Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
Russian Leader Expresses
Gratitude for Unselfish In
terest of America in
Russia's Welfare.
Chha, Trans-Baikalia, Jan. 4. (By
ssociatef Press.) General Semen-
lff, who was quite seriously wound
V by fragments of a bomb thrown
I a crowded tfteater here recently,
tceived the Associated Press cor
fespondent today. With him he
Kacussed briefly the crisis iu Rus-
The dramatic background of the
Viterview made it unusual. A sinis-
rr aimospnere aominates Lhita.
ossaclt guards are stationed about
ubltc buildings and move ceaseless
hrough the streets.
Driving through the town behind
e-coated horses, the correspondent
?ached General Semenoff's house.
1 the outskirts of the town. Armed
Cossacks stood guard before it. The
orrespondent was admitted, but as
door closed behind him the key
as turned by a guard. A suave
alet, an orderly and then an armed
Cossack appeared, the Cossack de-
landing the reason for the visit. He
as General Semenoff's bodyguard.
' Admitted After Parley.
A long parley ensued, during
hich the correspondent was sub
cted to the most rigid examination
e ever underwent. Finally his card
as sent in to the general, who sent
ut word that he would receive the
" I i' rt .
1 uencrai oemenon s room snowed
JeTtdence of the artistic tastes of its
occupant. He waved a courteous
welcome with his left hand, explain
ing that his right hand and leg had
Deen injured by the explosion. A
surgeon had just removed fragments
af the bomb from the injured leg.
Referring to America, General
Semenoff was insistent in his
declaration that American troops
A'Ould be welcomed by Russians.
The landing of foreign troops on
Russian soil is naturally distaste
ful," he said, "but it is necessary
now to overthrow the bolshevists.
Asked if his differences with Ad
miral Kalchak had been adjusted
ae replied in the negative.
"Admiral Kolchak sent troops to
Irkutsk," he said, "so I cannot say
we are friends, but my Cossacks
will always work for the best m
erests of Russia."
Sends Greetings to America.
He concluded his talk with a re
quest that his greetings and an ex
pression of his admiration and re
spect for the American people be
sent o them. He especially spoke
r l i'. -j r ii ir.L r
erest in Russia's welfare which has
1 A
aeen snown oy America.
Th hptipf that American forces
rce of, Japanese is encamped in
e sitntirns ana t annarennv sura-
tfe attempted . assassination of
. e t 4
ry reign of terror here. He was
m a dox witn a parry, one or -.vnom
was a woman. Suddenly a man
rose in the gallery and threw a
bomb, which exploded at the feet of
the general. The woman was un
hurt, but another woman seated
nearby was badly injured. A tew
then received wounds.
trograd's Swains
Will Save on Candy;
No Courting Needed
London, Jan. 4. The town coun
il of Petrosrrad. according to an
Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
Copenhagen, has decided that all
inmarried women between tne ages
f 18 and 45 shall be provided with
sbands selected by the council.
he children of these unions, it is
ded, will not be allowed to remain
th their parents, but will be edu-
te'd under the control of the soviet
rogram Mapped Out
for Peace Conference
JParis, Jan. 4. (Havas). The
bee conference, according to the
Ut Parisian, will proceed as fol-
First A conference of the four
rat oowers.
Second Representatives of Bel
nm and Serbia to be admitted for
study of the general situation.
Third Admission of the other at
jes for conferences on the problems
fiteresting them.
Fourth Presentation of condi
tion! successively to Germany, Bul
garia, Turkey, Austria and Hungary
ana tne signing oi rne peace prenmi
v. ries. .
Fifth A general conference con
cerning the questions of a league of
rations, freedom of the seas, limita
tion of armaments and related top
ics. Reserve Officers' School is
Authori::- by War Dept.
St Louis. Establishment of a
Reserve Officers' Training school at
Washington university has been au
thorized by the War department A
unit will be organized soon. Nearly
250 member of the S. A. T. C.
have registered for the new unit.
Uniforms and equipment will be
furnished by the government, but
the students .will receive no com
pensation. Enlistment is for two
years, with option of four years for
full officers' training and commis
sion. . :
French Troops Are Given
; Welcome in Montenegro
U Paris, Jan. 4. French troops en
tered Cettinje, the capital of Monte
negro, December iZ, it was an
nounced. They were greeted en
thusiastically by the people and
found that good order prevaUed in
the country. Five members of the
national assembly have jeen
charged with the management of the
country' affairs until the union of
Montenegro and Serbia under the
ra (Jeorgevitcn dynasty nas oeen
spitted. .
Casualty List
The following Nebraska men are
named in the casualty list sent out
by the government for Sunday
morning, January 5:
Scrgt. George H, Howisey, 2102
Chicago street, Omaha, Neb.
Foster A. Lent. Comstock, Neb.
Charles Nelson, Osmun, Neb.
Arthur A. Weis, Geneva, Neb.
The following Nebraska men are
named in the casualty list given out
y the government for Saturday af
ternoon, January 4:
Charles F. McVey, Virginia, Neb.
Earl R. Hicks, Naponee, Neb.
Corp. Chas. Slavik, 1402 Williams
street, Omaha, Neb.
Alfred F. Scheibe, St. Paul, Neb.
John R. Seindell, Moorefield, Neb.
Frank Kalina, Table Rock, Neb.
Hjalmer B. Helsing, Wahoo, Neb.
Soren C. Jensen, Dannebrog, Neb.
Russell L. Williams, Scottsbluff,
Fears Employes Would Be
come Objects of Solicita
tion If Ownership Made
Issue at Election.
The following Iowa, .Sooth Dakota and
Wyoming men are named la the camialtv
Hit Kent nut hy the government for Sun
day morning, January 5:
Sergt. Raymond B. Burns, Sheldon, la.
Samuel II. Koch, Hot Sprlngi, 8. 1).
Kulund 1). IlenUar, (Gravity, la.
Arthur K. Jonrx, Williamsburg, la.
Herbert I.. Turner. Waterloo, la.
.lumen E. Arthur, lloone, la.
Thomas M. ( orll, Kyan, la.
Ivar H. Johnson. Hartley, la.
The following Iowa, South Dakota and
Wyoming men are named in the casualty
Ut sent out by the government for Sat
urday afternoon, January 4:
Corn. Floyd E. Ferguson, Waterloo, la.
Bernard Witte, Benedict, la.
Sergt. Harold J. Bedman, Lawler, la,
Corp. Clifton II. Clark, Cedar FaU, la.
John C. Christiansen, Clinton, la.
Harry 8. Coo ley, Maquoketa, la.
Richard Hnoernhoorst, Maurice, la.
Wm. J. Ira, Atkinson, la.
John X. Porter, Delphi, la.
August C. Bloom, Htanton, la.
Harry J. Douma, Alton, la.
Edward Dletrlek, Victor, la.
Herbert V. Kogera, Ottamwa, la.
Washington, Jan. 4. Existing
rate structures would continue if
railroads were tamed back to pri
vate control until changes were
made by orderly legal procedure,
even where states have specific rate
laws, in the opinion- of Director
General McAdoo, expressed today
at the resumption of the senate in
terstate commerce committee hear
ings on the railroad problem.
The director general also ex
pressed the opinion that railroads
operating privately could maintain
joint ticket offices without violating
anti-trust laws.
c a Trti rull .
Senator Kellogg of Minnesota
challenged this conclusion.
"Don't you know," the senator
inquired, "that when a committee of
railroad presidents tried to unify the
roads before the government took
hold, that the attorney general in
quired by what authority they were
acting and intimated that tthey were
violating the law?''
"Do you believe in the elimination
of all competition between rail
roads? Don't you think that the
competition of service has been a
principal factor in promoting good
railway service?"
Mr. McAdoo replied: "I don't
know yet whether it would be best to
eliminate all competition. That is
why I want a five-year test period.
I do not think competition is an
unalloyed blessing, but a longer
trial will show how much of it may
be necessary."
Turning to the question of a
threatened breakdown in morale
among officers and employes, which
he feared if the government con
trol should be limited to 21 months,
the director general said:
"It would be difficult with the im
pending presidential campaign to
keep the railroad question out of
politics. If the railroads are held
only 21 months, I fear the employes
themselves would become objects of
solicitation for one plan of cam
paign or one group of candidates.
The railroads of the United States
must be kept out of politics."
Red Guards in Minsk Are
Winning Many Successes
London, Jan. 4. Russian wireless
service reports a number of military
successes for the red guards. They
have taken Novogrodek in the prov.
ince of Minsk, while the Ukrainian
reds have captured Homel. The of
fensive movement of the bolsheviki
continues in the Reval and Riga sectors.
Hiompson-Belden &(x
J Established 78 a 6 y
TheTashion Center &rMvmen
The Best Fabrics Reduced
All Silk Chiffon Velvets From Liberty
& Co. of London. For One Day
Only $7.50 a Yard.
These are considered the finest silk velvets in the
whole world and sell from $12 to $15 a yard.
Here is your opportunity to select the finest quality
velvets for about half-price.
In Navy, Wisteria, Gray, Cope Blue, Primrose
and rich Black. Tomorrow $7.50 a yard.
Woolen Materials
Silk Specials
Crepe de chine, an extra
heavy quality 40 inches
wide, in good colors, $2.25
quality, Monday $1.69.
Figured Lining Silks in at
tractive colors and patterns
36 inches wide, $2.50 and
$3.00 regularly, Monday
$1.95 a yard.
Haskell's famous
black silks are be
ing offered at very
substantial savings.
Visit the silk section for the
best of values during this
January Clearance Sale.
Fine Winter Coatings .Vel-
our, Bolivia, Gunny Burl and
other desirable weaves in the
best of shades.
The new low prices are in
deed very attractive.
AH wool jersey in gray,
wine, purple, brown, rose
and khaki, 54 inches wid.e
The best quality. Sold all
season for $5. Tomorrow
$2.95 a yard.
$3.50 Costume velvets (Vel
vetina) $2.29 a yard.
A splendid range of colors
(36 inches wide).
All wool French serges and
poplins, sold regularly for
$2.25, Monday $1.89.
New Dresses for Southern Wear
Motifs for Nineteen-Nineteen.
For milady who journeys to warmer climes and for her who stays
at home but desires to have spring fashions in advance of the
season these frocks will prove delightfully interesting. They fea
ture fine woolen fabrics and attractive new silks that are very ap
pealing. We invite your viewing.
From $50 to $105
No extra charge for the alterations.
Thompson, Belden Co.
Thompson-Belcleii &Gx
J Established 7886 -
The Fashion Genter or Women
ThompsoivBeldexi &Gq
J Established 7886
Th e TasJiion Genter &r Women
Thompsoit-Beldeii &Gb
J Established 7886 .
Th e Jhshion Genter Tor Womai
It's Mot the Practice of This Store to Raise Prices So That Redactions lay Seem Greater
Linens Bought Among the Heather and Shamrock
In This Sale of White Fineness
From Perth and Dumfermline, Scotland, and Belfast, Ireland, have come these
linens into this annual January Sale. These linens make up a sale that is most
unusual in its values values that cannot be replaced.
Most of these linens were purchased direct, thus saving at least one added profit
' that of the importer, bought three years ago for the most part and stored here
in the bonded warehouse in Omaha. The outlook for lower priced linens is far
from promising, nor will there be any change for a long time to come.
It's the part of wisdom to share in these very Important Savings
Pattern Cloths
$7.50 Table Cloth $5.89.
$10 Table Cloths $6.89.
$12 Table Cloths $8.89.
$15 Table Cloths $10.
$20 Table Cloths $15.
Napkins to Match
$10.75 Napkins, $7.89
$15 Napkins, $10.89
$17.50 Napkins, $13.50
$20 Napkins, $15.89
$25 Napkins, $18.89
$10 Table cloths
extra heavy $6.75.
$10 Napkins
extra heavy $7.50.
$5 Heavy double satin
damask $3.50 yard.
Huck Towels ,
39c Huck towels 25c.
50c Huck towels, 35c.
65c Huck towels, 50c.
$1.75 Huck towels $1.25
$1.85 Huck towels $1.35
$2 Huck towels $1.50.
$2.25 Huck towels $1.75
Linen Toweling
Heavy linen crash
toweling. Scotch and
Irish, fine, qualities.
40c , crash 30c a yard.
55c crash 45c a yard.
75c crash 60c a yard.
Turkish Wash
10c Wash Cloths 7c.
20c Wash Cloths 15c.
Huck Toweling
75c quality fancy Huck
toweling (15-inch) 50c
a yard.
$1.50 Fancy Huck (22
inch) for tomorrow $1
a yard.
Glass Toweling
All linen tea toweling,
Blue and red checks.
35c quality 25c a yard.
75c quality 60c a yard.
Turkish Towels
39c Turkish towels 25c.
50c Turkish towels 35c.
75c Turkish towels 59c.
$1 Turkish towels 75c.
Unbleached Crash
Very heavy unbleach
ed linen crash towel
ing, 50c quality, 39c
a yard.
Madeira Luncheon Sets
Hand Embroidered and Scalloped
Each Set Consists of Thirteen Pieces.
.,10.00 sets, $6.38. $15.00 sets, $8.89.
$12.00 sets, $7.38. $17.50 sets, $10.00.
$13.75 sets, $8.38. $20.00 sets, $14.38.
$30.00 sets, $18.89.
Dress Trimmings
Very Little Prices
Chiffon in short lengths,
$1.75 quality, 29c a yard.
All overs and fancy beaded
laces, 59c a yard. Some
have sold as high as $8 a
Three-inch Venise banding, 19c
a yard.
Wide Venise banding, only 59c
a yard.
Circular Veils, 59c.
Sale of Hosiery
Silk lisle hose in black and white
with garter tops and double sole.
Monday 35c a pair.
Children' Cashmere hose in
black and white. Odd lines.
Consequently not all sizes.
Values up to 75c, tomorrow 49c
a pair.
Women's Winter
A Timely Sale
Cotton Union Suits, several styles
sold from $1.35 to $2 a suit.
Monday, 98c.
Union Suits of cotton, silk and
cotton and silk and wool; various
styles, $1.75 to $3.25 regularly.
Monday, $1.49.
Union Suits in wool and cotton
and silk and wool, $3.50 and $4
suits for $2.98.
Beautiful Sterling Union Suits
of silk and lisle, regularly $6.50
to $6.75. Tomorrow, $4.98.
All silk Sterling Union Suits,
medium weight, sold for $7.50.
Monday, $5.98.
Women will enjoy choosing such
fine underwear at such splendid
Wool Blankets $9.50 a pair
Bought to Sell for $13.50
These came in too late for fall business so are being
disposed of during the January Sale at a remarkable
reduction. Size 66x80, heavy quality of clean wool
with a strong cotton warp. In block plaids of blue,
gray, pink and tan. $13.50 Blankets for $9.50 a pair.
$2.55 Bed Sheet for $2.04 each
Superior quality, size 81x99. A splendid value, being
$2.55 regularly, but for this sale only $2.04 each.
The Sale of Undermuslins
Provide Many Savings
Regular stocks of gowns, skirts,
chemise combinations, envelope
chemise, drawers and corset cov
ers are included Monday. Not a
great lot of any particular line,
but a splendid collection of low
prices that will meet with instant
Prices on Gowns
$2 gowns are $1.69.
$3 gowns are $2.29.
$3.50 gowns are $2.69.
$4.50 gowns are $3.49.
$5.25 gowns are $4.
$7 gowns are $5.
$7.50 gowns are $5.
$20 gowns are $11.50.
$2.25 skirts $1.89.
$4.50 skirts $3.49.
and Envelope
$2.25-2.35 qualities $1.69.
$2.50-2.75 qualities $1.98.
$3-3.50 qualities $2.69.
$4 quality $2.98.
$5 quality $3.69.
$6 quality $4.69.
Other desirable undermuslins
go at proportionate reductions.
Plan to come early.
$3.00 Quilted Jackets,
long sleeves, $2.49.
Coats of Quality
for $69.50
Formerly $95 to $125.
These beautiful garments are limited
in number so early comers will be the
fortunate ones. These are hand tail
ored coats richly trimmed with fur
and will delight the most discrimina
ting. We are not overstating the value
of these garments to say that they are
by far the most unusual of the whole
Sec for Yourself Tomorrow
Low Coat Prices Now
on Suits, Dresses, Blouses
No better time than the present
to make a pleasing choice.
Children's Coats
and Furs and
Winter Hats
Mothers Will Find Many Savings
The Coats are all new and season
ableSmart fashions the best of
materials well made. Sizes, two
to twelve years. Most every color.
$27.50 Coats $17.50.
$22.50 Coats $13.50.
$18.75 Coats $12.50.
$13.50 and $15.50 Coats $9.75.
$9.75 Coats $7.50.
Reductions are genuine.
Winter hats. Becoming styles for
little folks.
$5.25 and $6.75 hats $3.98.
$4.25 and $5 hats $2.98.
$3.50 hats $2.49.
$2.35 and $2.85 hats $1.69.
$1.75 hats 98c.
Children's Furs A disposal of
all that remain.
$10.25 furs $6.25.
$6.50 furs $4.95.
$8.25 to $10 furs $5.95.
$5 furs $3.95.
Children's Wear Third Floor