Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1919, Image 1

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London, Tan. 2. It is understood
that King George and Queen Mary
assured President Wilson that the
Prinze of Wales will visit (he United
States during his coming trip
through the British dominions, ac
cording to a Paris dispatch to the
Amsterdam, Jan. 2. A dispatch
from Rerlin says that the people's
commissioners, in agreement with
the secretary of finance,' have der
cided that war profits shall be col
lected in the shape of an extraordi
nary war levy for the year 1919;
second, that there shall be an ex
traordinary levy on the increased
value of property and that all prop
erty remaining after the collection
of war profits shall be subjected tu
a large general levy,
Berlin, Jan, 2. The damage t
the Imperial palace in Berlin due to
the recent excesses by theft or van
dalism is estimated to exceed $1,
500,000. Five hundred persons im
plicated in the plundering have been
apprehended and most of the stolen
property recovered.
.The former emperor's warden suc
ceeded in getting the bulk, of . the
imperial art treasures to a place of
safety after the flight of the em
peror. The wardrobes of the for
mer emperor 1nd his wife'were al
nost entirely denuded of their con
sents.". ; ,',,.
Expect Peace Conference
Begin January 13; Delegates
Will Leave London on
., January 4.
Londdn', Jan. 2. (Via Montreal.)
It is officially announced that the
British delegates to the inter-allied
conference at Paris will ' include
Premier Lloyd George, Foreign Sec;
retary Balfour, Andrew Bonar Law,
chancellor of the exchequer. Vis
count3 Hardinge, permanent under
secretary for foreign affairs; Sir
William G. Tyrred, senior clerk-in.
the foreign office; Sir Louis Mallet,
.former" Sritish ambassador to Tur
key; Sir Esme W. Howard, British
minister to Sweden; ' Sir Ralph
Page, minister . to Denmark, -and
Sir ,Eyr Crowe, assistant unrder
secretary of state for foreign af
fairs, wrj.h their staffs ill. accom
pany the delegates as advisers. Lord
Robert Cecil former assistant un
rlcr-secretarv, will go- to France in
; connection with the proposed league
qf nations. ' .
" It. is expected here thai the cori
fereiice.wiH, begin, orj January.. 13.
A majority of the British delegates
will leave London'on January; 4.
Secretary Balfour a!readyv is in
France. , -'Y - ; Y-
. With the foreign office officials,
1 who will accompany the rpremier
and. cilier cabinet members, will gp
representatives of the war office, the
admiralty, the air. board and other
No German Delegates Are
Named for Peace Meeting
. : Paris,- Jan. - : 2. Conversations
among representatives of the allies
will begin at the French foreign of
fice immediately upon .the returti to
.Paris of Premier Clernenceau, which
is expected to be about January 6
or January 7." . The' premier is tak
ing a brief rest at La Vendee.
President Wilson is "expected in
Pars at the beginning of next week,
while Premier Lloyd George will ar
rive Saturday. - " ' '
Germany has hot yet- submitted
a list of its probable peace dele
gates, or at least no such list has
been brought to the attention of the
American delegation to the .peace
Although the American represen
tatives have received many reports
ot conditions in the Baltic states
and in the Ukraine, these reports
ire very conflicting and the dele
gates are not at all satisfied with
the information.
The policy of the American dele
gation w-ith regard to the Russian
situation and its. general complica
tion with tin unrest in the Balkans
and in the former Russian disfrict,
has not yet taken form. ' The Amer
ican delegates, apparently do not
vonsider that France and England,
cither, have outlined a definite policy
toward Russia. ' ,' ' .
Quadruple Funeral
Will be Held for Flu
Victims at Randolph
Norfolk. Neb., Jan. " 2.-(Special
Telegram!) Lloyd, Carl and Effie
Tatge, sons and daughter of George
H. Tatge, a business man. of Nor
folk, died from influenza complica
tions within 24 hours. -.Lloyd. died
at Randolph Tuesday night and Effic
and 'Carl died here. . A cousin, who
is i member of the Manser family,
died 'at Randolph Wednesday, and
one funeral will be held for the four
victims at Rand6lph 'Friday after
noon. "
Congress Asked for Millions
to Settle Explosion Damages
Washington', Jan. 2. Appropri
ations' necessary to pay for private
nroitcrty destroyed ' inNew" Jersey
by the explosions last October at
the Gillespie shell loading plant
will approximate $3,658,000, the War
department today reported to con
gress The department estimated
that 10,000 claims will be hied. w
The . Omaha Daily
VOL. 48. NO. 171.
Infer wuHm mMr Hy Jl, IKK.
Oaaka P. 0. art t Hank i. I7
Dally ni Sun.. IS.S0: oatiltft Nib. ottaM tr
By Mail (I yr). Oally. M.50; Sunday. S2.J0:
Fair with slov.'ly rising
Hourly TrmppiMinr)'.
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Polish Government Orders Its
Troops to Mobilize; Condi
1 tions in Posen Are Con
sidered Grave. .
Loudon, Jan. 2. Polish troops
have entered Frankfort -on-the Oder,
50 miles east of Berlin, says a Berne
dispatch to the Express, which adds
that the Poles have occupied Beu
then, in Prussian Silesia, and Brom
berg, in the province of Posen. 69
miles northeast of the Posen city.
Copenhagen. Jan. 2. A Polish
army of 30,000 men is marching on
Berlin, according to a dispatch re
ceived0 here quoting rumors at the
German capital.
Gustave Noske, member of the
Ebert cabinet in charge of military
affairs, is said to have ordered the
Y . J"-! a- - it
r mil uerman ai vision io mcei inp
Poles. ' i
Events in Posen are assuming a
grave, character, according to ad
vices from Berlin, Large parts of
the province are in the hands ot
the Poles and Polish troops have
crossed the frontier at Skalmieryce,
a town southeast of Posen and 62
miles northeast of Breslau. Ger
man troops there must, it is stated,
retreat in the face of a superior
force of the Poles.
It is also reported that the Polish
government has ordered the mobili
sation of ail Poles.
Poland in Despair. v ..;
T midnrL Tan. 2 Poland is in des
na!i Awincr -tn ill invasinn nf Lolfc
( o w - - -. -
snevist xroops ana me- apparent inr
oinerencc ot tne western powers to
flinT?orht th roiintrv: abrrtintf
".telegrams are sent pegging mf
tervention by the , alUea,' ihe dis
nitr-N e9ta "hiif'tin rh1v frimn'
ru.WI ai.VVd) ..... . . v. r J
The Poles, admit the immensity of
the numerous prooiems aDsorDing
lh allies tin! rnmnlairi that thev
do not receive the least sign of at-
tention or a word pt guidance.
Tlii rnrrpsnon.-tcrit savs the situa
tion is made worse "by internal dis
order ta-foland. factories in ail
the" industrial towns have been de-
ctriSv1 hv fli flprmanR anrt thous
ands of Poles who were sent to
Germany, during the .war. are return
ing and there is no employment for
them: "They are tilting the law" into
their own hands and terrorizing
thpir former Vmnlovers. comoellina
them to give them money.
Lodz is in the hands or tne rea
ornarH whirh has shot some of the
officers of the regular troops. The
government, headed Dy josepn rn-
sudsky, is weaK, the corresponoeni
says- .
On Tearing Raid.
r.pniva Tan, 2 Th Polish armv
marching toward Berlin has as its
objective "a tearing raid into Ger
many," according to the Polish
tttrencv at Lausanne. The infantry
is well armed and is supported "by
artillery and cavalry, the miantry
already has occupied important rail
way centers, including Kreuz-
Lnesenand foznau. and nas cap
tured a large amount of railway
stock with little resistance. The
Germans are -rearming demobilized
n!Hirra and fiffhtinff is exnected. al
though some of the demobilized
troops are refusing to serve.
Fighting in Posen.
Warsaw, Jan. 2. (By Associated
Press. Fiffhtinar has continued- at
various points '-. in-, Posen, between
PnlUTi and Herman .troorj's in 'the
last few days. The fortress of the
city has been occupied by the roies,
while more than 20.000 German sol
diers' have been disarmed. '
The Sixth German grenadier regi
ment has refused to surrender and
now is surrounded in a barracks
within the city. The .ntire Polish
population is reported to be aiding
the Polish troops. They include
bov scouts and young ,women. .
The - fighting is. of ..a house-to-house
nafnr and there is no ac
curate estimate of the number
killed-and-wounded. - -.
Tarnare Tan PaHerewski. who ar
rived in Posen several days ago,; is
. . Y . . r lir
delaying his departure tor vvar&aw
in order to have a conference with
German delegates from Berlin.
Twenty-Five -Celebrants-
Killed When Balcony,-Falls
Warsaw, Jan. 2. During the street
celebration attending the- arrival of
Ignace Jan Paderewski in Warsaw
late tonight,, a balcony of a house
collapsed "and. 25 persons were Villtd.
: : . . .
War Prisoners Released. 7
Washington; Jan. 2. The War
deparanient today made public the
names of' the following American
prisoners of war reported to have
been releed from the prison camp
at Kastatt:
Hugh C. Alexander, St. 'Anthony,
.William Kelly, Burchard, Neb.'
Wickersham Says Wilson
Has Not Yet Announced
League of Nations Policy
Former Attorney General of United States Dissects
President's Speeches in England and Sees Numer
ous Broad Phrases with Which Public of
America is Already Familiar.
Copyrighted. 11 . w fork Tribune Niws
London, Jan. 2. (Special Cable
gram to New York Tribune and
Omaha Eee.) The president's visit
to England has come to an end and
an appraisal of its results may now
be attempted.
Every American must be giatified
by the character of his reception,
for the spontaneous outpouring of
the people to greet him was hardly
personal. : England felt no intimate
acquaintance with Mr. Wilson and
he humorously referred to that fact
in-one of his addresses.
The initial demonstrations at least
were a tribute to the great sister
nation overseas whose effective co
operation enabled the allies to de
stroy the power oLGermariy which
menacde, their very existence.
French Welcome Frantic.
In France the greeting was some
thing more. Frauce is war-weary.
It yearns for an end, including
peace. Frenchmen almost pathet
ically looked to Mr. Wilson for a
magic remedy which would remove
from thenvtha fear of a recurrence
of -the horrors which during four
and a half years blighted their fair
fields, destroyed their picturesque
cities, consumed their youths and
maidens'and threatened their civili
sation. So; they welcomed Presi
dent Wilson with a frantic, passin
ate and united enthusiasm.
The feeling of England was less
unmixed with doubt. Its outpour
ing was more to the representative
than to the man. The conviction
that the existence of England de
pends upon its mastery of the seas
is bred in the bone of every Briton,
v ? ' England, Raises Doubt .
The Dresident's proposal that the
terms of;peafe shall insure all na
tions ''absolute freedom of naviea-
Wnn tmon the. seas outside of tsrri-
ftoriil waters alike, in .peace and war,
except as the seas may be closed m
whole.; of .in part by international
action for the. enforcement ot inter
national coevenants," has "awakened
iti "the mind .of all England a feeling
of iloubf and queitihn'aj to its pre
cise, meaning and. a jjistarbing ap
prehension of discord in the coming
peace 'conference. For it safely may
be predicted, that England never will
agree to conditions which it would
regard as national suicide, ..
i Makes Good Impression,
President Wilson's' visit in large
measure dispelled: the feeling
aroused by hjs proposals concern
ing freedom of the seas. Never has
he" appeared to better advantage
than during his sojourn in this
country. He was pleasant, cordial
and. frank in manner. His oratory
was delivered in. that quiet, re
stra'ned, cultivated tone which is the
ideal in England of public speaking.
Prominent Englishmen, describ
ing the Guild Hall banquet, .said the
president "acted into the picture
perfectly, as though he-belonged
there." - .
He presented himself to the Eng
lish people as a' product of Engl'sh
Speeches Ambiguous.
Though he has come to be ac
cepted and judged by Englishmen as
a man and not as a syllogism, yet on
re-reading his xarious public utter
ances during hfTVisit, the conclusion
cannot be escaped that the pres'dent
has committed himself to few, if
any," definite positions. His speeches
were characterized by that same
pleasing ambiguity wherewith we in
America have become famil'ar. The
same' old phrases, "human rights,"
"community of purpose," "coming
together in covenants of good will,"
etc.,' -recur with accustomed " fre
quency. . -On. the other hand there has been
art entire absence of dogmatic state
ment. His attitude has been one of
Obvious effort to pease. His in
timation of a willingness to seek
means of expressing in" the peace
terms a practical way of accomplish
ing aims, wherewith, he declared,
both Lloyd-George and Clemen
ccau were in agreement with him,
strongly conveyed the impression
that there were no essential dif
ferences between him and'the repre
sentatives of other great powers as
to ffases upoen which an enduring
peace should be established
Jarring Note From France.
This atmosphere of harmony was
somewhat marred by reports in the
London afternoon papers of Cle
menceau's address in the French
Chamber of Deputies Sunday night,
wherein he bluntly avowed that he
was not in agreement with President
Wilson on all points.
"America," the old timer said,
"is fat away from Germany. France
is very near. There are things I
think of that do not touch him as
they do a man who for four years
lias seen the Germans in his own
He warned his hearers that Ger
many was conquered but not
crushed; that we must be forwarned
against any repetition of her aims,
and that the allied victory must be
followed by its just consequences in
ordd to prevent the vanquished
from again imperiling peace.
Gemenceau adverted somewhat
ironically to President Wilson's
proposition to aecure the peace of
Europe, by means of territorial ad
justment based upon nationality and
to his scornful references to the
"I'orever discredited" balance of
power a means of preserving the
peape of Europe.
Freedom For Each.
Mi. Wilson, Clemenceau added,
had approved his eply to Lloyd
George's questions concerning the
British Fleet, saying, "What I have
to submit to the allied governments
will change nothing of your replies
to Llyod-George. Each one will
retain his freedom." s
Clemenceau's speech, delivered in
Paris Sunday nighty appeared in the
London papers Monday afternoon.
It would be interesting - to learn
whether Mr. Wilson: received a
copy of it before he delivered his
addrejs in Mjchestej. Monday. nid
daw' " -
in that address, he said in speak
ing of the league-of-nations, "If,
the future had nothing for us but a
new attempted keep the world in
right poise by a balance of power,
the United, States' would take no in
terest, because it will join no com
bination of Jowers which is not a
combination of "all of usJ She is pot
intcested merely in the peace of
Europe, but in the peace of the
The president did not expain whftt
he meant by a "combination of all
of us." He did say: " in the past
the world was governed, or at any
rate an attempt was made to govern
by partnerships in interests. They
have broken down."
Wilson Not Committed.
"There is only one thing," he
added, "that can bind peoples to
gether. That is, common devotion
to right."
He concluded by saying: "I wish
w could-not only for Britian and
the United States, but for France,
for Italy and the world enter into
a great league covenant, declaring
Ourselves first for all the friends
of mankind and uniting ourselves
together for the maintenance ' and
the triumph of the right."
Germany Not "One of Us."
Surely nobody can expect these
utterances as committing the presi
dent to the theory of a league of
nations which shall embrace an
unrepentant and unregenerate Ger
many. She is not "one of us." A
statement by her that she is the
friend of mankind woud provoke
only derision.
Russia or what was once Rus
siarow broken and rent by an
archy aiwl dominated by murderous
internationalists cannot be "one of
Germany, as well as Austria, must
be reapportioned. She must be
made to realize the enormity of her
crimes against civilization and hu
manity. Here adjusted state to be created
out of- her territory must have a
new birth of spirit, as well as a com
pile change of government, before
any of them can be admitted as "one
of us."
New Russians must arise before
any one of them can meet the test
based upon goodwill and friendship
(Continued on Par Two, Column Three.)
"Big Five" Packers in
! Conspiracy to Control
Trade, Charges, Colver
: Washington, Jan.- 2. Chairman
Colver of the Federal Trade com
mission told "the senate committee
that the five" leading packers con
trolled 665'Compan:es whose busi
ness was not directly related to meat
slaughtering, and exercised some
control over others. He reiterated
his recent charge that competitive
wholesale grocers were being driv
en out-of business by the packers
through price cutting, establishment
of braqch houses and extensive de
livery systems. . .
Mr. Colver said the commission
had no knowledge of a price con
trol combination among wholesale
grocers.. . .. ., ... .
Women in Rain Keep
Watch Fire Burning
Before White House
Washington, Jan. 9 2. Several
members of the national woman's
party, wearing seamen's slickers,
stood in driving rain on. the side
walk before the White House today
to keep burning in a metal washtub
their "watch fire," which they say
will burn until the senate acts fa
vorably on the woman's suffrage
amendment. Relays of women iad
attended the fire, since it was light
ed in' the tub last night after a
crowd of citizens, and men in uni
form, had extinguished one in- a
decorative urn in ' Lafayette square.
Half a dozen women arrested dur
ing the disturbance and released
without bond did not appear in the
police court. ... , .
Make Specific Complaints of
Working Conditions in
Omaha and Rai&
Wage Question.
The national war labor board will
now come to order," announced
Henry C. Smith, director of hear
ings, at 4 o'clock yesterday after
noon in federal court room No. 2.
William H. Taft and Basil M.
Manly, joint chairmen of the board,
had just entered the courtroom,
having arrived two hours behjfld
schedule on a belated train from the
The distinguished visitors are
here to receive oral and written
arguments from the Omaha and
Council Bluffs street railway com
pany and representatves of car
men's local union, No. 807.
Resume Hearing Today.
The matters in controversy relate
to awards already rendered by the
board, to alleged disregard to cer
tain features of these awards by the
Scraps of Paper?
Special Chair for
One-Time President
A big leather chair was brought
into the Federal building yester
day and put in place of honor to
be occupied by Ex-President William.-'
Howard Taft, who comes
i to attend the street railway hear
ing as representative of the war
board. "
The seat of the chair. j9 nearly
three .feet wide audit is almost as
long as it 'is wide. Officials at
the court agreed that it is big
enough to hold Mr. Taft, "es
pecially," they explained, "since
he has been dieting."
Mr. .Taft now weighs less than
300 pounds and is the authority
for the information in the article
"How to GROW THIN By
William Howard Taft."
i !
traction company, and to matter's
more or less directly connected with
the recent street car strike.
Chairman Taft and Manly sat
until nearly 6 o'clock yesterday p.
m., when Mr. Taft announced that
the hearing would be resumed at
9 o'clock this morning.
Met by Business Men.
The former president of the
United States and his present asso
ciate were met at the depot by a
committee which comprised Ran
dall K. Brown, Victor Rosewater,
John L. Kennedy, C. H. Pickens and
Arthur P. Guiou. Reservations for
the party were made at the Fon
tenelle hotel.
Those in Attendance.
At the hearing the street railway
company was represented by Attor
new John L. Webster, President G.
W. Wattles, General Manager R. A.
Leussler and Director L. J. Crofoot.
Jerry Burnett, national organizer
for the street car men, w-as accom
panied by President Ben Short of
the local union and members of the
executive committee of the local.
Among those who also attended
were: T. P. Reynolds, chairman of
Nebraska State Federation of Labor,
Mayor Smith, City Commissioners
J. Dean Ringer and H. B. Zimman,
Corporation Counsel C. W. Lam
bert, United States Attorney Tom
Allen, C. W. Hull, C. C. and J. E.
George, F. A. Kennedy, Postmaster
Charles Fanning, Gould Dietz and a
group of carmen.
Ofiicers of the carmen's union oc
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Hitchcock Protests
Shipping Potash
from Alsace to U. S.
Washington, Jan. 2. War trade
board officials said today that Chair
man Vance McCormick, now on his ;
way to Europe, would investigate
the announcement of Chairman
Hurley, of the shipping board, in j
fans, ot a plan to ship between
500,000 aid 600,000. tons of potash
from Alsace to America. Senator
Hitchcock had submitted protests
from Nebraska potash producers,
who claim that the proposed plan
conflicts with the war trade board's
order prohibiting the importation of
potash from Germany until peace
has-been formally declared.
Senator Hitchcock later read the
protest in the senate. It said the
proposed shipments from Alsace
would paralyze the Nebraska potash
industry and urged that importations
be shut off until some policy rela
tive to potash production could be !
worked out.
The Nebraska senator charged
that there seemed "to be a combina
tion of fertilizercompanies wherebv
they are refusing to buy potash
produced under the simulation of
government propaganda.-
Red Army Being Increased by
Enrolling Prisoners of War
Returning from Ger
many and Austria.
Copenhagen, Jan. 2. Owing to
the advance of "superior forces, of
bolsheviki," says a . dispatch from
Berlin, the German troops have been
compelled to evacuate Riga, the Li
vonian port at the head of the Gulf
of Riga.
Red Army Growing.
Washington, Jan. 2. Advices to
the State department today an
nounce that returning Russian pris
oners of war on coming out of Austria-Hungary
and Germany are be
ing offered 300 rubles monthly,
clothing and food, to join the bol
shevik red army. According to this
information, few of the prisoners ac
cept this offer and popular feeling in
Russia is strongly against the bol
sheviki. Nevertheless, the power of the
bolsheviki is reported on the in
crease since tne re-capture of Kazan
and Samara from the Czechs. Their
forces are now said to be concen
trating on the Ukranian front.
One prisoner declared that when
typhus struck the Russian prison
camps in Germany his comrades
died at the rate of 500 a day. It was
reported that 750.000 died in prison.
Transportation conditions in bolshevik-controlled
Russia are much
worse than in Siberia, no passenger
cars being run except as freight cars,
and service above third class is infrequent.
i ii
General Gaida Wins Brilliant
Victory at Head of Allied
Troops In Capture of
Vladivostok, Jan. 2. (By Asso
ciated Press.) In capturing Perm,
in the Ural mountains. General Gai
da, at the head of Czecho-Slowk
and Siberian forces, virtually de
stroyed the bolshevik Third army,
from which he took 31,000 oriscners.
General Gaida's troops captured an
armored train from which Nikolai
Lenine, the bolshevik premier, as
directing operations in Ihe region
of Perm. Lenine . himself escaped,
but several members of his parly
were taken prisoners.
The exploit of General Gaida in
capturing Perm parallels his suc
cess in the campaign of 'ast sum
mer. His superiors opposed his
p!an of attack against Perm and ht
carried out the operation at the risk
of removal from his command. The
bulk of his force was made up of
Siberian troops, but he had two
regiments of Czechs in his army.
Takes Much Material.
In addition to the 31,000 prisoners
reported General Gaida captured
5,000 railway cars, 120 field Rufts,
1,000 machine guns, 30 automobiles,
an entire wagon transport, several
armored trains and several thou
sand horses. His maneuver was a
complete surprise to the bolshevik,"
as proved by the fact that he cap
tured several prominent soviet lead
ers at the headquarters 4of the Third
bolshevik army. Ten bolsheviki
regiments are declared to have been
annihilated and the rest of the en
emy army was driven across the
Kama river.
And Also in
Display Advertising
The Omaha Bee
As Usual Led All Competition
During 1918
Here Are The Official Figures as Compiled by
Haynes Adv. Co.
Warfield Adv. Ag.
Bee - 38,794 Inches
World-Herald 38,523 Inches
News 30,644 Inches
Automobile Manufacturers and Dealers Have
Learned Through Years of Experience the
Superiority of The Omaha Bee as a Medium
Through Which to Market Their Cars.
You, like the Automobile Manufacturer
and Dealer, can Profitably Advertise
your product in the columns of The Bee.
Keep Your Eye on The Bee
Still Greater Improvements During 1919
Work of Removing Troops
from Transport Begun;
Lifeboats Capsized
by Heavy Surf.
New York, Jan. 2. The trans
port Northern Pacific stranded or.
a sandbar near Fire Island Light i
resting easily tonight and is in nc
danger, according to a wireless mes
sage received tonight by the Asso
ciated Press from Captain Connelly
commanding. "Another attempt t
float the vessel will be made at high
water tomorrow.
When darkness halted until to
morrow morning the removal oi
home-bound soldiers from the
transport, natal officials at the port
of embarkation headquarters at
Hoboken estimated that between
600 and 70O men, many of their
wounded, had been transferred tr.
I warsliins or taken ashore in life
boats or the breeches buoy.
Thrown Into Surf.
A lifeboat loaded with trooi)'
from the transport was "Japsized bv
the heavy surf, throwing IS soldier?
and life savers into theater. All
were saved.
One soldier and three of the life
savers were caught under the boat
Life guards on shore rushed in
the surf and after rescuing tlir1
others, dragged the boat to the
beach, where the four -who were
unconscious were revived.
, Resort to Breeches Buoy.
After the mishap the life saver.'
abandoned for a while the method
of bringing soldiers ashore in the
small boats. Instead, the breeche;
buoy was rigged and soon the troop?
began reaching land two at a time.
Later, preparations were made to
launch lifeboats again.
A po'ver boat from the cruiser
Columbia, engaged in bringing
ashore troops from the transport
Northern Pacific, capsized this aft
ernoon, when its engine went dead
as it approached the beach, throw
ing all hands, nine men, into the
sea. All were rescued by life guards,
who dashed into the breakers and
While some of the soldiers were
being brought ashore in surf craft,
the majority, naval officers said,
were ferried in light draft vessels
operating between the grounded
liner and warships standing off
shore. The receiving ships, it was
stated, would start for New York
as soon as they were loaded.
The naval authorities reported
that the Northern Pacific was "rest
ing easily" this afternoon in 18 feet
of water, with her hull imbedded .
to the depth of six feet in the sand.
Sixty men from the Northern
Pacific had reached the Y. M. C. A.
hut at the naval air station at Bay
Shore by 2 o'clock this afternoon.
They were mostly from the Eighth
trench mortar battery.
A coast guard crew later succeed
ed in getting a line to the trans
port, on Avhich they rigged their
surf boat somewhat like a trolley.
The surf boat then began ferrying
soldiers to the beach.
Because of the rough seas it was
impossible for the, men to come
over the side of the ship on ladders.
A ship's lifeboat was slung out from
the davits and lowered to the surf
boat into which the men were trans
ferred. The first trip frdm the ship, to
the shore waas a hard one. Several
times it looked as if the boat had
been swamped. Only the clever
work of the coast guards saved it.
However, the doughboys, aside from
getting wet, were none the worse
for the. trip.
Red Cross On Job.
The three wounded officers de
clared that the stranded troops were
in the best of spirits and were, in
fact, making merry over their pre
dicament. A Red Cross contingent of nine
mirses arrived a the shore today
with enough sandwiches and coffee
to feed the entire personnel of tha
transport. Colonel Pierce has re
ceived orders to commandeer a!
houses on Tire Island if the troopj
were landed.
A coast guard crew, tmder com
mand of Captain Tuttle, of the Oak
Island station, took a boat out to
the transport at 9 a. m. through a
heavy surf. The troops lined the
rails and cheered as the small boat
came alongside. After remaining oil
board for a while, Captain Tuttle re
entered his boat, which headed out
vo sea in the direction of the cruiser
Des Moines.
Sea Pounds Transport.
Washington, Jan. 2. The con
tant pounding of the seas against
the American transport Northern
Pacific, stranded on Fire island
since 3:30 a. m. Wednesday, had
driven the ship higher onto the
beach this forenoon, swinging its
how so that, it was only 250 yuilp
from the shore.