Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1919. FEDERAL SEARCH BEING MADE FOR BOMB PLOTTER federal agencies arc co-operating with the police. One theory is that (me party of men. using an automo bile, had committed all three out rapes. Anarchists Issue Defi. At the scene of the explosion the police picked up circulars which contained the deli of the bomb throwers. The heading read: "To the exploiters, the judges, police- The Abandoned Room rights words of a of the peo- AHob nn OU;inlU; l.J : men. the priests, the soldiers. I his miaui-uii riii.aucijJiiid juuycajwas followed by 200 Leads to Wide Investiga tion of Activities of Seditionists. Philadelphia. I'a., Dec. 31,-Shrap-nel sheils, loaded with nitroglycerin t" T. X. T were exploded late last night at the homes of three men .prominent in public life. There was ct :isiderablc destruction of prop erty, but no one was killed. Revenge against the judicial and police authorities for enforcing the ia w 'against sedition and the display of the red Hag of anarchy in this city, the police officials said, fur nished the motive. The houses attacked were those of Justice Rovert Von Moschzisker of the Pennsylvania supreme court; Ernest T. Trigg, president of the Philadelphia Chamber of Com merce, and William B. Mills,' acting superintendent of police. Eight houses adjoining these residences were damaged by the explosions The three homes are in widely separated sections of the city. The authorities believe .the Trigg bomb was intended for the home of Mu nicipal Court Judge Gorman, who -esides next door. The entire police force of the city is working on the case, but the officials absolutely refuse to tell what clues tHey have, if any. All harangue on the pie. Justice von Moschzisker today ex pressed the belief that his home was attacked simply because he is the highest court officer in Phila delphia. & "This bombing outrage, to my mind," said the justice, "is simply the work of misguided, hysterical persons affected by conditions of the times. I do not believe there was any personal animosity in the attack on my house. So far as I can recall, there has been no case ' fore me in which a decision would have affected any of the class of persons who apparently directed these efforts at frightfulness." Since the outbreak of the war Justice von Moschisker has been ac tive in securing relief for the dis tressed people of Poland. Early to day Mayor Smith and Superinten d nt of Police Mills visited the home of the justice. They found the entire front wrecked, and the drawing room with all its furniture in ruins. Windows in every house in the block were shattered. Due to Bolshevism. Superintendent Mills said today: "There is is no doubt these out rages are due to a combination of bolshevism and the Industrial Workers of the World because of the 'activity shown by the police and the courts enforcing the laws against sedition during the war. By Wadsworth Camp CHAPTER XLIII. What Made the Noise. Robinson's hesitation was easily comprehensible. If Paredes were responsible for the abnormalities they had experienced at the Cedars he might find it simple enough to trick them now, but the man's mock ing smile brought the anger to Rob inson's face. ! "Ot course, he can t eet awav. See if there's anything on his clothes. Rawlins. He ought to have the hat pin. Then let him go." The detective, however, failed to find the hatpin or any other weapon. "You see," Paredes smiled. "That's something in my favor." He stepped back, brushing his clothing with his uninjured hand. He lighted a cigaret. He drew back the coat sleeve of his left arm and readjusted the bandage. He glanced up as heavy footsteps heralded Doc tor Groom. "Hello, Doctor," he called cheer ily. "I was afraid you'd nap through the show. It seems the bloodhounds of the law left us out of their confidence." "What's all this?" the doctor rumbled. Paredes waved his hand. "I am a prisoner." The doctor gaped. "You mean you " "Young Blackburn caught him," Robinson explained. "He was in a position to finish him just as he did Hovvells." . - "Except that I had no hatpin," Paredes yawned. The doctor's uneasy glance sought the opening in the wall. "I thought you had examined all these walls," he grumbled. "How did vou miss this?" REMARKABLE USED CAR SALE Now is the Time for You a Used Gar to Buy Dependable CADILLAC TYPE 53 RENEWED Here is a regular, honest-to-goodness, eight-cylinder Cadillac car completely renewed. It will serve you as many years aj$$jj W:to". be- perfect in everyjp&fc; Ver;have "several different models of renewed Cadillacs for sale now. One of them might suit you. Why not take a look at them? HUDSON SUPER SIX CABRIOLET A mighty fineTsmall enclosed car might be just the thing your wife wants, or just the car you need in these cold, raw winter days to run between the house and the office. This car is certainly worthy of your inspec tion. You might want to buy it after you have tried it out. WHITE This car is a dandy 4-cylinder, 5-passenger car which was never used hard. It is equipped with all new Fisk tires and tubes. Used less than 7,000 miles by a very particular Omaha business man who has given it excellent care. In perfect mechanical condition and a bargin for someone who wants a really high-grade 4 cylinder car. NASH An excellent roadster that will carry four passen gers. Mechanically O. K. and tire equipment excellent. Now is the time to select a good used car at our show room. . REO This is a good substantial touring car for seven pas sengers. In good mechanical condition and good tire equipment. Priced right. " You can do it with a Reo." These are only a few examples of the cars which we are closing out now to make room for large shipments of new, 1919 Cadillac motor cars. It will pay you to call now and see what we have to offer. All sizes All Prices These used cars, when sold, will prove to you that ours is A SAFE PLACE TO BUY Come early while we have a good stock from which you can make your selection. Open evenings until nine o'clock and all day Sunday, during this sale. .. ',-. - . Jories-Hansen-Cadillac Co. Cadillac Bldg. Omaha Farnam at 26tK Robinson ran his fingers through his hair. "That's what I've been asking my self," he saidv "I went over that panelling a dozen times myself." Bobby and Katherine went closer, Bobby had been from the first puz zled by Parede's easy manner. He had a quick hope. He saw the man watch with an amused tolerance while the district attorney bent over, examining the face of the panel. "An entire section," Robinson said "the thickness of the wall has been shifted to one side. No wonder we did't see any joints or get a hollow sound from this panel any more than from the others. But why didn't we stumble on the mechanism? Maybe you'll tell us that, Paredes." The Panamanian blew a wreath of smoke against the ancient wall. "Gladly, but you will find it humil iating. 1 have experienced humility in this hall myself. The reason you didn't find any mechanism is that there wasn't any. You looked for something most cautiously conceal ed, not realizing that the best con cealment is no concealment at all, It's fundamental. I don't know how jt slipped my own mind. No grooves show because the door is an entire panel. There isn't even a latch. You merely push hard against its face. Such arrangements are common enough in colonial houses, and there was more than the nature of the crimes to tell you there was some such thing here. I mean if you will find that it has fewer coats of paint than the one leading to the corridor, t hat its frame is of newer wood. In other words, it was cut through after the wing was built. This panel was the original door, designed with the private stairway and the hall, for the exclusive use of the master of the house. Try it." Robinson braced himself and shov ed against the panel. It moved in its grooves with a vibrant stirring. "Rusty," he said. Katherine started. "That's what I heard each time," she cried. Above his heavy black beard the doctor's cheeks whitened. Robinson made a gesture of revulsion. "That gives the nasty game away." "Naturally," Paredes said, "and you must admit the game is as beau tifully simple as the panel. The in trument of death wasn't inserted through the bedding as you thought inevitable, Doctor. Suppose you were lying in that bed, asleep, or half asleep, and you were aroused by such a sound as that in the wall behind you? What would you do? What would any man do first of all?" Robinson nodded. "I see what you mean. I'd get up on my elbow. I'd look around as quickly as I could to see what it was, I'd expose myself to a clean thrust. I'd drop back on the bed, more thoroughly out of it than though I'd been struck through the heart." "Exactly," Paredes said, with the familiar shrug of the shoulders. "You're sensible to give up this way," Robinson said. "It's the best plan for you. What about Mr. Blackburn?" Graham interfered. "After all," he said thoughtfully, "I'm a lawyer, and it isn't fair, Rob inson. It's only decent to tell him that anything he says may be used against him." "Keep your mouth shut," Robinson shouted. But Paredes smiled at Graham. "It's very good of you, but I agree with the district attorney. There's no point in being a clam now." "Can you account for Silas Black burn's return?" the doctor asked eagerly. "That's right, Doctor," Paredes said. "Stick to the ghosts. I fancy there are plenty in this house. I'm afraid we must look on Silas Black burn as dead." "You don't mean we've been talk ing to a dead man?" Katherine whis pered. "Before I answer," Paredes said, "I want to have one or two things straight. These men, Bobby, really believe, think me capable of crimes in this house. I want to know if you accept a theory. Do you think I had any idea of killing you?" Bobby studied the reserved face when even now was without emo tion. "I can't think anything of the kind," he said softly. "That's very nice," Parades said. "If you had answered differently I'd have let these clever policemen lay to their own ghosts." He turned to Robinson. "Even you must' begin to see that ' 1 m not guilty. our common sense will tell you so. If I had been plan ning to kill Bobby, why didn't I bring the weapon? Why. did I put my hand through the opening be fore I was ready to strike? Why did I use my left hand my injured hand? I was like Howells. I couldn't consider the case finished until I had solved the mystery of the lock ed doors. Isupposed the room was empty. When I found the secret tonight, I reached through to see hr..v far my hand would be from the pillow." (To Be Continued.) Aviator in Aerial Mail Service Burned to Death Rockville Center. N. Y.. Dec. 31. Cuthbert Mills, aviator in the aerial mail service, was burned to death two miles north of this place today, when, just after leaving Mineola, his airplane fell from a height of 3,000 feet and caught fire. The plane was being tested before being turned over to the Postoffice department. One Dead and Score Injured in Collision in Peoria Peoria, . 111., Dec. 31. A headon collision of a west bound Lake Erie and Western passenger train and a Toledo, Peoria and Western stock train resulted in the death of En gineer Patrick E. Hoggerty, Tipton, Ind., and the injury of a score or more of train men and passengers in the east Peoria yards tonight, none seriously. To Release Sinn Feiners. London, Dec. 31. The release of all the Sinn Feiners interned in England is expected virtually at once. Count Plunkett, one of the Sinn Feiners elected to Parliament in the recent balloting, already has been released. U. S. Warshps Go to Baltic Ports for Sick Soldiers Copenhagen. Dec. 31. The Amer ican cruiser Chester, which arrived here yesterday with the American destroyers Wyckes and Ailwin, left here today for Danzig, the port of German Toland. The destroyers have gone to Lubeck, also a Ger man Baltic port. The warships will take on board sick Americans. The situation in Posen is extreme ly critical, according to the Vor waerts of Berlin. The German gov ernment has been asked to send troops there and Herr I.andsberg, secretary of publicity, art and litera ture in the Ebert cabinet, has gone to Posen to negotiate' with the Poles. here, r : tilting in a loss cstim..;, at $150,000. Block in Tyndall Burns, Tyndall, S. I)., Dec. 31. Fire of unknown origin early today de stroyed an entile business block Transport Arrives. Newport News. Va., Dec. 31. Th irauspurt Aeolus arrived here today lmni rr.uice with J.WO officers an men, most of whom had been wounded or gassed. M URUU mrUU MM H II llll IT I I II I -MMH I I I I I I I -1 t Ml- t-TTMiMiiit I.1H llllll I II II HI mm 1 . . m... Totmm Powder Chief HigreQ.s'w - f of Which 394,000 Were Seze ntfee ft!- Blank Diplomas ior u--- - - -i . n.L un Rnid"Jil"i covereo n u' w-j- - ., More tablet, we iufftcturer wa. Brooklyn. Jhe f"",;,. as Joseph ,Mtd. He Ktve hl me H S J cSSA company. OI xne . ,ce Broom"- 7 - a verandah place, ef 'w'Vrrt followed tn 7 be .. Z,. .. They IOU,"..r T t?VTl to consist of seventy P cl ""l also used- i.iftnr Copeland stra , Health CommlJ4cg lnfluef or pnu- . . tablets. Hf..ubt but that many -There is no u to fcg. hounds o persons 1 tf ,,ule plrln as fl00".n6,8v md not help thow cold. It clnJJpped to get tal people II they ? their systems, and , m Pwdet many thousands ot irl neBPvennan. with ms v. Verandan made, the raid on rnmoany. . . J V. . rw.nafi" said: .v cmei '"-,94 000 tablets, on w selaea ''.-. and strength $ the s ot belieV9 dfr The manufacfurer talcum Plwair . ' . great out-ot-6eems to have done a v W9 town Uislness, and iesv Monthly He declare, than "0,000 tablets a he Is a SP .aenvaerftl months In h ness for Bec,.t"u. many Ufc - .... JUBl ,A Verandah pia. hai sold -.llllnns Of these v" , .IgU." 1 ;irm: tablets 1 " ".resting ph" .??: l. r 'and 'blank diplomas , tit nuns ,l"-77 rooelana ntwiw 101 -nid toe an invenws there 'wouja " this also. ... tB ti.ooO tH W MJ SJ Health charge Geriuine The tJidemrk "Aspirin' (Rej. V. S. Pat Office) Is t curjintM tht the motrottrtiticld xtcf ol Miicyllcicid la these ablca tod capiules Is of toe reliable foyer DiuuUcture. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMninMTni nf the Health woss-u -jf From New York City Newspapers of December 21, 1918 W A Happy New k J Epsten Lithographing Jan six We wish ijou a ( Happy and Prosperous New Year Bertschy Manufacturing & Engineering Co. FISTULA CURED Rectal Disease. Cured without a evre aurgieai operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Car guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for Illus trated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and IP Ulll l l-' (rated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and J IhI IkJ testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people ' i who have been permanently eured. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. New Year's Greetings nmmm It gives us, at this time, no little pleasure in extending to everyone a hearty New Year's greeting one that carries with it not empty words, but words of sincerity, trust and confi dence. The year over which life's curtain has just been drawn has been a year full of anxiety, waiting and much sor row for the boys over-seas, as well as for the merchant and artisan at home, who have had to meet the world's ever changing conditions. 'Twas a condi tion that tried the man of millions' as well as he who carried home a salary wage each week and to each goes an equal 'honor as both were patriotic, willing yes, even anxious to stem the tide of militarism and in its place see the allied flags of democracy float ma jestically. To the women too much praise can not be given, as they too have been steadfast, true and brave, facing each new issue as it would arise with a con fidence beyond comparison, in that right over might would in the end pre vail and the peoples of the earth would be endowed more generously with God's good gifts. To you we wish a full measure of prosperity for the year beginning this day. J. E. DAVIDSON, Vice-President & Gen. Manager Nebraska Power Company. i Now you know Look for the Cross UsMssVssHSnpK lull "J -I I I ! f I ,i I J..i.i i i i.ri i i rii"