THE BEi: OMAHA; FRIDAY, DECESfBER 27, 1918 Want Ad Rates Cash With Order.) 114 fr word neh' Insertion. e psr word for t consecutive Insertions. If par word for teh additional Insertion. Mo ad taken tor lea than a total ot or less than 10c per day. CHARGE. t er Una (count words to line) 1 tttne to par Una each time, 1 consecutive times i fo par Una each time, 30 eonseoutlvs tlmea SITUATIONS WANTED. lis par line per week CARDS Or THANKS AND FI N ERA L NOTICES. 18a per Una each Inaertlon Contract Bate oa Application. - For convenience of advertleera want ads will bo accepted at the following offtcea: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. l-aks Office 2616 North 24th 8t Vinton Office 2467 South Kth 8t. Park Office 2615 Leavenworth 8t, Walnut f(lce 811 North 40th St. South 8lde 2318 N St Council Bluffa 14 Main 8t. THE BEE will not ba responsible for mora than ona Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertlaetnent ordered for jncra than one tlma. Caa THE TELEPHONE It you cannot - conveniently brim or aend your adn to any of tha above offtcea. Aak for a Wajit ' Ad Taker and you will receive tha aame good service, as when delivering your ad M pcraon. - PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Morning Edition 10:00 P. l. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. WANTED TO BUY. LJBERTY BONDS Bring your Liberty bonds to us, also your partly paid up bonds and get the highest cash prices. . 411 McCAGUE BLDG. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. JENKINS, 705 South 16th, will pay beat price for old clathes, shoes, job lota M all kinds.. Residence, Douglas 8031. Of fice, rouglas 8092. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. 11KAVEKH Katherlne. age 62 years, De . rember 25. Beloved mother of Averlll and Veeta THeawn and Mrs. Fred Ochenbel. Funeral private, no' flowers. Fontanel! .Florists 1814 Douglas St JLCXRISTS LEE L. LARMON Douglas 8244 A. DONAGHUE Est. 1866. 1623 Harney. Flowera anlpped everywhere. Ej. paid 1619 Farnam. v D. 124S j Henderson. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and embalmera. Tel. H. 165. Office 2611 Farnam. , . HULSE& RIEPEN s Pioneer Funeral Directors e 101 9o. 16th St , Phone Doug. 1216 HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Hoffman quality aervlca coata leaa. 14thand Dodge. Douglas 3901. STACK & FXlCONFRT Independent Undertakers. 33d-Far. H. 400 E.L. DOnDER CoTTFuneral DlrictoTsT F. I FerV Mr., 33d and Cuming Sts Phone Douglaa 677 Auto ambulance, JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker srd emhalmer. 8411 Farnum St Has, 392 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. ' WEST LAWN CEMETERY. "Family lota on easy payments; '' thoughtful service; perpetual care; street ara to entrance.- 4lone Walnut 820 or Douglas 829, and our auto will call for you. I largest display of monumenta In the United 8tatea. FRANK SWOBODA. 1216 8. 13lh. Phone Doualas 173-6216 LOST FOUND REWARDS bMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PA NT. Persona having lost some articles Would do well to call at (he offices of tha Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rdll i Way company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many 'articles each day are turned In snd tha company la anxious to restore mem 10 ne rigntrui owners. LOST Green Scotch plnld laprobe at Un ion atrtlon, north entrance. Reward D. R. Mills, 640 Brandeis Bids. Plnne Harney 1242. PARTY finding a little girl's brown fur In vacinity of 20th and Mamlerson St. Pleaso return to Clyde Moore, S005 Man ' demon. Rewa rd. ' HtMIT A brown muff in downtown dis trict, Tuesday evening; return 25:19 South 10th or call Tyler 1 S7S. Rpwanl. LOST UHweenix)cusr"an"dLtrirop-S ', black fur neckpiece. Reward. Web ster 1116. V . WE buy waste pater and pay good prices. Phone- or write Omaha Paper 8tofk Co. Dougtaa 159. . CASH for your Liberty bonds. Highest prices paid. Room D42 Securities Bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. f Furniture and Houshold Goods. Tt T$ OU D A Y S 1 1 ( II L D BHI N GO RK AT ,e "CHKERi THIS , YEAR.' 'Yo may bo assured of this ctfeor thts rymrif yotl seek the most select of your jrifis Ifrom bur stock nf Furniture and House Furnlnhings. We want to claim your attention on'" few of the Real Hig Values for llttlo money. $45.00 Lnx tirious Arm Chair, big back, $2.2.50; $18 Reed Rocker, cretonne, loose cur.hious. Spring seats, $9.9.'; other chairs and rockers, $4.75 to i7.r.00: $11.00 Vernis Martin Beds, $f..K5; $18.59 Vernja Martin Reds, $13.75; $4;.ri0 lleaf'vy Brass Beds. $27.50; "Electric Table Lamps. $3.95 to $6 15; Matting and Cedar dieses as low as $2.:$. We specialize on complete fur- , hishlngi for hoteli, rooming houses and homes. We y'lho freight. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Sis. OppAU. P. BMg. II. DOLUOFHY Furniture, stoves. ruEs.? linoleum. Vic trolas, trunks, suitcases, bedding, , linen. . Better ' goods lor less money. Credit you Wish. Open evenings. 1839-47 N. 24t Phones: Web. 1607; W.-b. 4825 II. tt DINING ROOM SET, mission oak finish, table and six chairs, china closet, ma- hogany library table. Harney 4C13. BARGAIN Just afew heating ' stoves left; also house furnishings of all kinds Loyal Furniture Co.. 223 N. 16th St. Pianos rd Musical 'Instruments PIANOS fo-.' font $4 per mo. ' At Hospe CoT Typewriters andSupf31ies. TYrEWRiTERS AND ""A DDI NO MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT Tha most complete lne of Typewrlt ars and Adding Machines west of Chi cago. . Can furnish any make at most J any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and win auyv rr . trade for your old machine. EvWy machine guaranteed. See ua be'fori you buy., CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established' over 15 years.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St j'YPr.WRiTERa ail makes, sold, rented " and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. 1915 Farnam! V Tel. D. 3969. WK can save you $5 to, $15 on your next typewriter. . Write for list. Midland . Type Co. 1404 Dodge, ENT an Oliver Typewrlter,tnreemont In for $6.00. ' Oliver Agency. 1905 Farnam tflreet. City. 1 - Store and Office Fixtures. tVE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show -.' caaea, ahelvlng, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. 11th and Douglas. D $714. Sewing Machines. . SEWING MACHINES . We rent, repair, aeli needles and parts st mil aewlng machines. . MICKEL'S " NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. ;. 18th and Harney Sta Doug. 1662. Miscellaneous. t , OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers aleamed. i . renovated and made up iosnew feath- proof ticking 1907 Cuming. Doug 2467. 1 ' SAVE on lumber, doors, icreens. rooflrgT eleo, motor pipes, beams. IT. Groas f Lumber,. Wrecking Co . 21st A Paul, i ' ADDING machine In excellent condltionf cheay for cash. Box 5868, Omaha Bee. BURROUGHS adding machlnei 'latest ' - "odel, cheap for cash. Harney 6338. j 7S set Red Fox Furs for sale cheap. Call Webster 4176. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS.. , Spot cash for Liberty bonds and for partly paid up. , See nie if you need the money and must sell.' "V 300 McCAGUE BUILDING, ' 15th af d Dodge. VaNT to buy 320 acres in central or west ern Nebraska. Cash payment, bal. terms. Owners or agents ansA-er at once with description. H. 14, Galllon, Chester Neb. " R. F. D. 1. ( ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons all sizes and etyles: hemstitching, plcot edging, eyey. Ietcut . work, button holes, pennants IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg., Phone D. 1036, HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS" O. U. VanArnarrwPleatlng Co., $36-7 Paxton Blhc:.Phone Doug. 3109. k Awnings. 'AWNINGS AND POlfcH FURNITURE Auto touring tents and camping supplies 8COTTO M A H A TENT & AWNING CO. Dancing Academies. KEL-PIXK Dancing Academy, 242t- Far nam. -Class Monday and Thursday eve- mihi;. r or private lessons call Doug. Detectives. 7860. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all cases Tyler 1136 Baggage and Express. THEONLYWAYrS THHOMAHA TRANSFER CO. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables foi parties at Holmes' Bronze Memorial Tablets. Bronze. Tablets and BanTT&igns. n-u classes or cast bronze work. Designs and estimates furnished V. R. MeCONNEl.T. 427 Railway Exchange. Omaha INDOOR SPORTS C$rV right. 1918, Intern'! News Service. Drawn for The Bee by Tad WMWMZLr. w MM ncvWch ' o yt'V '-,Z ''I Oinf IaiITw me ' '' ys ''"' 4S AL. IAjITM ME I I - . S.n I I nevrw i rv . A, I I I IT1IU V ' ' V 'V ILT AJ n ' c THAT I GOT" IN A next, fveiea m Mtr cam j(W.e ' f- rue Hew1 -(tSmoa. at IN& PLAWAJfr PAJOCHt-G" VNITH Owe .OP-OitT -JOZET 9LHT 5M0rCAJ(r , FARM AND RANCH LANDS,. Nebraska Lands, 160 ACRE Improved farm, 34 miles west of Millard. For sale by II. O. Ehlara. Millard. , MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa Yarma at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City, Neb. Oregon Land. IRRIGATION. "In the Heart of the Rlnge." v The Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County. Oregon; an empire In the mak ing; the land of opportunity; S0.O0O acres open for entry; fertile soil; plenty of waer: land with full water right; $71.00 an acre; terms; homestead entries nearby. Write for literature and details to Jordan Valley Farms, 822 First Na tional Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb Next excursion January 6th. I HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. V Brass andIrpn Foundries. , paxtSn-mitchsjll coi; 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron, castings Chiropractors 11 HEL THRALL MALTBY. D. C. 312 Beetulldlng Douglas 3072. Dr. 'J. C. Lawrence, BaTrdBldg. D. 846l" SPINOORa'pH. Dr7:dw7rds721rrFaTn7rtT Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent. 109 N. 16th St.. opposite r-osiotnce. John Feldman. Film JDevelopingT ,M developed, oils lOcT packiT ifc; FII one-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Printing Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Elg. Co.. 414 8 13th St Dentists. Dr. Bradbxry. No pain. 921 W.O.W. Bldg. Taffs Dental Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D jTga' Fixtures and Wiring. 14IAVXVlJ.Xeeclrl(, 1ron, gn(! machinea nil rpaitlno lampa. 2223 Cuming St. Douglaa 2519 SPOT! CASH PAID , for Liberty bonds' and receipts for bonds, s partly paid for. Room 319, McCague .building, corner 15th and Dodge, third ' tlor u,t OBth of elevator. ; VANTED TO BUY-A launfiry outfiTT)? email town. Address I. O. Box 6t Wmm, Nob. l. j f tmEBIY loaii buuuuTiU buutk lilb.' Jewelry." DIAMONDS"' ' pay ,lie l,e,t pr,c LliniUUlML1,!,!, privlege to buy hack at afnall profit. CROSS JEWELRY Co.. 402 N. 16th. Red 6031. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL- WESSON. 614 Brandeis Bldg. T. S9B0 H. 4741. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bpok 011 rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. li. R. TARTCY. , 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Sates. ' BARGAINS 1213 Fa rnalic3A T TJXJ J. J. Derlglitafe Co. C5iVr HiO PATENTS procuredrboughrand sold-In-ternational Patent Co., 683 Brandeis D. C691. , .. , , STUHGES&ST URGES- U. S. and To reign patents and trademarks ,130 Bee .Bldg Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. T6 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S 11th. D. 682 Wedding Stationery WEDDING announcements and printing? Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male.. EFFICIENCY expert wans "position from 1 o'clock to 6. Will lake chargo of bookkeeping department and render complete audit with financial state ments. Will also Install svste'm If de-, aired. Box 5706 Omaha Bee. WANTED By marrTrM man. employment on farm; will furnish best of references; I am experienced in all kind of farm work WH.J)allke, Rohn,' Neb. DBI'G clerk, discharged froirrservlce7ivlth school training and store experience de sires position. Addres'Box 6032, Omaha Bee. PBINflNTnd!Wd"jba. " Hartiey' 6012. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colod lady " wants bundle washing. Iron and cleaning. Har 6lti.H. . MEN WANTED Street Railway Motormen atfd Conductors Experienced men preferred. Those with, no previous training also desired. Special consideration will be given to former employes of this company. In accordance with the poi;cy of the na tional government we aro glad to em ploy demobilized soldiers. , This Is an unusual opportunity to ob tain regular runs at once and steady, permanent employment. Details will be given at the employ ment office, second flour, Fifteenth St. and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo.- fhe Kansas City Railways Company a. AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS WANTED STJCApY WORK FOR l'l RST-CLASS MEN. ' P. T. BARNUM CO. 2122 Cuming St. Douglas 8044. FIRST class porter for barbershop. Must be a good shoe slilner. Apply at alley entrance or Atllletli; rlllli before Ha. HELP WANTELV-FEMALE. Household and Domestic. GIRL for general housework; a small family In a small country town; a per manentplace for a girl from 18 to 25, who is competent and desires a good home like place; others need not write; wages 40 per. month. Fred Burlew, By ron, Wyo. , WANTED Housemaid, colored, for hurses' quarters; $30 per month with room and board. Phone, Colfax 701, .Nurses' Quartera. W ANTED Competent girl housework! wages 812.00. for general Mrs. F. F. De Vore, 4902 Underwood Arve. WANTED Experienced white cook. Jedsie H. Millard, 5008 So. 38th St. Telephone Harney 776. WHITE man and wife or Jap and wife, for general housework. 834 Brandeis theater. WHITE girl for general housework, no washing. Douglas 4816. EXPERIENCED white maid; good-wages. 3S62 Harney. -Professions and Trades. Salesmen and Solicitors. 1 LARGEST mnlnr truck company west of Ilie Mississippi, paying handsome divi dends, desires tl services of a few ex perleneed stock .iilesiticn. See Mr. Wpmls at l'ontcnelln lintel Salurdav and Sunday. WE want a live salesman to call "on the Live Stock Commission Firms at the Stock Yards to handle our line of Ship pers and Memorandum Books. Write giving full particulars as to ago, by whom employed at present and what line of goods you are selling, to W. F Htith& Company, Manufacturers of Shippers and Memorandum Books. St. Paul, Minn. SPECIALTY Sa les ma n. Da i7y7horse"A d poultry feeds. East and southeast sec tions In tho njarkel for district proposl tiim. Know all Jobbers; 15 years de voted this llne. Reference ace high. Can produce 6,000 tons 1919. Competing conditions. Grainman. Address Box Y 272. Omaha Bee. JJOCTOR with bank reference waSted at once, Neb. R. R. town; &00pop mostly Americans, some surgery; modern, new 8-hed hospital; nothing to buy; equipped office for rent: doctor leaving specializ ing: he left I8.0UU practice wire or write Dr. M., Talmer, Neb. - SALESMEN Three. Iowa, Minnesota. Ne braska to sell retailers, Jobbers and manufacturers our Advertising Service, clrmllar letters, mall llsti and printing. Liberal commissions. All or part time. Mazon Service Corporation, Room 212, Waterloo, la. , LAUNDRY work wanted; carefully lau'n dered id returned. Webster ,4421. .' EXPERIENCED flreiian wants posltWl fall Webster B194. WANTED A good., steady gentlemanly sa-lesinan to handle a Ward's wagon In IVniglas county. No experience needed. Ffrr full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical company. Winona. Minn. Established 1866. 1 SALESMAN WANTED r Sideline men with car to handle high class candy specialty. Address Laymon Sales 'o., Denver. Colo, COLORED lady wishes day work. 3383. Web. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS. Competent and fast. Pleasant work ing conditions. Will pay R. R. fare. Write giving experience.. A. A, Berry Seed Co. Clarlnda, Iowa. V AN assistant bookkeeper for manufactur ing firm. Some work in credit depart ment. Salary to start $100. Western Reference &"Bond Ass'n. HEAf bookkeeper.Xmereantile firm, city; salary $U0 per month.. Western Ref erence &!Bond Ass'n. SALESMEN Splendid proposition. THE MARTI COMPANY, 126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTKD Good house-to-house canvasser, must be a producer. Box 4491, Omaha Bee. . ASSISTANT shippers. upMwn. 865. WATTS REF. CO., 113S First Nat'l Bank. WANTED Upholsterer forfurnlture"de partment. Box 41(05. Bee. Professions and Trades. 5 s WANTED BOX NAILING MACHINE MEN ALSO If AND NAILERS. CALL AT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU c MORRIS & CO. PLANT SOgTH SIQE s - OMAHA RAILWAY mail clerk examina tions coming. Women, girls . eligible Commence 892 month. Wonderful ' ep portunlry Permanent positions. Candi dates coached free. Write Immediately Franklin Institute, Dept. 651-K. Roches- . ter. N. Y. EXPERIENCED carpenter. Inquire A. h. Scutt 616 -Bee Bldg. W ANTJil 1 ( ompetent CUikson llvbuiml - houseman. Atp4y WE can use a few high-grade specialty salesmen. Must furnish good reference. Myles Standlsh Mfg. Co., 12th and Howard Sts. 1 WANTED A god picture frame salesman. Px 4490, Omaha Bee. , , Bojs WANTED Bellboy, 16 to 18' years, appearance, experience neat not necessary. Apply rear door Omaha Athletic club. bteen hours 10 and 11 a. m. Miscellaneous.- UNDERTAKERS' assistant to sleep at rarlors. Good opportunity to learn the business. Cole McKay Co. t WANTED young Colored man, porter workT 2907 Leavenworth, n HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladles to learn how to perate Comptometers and Burroughs Calculating and bookkeeping machinea. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to complete courae. 6 weeks to 3 months Day and evening classes. Call and see us or telephone Douglaa 415 for par ticulars. " DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, becond Floor Wead BWg- -18th and Farnam Sta. WANTED Young lady, preferably one who lives at home with parents, for as sistant saleslady and cashier. Apply general .office, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 2nd Floor. 19th and Farnam. street. - BOOKKEEPER, out of town, 1100; stenog rapher. IS5-JS0-J75-J65; tylsS, 850; file , clerk, 350. WATTS REF. 4"0., 1138 Fist Nat'l Bank. WANTED Narrapg women, 18 'or, over, wishing permanent government positions 190 per month. Address Box 261. Oma ha Bee. - STENOGRAPHER, beginner will do. Sal . ary 850 to start. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n,- GENERAL 'office assistant, uptown office, 8nS. WcHtern Reference ft Bond Ass'n. NF.AT GIRL to answer phone. Harney TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT v Liberal pay while learinlng aid fre quent Increase In salary. Work is clean, pleasant and Inter- "'"'MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMKN 17 YEARS - OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 1807 DOUGLAS ST. FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. HrJSES I.N ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. ,-CRElGH SONS CO.. Bee. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. 3-KOOM and sun room heated apartment, Bemi-basement, vacant the first, 822.50. Apartment S Maple Court. 1815 Maple. Tyler 1812-J. Miscellaneous. G-room heated apartment, newly decorated and floors newly varnished. Has two nice bed rooms and tiled bath, first floor. Car lines available. Doug. 1016. payne & si.Tf eTTcompany" Omatin's Rental Agents 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldk. D 1016. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores, s FOR RENT A steam-hen ted store room. 22x46; full basement: $25 a month. 101 h and DoiiElas. MODE RN slorc. I tit li St., iiesji- postotfice: low rent. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago Office and Desk Room. TWO completely furnished office rooms, with use of phone, typewriter and pri vate office with roll top desks: reason able rent In the right party for about six months; Box 3697 Omaha Bee. HURRY There are only a fe vacant of fices left ill tho Bee Building. Key stone Investment Co., Tyler 131. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. . North. ' WEST Farnam building lots as lo'w as $395; $10 down, $5 per month: all im provements. Douglas 5074. South. ACREAGE tracta. $1 down. lweekly.' S. W Field club; high and sightly: rich soil; $295 and up; new add. ; Introductory offer: no taxes; to Interest till Jan. 1, 1020. The Byron Reed Co D 217. 1612 Farnam Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a.. Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylander. 154 Omaha Nat Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 1.000-acre wheat and stock ranch for sale on terms. This ranch has 600 acres broken up and 400 acres ready for spring crop. 800 acres tillable, bal ance best of pasture. Good 6-room, 2 atory house with hot water heat and water In house. Two good wTIs, two reservoirs, and springs In pasture, good horse barn, two cattle barns, 30-64 and 20-60 chicken house, bunk house, harness house, store house,' machine shed, gran aries, etc. $2,000 worth of farm machin ery mostly new, $2,000 worth of house hold furniture In good condition, 20 head of horses Including Belgian stallion. 10 head good cattle Including thoroughbred Shorthorn bull. In fact, fine modern ranch all ready to move on. Two miles south of Dutton, thriving town on coast line tof Burlington R. U., has four kraln 'elevators, high school, etc., one mile to loading station. Price, Including every thing, $50.00 per acre. $20,000 cash, bal ance at option of buyer, 5-10-15 years with Interest at 6 or cent. Address owner. Box 154. Dutton, Mont. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Hum , solicits your old clothing, furniture, "magazine. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Si. MEDICAL. KUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 306 Bee Bldg. FINANCIAL. WANTED A party with $5,000 with steady habits and good business ability to take half interest In an industrial proposition of great merit and absolute ne-d. Good money In It as promoters. Box 6013. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages Benson. HERE'S A GOOD BENSON HOME. For a very reasonable price; 6 rooms ana uatn; modern except heatiew gar- good neighborhood. A age; fine lot; good neighborhood snap at $2,200; $200 cash Is all that Is required, balance $2lf monthly. COLFAX 719 South Side. 5 ACRES 4 BLOCKS TO CARV WEST STOCK YARDS Flue rich, almost level land; fine for gardening, fruit or poultry, or suitable for commission men for home site; will divide. Price $.1,250. Easv Irrms. HASTINGS & HBYDEN, 1614 llarney st. Phone Tyler 50. MOVING AND STORAGE. T HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladbs and bos to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning, strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College Phone D. 2147. MOLER BarJetr CoiTege 'wanTsrountmen and ladlea to learn the barber trade Call or write for free catalogue. 110 S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. VELVET coals cleaned and steamed", $2.60" Carey Cleaning Co.. 24th and Lake Sis Webster 392. EDUCATIONAL. f , Monday, January 6 MidVlnter Term MOVLES COl.LIOGE ' D.iy School Night School . School 'ef Accountancy, Machine Bookkeeping, Coniptometry. i Shorthand and Typewriting. Sleiiotyiy. I Railio.-.i' h tut Wireless Telegraphy. Civil Service. All Engpsh and Commercial Branches. Catalog free. Telephone Douglas 1565. . lcth and Harney Streets. RELlABLElVUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and aelf-atarter courses. Easily learned. No booka. Flee eatalog. National Auto School. tM4 North 20th St. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 68O11 .EARN Mother shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Vmaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg.. D 6528 FOR RENT ROOMS A WELL furnisl ern home; on ferred. Walking Harney :i;i"0. Furnished Rooms it il room In strictly lnod- of two gentlemen pre- aistance to town, FUKNiSHED ROOM for rent, near car Hue; ladles preferred. 3206 Lincoln Blvd. Unfur.. shed , Rooms. THREE beautiful u. furnished rooms ' strictly modern, gas - range, balcony, paved streets, 3 blocks from West Far nam and Leavenworth car line; vacated January 1 ; no children. 520 S. 35th St. Two large unfurnished front rooms, 2922 Leavenworth. Hotels. HEATED rooms. $2.60 week. Apartments with kitchenette Oaden hotel. Coun. B FOR RENT HOUSES. - North. VERY completely and well furnished house, 7-8 room. Strictly modern with or without garage. Located at 2119 Evans street. Joseph Puh, Web. 4850. 3430 FRANKLIN, 6-r., all mod., garage, $25. RASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. $"H.7H5rTrbalhTi703""MaTiderson. 57 6351" Miscellaneous. For Rent Park 8 rooms, strictly modern, 1717 Ave., $30 per month. 3 rooms, modern except boat, S. K. corner 30th and Saratoga sts., $10 per month. v . 5 rooms, modern except heal. 3025 Pratt St.,. $14 per month. TRAVERRROS., Douglas 6886. ' 819 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1010 S. 22d Sh, I rooms, '$35; 321 Burt St., 8 rooms. $40. Tyler 1536. Armstrong-Walsh Co., $33 Securities Bldg. PEfERSfRUSTC0" Specialists In Apartment management A FEW houses for colored.. Good loca tions. F. D. WEAD. 810 8. 18th 8t Tyler 161. LIST your property for r-nt or sais with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors Tyler 721. BIRKETT & CO. , Care of property and lnsurancet59 Be Bldg. Dougla 632. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 283. STORAGE MOVINO. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, leparate locked rooms for household gods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 16th. Douglas 4f63. J. C. REED Express Co., Moving. Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web 2743 Doug- 6146 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. BRICK FLAT, $7,500 i;sc(itionally well built, Iwo-t.tory brick flat building, ncur 22nd and How artl. Six rooms on the first floor will, oak finish; 7 rooms on tho socnm! floor. Two healing plants always Ave., $.10 per month. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas "SK2. fllt-20 Clly National North. $3,650 BARGAIN. 6-room all modern house, full lot, paving, all paid, with gniagc, fruit and shade, near DlHh anil Kvaus s,ts; lake $S5tl cash lo handle deal. P. .T. TEBBENS CO.. Douglas 2182. NEW, 7-ruom. oak finish, large lot. double garage; price $6,760: terms 6137 North 24th St. NORRIS & NOR. RIS 'riouglas 4270 .MliNNE l.USA homes and" lols offer Ih best oppoi t unity to Invest vour monev Phone Tvle. 187 A NEW 5-room bungaiow; will consider Ford car and small cash. . Call evenings. Colfaxi 732 $u.360. Up-to-date 6-room bungalow, ;;oii N. 28lli Ave. Monthly payments. See Grimniel Phone D. Jtit;,. REAL ESTAJEJoANTED. CAN sell your Improved acreage. 'all Mr. Browne. Douglas fi 1' .1 . INTER-STATE RHALTT" CO. 'x '1516 Clv Nat'l Bunk Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. 1 N Dl A NA Corn FARM 150 ACRES AT $fl. Owner called to California makes low price to insure iuick sale. 140 acres tillage; has made 40 bu. corn to acre. Adjoining owner refused $125 aer Only mile largo town, splendid road. For de tailed description buildings, etc., see page 72, "Strom's Catalog," bargains 17 slates. Dandy SO. acre farm for $90 shown same trip. Write for catting. Dept. .3072. F.. A. STROI1T FARM AGE.VY, h2 B-e Hlilg.. Omaha, Neb. PER CENT mortgages, secured by Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC 638 Keeline Bldg CITY AND FARM LOANS. 8ti and 6 per cent;' loans for March 1. 6 l'er cenl- Dumont & Co.. Keeline Bd CONTRACT OF SALKTiuOO, 6 per cent! payable monthly. Good security. Lib eral discount. Box 6031, Omaha Hie. 12 PER CENT for your money. Gilt Edge Security ABBOTT 4 Patterson Blk.. Omaha.. No Delay Closing Loans. VV. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg Doug. 1633. o.i ah ahoes eAst nebT farms" O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2711 i 100 To$lb7000 MATjEprimptly. K D Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W. H. Thomas & Son., Keeline Bldg. Private Money. 8HOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4223. Stocks and Bonds.- WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds. Mack'a ouse. 1421 First Nat Bsnk Bldg. 'B BUY Bod H Financial Wanted. WANT TO BORROW. Six thousand $30,000 on Nebraska farms. Address Box Y 2iR, Omaha Beel AUTOMOBILES. CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT A Safe Place to Buy. AUTOMOBILES.2L. , tires and Supplies. 8AVK 40 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES HAVE THEM REBUILT.; . 3,000 MIt.ES GUARANTEE. . f Nun ' , pluln Skid r.tes . $ $o tio.oo Sfxttt T " 33x4 t 15 00 UM AGENTS WANTED. : . TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING.. DOUGLAS TIRK & VULCANIZING CO. New Location, tihl Farham W. Bargains in ncwlirea and lubes: 30x3 plain $10.00 Noll Skid $11.76 30x3' plain $13.76 Non Skid $16.0 32x3H plain $17.15 Non Skid $17 2 32x4 plain $21.00 Non Skid $2J.f0 33x4 plain $22.00 Non Skid $23 71 34x4 plain $22.76 Non Skid $23.8.. 3644 Qt NS $36.60 37x6 NS $42.60 30x3 and 80x34 tubes. $2.65 Shipped subject to examination nn 1 per cent deposit. OMAHA R A.D1ATOR & TIRK CO. , 2064 Farnam SU 18l Cuming l ' BUY Lee puncture-proof 'pneumatic lr and eliminate your tire troubles Puii Smiply Co. audi Farnam St. ' USED tires, first-class condition. $5 lo $15. Sent on spprovsl. Duplex Tl-e Co . 116 3. 17th St x ; s FORO light delivery, good running r de: will sell cnesp. H. 675, ' Repairine and Painting. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky rsdlator lepalren and rebuilt; large stock Used radiators; New Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR i TIRE WOKKS. 18 1 Cumlg , 8064 F rnam EXPERT radiators. fend-rs j nd suta bodies, j-epalrlng at reasuflabls prices. Prompt attention given lo garage work; ship your radiators dlrec4 lo us NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE, .104 J'orlh 18th. 211 B. 19th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H AKLEY-DA VIDSON MOfORCYCLEh. Bargalna In used machines. Vlctnr H . Rooa. the Moiorycle Man. 27th and f .raven worth ' BOY'S new bicyciefor aale. $16.' 22: S. 6th St. ' . Wantedi WANTED TO BUY Two model S3 Hup- mobiles. Jepsen Bros., 2$Q2 Cuming. MONEY TO LOAN. . N mganlsed by the Busltiesa Men of Omaha ' FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity. $40. 6 mo.. H. foods, total, $1 60, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 133 Security Bldg.. 16th & Farnam Ty 6D LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY aYND i 1117 LIBERTY BONDS. OCT A TZ '"W. C FI.ATAU. EST. 18I. ' ' 6TH FLU SECURITY BLDG Tt. tl Lowest rates. Private loag booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Dodgs. D. 6611 Est. 1811. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. $11 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Joseph and Dorothy Vopat, 2222 Howard streetrboy; August and Frances Graske, 2706 . South Twenty-first street, boy; Charles and Mayme Smith, 1332 North Sixty-fourth street, girl; Max and Jennie Friedman, 1842 North Twentieth street, hoy; Alfred and Nellie Nystrom, 640 South Thirty-first street, girl: Andrew and Helen Watermeyer, 5103 Vapltol -Ve-nue, girl; George and Elizabeth Elaasser, 1009 South Thlrty-firBt street, boy; George and Idna Stone, 6918 Wrfght street, girl; John and Anna Senipck, 4230 SouthThlr-ty-slxth avenue, boy; Thomas and Mcxie Love, 2624 Hamilton sWeet. twins, boy and girl; George and Emma Stolley, Benson, boy; Thomas and Mario McGee, 2150 South Thirty-third street, boy. Deaths William Jy W. Washington. 3 months. 2316 North Twenty-eighth ave nue; Charles M. Poole, 32. hospital; James Itubser, 81, 2915 Michigan avenue; Jan Pallas, 41, hospital; Note Chilton, 97. t'.S North Twenty-third street; Clyde O. Jump. 9, 1553 North Nineteenth street: Lena M. Nickell, 39, 714 North Sixteenth street; Mary Barta. 19, hospital; Helen M. Chance, 22 d:-ys, 6242 South Twentieth slreet; Josephine Vana, 29, 6425 , SrtUlli Twenty-second street.. 'I r A Ill'DSON Super-Six Cabriolet. !lle a new car, nearly new tires. looks Acreage. t 4U ACRES near Fair Acres, good improve ments; possession next , March: priced lo sell. Nilsson. 422 Secuiilles Bldg. Arkansas Lands. JANUARY 7lh Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W.8JFRANK. 201 NEVILLE BL? Colorado Lands. - ' II EO aVLX Touring Car. Is in wonder ful condition and has exceptionally good tires. WHITE Touring Car. New tires nil iiround and one now-extra. In fine run-! Charles ning camdiiion and, n. goo4 looking car. V NASII 191X Four-passenger, ouililion and wilii good lirrs. In good YOUNG ft DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D 15T1 South. 3017 S. 34TH STREET. Five room two-story house, modern, .tust being completed, finished 111 oali, fire place, built-in byffet. Two blocks from Hansoouc- Park car line. Price $1,250. $500 cash, balance $33 per month. C. O. CARLBERG, realtor, '.112 Brandeis Th. Bldg. Miscellaneous " IMPROVED ACRE TWO, BLOCKS TO CAR New 4-roonl House, pantry, large base ment, "south front, all In alfalfa.. Good car service. Two blockV of paved road. Price $2,500. $2i0 dovn,v $23.75 month ly payments. HASTINGS & HKYDKN. 1614 llarney St., . Phone Tyler 60. , FOR RENT AND 8ALE. 1 HOUSES, COTTAGES 4 APARTMENTS. AMEPICAN SECURITY CO.. 202 SUth St Douglas 6"H- WE "SELL, "rent. Insure" and make loans oo city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO... 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217. BARG AINS"iii homes. Investments, prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harri son h Jlorton. 916 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property WE NEED small homes or small Invest ment property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler 85.' M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income. Business and Trackage Sp?oJallste 16th and J)odge StsJ Douglis 416. UUSINESS property" and Invesiments. A. P, TUKEY & 80N. 420 First National Bank llldg IEAL STAXEINyESTMENTS OMAHA people are buying theso oil lots. This is not oil stock. Anyone purchasing 15 lots we will pay their railroad fare to inspect our property. Parties will leave here December 28. Call for lnfor. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN NORTH EASTERN COLORADO WHEAT LAND? If so write the undrrsigned for a list of laud on hand. At the prison! time I have an exceptional bargain' I" a half section 1 4 tulles from Peetz. All level, rill broke, 220 acres in fall wheat, one half crop goes with l.fnd, delivered ill Peelz, all expenses paid. Wheat never looked belter. Th crop Is worth $25.0(1 per acre today. The laud is worth $60. raw. Tlris land Is on the market until February 1, 1910, at $71) per acre. On", half cash, the balance good terms. Call on or write M. A. Shlpnian. Jr.. Cashier The PeeU State Bank, Votss. Oulo. Iowa Lands. FURNISHED farm on shares. N. W. iown Write 1. Davenport, Plaza hotel. Omaha. Neh. . We have- used car: lilnke availill'le. of priiclli-ally d. cry All cars reasonably prh JONES-HANSEN -CADI I.LAC CO Faniani at 2filh. llarney 710. Kansas LandsL S0-Acre home Southeastern Kansas; well Improved; black- land: will exchange for Omaha 'property, -s S. S & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 CltyJNan. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. NebraskaLands. STOCK FARM AT AUCTION. v MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 3 P. M. nn the above Jlate on the Premises, located Z'i miles west of Archer and 13 mlbs northwest of Cenlrnl City. Neb, Ilie following described real estate: The northwest quarter of section 24, and tlie northeast quarter of the northwest marten of section 25, all in tosvnsiiip 14. range 8, Merrick county, Neb., con taining 200 acres more or less according to government survey. TERMS OK SALE 15 pr cent ot the purchase price cash day oT sale. 35 per cent Match 1, 1919. when possession will be given, owner will carry remainder of purchase price for a period of five or ten years, to be secured by a first mortgage on above, land bearing Inter est at 6 per cent annually. Good and sufficient abstract of title, together with warranty del delivered;' to purchaser day nf settlement. IMPROVEMENTS: Nice, 10-room house, with water in kitchen. Good barn, 24x32, with room for 10 head of horses and 6 tons of hay, cement floor. Cattlo barn, 36x60, stanchion for 15 cows and 10 calves, extra room for 50 head of cattle, mow for over 50 tons of hay, 14 foot driveway. Hog houso, 8x321 Two chicken houses, one 15x20, one 12x22, with cement floors. New garage with cement floor, 16sf4. Corn crib, 10x32, granary. llxSO Power house with Alamo light plant. House, stock barns and garage equipped with electric llehts. 160 acres fenced hog tight with woven wire, 50 acres under Plow, 10 acres of which is in alfaira, fl acres of winter wheat, 30 acres of the very best of wild hay meadow, bal ance good bluo grass pasture. LAND LIES LEVEL, GOOD BLACK LOAM SOIL. THIS FARM CAN ALL BE BROKEN AND PROFITABLY ,FARM Kl. All personal property will be sold the same day previous to sale of. land, including 65 head of cattle of which 35 head are real-lnilk cows, 15 he-id of horse, 2 puro bred BELGIAN STAL LIONS, both ton horses. Balo of per sonal property tieglnnfng promptly at 10 a. m. For further Information ad dress NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO.. Central City. Neb. JOHN HES SELGESSER, Archer, Neb.. Owner. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE mation. 622 Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb i ,;ooD SPECULATION OR INVESTMENT. Improved - lOOaacre farm, 24 miles from town in Cass County, Neb., 120 acres in cultivation, 15 acres alfalfa, balance pasture and timber. Bargain price. $125 per acre. Good terms. J. W. Peters, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two lots south ot Elmwood park. In Overlook addition, full siza. (0x150. for cheap, or will MChange, with sals soma cash as first payment on a bunga low In the south part of town. Ad dress iJOX IX 2it. OMAHA BEE. WRITE me for pictures snd prices of my farms and ranches In goed old Dawes county. Arsb L. H,wngerford. Crawford Neb - GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or easterrjWebraska farm!. Mr Pease. $11 brandeis Theater Bldg. ALFALFA and corn Irrigated farms ant ranches, $16 to $1'0 Send foi list, Cuvvr 4k Co., Cujtfd, Neb. ' , DART TRUCKS (JT. TWO AM) Til KEF. AND ONE-HALF TON MODELS cyUll'PF.n WITH HUP M"'"oiiN AND TIM KEN AXLES AND BEAR INGS; "ALSO WORM DRIVE. - We are selling out our truck stock at wholesale prices. VICTOR MOTOR CO. Doug. 6IS6. 2526 Farnam St. stearn-knight" Seven-passenger STEARNS-KNIGH'I with touring body and beautiful limou sine body mao by Kimball. The entire outfit will be sbld lor one-half I he coal of the limousine body. Apply Fay Rogers, Supply Department, Woodmen nf the World Phone Douglas 4570 1917 FORD" TOURING' CAR In fine condition. Flee, starter, elec. ligltls, winter top. Price $475. Call owner. Colfax 4125 or XiIer 63. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. GLOBE VAN "AND "STORAGE CO. Will store your auto. Rates for Ford cars. $3 a month; large cars. $5 a mouth Douglas 4338. . ' NEW 11KES ON bALK. Firestone, Congress, Leo Pullman, Flak. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIREJOBBERS, 2016 FARNAM AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: service station for Rayfield carburetora and Columbia stor.igs batteries. Edwards 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. Rea'l ESTATEJTRANSFERS. Moilito ji. .luil.-on snd husband (o v Harry C. Case. 30lh t., 80 ft. d. of Larimorn, w. s., 40x120 $ ,li0'i Alflo Johnson lo Frederick C. An- touey et al Maple st., 40 ft. '. of 27!lt St.. s. F.. 40x125 '. 2,3ml Mollis II. Allen to Stella Mo'ller et si., an Camn ave.. inn ft. n. v. of B St., li e. ly s'd?, 50x120 I,4!lf0 Clicrles W. Martin and wife to 'Frank C. Neal, ll.imnaii ave., 120 , ft. w. of Mimic Lusa, n. a.. 68x120 1,'J'""' W. Martin and wife lo Frank C. Neal, Newport ave., 62 fl. w. of Mliine Lusa ave., .,,. 44x120 4,; Nettle I, Hz and husband 10 Ameri can Security Co., Kith st.. 78 ft. S. of Grant St.. e. s.. 39fn0 1,2"' Nels Peter Nelson and wife lo Mar- - tin C. Goodrich, ISth st 2H8 ft. ' , s. of Fowler ave., er's., (40x128.. 6oo Frank W. Caiin'ehael and wife lo Jessie II. Csrrlgan. Western ave., ;:oo fl. w. of 50th St., n. rf, 50x136. f,:.e.i 2 OAKLAND. Sensible' Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 23IK Farnam St. ! BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th ano Jackson Ford Agents. D. 1600. WANTED FOR- SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS, quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2069 Farnam 8t. D 6036. GOOD USED CARS , GUY L. SMITH, 26lh and Farnam Sts Douglas 1970. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER 1910 Farnam. AUTO CO.. Harney 414 Three t Companies of , Omaha Balloon Men j to Return Home Soon Washington, Dec. 20. Lisls "of units of the expeditionary forces as vlgned for early convoy lfunie cabled -today lv (iencral Perching coin nuised o00 officers and nearly 20.(KMI niVn. They " included the Eorty foiirth. Sixtieth and Sixty.-fourth roast artillery regiments and lite', Three Hundred and Thirty-first iy fa nt ry. , i Other organizations on the lists were: Headquarters aild Compaiiie's I), li and l. TwcntyLxtli engi neers; mobile hospital" companies; One Hundredth lo sjfync Hundred and Fifth, iiiilusjjLe. mobile surgical , units, One l'liiiiwdth to One Hun dred and Third, inclusive; first anti aircraft sector headquarters, Twtn-ey-first, Tvcnty-Sei'onil, Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth battalions: machine gun battalion of second anti-aircraft sector; Nineteenth' bal loon company and medical -dejach-ment; Thirtieth balloon company: Nineteenth aero squadron and med ical detachment; One Hundred and .Ninth aero squadron; Twenty-third balloon company; Three Hundred., and Eleventh signik battalion, signal corps. Company No 1 base hospital No. 2, Sixth company. Second air service mechanics regiment; ord nance casual companies one, two. three, four and ten; balloon . com panies numbers thirty-three," thirty six and forty-five; mobile hospital No. 39; first battalion headatiarters of the Seventy-fourth engineers; balloon company No. 20; Fou Hon Hundred and Twenty-second tele graph battalions with medical de-v,, tachinents; Seventh-and Ninetieth' trench, mortar batteries, chemical warfare service casual company No. 3. ... QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2662 FARNAM. SPECIAL netv- Ford sedan. Lena than 1,000 miles, $725 twenty others. Trawver Auto Co., 1910 Farnam. FORD Touring, 1917 model. Good condl tionf Will sell reasonable. Call Colfax 1161, after 6 p. m. - Tires and .Supplies. JCX... 32x3Vs. TIRES ONE-HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED 1.000 MILES. ,. 7 60F0x3Vi " .. 10.26132x4 ., 11-76 32x4 11.60134x4 12 00 Ws furnisti the old tires. ' Agents wanted I IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. '. 1611 Dsvenoort Street GAIN more- miles; have your tlra re treaded by G. A 0. Tire Co. ' 141. XeavenwvrtU, Tyler l!6i-W., The 19th, 20th and .10th balloon -companies are from Fort Omaha. They went overseas in September of this year. General Pershing Takes Rap at John Barleycorn - Taris, Wednesday, Dec. 2S. Gen eral Pershing has jsued art order, to all American commanders to co-operate fully with the French govern ment in measures against excessive use of alcoholic Jiquors. The French army rules against the drinking of. spirituous liquor and thf opening of liquor shops to soldiers, he says.v will be observed strictl bv th American forces, v . . - tjv;. V