Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1919. WEST LAWN CEMETERY Beautiful, modern park plan earn. ttn aeeeesible to Oraaha'i beat resi dence section. Family lota on partial payment at timt of burial Telephone Walnut 820 and Dtrag-la, tit. OuMrei automobilt la at roar ervfoa, WEST LAWN CEMETERY Mth and Center. Office 15ta A Harney. Your Liberty Bonds Will be accepted here at full mar ket value in exchange for mer chandise. Hayden Bro. mmmm Butters Bound Ovej to District Court on a Charge of Delinquency Albert Butters, photographer in 1306 North Twenty-fourth street, was charged with aiding and abet ing in the delinquency of children in police court today. He waived preliminary hearing and was bound over to the district court on a $2,000 bond. The comnlaint wa filed bv Leo Rosenthall of the Jewish Welfare board, who alleges that Butters aided in the delinquency of Rosie Lukaski, 2044 North Twenty-second street. The little girl is 13 years of age. Her father has been dead a month. Butters was bound over to the district court on December, 31 on a $2,000 bond. He was charged with having obscene literature in his pos session. He, pleaded guilty to this charge. Police allege that he is connected with a national organization, com posed largely of photographers, who prey on the minds of the youth by the use of obscene pictures and literature. Seek Judgment of $3,000 on Heal Estate Mortgage Hiram H. Itnyer filed suit against Alex and Annie Grant and Armour Packing company to recover judg ment for $3,000 on a real estate mort gage. The Armour company also has a judgment against the prop erty, but the plaintiff alleges that the lien of this judgment is subject to his lien. 4 iulalae That Data Not Alfert Heat ItoruiM of lta tonla and Uxttlia effect LAXATIVE imaxtn oitinixk iTiblftsI ran b ultra br ew- tm without causinf neirousness or ring In the i A rfi i. 1 T nn n1CnA V! IV nfin. inn. i. iwu i'iww i.".' - " OROVT8 i mature on the box. Stle. Adr. I i I m m its n "'"''''iiwiiniiMUUiiiiillt.i.lWtatl HtllUJH IIUdJItmimi-UlHimil-' ..lli.tmiini.lliHiiiiH IW..IN iHIIIWMiWIttiltii.llltWiltlUMW w...imi .i.i.i...i..n" - , ff.3 U Vz Off Our Entire Stock Vs SWEEPING REDUCTIONS I that carry away all profit, but we know they'll reduce our stock to normal, and provide clothing lor hundreds at a saving beyond one's expectations-that's the reason for our , big; interesting and stupendous our entire stock of Men's and Young Men's CLOTHING Furnishings. Shoes, etc. has felt the effect of the price shears nothing omitted all must be sold Sale Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats priced Joreasy buying and quick selling $20 and $22.50 Suits and Over- fc 1 J. 7C coats, now plt I o $25 and $27.50 Suits and Over- vtfc 1 7 JC coats, now P $30 Suits and Overcoats, ' $19 75 $35 and $87.50 Suits and Over- ioA 7C coats, now. v. 1 -V $40 and $45 Suits and Over- k9Q AC coats, now: JetaWKJ - Men's Furnishings ShirU, Soft and Stiff Cuf f 98c $1.48 All $1.50 Shirts now All $2.50 Shirts now All $3 and $3.50 (1 AO Shirts now . . . . .9l&0. All $1 Blue Cham- 7C bray Working Shirts All $5 and $6 Army t?9 AO Flannel Shirts, now All $3.50 and $4.00 tfO yQ Flannel Shirts, now p.40 Our Entire Stock' of Boys' and Children's , Suits and Overcoats to be Sold at y$ Former Price, Nothing Reserved All $0:00 Suits and O'coats, now . $3.98 All $7.50 Suits'arid O'coats, now. $498 ' All $9.00 Suits and O'coats, now. $5.98 All $10.00 Suits and O'coats, now $6.98 All $12.50 and $15 Suits an O'coats, now $8.98 fa 500 Dozen Men's Hose Per Pr J2c Men's Neckwear almost given away All $1.50 Neckwear, now $1.00 All $1.00 Neckwear, now 50c All 50c Neckwear, now 35c All 35c Neckwear, now 19c Men's Shoes-Values Unparalleled You need look no further, as we have placed all our $5 and $6 shoes in one lot and marked aSr$3.48 Men's Odd Trousers in heavy weights for winter wear. Now B that cold "weather is with us, every man jj should be fortified with an extra pair of H trousers. , i J I All our $2.50 Trousers, now. $1.48 All our $3.00 Trousers, now $1.98 All our $3.50 Trousers, now. . . . ,$2.48 All our $4.00 Trousers, xiow.' $2.98 All our $5.00 Trousers, now. . . . .$3.48 All our $6.50 Trousers, now. .". . .$4.48 Men's Union Suits in sizes for both the slight and stout person. CZECHOSLOVAKS STILL HOLD ALL FRONTS IN UFA Thousands of Russian Fugi tives Joining Organizations in Finland for Offensive Against Bolsheviki. - Washington, Jan. 3. Czechoslo vak and co-operating Russian troops are still holding all fronts in the Ufa region, according to in formation 1 reaching the State de partment today. English armored trains end French troops were sent from Ufa to support the extreme fronts. On December 26. a belated dis patch says, bolshevik forces broke through the line at Binsk, 25 miles from Ufa, but no red guards at that time had appeared at Ufa. Between the 26th and 28th of December the Siberian army at Perm had taken 31,000 prisoners, 120 guns, a large number of machine guns, 30 auto mobiles, nine armored trains and the entire bolshevik supply train. The entire loss of the red army, ac ccrditf thest estimat ed at 90,000. The Russia tnne4er in charge of the Siberian awwy was Lieutenant General Pepiliev, 28' years old, who was a private sol dier when the European war began. Swedish press -reports fro Hel singsfors state that great enthus iasm prevails there in support of the relief enterprise for Esthonia, 10,000 volunteers have registered, and the first expedition having left for Es thonia, December 30. Thousands of bourgeoise Russian fugitives are ar riving in Finland to form troop de tachments for an offensive against the bolsheiki. , Reports from Reval say Esthon ian ships- bombarded and silenced enemy batteries in the villages of Kolga and Wakko and detachments landed and cleared the peninsulas of Jumindan and Aperi'spea The result of municipal elections at Vladivostok December 29, ac cording to a report reaching the State department today, resulted in a victory for the nonsocialist ele ment, which gained a full majority of the municipal council. Man Who Robbed Baggage Sentenced to State Prison North Platte, Neb., Jan. 3. (Spe cial Telegram.) Chester If. Smith, who was arrested several weeks age for robbing a U. P. baggage car of which he was -Jn charge and claimed that he Trad been struck with an iron barjnd robbed, pleaded guilty of the theft in district court this week and received a sentence in the penitenitiary of from one to cvn vara Smith is 21 vears of Lage and was a resident of Eddyville. Norfolk Boy Reported Killed in Action, Oct. 8 Norfolk, Neb., Jan. -3. (Special Telegram.) Henry Winter of Nor folk, who was reported missing in action October 8th, is reported in an official telegram today as having been killed in action. , Iowan Honored by Gideons. Chicago, Jan. 3. Announcement of the election of A. B. T Moore of Cedar Rapids, la., as naflonal sec retary of the Gideon society was made here today. AMUSEMENTS u . Mat. Today 25c-50c Tonight Last Tim All $2.50 Union Suits, now $1.98 All $3.50 Union Suits, now. $2.48 All $5.00 Union Suits, now $3.98 All $7.50 Union Suits, now .... .$4.98 II CLOTHING COMPANY hy coR.i4a &DouoiASy 1 Vau i,imWBMBnnmwmmmBHBBtKtimmmmmmmmmmfrmmmmm CIOTHINO COMPANY tt & DOUGLAS ROSE MELVILLE'S BIG SUCCESS "SIS HOPKINS" Nitea, 50c-75c-t.00 ONE WEEK Beginning' Tomorrow . Matt. Sun., Wed. and Sat. HARRY, CLAY BLANEY'S Lateat Comedy Succe "The Uokfssed Bride" If you laughed at "Twin Beds" and "Fair and Warmer," you'll yell at this one Mats., 25c-50c. Nitaa. 50o7Bc-$1.00 Phono Doug Iaa 494. Superior Vaudeville. s Laat Two Timea. WILBUR MACK CO., "MARRIED via WIRELESS;" DAISY N ELLIS and Currant BUI. MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Early Curtain TONIGHT at 8 Next Week Leona La Mar; Henry B. Toonter St Co.; Tba Miaaaa Campbell and Excellent BUI. , I . Council of' Defense Handled tyany Cases During Term of Office - From t Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Jan. 2. (Special.) In dosmg its duties the state council of defense has prepared its report in which it sets "forth the work per formed during its term of office. During the life of the council numerous cases of sedition and dis loyalty on the part of alien enemies were deait with. This was espe cially the case during the fore p'art of the war. These cases were prin cipally mushroom socialists; for eign born people whose 'Americani zation has been neglected; advocates of internationalism; clergymen of foreign soul and body, and many others who failed to adjust their; thoughts and action! to the standard demanded of American citizenship. As tM work of the council progress ed the need of a more stringent sedi tion law became urgent, and such t law was passed at a special session of the legislature in April, 1918. Credit is given by the council for efficient co-operation on the part of many associations, especially the women's committees under the jur isdiction of Prof. Sarka B. Hrbkova of Lincoln. Negro Bound to District Court on Murder Charge Vnrth Nph Tan .VfSnff- cfrl Telegram.) Amos Bush, col ord. whn wa arrested Sundav. charged with the killing of George rirs also colored, at ms preliminary hearing in the county court this aflrnnnri was bound over to the district court without bond. Milton Prown, colored, who was arrested last week for stealing a $700 diamond ring from rooms m the Liberty Inn, was tried this afternoon in county court and bound over to the district court on $2,000 bond. Mexican Laborer Killed by Son of Fellow Workman North Platte, Neb., Jan. 3. (Spe cial Telegram.) Eusilio . Tone, a Mexican labor of Hershey, was ac cidently killed this afternoon by the 12-vpar-nM son of a fellow laborer. Thv were nrenarinor for hunting trip and Tone had loaded a gun and handed it to the boy who was ex amining the trigger when the gun was discharged. . PHOTO-PLATS. TODAY Laat Four Time I, 3, 7, 9 P. M. "The Unbeliever" An Edlaon Super-Feature Balcony, 15c. Orcheatra, 28c. Sunday: Mildred Harrie (Mra. Charlie Chaplin) in "BORROWED CLOTHES" WILLIAM in "THE RAINBOW TRAL" fbtai M Presents' If BitCE IN "Too Many Millions." MKnHaSaWaBKasaaaaaaK i i m A law k ft 1 1 l J f aaaar v bbbb aaa wwm m m w m Liu II LM Tl aaJkkU -TWO SHOWS IN ONE Ravue Da Vofue Mualcal Comedy 3 And Three Other Acta EMMY WEHLEN In "Hie Bonded Wile." "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Dally Mata. 1S-2S-50C Evnfa. 25-S0-7Sc-$t Jacoba and Jfrroon'a La teat Crase, The Sporting Widows burlesque la Mirthful Mualcal Myth. Uerrw fAAnav And a Clever Coterie of nirrj tOOper us0CUte.; many favor, itea. Beauty Chorua of Widow a Craaa, War and Otherwiae. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS HAVE YOU SEEN THE CANNIBALS OF THE SOUTH SEA ISLES AT THE MUSE 3 Spcctacle Ever Filmed am rii)m A f r?eMtNDOu5 TALE OF FAST HOPSfS. PLYING RSTS BcAUTIFUL WOMEN, NOW PROOUCCO WITH ALL THfr WORLD FOR ITS STACC- J. rTSSOMErWNC EMTtRCLY CHmREMT FROM TUB USUAL SCREEN PRESENTATION -jiff ,rf.,, HOTEL FONTENELLE TEA DANCES " Saturday Afternoons, A to 6 , SUPEER DANCES l Monday and Saturday Evenings, 11 to 12:30 "Barf Suit! Me" Overcoat rind Suit 3&le Savings here now you can't afford to miss. We are featuring values now, just before inventory that will really surprise you. The reputation of our clothing is too thoroughly known to go into lengthy descriptions. We simply state that all broken lines of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoat models that sold from $22.50 to $35.00 are now marked at two special prices 18.75 and A great number of these fine garments are the celebrated make of The House of Kuppenheimer Underwear Sale s- All Winter Underwear, union v.. and two-piece styles, cotton, wool and mixtures. Surjerior and Vas- sar makes, are now offered you -5 at 20 Per cent Discount - The high cost of cotton and woolen yarns and the big advanca of the finished garments should malts this offer interesting. 1415 Farnam Street f3 . r- I I Ismail Dressy SHOES mad not alone) for com fort and look, but wear in hard erric aa well- yea, and of carefully lected and tanned leath er.. All at FRY Prices which - mean a saving la foot-wear at all timet. Men find an equal aatU faction la buying their hoes here. SHOBCQ J Your PIANOS Household Goods, etc. will be safe in our FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, and the cost of storage is cheaper than rent. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. Phone Douglas 4163 806 So. 16th St Your Liberty Bonds WiU be accepted here at full mar ket value in exchange for mer chandise. Harden Bro. WEST LAWN CEMETERY Beautiful, modern park plan ceme tery aeeeaaihle to Omnha'e beat resi dence eection. Family lota on partial payment at time of burial Telephone Walnut 820 and Douflae R29. Our free automobile la at your aervice. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Mth and Center. Office 15th Harney. Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. IIW, XX2Zi, I'ECfi tlesinol surely did relieve that eczemai Pack up some Resinol Ointment in ' his "old kit bag." Nothing is too good for him, and he will need it "over there'' where exposure, vermin, con tagions, and the exigencies of a soldier's life cause all sorts of skin irritation, itching, sore feet and suffering. Retlnol Ointment itopa itchtnt aJmoet Instantly. It heali little eorea before they can become eta onaa. It assures akin comfort. Ftr taU h M dnltrt. ,