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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1919)
V V W OMEN'S White Host ' ery in thread Bilk, llsla tops and lisle soles, heel3 and toes; medium heavy, good quality, .all sizes; a pair, !1 Sfile of White Hosiery WOMEN'S MUlte Llbfc VY The Brandeis Special and other makes, full fash ioned, double heels, toes and soles, a pair,. - 69 Main Fluor. rUIIlDREX'S White lisle hose, In all sizes, 6 to 34, extra value, fine rib bed. Specially priced at, a Pair, 35d firandas Stores Handkerchiefs in White UTEN'S and Women's Handkerchiefs, pure Irish linen, all desirable sizes, neatly hemstitched, each, 25d TI70MEYS beautiful Ma ' deira Handkerchiefs, pure linen, embroidered corner designs and scal loped hand embroidered edges, each 50 Main Floor. TV If EX'S and Wor.en's Handkerchiefs, lawn and shamrock cloth, initial and other fancy designs, all very fine quality, at, each, SH Mark Down of Furs A sale of Furs that will yield you rich retitrns in saving, service and satisfaction. All Fur Coats, Coatees And Children's Fur Sets One-Third Off Regular Selling Price Ik.- $450 Hudson Seal Coat, trimmed in BlackWorvrv Lynx, now P)UU $395 High-Grade Hudson Seal Coat, splendid model special, now 263.34 $250 Select Grade Raccoon Coat, beautifully silk lined, special, now 166.67 $85 Hudson special, now Seal Coatee, 56.67 The Greater Part of Our Splendid Stock of s. High-Grade Furs Haa been reduced In price greatly for this sale. These lots include the finest Foxes, Wolfs, Moleskins, Beaver,. Mink, Raccoon, Marten, Hudson Seal, Lynx, etc. Special groups at 9.95. 14.95. 25.00. 32.50. 45.00 Second Floor. Girl's Coats and Dresses Radically Reduced in Price Saturday ALL OF these were originally much higher priced and those whore familiar with our stock will quickly real ize this is a rare opportunity to procure a girl's coat or dress at a big reduction. Coat Values From 17.50 to 20.00, at 12.50 Fine quality of Velour, Pom Pom, Zibeline, Cheviot. Some tai lored, others more dressy models. Also many with the large Fur collars so popular now. t N Dress Values from 13.50 to 19.50, at 10.95 Materials: Serge and Silk. Dark, practical shades, trimmed with attractive trimmings. Shown in two-piece styles, Eaton, straight lines, new round neck. - Dress Values from 8.50 to 12.50, at 6.95 Girls' Serge Dresses, made of fine quality Serge nicely finished; high and formal waist lines, attractive belts and pockets. Colors: Red, ;Navy, Brown. All sizes. Second Floor. $5, Girls' Serge Dresses, practical styles, at 3.50 DRUG SECTION Tlypto Ointment, 50c size, at 33d.- , Sal Hepatica, 1-20 size, at 9Sd. Derma Tiva liquid Face Powder, 50c sie, 39. Benioin and Almond Cream. 35c size, 19. Jap Rose Face Towder, 50c size, at 29fr. Abonita Vanishing Cream, 35c size, at 194. Sempre Glotene, 60c size, . at 49d. Milkweed Cream, 60c size, at 39. Lyon's Tooth Powder, 26c size, at 19d. Palm Olive Shampoo, 50c size, at 394. rwo-quart Fountain Sy ringe, 1.19 value, 89d. Rubber CIotcs, heavy qual ity, special, at 69. Plnaud's Eau de Quinine, 1.25 size, at 894. Physician's and Surgeon's Soap, per cake, 76, Essex Peroxide, cake, 84 Cocoa Castile Soap, per cake, 84. Olivtlo Soap, cake, St, Bath Tablets, at 64. Kirk's Elder Flower Soap, at 10S Main Floor Suits Atout Half Price Wonderful Values on Sale Saturday TJ ANDSOMELY tailored, high-grade Suits, splendid mod 1 els, suitable for early spring wear, the finest of mate rial used; both smartly plain and fur trimmed, some richly trimmed with braid I all the season's most modish shades. For women, misses and some stouts. In Three Large Lots 22.50 to 30.00 Suits now 14.75 35.00 to 45.00 Suits now 19.75 Second Floor 59.00 to 75.00 Suits now 33.75 Clearance of Women's Shoes Hundreds of Pairs of Women's Shoes, qp former values to 12.00. Clearance Sale Q rS Price, per pair s ' vyvy The assortment consists ol black lridskinbrown kid with cloth tops to match, field mouse gray with cloth tops gray with cloth tops, brown calf skin; welted soles and Cuban Military or Walk- nr ing Heels. Choice, a pair O.oO Some odds and ends of Ladies' Rubbers in high and low heels, most all sizes. For Saturday s Qr Sale, at, per pair Main Floor. Boys' Two-Pants Suits at Reductions Scores of smart styles to select from; many have double seat and knee features. 25.00 Suits at 20.00 20.00 Suits at 16.50 15.00 Suits at 12.50 12.50 Suits at 9.50 10.00 Suits at 7.75 Second Floor, Men's Store. Boys' Mackinaws Hundreds of coats that have been selling as high as 12.50, in one big selling lot Saturday at 6.85 Flannel Blouses and Flannel Shirts, 1.69 Regular selling v price, 1.95 and 2.50. Hundreds of them left; all highest grade flannels with two flap breast pockets. Col ors: light grey, olive drab, dark grey and khaki. All sizes. Shirts or Blouses at 1.69 Odd Pants Sale Pants in dark drab velvet corduroy and mixtures. These are odd pants from our two-pant suits. Hundreds of them, every pair the same caliber of tailoring as the best suit pants. Best quality fab rics, quality linings and trim mings. Splendid opportunity to -match up your son's old coat All sizes. Supply your future needs .1 ZQ now; pair at J. U Boys' Overcoats . At big reductions. Lots of them left, every coat marked down to a pricing that means' realsaving. Boys' 2.50 and 3.00' Sweaters, at 1.89 4 Here is a splendid as sortment of real Boy Sweaters at a great price reduction. Coat styles in greys, blues and maroons. Pull-over styles in Jer seys, pure all-wool stripjr" effects. Sizes for boys 6t every age, all at 1.89 The January White Sales of Lingerie Reach the Zenith of Appreciable Interest in These Assortments for Saturday HERE is everything one could .wish in Undergarments, daintiness, exquisite styles,, workmanship and fabric quality of that high standard that insures comfort and service. Values are little short of being sensational, for in most every instance prices are below present day market cost. - " Crepe de Chine and Tub Satin Garments Featured in two Groups A wonderful collection of the daintiest Gowns, Skirts and Envelopes. And here arc values so exceptional, vet so typical, that they give the keynote to the whole' sale. ' Group One At 5.98 Tailored or Fancy Skirts with Georgette and lace flouncings, etc.; gowns with dainty fine lace insertions and ribbon fin ishings; envelopes in ribbon strap or high shoulder effects, trimmed with insets of lace or georgette, etc., all in the January White Sales, Saturday special, 5.98 Group Two At 3.98 Of Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin, styles too numerous to mention; lacy, fluffy skirts and gowns,vwith lace insets, or plain effects; the envelopes cut with strap or high pointed shoulders, with ef fective laces and ribbons; all sizes, spe cial, 3.98 Beautiful Envelopes of Crepe de Chine in a Variety of Styles, Special at $2.96 Camisoles Camisoles, made of Wash Satin and Crepe de Chine, trimmed with dainty hand embroidery and effective laces; numerous styles to select from. Priced at 1.35. 1.95 and 2.98 Bloomers Crepe de Chine, Wash Satin and Jersey Silk Bloomers, in plain and lace trimmed, specially priced designs, at 1.98. 2.98 and 3.98 Crepe de Chine Gowns A special feature Saturday is this lot of Crepe de. Chine Gowns, neatly tailored or edged with fish-eye Val lace. Special, while they last, in this sale, Srfowy White Undermuslins THIS showing presents styles in Undermuslins that are unusually attrac tive fashioned of fine, durabl e materials with fine laces, embroid eries ana ribbons. Gowns, Envelopes, Skirts and , Combination S u i t s in assortments , that are truly noteworthy, and it remains only to say that the values are remarkable. All sizes and ,new and lovely styles at the following prices: , , 1.95 -1.35 - 95c and 75c Cotton Crep.e Gowns One big lot of figured and plain Cotton CrepeJowns, in white and pink, trimmed with ribbon bindings and rosettes, in all sizes from 15. to 19, special. lat, at while they lagf 1.95 Philippine Gowns and Envelopes Hand embroidered, all hand sewed, from the plain scalloped to the elaborately embroidered designs, grouped in three lots, at 1.95. 2.95. 3.95 A Group of Corset Covers and Drawers Covers trimmed with lace, embroidery and insertion, in flesh or white, all sizes ; Drawers of Cambric, with tucks y r and embroidery .flouncing, specially priced, Vjf while they last, .in this sale, each, , . ..-White BLOUSES In the January Sale Fascinating, unusual, and original style i ouches are introduced in these blouses that come so fresh and lovely for Saturday's sell ing of the January Sale. Sheer Voiles, Batistes, Dimity and Georgettes New necks, new collars, new cluster of phi tucks, insertions and edgings of lace ciribroideries ; sleeves and cuffs a trifle narrower 3.95,4.95,7.95 SktlPi'Mfll dozen smart new Waist OyCvlul models, in white .voile and batiste all white, some touches of color on collars or cuffs very pleasing de-V signs; made to sell regularly for $2.50. January Sale -J QE" Price loOJ tlPPinl ou'U wonder when yju see kjpCVlal tnese chic 2md dainty Waists how we can sell them at this price. Splendid sheer plain crossbar or, striped batiste Waists with embroidered or lace trimmed collars, front and cuffs; also plain white madras tailored .Waists, so stvlish. All sizes 1.25 to 1.5U models at, sale price Second Floor. i l One group of high class lingerie in Jt Jb) m Prcno Ho China M'oV, C.,,n J ' V 'Ml tTlkfl JUrfifj 1 ; Georgette Crepe. Garments ranging in JkI 9 price from 12.50 to 27.50, specially- PfW jr priced at 8.75 to 14.75 r Third . VX X Floor. ' x Conspicuously Noteworthy is this Sale of Corsets N UNUSUAL selling of Corsets for Saturday. Popular makes and models way under regular selling price. These Corsets are also particularly desirable because they arc made of fine materials not obtainable at present. Each of the following items merit your undivided attention: 1 85c i o ait 5.00 Third Floor LOW and Medium Top Corsets, long over the hips, made ol: handsome white Silk Broche, and imported coutils in Pink and White. Tnese Dorset s are ill Walohn filled. Special, at LA VIDA Corsets, in white and pink -figured coutil, girdle top, long over hip. These corsets have the Excelon bon ing which means comfort and durability, at 3.45 WARNER'S Corsets, in high bust style, well boned. Not very long over hip. This is an exceptional -value at . 2.00 Brassieres and Bandaux in Popular Styles, Special, 39c January Underwear Sale Excellent Qualities Savings Worth While 'OMEN'S Italian Vilk vests, with tailored band tops, or bodice top, all sizes, Regular' 2.95 and saie at 1.95 2.75 values, only on W03IEFS Italian silk Envelope Chemises, or Union Suits, daintily trimmed with lace and rib bons, or embroidery fronts. Regular price 5.05 and 5.50 on sale at , 3.05 W OMEN'S Union Suits, . Mercerized Lisle, of Silk i Lisle, low neck, sleeveless, knee or ankle length, regular and extra sizes. Values to 3.00 and ?3.25, now at, each, 1.95 S&TVK less VI (I low Women's Union Suits Wool, or silk and wool, slightly soiled, in low neck and sleeve- or Dutchneck, elbow sleeves, ankle length, regular price 3.95 and 4.25, on sale at WOMEN'S Union Suits, of ' lisle and heavy cotton, neck, sleeveless, ankle or knee length, regular and ex tra sizes. Regular price, 2.25 and 2.00; on sale, each, 1.50 2.69 BOYS' and Girls' Union Salts, M. Knit and Forest Mills, high- neck, 'long sleeve, ankle length, with patented topped buttons, sizes 2 to 12 year?, regular 1.25 to 1.50 values, now, 08C Third Floor. WOMEN'S Lisle Tests, with hand crochet yokes or tailored band tops; regular price 75c and 85c, on sale, 59d WOMEN'S Tests and Pants. Wool or silk and wool, in white or na tural, with high neck or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, regular price, 175, regular sizes, on sale- at, a gar ment, r 1.00 CHILDREN'S Tests and Pants, heavy fleece lined, in peeler and white, high neck, long sleeve, reg ular 75c values, on sale, per garment, 3dt WOMEN'S Union Suits, " heavy cotton and fleece lined, Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, or high neck, long sleeve, ankle length, regular price 1.50 and 1.25, on sale at 98d Knitted Sweaters In a Special Sale Saturday Probably no other offering could be more timely than this, and surely the values deserve yoiir strictest notation. Choice of the Following Assortments: ; "P INE all wool knitted Sweaters, in, rood length, plain or fancy weaves, deep rolling collar, pockets, and belt, in a variety of styles, piam coiors, or iancy coior com binations, in light shades, all sizes. Made to 6ell for 10.00; Special WOMEN'S and Misses' fine T ' heavy knitted Sweate Coats, heavy rope stitch, witi deep, square, high rolling col lars, belt and pockets; in plai or fancy combinations of colors all sizes. A number of styles to choose from. 6.50 and 7.50 values, special and dark I i 6.95 r 7 ' 4.95 n tawas m m Second Floor. af fllilOfi Aj MISSES' Wool Sweater Coats, 1TJ- sizes it to 20 years, heavy weight, in fancy color combina tions, variety of collars and cuffs. 4.00 and 5.00 O QC values,