Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 5, 1919. 13 A AUTOMOUiLES. SIX CYLINDER used Lozier for sale or trade for Omsha lot. FOHt town tr body, 1917 model. 212.' . ' ummg st. liouy. liojf Tiresand Supplies. TIRES ONK-HAIP PRICE. GUARANTEED J. 000 MILES l"x I 7 80i30j3'!i I.J5 "3tt H.153;x4 11.76 - 11.50134x4 1J 00 We furnlib the old tires. Agents wanted. 2 IN 1 VUr.GANlZl.SO COMPANT, 1516 Davenport Street. GAIN more miles; hav rour tir"r treaded by O & Q. Tire i'o. 141 S Leavenworth. Tiler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troublea. Powell Supply Co ;i5l FarnamSt t'SKD tires. -ofuM condition, $3to 116 Sent on approval. Duples Tire Co Htl S 17th St. FOKD light d"llverv, good running or--'Lr:wul -h'ap. H. 5785. JRepairingandPainting. RADIATORS Wrecked ami leaky radiators repaired nd rebuilt; largo atock usud radiators New Ford honeycomb radiator! OMAHA RADIATOR 6 TIRE WORKS. lMj fuming 2064 Farnam. KXPKRT radiators. fenders and auto bndiis; repairing at reasonable prlcea. l'rompt attention given to garage work; ship youd radiators direct to ua XKBIU.fKA SERVICE QARAOE, 1U4 Nnrthjath 2U S 19th St. F V Hurnuru i"o7sii3Cuitiimr. 1 6iT High grade Automobile Painting Motorcycles and Bicycles. 1 1 A I : I . E Y -1 A 'l I S f ) N MOTORi'Y CLE S? Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Hons, tha Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leavenworih "personal Horses Live Stock Vehicles. "For Sale! Til IS SALVATION Army Industrial H m soli, its your old clothing, turn'fum. magazines. Wo collect. Wa distribute, j Phono Doug. 4135 and our wagon will j rail. Call and Inspect our new homt 1M-IU21114 PodguSr j WHITE A Si Xtl Love, mother, fioiile" ; childhood, patriotic or any subject. 1 ! compose music and guarantee publloa- ' 1 1 1 1 ' fo nd words today. Thomas Merlin .;7 It's per Mock. Chicago. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without surgical operation. Call or writ Ii "'rank II. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. HAIRSIXE'S DUROC SOW SALE. MISSOURI VALLEY, IOWA. SATURDAY. JANT'ARY 18, 1919. 40-HEAD 40. I am lelllng an offering consisting of twenty head of good tried sows, daugh ters of some of the m"t noted boars of the breed. They have been excel lent producers and will prove valuable breeding matrons for those who make elec tions. I am aclling twenty very choice gilts; a number of these aro by First Choice, our show boar we had out last fall. The offering Is mated to one of the richest bred senior boar pigs that ever came to a western herd. This is Walt's Orion King, sired by Walt's King, he by Walt's Top Colonel. His dam Is Orion Lady A 14th. by Joe Orion 2d. second dam by Jack's Friend. What better blood could a breeder ask for? 1 ' w sows will be mated to First Choice. This Is one of the early sales of the s"asnn anf there will no doubt be sev erul bargains. The offering is royally bred ami you will hoar of Walt's Orion King being a papular boar another year. (Signed). M. II. CRUISE, Fieldman for tle Nebraska Farmer. ROBERT HAIRSIXE. .MISSOURI VALI.ET. IOWA HARNESS, COLLARS AND SADDLES. For Sale 160 sets of well made farm harness of all kinds, 20 sets of used harness at a sacrifice as owner Is in France. Call at 2124 Lake street, and be convlnoed. COMMERCIAL GUIDE A representative list cf the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. FOR SALE 3 pure-bred Duroo boaTs weight 250, S40 each. Call Ralston (. BUY A LOT Own Your Home Six dandy south front lots on paved street, between 25th Ave. and 26th St. on Pinkney St, One lot facing 25th Ave., east front, 47x140 ft., north of Pink ney St. One lot west of 27th St. on Pinkney St., south front, alley corner, street paved. Prices from $550 to $850. Fourteen lots on 37th and 38th Sts. Some of these face paved street on Grand Ave. beautiful building locations. Prices from $350 to $650. 4-room cottage 1 block from Harney car line. Partly modern. Price, $1,000. Will give terms. 9-room house at 2120 Emmet. Strictly modern, oak finish, deco rated. Garage for two cars. Can take small cottage as part payment. 6-room house near Clairmont, 1 blocks from car, south front, street paved, modern except heat. Price, $2,400. Can give terms. Will accept Liberty Bonds on any of these properties. . See us and make an early selection. Will build to suit. Call and 'ook over plans that will suit the most exacting. TRAVER BROS. Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Good Investments Liberty Bonds Will Be Taken as Part Payment Duplex Building, Income, $900 Per Year Owner of this duplex building of 5 snd tt rooms, located southwest corner of Sherman Avenue and Emmet Street, has reduced the price from 8K.500 to $7,500 if sold st once. This is one of (he best built, and nicely arranged flat buildings we have hud on our list for some time at such a low price showing such a splendid rate of income; in fact, the building is never vacant. The in terior finish is hardwood. Rooms are all nice size. It is more like a real home than a flat building. You can live in one and rent the other. Rent for each flat. $37.50 per month. This property is on a corner, paving paid on both sides and has a double garage. Terms can be irranged. ' 27th and Poppleton Ave. Income, $780. Those flats are located at the south east corner of 27th and Poppleton Ave. Have three well arranged rooms on first floor and 3 on second floor. Looks more like a double house than a flat building. Always rented. Splendid location, and the upkeep is very small. Have hard wood finish, first-claas plumbing and heating throughout Trice reduced to 17,600. Brick Flats, Income, $930 Per Year 113 and 115 South 30th Street. 7 rooms on each side. Has large living room, reception hall and kitchen on first floor. Large cement basement; oak fin ish downstairs, pine finish upstairs. Easy walking distance to business dis trict and only one block to Farnam car line. This is an elegant investment and should be seen to be appreciated. Owner is leaving the city and has made the very low price of $8,500 for quick sale. 33d and California Income, $840 Per Year These flats are very desirable, always rented. East fronts. Built of solid brick. Have cement steps and cement front porches, in fact there is no wood on the outside at all to paint and keep up. A building of this kind will last a lifetime. Has 3 well arranged rooms on first floor and two large sleeping rooms and bath on second floor. These flats are finished in hardwood and are all nicely decorated. Have first-class plumb ing and heat. You can live in one and rent the other. Make a reasonable pay ment and let the income from the rents pay off the loan. Price reduced to $8,500. These are only a few of the investments that we have to offer. If you want a larger or smaller investment, would be pleased to have you phone Tyler 60, or call at our office any time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street. Phone Tyler 50. REAL BARGAINS DUNDEE Eight rooms on California Street, near 50th, modern in every respect Best of furnace and plumbing; paving all paid; good garage. This is not a new house, but is in good repair, newly decorated, and we can make very easy terms. Price, $3,750, which is much less than house would cost to bj!d. KOUNTZE PLACE A'large. family may secure a home at less than one-half the original cost, located on two south front corner lots, one block to car. House has eight laijpe rooms, fireplace, very best of hot water heating plantiull basement, large garage, paving all paid. Death in family compels owjner to sey at once and has made price of $4,000, which is little more" than thegmind is worth. Easy terms. MILLER PARK BWGALOW Two blocks to car, two blocks to Miller Park. Has five large rooms, one bedroom is a sun room; oak finish and oak floors; full basement, big attic; Milton Rogers furnace; large south front corner lot; built last year and you save at least $700 by buying this at $4,000. Easy terms. NIFTY BUNGALOW Near 28th and Browne, five rooms with oak floors; full basement; good furnace; best of plumbing; built four years ago and in excellent repairs ; full size south front lot. The neighborhood is excellent and house could not be built for price asked, $3,000. Easy terms. MLNNE LUSA Just one bungalow ready for sale in this addition. Large living room with fire place; dining room has built-in buffet, kitchen has built-in conveniences; two extra large bedrooms; very large attic; the finish is oak in living room and dining room, with oak floors throughout; kitchen and bedrooms white enamel. This is a nifty bunga low and must be seen to be appreciated. Very easy terms. Sundays call: M. .0. Headley, Colfax 3482, or E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 3472. Charles W. Martin & Co. REALTORS. 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Automobiles. M'CAKKREY .MOTOR CO". I0tb"aiuS Ho'w sry Doug 3 " 0 o ord ears and repairs Authorized agents for Ford cars. ST INTYRE-HA Yw A R I) M ( I'O R co", 2421 Farnam. Douglas 2406. Steams-Knight and Regal cars. SAM p1Ie'hTrTM OTO R CO 1 StrTand Burt. Tyler 513 100 pur cent Ford serv. ice to Ford owners. JmKR ICANST ATI ' B A NK1 Hth"and Far nam. Wead Block PhoneYylejr80. Auto Painting. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO.. McCague Blk , 15th and Dodge. Douglas 6.'.4. Wholesale and retail Ice. Live Stock Commission. ROSKNSTOCK BROS.. 126 Exchange BldgT Omaha. Stockers .4 feeders our specialty Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART 6LASSC67 Pougln' W, 1814 Cuming St LumDer. gOKSSIU, W. F. lit S. 40th. liar. 1448 We make old antos look like new ones Auto Repairs. AMKRICAN MACIIINB WORKS. 110 S. 11th. D. 431 Automlle work. cyl. bor tng. pistons fitted, auto parts made to order II E RTSC HY M FO. & E X G IX EERlNO T'OT S. E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts , old parts made new. new parts made. too. D. 2552 Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE Vn.CANlZINti CO., 1516 Davenport St Douglas i'91 1. Auto Tops r.nd Trimmings. INDEPENDENT LUMHER CO.. 40th and Leavenworth Harney 424 "Just Lumbering Along." Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold Inter- nsfl Patent Co , fit.1 Brandels. D. 6691 Packers. CUDA1IY PAOKING CO South 2340 South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. Doug. 4750 ENGLISH. THUS F.. 231$ Harney. Doug las 2786 Satisfaction guaranteed The bewt is none too good. Abstractsof Title. MIDLAND TITLK GUARANTEE & AB STRACT CO.. 1714 Farnam St. Douglas 2X65. Butter (Wholesale). A1.EA1.KA lUITTEK CO.. K'l-l'i N. lltll st. Doug. :li'i:I V V. Richardson, Prcs Biscuit Manufacturers. IT E.N HISCl'lT CO.. Capitol Ave. 12th to 13th St. Doug 2123 Snow White bakery. Mfrs. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Talephone Doug. 295. 14th and Jackson. Attorneys. FISHER, H. 1418 First Nat, Bank Bldg. D. 1966. Attorney and counsellor at law. GRAY & BRUMBAUGH. 313-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Red 3157. General prac tice In state and federal courts. FORD TRANSFERCO. 817 Douglaa St. Tyler 3. "Always at your service.1' Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS, MOUNT CO., 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks; oxy-acetylcne welS. Cash Registers. MORRIL PXSH AND CREDIT REU1S 1STER CO., 219-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4403. IS. W. Hart. Pres Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr. 624 Bee Bldg. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental Blk.; now location, 494-496 Bra.ndela Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter D. 6381. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE f, iuNE COMPANY. 28th Ave. and SulUd M. Colfax Sk6. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY UOODS CO., 9th and Howard Sts. Douglas 206, Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men'a furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. "leTTron eleciCalv o r ks. 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany In the middle west. Hardware. PETERSON (t MICHELSON HARDWARE CO.. THE. 4916-18 S. 24th St.. South Hide. Phone South 171. Ice Machines. BAKI.R ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J L Baker, Pres. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising HENNINUSON ENGINEER1GN CO., 1122 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal Im provement engineers; sewer, paving, dec light, water works, appraisals, reports. A3ibRSONFBENNEffr424'Bee"Bld" Douglas 1430. Healing, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 2614 Martha st Harney 161. .Machine, gray Iron, brass, bronze and aluminum castings. OLSEN & RCHL1NGER, 1407 Jackson. D 7491. Brass, bronze and aluminum castings. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL. 20th and Douglas Sts Douglas 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J Ford, surgeon-ln-chlef. The most com plete hospital in the west. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. WILL sacrifice handnonic 5-year-old 2,800. pound matched team and harness. I am too old to care for them. Will sell rea sonablo if given good home. 2226 Mason. TWO fat hogs for sale. 430-W. Call Benson POULTRY AND PET STOCK. QUALITY CHICKS of egg-laying strains. In order to place a better grade of poul try on our middle west farms ano ranches we are offering at cost day-old chicks hatched from eggs selected from producing flocks of our Poultry Exten sion Department Experts. Write today for particulars. M. C. Peters Mill Co.. Omaha, Neb. Makers of Peters' Quality Feeds for Poultry. For roup, colds, cai.kcr. bowci trouble, soro head, limber neck, etc, Germozono is always dependable. At drug or seen stores. FEMALE Boston Terrier for sale. Call Webster 471.1. BLACK MINORCA $:. Red 5475. COCK Fine stock. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos nnd notes as seoui lty. $40. 6 mo., II. goods, total. J3.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Security Hlilg., ICth & Farnam Tv. 666 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND HAo LIBERTY BONDS O C J. O 10 W. r PLATA!'. EST. 1S92 -6TH FLR, SECURITY BLDG.. TY. 951 Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Tortge, D 5619 Est 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Harry M. Christie to Florence Goll Palmer. Farnnm St., 95 feet east of 40 St.. South Sid". 04x6b?i $ 1 Ernest H. Bastinn and wife to John F. Flack, Spauldlng St , 277 feet west of 44 St., north side 40x13 i . . ?,000 Minnie E. Fair and husband to Prank Frodyma et al. L St., 132 feet west of 41 St, snuih side. 44x132 2.300 Mabel L. 11:11 and husband to Thorval A .Resum, S. W. corner 50 nml Maple St. 50x130 500 Mabel L. Hill and husband to Thorval A. Resum, 36 St., 75 feet south of Jefferson St. east side 40x120 TOO J. Herbert McMillan, referee, to M. .!. Cunningham, 27 Ave. 99 feet north of Davenport St., west side 25x100 1.000 Charles W. Martin arid wife to Gor man B. Howell, Whitemore Ave. 120 feet west of Minne Lusa Ave. 64x114 r,50i) George V. Shlhly and wife to J. Mar tin Cannon, 29 St. 2e0 feet of Pop pleton Ave east side, 50x150 . . . . S.cCw Ellen Acker and husband to William Smith, southwest corner 40 end Parker fct.. 100x130 1 Jennie R. rfcrnes to Cornelius Fsr rell, 18 St., 122 feet south of Ohio St., west side 61x144.33 600 C George Cariberg and wife to George H. Heimmann and wife, 35 St, 99 8 feet south of Martha S'.. west side 40x141 6 3.75b Arthur Theodore and wife to Abra ham Levy, northwest corner 2S and Franklin St.. 674x60 2.600 Christopher Outzen and wife to Sam Ricotta. Poppleton Ave, 65 teet west of i St., north side, 25x152.. 800 Margaret Z. Carpenter to Katte Se mans Cugaly, 15 St. 130 feet south of H St. 65x130 80s Christopher C. Crowell. Jr.. and wife to Augusta Rioom, southwest corner 50 and Izard St. 50x135 1,500 G. A. Palmer and wife to Harrv M. Christie, 29 St. 50 feet south of Ma son St. east side 40x140 C00O BARKER BROS PAINT CO.. 161191 Farnam St. Printers' Supplies. YlARNHART" BROS .4 SP1NDI.ER 1114 Howard St. Douglas 1076 Prlntera' supplies Physicians and Surgeons. DA VIS, DR. WILLIAM W1NDLE. Physician and Surgeon. 1120-21-22 lstNat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 738. CAMPBELL. 1K S. Mn?iyiik;tan and Surgeon. IS114 Farnam St. Douglai 1220 Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING." HEMST1TCIIINO AND BUTTON CO., D 3109Rms. 3j6-S7 P:iton Blk.. 3d floor. Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and' Far nam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and office furniture. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha, Jan. 4, 1919. Receipts were: Catt.e. Hogs. Sheep. Official Munday U.ti.'t 19.457 lo.'itJ Official Tuesday.... 7, mi 26.0.H7 9,2tl.i Official Wednesday.. 3.50S 10. 690 1.32.1 official Thursday... 3.S5S 6.973 Official Friday 5,259 19.6JJ 4,57 1 Estimate Saturday .. goo Tin 700 GRAIN MARKET OMAHA PRODUCE FINANCIAL Six days this week.. 32. 152 Samo days last week. 14, 9M Samo two weeks ago. 4M11 Same three wks. ago.46,0J4 Same a year ago 27.S97 91.039 3S.4S1 46,974 IS, 106 95.9S6 42.4.".:l 8S.129 56, 972 52,528 54,288 Receipts stul disposition of live stock at the. Union Stock yards, fer 24 hours ending at o o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle Hoxs Sh'-ep Omajia, January . Receipts cf grain today were light with 29 cars of wheat, 68 cars of corn, 31 cars of oats. 2 cars of rye. and 4 cars of iarle. Arrivals of wheat last Sat urday wero 15 cars, corn 4'2 cars and ! oats 23 cars. A year ago receipts of wheat were 37 cars, corn 197 cars, am. oats 64 cars. Corn sold readily at about yesterday's prices. The to; of $1.53 was brought for one car of old No. 3 yellow ami one car of new of tho same grade. The bulk In this grade brought J1.51. Oats were '.e higher Wheat, rye and barley were un changed. There were very trw wheat offerings on hand. C, M. & St. P 1 Wabash 2 Union Pacific 1 11 C. ,t X. W., east 2 S C. & X. W.. west 3 27 C, St. P., M. it 0 1 9 C, li. Q , east 1 22 C. B. & Q., west 7 IS 1 I'., R. I. - P.. east... 17 2 2 Illinois Central 4 Total Receipts 32 122 ,; I OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today. Wlu Ago. Yr Ago Wheat 29 15 37 Corn 8 4 2 297 Oats lit 22 tit Rye 2 1 8 Barley 4 It 4 Shipments - Wheat 37 fl 11 Corn 44 '. 1 t'S oats 51 !tj 9 M liarly 4 x o DISPOSITB Morris & Co Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co. , Armour & Co Schwartz & Co .1. W. .Murphy Morris, Kansas City Total Hogs. I.!!'! 1.951 l,s:u . . 7 Pi 1.477 .9.745 Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301 Wllllns Ave. Webster 278. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St. Douglas 1112. Everything for schools." Douglas printing co., io9-un. isth. Douglas 644 Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO.. 322 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8647 Fine commercial printing. Tia and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO.. 108-10-12 S. loth St. Douglas 602. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE 307-309 S. 17th. Douglas 805. Office, typewriter, architects' and englneera' supplies. Loose-leaf devices. Undertakers. HULSE & RIEPEN. 701 S. 16th, D. 1226. Undertakers and embalmers Personal attention given to all calls and funerals. HOFFMAN, LEO A., Cor 24th and Dodge. Douglas 3901. Experts In embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel. HEAFEY HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265. Undertakers nnd embalmera. CROSBY. WILLIS C. 2511-13 N. 24th St Phone Webster 47. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. Phone 2860. Caterers to heat and cold. DROGE ELEVATOR CO.. 520 Pearl St. Short Term Notes Quotations through the National City company, First National bank building, Omaha: Rid. Ask. Am. Tel. Tel. Os (1925) lnl . lOJ'i American Tobacco 7s ( 1921 ) 102', 102 American Tobacco 7s (1922) 1024 102i American Tobacco 7s (1923) 102H 10' Arm. Co. con. d. 6s (1919) 100 00i Arm. & Co. con. d. 6s (1920) 100U 100- Arm. & Co. con. d. 0s ( 1923) 100H 1 0 1 4s. Arm. Co. con. d. 6s ( 1924) 100? 101 H Beth Steel Co. 7s (1919) 100' 100 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s (1922) 100i 101 Beth,. hem Steel Co. 7s (1923) 100? ml British 5i,2s (Feb. 1919) M 101' British BHs (Nov. 1919) 100 lOOli British 5Hs (1921 ) 98 V, sj Brooklyn Rap. Trail. 7s (1921) 80 si. Cen. Argentlno Co. 6s (1927) 92 94 C. B. .t Q. joint 4s (1921) 9.'Vi 95' C. & W. Ind. 6s (1919) 97 98 City of Paris 6s (1921) 99'i 99' Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s (1923) 102 102U Delaware & Hudson 5s (1920) 98 99 F. !. Farm Loan 4tis (1937) 100 101 F.;d Farm Loan 6s (1938). . .103'4 104U General Electric 63 (1920) lOO- lOlH Interbor. Rap. Trans. 7s (1921) 90 SH4 Liggett & Myers 6s (1921)... 99 99 Union Pacific 6s (1928) 1o4'4 i(i.4 V. S. Liberty. 3Vss 99.60 99.70 U. S. Libertv 1st, 4s 93.00 93.10 V. S. Liberty 2d. 4s 93.00 93.10 U.l S. Liberty 1st. 4V4s 96.40 96.50 V. S. Liberty 2d. 4 lis 95.16 95.26 IT S. Liberty, 3d, 4 'is 96.12 96.18 U. Liberty 4th, 4 Us 95.60 95.66 FINANCIAL REVIEW. New York. Jan. 4. The week which wit nessed (lie expiration of tho old yeur and the advent of the new was repleto with Interesting and significant developments in the financial market, sentiment under going unmistakable improvement. Reactions of the last days of December, which assumed severe proportions in many instances, were largely if not wholly re. gained while numerous specialties, notably oils and kindred shares, registered spec tacular advances. Rails nnd industrials participated ex tensively in the rise, particularly some of tho low priced speculative Issues of roads traversing western and souihwestern sec tions of the country. The activity ana strength of those shares was again as cribed to foreign accumulations. Disregarding the statements of trade au thorities that cancellations still exceed new business, U. S. steel and affiliated Is sues developed unexpected strength, cop pers also coming forward, despite ad verse conditions in that Industry. Liberty bonds also made recoveries from tho low levels reached a few days ago when those Issues and other prima se curities were to be liquidated to adjust in come tax accounts. Local Stocks and Hondi. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brinker and Company. 4492152 Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. STOCKS Bid. American Drug Syndicate. 9.75 Arm. A Co., 7s pfd 100 Tltirgess-Nash Co. 7 pfd... Commonwealth Fl. Co. pfd.. 67 Commonwealth Fi. Co. com. 33 Cudahy P'k'g Co. com 102T4, Cudahy P'k'g Co. pfd 10314 De"re & Co. pfd 95H Fairmont Cream'y Co. pfd. 99 Fox River Butter Co. com. 165 Fox River Butter Co. pfd.. 96 Oooch M'g-Ele. Co. 7s pd "B" Gooch Food Prod. Co. com. 50 Harding Cream Co. com.... Hydraulic Press Brick pfd. 27 Hydraulic Press Brick com. 5 International Text Book 12 Neb. Pewer Co., 7s pfd O. & C. B. St. Ry. pfd 50 O. & C. B. St. Ry com O. & C. B Ry. A Br'ge pfd. 55 Orchard ,t Wllh'm Co 7a pfd 9S Pierce Arrow Co. com 42t Standard Oil of Neb 445 Sheridan Coal Co. com.... 80 M. E. Smith fr Co. 7s pfd..lOO Switf & Co. Intornacional. . 43 Swift A Co 123 Union Stock Yds. Co 98 Union Pow. & Lt. Co. 7s pfd Wilson & Co. pfd 7s 9'i Western Meat 105 BONDS Booth-St. Louis 6s. 1931.. Braden Cop. Mines fis. 1931 95 Cleveland. O.. 44s, 1919-67. 4.40 pet. Iowa Port. Cement Co. 6s.. 99 100 Louisvilio G. & Elec. 7s 1920 98 99 Morris & Co. 4,4s 1939 85 85 Om. Elec. Lt & Tow 5s 1933 37 95 Oiti. Ath!"t. Club 6s. 1921-32 96 O. & C. B. St Ry 5s 12.. 78 87H Om. Neb. seh. 4s. 7-1945.. 99 100 Om. Neb. Sew Ren 4a 6-1933 94 94.7E Om. Neb. Ref. 4Vi. 1934.. (9 100 80 Om Neb. 44s "28 op '13. 4.55 pet. Swift ft Co 6s 1944 54 96 Standard (J. ft Elec. 7s, 1921 97 98 So. Calif. 1st and Ref. 6s . 90 91 S. D.Rural Cr 4s '39 op '24 4S PCt. Wilson & Co. 6s 9 4 ',4 85 Asked. 10'i 101 mo 70 37 103 103V4 95X 175 100 100 101 33 5 16 1 HO 53 40 57 100 43 470 43i 123 100 100 100 100 Cattle There were 29 cars of fresh ar rivals In the cattle division estimated at about 800 head. Trading on desirable steers was steady wilh yesterday and 25:ij 50c higher for the week on heavy steers and from 50c 8 il. 00 higher than a week ago on yearlings. A load of vlain. warmed up steers sold this morning at $15.20 Butcher stock was easier this morning fol lowing yesterday's weak close and prices for the week are generally 50Q75c high er, the strong weight cows taking the long end of the advance. Feeders were fully steady and 50C&J1.00 higher thun a week ago, many of the good quality medium weight steers selling as high as at any time this fall. A string of 700-pound steers selling yesterday at 111.85. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime be.ves. J17-2518. 60; good to choice beeves! $15.00016.75; fair to good beeves, $13 7514.75; common to fair beeves, $9.01(3)12.60; good to choice yearlings, $15.60$ 17.50; fair to good yearlings, 113.00 15 00, common to fair yearlings, $10.00 i;13.00; choice to prime grass steers, 1 1 5 00 16.U0 ; fair to good grass beeves, $13 .00(jfT6.00; common to fair grass beeves, 9.U0 Jji 1 2. 00 ; Mexican beeves, JS. 00 10.00; good to choice heifers, sio.uottfi 13.50; good to choico cows, $10.00(13.00; fair to good cows, $8. 5049. 75; common to fair cows, $6.7iiijj:8.23; prlnip feeders, $13 5015.60; good to choice' feeders, $U.00$t'13.50; fair to good feeders. $8.50 9 50: common to fair feeders, $7.00 8.00 gcod to choice stockers, $9.50 12.50; stock heifers, $6,604(8.50; stock coxa, $6.257.50; atock calves. $7.00 10 50; veal calves, $7.E013.60; bulls, 11 10.00; gcod to choice heifers, $10.00 stags, etc., $8.50 11.00. Hogs Receipts for today were 118 loads estimated at 8,700 head with a lib eral carryover from yesterday, there was about 15,000 hogs on sale. Today's trade never became as good as even the average market yesterday and light hogs were unsalable with no bottom In sight for hogs in this class. Bulk of today's sales was $15.9017.1a with top of $17.40 The market is generally steady with yester day's close. The market for the week has been a lifeless affair with light hoss in bad, rather outside of the general market all the week through. The entire market closing 35 40c lower than a week ago. Sheep Lamb receipts today are rather light, only 750 head, and prices very little different from yesterday. Yesterdays trade became a rather erratic affair, fever ishly higher making a final top of $16.45 011 fat lambs. Trade all around is gen erally good, demand easily absorbing the receipts. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, S16. 00016.45; lambs, fair to good 1 4.00 16.00 ; Iamb feeders $12.50 P14.50; yearlings, good to choice, $11.00 12.35 yearlings, fair to good, $9.0U&9.50; yearling feeders, $9.5010.00 fat wethers. $10.5011.50; wether feeders, $8.50010.50; good to choice, $9.00(5.10.25; ewes fair to good, $8.0069.00; ewe fecaers, $6. 00 7.50. t hi. ago Wheat. . ,14 Corn No 3 white: 1 car. $1.50. No 4 white: 4 cars, $1.47. No 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.53 (old); 1 car. $1.53 (new): 4 cars, $1.51. No. 4 yellow: 12 cars, $1.5 (new): II cars. $1.49. No. 5 yellow. 3 cars, $1.17. No. 4 mixed. 3 cars, $I.4S; 4 cars. $1.47. .No. i mixed: 1 car, $1.45 Oats No. 3 white. 14 cars. 70c; No. 4 white. 1 car, 7"c; sample white, 1 car. 69 V live No. 2 $1.50. Parley No Wheat No 1 car. $1.51; No. 3, 1 4 1 car, 9e. 1 northern spring. 1 car. $2.30 No. 2 northern spring, 2 cars, $2.2 ; 1 car, $2.16: No. 5 northern spring. 1 car. $2.06 (smutty). No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, $2.11 (durum); No. 3 mixed, 1 car, $2.00 (smutty). Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 4. Cattle Receipts. 3. 000 head; compared with a week ago, beef and butcher cattle mostly 25c to 50c higher; stockers and feeders, strong to 25c higher; veal calves, $1.00 to $1.60 higher Hc, Receipts, 23,000 head; market 5c to 10c lower than yesterday's average; bulk of sales, $17. 40ft 17. 80; butchers, $17.5517.85; light, $16.8517.75; pack ing, $16.80gil7.60; throwouts. 15.65 16.75; pigs, good to choice, $16.7516.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 5,000 head; compared with a week ago. fat lambs, 75c to $1.00 higher; yearlings. 50c to 75c higher; sheep, mostly 50c higher. Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas City. Jan. 4. Cattle Receipts, I, 000 head; market steady; steers, $18.00 (S20.00. western, $12.0016.00; cows, $7.00 14.00 heifers. $8.00014.50; stockers, $7.50016.00; calves, $7.0014.0O. Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head; market steadri heavy, $17.00017.60; butchora, I17.15ffil7.65; lights, $16.9017.50- pigs, $10.0013.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head; market steady; lambs, $12.50(S16.25; yearlings, $11.0012.25; wethers, $9.50 II. 25; ewes, $8.5010.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City ,1a., Jan. 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,200 head; market steady; beef steels. $s.00g(17.00; fat cows and hellers, $7.00 12.50; stockers and feeders. $6.50(31 12.60; feeding cows and heifers, $6 0o(u) 9 25. Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head; market steady; light. $16. 90ift 17.10; mixed, $17.00 (& 17.15: heavy, $17. 00(& 17.20; bulk of sales, $17. 00(f! 17.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,500; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Jan. 4 Cattle Receipts. 500 head; market steady; steers, $10.00 18.50; cows and heifers, $7.0015.5O; calves, $7.00 ?t 14.00. Hogs Receipts. 9,000 head- market lower; top, $17.60; bulk of sales, $17.20 17 65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.600 head; market steady; lambs, $14.0016.60; ewes, $8.0010.50. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Jan. 4. Speculative demand from local traders gave an upward swing today to the corn market. March delivery sold at a new high price record for the season. Some Increase of arrivals here was reported, hut the bearish effect quick ly disappeared. Opening prices, which varied from the same as yesterday's finish to o lower, with January $1.43S'1.43Ii and May 11.37 1.37 'i. were followed by a decided general advance. Oats, like corn, turned upgrade, de spite a little weakness at the outset. After opening c off to ?4 9 o hlghef, with May 71c to 7171c, the mar ket hardened all around. Lower quotations on hogs tended to ease down provisions. It was said also that domestic shipping call was inactive. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts light on both prairie hay and tfnlfa; demand good on all grades, mar ket firm and higher. Oat and wheat straw In good demand and prices are aome higher. Prairie Hay Choice upland. $26.00; No 1. $24.0C25.00; No. 2, $20.O022.OO; No 3, $15.006'1S.OO. No. 1 midland, S24.00 fS 25.00: No. 2, $20.0021.00. No. 1 lowland, J19.00JJ21. 00; No. 2, $15.00018.00; No. 3. $12.00014.00. Alfalfa Choice. $32.00033.00; No. 1, $30.00031.00. Standard. $28.00 9 30.00; No. 2. $26.00027.00; No. 3, $22.00fr25.00. Straw oat, $13.00 14.00; wheat, $12.00 13.00. Dry Goods. New York. Jan. 4. Cotton goods and yarns today were quiet but barely steady. Wool goods markets were unsettled, due to delay In arriving at satisfactory wool values. Burlaps were easy. Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, aJn. 4. Bullish sentiment pre dominated in the coin market today, chief ly owing to continued smallness of re. ceipts. The close was unsettled, at the nma as yesterday's finish to c higher, with January $1.43 1.43 H and May $1.37'i 1 37. Oats gained io to c. The result in provisions was unchanged to 10c lower. Although soma Increase of arrivals led to a slight Initial sag, 'he corn market soon developed unmistakable strength that sent March to the highest prices yet this season. The enlargement of receipts did not appead sufficient to Indicate that pro. ducers were any here near ready to dis pose of the bulk of the crop. Besides, gossip was current that the food admin istration showed no sign of issuing per mits for importing corn from Argentina, a;.d that mean3 were being sought to send upward of $1,000,000,000 worth of food to Europe prior to July 1. During the last 30 minutes of trading, however, consider able realizing set in and values showed a setback, due more or less to possibility of a material increase of receipts next week. In oats, as In corn, the Btrength of the cash position was the main bullish factor. Provisions were dull and weak, influ enced by lower quotations on hogs. Cash quotations: Corn No. 2 yellow nominal: No. 3 yel low, nominal: No. 4 yellow. $1 .46 fa 1.46 . Oats No. 3 white, 71W72'ic; standard, 72'i72c. Rye No. 2. $1.62. Barley 98c$l. 06. Timothy $8 006i 11.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $23.50. Ribs Nominal. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 Seuth Sixteenth street. Omaha : A it. OpenTTillghTT Low. Close. Yest'y. Corn I I I Jan. I 1.43'ij 1.44 1.43 I 1.43 1.43 Feb. I.3s;, 1.39 1.38! 1.39 1.38 Mch. 1.37 1.38! 1.37 j 1.38 1.37 May 1.3741 1.38; L37 1.37 1.37 Oats I I j I I Jan. .70 .704j .69 .70 .69 Feb. I .70! .719s1 ' .70t .71 .70 Mch. I 71U .72, .71; .71! .71 May I .70 .72 .71 .71 .71 Pork I I I I I Jan. '47.50 (47.60 47.25 47.40 47.50 May ;43.20 43.50 143.10 l43.45 43.60 Lard I I ! I I Jan. ;3.35 123.00 J.09 123.00 (23.60 May 24.00 124.05 123.82 24.00 24.02 Ribs I I I I I Ian. I ! I I 126.05 May .21.05 ;4.0S 23.77 23.97 il4H GRAINJEVIEW. Chicago. Jan. 4. Higher prices for corn have resulted this week from lndica Ions that the crop movement, now the lightest at this time in years, was being delayed less by abnormal weather than by absence of greater cash incentive. Compared with a week ago. tho corn market this morning showed c tu 19sc advance, oats Were up lc to li&.lc and provisions varying from 30c decline to a rise of 60c. Opinions that with hardening of country roads and with nippfng temperatures to put corn in prime shape for immediate use, farmers would freely market their grain were generally abandoned when the prevailing cold wave failed to .tlmulate the crop movement except In a minor de Kree. Until then, a majority of dealers had held to the view that the difflcilties of enlarging receipts would bo virtually ended after new years. Denials nat the attorney general's ruling about stoppage of price fixing had any reference to grain or provisions appeared also to have con siderable to do with abating the ardor of bearish sentiment. Improved domestio demand gave Inde pendent strength to oats. The south es pecially was an active bidder. Heavier stocks of lard In Chicago made that commodity weaken. Liberal foreign orders tended to lift other provisions. Oysters King Cole Northern Stand ards. $2 85 gallon, 7Sc quart. 45c pint King Colo Northern Selects. $3.15 gallon. 85c quart, ,10c pint. King Colo Northern Counts. $3.35 gallon, 9ic quart, 55c pint King Cole Chesapeake Standards. $2. 3a gallon, 7oe quart, 40c pint. King Cole Chesapeake Selects. $3.75 gallon, T5c quart. 4fc pint. Blue Points. $1 61) per 100. Frozen Fish Fat, cy round weather froxen superior herring, in sacks (avor g.i 100 lbs. 7c ll. Fancy dressed pan frozen Bayfield herring, in boxes (150 170 lbs) !c lb. Fancy round ocean pike whiting, use same as catfish, in boxes (average V- lbs ) lb. Fancy Manitoba V C. whitefish. round or dressed. In h..vp .i.!.r,2fl i?0 llw ) 19c lb Fancy I Canadian Jack pickerel, round, In bolts (average 130 lhs.) 10.: lb. Fancy froien largo northern catfish, 25c lb ; small anu medium, 20c lb. Fancy halibut, 240 lh I River sturgeon, 13c lb No. 1 trout, !5o I lb. Spanish mackerel, 16c lb. Western soles, 10c lb. Black cod. 17c lb Salmon ! dressed silvers, 23c lb. Western soles, 10c lh. Dressed falls, 20c lb. Round falls. 14c I lh. Yellow pike, 20o lb. Fall mackerel, ! 21c lb. Stiver smelts, 10c lb. Black bass. I .".'V to 35c lb. Croppies. 20o to 22o lb. : Tib fish, ISc ltv I l'resh Fish Halibut. 2c lb. Trout. 30c lb. Catfish, lai k. 26c 11). Catfish, small or medium, 23c lb. Black bass. Cue to 33c lb. Croppies, 2"c to 22c lb. Fresh Frozen Fish Catfish, large, per I!)., 2.1c, Miiall and mtduin, 22c; Halibut, per lb., 24c: Black Cod, per lh.. 16c; Sal mon, red. per lb.. 22c, pink. 20C; Codfish S'eakers, per lb, lie: Haddock, per lb.. 12c; Native Fall Mackerel, per lb., 21c: Tileflsh. per lb.. 18c: River Sturgeon, per lb., 15c: Spanish Mackerel, per lb., :6c; Silver Smelts, per lb., 10c; White Perch, per lh., 12c. Kippered salmon, per lh., 33c: smoked white per lb., 22c; Finnan lladdle. market. Delicacies Shrimps Peeled gal., $2.61). headless. SI. 75: Blue Points, per hundred. $1.60; Little Nack Clams, per hundred. $1.50; Large Clams, per hundred, $3.50; Hard Shell Crabs, per doz., $2 75; Jombo Frogs large black bull, per doz.. J4.0U; Grass Frogs, per dos., 35c; Roe Shad, per lb.. 20c; Shad Roe, per pair, 76o. Cider 14 gallon. Michigan, 17.00 to $7 50 keg, Celery Mammoth, per floi., $1.25. Wholesale prices of beef cuts: Loins, No. 1, 41c; No. 2, 33c; No. 3, 20o. Ribs, No. 1, 36c; No. 2. 25c; No. 3, 16'ic Rounds, No. 1, 26c; No. 2, 23c; No t, 17 o Chucks, No. 1. 22 c No. 2, 20c. Plates, N'o. 1, 16c; No. 2, 14c; No. I, 13 c. Fruita. Navel oranges, 64, $3 26; 80, $3.60; 96-100, $4.00; 12, $4.50; 150. $5.00; 17Lemons Sunklst, 300-360, $6.00; Red Ball. 300-360, $5.60. Limes Per basket. $1. 75-2.00. Grape Fruit Dr. Phillips. 36, $125; 4C. $4 50; 54-64-80-96, $5.00. Satsumns box, $5.00. Bananas 8c per pound. Pears D'Anjous. $5.00; box. $2.50. pples Ex. fancy Jonathans, $4.00: fey. Jonathan... $3.50; ex. fey. O. F. Wlnesaps, $3 50; fcv. St. Wlnesaps. $3.25; fey. tt Wlnesaps. $3.00; ex. fey. yellow Newton Pippins, $3.60; fey. yellow Nowton Pippins, $3.25; choice yellow Newton Pippins. $2.60; Jumbo yellow Newton Pippins, $2.50; ex fey. W. W. Pearmaines. $3.50: fancy V. W. Pearmaines, $3.25; choice W. W. Pearmaines, $2.50; Ben Davis, per bbl., $7.00; Ben Davis, 5 lots, $6.7. Cranberries Box. $7.00. Vegetables. Onions Red, 2c; white. 6c. Potatoes No. I Ohio, 2c; No. 1 white, 2'ic; Neb. U. S. No. 1 grade Ohio or white, $1.75 to $2.00. Sweet Potatoes Cal. Crates, $o.50. Iceberg head lettuce, $1.25 dozen; Ice berg head lettuce, $4.00 crate; leaf lettuce, 76c doz.; Tomatoes, $3.00 lug.; Cauliflower, $2.75 crt.; Cauliflower, Colo., 12o lb.: shallots, carrots, turnips, 75c doz. beets, radishes, parsley, 75c doz. artichokes, $1 60 doz.; Brussels sprouts, 15c tb. ; spin, ach, 10c lb.; hot house cukes, $2.00 to $5.00 doz.; peppers, $1.00 bsk.; Cal. Jumbo celery, $1.50 doz.; squash, 2c lb.; cab bage 3c lb.; beets, turnips, carrots. 2o lb.; parsnips, 3c lb.; rutabagocs 2o lb.; strawberries 75c. box. Nuts Black walnuts, 60 lb.: Jumbo raw peanuts. 2Uc lb.; Jumbo roasted peanuts, 22c lb.; No. 1 hand picked peanuts, raw, 17c lb.: No. 1 hand picked peanuts, roast ed, 20c lb. Cider 14 gal. Michigan $7.00 to per keg. Miscellaneous Cracker Jacks, checkers, and chums, case, $6.60; case, $2.85. Shelled pop corn, 4 doz. 16 oz. pxgs, $t.uu; bulk, 12 c lb. Airline honey, 2 doz. o-oz., a. raae. f i 3 0 - 1 ActX. 16-OZ.. DPr CSSO. $8.70. Strained honey, 2-60 lb. cans, per lb, 30c. uianallonan..i rrakap .TaeUs. Checkers artA Chum SK r,0 npr cpne. U case. 12.85. shelled pop corn, 4 dozen 16-ounce pack ages, 8.0U, duik, uc; inres-o nuoey, ? Hr.T.en fi.nuncA (Ars. $4.30. 1 dozen 16- ounce jars, $5.40; strained hooey, 2 sixty-pound cans, 30c per pound. New York Bonds. U. S. 2s, reg... 98 Gt. N. 1st 4Vii 86 U. S. 2s, coup.. 98 I. C. rer. 4s.... 84 U. S. 3s, reg... 83 Int M. M. 6s.. 102 U. S. 3s, coup. 83 K. C. S. ref. 6s 85 L S. Lib. 3s 99.60L. & N. un. 4s.. 87 U. S. 4s, reg 106 M K & T 1st 4s 67 U. S. 4s. coup. 106 M. Pac. gen. 4s.. 63 Am. F. Sec. 6s.. 99 Mont. Power 6s.. 95 Am. T. & T. c 5s 92 N. Y. C. deb. 6a 99 Anglo-French 6s 97N. Pacific 4a.... 85 Arm. & Co. 4s 87 N. Pacific 3s.... 61 Atchison gen. 4s 85 O. S. L. ref. 4a 86 B. ft O. cv. 4s 79 Pac. T. & T. 6a 94 Beth Steel ref 6s 88Penn. con. 4i.. 96, Cen. Leather 6s 97 Penn. gen. 4s 89 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 825,'Readlng gen. 4s 86 C. & O. cv. 5s. . . 88 S L & S F a s 68 C B & Q Joint 4s 95 S. Pac. cv. 5s... 10374 C M & S P c 4 82 S. Railway bs.... 96 C R 1 & P ref 4s 76 T. & P. 1st 90 C. & S. ref. 4s 78 "Union Pac. 4a 8$ D. & R. O. ref 6s 67 U. S. Rubber 6s 87 D of C 5s (1931) 97U. S. Steel 6s. ..100 Erie gen. 4s 66 Wabash 1st 96 Gen. Elec. 5s.. 98French gvt 6s 104 roppers. inciuiltng l ' American Sinoltlng, at . und rails 1 10 3 V TI " Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. 4 Barley 87 (J? 96c. Rye No. 2, $1.651.55. B an $50.0(1. oats 68 r,c. Fbx $3.58(h 3.60. Corn $1.48Ji 1.60. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Mo., Jan. 4 Corn Jan uarv, $149; February, $1.44i; March, $1.42; May, $1.41 1.411, ; July, $1.41. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Jan. 4. Corn January, $1.46 bid; February, $1.42 asked. Oats January, 73c; February, 72c. New York Metals. New York, Jan. 4. The copper market has been unsettled slnco the withdrawal of government price control on Thursday with both buyers and sellers showing a disposition to await developments. Some of the larger dealer., sre said to be holding their metal for 23.00, tho price agreed upon for export, but domestic buyers are talking a lower market and it Is rumored that topper has been offered to one of the big consumers at 20 00 for forward shipment. Only a few small sales have be.-n reported to supply more urgent needs, and while some of this business is said to have been below the export price, It has not been sufficient to establish a general market. Iron was unsettled. New York Coffee. New York Jsn. 4 There was further scattering liquidation and a utile trade selling In the market for coffee futures today, and after opening at a decline of 10 to 36 points the more active positions sold 50 to 35 polrfts under .ast light's closing prices, with May touching 14.90c. or 260 points below the high price of .De cember 25. This break seemed to attract some scattered covering, however, and the market was steadier late in the morning, with the close showing a net loss of only 5 to 15 imlnts. Closing bids: May, 16.15c: July, J15.05c; September, 15.00c; October, 14 90c; December, 14.70c. The spot market waa nominally tin changed at 17 cents for Rio 7s and 22 'tf 22 cents for Santos 4s. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. C,a., aJn. 4 Turpentine Firm. ; sales, 16 hbls. ; rerelpts, 84 bbls ; shipments, 67 bbls.; stock, 31,240 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 555 bbls.; receipts, 160 bbls.; shipments, 300 bblls. ; stock. 79,213 bbls. quote B. D, $12.90; E. F. O. H.. $12.93; I $13.60; K , $15.70; M. $16 15; N., $16.20; W. G., $16.45; W. W., $16.75 New York, Jan. 4 A large psrt ot ye terday's K''neral advance in stocks was forfeited during today s short session, due io a combination of profit-taking ami fresh pressure against local utllltlea. Rcfutal of tho auliolriea to grant n'l 7 crcacd lares prcrlpttated declines of 1 to 4 ulmo.-t 3 points In Brooklyn Tranlslt. In-1 terboroiiKh preferred. Brooklyn Union Qai" and on?.. minted Gas. oils, the stronijesp features of recent days, forfeited 1 e p- poms; seeds and coppers. Including Untjj 1 s Matis Mcei ami average of a point Texas Pacific was again moat aotlv the transportations, yielding 2 point its recent substantial advance, while adian Pacific. St. Paul preferred, O Pacific mid Achlsnn cased on very eraie offerings. Tin. few features of strength were fined to speculative shares, notably (f Sugar, American Ice, tobaccos and dlM Ing stocks, where extreme gains of 1 4$ points were retained at tho heavy Cl0f over-year transfers of loan wtrifV fleeted In tho weekly bank atatei. which reported an actual loan lncreatlii i 1I..4IH.. uiio and an Increase of af , i $19,000.1100 In nctual ! nnrVM llOl Trading In bonds waa nominal, the, ... "iiriiu iiic-gumr un an r'A ticiid for Liberty Issues. Total sales -The !salu.) aggregated $6,375,000. Old US. ' States bond. W ith unchunire.1 on call tlOU i ing the week. art ' . Tfc. ' Number of sales and quotation on lottut ing stocks: Am. Beet . American Can.. Am. Car & Fdry. Am. Locomotive Am. Smelt. & Ref. Am. Sugar Ref. Am. Tel. & Tel. Anaconda Copper Atchison A G & W I S S 1, Holt, .v Ohio... Huttc - Sup. Cop. i 'al. Petroleum . . Canadian Pueific Central Leather. . Clies. & Ohio C M. & St. P... Chicago & North. C , R. I. & P. c. Chlno Copper ... Colo. Fuel & Iron Coin Prod. Ref. Crucible Steel... Cuba Cane Sugar Distiller's Sec. Erie Oeneral Electrlo General Motors.. Ot. Northern pfd. 0. North. Ore c. Illinois Central , . Inspiration Cop. . . 1. T. Marine pfd. Inter. Nickel... Inter Paper K. C. Southern.. Kennecott Copper Louis. ii Nash. Maxwell Motors. . Mx. Petroleum.. Miami Copper... Missourt Pacific Nevada Copper.. V; Y. Central... N, Y.. N. H. & H Norfolk & West. Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ... Pittsburgh Coal. Ray Con. Copper Reading Rep. Iron & Steel Southern Pacific Southern Railway Studebalter Corp. Cloi IP1 Pales. High. Low. .,60(1 71 63 1.700 48 47i 400 94 9S 4. oil ft 7s" 7Vi 1TS 900 113 uz irtrai ;.,.ou ui1, us 200 93 93 900 10.8 108 900 50 49 s; 500 20i 20 22 !i 900 160 159 180 900 60 60 60S If ; ilHer- Mier f 300 1,400 400 200 200 25.800 1,800 1,400 4.000 700 67 40 26 33 38 60 69 30 53 17 1,600 132 300 94 500 32 56 39 it" S3. 38 49 68 30 53 17 46 3l 36 . 38 49' 68' 30 52' 17 .... 161'4i 130 131 94 94 ' 33 82 ,7 . 47 112 32 JO 19 32 118 29 18,600 131 186 187 23H 1,400 47 6,000 1 13 112 1,600 32 32 600 31 30 1,300 33 82 2.500 200 800 1,200 26 17 75 32 600 600 1,800 600 500 2,900 924 38 45 49 21 83 26 36i 17 17 74 75 32 S2"" .... 106. 2 2i 45 41 21 83 73 V 38 T 41 4 1 45 48 21 "i $3 76 6.100 102 191 101 2,600 29 29 29 1,700 61 61 51 Texas Co 1,400 188 186 187 Union Pacific... 1,000 130 128 12S4 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 600 104 102 102 V S. Steel 32,000 96 o T-inh Conner 600 74 73 73i; Western Union ... 1 T-, . .. , - 1 1An 19 41 1L Hethlehem B. . . . 3,200 63 62 52'lfV Total sales for the day, 300,000 ahares. Chicago Produce. r-i,:..,an tar. 1 Plotter Market hfftt cr; creamery, 6867c. fipj Eggs Easier; firsts, (SUOMHSutC dlnnrv firsts. 6960c; at marie, caiea mi eluded, 60(St3c. i..rkef Mrher; rseelnta. cars- Wisconsin, Michigan and MinneiOtafl . .. ' .. .,. o. ... i tnmt s DUIK. aavtw, w " . Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, 2H 289c; springs, 24c; turkeys, sue. New York Cotton ITUIUTM. New York, Jan. 4. Cotton FuturejJ . opened steady; January, 28.60cj Marcrf.I 27.10c; May, 26c; July, 25.10c; Octobelt'i 22.80c. l-C Cotton futures closed ateady; Januar 28.61V; March, 27.10e; May, ZI.03C; ju 25.15c; October, 22.50c. LIBERTY BONDS and Other High Grade Investment Bought and Sold MACK'S BOND HOUSE 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. Liberty Bonds. New York, Jan. 4. Final prices on Lib erty bonds today were: 3s. $99.70; first convertible 4s, $93.00; second 4s, $93.00; first convertible 4s, $96.50: second convertible 4s, $95.20; third 4s. $96.14; fourth 4a, $95.56. New York General. New York, Jan. 4. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.34 track New York. Corn Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow end No. 2 white, $1 63i cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, firm; standard, 80 81c. Lard Easy; middle west, $23.0024 00. other articles unchanged. Butter Higher; receipts, 12,637 tubs; creamery higher than extras 7071c; extra, 70c; firsts, 65 69c. Eggs Market firm; unchanged. Cheese Market higher; state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 37 c; do average run, 36 6 37c. Poultry Live, market quiet; fowls, S3 36c; others and dressed poultry unchanged. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Jan. 4 Evaporated apples dull. Frunea scarce. Apricots firm. Peaches nominal. Raisins firm. Kansas City Produce. Kansas city. Mo., Jan. 4. Butter, Eggs and Poultry Unchanged. New York Cotton. New York, Jan. 4 Cotton Closed bare ly steady at a net decline of 15 to 00 points. EJ 1M 1S 1JUIC-VUIICf f Loans ll 1 I In to fin on residence less than five years old. j Monthly payments. 1 1 Special privileges and term,- Also straight loans at len?? annual interest. jp 1 I laC9 CiayAksi mm I i fs i SKINNER PACKING r?9Jl 33 A feJV 1 POULTRY BUTTER EGGS TB AO f MAM 1 1116-III8-- Doudlas St. : ! 1521 1 Tel -Douglas I! ass 2Z1 Jf-'Mii!MHMjiiiiiijii:iii;mmiiiiiiiijiiiimiiiiimm We Offer Nebraska Farm Mortgage Bonds Denominations $100, $500, $1,000, 6 per cent Semi-Annual Interest. Secured by 3,537 acres owned by Leonard Armstrong. Value of property $45,183.00 Amount of loan 21,000.00 Full Peters Trust Co. Service. Price par and Int. yield 6 per cent 33 Years Without a Dollar's Loss. 5 7 IS iTi 1 1 1 e s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 j m E 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 : : 1 0 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiitnij