Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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8 A
Monday and TuesdayFinal Days of the Year Afford Remarkable Economies in the
Year-End Clearance Throughout the Entire Store
.randeis Stores
Every Department Involved in this Exhaustive Final Clean-Up
Monday and Tuesday, the final days of this big selling event, find every floor, every department in the
store represented with values of the most remarkable sort. We must have room for new stocks and our
sincere determination to sell all seasonable goods now is evidenced in the manner in which prices have
been reduced. Following are some of the offerings many lots too small to advertise are on sale.
These Sales Begin Monday 9 a. m. All Lots on Sale While They Last. 0
brandeis Stores
j Clearance of Underwear j'
Decisive Price Reductions id Every Instance
OMEN'S Italian Silk
Suits and Envelope
VV Uni
Chemises, pink or white, daintily
trimmed with fine laces and rib
bons or embroidered fronts.
Were 6.50 and 5.95; slightly
mussed, choice, at 2.95
WOMEN'S Union Suits,
Wool, or Silk and Wool? low
neck and sleeveless, or Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves, ankle
length. Were 4.25 and 3.98, in
' regular and extra sizes, 2.69
I NF ANTS' Wool Vests, but-
ton fronts. Sizes 2 months to
3 years. Regular 75c and 1.00
values. On sale at 49
Women's Winter Union Suits
Heavy cotton or fieece l'ned suits with high neck, long sleeves, or
Dutcli neck, elbow sleeves; arkle length.
Sizct 34, is and 38, were 1.00 end 1.25, now, 69
Regular and Extra Size, were l.SS and 2.25, now, 1.49
Third Floor,
WOMEN'S Italian Silk
Vests, slightly soiled and muss
ed. Colors, pink or white with
band tailored top, or bodice top.
Were 2.50 to 2.95, now, 1.39
fJI ISSES Vests, medium or
heavy fleece lined, high neck,
long sleeves, in white or peeler,
ankle length; pants to match.
Regular 50c to 75c garments, in
sizes 2 to 14 years, at 39
D OYS' and Girls' Union
Suits, medium or heavy fleece
lined, high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length; in white, peeler or
gray. Sizes 2 to 16 years. Reg
ularly 1.25 and 1.50, now 98
Coats Now 46.75, $55 and' $65
Way Below Regular Prices
in the Clearance Sale
MEN'S and Women' Sham-
rock. Lawn and Mercer
ized handkerchiefs, fancy col
ored and plain wh'te with em
b oiderej, hemstitched and col
ored borders. 19c andOl
15c values, each
Or three for
Men's erd Women's Pure Irish
Ti;nen HaTclkorchiefs, neatly
hemstitched. Good size. Each,
for 25
flcn't Mercerized Handker-
c'licfs with banded borders in
plain white and fancy colors,
nortly hemstitched. Regular 25c
Rid 19c values, very special,
at 11
Women's Linen and Shamrock
Lawn Handkerchiefs, in colored
and plain, hemstitched borders.
AL'o in fancy colored and white
rmbroidered designs; 35c and
25c values, at, each 18
Main Floor
END of the Year Clear
ance Sale of several
hundred pairs of Women's
Shoes. Former values to
12.00, at
Blouses i
Special Groups at Year-End Clearance Prices
I TTTONDERFUL values in warm lined and interlined Fur Trimmed Coats, at far less than regular values.
IYV Fancy cloths in Evora, Silvertone, Ve! curs,. Bolivia, Suede Velour and Pom-Pom, with fancy silk
linings, shawl and round convertiDie collars oi seal, oppossum, raccoon, nuina ana musKrai;
range of colors, spruce, congo, reindeer, taupe, bur
gundy, navy and overseas blue, also including blacks.
Dresses Reduced to 39.75
Extraordinary Offerings for Women and Misses
A DELIGHTFUL variety of styles for street, after
noon and dress wear and such splendid materials
as Georgettes, Satins, Velveteen, Wool Jersey and
Tricolette, the favorite shades of taupe, brown, blue,
Copenhagen, navy, burgundy and black.
New Arrivals in Dresses
AN attractive shqwing of the very newest styles
just arrived in Taffeta, Georgette and Satin
Dresses, including the "Rosemary Frocks" as adver
tised in Vogue and Harper'sBazaar. At 35.00
Second Floor
j The Hosiery Clearance
Affords the Most Unusual Savings
WOMEN'S Silk Hosiery in
onlnr. Thrpud nilk carter tons.
OMEN'S Pure Thread
Silk Hosiery, all shoe shades,
with lisle tops, high and spliced
soles, heels and toes. Extra fine
quality, very durable. All sizes.
Worth I.75 pair, at 1.50
WOMEN'S Silk Hosiery in
all colors, plain and fancy.
A large assortment - to select
from. Extra good value. Worth
1.00, per pair, at 7&6
OMEN'S Silk Boot Hose.
Thread silk in colors, lisle
tops, lisle feet. Fine quality.
Worth 85c, pair, at 59d
colors. Thread silk garter tops.
Some plain, other drop stitch.
The wanted shades, worth 1.50,
pair, at 1.25
CHILDREN'S Cotton Hose
in black and white, Fine rib
bed, medium ribbed. Good dye
and weight. All sizes 6 to 10.
Worth 39c a pair, at S5d
INFANTS' Cashmere Wool
Hose, in small sizes. Colors,
black, tan and red. Extra values.
Worth 39c. pair, at i 19
Misses' Thread Silk Hosiery
in the plain unribbed Hose. Sizes, 7 to 9i2 in pink, sky blue,
black and white. Extra special value. .Worth 1.25 pair, at 79tf
Main Floor
At Reduced Prices Now
LATE arrivals that are new and novel; in tailored effects,
plaited, tucked, embroidered and beaded; round, low, or
high neck; new sleeves and cuffs; come in Georgette, Crepe de
Chine, Meteored Taffeta, in the light or dark suit shades.
Choice oj Three Groups
Formerly Priced to $4 now 1.90
Formerly Priced to $7 now 3.98
Formerly Priced to $10 now 5.98
Second Floor
The assortment consists of black
kidskin, brown kid with cloth
top to match, field mouse color
with cloth top, brown calf skin,
welted soles Cuban military
and walking heels. We will also
include a small lot of the Red
Cross shoes, sample line ; choice,
per pair 6.85
Main Floor
Clearance Sale
SEAMLESS Wilton Rugs, 9x
12 sire, in the very latest
colorings and designs. Very
moderately priced. 82.50 rugs,
at 74.50
Jfxl2 and 8-3x10-6 Axmintter
Rugs, blues, tans ana Drowns,
tan and old rose colorings, in
small allovers, medallion and
Oriental patterns, 34.50
and 30.00
Wilton Ruga, good patterns, ex
ceptional values; retail regular
ly from 10.75 to 15.00. Year
End Clearance Sale Price,
36x65-inch size, at 8.98
27x54-inch size, at 7.49
36-Inch Axmintter Ruga, odd
pieces in 60-inch to 75-inch
lengths. Same quality sell in
regular lengths for 6.50. Year
End Clearance Sale
Price 3.98
Third Floor
Soaps and
Washing Powders
I Tory Soap, per bar 5c
White Borax Naphtha Soap, per
bar 4c
Pearl White Soap, per5 bar, 4c
Diamond "C" Soap, bar, 3c
Large Package GolSen Rod
Washing Powder v 17c
Small Package Golden Rod
Washing Powder 4c
No deliveries. Right to limit
quantity told any one person
- reserved.
' 500 Cotton
MADE up, in Sateen,
Cotton Foulards and
Fifth Avenue Taffeta,
1.50 to 2.00 values
At 89 c
Come in fancy designs and
with ruffled or plaited bottoms
and elastic waist belt These are
exceptional values and must be
seen to be appreciated.
Third Floor
Smart Tailored
Choice of Two Lots in the
Year End Clearance
Group I
Latest models in separate skirts.
Plaits, or flared motifs in serge,
Poiret twill, plaids, silk poplins,
taffeta silks, etc., in black,
navy and colors. Former prices
10.00, 12.00, choice 7.95
Group II
Accumulation of a season's
business. Good and well tailored
in poplins, serges, plaids, wor
steds, etc., all sizes in the as
sortment; former prices 5.00,
5.50 up to 6.00. For quick
clearance, at 2.00
.Second Floor
Dress Goods Clearance -
Wanted Fabrics Way Under Price
TWO HUNDRED Bolts of Strictly1 Pure All Wool Dress Goods
and Suitings in the season's most wanted weaves, such as
French Serges, Poplins, Gabardines. Epingles, Tricotines, Etc.,
width 42 to 54 inches, in almost every desirable shade, including
navy blue and black. Values in this lot worth up to $3.50 per
yard. Specal for our Year End Clearing Sale, 1 CQ
choice, per yard 1 7
42-Inch Wool French Serges
A very fine quality specially adapted for dresses, in all wanted
colors, including navy and black. Special for our Year End
Sale, per yard
50-Inch Fine Pure All Wool
French Serges, in a full range
of all the fashionable shades,
including navy blue and black.
A serge that sells ordinarily for
$3.50. Special for our Year
End Sale, per yard 2.39
54-Inch Strictly Pur AH
Wool Chiffon Broadcloth, silk
finished, finest Australian
yarn, sponged and shrunk. In
black only. Sold regularly for
4.50 per yard. While 10 bolts
last, yard, at 2.89
IN the Year End Clearance Sale affording unlimited
opportunities to secure the most fashionable pelts
and style of the season way under price.
Our Entire Stock of High-Grada Fur
Coats Plain & Fancy Trimmed Models
Hudson Seal Coats, l
Nearseal Coats, CUrxine of
Raccoon Coats, VIlUlce LX
Nutria Coats, .
Rivermink Coats, I Itt
Fur Coatees of Mink, I X
Squirrel, Hudson Seal
French Coney and Combinations. Relllsf
All Splendid Values-For Instance-
1 00.00 Fur Coatee, Now Only 66.50 PflCCS
150.00 Fur Coat, Now Only 100.00 J
Great Year End Sale Reductions in Fine
Scarf, Stoles, Capes, Sets and Muffs.
In all the fine Pelts used this season. We mention from our great
assortment several large groups worth your while taking advantage of
during this sale. "
Group 175.00
Regular 90.00, 100.00 and 115.00 Fox Scarfs, Wolf Scarfs, Large
Lynx Scarfs, Mink Scarfs, Beaver Collars, and Hudson Seal Throws,
Mole Scarfs, Etc Choice now, at 75.00
Group II At 45.00
Regular 60.00, 65.00 and 70.00 values, in rich Fox Scarfs or Muffs,
Wolf Scarfs in taupe, or black; Lynx Scarfs, Hudson Seal Throws or
large Muffs, many odd pieces, exceptional values. Now 45.00
Other Fine Furs,
of guaranteed solid skins in de
sirable shapes, grouped for this
sale and reduced to
9.95, 14.95, 25.00
All Children's Fur Sets at
Off Former Pricings.
Second Floor.
Sale of Short Lengths
We have grouped together all
odd pieces and short lengths
from our entire immense silk
stock are included in this sale
Consisting of 36 and 40-
inch aatin messalines,
crepes, meteor, poplins.
Georgettes, .foulards,
voiles, marquisettes, taf
feta and charmeuses, in
plain and novelty effects, in
lengths suitable for blouses,
dresses and trimmings. Regard
less of former prices, which
were up to 2.50,
choke, per
Velour Du Nord
A beautiful rich, deep black
silky velvet; only 10 pieces of
this superb and m rff
much wanted fabric, 4 hll
worth 8.50 a yard, at v
x Coatings
All of our 51 -inch dracord nov
elty stripe velvet cord, all wool
novelty velvo, suitable for coat
and bath robe material, wortn
to 6.00, per
Main Floor
Clearance Prices
Large pieces of Marking Chalk,
each, lc.
60-Inch Tape Line, each, 4c.
10-Yard Bolt of Bias Tape,
per bolt, 5c.
Collingbournes and some Coat
Thread, per spool, 4c.
Face Veil, all good shades, 2
for 25c.
Rustproof Clasps, per card, 3c.
American Maid Crochet Cotton,
for 6c. .
Fast Colored Darning Cotton,
at 2 c.
English Needle, paper, 12 He
Large Boxes Wire Hair Pins,
each, 10c.
Sylvia Hair Nets, all shades, 4c.
Bone Knitting Needle, pair, 10c
Velvet Grip and Butter Brown
Garters, 25c
Inside Skirt Belting, yd., 10c'
Wooden Coat Hangers, ea., 3c
Machine Needle, all brands,
per tube, 10c.
San Silk, all colors, spool, 3He
Main Floor
The Jewelry Clearance
Child's 25c Knife, Fork and Spoon Set, at 15c
3.50 Real Stag Carving Sets, 9-inch blade, at set, 1.98.
3.25 Gravy Ladle 1847 Rogers, now, at 1.50.
6.50 Dessert Spoons 1847 Rogers, now at 2.75.
1.50 Cold Meat Fork 1847 Rogers, now, at 75c.
1.50 Manicure Set, in French Ivory, now, at 79e
1.00 Women's Pocket Books and Hand Bags, now 69c
2.00, 2.98 Soiled Hand Bags and Pocket Books, now 1.00
i Main Floor
Year-End Clearance of Trimmings
Fancy Novelty Braids, all shades designs, now, per yard, Be
Fancy Dress Frogs, all colors and Bizes, now, each, 39e to 69c
Rose Bud Trimmings, all shades, now, per yard, 10e to 59c.
Medallions, silk and beaded, new shades, now, each, 10c to 75c
Main Floor
Veilings in the Clearance Sale
6.00 Fancy Floral Scarfs, 2 yards long, now, 2.95.
1.50 Chiffon and Net Beaded Scarfs, light shades, now 69c
Knitted Scarfs and Mufflers, silk and mercerized, each, 39c
Drape Veils, circular and straight, now, each, 29c.
: Main Floor
Draperies at Reduced Prices
36 to 50-inch Curtain Nets, white, ivory, ecru, per yard, 50c
Quaker Lace Curtain Nets, white, ivory, ecru, per yard, 65c.
29c Figured Voile, white, ivory, ecru, now, per yard, 19c.
10c Ball Fringe Edging, full line of colors, now, per yard, 5c.
1.00 Cretonne, full line of patterns, now, per yard, 50c.
2.50 Sunfast Draneries, 50-inch width, short lengths, now, per yard, 1.50
3.50 Sunfast Draperies, 50 inches wide, also silks, now, per yard, 2.50
Third Floor
Art Needlework Clearance
Stamped Night Gowns, made up of nainsook, now, 98c
Odds and ends of gold tinsel, silk braid, now, price per yard, 7c to 39c
Turkish Bath Towels, stamped, now, each, 7 M c to 49c.
25c Wire Bag Handles, wood bag bars, now, per pair, 10c.
Bag ornaments of tinsel and silk, now, each,1 10c to 98c,
Glosilla Rope Silk, all colors, except black and white, skein, 4c
Kloster Crochet Cotton, white, ecru, colors, ball, 10c.
Third Floor
Clearance of Ladies' Neckwear
Wool Skating Sets, caps and scarfs, now, per set, 69c'
Lace Jabots, also lace trimmed net, clean goods, each, 29c
, Boudoir Caps, lace, ribbon and lace, each, now, 50c.
Collars in Swiss, Organdie,. Pique, slightly mussed, 10c.
Collars, collar and cuff sets, slightly soiled, now, at 19c.
Main Floor f
& Misses
At About y2 Former Price
INCLUDED in this Year End Clearance Sale is every
1 high grade suit in stock, all splendid models,
styles so far in advance as to be practical for early
Spring; made of the very finest materials; either
smartly plain, or trimmed in fur, some have decorative
touches of braid; all desirable shades. For Women,
Misses and some Stouts
In Three Lots:
22.50 to 30.00 Suits now 14-75
35.00 to 45.00 Suits now 19.75
59.00 to 75.00 Suits now 33.75
Second Floor.
Pretty Silk
Year End Clearance
Prices Ffaturing Two
- Groups, as Follows
Group I
Fine Silk Jersey Top and Silk
Flounces, or all changeable taf
feta, or combinations in fine
grades of silk. 4.50 values, on
sale, Monday, at 3.19
Group II
Rich embroidered flounces,
hemstitched and tucked ruffles,
or accordion plaited flounces.
Made of fine heavy silk Jersey
and silk combinations. Values
up to 7.50, now at 4.95
Second Floor
500 House
MADE of a good qual
ity percale or ging
ham, values from 1.75 to
At 1 .59
Excellently made, sizes 36 to
46, splendid patterns, styles,
trimmed with pointed collar or
stitched bias fold trimmed with
narrow piping all fast colors.
Third Floor
Domestics Underpriced
in the Year End Clearance Sale
DRESS Gingham, 500 piece genHine Red Seal Utility and Ap
pleweb Zephyr Dress Gingham. Neat plaids, checks, stripes
and plain shades, in discontinued styles and odd lots. These well
known popular makes are specially priced for Monday OOl.
only, yard, at MC
Amoskaag Outing: Flannel, ia a
splendil assortment of fancy
"patterns; also white, plain and
fancy gray. Unusual value,
Monday at, yard, 23 Vit
Fancy Printed Kimono Flannel
and genuine Serpentine Kimono
Crepe. Big variety of new, pret
ty printings and color combina
tions, at, yard 352
36-In. Comforter Covering, big variety, yard, 25c
32-In. Woven Stripe Shirting Madras, yard, 29c
Genuine Imperial Chambray, 3 to 12-yard lengths, yard, 29e
Basement . .
And Embroideries
FILET Laces excellent cop
ies of the real in white and
ecru. 6-inch wide bands and
edges. Also mercerized Cluny
Laces White and ecru. Cro
chet patterns. Per yard Ylt
Lace Flouncing, in fine
shadow designs, 12 to 18 inches
wide. Colors, white and cream;
also 36-inch all over shadow
laces. 72-inch cotton wash
blondes. Worth to 59c, at,
per yard 19d
All Linen. Cluny Bands. Real
hand-made lace in ecru only.
Worth 15c at, per yard 5
Gold and Silver Lace Edges
on silk maline nets, 6 inches
wide. Net top lace edges, in
white and cream. Worth 25c,
per yard 7
36-Inch Fine Swiss Embroid
ery Flouncing. Suitable for
children's dresses and fine
skirt flouncing. Worth 1.25, at,
per yard 79
24-Inch Fine Swiss All Over
Embroidery, Eyelet designs.
Worth 59c, at, per yard, 39
Main Floor.
At Cut Prices
Lysol Antiseptic, 50c size, 29e
Lyons' Tooth Powder, 25c size,
for 19c.
Graves' Tooth Powder, 50c size
for 29c.
Milkweed Cream, 50c size, 39c.
Java Rice Powder, 50c size, 33c
Benzoin and Almond Cream,
35c size for 19c.
Abonita Vanishing Cream, 35c
size for 19c.
Milk of Magnesia, 8-oz. hot. 19c
Orchard White, 50c size, 29c.
Aspirin Tablets, 100 in bottle,
for 49c.
Peroxide Hydrogen, 16-oz. bot
tle, for 23c.
Ulypto Ointment, 50c size, 29c.
S. S. S. for the blood, 1.10 size,
for 89e.
Hay's Hair Health, 1.00 size 59c
Palm Olive Shampoo, 50c size,
for 39c.
Palm Olive Vanishing Cream,
for 39c.
Mavis Talcum, 25c size, 19c.
Mam Floor
Gloves -
A few notable examples
of the economies possible
at the Glove Section in the
Year End Clearance Sales.
WOMEN'S One-Clasp Leath
erette and Chamoisette
Gloves, in black, white, gray
and chamois color, either plain
or with black backs, previously
sold at 85c per pair, while a
limited quantity lasts, CQ'
per pair U17C
Children's Chamoisette Gloves,
in white, gray and pongee col
or, sizes 2 to 14 years. Regular
75c values, while a very small
quantity lasts, er pair 49
Women's Kid Gloves, odds and
ends of lines valued from 2.50
to 3.00, at per pair 1.95
Main Floor
At Reduced Prices
W0OLNAP Blankets, size 72
x84 inches, in white only,
with fancy washable borders,
while limited quantity lasts,
at i 4.75
Sillcoline Covered Comfort
ers, filled with sanitary white
cotton, pretty patterns and col-
a Xfaiiim and hunw winter
Australian Plaid Blankets, in
a good assortment of fancy
plaids, extra heavy twilled,
winter weight. Full double bed
size, neatly thread whipped
edges. Special, at 5.39
Wool Blankets, size 70x84
and 66x80 inches, In assorted
plaids; also white and gray,
with fancy borders, mads from
selected wool Exceptional
value, per pair, at 9.9S
Wool Finished Cotton Blank
ets, in assorted colors. - Fancy
washable borders, thread bound
edges, at 1.69 and 1.19
CHOICE of all the elt
gant Framed Pictures,
and mirrors from 4.00 up .
Mirrors, standards, . bev
els and hang frames, for
mer prices 4.00 to 100.00,
choice of any at i
These are exceptional offer
ings as they were purchased be
fore the advance in prices this
year and could not now be
bought from the publishers and
manufacturers at even thepres
ent regular prices.
Picture Department
Third Floor
Clearance J
Andirons, Fire Baskets
and Spark Screens. Our
entire line of fireplace fix
tures, including a good
variety of sizes and styles
of andirons, fire baskets,
and spark screens to be
cleared Monday
78. off