Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
J3Z rz A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 5, 1919. HELP WANJ ED Male and Female. iV ANTED Men. ladies and boys to Irani barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly nio.l-.rn. ( all or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-C'ity Barber College. Phone D 2147. ' MOLER Barber Cuileito wants young men and ladles to learn the barber Hade Call or writ for free catalogue. 110 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. EDUCATIONAL Monday. January $ Mld-Wlnter Term BOYLE3 COLLEGE Day School Night School Siool of Accountancy. achln RonkUeenlnr Vmptometry. orthand and Typewriting. t 1 smotypy. liroai and Wireless Telegraphy rll Service. i Eiifl'sh and Commercial Brai.chei. Catalog free. I Tclephine DouKlas 1 ." 6 5. I l.Vth and Harney Streets I T. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL 1 i ni'fvs MONDAY. JANUARY 6T1I. i 25 courses. '. CLASS FOK EVERT MAN." LEARN Willi. E YOU EAKN" t pNE TYLER 1600. liOuJI 311. I Educational department. f C. J. Shaw, Director. J' work; lea'riTa trade; fit yourself for ' future; no book work; quick and Viv free catalog. National Auto jalntng Assn. 2S14 N. 20th, Omaha. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. S20 Omaha National Hank Bldg. i Douglas 5Ji90 t.NCll Inslrui tlutis by a Krem hmun. r terms and particulars addnsa Miss 'jiy Wethrill, 16 and 17 Arlington Blk.. jjnaha. ' iRN Moshcr shorthand and typewrit er. Day and night classes. Omaha jorthand college, itee mug . u i ortnanc, Jm'OMB i I rapher oi I sons. Tin J FO t'OMB an exnert hookecper. stenog rapher or penman. Take private les sons. Harney 4692. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. i TWO ROOMS furnished, modern, private I family, splendid heat, laundry privilege 2605 Emmet St. f 3114 Woodworth Ave. Furnished room, 5 strictly modem, In private family, liar- f ney 4437. , ioREYSTONE, 2ith and Cass, nicely fur i! nlshed rooms. Douglas, 7994. : 112 CAPITOL AVE. Modern furnished ') rooms, New brick. Steam heat. Housekeeping Rotvms I 4 , TWO FRONT ROOMS Modern, for housekeeping. One sleeping room on first floor. 51 S No. Twenty-second. Douglas 8449. "i'-ROOM furnished apartment, modem ex ;; oopt heat. Inquire 320 North 20th St. Board and "looms. -VV ANTED Congenial couple to board and room In private home; no children. Phone Webster 4IS: f ... . TmK.r A. .1.11.1 Iad In trond Chris- If Hon home. Close to Howard-Kennedy iW school. Webster 5040. i CLEAN' modern furnished I Douglas St. rooms 2066 Hotels. i HEATED rooms. $2.50 week. Apartments with kitchenette. Ogden hotel. CounB FOR RENT FURNISHED. Houses. i'arjr completely and weli furnished home. 7-S rooms, strictly modern, wiin or wim- out garage. Location 2219 Evans bt. (Joseph Pick, Web. 4Rut. PR RENT Nicely furnished house near Bemls park. In exchange lor noara ana ooin of mother and child. References xohanged. Walnut ?53. 'JHT-ROOM, modern house, completely ehnished. very nice. rhone Harney -.Sf-af'.cr 6 p. m, SIX-ROOM, completely furnished house. Phine Webster 23N9. - FOR RENT Furnished house, five rooms, i partly modern, $20.00. Phono Colfax 379. Miscellaneous. '&ESIRABL13 young lady to share small apartment The Helen Apt.. No. 27, 2464 Harney. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. I to IrENT 7 room house with sun parlor. bwnstalrs oaK, upstairs enamel, up- 'toll-date In every particular. On Dundee r line. J&a.ou per mnmn. 'm.uu wllh heated garage. Call Watnut 1590. J-SHOOM house, strictly modern, fine for 1 hn..Qi t-lS ? Pnnltnl Ave. -room, strictly modern, $3G 1506 8. fth St. Red 682. DODGE street; 10 rooms modern rsry close In: good furnace. CITY TRl'ST COMPANY. I to S60 Om. Kat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7S9. IR RENT 4 room house 1 block from fclgb, school. Water, gas, toilet, only 1110. 411 North, 23 St., J. a. uomnson, 12 Bee Bldg.. Doug. 8097. OR RENT Modern room house, west (Farnam district. 3540 Harney St. Apply iff, j. Burgess, &oyn i ncaier, hat. 2305 Leavenworth, 6 rim. .. .$20.00 C56S Douglas St.. 9 rms $33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. Li RENT 117 South 37th St., 9 rooms, kry complete fine Home. Harney itoe. lfor 13 or after 6. wJM cottage, strictly modern, near r,n -srnooi. riarney ontnj. North. :Us.r 1901 So. 10th St.. all mod. ex. jieat. t. 2114 Chicago St., strictly mod.. jM. goou cumiuiuii nun i-ii'Bo H..A. WOLF CO. fre.Hrio Bldp. Tyler 55. j.r. cottage. 3304 Franklin. 87.r, house, 2809 North ICth St. M "-8.r., mod. house ana garage, in f. Js; 88th St. f'g - W. H. CATES, ; i 2S29 Parker St., 6 rooms $20 I 216 Burt St., 8 rooms 40 ' ARMSTRONG WALSH CO Tyler 1536 . 333 Securities Bldg. 'THREE JIOOMS foriored $6.00. 2119 Izard street. In rear. J. B. Robinson, " 443 Bee Bldg., Douglas 8097 South. FOR RENT Strictly modern 7-room 1 house, half block to park car line; Hanscom park district. Thone Harney 3t; rPETERSTRUST CO., t Specialists In Apartment management A FEW houses for colored. Good Iocs. i .1... F. D. WE AD. 81 S. 18th St Tyler 161. LIST your propwty for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST -CMPANY. , Realtors. Tyler 729. , HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OK THE CITY. gCRElQH SONS ft CO.. Bee. Miscellaneous. HOUSES $3,4)00 8-r., good repair; easy terms. Near St. Joseph's hospital. Live s." ' on 1st floor and rent 4 rooms on " !d floor. S,00 6-r., all mod., 1007 Locust St. $5,000 8-r.. fine corner lot; garage; 2103 Lothrop St. $4,500 8-r.. modern; new furnace; 1329 S. 28th St. DUNDEE AND HAPPY HOLLOW LOTS 11,100 each, S lots on the hill, 51st Ave., near Farnam. 11,100 soth Ave., near Lincoln highway, 1 block from car. tJ,$0 each, S Corner lots, 75x135 ft., on Lincoln, highway, at 50th Ave. V and 51st St. fS(900 Lot 72x136 ft. In best part of Happy Hollow, overlooking golf grounds. World Realty Company, Douglas 1342. . Sun Theater Bldg. f f I CHARLES ST., C rms.. mod. ex. . veieat, ijHH 8eth 23d St., 4 rms., mod. ex. r -v Bourn aoia oi.t rms.( xor coioreo, 'l6.00. 1 BIKKETT CO.. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. Hiil SKS," ALL MODKRN; ;n oo 2H29 Parker St . 6 rms, ,10 00 3-,;3 l.afayett Ave., S rms. I3II.0H 1142-44 y 3in(, jt 7 rm, 1.111001130 S, 31st and barn, t rms. $35,1102129 Wirt St., 8 rms. $35 oo pi; pBri Ae., 8 rms. (35.1111 S 22n.l St.. 8 rms. (0 oo 3siii Hurt S!.. 8 rms. $10.00 f,ii3 Hurt St.. Dundee, -r. and s-in room HOI Si:s. PARTLY MODERN , $ 4 001 1 13 s. 14th. St.. 2d fl., 2 rms. $15.00 2'"23 Cass St.. 2nd fl.. 5 rms. $13.00 M7 N 23d St.. 4 rms. $20.00 4134 Hamilton St., 4 rms and store. 23.00 2563 Pierce St.. 9 rms ajid barn. FLATS. MODERN AND PARTLY MODERN. $13 .00 191 Emmet St.. 2nd fl.. 4 rms. $14.00 N. 24th St.. 6 rms. $20.00 MM S, 11th St.. 7 rms. ARM ST RON.-WALSH C 333 Securities HMc. Tyler 1538 " M 1 )1 1 K R N "Tl'OUS ES 6-r., 2116 .Maple, good location $25.00 9-r. 2784 Davenport, close In .... $32.50 HOUSES, MOD. EXCEPT FURNACE. 5-r., 2t;tH Parker, good condition. .$10.00 5- r, 5023 Pinkney, (rood location. .$15.00 6,r., 1820 N, 25th, close to car line. $20. 00 6- r.. 211 N. 2Sth Ave., newly deco rated $18.00 7- r., S57 S. 21st. good location $20 00 7-r., 71i S. 2Sth. close In $20.00 HOUSES PART MODERN. 5- r.? 3325 Mederlth Ave., electric lights $ 9.00 3-r , 219 Francis, upstairs $ 6.00 3- r, 219 Francis, downstairs $ 6.00 4- r.. 5202 N. 37th Ave., two lots.. $16. 00 OMAHA'S LARGEST CENTAL AGENCY, ll.VSTINGSJt HEYDEN. iriHHarne 2712 N. 26th St., 6 rms., partly mod., $12. 211 N. 2Sth Ave., 8 rms, mod. ex. ht., $20 710 N. SSth St., 12 rms.. all mod. with garage. It is worth $100. What will you pay? 27o4 Farnam St.. 12 rms., all mod.; ex cellent rooming house, $60. FLATS. 911 N. 24th. 3d f 1 , 7 rms., mod. ex. ht.. $16. 2310 Cuming, 3d f 1 , 7 rms., mod. ex. ht., $16. 1520 N. 24th, 2d fl., rms., mod. ex. ht., $13 ro. A. P. TFKEY & SON. REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l Pk. Ilklg. rh. Doug. 502 1 iTJl;sl-rsNTrcoTAGESi PARTLY MODERN. , 3- R Between 56th and 57th, on Pacific $10.00 4- R. 1916 South 42d St 12.50 6- li. 706 North 18th St. (2d fl.).. 12.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4- R. 2S46 Hlnney St. (2d fl.) $10.00 5- R 620 North 17th St 15.00 7- R 702 North 18th St 32.50 STRICTLY MODERN. 8- R. 219 I'ark Ave $22.50 7-R. 4705 North 29th St 25.00 0-U. 1919 Chicago St 35.00 AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 202 South 17th St. Doug. 5013. FroTTms 1105 Sorfih 29th St., part modern $12.50 S Rooms 1110 Farnam . 16.00 5 Rooms 518 South 13th St., mod ern ' 17.60 9 Rooms 1407 North 17th St., modem 25.00 10 Rooms 1029 South 30th Ave., modern 25.00 6 Rooms 2232 Lake St., modern except heat 22.60 7 F.ooms 939 North 26th St., modern except heat 30.00 BENSON & MYERS CO. DOUG. 746. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 2820 CAST ELARlST., 5-r. part, mod, $10. 3310 Ohio St 4-r., part mod., $10. 3219 Franklin St.. 4-r., part mod., $7. 2315 South 29th St., 4-r.. part mod., $7. 34C1 Miami St.. 6-r., well. $10. 3002 Lindsay Ave., 4-r., well, $7. CREIGH. SO MS & CO., Realtors, Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. FIRST-CLASS modern 9-room residence at 2424 Jones street; finished in oak downstairs", nicely papered and well ar ranged; corner lot. - CITY TRUST COMPANY. 145 to 260 Qm. L BkBjaPL-Zj FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West MODERN 7-room flat, steam heat, 2117 Sherman Ave.; heat furnished; rent $42.50. Walnut 3676. . . North. $9 5 ROOMS, nice and warm, partly mod ern, brick flats. 2011 Willis Ave. Phone, Webster 3512. THEEST 6 room all modern apt. In the city. Vacated, Jan. 1. Reference re quired. Web. 9328. Web. 4328. S'TtOOMsTloT'TTist St., close in; good condition; modern except furnace, $20.50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. Tyler 50, South. ' 4 ROOMS, upper flat, modern except heat; stove furnished, on car line. $12.50. 3604 Leavenworth. Harney 3128. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Agents. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldk. D- 1010- FOR RENT Bffsiness Property. FOR RENT 1022 DOUGLAS ST. 3-story brick building, good store be low and basement, and 2 floors above; steam-heated, electric elevator, trackage In rear; rent very reasonable; nice for small factory or jobbing house. H. A. WOLF CO. Electric Bl d g Tyler 85. 1409-11 HARNEY street over 4,400 square feet of floor space on ground floor; very close In. 2106 Cuming street; modern brick store building with full cement basement. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 245 to 260 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 789. Tuf 'iiarney, 22x90, $45.00. 911 N. 24th, 20x60, $25.00. And others. A. P. TUKEY & SON. REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l Ek. Bldg. Ph. Doug. 502 FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth Sts. ; steam heat; for particulars see Conrad Young. 322 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Dour 1571. FOR RENT A steam-heated store room. 22x46; full basement; $25 a month. 10th and Douglas. MODERN store, 1 6 thSt.. near postoffice. low rent. O P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 0 room furnish ed apartment for two or three months. Best of references. Omaha Bee. Box A-7. Furnished Apartments and Houses. W A NTE1 Nicely located and furnished four or five-room apartment. Call Tyler 9 4 4 MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON DOUG. 28!. STORAGE MOVING. PACKIXO. REASONABLE RATE?. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACaNT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. Fl R EP ROOF "WAR EHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for housthoid goods and pianos; moving, packl" aur1 shlrplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806 S. 16th. Douglas 463. Jp Sl7i7ini Express Co Movli'g. . J SXEjEjIJ Packing and SU 'ate. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 27: 3 Doug. 6146. "EaTeSTATE IMPRO ED. . West 2 WEST FARNAM BARGAINS $7.500 Buys " an exceptional seven-room home, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, oak finish with oak floors tnroughout, stone garage, large lot, paving all paid. $11,00 One of the most attractive homes In this choice district; central hall, living room 16x30 feet, fireplace, a very pretty dining room, n:ce aen with large closet finished In quartered white oak, kitchen white cupDoaras. tiled floor, etc., exceptionally com plete. Second floor has four bedrooms finished In birch and maple, large bath with tiled floor and sleeping porch. Dandy east front lot. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 SPLENDID CLOSE IN HOME PRICE ONLY $4,800. SI rooms, bath and sleeping porch: oak finish, oak floors throughout; floored attic, full cement casement, press brick foundation. Just like new throughout, $1.00 down will handle, OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg Tyler . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. NEW, 7-room, oak finish, 'at- lot. double garage; price $tS.750; terms. G137 North 24th St. NORRIS & OU l:!S I'oi.g;as 4270. MINNE LI'S A homes and lots offe' the h.'st opportunity to Invest your mne'. Phone Tyler 187 2601 CAPITOL AVE.; mod. rn house, 8 rooms, good furnace, $35.00. Phone, - Harney ;54. North GET STARTED "OWN YOUR HOME" 1617 EVANS ST. We offer a splendid home only a half bloik from Kountze park. First you ifp Into a very lart,- living room with hiam ceilings and lutlt-ln bookcases, then Into a good-sized dining room Ith paneled walls; the kitchen lias all tho built-in features that every woman wants; there Is a splendid full cemented basement, good hot-air furnnce. and all necessary laundry conveniences. Up stairs there Rre three dandy bedro'ms. all good size, with plenty of windows and roomy closets. This house is RIGHT from top to bottom. We have never offered a more attractive proposi tion for a home. It is an undeniable bargain at $4,500. Only $1,000 cash re quired; easy monthly payments. The house situated on a beautiful south front lot 40x130 ft., with all p-ivlng paid In FULL. You can't beat it. Owner is living on the premises. She will show Sou through today. Payne & Slater Co., Realtors 616 Omaha National Bank P. 1016. $350 DOWN-NEAR MONMOUTH PARK 7 ROOMS MODERN, $3,500 Owner Is In oversea service and requests us to sell at once. 5 rooms on first floor 2 rooms upstairs. Lot 48x128; storm windows and screens complete. $33.50 per month on balance. rtione Tyler 50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Street. 4 ROOMS MODERN NEAR CAR-$1,800 4 rooms on one floor. Good house and practically new. 60-foot lot. Fur nace, water, lights, etc. $300 down and balance $20 per month. Near Clifton Hill. Phone Tyler 50. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. THAT FINE HOME Located at 1613 Lotlirop St. Must be Sold. Here Is one of the best of built houses highly decorated and In best of order; quarter-sawed oak floors, nicely polished woodwork; one of the best of heating plants, no trouble keeping the house warm; lot 50x124, with a good garage. Can be seen any time, key first door west. W. H. GATES, 647 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Poug. 1294 2960 HARNEY 10-room house, ground 40x13, on right side of street; that Is, runs back toward Farnum. Have had cash offers but not quite enough. Price $6 500. Want offer. Harrison & Morton, Realtors, 916 Omaha Nat. Douglas 314. RESOLVE NOW to look up this bragain. A nearly new 6-room house In excellent condition and modern in every detail; good-sized rooms, well arranged, and lo cated on large lot at 4220 North 21st street. Con be purchased on terms, for a limited time at $1,900. Handled ex clusively by CITY TRUST COMPANY 245 to 260 Qm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 789. MILLER PARK BARGAIN Seven room, frame and stucco, fire place, bookcases, buffet, etc., splendidly finished In oak. Full brlcK foundation; double garfcge. Price only $5,750. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. ei1Ihir7)o FOR $2,750.00 A full two-story house; furnace heat; lr-t 50x127, on Manderson Street, with raving paM for. W. H. GATES, 647 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1294. YOUR rent will buy this home, 5-r. and hath, mod. except heat, In finest of re pair; dandy big lot; well located, near Ames Ave. car; Immediate possession; real easy terms arranged. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721 $3,350. Up-to-date 5-room bungalow, 3011 i -sue Ave. mummy paiuems. oee Grlmmel. Phone D. 1615. CASH for Liberty bonds and war savings stamps. W. O. Van Wyck, 1226 W. O. W. Bldg. South. START THE YEAR RIGHT, BUY A HOME 2S25 S. 34th St., 6-room bungalow, built-in buffet and bookcases, finished In oak, ready for occupancy. Price $3,850; easy payments. 3051 S. 34th St., 5-room cottage, built-in buffet, finished In oak, corner lot. Price $3,700. 3009 8. 34th St., f-room, two-story, seml-bungalow, large living room, all rooms liberal In size. Price $4,100. Easy payments. 3017 S. 34th St., i rooms, built-in features and flreplacV Price $4,250. 3025 S. 34th St., 6-room house with built-in features, fireplace, corner lot. Price $4,750., Easy payments. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. "BOULEVARD HOME SOUTH OF HANSCOM PARK Stucco residence consisting of 7 rooms with beautiful living room ar rangement on the first floor, decorated In oil; fireplace and bookcases; oak floors throughout with oak finish on the first floor and white enamel on the second floor. Large sleeping porch; solid cement drlvo and garage. This home has never been offered for sale, but owner has Just purchased a larger home and Is very anxious to make a quick deal. Price, $7,000, but want an offer; It Is worth the money. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 3962. 918-20 City National. BUY AND REMODEL This "place is well built and is In a good neighborhood. The man who buys at the present low price and puts the house in good repair will make some money. The owner will sell for $500 cash and the balance monthly. See this house today. The address Is 1317 So 31th street and the house has e rooms. For price call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Realtors, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg MWBUNGALOW, $4,000. A very attractive home, well built; stucco finish; oak floors and oak and white enamel finish; five nice rooms, with large attic; nicely decorated; locat ed on a coraer lot In Leavenworth Heights Addition; $500 cash will han dle; immediate possession. GLOVER & SPAIN, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. ATTRACTIVE AT BARGAIN HOMES PRICES $4,950 buys a rlace worth $J,7.",0 cob sisting of 7 rooms. 2 stories and attic, modern house with full cemented ment, hot water heat, oil burner at tachment; first floor finished In oak, except kitchen and pantry; 4 corner bed rooms, bath and outside porch, second floor; east front lot. raved street, near car line in Field club district; all clear; must he sold; want offer. $t.600 buys a home worth $10,000 lo cated on corner lot In Dundee, con venient to car line and good school. This is a 7-room. 2-story and attic, mod-, ern house, having hot water heat, larce living room with brick fireplace, at tractive dining room, convenient kitchen, glasscd-ln porch, quarter sawed white oak floors, except kitchen, first floor; four corner bedrooms. large linen closet, up-to-date bath room, second ; stairway to floored attic; garage for 2 cars: pav ing paid in full; in excellent condition; should appeal to anyone who appreciates good construction; reasonable terms. $12,000 buys a home worth $17,000. This attractive, 8-room, modern house is located one block west of 32d Avenue car line, near Hanscom park, convenient to good school; house is finished in quar ter sawed white oak and birch through out, having 4 rooms on each floor; hot water heat; fine garage, 16x18 ft; corner lot. 52'sxUO ft.; abundance of shrubbery and many fine shade trees; a very de sirable home; unusually well construct ed; must be seen to be appreciated. For full information, see GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 756. 1919 HOME SUGGESTIONS $5,500 821 Pine Street. Hero Is a real oppor. tunlty for you to pick up a bargain in an 8-room all modern residence; built by present owner for his own home, and no expense spared; we will simply say that no frame house could be built bet ter than this, and It Is In perfect con dltion; lot 50x130; only one-half block from 10th Street car line. ,$6,250. 3.672 Davenport Street. One of the most attractive homes we havs on our list; sun room, living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; 4 bed rooms and bath above: full basement; furnace heat: a new nifty house at an attractive price. $7,500. 817 Pine. A two.story apartment building, having six rooms on each floor; hardwood finish throughout; to tal rental, $76 per month; triple garage in rear; hot water heat; a very sub stantial building, In first-class condi tion; an Ideal property for someone to live In one of the apartment and rent the other. THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 297. lfil 2 f'arnam St. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT STEAM HEATED ROOMING HOUSE 320-23 S. 26th St. Do not miss this chance to secure a place finely ar ranged and best location for a success ful anil comfortable rooming house. Steam heat and hot water furnished by us. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. CORNER, near P. O.. $4,000; great barg'n; close (state. (1. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. IMPROVED TRACKAGE, 66x132 $15,000. Located near 16th and Cuming Sts. rented at $160 per month. Nonresident owner wants offer this week. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 918-20 City National. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 160-acre alfalfa and fruit ranch, near the city of Roswell, N. M. Priced $400 an acre, and will trade It clear for land In the northern states. Improved farm preferred, or good income property. Will assume reasona ble amount. Put up any live proposi tion that you may have. Address S. Mack, Tracy, Minnesota. FOR'"SA1JbOR rTxcilTNGE for farm land; 6-room all modern stucco bunga low and 12 lots; close td school, car line and boulevard; good barn, hen house and rtucco garage for two ears; buildings all new; private water system Address owner, So. Omaha Bee, or Phone. S. 33R6. FOR SALE or trade for western Nebraska land SO acre improved central Wiscon sin f irm. Henry Heeg. Shelby, Neb. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. West. 919-20 City National. Douglas 3962 HANSCOM PARK FIELD CLUB A REAL HOME FOR $6,000 Seven rooms and bath Deautif ully finished in oak, fireplace, bookcases, etc. i three bedrooms and heated sleeping porch. Full brick foundation, garage, paving and all specials paid; one block to Park car and school certainly a bargain for some one. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 Miscellaneous. BARGAINS In homes. Investments. prfr ' ertles and acreage near Omihi. Harr iot! Morton, 1( Omaha Nit. ilk, S!d. A REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN Nearly new In excellent location, one block to car. Five fine rooms on one floor. Extra fine basement and attic. Large living room, beamed celling. Fine large light dining room. Well arranged kitchen with one-piece sink. Two ele gant bedrooms with large closets. Tile bath. Built-in tub. shower, pedestal lavatory. The price, $4,500.00 Is $1,000.00 below Its actual value. For appointment, call Walnut 1580. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES & APARTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY CO, 203 S. 17th St. Douglas 501S. FOR SALE Seven-room, modern house. Hot-water heat, garage, on car line Hot-water heat, garage, car line. $2,850. Bargain. O. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. WE SELL, rent. Insure and iinkj loans on citv property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. Cot. Z17 BARGAINS in homes, investments, prop erties and acreage near Omaha. P. J. Tebbins, 605 Oma, Nat. Bk. D. 2182. REAL STATE-Business Pioperty. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY STEAM HEATED ROOMING HOUSE Northwest corner Park Ave. and Dewey Ave., 15 rooms, all in good con dition, oak floors. Wo provide steam heat, hot and cold water. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. 50 FEET ON 24th Near Chicago street. Runs back to 23d, making double front. Good double residence on the 23d street end, which pays fair return $10,000. One of those pieces we think and desirable from Investment standpoint. Harrison & Morton, Realtors, 9H Omaha Nat. Douglas S14. WE I"EED small homes or small IlvmiI-n-ent property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler sS. BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 420 First National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SAFE INVESTMENTS $30,000 buys a 2-story, duplex, brick of 3 rooms each, having hot water heat, located on Harney, bet. 20th and 24th Sts In a coming business district where values will increase rapidly. Terms, $,700 cash. Balance at 5'3 per cent to 6 per cent. $35,000 buys a 2-story, substantial brick building, nearly new, with stores below and small apartments above. Well located on West Farnam St. Gross vearly rental over $4,000. Pays nearly 8 per cent net on $10,000. Reasonable terms. $50,000 buys a 3-story and basement brick building, with stores below and living quarters above. Close in on 16th St. cross yearly rental $5,100. Encum hnnn S'l.t ooo it 5 tier cent. Owner could use good residence, well locatedj as part payment for equity. GEORGE & CO., LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED AT PAR On any unsold lot in Dundee or Happy Hollow owned by this company. Lots are all large, properly graded and have reasonablo building restrictions which safeguard the purchaser and as , sure the future value of the property. No better place to live. No safer place to make residence Investment. Prices. $1,000 and up. Resolve to become a property owner in 1919 and make a first payment on a lot in this desirable neighborhood. Wncn paid for you will be able to build and own a home where surroundings are congenial. rials, prices and further Information fur nished at your request. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat. Bk. RUlg. Doug. 756. North. HALF ACRE Has double street frontage, 305 feet deep, fine view overlooking river and MINNE LUSA ADDITION; 4 block from 30th street car line direct to 16th and Farnam streets. Price $850. Terms $50 cash, balance $10 per month. Good garden land, also well adapted to chicken raising. LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR ACCEPTED in payment. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Phone Doug 664. Building Locations Corner of 19th and California Sts, '9x 133. The cheapest close-in corner In the city. 79 feet on 24th St., near Blondo. Ideal location for garage; price very low. H. A. .WOLF CO. Electric. Bldg. Tyler 8. WEST Farnam building lots as low ns $395; $10 down, $5 per month: all Im provements. Douglas 5074. South. ACREAGE tracts, $1 down, $1 weekly. S. W. Field club; high and sightly: rich soil; $295 and up; new add.; introductory offer; no taxes; no interest till Jan. 1, 1920. The Byron Reed Co. D. 297. 1612 Farnam. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. HERE'S A GOOD BEN-ON HOME. For a very reasonable price; 6 rooms and bath; modern except heat; new ar. age fine lot; good neighborhood. A snap at $2,200; $200 cash is all that ,? required, balance $20 monthly. COLFAX 719. Dundee. DUNDEE $5,000 Eight rooms, only five years old and In fine condition. Full lot, 50x135. Not far from 60th and California. $7.500 Practically new. Big living room with fireplace and bookcases, dming room, sun room and kitchen on first floor. Three big bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath above. iiak woodwork, oak floors. Beautiful fixtures. Corner lot 50x135. Largo garage. $2,800 'ash. $9,C00 On Chicago St. South front near 51st St. Never offered before. Big living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen first floor. 4 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. Maid's room third floor. Laundry tubs in basement. Extra toilet and lavatory first floor. Beautiful fireplace In liv ing room, built-in buffet in dining room. Oak woodwork, oak floors upstairs and down. Full lot, 60 3(135. Cement driveway and garage. , Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. DUNDEE. $7,500. A high-class home; completely mod ern, features; full lot with garage and driveway. Located on Chi cago street, between 50th and 61st; a location hard to duplicate GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 91S-20 City National Ralston. RALSTON. Five-room cottrge for sale cheap, good location; $250 cash, balance easv payments. WM. HAFFKE. SALES MANAGER, 202 SOUTH 17TH STREET. DOUGLAS 6013. EVENINGS, DOUG LAS 6954. RALSTON. Ralston lots are easy to acquire, $25 cash, balance monthly: prices very low WM. HAFFKE. SALES MANAGER, 202 SOUTH 17TH ST. DOUG. 5013; EVE N1NT.S. DOUG, f,954. Miscellaneous. 902 City Xat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 756. A GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT WALKING DISTANCE Netting Close to 10 Tracticaliy new brick building con sisting of four 4-room and two 6-room strictly modern flats; hard wood finish furnace heat; tenants furnish own heat, corner lot. 63x104; paving paid; two blocks to Farnam car line In h district where valuta are rapidly Increasing; al ways rented to first class tenants and shows a 10 per cent net investment on a price of $1,800. If interested call us for full information. J. L. HIATT CO., fiAA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG PHONE 0 TYLER W FINE ROOMING HOUSE OPPORTUNITY Centrally located, 405-7-9 S. 25th Ave., three modern brick flats. 9 rooms each. Good chance to engage In rooming house business on large scale. Can be rented separately, If desired. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. INVESTORS ATTENTION! Gilt-edge first farm mortgages draw ing 7 per cent, leased on 30 per cent of actual valuation, warranted by an old, conservative bankln Institution in western Nebraska. Address B 99, The Omaha Be, FOR SALE. Two lo's just south of Elmwood park in Overlook addition. Full size lots, 50x150, south front. Address Box Y-288, Omaha. Bee, 414 ACRES and 3-r. house, garage, chicken house, 1, miles from end of Benson car line, $16. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Tyler 50. REAL ESTATE Other Cities. BARGAIN; $2 cash, $2 monthly buys five lots on Long Island. New York; full price $60; only $12 each. Valle, 1480 Broadwny, New York City REAL ESTATE-WANTED. WANTED Investment Property and Houses. We are now compiling our 1919 list ings and wisn for more investment prop erty and houses. We have calls for same and cannot supply the demand. Let us know what you have for sale. H. A. WOLF CO. Electric Bldg. Tyler 95 WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted a number of good 5, 6 and T room homes 'n desirable locations. If your property Is for sale and price Is right call us. We have the buyers. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL 5vU BANK BLDG. PHONE CSi TYLER J WE want to list yur acreage property for a time. We'll advertise It and we'll deal It for you. Try us at least Call Mr. Browne, Acreage Specialist, Doug las 5236 INTER-STATE REALTY COMPANY, 1516 City Natl. Bank Bid 160-Acre, Douglas county farm, near Omaha. Owner pleas advisa. O. P. Btcbblcs. 1610 Chicago. , FINANCIAL. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. I. Wead, Wead Bldg.. ISth and 'Farnam Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages. $2,500, six per cent mortgage secured by forty acres eastern Nebraska land, valued at $6,000. E. H. LOI'OEE. Inc. 53i Keellne Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. ty, and 6 per cent; loans for March 1. 6i per cent Dumont & Co . Keellne Bd CONTRACT OF SALE, $1,500, 6 per cent, payable lnonlnly. Good security Lib eral discount. Box 6031, Omaha Bee No Delay Closing Loans W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1633 LOANSb"N CITY PROPERTT. W. H. Thomas & Son.. Keeline Bldg. TJMAHA HtnfES-EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4223. $1,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent. P. O. Box 635, Omaha. Oakley, Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE 10 shares Tiersen Telegraph Trans mitter stock at $153 per share. Sell all or rart. I. G. KRIEGKR, Hitchcock, Okl. Bond House. UJl First Nat. Bank Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. ACRE TRACTS Two acres In Fatracres. Five acres H mile west of Fairacres. Six acres with about i-mlle frontage on Dodge street paved road near Fair acres. 9.13 acres unimproved on paved road just north of Florence city limits. Two fine building sites. Ten acres 10 blocks north of Benson car line on Orphanage road. Twenty-one acres Improved on paved road Just north of Florence cltjf limits; something choice. Twenty-five acres about 2'j miles south of packing house, near 44th St.; well imprcved. Forty acres & mile west of Fair acres. Forty acres 'i mile .west of Fairacres. Forty acres three miles northwest of Benson; good Improvements; modern 7 room house, barn, chicken house, etc. Eighty acres 3 miles west of Fairacres near Dodge paved road. 160 acres 3 miles west of Fairacres on Dode St. paved road. For price, terms, etc., see GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 75 "CLOSE-IN" ACREAGE 17 acres price $11,000; same as the News of Dec. 22. This ad also appeared In the World-Herald Dec. 29. A HOME FOR A COLORED FAMILY. Same as In The Bee of December 8. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-418 Keeline Bldg. Phone. Doug. 690. ACREAGE Five acres north of Krug park, few blocks to paved road. High and sightly location. Cheapest acreage In this dis trict. Price, $2,500, on terms. J. L. HIATT CO., Qflft F'BST NATIONAL PHONE Q VW BANK BLDG TYI.FR OO 5 ACRES on most reasonablo terms, close to city; 5-room house, garage, barn, eh. house, etc.; fruit and abun dant farming land; pasture close by for row. tools for farming Included. Call Mr. Browne todav at Wal. ,'!0'7. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 1516 City National. Doug. 6236. 2'4 ACRES and 4-r. house, good condition, located in Benson Gardens, west of Ben son, $25. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney. 40 ACRES near Fair Acres, good improve ments; possession next March: priced to sell. Nilsson, 422 Securities Bldg. Arkansas Lands. JANUARY 7th Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN NORTH EASTERN COLORADO WHEAT LAND? If so write the undersigned for a list of land on hand. At the present time I have an exceptional bargain In a half section 14 miles from Peetz. All level, all broke, 220 acres in fall wheat, one half crop goes with land, delivered in Pcetz, all expenses paid. Wheat never looked better. The crop Is worth $25.00 per acre today. The land Is worth $60. raw. This land Is on the market until February 1, 1919, at $70 per acre. One half cash, the balance good terms. Call on or write M. A. Shipman, Jr., Cashier The Peetz State Bank. Pcetz. Colo. FOR SALE 1 46 acres improved, Irrigated land one mile from Orchard, Colo. Will t;.ke small amount of trude. Write for particulars. What have you? OWNER, W. H. ROBINSON. Florida Lands. FLORIDA Why freeze? Fruit lands; bungalow sites; small farms; low prices; easy terms; healthy all year. Send So stamp for map and raniphlet to Board of Trade, Longwood. Kansas Lands. 160 ACRES, Franklin county, Kansas; well Improved; new barn, 7-room libuse; 35 acres wheat. Price for Immediate sale $12,500.00. Bargain. Write for description of this farm and other farms ranging from 40 acres up. If you will make a trip to Ottawa, Kan.. and are looking for a good location, you can not help but ke pleased with the ' farms In this territory. Write today. Frank B. Mansfield, Ottawa, Kansas. 80-Acre home Southeastern Kansas; well Improved; black land: will exchange for Omaha property. S. S. & R E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha. Net) KANSAS CATTLE RANCH 2.880-acre ranch, smooth, improved. HvInK water, price, $15; good terms. Box 33, Hays. Kan. Montana Lands. 640 ACRES near Miles City, Mont.; suit able for mixed farming and stock rais ing; close to school; $9 per acre; easy terms. Milton R. Wise, Lowistown, Mont. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE Interest in 5,000-acre Michi gan stock ranch; living streams; forty miles woven wire fence; large basement barns; watered by fountains; two houses furnished; other buildings; four sllos: buildings nearly new; 100 pure bred Hereford cows and 85 yearlings; teams tools, hay. grain, silage; making money; need more means to develops. Full par ticulars and photos. Box 324 Milan, Mich. Mis'us'-ipDi Lands. 800 ACRES rich land, renting for $15, for sale; rich land, in timber. $10 (8,000 acres). H. It. Smith, Clarksdale, Miss. Oregon Land. IRRIGATION "In the Heart of the Range." The Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon; an empire In the mak ing; the land of opportunity; 20,000 acres open for entry; fertile soil; plenty of water: land with full water right; $71 00 an acre; terms; homestead entries nearby. Write for literature and details to Jordan Valley Farms, 822 First Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb Next excursion January 6th FOR SALE Timbered tracts, 100 million to ten bilUen feet; some with mills and railroads. Taclflc coast: also southern states. Ad. Timber Land Bureau, Bd. of Trade Bldg., Portland. Ore. Texas Lands. FOR SALE Ten acres in Arcadia, Texas. Rich, productive, tiled land; rich oil fields all around- priced right for quick sale. Write L. B. 214, Lexington, Neb. Washington Lands. WASHINGTON NEEDS DAIRY, POUL TRY. STOCK FARMERS. Washington, the State of Opportunity, Invites you. Conditions Ideal for dairy ing, poultry and stock. Cheap lands, expanding cities, good markets. For free book write I. M. Howell, Secretary of State, Dept. H-6, Olympla, Wash. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a.. Including paid up water right Henry Levi ACM. Rylander. (54 Omaha Naw FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. Nebraska Land Bargains 80 Acres Cass County A real bargain a $10,000. 514 miles N. E. of Union 65 acres cultivation, balance rough timber pasture, but fin est of soil and produces blucgrass. New 4-room house and other small out bulldtnRs. Nevjr-falling spring. Terms. $5,500 rash and assume $4. 500 0 per ceni mortgage now on place. 160 Acres Pawnee County rrb-e $:0.000- lne gently rolling up lands, all tillable except about 3 acres; small Improvements pome orcnard; 10 acres clover; 23 acres fall wheat; smaii pasture and the balance was in corn this year; possession. March 1st. This Is a real bargain, C. D. ARMSTRONG, Douglas 12S0 325-6 Securities Bldu. "WHEAT FARM FOR SALE. 160 acres nil level land, every acre can be farmed: fair Improvements; 15 acres pasture; 80 acres winter wheat, balance reserved for spring planting. Rented for next year, one-half of wheat goes to owner; price, $130 per acre; terms, one-half cash or Liberty bonds at par, balance easy terms at 5'i per cent. The above farm is In Central Nebraska 4'j miles from town on U. P. railroad. A sure money maker as "Uncle Sam" guarantees J2.20 for next years wheat crop, and there never was a better pros pect for a bumper crop In Nebraska. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416. 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone. Doug 690. 1,G00 Acres 20 Miles from Hastings $75 Per Acre. This Is the finest big farm in the state of Nebraska for the money. All second bottom land and over half the best pf alfalfa land. Three sets of im provements, all fenced and cross-fenced, and under a high state of cultivation. There Is a town and a shipping station within half a mile and a concrete grain elevator on the land. No betler buy anywhere. Terms half cash. No trades. C. D. ARMSTRONG, Douglas 1280. 325-6 Securities Bldg. FARM AT AUCTION. I will sell at public auction, my 190 ai res of land, located about midway be tween Schuyler ami Richland, and. 3 miles south, in Colfax county, on Tues day, January 21. 1919; 145 acres of this tract is as good as any 111 the i'latto valley, corn this year making 45 bushels per acre, and winter wheat 28 bushels per acre. 34 acres now In wheat and looking fine. Fair Improvements, fenced and cross-fenced for raising hogs. 54 acres of first-class hay land, cutting 2'i tons of hay every year. This land is known as a part of the old Folda ranch. Terms; 10 per cent cash cm day of sale settlement March 1, with a liberal amount carried hack on the farm in a first mortgage at 6 per cent if desired. Land will be sold in 2 tracks. A. F. HAHCOf'K. Owner, Schuyler, Neb 137 Acres Douglas County $100 Per Acre Only l'i miles from street car and city limits. 37 acres very rough timber, 100 acres rich bottom, some of which overflows, but can be easily protected. Two small s-ts of Improvements. Worth double the money, ami If cut up will bring $25,0,00 this next year. The biggest snap in tiie country. C. D. ARMSTRONG, Douglas 12S0. 325-6 Securities Bldg. A REAL section of farm land close to Hushnell, Neb., on the main line of the Villon Pacific and the Transcontinental Lincoln Highway; very fair Improve ments ; 300 acres under c ulthatiou and tho balance In pasture; all can be tilled but 50 acres, (.'an be seen easily. The price will suit if you want it. J. It. Carter, Hushnell. N'eb. FA MODS Flowert iclii "district of- Banner county; never had a crop failure; 640 acres well improved and 400 acres cul tiated; 100 acres winter wheat, H5 acres alfalfa, balance all tillable lung grass land; finest water; close to school ami church; telephone and rural route. Will .veil for a price that is right and good terms.' owner, H 9s. Bee. AUTOMOnii.ES. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2059 FARNAM Notice Notice TO THOSE WHO ARE LOOKINi' FOR A USED CAR THAT IS A'" TRATELY PUT IN THE BEST Pes. SIUI.E CONDITION. WE WISH Tt; CATER YOU WILL PAY NO MORE FOR A USFD CAR THAT HAS BEEN CON DITIONED IN OUR SHOP BY EX PLRIENCED MECHANICS AND ARE COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL IN CLUDING NEW TOPS, PEAT COVERS AND PAINTED IN A GOOD SELEC TION OF COLOR SCHEMES. Overland Roadster, Model 75-B. newly painted -,7: Overland Touring, Model s.; ;;;;, 'er!and Country Club 47 j Wlllis-KnlRht Roadster, like new., ssc Saxnn-6, 1916 401 Saxon-t. 1917. New Ford Tires 6O1 lldsmobilo Touring, special point job ftOi" Dodge Touring, a good one S.V Studehaker-Six, like new 65" Hup Touring s Mitchell Touring. 1916 Model joe Wile Touring, Electric Lights and Starter 25'' M.ixwell Touring. 1916 33" Maxwell Touring, 1315, Ep-ctrtc Llyhts and Starter 25' -Oveiland Touring, good running order lo. Fonl Touring. 1917, new sat covers and newly painted 39.'. Ford Touring, 1910 27: Ford Touring. 1914, thoroughly over hauled, repainted and equipped wllh new top ENCLOSED CARS on: BEST OFFERINGS IN AN EN closed car is a 1917 hudson super-six cabriolet (three-pas-si:ni.i;r convertible), which may be used either as an open op. enclosed car. having adopt able top. this car has been driven but a few thousand miles and is as good as it ap pears, price. $1,500.00. Paige Sedan, 1917. excellent tlrea and fully guaranteed In every roped, looks like new, runs like new anil Is practically as good as a new car $1.4"( Studcbnkcr Touring with special winter top ,. 450 Ford Sedan, like new 700 Ford .Sedan, electric starter, de mountable' rims and lots of other extras- YVK TAKE LIBERTY fiOXDS WE GUARANTEE MOST OF OUT CUIS ADDING A LIBERAL SERV1CI S WELL. IF YOU PURCHASE A GUARANTEED CAR YOU ARE THOR OUGHLY PROTECTED. IF YOU ARE D'SSATISFIED WITH YOUR OLD CAR TRADE IT TO IS l'OU ONE ol' CAN USE. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2059 FARNAM' WE MUST HAVE THE world beat on prices of use,) car, foi we are selling them to Kansas City aio: St. ,ioe Dealers. Uitiek- K 41. new $l.2.", 40l. 40': lO'l sn 1 iiake 45' 1.5.'" 1.200 Se'l SO I ;on 311 1 45C t 1 THREE hundred and twenty acres of t he choicest Kimball Co.. land lying seven miles north of Hushnell; ion acres of winter wheat, looking fine, balance fine form land; well developed neighborhood. 011 the main graded road, close to school surrounding land selling $40 to $60 per nere. Attractive price and good terms. Room 4'ix Castlr Hotel. TEN DOLLARS and 50 cents ; f,nc stock and grazing section in Kimball county; cluse to town; 160 acres of farmland on It; good soil; pasture is w grassed ; good water close, surrounding land sell ing from $13 to $40; good terms. Ad- lress Room 40 K Cast!e Hotel, Omaha. MR. FARMER i'wTTl ryou"lToO."icre farm. Custer county, Nebraska. All fine soil. In rain belt where crops never fall. Price only $50.00 an acre, terms like rent. Only 10 per cent down and ten annual payments. F. M. Michael Com pany, 510 Electric Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE OnT-sectTorinieaT!aTd in best part of Kimball county, 300 acres in wheat, new ground, 1-3 crop with the land; will sell cheap on good terms; $3,000 down, cash or Liberty bonds. Write owner, Guy Forsling, Bushnell, Neb. FOR SALE 'j section of Platte valley land, 2 miles of couaty seat. Good Improvements. $100 per acre. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested address P. O Box No. 1, Plattsmouth, Neb. 336 ACRES, 2 sets of improvements, 7 miles north of Florence car line. All level. Wont well Improved SO or 160 What have you? M. M. SPICKLER, Fort Calhoun, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches in good old Dawn county. Arab. L. Hungcrford, Crawford. Neb. GOOD Omaha income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr. Pease, 211 Brandeis Theater Bldk ,od A MERRICK COUNTY', Improved corn ; alfalfa farms at the right price M. LARSON, Central City. Neb. 160-ACRE improved farm. 3' miles-west of Millard. For sale by II. a. Ehlers, Millard. New York Lands. :10 ACRES New York state farm; highly productive, good buildings, running wa ter, house and barn, stock and tools. Taylor Adair. West Kortright, Delaware county. Now York. 1918 OlilMiiol'ilc s, new 19H Chalmers Sedan, new... I91S Dodge Sedan 19K Monroe Touring, new... l.'IS Maxwell 1!HS Cheuol. t Touring 191S Chevrolet Touring DM7 ItU'l-oll Speedster 1917 Hudson Super ls!7 HuiiU D. 45 1917 Liberty Six 1917 Patterson Six 1917 Natiolll Spc-dster 1917 Ch"M"iet Touring 1917 Alien Touring We carrv the stock and price. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE Douglas :."!3. Far 11 am. NEW YEAR BARGAIN LIST lleo Six 7-pa.-M ngev. like new.iii Studehuker ,:. eM client coihJ.. ' 50 Allen I touring, like new -" New Chevrolet touring 57 Chevrolet touring, overhauled ;!0u 1916 Hupinolill" louring, extra good 50" 1916 Dodge touring 1916 Empire touring S2; 19IS New Ford Sedan 75 3 1917 Ford touring S35U to 3kf 19I.K Ford touring, like new 47? lall F"rii touring, 6 good tires.... 21? 1917 Saxton 4 Roadster 1 Ail sold uinler a money-back GUAR ANTEE if not satisfied after 21 HOURS TRIAL. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 19 in Farnam SI, ( )PE SUNDAY,,'? JO 2.' DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE USED CAR SALE AT THE JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC CO.. AND SELECT THE CAR YOU WANT. MANY SIZES AND ALL PRICES. OPEN EVENINGS IX TIL 9 O'CLOCK. CADILLAC BLDG.. '' I ARNAM ST., AT 26TH. 191 19IS 1917 FORD TOURING CAR 1917 Ford Touring car in fine condi. tior.; winter top. cec. starter, new bat tery, dec. lights. Price cut to $125 for iiuick sale. Call owner, Col. 4L25 or Tyler 63. GOOD-USED CARS 1917 Ford. 1917 Maxwell i Miscellaneous. BUFFALO COUNTY LAND. 160 acres on the Wood River valley. 2Vj miles from Amherst, 3H miles from Riverdale. One-half mile to school. 140 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture. Farm well fenced and cross fenced. Price $19,000. $2,000 down on contract, settlement March first. $6,000 mortage to run four years from March 1 at 5t per cent, can be assumed. 160 acres 7 miles south of Poole. 120 acres under cultivation, 40 acres pasture This Is an Ideal table quarter priced at $65 per acre. $1,000 on contract, settle ment March 1. Can secure a loan on this land of from $4,500 to $5,000 If pur chaser desires. SO acres Improved, 9 miles from Kear ney on the Wood River valley, price $6,400. ARTHUR COUNTY RANCH. 3.360 acres all well grassed, 14 miles north of Lemoyne, Neb. This place is all fenced and cross-fenced. About 400 acres of valley, good alfalfa land. Now this Is one of the best propositions in the country. 133 head of cattle consisting of 135 steers, will be two years in the spring, 10 three-year-old steers, balance good big cows 29 head of horses, mostly mares bred to a good big horse. 8 brood sows, good ones. All kinds of machinery such as wagons, buggies, mowers, hay sweeps, rakes, 4 sets of harness, 2 good saddles, in fact everything goes. About 150 tons of hay. Can give possession at once. This Is all shallow water, running from S to 20 feet, In valley. This rsnch Is roll ing and In the sand hills, In Arthur county. There Is $5,600 against the land. Will clear It or carry mora back. Price $55,500. Plenty of feed on placa. C. K. DAVIES, Kearney, Neb. 1917 Chevrolet. KNUDSEN AUTO CO. 21'i7 Farnam St. Doug. 6531. M E L'"KSUTOCa Used cars bought, sold and exchanged We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. 2020-3 Farnam St. Douglns 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO FOR SALE A Model E-6-45 Huick, five passenger car. Driven less than 2,100 miles In perfect shape. I want small er car. No trades. Dr. W. W. Knliler. Lexington Neb. SAXON-SIX BARGAIN" 1913 Si. -cylinder Saxon, new. Run only 3 months. Call G. A. Larson, Tax ton hotel. 1916 COLE TOURING CAR. In fine condition, electric light ami starter, neiv battery; price, $750. Will take in good Ford. Call owner Iiarney USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CARjCO., 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. NEW TIKES ON SALE. Firestone. Congress. Lee Pullman, Fiak. Write for prices, Mention sixes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 FARNAM AUTOMOBILE elecirlral repairs; service station for Rayfleid carburetors and Columbia storage batteries, Edwards. 2616 N 19th. Webster 11"2. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO., Will store your auto. Rates for Ford cars. $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month. Douglas 433 OAKLAND, Sensible SiT MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St, BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents D. S501 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 2059 Farnam St. D. tOii. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 36th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1170. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. $563 FARNAM. ' WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 110 Farnam. 1 Harney 414. FORD touring car body, 1917 model, 21 $1 vuuuug ek ucui, avtr 5f