Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    When patriotic 701101 an ( Mobil do- '
Bated a growing field ol cotton to tko
Cross the daughters of stvoral of the' city's
.beet families volunteered to pick the cotton. .
Who can prove, that tho heroin ol
X the "beat seller who awept bach th
raven ringlets from her classic brow
did not use broom.
Pretty Weddin'gs Give
Holidays a More than
Ever Romantic Flavor
i Brimming over with joy is this
Victory Christmas, for added lo the
joy ol family reunions and the good
wishes of friends is the ringing of
Jhe wedding bells. Mistletoe and
holly have supplanted the brde's
roses and range blossoms, for thje
pretty girls have chosen nowy De
cember for ihcir nuptials rather
than rosy May.
The beautiful new church of "Our
I-jJy of Lourdfs" parish was the
" scene" of a pretty holiday wedding
early this morning, when Miss Florence--
i-opg. daughter Vf Mr. and
Mrs. WT VV. Long, became the bride
of James W. Arnold.. Ropes of
Christmas green and masses Qf
brilliant holly were banked about
the altar, the tall cathedral candles
shedding their soft light over the
holiday greens and silver vases fille '.
with red roses.
The Rev. Father, Borer read the
marriage service.
The bride was attended by bet
sister, Miss Muriel Long, who wore
a" smart model in dark blue georg
ette with a brown satin hat and cor
sage bouquet of sweet wtas. Mr.
Joseph Curtis was best man.
;In a midnight blue satin gown tin
bride was most attractive, a'Jargc
black satin hat and corsage bouquet
f bride's roses completing Iter coi
tiime. Following .the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was scried at the
Hotel Loyal for the members of
the wedding party This evening a
reception, will be given at the home
of the bride' parents, when about
100 friends will call to extend their
congratulations. ' Mr. and Mrs. At
uoldi. will not take a wedding trip
at . this time, , but will remain in
Omaha to 'make their home.
, i - , Hamilton-Murdock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Murtlock an-'-
ttflunee We marriage of their daugh
ter, Anna Maurine. to Charles Wil
liam Hamilton, jr.. December 22, in
JSVa'shingttdli; D. C. The ceremonv
was performed at the home of Mr.
and. Mrs.? C. D. Stapleton. .
The bride was most attractive m
. a'silk velvet taupe suit, with a car
's. sage bouquet of orchids. Mr. and
k' . Mrs. Hamilton will make their home
.. V in,Vasliiirgton until his. war work'
is completed.
' i Christmas Dinner Party. -
lr," and Mrs. Charles T. Kountre a family dinner party
at their liome, Christmas day. In
cluded in the party were Mr. and
Mrs.' Osgood F.astnian, Miss Helen
. F.astmau, Mr. Sherman Kuxton of
Chicago, Miss Margaret F.astnian.
Mrs. Robert, T. Burns and Mr. and
Mrs Sam Burns. Mr. Ruxton, who
is artiest at the Eastman home, wHl
remain until after New Year's. .
For School Set.
Small tables, cozily set for four
dotted the oriental room at the
Blackstone today, when Mrs. Ellen
Coad Jensen entertawed at luncheon
for her daughter, Miss Mercedes
Jensen. Each tabk'was Hiost ar
tistically decorated with baskets of
holly and rose shaded candles and
holiday favors marked 'the places
of the following guests:
Blouse and Hat That Are
New !
Elizabeth Barker,
Kleanor Burkeley,
Dorothy Ar-ter,
Katherine. Tartan,
Pauline CobiI,
Louise Clarke,
Josephine Marple,
Charlotte Todd,
Heji-n Roger",
Virginia t'rofoot,
Margaret Wattles,
Mary Wattles,
Margaret Kiistman,
Kathryn Gardner,
Katherine Davis,
Virginia Tlxley,
Rowena Plxley,
Horothy Judson,
Mildred Walker,
De Weenta Conrad,
Katherine Squires,
Claire Daugherty,
Helen Hdagland,
Onnolee Mann,
Klorice Shaw,
Peggy Reed.
For Red Cross Workejs.
" Mrs Duffy, who was major of the
thirH ward in the recent Red Cross
Christmas roll call, will entertain the
captains of her ward at luncheon at
the Chamber of Commerce, Friday.
Omahans who spent the holidays
in New Yorkstopping at the Hotel
McAlpiu included: Mr. Ross Phil
lips. Lt. J. J. Schmidt, Mr. G. F.
Jennings,and Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Capt. E.' A.' Van Fleet, now sta
tioned at Austin, Tax., was to have
received his majority Avhen pro
motions were suspended, hut has
now been made chief of the medical
Capt. L. C. Adcck of Waco, Tex.,
formerly a physician of Omaha,
spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs.
A. A. Holtman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fercior spent
Christmas with relatives ,in Balti
more. While in the east they will
visit in Philadelphia spending New
Year's day in New York;',
Mrs. Josephfjcrinan, Miss Bcatta
Drahos and Mr. Frank Drahos of
West Point, 'Neb., were the guests
of Dr. and Mrs. Louis Horton on
Christmas day.
Mr. E. T. Riley of the radio serv
ice, Ut this morning for Hampton
Roads, where he is stationed, after
spending Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Boyd Lawrence of
Chicago and Ensign Jay Wallace
Hughes of the naval aviation, sta
tioned at Miami, Fla., are spending
the week at thejionic qf Mr. and
Mrs. J. a. tfcnucr, eurouie to ron
land. Mrs. Lawrence was formerly
Miss Florence Hughes, well known
in musical circles here.y v
An exquisite shade of rose crepe
de chine makes this smart peplum
blouse, which is designed for wear
beneath a topcoat or. long suit coat.
The oblong vest is f.tgotted with
heavy rope silk. This fagotting is an
attractive method of fastening -4he
vest to the blouse. A roll collar of
ivory white clirmcuse makes a be
coming "V" neck finish. The sides
of this blouse are laid in pleats.
The sleeves are fagotted above the
narrow cuffs. The navy blue velour
hat, which is worn with this blouse,
is extremely new. The crown is
copied from our soldiers' hats. It
is embroidered with rose chenille.
chenille pompom tops the crown.
Women's Hearts Hold Strange and
Secret Chambers Where Queer
Longings Find Encouragement
t,t1",vO you beheve there is one
ill great loye m a woman
J- life?" a girl correspondent
asks inc.
Lovers and sceptics alike have
for centuric9 demanded the answer
' to this question. Have the ages
Turnisjied it?
' " ' So far, I think, only conditionally.
Passionate; ringing answers there
-, have been in plenty, but they vc
been cries from individual hearts
- And one 'heart's truth llyn't hy any
means been truth for another.
Many wise men have argued that
'' t s lova is too vast and sublime a thin?!
' - to be limited by any single persou-
ality. Love. is the reality, they say.
' - The man or .woman who is loved is
merely the excuse for setting love
' free. Love once? Yes, by all means,
if you've, a heart big enough for lov
v "-. jg at all." Hut by same token,
ieep on loving, even though you
lose your beloved. Love twice,
thrice.,. Love is as cxhaustlcss as
sunshine. -
' ;. , And doubtless there are enough
' happy second marriages, 4or even
;- "" third marriages, to seem to fcstab-
lish" the truth of this view. -
And yet iliere are countless lov
er who agree with Elizabeth Bar
rett Browning, the great woman
' ioet. whose own love for her poet
, husband ranks among the . great
loves of history, that "love strikes
one hour" and only one. If love is
real, inists Mrs. Browning, .neither
time nor separation nor deth can
lossen it. and to speak of second love
is, blasphemy.
"Those never loved
, , Who dream that they loved once,
is her final challenge.
And this i wtt the. unhappy girl
' who has written to me is herself
' inclined to believe. Listen to her
... s'ory. . ...
"Three years ago, because of my
parents disapproval, I broke with
voung man. We were not engaged
because mv people thought it was
' merelv a silly affair, as we were only
IS and 191 years old. However, he
married in a few months after our
" - separation. I have traveled a great
' dear and have thought that I had
forgotten himi 'I have, had Thsuty
.- f;,iH anfl several suitors ap
parently Much more desirable than
he, and have been engaged to one
man.- ' f
"But as the time for our marriage
drew near, a great fear came over
me.athd I broke the engagement. I
believe I was afraid rshould find out
I really cared for the first one after
I married. I am still afraid to take
that -step.: : '
"Why can i know inrougn him'"
w'heit he is anywhere near-ad how.
after three long years, can I still tell
his step anywhere?
"I do know that he has a feeling
for hie, but he is a man of high
ideals and does not try to exercise
'any influence oyer me.
i "Do you believe..-! love him, u
there is one love only forN every
. woman? Do you not believe I n
right in remaining single? And yet,
it isao loneiy.
hasn't so far been successfully dis
placed. And yet she is, of course,
quite right in remaining single, how
ever lonely it may be, until she finds
a new love that is stronger than the
1 do not believe that she surren
deed her only chance of a happy life
when, to please licr parents, she re
sisted her love for that 19-year-ohl
boy. 'On the contrary, it seems to
me that, with her capacity for love,
she will undoubtedly in time meet
some mail to whom she can give her
whole heart.
It is, I know, a temptation to be
lieve that a thwarted love, or an un
happily ended love, is the only love
of one's life. It's a danger that I
think women have especially to
guard against. Sometimes it affords
a not unpleasant kind of melancholy
to believe that the man we shall
never see again is the one man in
the world we could ever have com
pletely loved or been happy with.
It helps us to dramatize our own
experience, td be a greatjleal more
interesting to 'ourselves' than wc
should be otherwise. Once we be
come convinced, of this, ,we can play
betore our own mirrar, a nowncic
My Hat Diary
Carita Herzog
(Peggy goes to Cloudland, where Queen
Crystal ak her to tame two lilanle.
Blooey and BIIze.v, who are planning to
start a billiard that win do great narm
on earth.) w
y The Giants' Dungeon.
TTTHAT will I do to stop
YY them?" 'cried Peggy,
' when Queen Crystal told
her she must prevent Blooey and
Blizzy sweeping down upon the
"You know better than. I," tin
kled the queen, "but be quick,
Saying that she and Freezer picked
Peggy up and pushed Jier right into
the periscope. "Whish-sh-shl"
went Pegglhrough the tube before
she could open her mouth to pro
test. And in a second there she was
in the dungeon with the two
They were so busy that they did
not see her. Blooey was blowing
himself up with a bellows, just as
if he were a balloon. Blizzy had in
his mouth a tube from a tank mark
ed "Liquid Air" aqd was filling
himself just like an automobile get
ting gasoline.
"Oh, ho!" roared Blooey. "'11
tangle up the whole United States
with swirling .snowdrifts. The peo
ple will be a week digging them
selves out. What fun!"
"Whee-:e!"- wheezed Blizzy. "I'll
nip every living" thing until it hides
in terror from my blast or freezes
up solid! What fun!" , '
"I'll stop all the coal trains first,"
roared Blooey. "That will smash
business all to pieces."
"And I'llNiip along with a cold
wave that will 'curl their toes. Then
we'll go down south and sweep the
orchards bare. HVhat funPWhee
ce!" whistled Blizzy. ,
Peggy grew indignant as she
heard their boasts. She forgot that
The Abandoned Room
By Wadsworth Cam
Not for a moment would I advise
t.u idealistic vounsr eirl to remain
tmmarried ; indefinitely merely be
cause, the image of ner boj-Jover
else, .the role.of unhappy heroine
Bolh the happy married woman
and the disappointed unmarried one
incline to this belief that there can
lie but one love in a lifetime.. But
they speak only from their own ex-perience.-which
has held "but one full
sized love. How cau they speak for
all the other women of thrtVorld?(
for the wolneit who have large
heartedly loved twice, or even-more,
and who glory in it?
And there are cases, I believe.
...I - ..-I 1, .,,-,,, Irvv. Inc
WI1CIC A IHJIIiiai Human
been touched by the magic wand of
imagination. There, I think, is the
secret of the whole matter, lt s tne
highly imaginative worftan whose
one great love lasts undiuimed to
the day of her death. lt is the
imaginative woman in whom a love
of this sort comes to glem like, a
golden thread winding through the
plain-colored tapestry of a life that
is actually filled with a calmly con
tented marriage and happy mother
hood. In the heart and mind of an im
aginative woman her one great love
becomes so rarefied and transformed
that it doesn't really conflict with
anv other human emotion:
Do you remember the story, that
Mark Twain teJlS about his mother?
Itavinrr married voiinc. she snent
a long life apparently j. perfect con-.
tentment and neacerBoth as wife .
and mother'' she seemed to have
achieved unusually happy relation
ships.' '-"
' And yet when she was a. very
old lady she persuaded her grand
daughter to take a long journey
with her to a city where she had
read that a youthful-lovtr of hers
was to be seen.
They missed him but the inci
dent servedo reveal the fact Jhat
this child-love, so delicate, so un
dowered, thathe boy and girl had
never even srwken of it to eath
other, had throughout fourscore
years dominated the imagipation of
this irreproachable wife and mother.
Women's hearts hold strange and
secret chambers. It won t do to be
too dogmatic as to what finds lodg
ment, there. . . ' " ' :' ' :
How Do You Know ? .
Dear Misa Knit-fax, Omaha, Bee:
T love a hoy" rind 1 know, that ho
loves me, but ho ts too bashful to go
with me. Should I go with differ
ent boys, or should 1 not? Hoping
to have an answer in the paper in
the near future! I am 18 and he is
20 years uld. I'. K.
How can you be sure that he loves
you if he does, not tell youfo? 1
should certainly wast,e no time on a
young man 20 years old who rould
not take care of ltis own heart.
A Sympathetic tiirl.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
I read about that "worried mother"
this morning ind it sure set my
hearf1 aching Tor the girl. I think
that the mother certainly shows too
much partiality toward the other
children, don't you ? She said that
my other daughters a"t)e quiet and
very modest girls, the type of girl I
admire." I know just such girls,
and I know thaUstill water runs
deep, doesn't it?
Why shouldn t the girl t'link about
having a good time? Everybody
ought to. Doen that 'Iworried
moth;" think the girl should work.
sit around thinking of evil things, or
o,f the dark and gloomy past, all hor
life? Just think, a girl of 17, and
only allowed owe night out a week!
n hat harm would it do to go out al
least twice a week, or even three
times? If tho mother mistrusts the
girl, once is enough, but she surely
T hated school, too, but I loyed
college and I went there, and sure
made good. Why don't that worried
mother let the girl keep at hey draw
ing: sue win niaite gooo. vvny
should the girl complain while at
home? I think I would act and be
crazy, too, if I eouldn t have any
enjoyment of life, especially when
I am young. That mother sliould
remember we're only young once,
and when wa're old we're old a loug
film said she had to "drive" the
gin to her lessons. I've heard of
driving cattle, sheep anc" horses,
but never lieard of driving a child.
Some mother! Just think': -our
mothers are the dearest and nearest
friends we've got. I don't blame
the girl. 1 would never forgive a
mother, either, if she punished me
in front of my girl and boy friends.
Why are you so strict with the girl?
You must want to see how inhuman
you can be to her She ought to ei
joy your punishment, if .hat's all
you've 'done all her life, punish hfer.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself? I
thought my mother was strict, and
she certainly wps, but not to that
extent. I should be very proud if
I had daughter that popular. It
Isn't everybody that has a very pop
ular girl. WTiy shouldn't the girl
Ijaye a word for everybody? . Do you
expect her to stick her nose up and
snicker at everybody?
-'I don't blame the girl for doing
only Red Cross work. I certainly
ould, too, if I nan tne time ana op-
I wouldn t turn my hand
over to do anything else but Red
Cross work. God bless the Red
Crota workers.
Iidon't-th-ink that worried mother
hasa thing to worry about, do you?
what has drawing and, painting
done for Harol Brett, Millet and
hundreds of others that have that
great .talent? When tht worried
mother knows it provokes the girl
for reading- her letters, why doea.she
do it? What harm is it for the girl
to receive her own mail? It would
be different if the girl was only 12
or 1 3 years old. i ,.
Some day this will all come back,
to that "worried mother," and it will
be too late to ak,forgivenesa,-s per
haps it already isS. .
Why shouhr'the girl feel bad;
when her brother left? I know wat
it is. because my brother has gone,
too, and we all sent him away with
a smile and a cheer, the way very
they were Giants. To her they now
appeared as two monster, prankish
boys, setting out on a mischieyous
"It will be a cruel, nieato trick,"
she cried. "You two lazy Giantsi
ought to be ashamed of yourselves
talking of such pranks when every
one is so busy." '
Blooey and Blizzy looked around
in astonishment. At first they
couldn't see her and their eyes
swept the dungeon up and dpwn
jnd all about her before they found
her. Then Blooey let out a roar
that shnrrR '.the walls, while Blizzy
whistled like a fire siren.
"Ho, ho. whom have we here?"
blustered Blooey.
"She looks like a human. I'll
freeze her," threatened Blizzy.
"You're big enough to know bet
ter than to rush around destroying
things. It's a lot more fun build
ing things up," argued Peggy.
"Think how much suffering and
loss you'll cause sending a blizzard
down upon the earth."
"You're an impudent meddler,"
and I know he felt better than if we
all cried and grieved over him, and
I'll wager your boy would have felt
the same.
Some clay you won't have your
jewel, as Beatrice Fairfax called her,
and you 11 be sorry you have pun
ished her so much.
The girl's mother is not altogether
to blame. She merely doesn't un
derstand "the girl. I am sure she
doesn'()nean to be cruel to her.
Has a Fickle Lover.
Pear Miss Fairfax: t have been
going about with a young man for a
year. As he was a college student
1 did not "expect him to spend any
money on Nowthis young man
tells my girl friend that there can
never be anything between us. I
Move liinf very dearly and it breaks
my heart to give him up. tfte is al
ways telling me of his good times,
but never takes me any place. s
4Ve were going be married when
he had finished college.
You should not accept any go-between
in a matter of this sort.' Have
a thorough-going talk with v the
young man himself and find but
whether he does not intend to keep
his promise to you, and why. If he
lids beeM -insincere and inconstant I
am deeply sorry for the pain thi will
cause you, but I can give you no
other advice, in that case, than to
put him out of your mind as prompt
ly as possible. (
An, Employer's Attentions.
Dear MJss Fairfax: I am a girl
of 20 and considered good-looking.
I have a fine position as a stenog
rapher. My smployer is unmarried
and aBqut 40. Irately he hs begun
to mak"e me little presents. .1
shouldn't think anything about this
if I hadn't heard so much about girls
having to be careful in regard to
their employers. .We don't have
much .conversation except on busi
ness, but I know he likes me. What
sharfl I do? I don't want him to
think me old-maidish, i E. F. G.
It Is quite1 true that you must be
onsyour guard in a case like this. I
suppose you understand . that you
must not accept presents of any
value, either from your employer or
from any other man to -whom you
are not engaged. But if these gifts
are of merely trifling value it is prob
ably not wortlv while to take a stand
In regard to them. Discourage him
indirectly, instead, in such a way
that neither of you will become self
conscious. A girl Is, of course, at
You krlow, just mad aboit
rat time. Since the war soMiiany
clever pieces have been writtenand
I'm qu.ite wild about them. Last
evening a crowd of us went over to
GraceBowen's. She plays wonder
fully" on the piano and her brother
Ralph is rather clever with t ie ban
jo, so between the two we had a
regular "jazz" band. , We danced un
til Nancy Hippie came over and we
coaxed her to sing some funny songs
for us. She hasvsuch a charming
manner and is rathet attractive, too.
Last evening she wore a fetching
little hat. it was realjy a tain, made
of black chiffon velvet. It was high
on the right side and pulled way
over on the left. Two large silk
tassels hung from underneath the
side that came over. I cotnd view
the hat so well as Nancy sang her
songs. w .
whistled Blizzy. He blew an icy
breath at Peggy and instantly the
the misty air of which she was com
posed turned to frost. But it
didn't hurt Peggy a bit, and the ef
fect was simply to make her more
visible something like ,a ghost of
Tier own self, but a very pretty
ghost of dazzling whiteness.
"Oh, 'hoL Isn't s'lc a beauty!"
roared Blooey. With that he
puffed out his cheeks and blew. And
he blew so strongly that his breath
burst the walls of the dungeon asun
der and sent Peggy flying far, far
out into space.
As she whirled along she fcTlmd
herself amid a multitude of Snow
Elves jovfullv dancing toward the
earth. But the joy of the Elves
turned into fear as tliev saw her.
"It's Princess Peggy," they chor
used. ' "She fran't tame the Cloud
Giants. Woe, woe to the earth."
"Ho, ho! This blizzard is going
to be a record-breaker," roared the
voice' of Blooey far above. '
"Whee-ce! Wliee-ee! 1111 make
the bottom drop out of Vic ther
mometer, shrieked Blizzy.
PcggjY looking hack, saw the two
Giants tear out of their dlungeon
and hurl themselves against one of
the Cloud 'storehouses.. lhy burst
h to pieces and with mighty blasts
sent the stored up ( Snow Imps
sweeping in a blind, swirling mass
toward the earth.
"Stop the. Giants, Princess Peg
gy I Save your fellow humans!"
cried (Jucrn Crystal, appearing
amid the ruins of the storehouse.
Peggy gave one look toward the
busy world below, with its heaped
tip trains of coal and food and sup
plies that would be quickly snowed
under if the Giafcts were not halted;
then she darted swift as an arrow
upward to where Blooey and Bnzzy
were turning their prankish frenzy
towatManothcr of the many cloud
storehouses. She was determined
now to tame them.
' (Tomorrow will be told how foggy trips
to conquer Blooey and Bltay. )
Industrial Training is
Welcomed in Chicago
The scope of the industrial train
ing school established in the Wash
burn School building in Chicago has
been greatly increased, even during
the period of its inauguration, ac
cording to reports, reaching tli
training and dilution service of the
United States Department of Labor.
Everything is re.ady for the recep
tion of s tudenlsxon a larger scale
even than at first Contemplated, and
a considerable number already has
"The Chicago Board of Education,
which originally a.greed to con
tribute $5,000 to the school, has bc
conie Sonuchimpressed . witli its
possibilities that it lias spent $20,
000 on it. The ciry furnishes the
he manufacturers have greatly
increased the amount of machinery
introduced for use in the courses,
which iuclude all the modem equip
ment of a machine shop, such as
screw and milling machines, shan
ers, lathes and all the other work
ing apparatus of the practical ma
chinist, t v
The training and dilution seryice
has supplied one pf its assistant
superintendents, an experienced pro
duction engineer, to get the school
started property.'-
The students, instead of acquiring
merelv a. facility in one operation.
learn the mechaiical theory involved
in their work", and also its practical
aspect from every angle. When they
leave it they will be not only good
machine operators, but on the road
to. become exper. machjjists.
The Search is Rewarded.
"I may witness this outrage?"
Bobby asKed.
- "I'd rather you didn't speak of it
1n such harsh terms," Robinson
Bobby didn't know what to ex
pect. The whole thing might be a
trick of Parades', in line with his
h'nts the night of Howells' death,
to involve Katherine. The quiet
confidence of the two officials was
disturbing. What had Kawiins seen?
After a long ime Graham de
fended the private staircase carry
ing a lighted candle. He beckoned
and they followed him back
through the private hall into the
wide and mournful bedroom. It en
couraged Bobby to see the district
attorney and the detective hurry
across it. After all, they were really
without confidence of solving its
ghostly riddle. What they were
about to, do, he argued, was a last
chance. They would acknowledge
When they entered the farther
wing he noticed that Karflerine's
door stood wide.
"When I called her," Graham ex
plained, "she thought something bad
happened to her grandfather. She
ran out."
"And forgot all about the door,"
Robinson grinned: "That's lucky.
Now, Rawlins."
Bobby couldn't bring himself to
cross- the threshold, but from
corridor lie could-ece the interior of
the room and all that went on there
during the next few moments. A
candle burned on the bureau, expos
ing the feminine neatness and deli
cacy of the furnishings. The pres
ence of the three men. was a dese
cration; what they were about to do
an unforgivable act of vandalism.
Rawlins went to a work table
while Robinson rummaged in the
closet. Graham, meantime, bent
against the footboard of the bed,
watching with anxious eyes. Bobby's
anger was increased by this picture,
lie resisted an impulse to run to the
stairs and tall Katherine up. That
would simply increase Robinson's
suspicions. There was nothing she
could do, nothing he could do.
Rawlins had clearlybcen unsuc
cessful at the work table. He glided
to the bureau. One after the other
he opened the drawers, tumbling
within, lifting the contents out, re
placing them with a rough haste
while Bobby's futile rage increased.
Suddenly he saw Graham's atti
tude alter. Rawlins' back stiffened.
"Conic here, Mr.' Robinson," he
said softly.
RobinVon left the closet .and
stooped beside the detective. Nlc
exclaimed. Graham went closer,
looking over their backs.
"You'd better sec, Bobby," he said,
without turning.
"Yes," Robinson said, "Let tne
show you how wrong you were, Mr.
Blackburn. Let me ask if you knfiw
you wereAvrong."
Bobby entered with a quicker
pulse. He, stooped and looked in
(be opening. Abruptly everything
altered for him. He wondered that
his physical surroundings should re
main the same, that the eager faces
beside him should retain their fa
miliar lines.
Against the back-board of the Ju
rc'au. where it would lit neatly when
the drawer was in place, lay a pms
tcr cast of a footmark. Near by
v as a rumbled handkerchief that
Bobby recognized as his own. and
the enve one containinar Howells rc-
p.ort which they had told Jenkins to
Well?" Robinson grinned.
'I swear I didn't know they were
there," -Bobby ausWercd. "You II
never make me believe that Katli
ci ine knows it."
'I've guessed, Rawlins said, that
the stuff was hidden here ever since
this afternoon when I saw a small
bundle sneaked in."
'Who brought it. Bobby look
him up.
Robinson s grin expanded.
"Leave us one or two surprises to
spring in court. ,
i lien, Bobby said, "my cousin
vvasn t in the room wiien mis evi
dence was brought here"
"I'll admit that. Rawlins an
swered, Out sue wasuj lai aw.iy,
and she got here before I could in
vestigate, and she s kept the door
locked ever since until just now."
tie lift cd the exhibits out. I he
shape of the cast, the monogram on
the handkerchief cried out tne ir
testiniony. t
Robinson grasped llowclls report
uul glanced over the line handwrit
ing. Alter a tunc he lgoked up.
"There's the case against you,
Mr. Blackburn, and at the least your
cousin's an accessory. But why the
devil did yon come to me and make
a clean breast of it?
"Because," Bobby cried, "I didn't
know anything about these things
being here. Can't you see that?"
"That's the trouble," Robinson
answered uncertainly, "I think I do
see it."
"Besides," Graham said, "you're
still without the instrument that
caused death."
"1 expect to land it in this room,"
Rawlins answered grimly.
He replaced the Jrawer and con
tinued to fumble aindng the clothing
it contained. All at once he called
out and raised his hand. On the ore
Minger a tiny red stain showed.
"How did you do that?" Robinson
asked. x
"Something pricked iiie," the de
tective answered. "Maybe it was
only a pin, but it might .have
been "
Excitedly he resumed his search.
He took the clothing from the draw-
er and threw it" to one side. Noth
ing remained in the drawer.
"1 guess rt must have been a pin," f
Robinson laitk disappointed. , ;
But Rawlins took up each article if
ot clothing and examined it mi-;
nutely. His face brightened. ;
"Here's something stiff. " By gad,.
I believe I've got it!"
Concealed in a woolen sack, witl: i
the sltNider shaft thrust through anc .
through the folds, was a peculiarly
lone, stout, and sharivJiat pin. Raw
lins drew it out. He held it up tn
! ....: i t,1 . fe
IV UHllllUtU lUILIUIlun; "Vj
Guests of Queen.
Quests of Queen Alexandra, vis
iting Marlborough llouse for ti;e
first time, are always shown the
iamous treasure reom, wnere arc ,ri
displayed the great array of gold )
and silver and other works oi art ;,J
presented from time to timejo the JJ
late King Edward VII. The value h
of the contents ol this room ha! jj
been roughly estimated at $10,000,- jl.
000. It is difficult to convey in words y I
any idea of the wealth of treasure jl
here revealed, and all of which was !jf
bequeathed to Queen Alexandra as t
her personl property. J ne wans oi
the room are lined with immense
glass, ebony-bound cases, crammer)
with gold and 'silver treasures hugt
Pilgrim bottles, immense gold'' and
silver drinking cups,, shields ol
Oriental designs, ornaments ot
every sort. . One case alone con
tains 24 silver tea services, 20 din
ner services, .one a thousand mas
sive silver candlesticks. And this is
one of the smallest cases.
Many banks areN now employ'inji
women department heads to look at"
ter the needs of their women clients.
On the battlefield in Verdun sector
after two unsuccessful attacks, one
year ago today, December 27, 1917.
Fnd another wounded soldier.
Upside down at left shoulder.
The Trade Mark here
shown is on every-.
wrapper of genuine
l tmtm
The Grapefruit of.'
' Superior Flavor.
Trimble Brothers
Wholesale Distributors.
body should send-their dear ones, I a,j candy. v- . , v
-' Beautiful, modern park plan ceme
tery aeceaibl to Omaha'a best resi-'
dencc taction, ' family lota on partial
payment at time of burial. Telephone
Walnut 820 and Douglaa 829. Our free
automobile is at your service.
S8tb and Center. Office 15th & Harney.
The Master Salesman'
Is in the" Goods v
That's why dealers find Charter Oaks easily
sold. v . -' .
It's their 70 years' record of perfect operation,
economy in fuel and long service that creates the
demand. -
!f3000 dealers inlU.
. ld5 dealers m
fr St. u i s sell .
them. '
li your dealer tries ,
to talk you int6' .
buying another'.'
kind write to us.
Charter Oak Stove & Range Co.,
ini these times of food consei?
for the man or woman who knows
SlhireddedMiieat r
It is the whole wheaf-nothingwas-fed.The
most real Rod for the .
least money-and it is reacfywoked
andreadyrto-eatNo siigaf jsre-
quired-sjmply milk and adashofsalf.