Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1919, Image 1

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    1. : I
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Paris, Jan. 4. Announcement that
the "Acropolis Express," connecting
Paris and Athens, will soon be es
tablished, points to one of the most
important steps in the work of re
construction following the war. It
is the initial step to the larger
project of extending the railroad
further cast through Constantinople
and northward to Odessa.
Ultimately it is planned jo realize
a Bordeaux-to-Bagdad rouTe, which
will take the plate of the Teuton
scheme of a railroad from Berlin
to the city of Haroun Al Raschid.
Washington, Jan. 4. Alice Paul,
chairman of the National Woman's
party, and four other members ot
the organization were arrested to
night tor violating park regulations
ana l ghting hres on government
property. All were released on bond
tor appearance in police court Mon
f he arrests were due to the action
of the women in maintaining watch
lires m front of the White House
and which they had stated would be
kept burning until the senate passed
trie equai suffrage amendment reso
tutioil. No later attempt was made
tonight to kindle the fires anew, al
though two women with lighted oil
torches took the place of those ar
rested and stood for hours, in the
biting cold until relieved by other
tmt u KeoM-elau ttw M.y 2S,
Oath P. 0. under act 1 March
1908. at
3. 1171
By Mall II vaar). Daily. MM: KM:
Dally and Sua.. M.M: evtilda Nak. taaa aura
Fair Sunday and Monday:
rising temperature Monday
and in northwest Sunday,
Hourly Temperature.
5 at. m.
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7 a. m.,
II a. m.
t a. m.
10 a. m
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8 p. ill...
Rome, Jan. 4. Some unofficial ar
rangements were made to have
President Wilson address the popu
lace in the Piazza Venizia. This
was supposed to be a great secret
uut in nait an nour tne newspapers
were on the streets w;ih the news
an! in less than an hour the square
was packed with such a mass of
luMiianity that the American secret
pblicenien, after one look, gasped
and decided that the president could
not possibly get into the square if
he wanted to. It then turned out
(hat President Wilson knew noth
ing whatever of the unofficial ar
New York, Jan. 4. Thrilled by
their adventures in the clouds and
nnw.lling to return to the routine ot
civilian life, hundreds of American
aviators returning from abroad are
seeking at embassies and legations
m Washington opportunity to de
velop the military and mail air serv
ices of south American countries,
according to a statement tonight by
jfrkials of the Aero Club of America
. Other aviators, it was said, had
aoolied to Cant. Robert A. Bartlett
tor a chance to accompany his ex
pedition to the Arctic regions, nexjt
June, when it is planned to "make
an aerial survey of I the North pole,
while others are eager to participate
in projects for a trans-Atlantic
Paris, Jan. 4.- The persistent rains
have caused a general rise in all the
rivers. The Seine is constantly
swelling and has risen to a degree
that is considered dangerous. The
ijuays and suburbs of Paris are un
, tier water and navigation has almost
Verdict of District Court Ver
ified in Case of John G.
- Arthur vs. Mattie
L Arthur.
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Jan. 4. (Special.) The
supreme court today affirmed the
judgment of the Douglas county dis
trict court in the divorce case
brought by John G. Arthur against
Dr. Mattie L. Arthur.
The plaintiff brought action and
asked tor adjustment of property
rights. Mrs. Arthur filed a cross
petition and asked for a divorce
from plaintiff. The court granted
the plaintiff a divorce and gave judg
ment against the defendant for $1,
500. and the defendant appealed.
The court in its findings holds the
evidence establishes that the de
fendant has been guilty of unpro
voked and extreme cruelty toward
plaintiff, who is about 74 years of
age, while the defendant is 15 years
. Mrs. Arthur is a doctor, while the
plaintiff is a lawyer, and both prac
liced their professions in .Burt
county, Neb., San Diego. Cal., and
Clifford Wolfe Has
Been Released from
German Prison Gimp
Clifford Wolfe, Omaha boy , in a
German prison camp, who has not
heen heard from for a long time, is
an French soil.
Wolfe, son of Mrs. Joseph Bald
rige, was captured by the Germans
ome time before the armistice was
signed, was taken to a prison camp
'.n the interior of Germany and all
:fforts of his relatives, -assisted by
the War department, to locate him
.vere of no avail
Yesterday Mrs. Donald Macrae of
Council Bluffs received a cablegram
from her husband, Col. Donald Mac
rae, that Clifford Wolfe arrived at
Toul, France, January3xsafe and
well. Mr. Wolfe-was married, to
the daughter of Colonel and Mrs
-f" -
Wilson Starts Back to' Paris
After Busy Day in Rome;
Will Visit Genova,
Milan and Turin.
By Associated Press.
Rome- Jan. 4. President Wilson
left Rome for Paris shortly after
9 o'clock tonight with the cheers of
the Roman throng that had gath
ered to witness his departure ringing
in his ears. His visit to the Italian
capital had proved the busiest of
his European trip and it was the
most demonstrative.
The presidential party is not ex
pected to reach Paris until Tuesday
morning as the itinerary provides
for stops at Genoa, Milan and Turin.
The president is represented as
expecting, on his return to the
French capital to find the peace dele
gates up to the point of deciding
upon the first principles of the pro
posed league of nations, thus paving
the way to the disposal of what he
regards as the necessary prelimin
aries to the peace before his return
to the United States about the mid
dle of February.
Calls Upon the Pope.
President Wilson today -was re
ceived at the Vatican by Pope Bene
dict. The president's arrival was an
nounced by the master of the cham
ber to the pope, who awaited the
president in the Jthrone room, where
two gilded arm chairs had been
placed. 'The president was admitted
immediately to the presence of the
pope, who was gowned in white.
On his way to the throne room
the president was accompanied by
a procession, of Vatican servants.
As the president entered the ante
chamber to the papal apartments
he was preceded by the pontifical
chamberlain. Gendarmes in immense
busbys and the palatine guard and
the noble guard in their red tunics
were drawn up to greet him.
In his conversation with President
Wilson the pontiff gave expression
to identical sentiments and enlarged
upon the themes. .In view of the
president's rejection of the papal
peace offer months ago, the recep
tion today was looked forward to
with great interest in all official cir
cles, and the warm greetings ex
changed by president and pontiff
were commented upon with much
satisfaction here. ,
Looks Over Eternal City.
Before going to the Vatican the
president had his first real glimpse
of the hternal City. An early visit
was paid to the Pantheon, where
wreaths were laid upon the tombs
of King Victor Emanuel II and
King, Humbert there, and then the
presidential party motored up the
great hill overlooking Rome, where
stands the imposing monument ot
Garabaldi. -
The president alighted from his
motor car and, standing bareheaded
beside the statue of the great Ital
ian and surrounded by the ruins of
the historic centuries, he looked
over the city lying below, crowned
by the dome of St. Peter's, and with
the Vatican gardens spread out De
fore him. In the distance the
broken columns of the old Forum
and the tumbled walls of the Colis
eum were visible.
President Wilson viewed the im
pressive scene silently tor several
moments and then went on to the
round of his day's activities.
Of these his attendance at a meet
ing of the Royal Academy of science
and luncheon at the American em
bassy came before the carrying out
of the most important part of the
program for today.
Pope Talks With Reporters.
While these earlier functions were
n progress Pce Benedict was giv
ing audience to a delegation of
American newspapermen to whom
he expressed the greatest hopes for
lasting peace, his appreciation ot
(Continued on Par Elcht, Column Five.)
Detention Home
Inmates Allege
Cruel Treatment
Pope Give 8 Wilson
Mosaic of St. Peter
Valued at $40000
Rome, Jan. 4,Pope Benedict
today presented to President Wil
son a handsome mosaic reproduc
ing Guido Reni's famous picture of
St. Peter. '.The mosaic was made
in the Vatican grounds by the an
cient mosaic factory of the Vatican
and is a yard square. The mosaic
has been valued at $40,000.
Cardinal Gasparri, the papal sec
retary of state, presented Presi
dent Wilson with two copies of the
modification of the canon law com
piled by Cardinal Gasparri. .One
copy is bound in white parchment
and contains an autographed dedi
cation to President Wilson. The
other is in red leather and bears
the following autograph: "Homage
to Princeton University from
Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Vatican,
President Wilson thanked the
pope and Cardinal Gasparri heart
ily for their gifts.
'ill Make No Statement as
to Plans Further Than Ex
pression That Award
Is Benefit.
Charges of cruel treatment of in
mates of the Detention hospital,
Twenty-second and St. Marys ave
nue, were made orally by Mrs. Atgnes
Miller. 617 North Seventeenth street,
and Ruth Morrison, 805 North
Twentieth street, last night against
Alta Gerber, superintendent of the
hospital, and other workers there.
A not was started within the hos- leach song brought
pital that grew out of the alleged
treatment received by the inmates
It was reported that Miss Gerber
was injured when she sought to qu'et
the inmates, who had 'emonstrated
frantically against the treatment.
Omaha street carmen feel they
have made progress in their con
troversy with fthe ' company before
the Federal War Labor board.
Following the two days' session
before joint Chairmen Taft and
Manly of the war labor board, the
executive committee of the street
car employes' union met at the
Labor Temple yesterday morning,
and during the afternoon and eve
ning held a continuous session with
the employes.
Union leaders did not commit
themselves on what steps they would
take in case they were not success
ful in their negotiations with the
company between now and February
h- when the contract with the war
labdr'board expires. They feel con
fident, however, that the differences
can be adjusted.
May Bargain Collectively.
T. P. Reynolds, president of the
State Federation of Labor, attended
the meetif.g. and when asked his
opinion of the war labor board de
cision handed down by Taft and
Manly said: "The real victory for
the union is the right of the or
ganization through chosen commit
tees of the organization to bargain
collectively with their employers."
The two points in the decision of
Joint Chairmen Taft and Manly
which the men considered most
favorable to them were:
"The rules of this board require
that no obstacle or interference
should be offered by the company
to the organization of men in the
unions, or the affiliation of the local
union with the national union."
Also the part of the decision which
"We think that, due to the pride
of the men in their union and or
ganization, and the technical sensi
tiveness of the employer, many
troubles have arisen that might have
(Continued on Pace Eight, Column Three.)
Report Received That U. S.
Rail Administration to
Investigate Court
Following the report received ir
Omaha yesterday that an investi
gation will be made by the United
States Railway Administration into
court proceedings here, affecting
railway property, is the information
that this action is based upon a re
port made sometime ago by the
Association of Railway Special
Agents, of the central west, to W.
J. Flynn, chief of the secret service
of the United States railway admin
From reliable sources it is learn
ed that the report is a lengthy.
document, dealing with the various
cases. The opening paragraph, the
cases. In the opening paragraph, the
report declares it is made "on
account of the numerous complaints
relative to the results obtained in
the U. S. district court for the dis
trict of Nebraska presided over by
Judge J. W. Woodrough."
Send Mitchell to Omaha.
According to officials of the As
sociation of Railway Special Agents,
soon after the government took over
the railroads, Phillip J. Doherty was
made head of the department for
property protection, and sent R. S.
Mitchell, a special represenjative,
to Omaha, who called upon Geo. L.
German, . assistant chief special
agent for the Burlington lines, and
also president of the Association of
Special Agents, and asked for
complete information as to the
handling of railroad cases in police,
state and federal courts. Before the
investigation was made and report
mailed,. Mr. Doherty had been made
counsel for property protection, and
W. J. Flynn, formerly head of the
United States secret service, was
made chief of the secret service for
the United States railway adminis
tration, so the report was sent to
Mr. Flynn.
After R. S. Mitchell's visit, the
Association of Railway Special
Agents appointed a law committee
with instructions to make a .report
of cases handled in the federal court
before Judge Woodrough.
Report Maildd to Flynn.
Geo. L. German of the Burlington,
when asked if such a report had
been, mailed to Flynn, said:
"Yes, it was made by the law com
mittee and presented to the associa
tion, and the committee with th?
president forwarded it to Washing
ton. The law committee was for the
purpose of looking after the hand
ling of railroad cases in the police,
state and federal courts. Mr. Do
herty at that time, through a re
(Contlmied on Page Eight, Column Four.)
Pretty Little Queen of the
. Movies Visiting Old Home
Will She Turn
" N '
u, ; i f
Americans, Outnumbered at
Kadish Nearly Three to
One, Have Fought Five
Days in Extreme Cold.
Georgia Bess Pembleton, an
Omaha Child, is Featured
in Late Helen Keller
Screen Feature.
Omaha talent in the form of danc
ing and dramatic character work has
attracted the personal attention of
film directors on the Pacific coast.
Little Georgia Bess Pembleton, 6- i
year-old daughter of Mrs. Lillian
Pembleton, who lived formerly a;
3153 Farnam street, is the fortunate
young miss. ,
Following a "try-out" before the
camera, petit Georgia Bess was sin
gled out from among 500 , child
movie actresses to play the 'eading
child part in Helen Keller's late
picture, which will soon be shown
in Omaha.
Her new evolutions in child danc
ing and her striking grace in char
acter work has earned for her po
sitions in other movie plays as well
Before long she will appear ;n the
screen in a series of pictures enti
tied "A Kid's Luck." The entire
series is constructed upon the do
ings ot small children.
During the , fourth Liberty loan
campaign, little Oeorgia cess was
the means of selling more, than
$50,000 worth of .bonds in southern
California through her gifted sing
ing and artistic dancing. Georgia
Bess sang for patriotic crowds until
he baby voice almost gave way. But
multitudes" of
buyers to her booth in Los Angeles
Aside from appearing in movies
and aiding the Liberty loin com
mittee, she helped also to swell the
funds of the Red Cross. Thousands
of Omahans remember Georgia
Bess as the little dancing girl who
favored noonday crowds with her
clever work and singing during past
Liberty loan campaigns.
Much of her talent is inherited
from her mother, Mrs. Lillian Pem
bleton, who also has appeared be
fore the movie camera in roles of
character work.
The mother and Georgia Bess are
in Omaha for a few weeks pjrior to
their departure to New York, where
further pictures will be taken of
Archangel, Jan. 4.Fighting in
the village of Kadish, which was re
captured by the American forces
December 30, is continuing. The
American artillery has moved up
slightly and is almost continually
shelling the enemy. ' There have
been numerous outpost encounters
in the trick woods bordering on the
Petrograd road.
The bolshevik force outnumbers
the Americans nearly three to one
and is seeking to outflank them, but
the American soldiers though tired
after five days and nights of fight
ing activity in the extreme cold, are
bearing up splendidly. The battle
is largely a question of endurance
in the Arctic weather. 1
Now and then in the course of
the fighting the Americans encounter
hidden machine gun positions in the
woods along the road. One of these
held out for five hours until the
Americans, advancing step by step
or crawling in the snow, succeeded
in flanking it.
Dark at 3 p. m.
There is some respite with dark
ness, which descends at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, but the shelling at
night is making serious the matter
of the transport of munitions and
provisions along the high road in
sleighs or on men's backs through
the forest. The Russian peasant
drivers of these sleighs, stricken
with fear, in some instances, turned
and bolted, only to be forced to
proceed by American soldiers.
The American trench mortars are
doing splendid work. On the
Vologda railway front the bolshe
viki shelling continues. American
patrols are encountering the enemy,
in the Onega sector, where it is
considered probable that the Ameri
can forces may withdraw from the
exposed positions to one of the
captured villages.
Transport Pocahontas
Arrives in Port With
Soldiers of Nebraska
Newport News, Jan. 4 Bringing
2,850 officers and men from the
American overseas forces the trans
port Pocahontas reached here to
night from France. In addition to
thr One Hundred and Twenty-sixth
and Three Hundred and Thirty
eighth regiments of field artillery
the One Hundredth ammunition
train and the One Hundred and Sixty-third
brigade, all of the Eighty
eighth division in France, the Po
cahontas has aboard 30 wounded or
sick officers, 13 casual officers and
191 enlisted casuals. The transport
reached the harbor too late to be
docked tonight, but will dock, early
tomorrow and debark her passen
gers. ;
More than 300 Nebraska boys,
members of the Three Hundred
and Thirty-eighth regiment, are on
the steamship Pocahontos, - which
sailed from Brest, France. Decem
ber 24- .
Big Task Faces Gus Hyers,
Nebraska "Booze Sleuth
To Make State "Bone Dry
Former Lancaster County Sfteriff Serves Notice on
Bootleggers Traffic Must Stop ; Organized: Gangs
of Adventuresome Men and Women Will
Oppose His Fight for Dry State.
Cleaning the Augean stable, or finding the needle in the
haystack, will be child's play compared to the task set for
himself by Gus Hyers, former Lancaster county sheriff, .and
now chief state officer for the enforcement of the prohibition
law under Governor McKelvie. He will begin work in a
few days and has promised to make Douglas county and the
whole of the state of Nebraska "bone dry," and cites Lancas
ter county as an example of his efficiency.
Here are some of the things he will have to do :
Put out of business the hundred or more reckless and
adventurous bootleggers who have systematically done busi
ness in Omaha and in all parts of the state without detection
or prosecution since the fateful "first of May," when the law
went into effect.
Capture and confiscate the fleets of high-powered cars
used in the business of transporting huge cargoes of booze
from Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Joseph and Kansas City.
Close up all the underground railway systems used as
booze routes and uncover the "blind" ferries over bridges and
guarded rivers that have, to be crossed.
Break up the secret spy system by which whisky
bandits are advised of the location and activities of the offi
cers of the law. .
Abolish the hundreds of distributing agencies in cities
and towns by which the booze is retailed as well as put a stop
to the manufacture of home-made beers and wines. ,
Contend with the elements of human nature that impel
otherwise good citizens to shield the bootlegger and his
Outwit some of the most reckless, resourceful and adven
turous men and women in the state, who have taken up the
vocation of whisky bandits f6r the profits and excitement of
the game. .
(Continued on Tmgt Seven, Column One.)
Iowa G
Investigation into
Soldiers' Treatment
Des Moines, Jan. 4.--Gov. W. L.
Harding today telegraphed Secre
tary Baker and Senators Kenyon
and Cummins requesting an investi
gation of complaints of the treat
ment accorded Iowa soldiers re
turned from abroad and those Jn
domestic camps.
The governor forwarded a tele
gram received from Estherville,
signed by 10 persons with soldier
sons from overseas now at Camp
Dix, who, the parents charge, "are
suffering from cold and hunger,
want of care and cannot be reached
by mail, telegraph or money."
In his telegram to Secretary Baker
the governor says: "I call this to
your attention, trusting that it may
have immediate consideration. I
am confident this complaint is well
A letter of complaint from a group
of lowans at Camp Pike was made
public by the governor. It asserts
lowans were discriminated against
in the discharge of enlisted men.
Two American Destroyers ?
Enter the Port of Danzig
Basle, Jan. 4. (Havas.) The
American destroyers Wickes and
Aylwin have entered the - port of
Danzig, German Poland, according
to advices from that place.
U.S. Court Orders K.C.
Railways to Restore
Normal Car Service
Kansas City,. Mo., Jan. 4. Judge
John C. Bollock of the federal court
for the district of Kansas this af
ternoon ordered Philip . J. Kealy,
president of the Kansas City Rail
ways company; to see. that normal
street car service, hampered for
nearly a month by a-strike of car
men, be restored to normal in Kan
sas City, Kan., without failure by
The court's action followed a re
port from O. T. Wood, United States
marshal for Kansas, that the com
pany had on duty today only 141
men for operating cars, whereas the
normal number would be near 400.
A new restraining order against
the strikers was asked today in the
federal court of Kansas City, Mo.,
by C'yde Taylor, general counsel
for the railways company, when he
presented to Judge Arba S. Van
Valkenburgh a petition brought in
the name of the Continental Com
mercial Trust and Savings Company
of Chicago, holder of the first
mortgages of the company.
Mrs. Plummer Married.
Chicago,- Jan. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) A marriage license was is
sued here today to Herbert Shamp
of Chicag and Mn. Mayme Plum
mer of Omaha. v.
of mm
: iter- t
William Barnes Near Onaw
Found Dead With Bodies of
Wilbur Johnson Fam- !
ily Around Him.
r. mi
w . m
r i
1 VS
babe iiv
of tbL
he din-(
Onawa, la., Jan. 4. (Special Telel
gram.) William Barnes, a farmcA
living on an island seven miles be-V
low Onawa, Friday night killed fivv
members of the family of Wilbur
Johnson, residents of the island, and
then took his own life. The persons, j
killed were: -r
Wilbur Johnson, SO years old. , c
Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, 48 years ',;
Old y!
A son, 9 years old.
Mrs. Jones, their daughter, aged
20 years.
Three-year-old sort of "Mrs.
Barnes last September lett.ynaws
with the daughter, Mrs. Jones, who
has been separated from her hus
band for some months. They re
turned later, but bitterness existed
between Barnes and the Johnson
tarhily ever since.
Friday afternoon Barnes borrowed
a shotgun in Decatur, saying that he
was going to the island, to hunt
rabbits. He rode to within a short
distance of the Johnson home with
two young men who had been haul
ing wood, arriving there about .
o'clock in the eveninsr. Indication
are that he went directly to i M
house after leaving the men.- Cl J
Shot Through Window. jl
It is thought that Mr. and Mj
Johnson were shot through a 'w?
dow. Mrs. Tones was the onlv mn
bef of the family who-was iabi
at the tim of. the., murders,
having been sick with influenza.
Indications show that after sh
ing Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Bai
passed into the house, meeting
son in the dining room, where
parents were killed.
After shooting the son it
thought that he passed into" the bed
room, where the daughter was, kill
ing her and her 3-year-old babe
tne bed.
After killinor the members
tamilv. Barnes sat down in the
ing room, removed his left shoe, ant ;
wun nis roe on me trigger neia
muzzle of the Run - between
knees, shooting himself in the head
Daughter Killed Self.
Barnes, who has been a widower
for over a year, lived in one of the
several houses on the island, which
contains about 1,400 acres.' Ther
was some mystery about the deat
of his wife, and after she died h
17-year-old daughter kept house f
him on the island tin till shnnt
year aaro. when she committed 5W
cide by drinking poison. Suspiciot
and there was strong talk of lyncl
ing carnes, according to Sher
Harlow of Monona countv. h
cooler heads prevailed and nothb
was done at the time. , j
j Barnes, who had only one ar! !
was noted as an expert shot and
Said to have tnent th trrit. n.
of his time while at home huntiqC)
In addition to being unsuccessf
in, the suit for, Mrs. Jones' love. , v .
is tnougnt that .Barnes owed Jom.'
son considerable money. . ;
Found by Brother. i '
The tragedy was discovered by a
brother of Johnson, who . lives in 1
Missouri Valley and had gone to
the island for a visit. The brother
arrived in Decatur Friday night and
rode to the island with a neighbor
of Johnson's with whom he was ac-
quainted, staying there over night.
Yesterday morning he' and. the
neighbor, Gilbert by name, went to
the Johnson house between 9 and -10
o clock, finding the bodies upon !
their arrival -.j
Authorities believe that a thor
ough investigation of the tragedy
may reveal additional crimes which
have been committeed by Barnes
during the past 18 months. The bod
ies were taken to Onawa and an in
quest will be held Monday.
Lt. R. B. Howell Granted
Release Papers at Capital
Washington, Jan. 4. (Specii)
Lieut. R. B. Howell, who didn't gel
any farther on sea duty than New
London, Conn., was in Washington
yesterday and was granted hi
papers. Lieut. Howell returned tc
New London last night and expects
to leave for Omaha within a week.
Bank Discounts Increase. -
Washington. Tan. 4. An increas
of more than $100,000,000 in the to. .
tal of discounted bills on hand over
the previous week as shown in the
statement tonight of the 12 federal
reserve banks, as of close of busi
ness, January 3. Gold reserves con
tinued to increase, however and their "
ratio as against the stock of the fed-'
eral reserve notes in circulation gZfr
vanced one per cent to 60.7. . , .,