Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1919, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Brussels, Jan. 5. Cardinal Mercicr
will go to America soon, it is an
nounced by newspapers.
Paris, Jan. 5. Rights of citizen
ship have been granted by Rou
mania to all Jews born in that coun
try, it is announced in a letter writ
ten by V. Antonesco, Roumanian
minister to France, to M. Roths
child, head of the Central Jewish
committee in France. Premier Bra
tiano had so informed him by tele
graph the minister said.
' Zurich, Jan. 5. Maxim Gorky, the
Russian author and revolutionist,
; lias been fleeted a member of the
Petrograa soviet, according to Rus"
sian advices received here.
VDT dS Vfl 1 7? Enttrfd h MMa4-elin aitttr M M. IMS. at
UU. 1NU. Ho. 0Bihl p. o. H Kl it March 3. 1(7
By Mall (I ml. Daily. I4.M: Sunday. $2.50:
Dally aad Sun., I9.M; outalita Nak. aoitata aitra
Fair Monday and Tues
day, warmer Monday and in
east Tuesday.
Hourly Temperatures.
1 m.
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m 14
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m 1 A
m 4 7
18 p. m.
m. 1
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m. ...... ..lit
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. Pittsburgh, Jan. 5. An era of
great prosperity for America during
the next live years was predicted by
,E. H. Gary, chairman of the United
States Steel corporation boaid of
directors, attendinc the annual din
ner of the Carnegie Steel company.
.Speaking of prices and wages, Presi
dent Gary said:
"Ther- wik be readjustments in
prices and wages, too, eventually,
but the readjustments in wages wUl
come slowly, and in such a way that
labor will recognize their justiice. If
j employers are fair to labor, I have
tio doubt labor will reciprocate."
"' Chicago, Jan. 5. Higher shoes
for "women for 1919, higher j,ri -s
rather, than reductions, and short
skirts, are the views of the National
j Shoe Travelers' association as ex
pressed in resolutions at the close
,of its seventh annual convention.
.Women's shoes of eight-and i le
liali Inches or higher, in brown, gray,
'.beaver, black and white, were de
creed by the shoe travelers who ad
ded' that "long; skirts are unsightly,
unsanitary ana prevent free action
in walking or other pursuits." Scar
city of material is expected to make
prices even higher, the travelers
'. San Bernardino, Cal., Jan. 5. Af
ter passing as a man for eight years
and fleeing tp the desert near here
to evade the physical examination
incident to the military draft, "John
Bauer," aged 24, was found today
Mo be a woman when she refused to
submit, to -4he ministrations of a
male nurse at the state hospital at
Patton, near here.
"Bauer", who refused to give any
other, was apprehended in
Death valley, where she had lived
in a cave for the past year and was
believed to have become unbalanced
fiorn solitude.
The woman to'd the hospital atf
thorities she had lived in the Im
perial valley, Cal., for seven years,
'working as a man and wearing
men's clothing, according to her
New York, Jan. 5. Rev. Dr. John
llavnes Holmes, nastor of the Uni-
.' tarian Church of the Messiah in
,this city, announced to his congre
gation today that he would leave
the Unitarian denomination next
May and recommended that the
church likewise quit the denomina
tion and its members join him in
establishing a community or liberty
church, i
Guest st Hotel in New Mexico
V Tells Stories of Alleged Ex
periences in France and
,. Borrows Money.
Albuquerque, N. M., Jan. 5. A
man and a woman registered at a
local hotel here about two weeks aero
as Capt.' Archie Roosevelt and wife.
: The man regaled the guests with
stories of his alleged experiences on
v the French front. He said they were
pected to spend several months re
cuperating from wounds received in
. The couple went from here to
Santa ,Fe, where the man said he
was a cousin of,Colonel Roosevelt
'. and represented himself to be an
agent of the Department of Justice.
' lie secured an interview with Gov
ernor Lindsey.
. rosing as Capt. Archie Roosevelt,
he obtained $50 by wire from R. M
Ferguson of Tyrone, N. M a former
Rough Rider. He also passed a
worthless check at Lamy, N. M.
It is understood here that the
couple went to California, where of
ficials of the Department of "Justice
are close on their trail.
,' Captain Roosevelt in Hospital.
New York, Jan. 5. Somebody in
' New Mexico has been impersonating
Capt. Archie Roosevelt and borrow
ing money there fn the strength of
the deception, according to mtorma
tion received by the son of the fort
; mer president, and made public here
Captain Roosevelt said that a man.
accompanied by a woman posing as
a Mrs. Roosevelt, has been visiting
various western cities.
j Captain Roosevelt, who is in a
hospital here, beiing treated for par-
J . r .,. ? J 1... -
liysis oi me arm, causeu oy a oucu
wound received in France, said he
was apprised of the impersonators
by relative here of Mr. Ferguson's
I wife, from vhom they received a
.vletter, written under the impression
.that Captain Roosevelt was still
I somewhere in New Mexico.
Bolshevist Troops Driven Back
From Kadish; Dead and
Wounded Americans
Mutilated by Foe.
By Associated, Press.
With the Allied Army of the
Dvina, Jan. 5 American troops,
lighting desperately near Kadish,
have driven back bolshevist troops
which made an advance there. The
holsheviki also launched attacks on
the Onega sector and bombarded the
allied front. The Americans came
into the battle along the Petrograd
road and in the frozen swamps that
border it. The battle was fought in
snow from two to four feet in depth.
American forces captured Kadish
last Monday, after a display of gal
lantry that evoked the admiration of
the allied comnjanders. Special care
has been taken of the American
wounded and the body of an Ameri
can officer was taken back 100 miles
by sleigh and then shipped to Arch
angel for burial. There were some
casualties on Monday, but they were
small in comparison to those in
flicted upon the enemy.
Under Heavy Fire.
On Tuesday the holsheviki open
ed a terrific fire froiii three and six
inch guns and launched an attack
against the buildings held by the
Americans in Kadish. So hot was
the artillery fire that the Americans
were withdrawn temporarily from
the village. The line, however, was
not taken back very far and the new
positions were firmly leld. The en
emy did not occupy Kadish because
the barrage fire from the American
guns made the": place - untenable
Shells falling on the frozen ground
spread their zones of destruction
twice as far as they would under
normal conditions.
Later, under the protection of ar
tillery tire, American detachments
again swept forward and reoccupied
the town. Ihe men engaged m the
advance were from infantry and
trench mortar units.
Enemy Fighting Savagely.
This morning word came from
headquarters that the American po
sitions are now 400 meters south- of
the village, which is the line mark
ing the furthest advance made by
the Americans late in October be
fore they retired to the north of
Kadish. Here and there are graves
where are buried Americans, who
fell in the struggle that went on
during the, first advance. They are
not many in number but for the
troops involved they give evidence
that the Americans have been in the
hardest fighting that has been going
on here.
The holsheviki are fighting more
savagely here than elsewhere to hold
their positions.
The Petroiirad road leads south
ward to riesetskaya, a large village
on the Vologda railway, which is the
(C'ontlnurd on Faite Two, Column Two.)
Republic Now Exists
In Ireland, Declares
Leader in Sinn Fein
New York. Tan. 5. A republic
now exists in Ireland and ' every
nrrr nf tVi Trish neonle will be
used to uphold it, Dr. Patrick Mc-
Cartau, known as the envoy ot tne
nrnvisinnal government .of Ireland."
declared in an address at a meeting
held here tonight, to. congratulate:
him, Diarmuid Lyncn ana uenerai
Liam Mellows, -ail. prominent .Sinn.
Kejners, on their election to the
British parliament.
"You have seen the statement of
the new English secretary for Ire-
land that the Irish question will be
settler! within the next six months.
either peaceably or bloodily," said
Dr. Mctartan. "We in Ireland are
not afraid of shedding blood in our
riffhtenitQ rause and if Erieland at
tempts to interfere with the estab
lishment of our republic it will oe a
declaration of war oh her part and
the Wood that will be spilled will be
on her hands."
"General Mellows asserted that
the Sinn Feiners would convene a
national assembly in Ireland, from
which the Irish question would be
presented to the peace conference.
Soviet Troops Gain
Control of Riga. After.
Heavy Street Fighting
Copenhagen, Jan. 5. Riga is in
the hands of the Lithuanian soviet
troops, according to a , wireless
dispatch from the Russian bolshe
' vist headquarters, received here.
Fighting has been raging in the
streets of Riga according to the
Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin, which
says the German theater has been
set oh fire. " .
v The German steamer Lucie
Woermann is reported to have left
Riga yesterday with several hun
dred relugces. j
Mrs. Wilson's Smile Wins
Paris on Shopping Tour
jl jj
Mrs. Wilson, wife f the president, photographed while on a shop
ping tour in Paris. With Mrs. Wilson in the carriage are Mme. Poin
care, wife of the president of France, and Miss Margaret Wilson.
Fight for Speakership of
House Thought to Be Be
tween These Two; Little
Interest Being Shown.
Lincoln, Jan. 5 (Special Tele
gram.) Very little interest is be
ing taken in the organization of
the legislature' by the members who
have so far arrived, and not many of
them as yet have put in an appear
ance. ... j
Probably half a dozen senators
are here, while not over two dozen
house members were pn the ground
this evening. '
Most of the interest appears to be
in the organization of the house,
many feeling that Good of Nemaha
and Fuitz of Furnas - Will run "Very
close. , Jennison of Clay and Wild
man of .York havi a- inUnarincr hif
, -- - r " " ,
it does not appear to be as strong
as the others. -
Chief clerk of the house has gen
erally been- conceded to- - - Wv F.
Hitchcock of Sterling, with W. T.
Caldwell of Edgar second choice.
However, O. G. Smith of' Kearney
arrived on the scene late this after
noon and Smith stock took a rise
in the market.
-Smith -is -farmer, and- as -about
36 republican' in the lower branch
are farmers, if they all stand by
Smhh, he. may lopm up pretty, well
on the horizon ' tomorrow. . ;
Will Israel of Havelock, who was
a candidate for chief clerk, has
switched to first assistant. - "
Few Senators Arrive. "
. In the senate the only thing of
interest is the office of president
pmrtem of that body.-- 1
Hoagland of , North . Platte , and
Bushee of Kimball were. the only
ones on the scene today and- it is
generally believed that ' when it
comes to a show down that they will
not be found opposing each other.
Another candidate is Neal of Ne
maha, but until he arrives little can
be knowrf of his strength. It is
generally felt that Saunders of
Douglas is in the race, but he has
not put in an appearance and no
one appears to be able to speak for
The most that is known is that
he is a candidate and that eventual
ly the fight, may narrow down to
the Omaha man and either Bushee
or Hoagland wi(h Neal holding the
balance of power. .
Clyde Barnhard of Table . Rock,
has no opposition for secretary of
the senate and Mr. Sinclair.of Qma
ha appears to be' equally sure of
the job of first assistant. -jFor ser
geant at arms of the senate' there
are a flock of candidates, alt G. A.
R. men. Theji are A. D. Havens of
Atkinson, former Senator Henry
Hoagland of Lancaster,' John Lett
of York and John B. Dey Of Brad
shaw. ;
. Lies Between Two. ,
It is generally considered that the
election lays between Havens and
Hoagland. James Howell of Albion
is the only candidate so far for as
sistant sergeant at arms and stands
a good saow. ox landing,
60,000 PERSONS
Independent 'Socialists Decide
to Quit Cabinet After
Demonstration Against
Them by Populace.
By the Associated Press.
Berlin, Jan. 5. Independent so
cialist members of the Prussian
cabinet have decided to resign, it
has been learned. Among them
will be Adolf Hoffmann, whose
course toward churches and schools
has resulted in hitter opposition,
even from some of his colleagues.
Invade Ministry Office.
Amsterdam, Jart. 5. Sixty thou
sand Catholics and protestants of
Berlin, after a mass meeting Thurs
day, marched to- the ministry of
public worhip, where there was a
demonstration against Adolf Hoff
man, independent socialist, who
holds that portfolio, says advices
from the German capital. Dr. Karl
Leibknecht and Rosa Luxembourg,
the radical leaders, were also tar
gets of the crowd's anger. As the
throng marcned along the streets it
sang "Deutschland Uber Alles."
After reaching the building, entry
was forced and a large number ot
people entered, searching for Hoff
mann,' but. he was not found. The
crowd then dispersed.
' Police Chief Deposed.
Berlin, Jan. 5. The cabinet has
deposed 'Eichorn, chief of police of
Berlin, who refused to vacate his
post ' Herr Ernst, director of the
Vorwaerts- Publishing company, lies
been appointed to succeed Eichorn.
Eichorn, as chief of police, as
sisted the members of the Spartacus'
group on December 25 in raiding the
premises of the socialist organ and
in .the suppression of the paper.
It is reported ;that the govern
ment has decided to adopt drastic
measures to suppress activities of
the radical socialists throughout
Former Imperial Chancellor
Expires at Ruhpolding,
Bavaria, After Illness
of Only Six Days.
By Associated Press.
Copenhagen, Jan. S. Count
George F. von Hertiing, the former
imperial German chancellor, died
Saturday night at Ruhpolding, Ba
varia. He had been ill for six days.
Count George F. von Hertiing
was considered the most learned
man of all the men called to the
chancellorship of Germany since
1871. He had won for himself a
scholar's reputation before he en
tered political life and up to 1912,
when he became Bavaria's minister-
president, he had combined educa
tional and literary work vith his
political activities. Von Hertiing
was appointed imperial German
chancellor in October, 1917, succeed
ing Dr. George Michaelis. He re
signed in the fall of last year and
Emperor William conferred upon
him the Order of the Black Eagle
and his warm thanks for the "self
sacrificing faithfulness" with which
Von Hertiing had served the coun
try. Student of Philosophy.
Von Hertiing was bom in August.
184.1, in Darmstadt, of a well-known
family. He passed through the gym
nasium, or high school,' of his home
citv. studied nhilosoohv and historv
.Lai, jiunstcr, Munich, and Berlin and
received the degree of doctor ot
philosophy in 1864. Later he visited
Italy and studied the dogmatic his
tory of the Roman Catholic church
and in 1867 became teacher of phil
osophy in the University of Bonn.
He was well krtown as a writer on
Count von Hertiing was a mem
ber of the reichstag continuously
from 1875 to 1912, with the excep
tion of the period of 1890 to 1896.
He became the clerical party leader
in 1909 after the death of Count
Hompech. During the chancellor
ship of Count von Buelovv he en
trusted Von Hertiing, whom he con
sidered an able and resourceful dip
lomat, with negotiations with the
Vatican. Von Hertiing also was
often the semi-official intermediary
between his party and the govern
ment. Assailed by Socialists.
In the latter months of his oc
cupancy of the chancellorship Von
Hertiing was assailed by the social
ists in the reichstag and the German
newspapers, the socialists charging
that he had entered the chancellor
ship with understanding that he
would speak for the whole of the
German people, but that he had gone
over to the junkers and represented
ideas that were obsolete. The press
generally attacked the chancellor as
a result of the increasing friction be
tween the Berlin and Vienna govern
ments. The feeling of the news
papers was intensified when the
chancellor, early in September, said
the government saw no possibility
of approving a bill for general equal
suffrage as it came from the Prus
sian lower house. The workers'
unions also turned against the chan
cellor, accusing the government of
being responsible for lack of food
and of putting the interests of the
producing interests above those of
the people.
In his last speeches before the
reichstag Von Hertiing dwelt on the
possibilities of peace being brought
about. These addresses were char
acterized by the newspapers of al
lied countries as peace feelers, and
even were attacked by German
writers and politicians as insincere
or untruthful.
Soldiers Who Lost Eyes
Can Be Self Supporting
Former German Emperor
Goes Under Surgeon's Knife
Operation on One of His Ears
Reported Successful; His
Condition Said to Be
Improving Daily.
By Associated Press.
Amsterdam, Jan. 5. William Ho
henzoliern. the former German em
peror, has undergone a successful
operation on one of his ears by Pro
fessor Lang of Amsterdam univers
ity. Amerongen, Holland, Jan. 5.
Even the wonderrul spring-like
weather of the new year did not
hing the former Gtrma.i emperor
outside of Amerongen castle, al
though his condition is improving
daily. The principal cause of his
indisposition' appears to be mental
depression, . the . gradual
realization of the full extent of his
downfall. Recent reports from Ger
many are said to have accentuated
this feeling.
Lack of open-air exercise and con
tinual brooding have had such telling
effect on his appearance that he
scarcely is recognizable to those who
saw him when he first came to Am
erongen. His wife, who is with him
almost constantly, displays much
buoyant spirits and makes every ef
fort to cheer him.
News of the birth of another
grandchild to the wife of Prince Os
car reached the former imperial
couple yesterday and subsequently
several dispatches were received by
them. The ex-monarch did not sit
up "to see the new year in," but at
tended the customary morning
prayer in the castle chapel.
There is no sign of the immediate
removal of the former emperor, al
though many reports afe current to
Sir Arthur Pearson, Himself
Sightless, Says Blind Are
Capable of All Sorts
of Work.
New York, Jan. , 5. Practically
every soldier who has lost his sight
because of the war may be rehabil
itated in a great measure and be
come an asset rather than a drag
upon the world that he has helped
to save, said Sir Arthur Pearson,
noted philanthropist, who, blind
himself, is chairman or the Blinded
Soldiers Care committee of Eng
land, in telling today of the pur
pose of his visit to this country.
Sir Arthur, who recently arrived
here, will act in an advisory capac
ity for the Red Cross in the care of
American blinded soldiers, and will
go soon to the Red Cross home for
the blind in Baltimore.
"We always try to put a man
back to work in his original occu
pation and he generally succeeds,"
Sir Arthur declared.
"It is not as hard as one thinks.
When you lose one faculty you use
another. If you can't see you be
gin to use your wits."
If a blinded man is put to work
along lines that not only make him
self-supporting but self-reliant and
independent, he will in most instances
do better work than he did before
losing his sight," Sir Arthur said.
Blind men were adaptable to all
sorts of work, and in his opinion
better in some lines than those with
the faculty of sight. This was true
even in professions that seem to
depend upon sight, such .as archi
tects and civil engineering, where
he had known men to make good af
ter becoming blind.
"Blind people as typists are un
excelled," he continued, "and .we
turn out shorthand writers who do
1 f
125 words a minute, telephone op
erators who are better than the
average graduate from a technical
school, masseurs whose keenness of
touch makes them superior to the
best, basket makers who make bet
ter baskets than those who see, hat
makers who qualify with the best of
their trade, cobblers who can sole a
shoe as expertly as their fellows
anywhere, polutry farmers who can
tell the breed, age and other quali
ties of a fowl with their hands; men
who operate intricate machinery as
well as any man with sight and
barbers who not only practice their
profession, . but who become pro
prietors of growing establishments."
Sir Arthur later will make an ex
tensive tour through Canada in the
interests of his work.
Soldiers and Public Demand
Speeding Up of Process
of Demobilization of
Military Forces.
London, Jan. 5. An official state
ment concerning disturbances among
troops at rest camps, arising from
complaints over the delay in demo
bilization, was issued by the War
office tom'ght. It says:
"The trouble which has arisen in
the past two days among troops re
turning to France from leave in Eng
land has been safely settled after
a long conference between the com
manding officer and representatives
of the men."
It is revealed also in a long
explanation issued by the war office
today that trouble similar to that
with the troops at Folkestone oc
curred at Dover, but on a smaller
scale, and it is Mated that as the
men were acting under a genuine
misunderstanding no disciplinary
measures will be adopted.
A large staff of officials has gone
to Folkestone and Dover to investi
gate individual cases' of discontent
and to demobilize men who are en
titled to their discharge from the
army. The war office admits that
the affair seemed at first likely to
lead to serious consequences, but
says that it is now in the course of
satisfactory arrangement.
The past week has witnessed a
strong and general demand from the
most influential British newspapers,
regardless of politics, for prompt
meeting of the peace congress and
prompt action to stem the tide of
chaos which is threatening Germany
because of the introduction of bof
shevism by way of the border states.
There is a dawning recognition that
if anarchy seizes central Europe the
decisions of the peace congress in
drawing boundaries and levying in
demnities can -be enforced only
through military control by the
allies, otherwise becoming merely
"scraps of paper."
The chief desrie of the British
people is to have the army demobi
lized as quickly as possible. The
labor elements in particular oppose
the retention of a large conscripted
army for the policing of foreign
territories with the possibility of be
ing drawn into conflicts. The Sun
day Observer gives warning in line
with growing belief that the most
urgent business now before the con
quering nations is to restore the
conquered nations and all of central
and southeastern Europe to a
status of order and normal living
or something as near to this as
possible. ,
Boat Capsizes; Five Drown.
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 5. A woman
and four men met death late Satur
day night when the Merchants
Transportation company's 65 foot
freighter Amazon capsized in Puget
Sound. Three of the eight persons
aboard escaped alive and spent the
night adrift on the upturned hull
fighting the bitter cold by building
a fire on the hull, using pieces of
drift wood after one of them had
dried matches in hit hair.
Max White Shot by Highway
man While Returning From
, Church; Dies in Lord
Lister Hospital.
Max White, 17-year-old Commer
cial High school student, and a son
of A. White, 2529 Davenport street,
was held up by a lone negro and
shot through the right eye at 8:45
o'clock last night at Nineteenth and
Charles streets. The boy died at
midnight. The negro walked away
after the shooting.
Young White and Miss Libby
Minkin, 2640 Decatur street, had at
tended a lecture in the Jewish church
at Nineteenth and Burt streets, and
were on the way to the girl's home
when the shooting occurred. The
negro had followed them for a
couple of blocks. When they reach
ed Nineteenth and Charles streets,
he overtook' the couple and pushed
a gun in young White's side, com
manding him to hold up his hands.
White tried to protect his com
panion and the negro fired at his
liead, the bullet entering the right
White was carried into the home
of C. Petersen, 1547 North Nine
teenth street, and the police ambu
lance was called, which took him to
Lord Lister hospital, where he died-
Miss Minkin Only Witness.
White's companion, -Miss'Minkin,
was the only eye-witness., to the
shooting. She told police she first
noticed the negro following them
at Nineteenth and Nicholas streets,
and both slowed their pace to allow
the man to pass. When they were
directly in front of the home of C.
Petersen; - 1547 North , Nineteenth
street, the unmasked negro ap
proached them from behind.
"He put the gun to Max's right
side," Miss Minkin said, "and said
'throw them up, kid.' I grew fright
ened and turned about myself. Max
turned and as he was putting up his
(Continued on Pace Two, Column Beren.)
Henry Sach Held Up by Three
Men Near Scene of Murder
Shortly after the hold-up and
shooting of Max White at Ninteenth
and Charles streets last night,
Henry Sach, 216 North Twenty
second street, was held up and rob
bed of three dollars by three un
masked highwaymen on the Central
high school grounds. The hold-up
occurred near the front entrance of
the school. All three highwaymen
had guns and were well dressed,
Sach told the police.
Robbers Get $56,400 Worthy
of Negotiable Securities
Salt Lake City, Jan. 5 Telegrams
were sent today, to all important
banks and bond brokers in the
United States to watch for the ap
pearance of bonds of the American
Falls Canal Securities company,
$56,400 of which were stolen
from the desk of G. R. Both
well at his home in this city. The
stolen securities are in denomina
tions of $1,000 and 100 and all are
Slayer of Six Thought Also
to Have Murdered
His Wife and
Onawa, la., Jan. 5. (Staff Spe
cial.) An investigation, which is ex
pected to solve the mystery of sev
cral deaths during the past 18 monthi
in the vicinity of Onawa, Monont
county, will be begun tomorrow
by Sheriff Harlau, following th '
gruesome tragedy in the Wilbur
Johnson home Friday night, when
five persons were killed with a shot
gun in the hands of William Barnes,
a farmer, who lived on an island in
the Missouri river about seven miles
below Onawa. After wiping out the
Johnson family Barnes killed him
self. Authorities of Monona county
have recalled, since the discovery of
the six bodies Saturday morning,
that Barnes' wife aod daughter died
under singular circumstances in their
home about a year ago. At the time ;
of Mrs. Barnes' death speculation
was rife among neighbors, many of
whom openly expressed the opinion
the woman met with foul play.
Suspicion on Second Death.
The man's 17-ycar-old daughter,
who kept house for her father for a
s?iort while following her mother's
death, ended her own life, sup
posedly, by drinking poison. Sus
picion grew stronger following the
mysterious death of the daughter.
The authorities conducted an investi- '
atiQiv tut -the case was dropped
without the suspect being investi
gated by the grand jury.
"Barnes is known to have been a
desperate character," 5 said Sheriff
Harlau. "The finger of suspicion
has been pointed at him for a year
now, and there are many who be
lieve him directly responsible for the
deaths of his wife and daughter.
However, the sheriff I succeeded in
office the first of the year investi
gated the matter at the time, but
was unable to obtain sufficient in
formation to warrant Baines' arrest.
I intend to go to the bottom of the
matter, and I would iiol be at all
surprised if Barnes was connected
with a number of other crimes which
have baffled the Monona county au
thorities." '.
Suitor of Mrs. Jones.
Barnes is known to have been a
suitor of Mrs. Mary Jones, daugh
ter of Wilbur Johnson, and one of
the victims. He is said to have been
infatuated with the girl at the time
of his wife's death. Neighbors re
ported violent quarrels between
Barnes and his wife, following cur
rent gossip connecting Barnes' name
with that of the girl. It was fol
lowing one of these quarrels that
Mrs. Barnes is said to have died
under mysterious circumstances. The
coroner's jury, after hearing the evi
dence, returned an open verdict.
The girl is known to have become
despondent, following the death of
he mother. She stayed at home
and steadily refused to encourage
the visits of her friends. For days
she is said to have remained inside
her father's house, declining to see
(Continued on race Two, Column Four.)
Father and Son Crawl
Through Transom to
Escape From Flame j
Foliceman Morford rescued Fred
Anderson, who tperates a restau
rant at 1520 Cass street, and his son,
Alfred, from asphyxiation early Sun- ;
day morning, when a fire from an
overheated furnace destroyed the in
terior of the place and threatened
serious damage to adjoining build
ings. Father and son, who were
sleeping in the basement of the res
taurant, were awakened by the noise
of crackling flames and were unable
to find their way out of the building.
Policeman Morford turned in an
alarm, then broke open a small front
transom leading into the cellarway,
through which Anderson and his son
crawled to safety.
The damage, amounting to $800,
was covered by insurance.
Orange Growers Will Keep
Frozen Stock Off Market
Los Angeles, Jan. 5. Orange grow
ers of Los Angeles county here have
determined not to pick any citrus
fruit for 10 days. It was estimated
that within that time a careful sur-,
vey of all groves could be made and
the condition of the fruit determined
sufficiently to ' prevent any frozen
stock going on the market.
Seventy Killed in Mine.
Mctz, Jan. 5. Seventy persons
were killed as a result of an ex
plosion of fire damp in a mine near
here Friday night. Five men were
killed and 21 entombed by a cave-in
at another mine.