Bldg. WANTED A good second baker; modern shop and steady work. Write City Bakery, Sheridan, Wyo. Box 802. Boys. WANTED GOOD GIRLS WANTED FOR STEADY WORK We have some good positions open now in our icing room for steady workers. Preference will be given experienced girls and women, but we can use a few who are not experienced. Apply at once to Employment Dept., second floor, middle of block, and ask for Mrs. Emory. Iten Biscuit Co. Snow White Bakeries. . Capitol Ave., J2th to 13th Sts. EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 110. HARNEY 6563. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework, small family, good wages. 131 south 38th., Harney 2162 COMPETENT woman for general house, work; line home for right party. 2218 t-innney. wepster 2803 Two boys to carry The Omaha Bee morninir routes. Apply at Park ata tion, 2616 Leavenworth St. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. ELI "F.RLY LADY wants position la small home. 1914 Webster St. PRACTICAL nurse. Phone, Walnut 2998 FOR a practical nurse, call Colfax 3477. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call ana deliver. Webster 4283. HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are eligible for government railway mail clerks; 92 per month; examinations soon. For free particulars, write R. A. Terry , (former civil service examiner). 783 Columbian Building, Washington. SALESMEN Auto trucks; sal. and com.; night checker, middle aged nan, 185; ass't. shipping elk., $56-160. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. MEN 16 to 40 become railway mall clerks. 692 month. List government positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230L, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced hotel clerk;, also good porter. Hotet- Paddock, Beatrice, Neb. ASS'Tv BOOKKEEPER, 386 to $90. WATTS REF, CO., 1138 1st Nat'l. Bank. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, small office, 686. Western Reference & Bond Asa'n. Professions and Trades. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. P. 8461. 8PINOGRAPH, Dr. Edwards 24th. Farnam. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. ltb St, opposite Postofflce. John Feldman. Dancing Academies. KEL-P1NE Dancing Academy, 2424 Fr nam. Class Monday and Thursday eve ning. For private lessons call Doug. 785.0. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W, Bldg. Taft'a Dental Rma 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. (12 Neville Bib, Evt dence secured In sll case Tyler 1136. 1 Film Developing.'- FlLMS developed, rolls l(c; packs, 15c; one-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. rT TD TZT XT Electric washing machines, AU AVXVAleiectrlc Irons and reading lamps. 1228 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. Jewelry. DIAMONDSthTrivUegto'buy back at small profit GROS3 JEWELRY CO., 401 N. 16th. Red 6081. Medical PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY' 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandeis Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Printing Supplies. Waters-Bamhart Ptgi Co., 414 8. 13th BU Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 8. 11th. D. 682 Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Safety r.ator Blades. BltlNG or mail your dull safety rasor blades to Room 413, Bee Bldg. Jack ' son Electric Sharpening Co. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. J. Deright Safe Co. SAFES PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 681 Brandeis. D. 8691. STURGES STURGES. U. & asd foreign patents and trademarks. 130 Bee Bldg. Tailor. Dledrick, P. I lit & 20th. TaUor. S. 2412. - , . WINDOW TRIMMER. Wanted Experienced window trim mer, one who Is capable of trimming good, strong selling windows as well as display windows. Apply BENSON-THORNB CO. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment, Box 41406, Bee WANTED An engineer. Drcsher Bros. 2217 Farnam "St. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED THREE $100 A WEEK SALESMEN , We want ithree STOCK SALESMEN to work with a permanent organization now . financing large producing en terprise having extensive Hold ings In famous oil field 3 ot three states. Standard Oil pipe lines connected to our wells-. Selling stock to dnti 20 additional wells. Salesmen supported by effective adver tising and cloaest co-operation. This is a big money, quick-action opportunity for you if yot are capable of making $100 a week or mora, and are satla . fled with nothing less. Exclusive territory, live leads and big commissions. Kerrin, Gordon & Co. 228-229 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. STOCK SALESMAN OR BROKERAGE FIRM Bell treasury stock for develop ment of large lead-silver mine, . . Arizona. OLD GERONIMO LEAD CO. Box 222 SILVERTON, COLO. FIRST class salesman wanted lor Nebras ka and Kansas to sell high grade line of washing machines. Straight Msunla sion basis only. One Minute Mfg. Co., Newton, la COAL HAULERS WANTED. Either with teams or trucks. Call Douglas 4452. Miscellaneous. WANTED A man with Ford truck for delivery. Apply to Consumers Gfocery and Meat Co., 2S06 Leavenworth. Phone Harney 2368. BRAKEMEN, FIREMEN, $150-$200 mopth ly, experience unnecessary. Write, send stamp for requirements. Railway, ad dress Box Y-291, Omahn Bee. WANTlD-rMarried man to work on farm. Must be experienced. J. J. Lutz, Papll lion, Neb. WANTED, a competent house man. Ap ply Clarkson Hospital. 2100 Howard St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. EDUCATED WOMEN FOR SALARIED BOOKING POSITIONS One of ths oldest and most reliable Lyceum Bureaua jln America has several . salaried positions! open to young women, educated, refined, not over 36 years of age, and of pleasing appearance. High grade fascinating work. Free training school. Write enclosing photo, give road experience all In first letter. MIDLAND LYCEUM BUREAU. Home Office Fleming Bldg. DES MOINES, IOWA. WANTED Young ladies to learn how to operate Comptometers snd Burroughs Calculating and bookeeptng machines. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to complete course, 6 weeks to 3 montha. Day and evening clauses. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7416 for par ticulars, DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Second Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. STENOGRAPHER, $80-$85; Steno. nnd Bkkr., $65; Temp, office elks., 925 a day; typist and office elk., $60-$r,i THE MARTI COMPANY, I 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Names women, 18 or over, wishing permanent government poaitlons $90 per month. Address Box 261. Oma ha Bee. STENOGRAPHED (small office), $76. Bookkeeper and Typist, $65-$75. Co-Operatfve Kef. Co.. 1015 City Nat. Bk. STENOGRAPHERS, $85-$80-$75-$63-$50; Steno. and Diet. Opr., $80; Typist, $75. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat'l. Rank. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, mercantile ex perience, salary $5. Western Refer ence & Bond Ass'n. ' Professions and Trades. TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT , POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Increase In salary. Work Is clean, pleasant and inter esting MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. , NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 613 New Telephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. WANTED Operator for beauty parlor; to take charge in full; Marlnello operator nreferred ' Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced cook, with references; also an experienced second girl, with references; good wages. 426 N. 38th St. NEAT LADY wanted for housekeeper, colored preferred. 2525 North 17th St viiii vveoscer isi3. WANTED A competent cook and second gin. Jina, K,. xt. uieiz, 2B a. 3gtn t. A WHITE GIRL to assist with house work itt-i'ji eni-ga requirea. Harney 888. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED room to congenial lady em ployed; modern apartment; downtown district; must be seen to be appreciated. Apt. 21, Floles. TWO ROOMS furnished, modern, private family, splendid heat, laundry privileges. 2606 Emmet St. 3114 Woodworth Ave. Furnished room, strictly modern, in private family. Har ney 4437. ( GREYSTONE, 25th and Casa, nicely fur nished rooms. Douglas 7994. 1812 CAPITOL AVE. Modern furnished rooms, New brick. Steam heat. ONE large front room; steam heat; one small Bleeping room. 2013 Harney St. Board and .ooms. 1816 LOTHROP Street Room and board for two young men; everything first class; prices reasonable; no other room. era; near car line. Telephone Web. 2966. FOR RENT FURNISHED. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. LIBERTY BONDS ' ACCEPTED AT FAR On any unsold lot In Dundee or Happy Hollow owned by this compan: Lots are all large, properly graded and have reasonable building restrictions which safeguard the purchaser and as . sure the future value of the property. No better place to live. No safer place to make realdence Investment. Prices, $1,000 and up. - Resolve to become property owner in 1919 and make first payment on a lot In this desirable neighborhood. When paid for you will be able to build and own a home where surroundings are congenial. Plat . prlcea and further Information fur nlshed at your request. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. Tt. 2 WEST FARNAM BARGAINS $7,600 Buys an exceptional aeven-room home, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, oak finish with oak floors throughout, stone garage, large lot, paving all paid. $11,000 One of the most attractive homes In this choice district; central hall living room 16x30 feet, fireplace, very pretty dining room, nice den with large closet finished in quartered white oak, kitchen white cupboards, tiled floor, etc., exceptionally com plete. Second floor haa four bedrooms finished In birch and maple, large bath with tiled, floor and sleeping porch. Dandy east front lot. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 498 NEW, 7-room. oak finish, lare lot double garage; price $6,760; terms 6137 North 24th St NORRIS ft NOR HIS Douglaa 4270. MINNE LUSA homes and Iota offer the best opportunity to Invest your monef Phone Tyler 187. Miscellaneous. YOUR rent will buy this home, 6-r. and bath. mod. except heat, In finest of re pair; dandy big lot; well located, near Ames Ave. car; immediate possession real easy terms arranged. RASP BROS., 21! Keeline Bldg. Tyler T21, FOR RENT AND SALH. HOUSES, COTTAGES & APARTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 202 S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. WE SELL, rent. Insure and make loans ou city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 34th and Ames Ave. Col. 317 BARGAINS In homes, investments, prop. ertles and acreage near umani. Han son & Morton, 916 Omaha Nat. Ilk. Bldg Real Estate,' Investments and Insurance 605 Omaha National. uougiaa ust. REAL ESTATE-Business Pioperty. WE NEED small homes or small Ilvm;' n-ent property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler 16. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. Houses. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house near Bemla park. In exchange for board and room ot mother and child. References exchanged. Walnut 853. ' IMPROVED TRACKAGE, 66x132 $15,000 T t.jt .... leth mnl riimtnc 8tS UW.ICU " ' " ' - rented at $160 per month. Nonresident owner wanta orrer tnis ween. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 2962 918-20 City National FOR RENT Furnished house, five rooms, partly modern, $20.00. Phone Colfax 379. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. DUNDEE CHOICE 7-R., MOD. S-r. and extra bed r. with lavatory and closet, 1st floor; 3-r; and bain up; garage. 6013 Davenport, $50. McKltrlck R. E. Co., Realtors. Douglas 100 11-ROOM house, strictly modern, fine for rooming house, $35. 2622 Capitol Ave. 8 -room, strictly modern, $30, 1506 S. 29th St. Red 682. i FOR RENT Modern 9 room house, west Farnam district. 3540 Harney St. Apply W. J. Burgees, Boyd Theater. GIRL to assist with general housework, 3119 uass St. Call Harney '3326. WANTED A girl for general housework, gooq wages, uall Harney 1161. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced waitresses. Ray mond Hotel, Pasadena, Cal. Will pay part of fare. MAID wanted at Hotel Conant Apply to imuseiieeper. Saleswomen and Solicitors. TRAVELING POSITION FOR EDUCATED WOMEN. Four women with initiative, Indi viduality, and originality wanted' by one of Chicago's oldest and best known business institutions for high grade traveling positions in educational work. Acceptable applicants must be free to travel, have the equivalent of high school education, and be between 25 and 40 years of age. Preference given to teachers, or those who have had normal school or college training. Business ex perience unnecessary as we will train those accepted and pay salary from the stnrt This Is special work of a school nature, affording short hours, the opportunity to travel, and steady ad vancement. Kindly give full informa tion concerning age, education, and previous experience In first letter. If residing in or near Omaha, also give Tel'-ihono number. Address, Box A-2, umana JBee. SrLENDID TRAVELING POSITION. x A well-known firm wilt have several openings the middle of January, suita ble to well educated women over 21 years of age, who are free to travel. This position Is In our regular sales organization and Is paying from $150 TO $300 PER MONTH. We will train suitable applicants at our expense and pay fair salary to start Call Hotel Rome,, room 246, between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. HELP WANTED. , Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Phone D 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Bindery help; a finisher; a forwarder, and. a ruler; permanent po altlon at best wages. Metropolitan Supply company, Anamosa, la. WANTED Strong, competent man and wife, at once, for, for general work on modern farnji i without children; refer ences. Address Box 260, Beemer, Neb. EDUCATIONAL Monday, January 6 Mid-Winter Term BOYLES COLLEGE Day School Night School School of Accountancy. Machine Bookkeeping. Comptometry. Shorthand snd Typewriting. Stenotypy. Raliroai and Wireless Telegraphy. Civil Service. All English and Commercial Branches. Catalog free. Telephone Douglas 1566. nth and Harney Streets STOP work; learn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work; quick and ' easy: free catalog. National Auto Training Ass'n. 2814 N. 20th, Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Bualness. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas. 6890. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and nlgbt classes. Omaha 8horthand College. Bee Bldg.. D. 6528. BECOME anexpert bookeeper, stenog rapher or penman. Take private lea sons. Harney 4692. FOR RENT ROOMS. WANTED Girl for general housework: no washing; highest wages. Mrs. B. C I Rogers. Phone, Harney 6361 1 Hotei3. BEATED rooms, $2.60 week. Apsctraents with, kitchenette. Ogden hotel. Colin. B. Flat, 2305 Leavenworth, 5 rmu $20.00 2568 Douglas St.. 9 rms $33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. FOR RENT 117 South 37th St., 9 rooms, very complete fine home. Harney 2656. befor- 12 or after 6. 5-ROOM cottage, strictly modern, near h(gh school. Harney 3696. South. PETERS TRUST CO.f Specialists In Apartment management A FEW bouses for colored. Good loca tlons. F. D. WEAD. 210 8. 18th 8t. Tyler 161. LIST your property for rent or sale with flK31' Til LOT tUMfANI, Realtors. Tyler 729 HOUSES i IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO.. Bee. BIRKETT & CO. Care of property and Insurance. 25 Bee Bldg. Douglas 632. Miscellaneous. 2829 Parker St., 6 rms., $20.00. 2129 Wirt St., 8 rms. $35. OA. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536. FOR RENT 5-room house, $12 per month. Walnut 3610. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. $9 6 ROOMS, nice and warm, partly mod ern, brick flats. 2011 Willis Ave. Phone, Webster 8512. Miscellaneous. PAYNE St SLATER COMPANY. Omaba's Rental Agents 61 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldk. D. 1016. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED, North. Building Locations Corner of 19th and California fits, 9x 132. The cheapest close-in corner in the 79 'feet on 24th St., near Blondo, Ideal location for garage; price very 'ow. H. A. WOLF CO. Electric Bldg. Tyler 86. ' YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMEN f. 323 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1571. WEST Farnam building lots as low as $395; $10 down, $5 per month; all Im provements. Douglas 5074. South. ACREAGE tracts. $1 down, $1 weekly, 8. W. Field club; high and sightly; rich soil: 1295 and ud: new add.: Introductory ' offer; no taxes; no intereat till Jan. 1, 1920. The Byron Reed Co. D. 297. 1612 Farnam. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Benson. HERE'S, A GOOD BEN -ON HOME. For a very reasonable price; t rooms and bath; modern except heat; new ar age fine lot; good neighborhood. A snap at $2,200; lioo casn is an mat required, balance $20 monthly. COLFAX 719. REAL ESTATE-WANTED. WANTED Investment Property and Houses. Wa am now ('orrmtllnBT our 1919 list' ings and wisn for more inVtinent prop erty and houses. We have calls for same and cannot supply the demand. Let us know what you have for sale, H. A. WOLF CO. Electrio Bldg. Tyler 16 FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT A steam-heated store room. 22x46; full basementPf25 a month. 10th and Douglas. ' MODERN store. 16th St., near poatoffice. low rent G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. WANTED Desk room by February 1. Write particulars to C. D. Hustead, Ter. mlnal Building. Lincoln Neb. CONSIDER the Bee building when choos ing offices. It Is time well spent Key stone Investment Co., Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 18TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. !8t. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATE?. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACaNI HOUSES AND APARTMGNTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms fori household goods and pianos; moving, packing ant shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 16th. - Douglas 4163. 75 pTjiTjiTA Express Co Moving. . V. SXEjEjU Packing and SU'a-re. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2713 Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. THAT FINE HOME LOCATED AT 1613 LOTHROP ST. MUS BE SOLD. Hera Is one of the best of built houses highly decorated and In best of order; quarter-sawed oak floors, nicely polished woodwork; one Of the best of beating plants; no trouble keeping the house warm; lot 60x124, with a good garage. Can be aeen at any time, key first door west , W. H. GATES, 147 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1294. $3,360 Up-to-date 6-room bungalow, 3011 N. 28th Ave.; monthly payments. See Orlmmell. Phone Douglas 1616. South. 4 ROOMS MODERN NEAR CAR-$1,800 4 rooms on one floor. Good house and practically new, 60-foot lot. Fur nace, water, lights, etc. $300 down and balance $20 per month. Near Clifton HUL Phone, Tyler 60. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. 3009 S. 14TH ST. t-room, 2-story, semi-bungalow, large living room, all rooms liberal In size. Price, $4,100. Easy payments. C. O. CARLBERO, REALTOR, lit Brandeis Theater Bldg, WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted a number of good 6, and 1 room homes in desirable location. , If your property is for sale and price is right call us. We nave tne Duyeri, J. L. HIATT CO., Qnn FIRST NATIONAL PHONE 0 t7W RANK BLDG. TYLER W WANTED to buy, a good Iowa or Ne braska farm, 160 acres, within at) miles of Omaha. Can pay io.nuo aown. Terma and description in first letter. Address 644 Railway Exchange Bldg., Omaha, Neb. LIST your bargains with us We want homes. Investment and acreage. Phone Douglas 416. We will send our sales man for a personal Inspection. Mccague Investment Co. LIST your property with us. INTER-STATE REALTY COMPANY, 1516 City Natl. Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnsm. Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages. $2,500, six pet cent mortgage secured by forty acres eastern Nebraska land, valued at $6,000. E. H. LOUGEE. Inc. 638 Keeline Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 64 and 6 per cent; loans for March 1, 6Va per cent. Dumont & Co.. Keeline Bd CONTRACT OF SALE, $1,600, 6 per cent payable monlnly. Good security. Lib eral discount Box 6031, umana riee. No Delay tjloslng Loafs. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 15JS. T.nAVS om CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son., Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS" O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. v Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4221. $1,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Oakley, P. O. Box 635. tJmana. Stocks and Bonds. I FOR SALE 10 shares Plersen Telegraph Trans- mltter atock at $150 per share. Sell all or part. I. O. KRIEGER, Hitchcock, Okl. Bond House. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. FARMS, $35; rich level, drained bottom lands, $20; wheat corn, alfalfa, cotton, grow perfectly; no rocks; no overflow; no blizzards, mild, healthful climate; grassy outrange; well watered; plenty timber; tenants, tlmbermen wanted: ex changes; Mississippi . Valley Farm Agency, 1012 Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. JANUARY 7th Our next excursion to MoGehee, Ark W. & FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. 40 ACRES near Fair Acres, good Improve ments; possession next March; priced tt aell. Nllsson. 421 Securities Bldg. Colorado Lands. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN NORTH- ' EASTERN COLORADO WHEAT LANDT If ao write the undorstgnsd for a list of land oa hand. At the present time I have aa exceptional bargain in a halt section 1H miles from Peeta. All level, all broke, 120 acres In fall wheat, one half crop goes with land, delivered ta , I'eets, all expenses paid. Wheat never looked better. The crop Is worth $38.01 per acre today. The land Is worth $60, raw. This land la on the market nntll February 1, 1911, at $70 per acre. One half cash, the balance good terms. Call on or write M. A. Shtpman, Jr., Cathie The Poets Btate Bank, Peets. Colo. LAND MEN LISTEN. LAND MEN LISTEN. An old time land boom Is startlngl beat proapects In yeara; thousands are coming to Colorado; get In nowl Our Denver location best In the state. We handle both Irrigated and dry lands. , , Attractive prices, sasy terma. fine seller. Good facilities, liberal commissions and honorable dealing. Make this year count. Write today for details. j PIONEER LAND CO., Ine. 416 Ideal Bldg. Denver, Oole, 15 FOR SALE 146 aores Improved, Irrigated , land one mile from Orohard, Colo. Will t-ke email amount of trade. Write for particulars. What have youT OWNER, W. H. ROBINSON. Kansas Lands. 80-Acre home Southeastern Kansas; well Improved; blsck land; will exchange fol Omaha property. 8. 8. R. B. MONTGOMERY. 218 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Keb. Minnesota Lands. CLOSING up corporation, will sell 4,17 acres St Louis county, Minn., lands. None better for stock and dairying pur. poses, Including all mineral and evei $10,000 worth of standing timber at $5.00 per acre. Easy terms. Can b retailed from $10 to $1$ per aers. Gary Land Company, Inc. Duluth, Minn. Nebraska Lands. $14,000 BUYS 160 acres, 6H miles from town 3,600 population, 100 aerea tilled, 136 acrea apelndld pasture, 26 acres valuable timber, good 1-room house, concrete basement, barn, 40x111; springs, and creek, abundance fruit; including 49 head of cattle, 4 horses, all crops, sugar tools, potato digger, potato planter, disk harrow, land rollers, grsln I drills, weeder, I sulky cultivators, sulky plow, horse rake, manure spreader, scales, cream separator, mowing ma- ' chine, grain binder, corn harvester, hay tedder, disk harrow, wagons, sleighs, cutter, harnesses, hay racks, engine, ensilage cutter, many small toola; $6,000 cash; free list; 1 per cent milk $3.67 per 100. eggs 87o dox. EUH Bros.. V Sprlngvllle, N. Y. I SPLENDID FARM BARGAIN MUST BE SOLD BEFORE MARCH 1. 160 acres of choice land H mile from Clarks, Neb.; 16 acres alfalfa; 60 acrea under cultivation, balance hay and pss- (nr. Qavn-rnnm hnni. ham tnr elrht horses, granary, double cribs, machine and cattle sheds, chicken, hog house MAKE AN OFFER. W. A. DAVIS, CLARKS. NEB. 'FOR SALE One section wheat land in best part of Kimball county, 100 -aores In wheat, new ground, 1-3 crop with the land: will sell cheap on good terms; $3,000 down, cash or Liberty bonds. Write owner, Guy Forsling, Bushnell, Neb. FOR SALE y, section of Platte valley- land, 2A mllea of county seat Good Improvements. $100 per acre. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested address P. O. Box No. 1, Plattsmouth, Neb. 336 ACRES, 2 sets of Improvements, f miles north of Florence car line. All level. Want well Improved 80 or 160. What have youT M. M. SPICKLER, Fort Calhoun, Neb. WRITE me for plcturea and prices of icy farms ana rancnes in gooa oia uivn county. Aran L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. FOR SALE Lincoln Highway ranch; running wa ter; good buildings. Owner. B-97, Bee. GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandeis Theater Blda. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at ths right price. M. A. LARSON, Central City. Neb. C. D. ARMSTRONG, Realtor, specializes in Nebraska farm lands. - 325-6 Securities Building. 160-ACRE Improved farm, 3H miles west of Millard. For sals by H. G. Ehlers, Millard. New York Lands. 210 ACRES New York state farm; highly productive, good buildings, running wa ter, house snd barn, stock and tools. Taylor Adair, West Kortrlght, Delaware county, New York, Oregon Land. IRRIGATION. "In the Heart of the Range." The Jordan Valley Project, Malheut County, Oregon; an empire in the mak ing; the land of opportunity; 20,006 acrea open for entry; fertile soil; plenty of water; land with full water, right; $71.00 an acre; terma; homestead entries nearby. Write for literature and details to Jordan Valley Farms, 823 First Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Next excursion January 6th. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE By the owner, an Improved half section In Davison County, South Dakota; suitable for stock and corn; will accept liberty bonds for all or part pay ment. Box 205 Watertown, 8. D. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 pet a., including paid up water right Henry Levi & C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha "ai. AUTOMOBILES. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE USED- CAR BALE AT THE JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC CO., AND SELECT THH CAR YOU WANT. MANY 8IZE3 AND ALL PRICES. OPEN EVENINGS UN TIL O'CLOCK. CADILLAC BLDG., FARNAM ST., AT 26TH. GOOD ONES We carry nothing In atock older ths 17; no old scrappy stuff; when you buy of us you have advantage of years ot experience In used cars. We carry the stock and make the price. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2032 FARNAM GOOD USED CARS 1917 Ford. 1917 Maxwell. 1917 Chevrolet. KNUDSEN AUTO CO. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6631. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cara bought, aold and exchanged, We buy for cash and sell on time. Full ,. line to select from. Middle State Garage, 2026-8 Farnam St Douglas 410L MEEKS AUTO CO. SAXON-SIX BARGAIrT 1918 Six-cylinder Saxon, new. Ru only 3 months. Call G. A. Larson, Pax ton hotel. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flsk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 FARNAM. FOR SALE- Nearly new Dodge touring car; fully guaranteed; new set of five Penn. Vacuum cup raslnga, $900. 8. W, Llnehaugh. Wsnn, Neb. AUTOMOBILE electrical repaira; servlcs station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. OLOBK VAN AND STORAGE CO., will $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month. pougias WE HAVE a used car show every dayt 20 to choose from; all guarantees. Trawver Auto Co., 1110 Farnaot,