Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
TM Anoelated Preta, of which The Be ll atnMr. t uciiulteif
ntlUtd to lae um for publication of all new dlipatcbes credited
Vi It or not otherwise credited In till Piper. and l th local
VI published nereis. All tihti o( publication of rat ipaciil
sispatche an tin ratmd.
Hilcato Peonle'l On Building. fimihaTM Bm Bid
Nw York m Fifth Af. South Omaha S3 18 N 8t.
Bt. Urals New B'a of Comnierc. trancll Bluffs M N. UalD Bt
Wtshlniton 1311 Q St. Lincoln Llttl Building.
Daily 69,4 1 8 Sunday 63,095
average clrrulttlon for th month lubeerllMd tai swore U by
I. R. Baaan. Circulation Manner. ,
Subicribar leavlnf the city ahould have Th Bee) mailed
to them. Addrea chanted at eftta hi requeued.
Happy New Year!
Let us make 1919 the biggest and best year
in Omaha's history.
A la carte meals on the dining cars do not
mean that the cost of traveling is to be lowered
by the change.
It will be a "victory" jubilee in Omaha, all
right, but some of the "authority" of past years
will be missed.
When Montana puts up the bars against
booze the drys have a right to expect to carry
New Jersey some day.
Georgia still holds its place at the head of
the lynching parade, having double the number
of the next highest states.
The new Turkish cabinet is reported to be
pro-ally. Even a Turk will learn if the lesson
is pounded into him right.
Belgium is satisfied with plans made for the
economic restoration of that country, a sign
that some progress is to be reported.
At any rate, no one will say that the new
city prosecutor did not earn some sort of re
ward by his efforts to elect the mayor.
American envoys in Paris say Senator
"Jimmy" Reed misunderstood them, but it may
be he only placed his own interpretation on
what they said.
Telephone and telegraph employes get a nice
New Year's present from Mr. Burleson in the
form of an increase in pay. Trying to equal
McAdoo's record.
Bolshevik bombs in the City of Brotherly
Love is not a special sign that the republic is
failing. It just means we are harboring some
.1 anger cms criminals.
Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota are to
resist the new express rates, and thereby
arc in clanger of being added to Mr. Burleson's
list of "blatherskites."
The county board wound up its year by rip
ping a bunch of names off its pay roll. It
might have saved that money long ago with
'ittle or no loss to the service.
Open ventilators are all right in street cars
luring our normal weather, but when the Med
icine Hat variety arrives, folks would as soon
ake a chance on flu as on freezing.
Admitting all that Senator Chamberlain said
about the secretary of war, congress can not
.lodge all the blame for the situation. Delay has
been as notable under the dome of the capitol
is anywhere in Washington.
Josephus Daniels is no longer to be listed
a "little navy" man, his requests to congress
for men and moneey being bigger now than
;ver. It is comforting to note that at least one
lemocrat has awakened to the need of rcadi
less in some department.
Mr. Wilson would better hurry home, if he
wants to preserve his cabinet from the furious
onslaughts of democratic senators, who have re
newed their warfare. Burleson is. showing signs
of distress, and Baker has been so completely
gassed it will take more than Creel to resusci
tate him.
The record of lynchings for the United
Statjs in 1918 is a disgrace, even in war time.
Thai we were making such effort to establish
a rule of law and justice throughout the world
and yet paid so little attention to it at home is
small credit to a people who pretend to enlightenment.
Von Hindenburg would welcome British oc
cupation of Berlin. So, it might help the
crushed and defeated junkers to rehabilitate
themselves to have a foreign army holding
back the bolsheviki. If allied troops are sent
to the Prussian capital, it will be to protect
life and property and not to prop up a broken
Back to Face the Music
Of all the survivors of the war lord and
junker period the man who is in the most help
less, undignified and embarrassing situation is
Heinrich von Eckhardt. He has been holding
on by the skin of his teeth to his place as Ger
man envoy at Mexico City. The new govern
ment at Berlin has been calling for his return
with growing insistence, and so, after long de
lay, his pinchbeck excellency, with deep regret
and growing apprehension, has decided to make
the best of a bad business and start for home
at an early date.
As he is persona non grata in Mexico, that
country will probably let him go begging to the
United States or Great Britain for a passage
and for safe conduct.
It was Von Eckhardt who tried to bring
about an understanding between Mexico and
Japan, with a view to frightening America into .
continued neutrality. His activities were merely
ludicrous, as far as this country was concerned,
but were a real insult to our far eastern ally
and deeply resented by her as such.
The envoy's position is very like that of cer
tain generals who were ordered back to Paris
by the committee of public safety in the early
period of the great French revolution, for the
very good and sufficient reason that they had
rommittcd blunders which could not be forgiven
or condoned. Some refused to go, while others
obeyed with results fatal to themselves.
But how will Von Eckhardt get there? It
looks as if there would be nothing for him to
do but turn up his coat collar and proceed to
the fatherland under an assumed name. -Then
let his enemies and former friends do their
worst New York Herald.
Most of us will say goodbye to 1918 with
mingled emotions, just as we look forward to
the days of the coming year with high hope.
The last year was one of the most momentous in
human history. It began with a dark cloud of
war over all the world; it closes with peace as
sured and opportunity for all such as never was
presented. Its early months were marked by
anxiety and peril for free peoples; its later days
brought the triumphant victory of right over
wrong, of justice prevailing against might. In
all of this is occasion for rejoicing.
Industrial and commercial life was subjected
to disruption quite as great as that which came
to our social life through the war. How ex
tensive was this disturbance scarcely yet can
be appreciated. The days of readjustment will
afford a better measure of its effect, but just as
the problems of war were taken up in a spirit of
determined co-operation, so will theask of re
habilitation be faced with optimistic confidence.
Omaha's progress for 1918 is exhibited in
The Bee in tables of figures and otherwise, and
makes a most gratifying showing. Some of the
compilations are not as impressive as in years
past, a fact justly ascribable to the war, but
others make an even more noteworthy display
of the importance of the city's life. While no
great war industry had its headquarters here,
Omaha's contributions to the food and other
supplies drawn on by the government for the
support of its armed forces were notable.
The fact that local industries were not es
pecially dislocated by the abnormal conditions
of the year will make a resumption of business
that much easier. Programs of the coming
twelve months, already outlined, hold the pros
pect of intense activity in all lines of commer
cial and industrial endeavor. Naturally, with
this will go equal growth in the cultural ele
ments of community life. Omaha is awake to'
its opportunities, and another New Year's day
merely means resolve to greater effort.
No Party Lines in Nepotism.
In season and out, The Bee has crusaded
against the evil of nepotism in public office.
In the legislature of 1913, The Bee spoke out
with its usual frankness and courage in be
half of a bill introduced by Representative Ed
A. Smith, forbidding any public officer from
appointing a relative of the first degree to a
place on the public payroll. The 1913 Omaha
"home rule" charter, modeled by Victor Rose
water in person after the wish of his own
heart and the" dictates of his own brain, con
tained a similar provision as to Omaha city
commissioners. Unfortunately, The Bee's
campaign for legal prohibition of nepotism,
like so many other of its campaigns, was not
successful. World-Herald.
Yes, and successful or unsuccessful, The Bee
will continue its outspoken opposition to nepo
tism by public officers no matter what party
banner they may fly.
Nepotism is a remnant of the idea that public
office is a family snap. It recognizes no party
lines. It is just as odious when practiced by a
republican as by a democrat.
Nepotism knows no geographical location.
It is just as inexcusable in the state house as
it is in the city hall, in the capitol at Washing
ton, as it is in the court house here at home.
But whoever heard of this democratic organ
denouncing the nepotism of democratic office
holders? Its insincerity is self-exposed by the
fact that its censure for abuses of official power
are deserved only for republicans and never di
rected at democrats except when a personal
object is to be subserved by attacking them, as
fpr example, right now the vicious attacks which
Senator Hitchcock is making upon President
Wilson and his administration.
Nepotism can be stopped but only by con
certed action regardless of party. We are
ready to welcome every honest-and well-meaning
recruit to The Bee's anti-nepotism crusade.
Co-Operative Thrift.
In round numbers two million dollars was
earned and disbursed among the 42,000 non
borrowing members of nine saving and loan
associations of Omaha during 1918. Viewed in
the light of bygone war conditions the record
is a notable one and attests the strength and
pulling power of co-operative thrift among
the people of the city.
For the greater part of the time our coun
try was in. the war, the business of associations
remained at a standstill. Normal increases in
assets were diverted to Liberty bonds and War
Savings stamps and the sale of both federal
saving securities encouraged in every possible
way. In spite of this drain on all sources of
saving, the associations as a whole advanced
materially beyond the peace-time recoVd and
now represent in the aggregate 64 per cent of
the total resources of the co-operative associa
tions of Nebraska.
The importance of the growth of co-operative
thrift is not limited to the profits and dis
bursements. It reaches deeper than the pocket
into the well being of the people. It grips the
promptings of the human heart, links the hope
of a home with the reality and adds to the im
mortal song of Paine the dignity and independ
ence of ownership. The gospel of association
work has its roots in home ownership. Savings
members and home getters co-operate for their
respective aims, One is essential to the other.
Together they accomplish good for themselves
and do good for the city as a whole. No other
instrumentality approaches the record of. sav
ings and loan associations in making Omaha a
city of homeowners.
Never before has the savings habit been so
thoroughly exploited and its value brought
home to all the people. Hitherto the voice of
saving was heard in spots only almost sub
merged in a wilderness of spenders. Uncle
Sam's calls for money changed all this and
drove home the necessity as well as the duty
of saving. Millions of people heeded and prac
ticed habits of self-denial never thought of be
fore. Herein lies the most attractive oppor
tunity that ever knocked at the gates of sav
ings institutions. The field is nation-wide,
plowed deep and ready for the seeding. The
harvest is for those who buckle down to work
intelligently and energetically, ever mindful of
Most folks will wonder why the war bill for
December, after the war is over, is the highest
of all. Mr. Baker will perhaps have an elabor
ate explanation for this, but it will be hard to
convince the public that the figures should not
have been less rather than greater than when
we actually were fighting, and when it stated
from the army office that almost 600,000 men
have been discharged from the service. If Jan
uary shows a similar increase, the country will
do well to go back to a basis of actual hostilities.
Right in the Spotlight.
Though only 40 years old today,
William Fox has the distinction of
having been one of the pioneers in
the motion picture industry in Amer
ica and a prominent factor in the
development of this popular form of
entertainment to its present colossal
proportions. Mr. Fox is a product
of New York City. The cloth ex
amining and shrinking business first
engaged his attention. Wjjh a small
capital thus acquired he opened the
first picture house in Brooklyn, and
was successful from the start. In a
surprisingly short time he had es
tablished a chain of motion picture
theaters and had become one of the
magnates in the business. Then he
branched out as a producer on his
own account, forming a corporation
of world-wide dimensions. At the
age of 40, Mr. Fox is credited with
the possession of a fortune of sev
eral million dollars, all of which has
been made in the magical motion
picture industry.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
To date Finland, Courland, the
Ukraines, Siberia, Bessarabia, and
Turkestan had declared their inde
pendence, the last two with the in
tention of continuing the war.
In Omaha 30 Years Ago Today.
The much-heralded Solar eclipse
was a failure in Omaha so far as
' "
smoked glass observers were con
cerned. At the Creighton observa
tory Father Rigge managed to lo
cate it long enough to verify the
time schedule of its fight.
President Tavlor and his wife
headed the line of the Y. M. C. A.
New Year's reception.
The fire department during the
year responded to 19S alarms.
Miss Sarah Brandeis gave a leap
year party to over 11MJ of her young
friends last night at her residence
at Nineteenth and Leavenworth
Miss Cora Smith returned to the
Normal school at Peru.
The Day We Celebrate.
Vice Admiral Albert Gleaves, U.
S. N., manager of the cruiser and
transport operations during the war,
born at Nashville, Tenn., 61 years
Maj, Gen. Clarence R. Edwards,
U. S. A., now in command of the
northeastern department, born at
Cleveland, O., 60 years ago.
Hon. John D. Reid, Canadian
minister of railways and canals,
born at Prescott, Out., 60 years ago.
Hon. Thomas W. Crothers, late
minister of labor in Canada, born
in County Trince Edward, Ont., 69
years ago.
Lew Fields, well known actor and
theatrical producer, born in New
York City, 52 years ago.
This Day in History.
1831 Faul Hamilton Hayne,
sometimes called "the southern poet
laureate," born at Charleston, S. C.
Died in 1886.
1839 James Ryder Randall, who
wrote "Maryland, My Maryland,"
born in Baltimore. Died in 1908.
1894 A memorial in honor of the
landing of Sir Frances Drake on the
Pacific coast was unveiled in San
1899 Letter postage in Canada
was reduced to 2 cents.
1915 British battleship Formida
ble sunk in English channel, with
loss of 700 men.
1916 Russians captured two lines
of Austrian trenches in Galicia.
1917 Berlin reported French bat
tleship Verite torpedoed by submarine.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
A Happy New Year.
Florida and Montana start the
new year as bone-dry states.
Legislative sessions begin today
in Michigan, Massachusetts and
New Hampshire.
A bone-dry amendment to the ex
isting prohibition law becomes op
erative today in the state of Wash
ington. Alfred E. Smith, democrat, will be
inaugurated governor of New York
today' in succession to Charles S.
Whitman, republican.
Negroes in various parts of the
south have arranged to celebrate to
day the 300th anniversary of the
landing of the first negroes in
America at Jamestown, Va., in 1619.
The first retirement of the year
among the officers of the United
States army will be that of Col.
George H. Morgan, v. ho will be re
moved from the active list today on
account of age.
Storyette of the Day.
-"Tommy Atkins" pleaded exemp
tion from church parade on the
ground that he was an agnostic. The
sergeant major assumed an expres
sion of innocent interest.
"Don't you believe in the Ten
Commandments?" he mildly asked
the bold freethinker.
"Not one, sir," was the reply.
"What! Not the rule about keep
ing the Sabbath?"
"No, sir."
"Ah, well, you're the very man
I've been looking for to scrub out
the canteen." London Tit-Bits.
Philadelphia Ledper: With the
Krupps works passing a dividend,
Germany may yet be convinced that
the War didn't pay. ..
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: The
country has learned that it cannot
accept every statement of Mr. l?urle
son at face value. He is the "fox
iest" member of the cabinet.
Washington Post: The food ad
ministration, having "lifted the food
ban," could now perform valuable
service by putting the ban on the
word "ban" and holding it there.
Brooklyn Eagle: Clemenceau's
English is said to be perfect, "hav
ing learned it while a Bchoolmaster
in the United States." Any serious
student of languages who unravels
English as she is spoken in our pub
lic schools for five years is bound to
achieve distinction as a grammarian.
Baltimore American: The premier
of Bavaria threw quite a light upon
German diplomacy when he told a
correspondent that he did not want
to be a statesman; he wanted to tell
the truth. To lie, to cheat, to be
tray, to use treachery in every way,
seems, from recent revelations, to
have been the foundation of Hun
The Business Future
New York Times. '
It is odd that our nation, which faced the
war so unitedly and resolutely, faces peace so
irresolutely and distractedly. We come out of
the war so much strengthened in all respects
that the world recognizes us as a moral and
financial leader. Yet few among ourselves see
it, and there are prophets of woe who may
convince the weak-spirited. This division of
opinions where there should be but one is illus
trated in the joint debate in which the president
of the City bank joined issues with a professor
of the Ntw York university. The practitioner
of finance saw new problems, but he and his
institution proposed to rise to them and find new
opportunities of service and profit. The profes
sor saw "in the not distant future, crisis and
panic, idle labor, bread lines and riot."
This contrast between the theorist and the
practical man does not stand alone. A profes-i
sor whose writings on finance have secured for
him a banking connection sees nothing which
can prevent a general fall in prices, and his
theory prevents trying to alleviate it. But the
president of a large industrial concern, long
prominent in the Manufacturers' association,
finds that demobilization of the army presents
"no factor in this so-called problem." The
soldiers were all employed before they went
away, and they are all needed back again. "The
shifting of labor from the work of war to the
work of peace will be accomplished with
scarcely a ripple." He knew of one employer
who wanted 10,000 men. The Pennsylvania rail
way wants 8,500. The local utilities need thou
sands, so shorthanded are their services, to the
point of danger.
Other couples could be made of differences
of opinion between practical and theoretical
men, with the advantage on the side of the de
fenders of things as they are and will be rather
than of the propounders of theories and prec
edents as to what they have been and ought
to be. No precedent fits this case. If the facts
and theories collide, so much the worse for the
theories.- No doubt inflation is bad, and no
doubt we are experiencing so much of infla
tion that there is need of some deflation. But
there are other ways of deflating than by panic
and ruin. The admission of inflation does not
convict our bankers of error beyond under
standing and excuse. Our industries had to de
velop both the speed of the greyhound and the
strength of an ox. Speed requires waste of
fuel, and wages were the fuel used to increase
the velocity of the circulation of commodities,
something as necessary to consider as the in
crease of tonnage. Probably the record in
crease of wages was an average of $220 for each
working day for four months for one die-cutter
to speed shipbuilding. No union would dare to
demand such wages. No unionist would be al
lowed to take them. There are faults to the
debit of the unions, but they have no monopoly
thereof. Employers, including government, have
their share to bear. The inflation of wages lies
at the root of the inflation of all prices and
credit. It was waste, for the wages were not
economically earned, as appears from the fact
that the wages increased more than the pro
duction. The excess of wages was and is the
burden of the taxpayers. There is no cause for
regret, for the speed of commodity circulation
was attained and the war was won, as other
wise it could not have been.
Deflation is the reverse of that process. If
skillfully managed the deflation can be bo dis
tributed as not to disturb the relation of prices
between each other or of wages and cost of
living. As Mr. Vanderlip remarked in his an
swer to the professor, it is not even necessary
that wages should fall if production is given to
match the increase. The eight-hour day can be
given if the men will produce what is within
their power without exhaustion, if the men will
allow efficiency to manage the use of their labor
Mr. Vanderlip met the professor's prophecy
of collapse through deflation by suggesting that
we grow up to inflation. The world's possibility
of profit is not exhausted, and if new profits can
be made labor will have its share. More can be
allowed to labor in proportion that labor allows
more to capital by producing more for general
consumption. The world's wants were undersup
plied before the war killed or disabled 20,000.
000 of the world's workers. Influenza took
millions more in a half year. With that arrears
of labor power to be made up, it is not within
the power of a generation to supply its wants
on the pre-war scale. Wants grow with satis
faction, and when the world finds that we, and
we alone, can supply its wants, there will be an
illimitable demand, only to be met by foreign
trade. That is Mr. Vanderlip's prescription of
the tonic to tone up our labor and capital to
meet the prostration of the war's waste and
cost. It is better to maintain what we can of
war scale production than to liquidate wages,
and to export what we can spare than to allow
overproduction to shut our factories. We can
find an antidote to domestic inflation in
expansion of trade and can earn high wages
and good profits by serving the world.
We are facing an opportunity rather than a
crisis, and have only to choose between listening
to the counsels of our practical men or to those
of theorists.
Hog Island's Failure
No one denies that a valuable shipbuilding
plant has been created at Hog Island, though
the enormous cost can be justified only by the
need for haste. But the testimony of Mr. Piez
before the senate commerce committee is an
admission of the failure of the corporation to
carry out its ambitious plans. The 50 ships that
were to be completed by the first of January
have been reduced to three or four. The famous
Quistconck, launched last August in the pres
ence of the president, took the water when only
65 per cent riveted, and was not completed for
120 days after that, about twice the average time
in American yards. It also appears that the cost
per ton at Hog Island has been greatly in excess
of the average. The Public Ledger called atten
tion to the illusory nature of the promises made
by the corporation when the enterprise was in
its infancy, and was severely criticized for
doing so. Yet the admitted facts now justify
everything that was then printed in its columns.
Where the major part of the blame lies we do
not pretend to say. It has been obvious from
the first, however, that too little attention has
been paid to the opinions of practical shipping
men. The wooden ship fiasco is a convincing
proof of that, and now Hog Island emphasizes
the futility of the government policy in another
respect. Philadelphia Ledger.
Missouri Mules Make Good
Missouri is signally honored. Her mules
"made good" on the western front. They were
an indispensable help in winning the war, in
making the world safe for democracy.
The chief witness in behalf of the Missouri
mule is the British army. The witness is un
biased by any considerations of neighborliness.
He never was in Missouri. Without intimida
tion or coercion, of his own free will, he signs
the certificate of character.
Cambrai would never be what it is going to
be in history if the Missouri mule had not been
behind the gun. He kept the heavy artillery
right up to the front with the attacking infantry.
He went without his oats and waded through
mud and over filled-in shell holes to show that
he was game on the side of peace with victory
and justice.
The Missouri mule took his share of the gas
and shell shock. Te slept out o' nights in the
rain and cold. He kept his "hee haw" muffled
at critical moments. He pulled and pulled
my. how he pulled when put to it!
Who shall say that the mule veterans, having
proved their stuff by their deeds, are not en
titled to roam rich pastures in the good old
summer time and to hibernate in warm box
stalls the rest of their natural lives? It is back
to the land, back to the oats and hay for them.
They will tell no tales of their prowess, but on
many of them always will be the marks of their
stewardship in the struggle of titanic forces for
good and ill. Minneapolis Tribune,
Song of the Dawn.
Wak! It la morning! The rose hua la
Wake to th glory ot yonder glad aky!
Over the land a brave anthem Is pealing
Back to th fait caat your loyal "Uood
Wake to th pleasure of lira that aur
round you!
Wake to the duties thRt He In your way
Hall to the new year whose coming ha
found you
t'p and alert (or Ita work or Its play!
Over the past, with lis bunion of sorrow,
Waste no regrets, neither siglilngs nor
Grasp at the triumphs that lie In to
Cling to th hopes of the on-coming
Broad Is the highway of noble successes
Laurel and bay wait the conqueror'!
I.ov la tho guerdon that honor and
blesses ;
Rise and go forth to your victories now
Comes the New Year.
Comes the New Year,
Th bright New Year;
With Peace upon her face a-shine.
With gladness In your heart and mine;
Restoring sons and brothers dear,
Comes the New Year.
Cornea the New Year.
The radiant year;
With eager hearts and eager hands,
Restoring devastated lands;
And long-lost homes shall reappear
With the New Year.
Comes th New Year,
A fresh New Year,
With pages clean for men to write
The doom of tyranny and might;
With warmth to hearts long chilled by
Comes the glad year.
Cornea th New Year,
A bounteous year,
With greater things to think and do,
With higher planes and vistas new,
With souls out.feachlng far and near
Comes the New Year.
Comes th New Year,
A blessed year,
To those whose sons fell In the fray;
Their alorv none can take away,
Those stars of gold sad hearts shall
Through many a year.
What of the Year?
With low-bent head and silent tread
The Old Year went in sorrow
Unto Its tomb with all the gloom
In shadow o'er the morrow.
But as it passed there came a blast
To break ita silence fleeing.
And with a blare of trumpets' flare
The New Year sprang to being.
The joy bells rang, their mighty clang
Mixed with a thousand voices,
While whistles shrill blew with a will.
As when a world rejoices;
With dance and song, the lively throng
In happy tumult meeting.
With one accord glad wishes poured
To give) the New Year greeting.
A youngster bright dropped in Time's
The New Tear stands before u.
All merry smiles, all lively wiles.
And laughing at our chorus;
But stilled the laugh, and hushed the
As dread thought comes to sting us
What more world woe, what trials to
The New Year comes to bring us?
Baltimore American.
Adieu to the Old.
We part, oh comrade, reluctantly;
Long have we trod the winding way.
Troublous, clouded, graysome
Aye the shadowed way.
Adieu! We part, oh comrade! Adieu!
Upon thy way I see thee going,
Bended low 'neath thy burden;
Weighted, bowing, tired, plodding
Heavy footed out upon thy newsome path.
What hand shall welcome thee?
Adieu, oh comrade! We part
Thou upon thy way and I upon mine,
I hav seen tby brothers slain,
I hav watched thine eyes streaming;
I have aeen thee atop upon thy way
To stanch some bleeding thing
Smiling, wisely, bending tenderly,
But thou art weary now
Bent and weary. Thy steps
Are stepped most falteringly.
Adieu! With thee upon thy path,
Oh, wilt thou take the memory
Of my hand's clasp the touch
Of one brother upon the other's flesh?
Oh, wilt thou then turn
And smile me back one smile of fellow
ship? I see thy aged form sink low,
I would burden thee not, pave of my lovej
Nor would I hang upon thy brow
A garland of glistening green
That flasheth scarlet bud.
Nay, 'twould be as a skull
Wreathod of victor's laurel
A folly-crown upon thy most venerable
brow. j
Adieu, oh comrade! Upon thy path!
Th years that come are beckoning me;
But I shall recall thy burdens, ,
Thy sorrows, thy tendernesses.
Aye, and oh, wilt thou turn upon thy !
path I
And smile a smile of fellowship, j
Oh, parting year?
.Lynching ltmrtl of 1918.
Tuskepee Institute, Aln., Pec. 31.
To the Kdltor of The Hee: I send
you tho following relative to lynch
ings for the year:
According: to the records compiled
by Monroe X. Work, in charge of
records and research of the Tuske
Kee Institute, there were 62 lynch
ing in 1S. This is 24 more' than
the number 38, for the year 1917.
Of those lynched. RS were nmrrnsa
and four were whites. Five of those
put to death were women. Sixteen,
or a little more than one-fourth of
those out to death, were , ti;.i-o,i
with rape or attempted rape.
ine onensos rnargrd airalnst the
whites lynched wore murder, 2; be
injr disloyal, 2.
The offenses charged against the
negroes were: Alleged complicity
in murder. 14: murder. 7; ilinroci
with threats to kill. 6; charged with
rape, it); charged with attempted
rape, fi; alleged participation in
ficht about nllocrpi) hncr ntnnlino- Q -
killing officer of the law. 2; being in
timate with woman, 1; assisting man
charged with murder tn escnne 1-
robbing house and frightening wo
men, 1; killing man in dispute about
automobile repairs, 1; making un
wise remarks. i; making unruly re
marks, 1; killing landlord in a de
pute over a farm contract 1 am.
saultinir with Intent t.i
wounding another, 1; robbery and
i enisling arresr, i.
The states In which U-nMi intra nr.
eurred. and tho luminal in Aui.Vi
state are ns follows: Alabama. 3;
Arkansas. 2: California, 1: Florida,
2; Georgia, IS; Illinois, 1; Kentucky,
1; Louisiana. 9: MisslsBlnnl Vnrth
Carolina, 2; Oklahoma, 1; South
Cnrolina, 1; Tennessee, 4; Texas, 9;
irginia. i; Wyoming, 1.
KOmkrt R. MOTON, Principal.
Jerry on the Banquet.
Omaha. Dee. 30. To tho TiHitn-.
of The Hee: It has been Paid that
the world is moved, or ruled, by
phrases, and there is much tenth In
it. A phrase may mean more to the
multitude of men than a bulky vol
ume. The phrase quoted by the
British press from President Wil
son's speech at the state banquet at
Buckingham Talnce "Minra n
great tide tunning in the hearts of
men." I hope will obtain righteous
results everywhere. However, your
editorial on the banquet and phrase
of comment is opportune when you
say "Fifteen million dollars' worth of
gOld nliltO trlislplllnc nn lha linnrrl
and King George following Presi
dent Wilson into the banquet hall
wnai a spectacle ror democracy tri
umphant is there presented." I be
lieve, democracy's only hope of suc
cess is nnhlieltv Ynn nra rUht
That much god at a banquet is a
Spectacle to behold. -while nhntn.
graphs of babies starving for lack of
iinm are on exnimtion.
Democrats and City Salaries.
Omaha. Dec. 25. To the Editor
of The Bee: Reading In the naner
where Jerry Howard, "Dr." Tanner
and Dan Butler sent a resolution to
the city commissioners to send dele
gates to the senate and legislature
to ask for a raise in firemen's and
policemen's pay. it seems to me like
another democratic dream. Dr.
Tanner and Mr. Howard have been
n Lincoln two or three times of late
years, and the democrats for the
last 12 years have tried to get home
rule and haven't got ft yet, or the
commissioners would have had a
State Press Comment
Hasting Tribune: Since Nebras
ka has taken on prohibition mince
pies are not as popular in this state
as they were.
Kearney Hub: Reports of the
Nebraska State Board of Agriculture
lust made public show that there has
been a practical gain of 2,000,000
acres in the cultivated area of the
state since the world war began. The
hay crop is not included.
Fremont Tribune: .Nebraska is
credited with three representatives
at the world's peace conference not
withstanding its secretary of state
quit his Job before the fnlted States
got Into the war. It is an interesting
aftermath of Xebraska's one-time
strong peace sentiment.
St. Taul Republican: Reports
from every section of Nebraska are
to the etfect that the recent heavy
rainfall and the light snow In many
sections of the state have put the
ground In the best condition for
present and future crop prospects
that it has been in for years. Al
though the hard freeze that followed
this wave of moisture has put the
roads in far worse condition than
they have been for years.
Harvard Courier: The three
Cherry county men who successfully
discouraged the ardor of a suitor fur
the hand of a sister of one of the
men by hanging him, have all been
pardoned from the penitentiary.
Governor Morehead pardoned one
of them soon after he was sentenced
and Oovernor Neville will release
the other two this week. They were
all sentenced for life. Seems like
life term prisoners don't have much
to fear nowadays.
chance to do something about salar
ies and other affairs. There will lie
a different kind of delegates go this
time and moreover salaries will be
raised and not by democrats, as they
have had 18 years of it so far.
Mr. Butler, the man who dis
charged all republicans when he
took the street department and is
trying to advise the republicans, cut
the salaries in his deparment and
laid off all men during the month of
December. He is the first commis
sioner that ever did this in thai
department as long as the commis
sion plan of government has beer
used. Mr. Orotte says republican?
are not as capable as democratic
men who were In the service fur
years. I believe Mr. Butler had bet
ter attend to getting the snow
cleaned off the streets as damp feet
will give the flu, and not try to exe
cute the republican party.
"Why did you buy that old doormat
when your office furniture is brand-new?"
"I think worn doormat outside Is a
good advertisement for a lawyer." Judge.
"All very well to talk about peace. But
what will my husband do?"
"Surely he can find something like his
present work?"
"No, he can't. He' a press censor."-
Passing Enow.
"You seem very eager for bone-dry con
ditions." "I am," replied Mr. Chugglns. "I am
In favor of anything that will prevent
people from smashing bottles In the road
to cut up automobile tires." Washington
Hil T.ife My Dear. You are getting
on well with the new novel.
Eminent Novelist Novel be hanged.
I'm trying to order a half ton of coal.
New York Sun.
"These patients whom you say are so
hard to manage, have all of them, I se,
lost a leg or two in th war.''
"Yes, so they have."
"Then how can you expect them to toe
the mark?" Baltimore American.
Fremont, Neb.
A 20 Pay Life Policy with Annual Dividends that returns
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