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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1919)
Tkere it strength eees iUiti ia eur hearts I whkk we rack but little, till the shafts ! Ihw tar pierced Ha fragile dwelling. Must aot earth Ve ml Were her oh are found? Sga We cannot make bargain for blisaaa ' Nor catch thara Ilka (Ilea in a not; And aomatlmaa the thing our Ufa nils see Htlpa mora than tha thing which It gata. SOCIETY . Riet-Brodkey Wedding. - Military - wedding! tre taking rnalty Omaha rnaidt to distant cities to live for the "after the wax" proph eciet are now coming true. A very ftretty home wedding took place Sunday evening when Miss Rose Brodkey, daughter of Mrs. Moiris Brodkey, became the bride of Mr. Samuel A. Rice. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi M. Taxon, in both the Hebrew and English. The- bride wore a white tin georgette gown trimmed in pearls and her only ornament was a string of. pearls. A corsage bouquet of roses and white sweet peas com pleted her costume. , A wedding supper was served fol lowing the ceremony when the guests included immediate relatives. The guests then attended the wed ding reception of the bride's cousin, luts. Essie Brodkey Dan, whose marriage took place the same day and at the some hour. Mrs. Rice wore a very smart traveling suit of dark blue silk velvet trimmed in squirrel with a smalK hat to match. The young couple will make their home in Sioux City, as Mr. Rice has received his honorable dis charge. Out-of-town guests at the wed ding included Mrs. J. Brodkey, Misses Sarah Brodkey and Eva Berg, Misses Tillie and Esther Rice and Messrs. Nathan Horzoff and Joseph Rice, from Sioux City. ' Mrs. Brando Entertains. The brides and the brides-to-be were honored today for Mrs. Marlon Brando was hostess at a most de lightful tea between the hours of 4 and 6 at her home. The honorees were Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, Miss Gladys Roberston and Mrs. John Hanighen, ja. Fragrant narcissus and yellow shaded lights were used on the tea table and in the living room, baskets of pink roses. Mrs. Brando was assisted by Misses Helen Murphy, Betty Robertson, Corinne Elliott and Mesdamcs George Laier and Arthur Walsh. AbOut 75 guests called during the afternoon. ; Dancing at Omaha Club. Directors of the Omaha club have announced that a victrola has been installed in the ladies' dining room where table d'hote dinners are served each evening. Guests art invited to manipulate the dance rec ord themselves and enjoy tl'e pleasure of dancing in the adjoining rooms between courses. i , Quiet Wedding. x ; The marriage of Miss Fay Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. ' Dunn Of Atlantic, la., to Ensign Howard S. Clemenson was solemn ized at the home of Rev. Charles W. Savidge Thursday afternoon The young couple left immediately for New York, where Ensign Clemen son will be stationed for some , Informal Luncheon. Anumber of the younger girls were entertained at an informal luncheon party given by Miss Ver nelle Head at the Blackstone today. MISS Ruth Hamilton entertained a number of the school set at lunch eon at. her home today. Prettiest Mile, Club Affairs. Children's matinee dances will be resumed at the club Saturday after noon. A card party will be given in the evening for the club members. Miss Mitchell Bride of Lieut. Young RedjCross Notes Mr. W. E. Martin, captain of the Red Cross motor corps has issued the, following statement: "For the months of November and December the Red Cross Motor cores' total hours on messenger ser vice for canteen, civilian relief, and other A. R. C. activities, utside aid, military hospitals, 887; mileage 3,918. ," ' - Fourteen reserve cars which are not included in this were called up-, on ior transporting wounded sol diers,' and during the nine days of theiitreet car strike, through the kindness of Colonel Wuest a truck was ienrat 6 a. m. and 8 p. m. to take kitchen helpers to and from the (Red Cross Canteen at Fort Omkna.; . At the meeting of the executive - committee'held Friday in the court -house the ' appointment of Mrs. b. S. Porter . to succeed Mrs Frank Adatnt as chairman of the salvage department was confirmed. The lock quota has now reached 20,950, leaving a balance of 21,600 . pairs. I , i Mm Max Morris, deceased, held an enviable record for knitting, as she had completed ISO pairs of socks beside many tweaters and wristlets, for the" Red Crpss. Mrs. Morris w 72 years old at the time of her death. . Personals T a,i! Hnron who has been confined to his home for the past week jon account of illness, is im proving. Dr. and Mrs. I. C Wood have taken an apartment at the Black ?tone.. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin have tosed their home in Fairacres and v.iirbe at the Blackstone for the vinter. . ..- Judge and Mrs. J. W. Woodrough .. ivill be . at the Blackstone for the vinter. .. . . MrsT G W. Hamilton and Miss ifafian Hamilton will return Satur iay morning from Washington. D. C 1 . . 'Mrs. A. A. Wirt, who has been ill . sith the influenza-, has recovered. I . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Arnoldi. are I making their home for the winter at ' the Wellington Inn. Mrs. Arnoldi 'aJtliss Florence Long before her -narriage, which .occurred last week. Miss Vernelle Head leaves this evening f6r Rosemary Hall, Green wich, Conn., after spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , W. W. Head. , An out-of-town wedding of interest to Omaha friends was that of Miss Lala Mitchell and Lt. Naasson Young, son of Mrs. E. L. Young of Macedonia, la., which took place Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Mitchell, in Lincoln. A color scheme of lavender and pink was used, an improvised altar formed of palms was softly lighted by tall lamps with the laven der and pink shades. White pillars surmounted by baskets filled with pink sweet peas and tied with lavender tulle fotjned an aisle to the altar, white satin ribbons being stretched between by Miss Helen Curtis and Iiss Kath crine Holyoke, who were gowned alike in white gowns, with lavender tulle tjjmmings. The bride, who is of thepetite blonde type, was most attractive in her bridal gown of white satin and long tulle veil. ' She carried a shower bouquet of orchids and sweet peas. Following the ceremony a reception was held, many of the wedding guests coming from Omaha. Both the bride and bridegroom are well known here, as Lieuten ant Young is a brother of Mrs. Eldred Hart and the bride has visited here many times. She was maid of honor at the wedding of Mrs. Rollin Sturdevant, nee Alice Duval. Those who attended the ceremony from Omaha included Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Sturdevant, Mrs. Eldred Hart, Lt. and Mrs. Robert Reasoner, Mrs. George Pratt, Mrs. Fred Snell, Miss Mar garet Young and Lt. Allan Tukey. Lieutenant and Mrs. Young left Tuesday evening for San Antonio, where they will remain until Lieu tenant Young receives his discharge, returning to Omaha to make their home. DREAMLAND ADVENTURE "THE NIGHT FLYER." By DADDY. BMom? TTBL- Eccist JjJifeJ iv IzmaH Gross Household arts vept centtal high school micsl Kitchenette Dinners Getting dinner in a kitchenette that suggests preparing a meal quickly, doesn't it? For the grent army of "kitchenetters" are also a great army of busy people who must have a quickly prepared simple dinner if they are to have any at all. They are the people who de pend almost entirely on canned and ready-cooked foods, plus steak ?nd chops. Baking is done rarely, and then' only on Saturdays or Sundays. I suppose the chief problem is the main dish. One does get tired of the eternal chop and steak even if the price is not prohibitive. In this article I am suggesting some very easily prepared main dishes, none of which require more than 40 minutes coolfing, most of them less. The main dish is, after all, the big prob lem. Some of the main dishes sug gested below are especially good for a kitchenette because they combine meat or its substitute and vegetable. The quantities are sufficient for two or three people. Chicken Potato Thistle. 1 imall can chicken 1 T. fat H c. water 1 T. (lour ft can chicken aoup Salt and pepper, lt needed. 14 e. mashed potato (May ba made the night before.) Make a sauce of the fat, flour, water, chicken soup, and flavoring. Add the chicken cut into pieces. Turn into a greased baking dish, cover with the seasoned mashed potato. Dot the potato with butter and slash criss-crosss with a knife. Brown in the oven.s , ' Scalloped Shrimp and Macaroni. 1 can ehrimp, brok- 1 T. fat en Into bit. , 1 T. flour 1 c. macaroni, brok- H t. salt en Into small pieces. U green pepper 1 c. mills - One-third c. buttsrea crumbs. Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water till tender (usually 15 minutes), drain aild pour cold water over. Make a sauce by melting fat, adding flour, then milk, and stir ring to boiling, being careful not to brown. Put a layer of macaroni in a greased baking dish, . then some shrimp and chopped green pepper. Fill the dish, making macaroni the top layer, pour over the white sauce, and covr,r with crumbs. N Bake in a moderate oven 20 minutes. Bits of boiled ham (c.) may be used in stead of the. shrimp if desired. Chili Con Came with Rice. 1 ean chill con carne. H c. rice, picked over and washed. 2 T. butter Salt and pepper . Cook the rice in a large kettle of boiling salted water about 20 min utes or until done. Drain through a strainer and dry. Flavor with but- Cold. Snap Boosts Price OfFresh Garden Products The snappy weather of the past few days has had its effect upon the various kinds of tnarket produce' and has sent the prices soaring sky ward on eggs, butter, green vegeta bles, etc. - The best butter is now being quoted at 70 cents to 2 cents per pound; eggs of the strictly fresh va riety, 68 cents to 70 cents per doz en, and the storage product, 54 cents to 60 cfnts per doz. Green and wax beans are being quoted at 20 cents per pound, while cabbage has advanced from 2 cents to 5 cents per pound. Fresh beets, radishes, onions, and leaf lettuce are selling at 5 cents per bunch and head lettuce from 5 cents to 10 cents per head. Among the newer luxuries ar some fine mushrooms which are be ing offered at 60 cents per box, and a fine lot of spinach at 30 cents per peck. Among the apples to be had are some fine Brack Twigs and Roman Beauties at $3.75 per box and a few Winesaps at $3. Oranges are quite plentiful at prices ranging from 50 cents to 60 cents per dozen, lemons frm 35 cents to 50 cents and grape fruit at cents to 10 cents apiece. Cranberries x are selling at fro.a 35 cents to 40 cents per quart. The army of kitchentters and small apartment dwellers is in creasing every day. One would imagine they were mobilizing to defeat the labor problems or a dozen other problems confront ing the managers of large homes. For this reason Miss Gross will devote space, each Friday for a time, to solving the difficulties encountered by women who have been accustcmed to large kitch ens and business women who have little time to spend in these tiny apartments. Miss Gross will be glad to receive suggestions or to give such help as may be de sired by the readers of this department. ter, salt and pepper, but remember that the chili is highly seasoned Put the rice on a- hot platter and cover with the chili that has 'been heated. All measurements level. ' (Peggy, asked by the Spirit of Safety to guard Engineer Bill Carney of the Sight Flyer, arouses him to action just as tha train Is about to plunge Into an other train standing sin a sidetrack.) CHAPTER VI. The Wrong Switch Light. NUMBER 337 rocked and swayed as its great driving wheels, caught by the reverse.- tried to hold back the heavy Night Flyer. For a moment Peggy thought it would jump from the tracks, so tremendous was its struggle' against the force of the train's speed. Peggy was astounded at this sud den clash of strength. At one in stant the fainting engineer had been sending the great locomotive hurl ing forward with all the power of hundreds of racing hof ses, and in the next, by an astonishing twist of his skill, he had turned all this mighty force into halting the rush of the train. Which would win the force of the rush, or the force put forth to stop the rush? For a second there seemed a doubt. Then with a shriek, a grinding, a jarring and a bumping, the Night Flyer came to a stop with its cow catcher just touching the rear plat form of ,the standing train. Engi neer Bill's quick action, prompted by Peggy's alarm, had saved scores of passengers. Up ran the superintendent and the conductor to, see what was the matter. Bill, now wide awake and alert, met them at the steps of the cab. "Go back and see if that switch light is right," he shouted. The superintendent and conductor gave him one look, then raced back along the train. Peggy, realizing that something very important de pended upon what they found at the switch, flew after them. The switchlight was burning brightly, its green faced turned down the main track. "An open switch, and the light showing green instead of red!" cried the conductor. "It was a deliberate attempt to wreck the train. I knew Bill would never riln by a red light," exclaimed the superintendent. Peggy's snarp eyes saw a move ment in the bushes near the switch. "There's, a man hiding in the bushes," she cried. The superintendent and conduc tor did not wait to see where Peg gy's voice was coming from. They leaped for the bushes and in a trice they pulled out a man, an evil-looking foreigner. "I almost got him, and my gang may get him yet," growled the struggling prisoner and he men tioned the name or the important government official who was aboard the train, hurrying to catch the boat for Europe. v 'This is a big plot," declared the superintendent, as he and the con ductor turned the foreigner over to two husky brakemen. "If it hadn't been for Bill it would have succeeded." Peggv thrilled at this, for .lic knew that it was her guardianship of Bill which had enabled him to save the train. Bill was waiting on the engine and he looked a lot beter. "Hurry up and give me orders." he cried. "I can still get the Night Flyer through on time if you hus tle." . The superintendent gave the or ders, the Flyer backed out on the main track, a man was left to look after the switchlight, and the train sped on its way. Fred, the fire man, had hurt his leg in junjping batat, 'A aTji ST j43fcM ' XC ffir "Great Work Bill!" Cried the Super intendent. and was taken aboard tfie train. In his place the superintendent shov eled coal, and he did it.with a skill that showed he had not been pro moted to his big job by anything except hard work. Bill grew better with every mile as. No. 337 dashed along, making up for lost time. When at last the lights of the big city at the end of the line loomed up ahead, the en gineer was almost himself again, and he was happy because the Night Flyer had come through on time. "Great work, Bill," cried the superintendent. "You'll be reward ed for this." I owe it to my good fairy," de clared Bill. "If it hadn't been for her, I'd never been able to stick it out. Thank you, good fairy," he added, as Peggy blew out of the cab. Peggy was thrilled, with gladness glad that she had such a thrilling ride on the Night Flyer, and glad that she had been the means oi' bringing it through safely. She never knew how she got back in her cosy chair in the bay window, but suddenly she awoke, ud there she was safe and sund. (In next week's atory Peggy takes a part In Judge Owl's comical romance.) Syracuse, N. Y., claims to be the first city of the United States to or ganize a county home and farm bureau for women. Its purpose is to further knowledge for men and women on farms, as well as for women in homes outside of farms. Doses ent Juniper Tar FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT AT AIX SBCGGMTS Greater food value-increased palatability ' In malrincT rhnrrftat ralccs me aftVA 4MiaaaVa a W Wrw wsjamw www -sj BAKER'S CHOCOLATE a with barley and buckwheat flour. The chocolate covers the color and taste of the dark flour so it is practically as good as when made with all white flour. Mo. u. a. fat. opr. This use of cocoa or chocolate in creases' the food value of the pre ' pared dish. Booklet of Choice Rteipts sent fret " WALTER BAKER 6c CO. Ltd. Establish! 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. For Your Groceries and Meats, Trade at tha WASHINGTON MARKET Try a Box of Estes Laundry Tablets, per box 25c Beef Tongue, per pound 24c Beef Tenderloin, per pound 35c Pork Tenderloin, per pound 45c Extra Fancy Hind Lamb, per lb...26c Extra Fancy Forequarter Lamb, lb. 22e Fresh Spare Ribs, per pound 19Hc Choice Steer Rump Roast, per lb... 25c Choice Round or Sirloin Steak, lb... 30c All Brands of Creamery Butter, lb. 6e Good Oleomargarine, per pound . .Z7yC Full Line of Vegetables and Fruit ait Lowest Prices. Visit Our Branch Market at MeCrory Be and 10c Store, in Basement SAME GOODS SAME PRICES SAME HONEST WEIGHT United Statee Food Administration License No. C-27634. One of th largest wholesale mail order house in the middle west. The Washington Market 1407 DOUGLAS ST. 1307-1309 HOWARD ST. 7V777777A THE Event of the Week Every week en Increasing number of tha good paoplt of this community com to learn that Harding's Special Sunday lee Cream Dessert ia tha very thing to properly and economically finish off a good dinner. CARAMEL NUT Caramel Ice Cream with Selected English Walnuts Is our inyiting combination planned for Sunday. Try it. 0 TL-tCiCE CREAM J5 HBMaMHMBHHMSSBv S I if . I II ST Rfcl f V ItlNltHPI Mrfflfti" Try a Bee Want Ad to Boost Your Business. i 1608 H.rn.y Stmt Ph.n. Dovfl.s 1796 1 I, SKINNED w VRAM MASK THE BEST BREAD SUCCESSOR TO METZGER'S r rminiuHi I aaWHgfflgajgasaaj Doesn't this cold brisk weather give you a ravenous appetite? It i. t.h( riiixinpsa nf t.lio f.pnrrnl ftfnrlrer. t.n antiafw that, appetite. And the more particular you are about what you eat, the better we can please you. , Have you had any of our pure pork breakfast sausage yet? Take some home and try it Come once and you will come always. Specials' foV Saturday's Selling. I 10 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $1 10 lbs. Karo Syrup, per can 80c 10 lbs. Red Karo Syrup, can 90c Qt. Cans Log Cabin Syrup . ,63c H-gal. Can Log Cabin Syrup 11.25 Ass. Tangier Brand Soups... 10c 15e Can Spaghetti 10c lSe Can Milk Hominy 10c 43 lbs. Sack Sunkist Flour $2.90 2 4 -lb. Sack Sunkist Flour . .J1.45 24 lbs. Pure Rye Flour .... .31.55 Fancy Large Navy Beans, lb. lie Extra Fancy Central Brand Coffee, per lb 30c Shredded Wheat, per pkg. 12'jc Grape Nuts, par pkg 12 Vic 1-lb. Cana Rumford Baking Powder 25c 6 -lb. Cans Rumford Baking Powder $1.00 10-lb. Cans Calumet Baking Powder ..$1.25 S-lb. Can Ex. Fancy Monarch Tomatoes, per can, 25c; dox. $2.75 S-lb. Can Farm House Tomatoes, per ean, 20c; per dozen ... $2.25 Mayflower Fancy Sugar Corn, per can 17Vic; per dozen $2.00 l(-oz. Can Cottage or American Veribest Milk, can 15c; dox. $1.75 Fancy Fresh Dresed Duck or Geeae, per pound, 35c Prime Rolled Eib Roast, per pound 27 He Genuine Lamb Shoulder, per pound 17 Genuine Lamb Stew, per pound ..' ..I4e Fancy Veal Roast 20c-22,e Pure Pork Sausage, )b. 25c Pig Pork Spare Ribs, per pound 19c Fancy Bulk Creamery Butter, per pound B6e No. 1 Storage Eggs, per dox. 52c American Cream Cheese, lb. 38c 6-lb. Pails Swift's Snowflake $1.75 Swift'a Premium, in rolls, lb. 36e Peanut Butter, per lb 25c Fancy California Celery, each 7',c 2 for 15c II. Y. Baldwin Apples, peck 65c Fancy Large Navel Oranges, each Be Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb. 7VsC Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds. W ' Purchased I -. 1675 " 0 5 f Food Values As Purchased Serve just enough foods of highest nourisfv merit content In Puritan Ham there is very small waste (bones, rind, etc.) and very high caloric coiv tent in the edible portioa Th exact opposite is true of many foods: a few are disclosed in the table of figures. Serve Puritan Hams frequently r- young, sweet, tender meat wholesome and delicious and a practical economy. 'TkTasteTells THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY If your dealer doesn't F. W. Conron, Manager, ' handle Puritan, Telephone 1321 Jonea Street, Omaha, Neb. Pbona Douglaa 2401 Puritan Hams and Bacon are smoked daily in our Omaha plant insuring fresh, brightly smoked meats at all times. Kind PURITAN HAM Broiler Chicken "White Fish Lobster Sirloin Steak NOTE A Calorie is the unit of neiwincni vtt4 to deter mine Ih. vlue of foods at pro ducers of energy. TPaarStdini Haro ... - N