Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY w. 1919. 11 A Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order) 2 He per word each insertion P" word fur 1 consecutive Insertions 1" per word for each additional Insertion. No a taken for Iras than a total of or leas than loe per day. ( II AK(.K. e par Una (count i words to line) 1 Urn to per line each time, 3 consecutive times. 7c per line -ich time. 10 ccnaccutlr times. MTIAT10N8 WANTED. IS par tine p,r week. CARDS OV THINK AND HNEK.1L NOTICES. lOo per lnle each Insertion Contrart Rates on Application. For convenience of advertisers want ada will be accepted at the following offices: WAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ame Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Office, 25U North !4th St. Vlntm Office 2447 South 16th St. Park Office 215 Leavenworth St Walnut Offlc sit North 40th St. South Side 2311 N St. Council Bluffs 14 Main St. THE BEE will not be responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion if an advertisement ordered for more than one time. tT THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently brtr ; nr send your tJs to ny of the above offices. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you win receive the aame arood service aa when delivering your ad Id person. PnONTS TLYER 1000. Evening Editions 13:00 M. Morning Edltlena 10.00 P M. Sunday Editions 10 p. M. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES JAOOUHERGER Mr. Teresa. Jan. 3, aged 6a years. Funeral services from residence, 3130 Reynolds St., Monday at 1:30 a. m. to St. Mary Magdalene church at t a. m. Interment St. Mary llagdalen' cemetery. Deceased Is sur vived by her husband. Michael; two daughters, Mrs. A J. Dohrse, Mrs. Mar tin Schuntz; and five sons, Ernest M., H. H Charles, Hernhard and Albert. l.NKF.M AN fclmlra, C, Widow of the late James Huffman, residence Sill No. 23rd atreet. Died January 3. 1919. Funeral from Cole-McKay Co., parlors, 161S Farnam street. Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. OIVLER Mrs. Annie M., aged 61 years. 'Jled at the home of her daughter, Mrs Arthur Bloom, 352H Seward Street. Funeral servlcea Sunday at 2 p. m. from Ifayne Chapel, Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. Friends Invited. RICHARDSON George O.. died Friday, January 3, aired 62 yean Funeral services at tho esldenee, 2212 Charles street, Sunday at 2:30 p. m., January 5. Interment Forest Lawn cem etery. Friends welcome. QUINN Catherine aged si years, of pneumonia. Remains will be shipped from Heafey Heafey chapel Monday, Jan. 6, 9 Burn! Nebraska City. liORAM Aged 31 years. Funeral at mother's residence, 1207 North Eighteenth street, Sunday, at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. I3ROWNING Mrs. Clara, aged 89 years? wife of Robert Browntnir. Funeral from Cole-McKRy Co. parlors, 2616 Farmnam SL, Sunday at I p. m. Friends welcome. IsilAM Harvey A., 17 years, died, Sat urday morning at his home. Funeral from home near Irvlngton Monday 1 p.m. Interment Mount Hope. BABY Pled at 2 2Kr Sou t hl Ot h St Tat 11:16 Thursday morning of the "flu." It was the child of Mr. end Mrs. Hnrptall. CARD OF THANKS. FOR the flowers furnished at the funeral, and to the many friends for thetr kind, ness shown me on account of the death of my beluwed wife, Mrs. Carrie luvft, I sincerely thank you. HENRY DUVE. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and emblamers. Tel. H. 265. Office, 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors. T01 S. Dith St. Phone Dour. 1226. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffman quality service costs less. 14th and Podge. Douglas 3901. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. S3d-Far. H. 400. IS. L. b"ODDER"CO Funeral "Directors" F L, Fero. Mgr., 22d and Cuming Sts Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. 5oH Na7 G ENTLEM AN, u mi e r t a k e r" and emblamer. 3411 Farnam St. Har 392. FLORISTS. Tontenelle Florists. LEE L. LARMON 1SI4 Douirlns t-t Henderson. 1519 Farnam Douglas 8244. D. l!i. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Family lots on easy payments; thoughtful service; perpetual care: street can to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or Douglas 829, and our auto will call fur you. THE latg'St display of nonument in the United States. FRANK SWOUOPA, 1215 S. 13th Phone Douglas 1872-G216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births James and Adele Fitxslmmons, - 1222 Locuat St., girl; Myrln and Katie r Hayden 2111 B. Locust St., girl; Edward nd Ann Hazuka, 1931 South 14th St., girl; Henry and Mable Coleman, 2326 No tilt St, boy; Frank and Astria Andelt, 400 South 12th St., boy; Gains and Martha '" Green. 1906 North 60th St., boy; William and Goldie Downing, 2111 Clark St., boy; j Michael and Lillian Montay, 102 Stanford ' , Circle, girl; Frank and Agnes Dargac cewskl, 3113 South 31st St.. girl; Hiram I i and Llllie Bryant, 1601 Drexel St., girl; : ,L Arthur and Bertha Welton, 4U84 Soutn ; 21st St, girl; John and Norma Edgerton, "i 2204 St. Mary's hospital, girl; Howard and : C, Gertrude Carter, 39 Drake court, girl. I n Deaths Ralph E. Swttzer, 10, hospital: k Patrick McAndrews 80, 2040 North 20th ' " St.; Gulseppina La Cuzza, 1 day, 309 Woot " worth St; William C. Pettett, 60, hospi. tal; Sarah Illldreth, ST. 4240 Burdette St., Anna Adams, 80, 820 South 24th St.; Harry A. Goodrich, 12, 1614 Locust St.; lleulah V. Shirley, 28, 1040 Georgia Ave.; Frank Fe cena, 20, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to Vied have been issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Edwin L. Hall, Omaha over 21 Olive M. Harden. Omaha over 13 Clement M. Maloney, Pender, Neb.... 24 Annette McCabe, Omaha 23 Wesley Bristol, Omaha 24 Vera Fuller, Omaha 21 Colon Jensen, Oroiln 19 Helen L. Wilson, Omaha 18 Thurman P. King, Kansas City, Mo.. 34 Anne McCarthy. Council Bluffs. la.. 24 LOST, FOUND, REWARD. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Persons having lost some articles would do well to call ai the offices of the Omaha & Council Bluff j Streit Rail way company to ascertain whether they left it In the street car. Many articles each day are turned l.i and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. FOR SALE MIS JELLANEOUS LOST Gold bracelet waich between pub- He library and uurgeis.Nasn. neiurn 138 No. 31st vae.. phone Har. 2495. Re ward. Furniture and Household Goods. l.outi YAR1S stair carpet. 500 rugs, size of all dimensions will be suld for less than half price. Have rugs, wool, Wiltens, Frwifh Wiltons. Axmlnster. Velvet Body Brussels and Tapestry. Have also 120 leather rocking chairs, value $20 each. Will sell from 14 SO to 18.00. 150 genuine all cotten mattresses, all sizes; one car load of beds and springs, all high grade beds. Will be sold at the lowest price, also dining room tables and llbrarv tables and a lot of cut glass and 75 children's beds. Sale starts at 9 a. m. Monday morning Come early and get first choice. P. IL Miller, 1113 Harney. NEW YEAR REDUCTION SALE ON HOME OUTFITS We find ourselves heavily ov.,. stocked on heavy furniture and during this month will offer great saving on dtnlng room, bedroom, kitchen and liv ing room outfits. In many Instance a saving of 40 per cent. You may avail yourself of our auperlor facilities for complete home, rooming house and hotel equipments. We pav the freight STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14th and Dodge. Opp. U. P. Bids ICE BOX. gas range, laundry stove, piano. 6312 No. 28th ave., phone Colfax 2:i9K AI. I. kind.-' u( furniture must be sold at once, cheap 939 N. 24th St. Pianos and Musical Instruments PIANOS for rent 14 per mo. A. Huspe Co Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete Una of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago Can furnish any make at moat any price ou deslr to pay. W rent and -pair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Douglas 4121 1905 Farnam St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tents and camping supplies SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNING CO. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes' Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHEI.L CO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAYS&T..8?,!- THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Chiropractors. DR. E. 3072. T. MALTBY. 312 Bee Bldg., i Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH, Dr. Edwa7ds24th7FaTn7m! Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St., opposite Postnfflce. John Feldman. Dancing Academies. K EL-PINE Dancing Academy. 2424 Far nam. Class Monday and Thursday eve ning. For private lessons call Doug. 7850. Dentists. CRE1GHTON DENTAL CLINIC. DENTISTRY All kinds of dental work done under careful supervision of the professors. Fees, moderate. Extrac tions free. Children's teeth regulated. Crelghton University College of Dentis try, 210 S. 18th St., Omaha. Dr. Bradbury. Nopain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dentanms.T"soritiee Bldg. D. 2186. Detectives. LOST Third loan Liberty bond. ll.OJ6.5rt; lni In Si,uth Omaha. Monday. Dec. 30: finder piease return to 2S01 T St., and receive liberal reward LOST On Albrfght car, pearl bead neck lace, valued as gift. Finder please ca jiarney sens anu receivo itnnm. uian u, ,.. .. . . 14th and A Sts. Owner will Identify and give reward. Call Kcq t4M. we Stock T -Two wnne-race utei vm ilghlng about 3i0 pounds each. Unl VriRT ,:em leman's signet ring; Initials F. E. C RewantDouglas 549S. LOST Black coin purse containing money reward. Call Douglas 2787 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods Furniture, stoves, rugs, linoleum, Vlc--trola. trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen Better good for lea money. Credit If vou wish. Open evening. 1839-47 N. 24th. Phones: web. 1607. wen eao RENTALS. Typewriters, new and rebuilt; expert repairing; ribbons and carbon paper; t pewriter supplies. Service guaranteed Trv us. Phone Douglas 6031. THE OFFICE EQUIPMENA CO., 108 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N LONG COMPANT. 1915 Farnam. Tel. D. 296t. WE can save you IS to 116 on your next typewriter. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodga St., for merly Typ. Co. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three montha for 86.00. Oliver Agency, isua farnam Street, City. FOR SALE Good as new stenotype for JHO.on. Ella HuzicKa, swamon, o. Sewing Machines. A Sewing Machine Sensation $10 Your choice of very good guaranteed all drop head machine for 110. All said machines must go. Every shop worn machine at a discount. S good box-top machines that are good sewers for 23 each. Monday at Mickels 15th & Harney D. 1973 SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and part MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney St Doug. 1662. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, ahow cases, shelving, ttc Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co, 11th nd Douglas. D. 2724. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 3 pairs of children's Canadian katlng boots; felt lined with skates at tached; sizes 11, 2H and SH- Call Walnut 634. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed renovated and made up in new featn proof ticking. 1907 Cuming Doug 2467 SAVE on lumber, doors, screens, roofing, elec motors, pipes, beams H. Oroaa Lumber & Wrecking Co . Slat A Pan). BOYS bicycle for sale cheap. 2232 South 6'h St WANTED TO BUY. I BUY LIBERTY BONDS, and partly paid up receipts. High est cash prices paid by stranger in Omaha. Strictly confidential. Money Waiting. See me at once. Room 542 Securities Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS. Spot cash for Liberty bonds and for partly paid up. See me if you need the money and must sell. 300 McCAGUE BUILDING, 15th and Dodge. LIBERTY BONDS. We pay spot cish for Liberty bond and partly paid up receipts. 411 McCAGUE BLDG. LIST your bargains with us. W want homes. Investment and acreage. Phone Douglas 415. We will send our sales man for a personal Inspection. McCague Investment Co. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Spot cash for Liberty bonds of any Issue. Room 319 McCagu building. Northwest corner 15th and Dodge Sts. DESKS DESKS "DESKS New desks; used deska bought, sold and traded J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam D. 6146 JENKINS. 706 s"outh 16th. will pay best price for old clothes, shoes. Job lot of all kinds. Residence, Dougla 032 Or flee. Douglas S02. UUTTMAN pays highest price for furni ture, carpets, stoves, clothes, shoes, trunks. Douglas S97I Re.. Web. 4204. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices Phone or writ Omaha Paper Stork Co Douglas 15 LESSARI) & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1633, T.IRKHTY loans bought ill South 15th ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIMES MAKE DOLLARS Amounts from S100 up Invested bring back 30 per cent monthly returns with absolute safety. No speculation. Address Box A-6, Omaha Dee. BARGAIN Just a few n eating tove left; also house furnishing of all kind royal Furniture Co.. 222 No. 16th 8t JOR 3 ALS Superior rang, alx hole. walw-bacK. iiaroey , , Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, (unburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all aiies and tyles; hemstitching, plcot tdglng. eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 100-306 Brawn Bldg. Phone, D. 1136. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTON O U VanArnara Pleatlnf Ca, 116-7 Paxton Black, f hoM Doug. 1101. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville BIk. Evi dence secured In all case Tyler 1136 Film Developing. FILMS developed, rolls K'c; packs, 15c; one-day service. Kas Studio, Neville BIk. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day ervlce. Photn Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. FlT IT? Tif" T "VT Klectrio washing machines, U U XV IV 1 IN electric Iron and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St Douglas 1519. Jewelry. ii'. TiTAMntsin Pajr the beat pr,ce lJLtiVlWLVlJdw,h urlvllea-e to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 403 N. 16th. Red 6081. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandets Bldg. T. 5960. H. 4741. Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 S. 13th St. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 682 Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doujrlss 614. Safety razor Blades. BRING or mall your dull safety razor blades to Room 412. Bee Bldg. Jack son Electric Sharpening Co. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. SAFES PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., (83 Brandei. D. 66S1. STURGES & STURGES. U. S. and foreign patents end trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Tailors. Dledrlck, P L. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. BUSINESS CHANCES. GARAGE BUSINESS, an old-established location, seml-flreproof building 60x130, room for 60 cars; always does & ca pacity business; rent only 2126 a month, clear 2400 a month. Price 23,500. See LEWIS A CO., 411 McCague Bldg. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS BIG PROFITS; QUICK RETURNS. A manufacturer of a good selling pat ented electrical device, offers exclusive stat agency to a firm or Individual, who can successfully handle agent Every bank and progressive merchant a prospect; can be developed to equal any successful patented article. Yeilds a very big profit; small capital necesRary. Write H. P. Davtes. 416 Palace Bldg Minneapolis. Minn. GARAGE, storage and repair business, corner location; rent only 225 a month; room for 30 cars; the repairs and stor age business clears the owner $300 a month net. Owner sick, must sell; worth $1,200. Price only $650 cash. See LEWIS & CO.. successors to Wil liams, 411 McCague Bldg. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS DON'T BUY or sell any oil stocks until you read the Mid-Continent OH Press. Impartial and Inside fact about differ ent oil companies. Any oil question an swered. The truth about the oil busi ness In general. Big semi-monthly. Illus trated. Subscription price 31.60 a year. Trial aubscrlption, with map of Mid Continent field sont free without obllga. tlon. Mid-Continent Oil Press. 1061 Scarrltt Building. Kansas City, Mo. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. One of the best opportunities In this line to be found. Thl business will stand the closest Investigation. Rent only 365 for a large double store. Will sell at Invoice. Fixtures and stock about $7,706. This will clear better than $3,000 a year. See LEWIS fk CO., Successors to Williams, 411 McCasrue Bldg. We Buy Liberty Bonds J"Yin SAI.R On account of none health we will sell our hardware and farm ImpUment business. The stock is clean and up-to-date, not run down. This Is a splendid opportunity to get a good hardware and Implement business, lo cated In the best of farming communi ties In central Illinois. Address Lock Box 396. Prlnceville. 111. A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Es tablished 10 years, excellent location. A money maker. Either man or woman ran handle It, and make It pay for It self in a few months. At less than 60 per cent of its value and only part cash. Martin Investment Co., 582 Brandets, Douglas 6691. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corporation wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $200 to $1,000 necessary; you handle own money; will allow expenses to Baltimore If you will qualify. For particulars, address SEC RETARY, 416 N. HOWARD ST., BAL TIMORE, MD. CLOTHING High class clothing store, In good, northern Kansas town; about $S.000. all staple mdse., mostly spring goods, for sale, or might accept some exchange at cash value. Give full de scription and legal numbers In first letter or no attention paid. Box (4 Clay Center, K;in. HAVE clean big paying, growing cash business, no debts: need active partner; right party with $1,000 can buy half In terest, draw good salary and make big per cent on Investment; don't answer unless prepared to close at once If sat isfied on all points. Proofs shown. Box A-8, Omaha Bee. BE INDEPENDENT Chiropractic doc tor earn $3,000 to $6,000 yearly: work for yourself; this good paying profes lon quickly earned by correspondence, low rate, easy terms; Illustrated rook and Charts Free. American University, lit Mamerre Bldg.. Chicago. DISTRIBUTORS FOR LIVE WIRE PROP OSITION, WONDERFUL SELLER, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: great ad vertising helps, very small capital re quired, receptive product. THE OAS TINE CO., BRIDOETON, NEW JERSEY. WANTED to hear from owner of gooa business for ale. State rash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. MAKE 10t month for It minute dally work; raise Australian Wine and Vinegar bee for roe. Particular free. Miss Milllgan, 4401 Park Ave, Chicago. POOL hall, soft drink parlor and restaur. nt eomblaed lor tal. Call Bouth 4217, BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Live partner with $2,500 for '4 interest in lare automobile s-.'lllng con tract. Rk'ady to start at once. Address Box A-6, Omaha Hee. FOR SALE. Cigar and Confectionery Store, 314 So. lOtrr Phone D. S921. Reasonable price. FOR SALE Garage and truck line. In voices about $15,1100. Good reasons for selling. Box A -J, Omaha He. FOR SALE Hath sanTt.uumT Dr. Mac Namara. 5":i Security llldg. Phone. Douglas M71 or DoukIh Tm7:!. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. JOBS FOR SOLDIERS Te Soldiers' Employment Bureau ot the Omaha Chamber of Commerce an nounces to employer that w have a number of capable, well-trained returned soldiers qualified to fill positions as OFFICE CLERKS, TIME-KEEPERS, TRUCK DRIVERS, CHAUFFEURS, MECHANICS, ETC. Call up at once If you have place for good men. No charges of any kind. SOLDIERS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU OMAHA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MRS. WALKER. Manager. Telephone Tyler 1234. 17th Floor, W. O. W. Bldg. PRINTER-Operator wants position on country weekly. Can and will do any thing In shop. Country and city experi ence. Married. Must be permanent. O. W Stowell, 831 No. Hast.. Hastings. Neb. EFFICIENCY expert wants position as of fice manager or charge of cost depart ment. Will render complete financial tatementa and complete audit, will also Install system If desired. Address Box 6164, Omaha Bee. DISCHARGED SOLDIER wants clerical work. Experienced in auto accessory and wholesale lines, also bookKeeper ana stenographer. Best of references. J. W. Austin, 808 First St. Hastings. Neb. CASH for your business, invention, prop erty, stocks of merchandise anywhere by Co-operative plan 3 to 30 days. Brennan, Established 1896, 105 N, Clark, Chicago. BUS AND TRANSFER BUSINESS FOR sale; two large omnibuses and one Fora truck; exclusive line. For further infor mation write John D. Mulr, Denlson, la. BOOKKEEPER Young man desires po sition; references furnished. Box A-4, Omaha Bee. MAN with one-ton republic truck wants steady Job. Douglas 8711. IF you need a good carpenter, call Doug las 8197. Female. TEMPORARY work In bookkeeping or ledger work; many years' experience. Dou?las 4796. ELDERLY LADY wants position in small home 1914 Webster St. NEAT, Christian lady desires position as housekeeper 404 North 23rd St MIDDLE-AGED woman, light housekeep ing. Red 8322. PRACTICAL nurse. Phone, Walnut 2998 FOR a practical nurse, call Colfax 3477. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bundle washing. Iron and cleaning Har 6168 COLORED WOMAN wants day work Clearing preferred. Call Webstter 5245. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver Wehster 4283. . HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TRAFFIC MAN WANTED For larg mill In Omaha. One with thorough knowledge rates, tariffs and transporta tion problems preferred. Write giving previous experience, qualifications; references and salary desired Address BOX B-94 OMAHA BEE ACCOUNTANTS and BOOKKEEPERS. Ambltlou men who recognize the tremendous shortage of technically trained executives during the stress of the reconstruction period following the war, and who have some accounting ability, will welcome the Information that a prominent organization of certi fied public accountant haa made avail able a scientifically simple and Intense ly Interesting home study training. Qualified accountants need not fear after-the-war competition because the shortage of expert cost, executive and public accountanta Is so marked that employers cannot find enough of them .even at $2,600 to $10,000 salaries. Ac cepted candidates guaranteed satisfac tion. In replying, give in confidence experience and previous training. Ad dress J B. Tanner. C. P. A., Suite 604, Grant Park Bldg.. Chicago. OFFICE manager, credits and accounting, exceptionally goed organization for fu ture development and advancement. $175; branch manager, credits, some account ing, $200; traveling salesman, national organisation, Nebraska territory, es tablished trade, $150 and expenses; head bookkeeper, wholesale, $150; bookkeeper, small manufacturing firm. $125; as sistant bookkeeper, $85 to $100: general office man rapid with figures, $126. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N ' 736 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale. $101). Bookkeeper, good future, $90. Bill clerk, wholesale, $75. Salesman, city, salary and commission. Asst. shipping clerk $55. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT 1121 First Nat. Bank Bldg. MEN 16 to 40 become railway mall clerk. $92 month. List government position free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230L, Rochester, N. T. HEIP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TWO ALTO TRUCK salesmen; good sal aries, good territories. Stock salesmen; salaries and commis sions. Bookkeeper and office manager; (150. Bookkeeper $100. Bookkeeper and cashier, $35. Office clerk. $00-$65. Assistant shipping clerk; good boy; $30. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, 1126 W. O. W. Building. $90-$ 135; stock cigar salesmen. BOOKKEEPERS, $-;0 two exp. depemla. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat. Bk clerk, alary WANTED An experienced office clerk. Apply Cudahy Packing Co, 14th and Jones St. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk. Apply Washington Market. 1407 Doug las street. WANTED Good house-to-house canvasser must be a producer. Box 4191. Omaha Bee 1'atlernson. 10th & Hickory. DRUG CLERK WANTEI Floorman. Write or wire Ihe State Publishing Co.. Pierre, S l Professions and Trades. 200 MEN WANTED To start cutting Ice at Seymour lake, Monday, 7 a. m., January 6. Take Ralston car at 24th and M. St.. Wages 40c per hour, free lol(;iufi. LEARN AUTO AND TRACTOR BUSINESS in 6 to 8 weeks. Big oportunitks now. Master mechanic instructors: same method we used to train thousands of soldier mechanics for U. S. army in 60 day courses. Double equipment now Write at once for biK free catalog and 7-day trial offer. Rahe Auto & Tractor School, 2130 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. OMAHA RAILWAY mall clerk examtna tions coming. Women, girls eligible Commence $92 month Wonderful op portunity Permanent positions Candi dates coached free. Write Immediately Franklin Institute. Dept 659-K Roches ter. N Y WANTED Experienced nun In plumbing and heating for order department ; must be rapid, accurate and Kood penman. State In first letter qualifications and salary expected. Leighton Supply Co.. Fort Dodget la. 'ANDYMAKEU wanted to take charge of hard goods department. Well equipped factory In Los Angeles. Address Mathews Candy Company. GRADUATED registered pharmacists, good salaries. Apply Schramm-Johnson Drug. Salt LakeClty. Utah. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment Box 41 405. Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED THREE $100 A WEEK SALESMEN We want three STOCK SALESMEN to work with a permanent organization now financing large producing en terprise having extensive nola tng In famous oil fields ot three states. Standard On pipe lines connected to our wells. Selling stock to drlu 20 additional wells. Salesmen supported by effective adver tising and closest co-operation. This is a big money, quick-action opportunity for you If yoi are capable of making $100 a week or more and are satis fied with nothing less. Exclusive territory, live leads and big commissions. Kerrin, George & Co. 228-229 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG OMAHA. NEBRASKA, STOCK SALESMAN OR BROKERAGE FIRM Sell treasury stock for develop ment of large lead-silver mine, Arizona. OLD GERONIMO . LEAD CO., Box 222 SILVERTON, COLO. WE WANT A SALESMAN In this city. A resident man who cover regularly and thoroughly this local territory only. We make one style of waist, "Two In one" converti ble collar, In all materials from cotton to Georgette. All orders from houses of good credit shipped day received. Com mission payable monthly. Write fully your qualifications. PORTER BROS. & COLLINS, Inc. Framingham, lass. SALESMEN WANTED. I want tq interview a limited number of capable salesmen, men with initiative, on a high grade sales proposition out of tho ordinary, where earnings will be from $200 per week up. according to your ability and effort. This is a rare opportunity to connect yourself with an exceptional sales organization, where large returns are sure. If you b'lleve In yourself and your ability, for interview call Room 235 Sunday, 2 to 4; Monday, 1:30 to 4:30, Fontenelle Hotel. Ask for Mr. Johnson. , SALESMAN Experienced traveling sales man with large acquaintance among garages and automobile supply dealer can secure the sales agency in the states of Nebraska and Western Iowa of a well known eastern manufacturer's auto- . mobile accessory line having large dis tribution In territory. Line Is varied ind each Item Is a staple, and essential "s gasoline. Repeat orders on every trip. Big money certain for honest uustler. Give full particulars concern ng yourself, experience, etc. Corre spondence confidential and arrangements will be made for personal Interview by factory representative. Address Post Office Box, 692 Mount Vernon, New York. SPLENDID TRAVELING POSITION. A well-known firm will have several openings the middle of January, suita ble to well educated women over 23 years of age, who are free to travel. This position Is In our regular a!e organization and Is paying from $150 TO $300 PER MONTH. We will train suitable applicant at our expense and pay fair salary to start. Call Hotel Rome, room 243, between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. S" "LINE Specialty. Average commis sion. 10 to 30 dollar. Pocket samples , i salt a talk free. R"snomlble house. Write today. Simplicity Co., De Moines, la. H ELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. ADVERTISING SALESMAN THE MER CHANTS PUBLISHING COMPANY, KALAMAZOO. MICHIGAN, originators and manufacturer of the well known Kalamazoo duotone tine of calenders and uther specialty have open territory in Nebraska for 1919, to begin work on or befor February 1. Our line t so varied 'hat a successful salesman is enabled to work throughout the year. We also manufacture leather goods siKns, cardboards, fans and blotters. Ci mmtsstvns liberal and paid woekly. If you are seeking a good connection write us today and give references and busi ness experience. STOCK SALESMEN Men who have enough money to finance themselves to sell securities In guod dividend-paying company. Good bank refenioes. Exo'llent personnel. Live leads furnished and every assist ance given In closing business. You can Interest the large as well as the small Investor. Exclusive territory ana good commissions. Arrange appoint ments by phone. DOUGLAS 996. SALESMAN Wanted to carry our manu factured line of Men s and Boys' Over alls. Auto Suits and Work Shirt In Kansas. Can be handled as a side line in connection with kindred lines. Want a man who can produce gvod results and is well recommended in both wholesale and trade connections. F. Hrndy & Sons Co., Des Moines, ta. SALESMAN 'Wanted salesman for Iowa and Nebraska calling on established trade, clothing, dry goods and depart ment ston s. Complete line of raincoat. Sempks made compact and convenient to carry. Give experience, reference and territory covered wit h'appllcatlon. F. & O. Mfg. Co.. 1372-1380 W. th St., Cleve land. Ohio. MEN One man in each county as ex clusive representative to sell complete line of merchandise to consumer Sam ples, .catalogs and Instructions freo Must furnish conveyance and have good reftrences; $10 to $90 weekly. Experi ence not necessary. Write for particu lars to Ryan Company, 1102-4-8 Har ney St., Omaha. Neb. TWO CLEAN CUT aggressive salesmen for 1919 capable of earning $300 to $600 monthly selling to the general mercantile trade. Our new sales plan makes a good order easy to get In every town. Permanent position, liberal advance. Milton Mercantile company, Davenport. la SALESMAN WANTED Specialty men to sell our line of Lamps China Glass Aluminum and Enain -Iware to the re tail and jobbing trade; big commis sions payable weekly, drawing accounts to those showing results. Wm. Gohl, Sales Manager 40C Market St.. St. Louis Mo. iLF.SME. WANTED Men calling on automobile, hardware and accessory trade to sell Raylo Dimmers, meets wltn dimmer regulations In all states. Not a bns. Sells for one-tenth price high priced dimmers Excellent side line. Send for sample and liberal sales proposition. Raylo Mfg. Co., Indianapolis. Ind. ANTED Live owner Ford car, truck or tractor, each county, to demonstrate ind sell exclusively Liberty Stan: ig Primer; $50 weekly: starts mot.r In stantly by combustion, zero wea'h-ir, t'i:; t crank, hand or self-starter. I rice, $8; references. Liberty Primer Co., Woodward Ave.. Detroit. .N OLD established concern nas a de veloped middle west territory open for a high grade salesman selling a widely advertised well known high class prop osition that will be remunerative to a hustling producer. Furnace experience desirable. Address Box Y289 Omaha Hep. S'l-XTIUTY SALESMAN. I want live wire security salesman on legitimate proposition with estab lished, dividend paying corporation: no fiscal agent to cubh in on your sales; advance men not wanted: see or write Harry E. Ryan. Ryan Co.. 1103 Harney St, Omaha, Neb. SALARY and commission to salesmen who can demonstrate ability to sell a high grade line of paints and roofing cements on a profit sharing plan. Local agents also desired. Liberal proposi tion. United Builder Company, 8603 Wade Park Ave., Cleveland, O. SALESMEN Earn $250 to $500 monthly, selling investment securities. Dignified positions In your locality or traveling. Experience not essential. Our co-operation practically assures success ann profits. Financial Training Corp., Colo rado Bids., Denver, Colo. i WANTED BY BUROESS-NASH CO. CARPET SALESMAN APPLY 8UPT. BALCONY SALESMEN Excellent, permanent posi tion, capable salesmen In Nebraska. Vacancy January fifteenth. Staple line for general retail trade. Liberal com missions. $35.00 weekly advance. Rice Company, 486 Williams Bldg., Detroit. SALESMAN, experienced any line; for general trade In Nebraska; unexcelled specialty proposition; splendid commis sion contract for 1919. $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelery Co., 1371 Continental Building, Cleveland, O. SALESMEN" Inexperienced or experienced; city or traveling free employment serv ice for members; send list of opening:: and full particulars. Address. National Salesmens' Tr.'n. Dept. 439, Chi cago, 111. MANUFACTURER of calendars ami adver tising goods, desires responsible repre sentative In Nebraska. State experience, if any, and give references In first let ter The Leo Hart Company, Rochester, N. Y WANTED Experienced salesman to sell line of general merchandise, crockery, glassware, enamelware, etc. Commissions paid promptly every week. Do not ans wer unless experienced. Eagle Import ing Co., St. Louis, Mo. SIDE LINE, top notch specialty. Respon sible house. Pays big commissions promptly. Writo today. Samples and sales talks free. No delays. Erlckson Company, Des Moines. Ia. FIRST class salesman wanted for Nebras ka and Kansas to sell high grade line of washing machines. Straight commis sion basis only. One Minute Mfg. Co., Newton, la. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell leather and shoemakers' supplies In Omaha. Trade established. Address E. B Piekenbrock & Sons. Dubuque, Ia. WE can use a few high-grade specialty salesmen Must furnish good reference. Myles Standlsh Mfg Co.. 12th and Howard Sts. A $ 2 1 I N V ESTMEN T for stock and sup plies will establish you in new business netting $10 weekly. Exclusive territory N't ional Ass'n, Box 241, Pekln, III. WANTED Salesman with cars, good sal ary Box 6024, Omaha Bee. WANTED A good ptttur fram salesman Box 4490 Omaha Bee Agents and Canvassers. STOP HERE Sell the Elsen Regulator for Ford headlights. Going like wild fire everywhere. Gives splendid drlv. tng light at low speed, keeps bulbs from burning out, operates automatically. Wanted for every Ford. Big profits quick. Listen: Siler, Okla., sells 12 daily, profit $20 McFarland, Neb., made $3,420 In 17 weeks. No experience necessary. We show you how. Not sold In stores. Sales guaranteed. No capi tal necessary. Writo today for special offer. Address Eisen Instrument Co., 7U Valentine Bldg.. Toledo, O. WANT 40 men and women quick to take orders for Comer raincoat. Thou sands of orders watting for you; $2 an hour for spare time. Naher made $53 30 In one day Cooper $28.75 In 4 hours. I will give you $2,500 a year for 4 average orders a day. No delivering or collecting. Stylish coat free for you; 65 beautiful samples. No capital re quired. Biggest money maker In Amer ica. Write quick for Information. Comer Mfg. Co , Dept. G 140, Dayton, O. Will can make easily $16 to $25 a day taking orders for the only authentic "History of the World War.' with In troduction by General March, highest officer in United States army; official illustrations. Wonderful opportunity for live-wire talesmen, returned soldier and energetic women. Outfit free. Universal House. Philadelphia. MAKE $30 next Saturday; sell the Speed orator for Ford cars; used by Ford motor officials. Makes a Ford run like a Packard: put on quick no tool, no holes to bore. Instant satisfaction. Sell 10 to 12 a day easily. Bit profits and fine territory. Write quick for special offer. Address Perrln Mfg. Co., 967 Woodward Ave., Detroit. AGENTS HO to 300 per cent profit; fast seller. Utterson, Iowa, sold 4 first hour; Fenton, Indiana, sold 400 In week. The Henry Alr-tlght Weatherstrip for doort and hinged window; shuts out cold, snow, rain, dust; save fuel: easily put on. Writs fori money-making plan agents. The Henry Co,, 600 Elm St., Crawfordsvllle, Indian. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents and Canvassers. $25 DAILY easy Introducing greatest household money saver; Just Invented; reduce high living cost; save It own cost first 10 minutes; no talking neces sary; sells itsxlf; every housekeeper dee manda It; retail $2.35; your commis sion. $1 25: sample free. Home Manu- f icturlng Co.. 266 B, New Albany, Ind AGENTS! WONDERFUL WINTKR MONEY MAKERS. New winter automubil fuel, antl frcege, puncture proof, five year guaran teed spark plugs, etc. Outfit fre. A. Hallw'y 504JSta. F.. Louisville. Ky. $20 U0 DAILY distributing" prlT'cace plc tures. '"Liberty and Peace." "True Sons of Freedom,'" "Human Liberty Bell," "Foch." "Pershing." Honor Roll. Enor mous demand. Samples free. Also por trait catalog. Consolidated Portrait Co.. 1034 W. Adams St., Chicago AGENTS 20x24 gold. framed patriotic and puace pictures. 16c. sell 50c; por traits, pillow tops, convex work, frames, Catalog free. History of the World War. 60 pages. Prospectus postpaid, !5c. Tremendous money-makers. Peoples Portrait, Sta. D , Chicago. AGENTS. SOLDIERS, SAILORS .SELL GREATEST HISTORY OF WORLD WAR Complete details of great battles: 600 pages; 100 striking Illustrations: only $2: 60 per cent commission. Send for FREE OUTFIT. H. F. Smith. Pub lisher, 1106 South Wabash, Chicago. AGHfNTS breaking all record taktiuf or ders for our popular History of the Great War. Wonderful photora hlc illustrations; big commissions; prospwe tus and outfit free. N. D. Thompson & Co., St. Louis, Mo. MEN and women make big money selling up-to-dato Photo Medallions. National and Military Specialties. Free Catalog. Samples. Quick sales, big profits, no experience. Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chicago. AGENTS NEWEST INVENTION "INK SPOON" makes every pen a fountain pen. Millions In use. Demand Increas ing everywhere. Large profit Exclu sivo territory offered. Sample free. H. MAURI I'll. 33 Broadway, New York. $U To 3 WEEKLY in your spare time doing special advertising work among tho families of your city. No experience necessary. Write today for full particu lars. American Products Co., 784 Ameri can Bldg.. Cincinnati, O. liriST-wonderful sensational, fascinating. Pictorial, authentic history of world war. Complete; greatest selling book; popular price: largest commission paid. FREE OUTFIT. Hcrtcl Co., Publishers, Chi cago. HELP WANTEO-f'EMAJLK Storts and Offices. HISTORY WORLD WAR. Introduction by General March: don't miss our biggest terms; supersedes all others Absolutely authentic. Biggest Pictorial book. Free outfit. Historical Hook Co., Chicago. AGENTS Quick seller, California Rose beads going like hot cakes; hustlers coining money: new stuff; get our catalog. Mission Necklace Company. 281 W. Pico, Los Angeles. Cal. COMPLETE Pictorial History Worlds War. Official stupendou sensations; sells $2. profit $1 up. Credit, freight paid. Earn $20 day. Free outfit. Cun ningham Co., Como Bldg., Chicago. "AGENTSi "Our "New and Complete His tory of the War," now ready; best book and terms with premiums; prompt ship ments. OUTFIT FREE. Write Nichols Co., Napervllle. III. AGENTS $40-$ino week; free samples; gold sign letters: anyone can put on store windows, big demand; liberal offer lo general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. TAILORING AOL'NTS Men's made-to. order suit: snappiest: best materials' prices lower than others: hustler earn big money: spring line sent free. Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago, PORTRAIT AGENTS Want good work, free. Portrait Agents' Supply Co.. Dept. service, and something new? Caialog 20. LaPorte. Ind. HISTORY of the world war by March. Authentic, 750 pages, 2"0 Illustrations Agents coining money outfit free. Llnd berg & Co., 180 N. Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED A good second baker; modern shop and steady work. Writo City Bakery, Sheridan, Wyo. Box 802. Boys. WANTED Two boys to carry The Omaha Bee morninif routes. Apply at Park la tion, 2615 Leavenworth St. I will give you $2,500 a year for 4 aver ElOHTEEN C WANTED Day delivery boy, t days per week; must furnish his own wheel; $10 per week. Adams-Halght Drug Co., 24th and Lake Sts. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. COAL HAULERS WANTED. Either with teams or trucks. Douglas 4452. Trade Schools. Call WANTED Man experienced In sheet metal work, with capital to purchase a working Interest in a wholesale estab lished business, Address Box 6571, The Bee, Omaha. Miscellaneous. WANTED 200 MEN To start cutting les on east ide of Carter lake Saturday morning at 7 a. m., January 4. Take car at 16th and Locust to Carter White Lead Works. Wage, 40 centa per hour. FREE LODGING. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY. HUNDREDS U. S. government permanent positions now open to men, 16 or over: women 18 or over. $90 lo $129 month. Many In your home section. Short hours. Common education sufficient. List positions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 231L, Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED Young single man, aged about 25, for position of road collector Per manent position. Salary, $100 per month, railroad fare and bonus. Good chance for live wire. See manager, 313 Balrd Bldg. GOVERNMENT railway mall clerk and other "exams" coming everywhere soon. Let our civil service expert, former gov. ernment examiner, prepare you. Write today for free booklet. M-125. Patterson Civil Service 8chool. Rochester, N. Y. MAN to work this eltjTTcflnlahing VhanT dellers. bras beds, automobiles, by new method. 10 daily without capital or experience. Write Qunmetal Co. 142 Elm, Decatur, 111. WANTED Married man with experience to work on farm, house furnished, 60 miles from Omaha. Write E. A. Palm qulst, Oakland, Neb. BE A DETECTIVE Excellent opportun ity; good pay. travel. Write O. T. Lud wlg, 875 Westover Bldf... Kansas City, Mo. WANTED A man with lord truck for delivery. Apply to Consumers Grocery and Moat Co., 2806 Leavenworth. Phone Harney 2368. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Exp. unnec; de tails free. Press Syndicate, 170 St. Louis. Mo. BRAKEMEN, FIREMEN, $150-2300 month ly. experience unnecessary. Writ, end tamp for requirement. Railway, ad dress Box Y. Omaha Bee. WANTED Married man to work on farm. Must be experienced. J, J. Lutz, Papll Hon, Neb. WAN TED, a competent house man. Ap ply Clsrkaon Hospital. 2100 Howard 8t. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. COMPETENT ASSISTANTS, IN OUR BLACK AND WHITE ROOM Must b experienced In FACIAL MA S3 AG E. MANICURING. HAIR DRE88INO. HAIR BOBBING. Also An experienced assistant chiropodist Reference required. Apply Superintendent Balcony. BURQES3-NASU COltPAtfT, WANTED Three girls to aJdress enveloiwa and fold circulars, $1.!.' per day. Tempo rary position. See Mr. Regan afer 1:10 a. m.. Moaday. Circulation department. Omaha Bee. WANTED Young ladie to learn hoV $ It operate Comptometer and ButTOrae : Calculating and bookeeplna taaokhi V A good position absolutely fuarantl an. to every graduate. Time required: JT1 complete course, t weens to 1 man' Day and evening classes. Call and us or telephone Duuk-laa 7415 for tlculars 13 DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNT!? Second Floor Wead Bldg., IMh and Farnam Sta urii'Viii'w . iiiilh) ..7. i ... ' ' I ........ t IIC.H UIOl LHCIUPUOJIQ Stenographer, good future, 2)75. Dictaphone operator, $56. Genernl office clerk. $. Typist, r .od future, $50. 1 stenographer and bkkpr. student. Typist and clerk, $50. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY IK'S First National Bank BldgjClliV: Si'K.NOGRAPHER. tniull oltlc. i-$!?The stenographer and bookkeeper, 79. Typist and office clerk, $65-$70. Typist, small office $65. Office clerk, $65-$?0. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 112W. OW. Bldg. Ill H'lK V W.ICPIeti un.l u,rir.l0r.,,kn' cuntil firm, Nebraska town. SlL-1. stenographer and clerk, np-tuwn oil $85; general office asslatant, om f,r3 urlng. $tSo ; comptometer operator, $,t. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND A98 V 736 First National Bank Bldg. '!'" ' BOO K K EKPEK. $90; stenographer, f typist, $55; stenographer, $60; teijjer and bookkeeper, $60; office glrla, $il,rr Co-Operative Ref. Co. 101 i Cltv Nat. K., BOOK KEEPER-STENOGRAPH KU, s l in- hi fth I Lu hi t as led inn i -l2'i auditor exneriencen. riealraa iitft&) . where executive ability and efficiency l iiemanuen. iiox r ftii, omana Bee. WANTED. Competent stenographer. Apply lo Nebraska Mollne Plow ce.. 810 Leaven worth St. Phone lougla 2648. N 4V WANTED Names women. 18 or over, wishing permanent government positions $90 per month. Address Box !S1. Cm.- ha Bee. STENOGRAPH Elt and reception reoivi girl for doctor's office $65 to $7S. WATTS REF. CO. 1138 1st Nat l. Bank. Professions and Trades. TELEPHONE OPERATORS ' PERMANENT POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Increase In salary. Work Is clean, pleasant and Inter- "'meals AT COST YOLING WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO.. 1807 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED pupil nurses for a credited training school in Knnsaa City. Mu. Credit given for training In other hos ritals. position found after graduation. Box 5023 Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED fil m I us rector. Apply n person, .neiro rietures corporation, 21 " , jj Saleswomen and Solicitor. TRAVELING POSITION FO EDUCATED WOMEN." Four women with Initiative, tndl vidiit, lity, and oriclnality wanted by one of Chicago's oldest and best known business institutions for high grade traveling positions In educational work. Acceptable applicants must be free to travel, have the equivalent of high school education, and be between 2$ and 40 years of age. Preference given to teachers or those who have had normal school or college training. Business ex perience unnecessary as we will train those accented and pay salary from ttv start. Thl is suecial work of in school nature, affording short hours, (1st opportunity to travel, and steady aril, vantement. Kindly give full informal tio.i concerning . age, education, nld previous experience In first letter, li.f residing in or near Omaha, alia flvi Telephone number. Address. Box A-t) Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN FOR DRUG DEPARTMENT BVROE8S-NASH CO APPLY SUPT. BALCONY. 1 WANTED 5 bright, capable ladles fur 1919 to travel, demonstrate and sell deal ers. $35.00 to $50.00 per week. R. R fare paid. Write at once. Ooodrlch lrug ( o., nept. 43, Omaha Neh. Household and Domestic. wanted Ten bright capable ladlea. to I travel, demonstrate and sell well knewnf goods to established dealer $25.00 ti $50.00 per week; railroad fare pa'.dl weekly advance for traveling expense! Address at once Goodrich Drue C-iX Dept. 614. Omaha, Neb. 1 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Not over years old. not encumberod. for wldowe no children. Call In person on Sund.' S or write giving age and deacrlptlol Address 2513 Z St.. So. Omaha. Neb, f WANTED An experienced cook, v(7;i references; -Iso an experienced ii!n.'i girl, with reierences: good wage. . a- N. 38th Kt. WOMAN for general housework, family, highest wages. 224 N. Douglas 62. 9-A WANTED Girl for general houeew-' no washing; highest wages. Mrs. B. nogers. j-nnne. Harney 3&J, t WANTED Good girl general housework: I no laundry. Mrs. C. E. Adam. 2 jfr--North 40th St. Phone Walnut 2231 WANTED Competent girl for cooking if general housework, small family, go A wages. 131 South 38th.. Harney 2162. X' WANTED A competent atatrs work. Mrs. L. Burt St. Walnut 212! maid for up. C. Nash. 1807 4f COMPETENT woman for general house, work; fine home for right party. 2311 Plnhney. Webster 2803. NEAT LADY wanted for housekeeper".' colored preferred. 2525 North 17th St. Call Webster 1813. WANTED A competent-cook and second girl. Mrs. C. N. Diets, 428 B. 38th Bt. A WHITE GIRL to assist with house work. Reference required. Harney S8. EXPERIENCED M ID- FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $10. HARNEY 6551. general Harney housework. 332. GIRL to assist with 3119 Cass St. Call WANTED A girl for general housewerk, food wages. Call Harney 1161. V Hotels and Restaurants. " WOMAN wanted to take charge of the laundry at the Douglas county hospital; room, board, laundry and $46 per month. Call Harney 653 and ask for matron. THE Douglas county hospital needs a first class white cook; alary, $76 per month, room, board and laundry. Call Harney "J ana ssk ror (he matron. DIET kitchen woman wanted at the Douglas county hospital; $30 per month, room, board and laundry.' Call Harney 662 ask for matron. MAID wanted at Hotel Conant. Apply to nuuseaeeper. Trade School. WANTED Ladle to learn barber tradii npooiai raie nn innucmnta. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEQX, ivij uougiaa Bt Miscellaneous. GIRLS, educated, refined, not 2S year of age, pleasing appearance. Sal. arled road position. High-grade, fas clnatlng work. Send photo, atat road experience first letter. Free tralnlnt. achnAl 'f MIDLAND LYCEUM BUREAU rirmina iiiag.. ue Moines. expert- . i '"' ' frem; uoiu. iciepnone: Kate exeerianoa ..iw hem telephone number, Addree jj A I Omatv Bet, . .T-.r-X ' 9 WANTEIWOlrla with wltnhKivaxgl DC to tll lllif nn Wrin..4.(. nom iieption; ataU xprinct n4