Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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i .
Alleges in Petition for Divorce
' That W.L Huffman Beat
- Her Up in Middle of
.Minnie I. Huffman has filed a di
. vorce petition in district court.
: charging William L. Huffman, auto
mobile dealer, with various atleged
offense which include kifkielifv.
The petition alleges that "On one
occasion, without any cause or pro- !
vocation whatever, about three years I
ago, the defendant beat and bruised j'
the plaintiff m the middle ot the
night, blackening her eyes, and so
abusing and mistreating her that it
was necessary for her to leave her
- Mrs. Huffman further charges
.Huffman wtth infidelity.
The plaintiff refers to her hus
band as an automobile .dealer in
Omaha, having also an interest in
a corporation in Indjana and she
states that she believes he is worth
$100,000. Nonsupport is also alleged.
The Huffmans were married in
Saginaw, Mich., August 12, 1902.
They have no children.
Mrs. Huffman has asked the court
to award her alimony and attorneys'
No Money in Sight for
, Increase in Pay of
. Firemen and "Police
, Where Is the cfty going to get the
.'.money to pay increases in salaries of
"policemen and firemen durin- the
year, 1919? This is a question which
City Commissioner Lire, superintend
ent of the department of accounts
and finance, is trying to solv;.
"When we considered the levy last
f ; July we 'counted on a possible irr
j crease of 10 per cent to the police-
4 men and firemen," he said. "The
I charter commission is now talking
; of increases of 10, 20 and 30 percent,
varVing according to the present sal
ary in each case.
"This .vould take about $175,000
extra for the year instead of, the
$100,000 we counted on when ' we
made the lvy.
"If the legislature grants au in
crease greater than 10 per cent we
shoufd also secure some legislation
which will enable us' to issue war
rants for the extra money above
$100,000 and then provide for taking
care of these warrants out of the
1920 levy." '
Bordeaux Replica of Statue of Liberty
. v ' v S ' ' ' ' 1
K : ; : ' ' ?? SLif
?V .viXO life - . wrsPS
status or rE3erv.avEi4E ur ooieDeAUX
This is a picture of a replica of
our own Statue of Liberty vhich
has been unveiled in Bordeaux. It
is identical yin design, although
smaller, and stands in one of the
important, public squares To the
American boys .who have passed
through the city the tatue recalls
fond memories. v
Casualty List
Funeral of Teacher to Be
Held Saturday Morning
Tri-Delta sorority sisters and two
teacher associates ir the Benson
'-High school will be honorary pall
bearers for the funeral of Miss
r Clara Hermaien, young Omaha
teacher who died Saturday of iuflu-
enza in Allentowjj'ra., where she
j was awaiting overseas orders for
r Red Cross hospital hut work.
The young women who will serve
i are Miss Vinda. Hudson and Mrs.
! Florence Whitticr Howard of Lin
coln: Mrs. R. A. Vaii Orsdel, Mrs.
Fred Haas of the Delta Delta Delta'
'sorority and Mises Ruby Jensen and
Mary McNamara.
' Funeral services will be held Sat
1 urday morning at 10 o'clock in All
i Saints' churchy Rev. T. J. Maojcay
; and Rev. V. S. Jensen of the Danish
i Lutheran church will have charge.
! Lf. and Mrs. Rex Fuller, at whose
home Miss Hermanaen died, and
i her father.'T. Hermnsrn, arrived
: Thursday morning from the east
with the body.
Miss Hermansen's departure for
overseas was postponed on account
! ' of her passports hav;ng-been misH
laiu in the oftice ct the tngtsh
consul. She was to have sailed with
j the last ship carrying Red Cross
i , v6verseas workers. , '
. v .
Held in Connection Witli -,
the Glynn border Case
; Alvin Wick, held 'fn connection
with the Glynn murder case, recent
ly filed a petition for a divorce from
- Bertha D. Wick," The wife came
back with an answer and cross-pe-i
tition, naming "Ruth Snyder" as co
; respondent.
t Jrs. Wick asked the court to
1 restore her maiden name of Bertha
j Lamp. 9
! Inquiry at Wick's place of era-
! ployment brought the response that
his address was 1110 North Twen
' . tieth street, the same address of
- Ruth Lloyd. '
Wick is being held by tne police'
,ln connection with the general in
J vejtigation of the death of - Frank
Glynn, v , . ,
vNelsJ.' Person, 0rjnat?a ,
; i Man, Killed on French Front
'MrS. Adolph Anderson, 4009 Wirt
! street ' received a telegram .telling
-,'here that her brother, Nels J. Peter
' son, was killed in action in France
0tober 21. . '
I Beside his ' sister,- wHo lives at
- f the above address,; ' leaves a
' brother, Hans, who is in France with
, - the Iowa engineers and anotiw
brother, Chris, who lives on a farm
, rear Manning, la. , - . - -;
The remainder of riis relatives,
consisting 'of a father and mother
5 "acd sereral brothers and sisters, rey
; side in Denmark.
Takes Poison tjy Mistake;
'Wanted to Get Flu Medicine
!k Ed T. Swanson, 71 years of age, a
' retire music dealer living in S20
."South Thirty-fifth street, took
poison by, mistake Christmas night.
: Swanson told police who were sutn-
j noned to give medical attention
I ' that he thought he was getting the
t ,"flu." He went to the . medicine
' "chest for a preventative and secured
a carbolic acid liniment by mistake.
t ' It is believed he' will recover.
: 1 ,
; , Funeral of Mrs. Squires
? " Will Be Held Today
; :ht funera? of - Mrs. " Ella J.
Squire will te held at the First
' Contrreeational church. Nineteenth
and .Davenport streets, this afterr
OOl at 2 o'clqclbr i.:
-The following Nebraska men are
named in the casualty list s'ent out
by the government for Friday morn
ing, December 27:
Lester i. Fogel, 5112 South Forty
first street, Omaha, Neb.
Charles E. Martin, Alliance, Neb.
Albert G. Berger, Roseland, Neb.
Lieut. Paul Hnlbertstein, Lincoln,
Corp. Focke W. Westerbuhr,
Brule, Neb.
Corp. Christ Marston, Friend
Tony Wyerts, Gurley, Neb.
Wayne J. Cunningham, Lodge
pole, Neb.
Edward Sittler, Merna. Neb.
Leonard P. Larsen, Valley, Neb.
Charles L. McComb, Tilden, Neb.
Ray Coleman, Brady Island, Neb.
Wfn. Thanled, Milldale, Neb. ,
John J. Underwood, Madison, Neb.
John Cuthbert Collis, Polk. Neb.
The following laws. South Dakota anil
Wyoming men aro named In the mmnlty
IUt sent out by tlio government for Fri
day morn'ne, December 27:
l.t. Charles M. Ford, (ouneil Bluffs, In.
Corp. Wm. ltruclsley, Iowa City, Ik.
Private i
Henry Junker, Java, S. I).
Don J. Killen, Carlisle, la.
Helmer Peterson, Deeorfh, la.
Private Alma I). Krlrkson, ItoberUon,
Elmer O. Gtienther, Biorrri Engllhll,
Wtn. E. Rtowe, Lander, Wyo. "
Oscar Samlroek, Thuyer, la.
Arnold J, Sehmieir, Keokuk, rS
Charley A. Workmanter, Odehplt, la.
Wm. L. MeTurk. Traer. Ia.
Albert W.' Slalmherg, Stanhope, Ia.
Corp. Oeo. B. Williaina, Brule, Neb.
Jnme E. Reed, FarnhanvHle, la.
Corliss A. Bartlett, Waterloo, la.
Harry W. Kladen, Clrarfietd, Ia.
Robert H. Koppenhaver, Oilbert, Ia.
Wm. R. Woods. Ged, la.
' Oeo. 0. Carr, Atlantic, Ia.
Wm. Fueling, Farmersburg, Is.
Oeo. D. Morey, Greene, la.
Jlarry W. Shockley, l)es Moines, Ia.
Gts6.Ctoud, Slsseton, 8. I).
Niels A. Arson, lies Moines, Ia.
Corp. Robert P. Boyd, Luzerne, Ia.
Privates '
Wm. E. Wodrlch, Dubuque, Ia.
Elmer J. Hyde, Elkader, Ia. s
Frank J. Graeber, Sioux Rapids, Ia.
Gerhardt K Mueller, Burlington, Ia.
Nathaniel A. Owens, Traer, Ia.
John W. Hlttlzahn, Tipton. Ia.
Robert Singleton, Burlington, la.
Jake M. Wassenburg, Valley Springs,
S. . '
Charles J. Weis, Geneva, Wyo.
Harry Reese, Wilton Junctionals,
Roy V. Robb, Goldfield, Ia.
The following Nebraska men are
named in the casualty list sent out
by the government for Thursday
afternoon, December 26:
Capt. Arthur E. Allyn, jr., Hast
ings, Neb. v
Lt. Chas. F. Cadwallader, Oxford,
Neb. , .
Corp. Sylvester V. McKennan,
Lincoln, Neb.
Corporals f
Jyles C. Hendricks, Upland, Neb.
Harold C. Jeffrey, Martinsburg,
Privates )
' Nicholaus G. Wuenscher, Sar
toria. Neb. '
Edward M. Zimmerman, Bruns
wick, Neb.
TERMINED. Corp. Leslie D. Sims, Wellfleet,
PNeb. .
Cook John E. Goosman, Hendley,
Neb. r -' ,. I
. Frank R. Peterson, Surprise, Neb.
W. Stork, Arlington,
Neb. '
Arthur ,E. Burkman, 918 Forty
seventh avenue, Omaha, Neb.
Sergt. Victor C. Lee, Frerrrbnt,
Neb. .
Private Jose Ja'cox, Friend, Neb.
The following Iowa, South Dakota and
Wyoming men are named in the casualty
list sent out by the government (or
Thursday afternoon, December tti
Private Fred C Dannenbring, Iretown,
Wm. J. Ileldenrelch, Roekford, Ia.
Corp. Clifton Wier, Story City, la,
Bugler Leo. K. Waddle, Vinton, la.
Vernon C. Purvis, Cumberland, la.
Wulter Johnson, Ageifry, Ia.
Herbert E. Danlclson, Storm Lake, . Ia.
Edward Sehultx, Putney, 8. D. , '
Jus. I). Haver, West .Liberty, Ia.
I.t. Clarence R. Smith, Henry, S. I).
Sergt. I.eroy S. Barber, Marion, la.
Henry Helfelt, Boone. Ia.
Vincent Biska, Platte, S. D.
Bert Jerrel, Mount PleaNant, Ia.
Corp. Arthur W. Clopton, JeZerson, la.
Herman J. Spies. Whi'e Hut tee, S. D.
Arthur H. Emhree, Elliott. Ia.
Corp. Wm. F. Johansen, Alta, la,
Albert M. Anderson, Rosholt, S D.
Willie Cue, Vinton, In. (
Warren W. Clark, White, S. D.
Frank linral. Fairfax, la.
John J. Buckle', Des Moines, Ia.
Stewart Buchanan, Norway, Ia.
Nick Bnveles, Huron, S. I).
Alfred G. Dahlin, Sisteton. S. D.
t hus. K. Dawson, What Cheer, la.
Ethel Myers, Vinton, Ia.
Sergt. Frank R. Goodfellow, Bruce, 8. D.
Sergt. Joseph. 11. Hewitt, Osknloosa, Ia.
Sergt. Elmer W'. Highly, Edgemont,
S. D.
Sergt. Fred Eberhnrt, Yankton, S. H.
Corp. Louverne J. Ballon, I'ierre, S. I).
Corp. Frank Wm. Drew, Cresco, la,
l'eder Jergensen, Desmith, S, D.
, Matthew C. Weir, Hull, la.
Churley W. Worth. Gettysburg, S,
Samuel Brewer, Aibiu, la.
Wm. A. Henry, Adel, Ia.
Myron II. Hanson, Linn Grove, Ia
Nels E. Johnson, Washtu, Ia.
Perry S. Pfaff, Sigourney, la.
Thomas R. Hodga, Washta, 1.1.
The following Nebraska men are
named in the casualty list sent out
by the government for Thursday
mqrning, December 26:
Privates ,
Alfred C. Fitch, Pleasanton, Neb.
Vincent Placek, Prague, Neb.
Perry L. Dunn, Norfolk, Neb.
TERMINED. Sergeants
Vernus E. Ray, Guide Rock, Neb.
Andreas F. Martinez, Crete, Neb.
Rudolph Carl Wallien, Fremont,
Ed Olson, Sumner, Neb.
Nels A. Strid, Gurley, Neb.
Wm. J. Atkinson, Kearney, Neb.
Luther A. Peterson, Fremont,
The following Iowa, South Dakota and
Wyoming men are named in the casualty
list sent out by the government for
Thursday morning, December 26:
Charles R. Cntts, Yankton, 8. D.
Delmer D. Williamson, Randolph, Ia.
. Privates
Axel H. Larson, Douglas, Wyo.
Chas. E. Ginger, Sutherland, Ia. "
James T. McAvoy, Elma, Ia.
Mike G. Bates, Reliance, Wyo.
John R. Stutzman, Steamboat Rock, la.
Corp. Albert Yaness, Aberdeen, 8.- D.
Kay E. Grapengetter, Davenport, Ia.
Fred Schwartz, Rock Rapids, la.
Ltroy 8. Vanderhorst, Melcher, Ia.
John W. Hull, Roekford, Ia.
-Leroy A. BoBWorth, Sublet, Wyo.
John J. Flucklger, Bedford, Wyo.
Wm. H. Pottlnger, Prescott, Ia.
Ed L. Haugen, Forest City, Ia.
James S. McCauley, Winterset, la.
Franklin M. Mct'abe, Seymour, Ia.
Samuel A. Miller, Anita, la,
. Wilbert P. I Inert , Oskalnosa, la.
Fred Ries, Charles Cty, la.
Riinhart F. Winters, Milford, la. -
Walter J Meyer, Cluremont, Ia.
Wm. Kelbar, Fremont, 8. D.
Ludvig Larson, Wauken, Ia.
Wm. J. Tompkins, Clinton. Ia. ,
Andrew W. Vanzante, Peila, Ia.
Benjamin lt. . Vamandt, Eldora, la.
Geo. T. Conley, Laramie, Wyo. -
Clay C. Havener, Belle Plain, Ia.
Wm. A. Pnwlowski, Lane, S. D.
Raymond II. Proffitt, Misland, 8. D.
Henry F. Munteufel, Storm Lake, Ia.
Marlon H. Bates, Oakland, Ia.
Herbert M. 4elsen, Humboldt, Ia.
Guy A. Colburn, Sloaix Rapids, Ia.
El von J. Cross, Carbon, Ia.
Thomas L. Gallagher, Ottumwa, Ia.
Uncle Sam to Sell Flock ' 1
of Fine Horses and Mules
Washington, Dec. 26. Forty-five
thousand mules and horses", part of
the army's surplus supply, will be
sold at auction at camps throughout
the country next month. The sales
will be held January 7, 14, 21 and
28, and stock to be disposed of in
cludes cavalry, artillery and draft
horses, mules and pack animals. '
Japanese Peace- Envoy
Arrives at San Francisco
San Francisco, Dec. 26. Barou
Nobtiki' Makino7nead of "the Japa
nese delegation enroute to the Ver
sailles peace conference', arrived
here,today frojn Japan on thesteam
er Tenyo Maru. The party1, which
includes high government officials
of Japan, will depart tomorrow for
New York.
Cold Causa Grip and Influenza
move the cause. There is only one "Bromo
Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on the
box. SOc. ' '
Modifies Decision in Bank Tax
Case; Mortgages Can Be
Assessed as Real
Estate Equity.
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Dec. 26. (Special.) An
advance indication of the Nebraska
supreme court's probable views up
on the question involved in the Au
rora bank case, where the First Na
tional bank of Aurora is attempting
to get a deduction from its tax as
sessment to the amoirht of Liberty
bonds that it held last April 1, is
contained in a decision announced
today in a suit filed by the Nemaha
County bank of Auburn against the
Nemaha county board of equaliza
tion and assessment.
This case hinged upon the claim
of the bank at Auburn that it was
entitled to deduct $81,000 of- real
estate mortgages from its total as
sessment of $84,000, leaving only
$3,000 subject to taxation. The dis
trict j:ourt refused to allow the de
duction. This judgment is modified
by the supreme court, which holds
that $12,700 of the mortgages were
deductible and the remainder not 1
The portion of which a deduction
is allowed consists of mortgages
that were made' without the proviso
requiring the borrower to pay the
tax. As these mortgages could be
assessed as real estate equity owned
by the bank, they are not subject to
taxation in another form, the high
bench declares. But no mortgages
are thus exempt where the borrow
er has agreed to pay the tax, there
by relieving the bank from its obli
gation. Similar to Aurora Case.
The opinion written by Judge
Cornish, goes into the question in
considerable detail. It interprets
the amendment to the Smith mort
gage tax law enacted by the legis
lature of 1915, which forbids tanks
and trust companies to deduct real
estate mortgages from their capital
stock assessments.
Issues in this suit were somewhat
similar to those in the Aurora bank
case, recently appealed to the high
bench- The Aurora bank claims
that Liberty bonds should be de
ducted from its capital stock assess
ment because they are nontaxable.
The state and county authorities
contend that no attempt has been
made to tax the bonds, and that
their possession by the bank does
not make its capital stock worth
more or less.
Supreme Court Upholds
Verdict in Saloon Case
Lincoln, Dec. 26. (Special ) The
supreme court renders an affirmance
in a suit from Douglas county,'
where Margaret Rapp secured judg
ment for $3,000 against Peter. Mos
crey, a saloonkeeper, and his bonds
men, because of the death of Wil
lian Rapp, who was shot while ca
rousing with two companions.
The two other men, Fred and
Peter Schroeder, were also shot and
fatally wounded. Although none of
the three was hurt in the saloon, it
was' held that the' liquor they had
bought and drank there made them
intoxicated and irresponsible.
Two New Batiks Chartered
by State Banking Board
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 26. New
banks have been chartered by the
state banking board as follows':
Lowell Lowell State bank; cap
ital, $10,000. President, W. C. Ogii
vie; vice president, Leroy Sides;
cashier, George C. Webster.
Gladstone State Bank of Glad
stone; capital, $10,000; president, E
F. Schoen; vice president, H. W.
Menssen; cashier,' E. A. Karges.
Start Drive to Raise Money
for Beatrice Y. M. and Y. W.
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
Subscriptions were started in Bea
trice yesterday to raise $11,000 for
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion and the Young Women's
Christian association. Several boost
ers of this city have agreed to raise
$5,000 if the citizens will do the rest.
Both societies are in reed of funds,
an it is thought the total amount can
be raised by the first of the year."
Mrs. Atkinson Severely
Injured in Auto .Smash
Kearney, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
In an auto collision here Christ
mas day Mrs. Allen Atchison, wife
of Lieutenant Atchison" who is
spending a furlough here vifh rela
tives and friends, was severely in
jured arid Mrs. Frank Nye and Mrs.
Dan Atchison escaped wjth slight
bruises and shock.
1 e i .
Frank Frisbie tff Odell
Wounded ton Battle Front
Beatrice, Neb.. Dec. 26. (Special)
Priv. Frank Frisbie of the Odell
vitinity has been severely wounded
in action, according to information
received yesterday from the War de
partment. Young Fritbie left last
summer for France, and before re
ceiving his wounds saw much se
vere fighting. '
oldiers' Home Notes. ,
Frank Berger died at the West hospital
on Sunday. The deceased was a member
of Company H, First Colorado Infantry,
Spanish-American war.
Rev. Duncan of the Congregational
church in Grand Island, had charge of
the services on Sunday afternoon at the
Home chapel. He delighted his audience
with a splendid sermon. Rev. Oungan is.
always a decided favorite among the oil
vets. .
Comrade George W. White of Company
K, Third Michigan Infantry la one of the
oldest members of the home and speaks
of his present health as being as good as
a man of his age could expect.
No reports have been received lately nf
any aickness among the members on the
outside or their families. Members of the
Rashaw family, who were 111, have re
turned to thelf good health. Mr. and Mr.
Gilbert, also residents on the tmtside, have
cots in the West hospital at present, " .
The weather of the past week has inter
fered much with the work on the cottage
being built by Mrs. White. It Is verv
likely that she will postpone the date for
occupancy Instead of January 1 until
some other time. ,
Inaugural Ball to Be
Postponed, Verdict of
governor McKel vie
Lincoln, Nek, Dec. 26. The in
augural ball and public reception for
new state officers has been called off
on account of the prevalence of in
fluenza. ,
Governor-ElecVMcKelyie yester
day gave out the following state
ment: f
"In keeping with the recommen
dation of the State Board of Health
that social gatherings be not held,
and in sympathy with public senti
ment generally regarding the hold
ing of public meetings that are not
absolutely necessary, it is deemed
wise that the public reception which
customarily follows the inaugura
tion of state officers be postponed."
Lieutenant Robbins of
Fremont Home on Visit
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
Lieut. E J. Robbins, 'only Fremont
boy to win a commission as airplane
pilot in the army, is in Fremont for
a visit. Lieut. Robbins is stationed
at Getsner Field, Louisiana, and ex
pects to secure his release soon. He
has made upwards of 700 flights and
has had but one accident. His ma
chine was smashed but he was un
hurt. His record height is 15,000
Charles L. Becker is tne first Fre
mont soldier to return from over
seas. Becker arrived at New York
on board the Orea with 2,000 troops.
He was a member of the Eight Hun
dred and Thirty-first aero squadron.
Becker and his comrades were dis
appointed in not reaching France.
Weil-Known Aurora People
Married Christmas Night
Aurora, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special
Telegram.) B. O. Bergson and Mrs.
Mary E- Cunningham, well-known
residents of Aurora, were married
at the home of the bride Christmas
night by County Judge JefTers. Mr.
Bergson has probably cried more
public sales than any auctioneer in
Nebraska, i He retired several years
ago and is now county assessor.
Mrs, Cunningham is the widow of
J. B. Cunningham, a former county
treasurer. I Mr. - and Mrs- Bergson
left this morning for southern Cali
fornia to spend the winter.
No Christmas Pardons
for Nebraska Convicts
Lincoln, Neb., Dec- 26. (Special)
No Christmas pardons were
granted Louis Keezer and Isadore
Sitzman, under life sentences for
mjirder committed in , Cass county.
Tbe findings of the state prison
board, commuting their terms to 12
years, have been approved by Gov
ernor Neville. The men will be let
out of the penitentiary next May.
The governor had been' asked by
attorneys for the men to shorten
their time another four or five
months and grant them Christmas
pardons. m
Norfolk Plans Much Work
to Be Done the Coming Year
Norfolk, Neb. 26. (Special) -The
mayor and other city officials' arc
confronted with the labor situation
which is declared to be the mnst
serious problem here today. A pro
gram is being outlined here to create
enough work for surplus labor dur
ing the next year. Paving, wa'er
works reconstruction, a boulevard
to skirt the Northfork river and
other things are planned. The city
has already started big drainage
work, the first of which is the flood
prevention program.
Bad Roads Cut Amount
of Christmas Shopping
Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
Country roads are made almost
impassable by. freezing in hor
rible ruts and bumps. The shop
ping season was dealt a bad blow
all over north Nebnska and south
ern South Dakota as a result. In
the Rosebud country the thermome
ter registered three below zero Mon
day morning. The telephone com
pany reports the loss of over 300
poles since the storm of last week.
Fremont Health Officers
Will Enforce Quarantine
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
The health board is making ar
rangements to enforce the quaran
tine for influenza beginning today.
Ahwut 100 homes in Fremont will be
affected. Gty Physician Morrow
said today that the number of new
cases within the last week is con
siderably less than for the preceding
Inventory of State Board of
Control Shows Nebraska
Has Large Investment
, in Real Estate.
hincoln, Neb." )ec. - ' (From a
Staff Correspondent). ii inventory
of the buildings and grounds at J5
institutions operated un U-r the direc
tion, of the board of control discloses
that the state of Nebraka is one of
the. biggest rel estate owners in
the Cornhusker commonwealth.
The lands belonging to the state
at these( institutions are valued at
$661,852.' Buildings, equipment and
general improvements are estimated
to be worth $5,122,328, making a to
tal of $5,784,181, as the combined in
vestment. The state hospital for the insane
at Lincoln represents one-sixth of
the entire amount. The state hospital
at Hastings is worth almost as much.
Fifteen Institutions.
The real esate -value for each in
stitution is as follows r
Lincoln insane hospital $ 958,684
Hastings insane hospltiti. 933,470
Beatrice feeble mltided ; insti
tute ,.. 642.796
Norfolk insane hospital 616,753
Penitentiary, Llnqolp . 526,556
Grand Island" sohlifrs' home.... 434,477
fioya' Industrial school, Kearney 399.510
rhool for deaf, TJiftaha 345,350
Girls' tudustrlal gchbol, Geneva 204.532
Milford .soldiers" home 172.450
Tuberculosis hospital,- Kearney. 147,800
School for Blind, Nebraska City 139. 45S
Orthopedic hospital, Lincoln... 132,939
Women's Industrial home, Mil
ford , 87,539
Dependent children's1 home, Lin
coln ...i.. 39,872
Total ...$5,784,181
The land at the 15 institutions ag
gregate 3,898 acres and- in addition
there is 662 acres of rented lands,
valued at $110,670, which are occu
pied and used by the institutions for
farming and other purposes.
The institutions collectively made
a good record jn producing food
stuffs for the maintenance of their
own population, and in some cases,
for the market, despite the fact that
the corn crop was almost a total
failure the past season in some por
tions of Nebraska. Gardens and or
chards also yielded little because of
dry weather.
Interurban Railway
Must Build Viaduct
Regardless of Cost
Lincoln, Neb., Dec.26. (Special)
The supreme court today ruled
that when the Omaha & Southern
Interurban railroad company failed
to appear before the. arpy county
board and object to the opening of
a new highway across its tracks,
being part of the boulevard drive
from Omaha to Bellevue, it there
by became liable for the construc
tion of an overhead viaduct.
According to the opinion pre
pared by Judge Lettnn it makes no
difference whether the viaduct will
cost $4,500, or any other sum. The
fact that the highway is not a neces
sary public road anil is used chiefly
for pleasure driving does not alter
the company's obligation, it holds.
Beatrice Canteen Workers
Entertain Overseas Men
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
-The canteen workers of the Red
Cross served coffee and doughnuts
to a large number of soldiers who
passed through the city over tin
Union Pacific Tuesday night en
route to their homes from Camp
Funston, where they were discharg
ed from the service. During the last
week about 2,000 soldiers have been
entertained in this manner.
Governor Says Work of
War Camp Community
Service Good Thi
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special)
Governor Neville has answered a
request for an expression of his im
pression of the work of the War
Camp CcVimuuity service with the
following etter to Myron T. Her
rick, chairman of the national ex
ecutive committee, New York City:
"I assure you that I deem it a
privilege to be able to express my
keen appreciation of the splendid
achievement of the Wat Camp Com
munity service in ministering to the
needs of our valient soldiers and
"In the endeavors during the
war the War Camp Community ser
vice has clearly demonstrated its
fitting availability for the service in
times of peace. Out of the exper
iences of the past it has unhesitat
ingly undertaken the work of the
present and in the achievement of
the past and present, its right to a
future will be unquestioned.
"This organization is rendering a
most important service in the pres
ent titanft task of demobilizing our
fighting forces and ir. placing Amer
ica once more on a peace basis. In
this effort, America must have the
continued co-operation of everyone
and no organization is better fitted
to participate in this work from a
standpoint of ideals and administra
tive force, than the War Camp Com
munity service.
"I am Confident that there is yet
great work t6 be accomplished by
the War Camp Community service
and that the work done by the thou
sands of volunteers in this service
will but open the way for a great
er field of endeavor in the peace
days to come."
Norfolk Man Chosen
to Investigate Wage
Conditions on Coast
Norfolk,. Neb., Dec. 26. (Special
Telegram.) W. D. Beck, division
superintendent of the Northwestern
road, with headquarters here, has
been given special recognition by his
appointment as a representative of
the government to conduct impor
tant hearings at San Francisco into
wages and working Conditions
among the employes of thi railroad
owned steamship lines on the Pacific
coast. '
The hearings are part of the gen
eral inquiry being made by the rail
road wage and adjustment board in
to wage and working conditions
among the employes of railroads and
their subsidiary steamship lines.
North -Platte Negro Held
for Taking Diamond Ring
North Platte, Neb., Dec. 26.
(Special Telegram.) Wilton Brown,
colored, was arrested last evening
for stealing a , triple set diamond
ring worth several h'indred dollars
from rooms in the Liberty inn,
where he was employed for several
months. The robbery was commit
ted during toe absence of Mr. and
Mrs. Chares Hupfer pioprietors. It
was discovered that the thief had
entered their rooms through the
transom. Several other articles
were taken and all of them were
later found in the home of his col
ored friends. While awaiting trial
he will be in thee ustody of Sheriff
Heavy Snow Falling in
Western Part of State
Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special
Telegram ) Heavy snow is falling
in western Nebraska, Northwest
ern trains hitting big drifts west
of Atkinson. Temperature is mild.
Wet snow is falling here and work
ing eastward- Damage done to tele
phone lines in Rosebud country and
western Nebraska has been enor
mous. Today's announcement is
that over 700 poles have been brok
en and that communication will be
out until Saturday.
Belgian Cabinet Agrees
on, Universal Suffrage
Washington, Dec. 2(5. The Bel
gian cabinet council, at a sitting
Tuesday under the presidency of the
king adopted a scheme of electoral
refnrni intenrlpft trt establish tHli-
versal suffrage for the next elections,
said an ofltcial dispatch received o
day from Brussels. I '
A small bottle of "Danderine"
keeps hair thick, strong,
Girls! Try this! Doublea
beauty of your hair in a ;
few moments.
yiTH thristmas off
your mind you'll
want to prepare for the
NEXT big occasion
New Year's Day
We will fix iip your clothes, of
cource in the way that pleases
deeply. Phone Tyler 345 and
we will start you out on the
New Year with perfectly
cleaned clothes.
2211-17 Farnam St., Omaha
Break a Cold
n Few Hours
First dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieves the cold
and grippe miseryDon't stay stuffed up!
, Relief comes instantly.
i A dose taken etyery two hours
until three doses are taken will end
grippe misery and break up a se
vere cold either in the head, chest,
body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up
nostrils and air passages in the
head, stops nasty discharge or nose
running, relieves sick headache,
dullness, feverishness, sore throat,
sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow
ing and snuffling! Ease your throb
bing head! Nothing else in the world
gives such prompt relief as 'Tape's
Cold Compound," which costs only
a few cents at any drug store. It
acts without assistance, tastes nice,
causes no inconvenience. Be sure
you get the genuine. Adv.
After each meal YOU eat; one
and geti ull food value and real atom
ach comfort. Instaatly relieves heart
burn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS
acidity food repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion: keeps' the
itomach sweet and pure
EATONIC is the bmt remedy and only cosh
cent or two a day to use it You will be de
ighted with result. Satisfaction guaranteec1
"w"! hack Please call and try jit
Green's Pharmacy, Cor. 16th and Howard
s Sts., Omaha, Neb.
. J
- '
iff" ' V fi?r',! 1
M p. jL I ,
Within ten rrtinutes after an ap
plication of Danderine you can hot
find a single trace of dandruff or
falling hair and your scalp will not '
itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks' use, when .
you see new hair, fine and dowiy at
first yes but really new hair
growing all over the scalp. '
A little Danderine immediately
doubles the beauty qf your hair. No
difference how dull faded, brittle
and scaggy, just moisten a cloth
with Danderine and carefully draw
it through your hair, taking 'one ;
small strand, at a time. The effect
is amazing your hair will be light,
fluffy and wavy, and have an ap
pearance of abundance; an incom
parable lustre, softness and luxuri
ance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine for a few cents at any '
drug store or toilet counter, . and
prove that your hair is as, pretty
and soft as any that it has Jieen
neglected or injured by careless
treatment that's -all you surely
can have beautiful hair and lots of
it if you will just try a little Dan
derine, Adv. , l
Dr. Franklin Miles, the Great Specialist,
Gives a $2.50 Personal Treatment
and New Book Free.
To prove the remarkable efficacy of his
new Special Personal Treatment for heart
disease, short breath, pain iu side, shoul
der or arm, oppression, irregular pulse,
palpitation, smothering, puffing of ankles
or dropsy Dr. Miles will send to afflicted
persons a $2.50 Free Treatment Bad
cases usually soon relieved. Many report
cured after physicians failed.
These treatments are -the result of JO
years' extensive research and unusual suc
cess in treating various ailments of the
heart, nerves, stomach, bowels, kidneys,
bladder and rheumatic trouble, which often
complicate each case.
Send for Astonishing Reports of Cures.
So wonderful are the results that hs
wishes every sick person to test this fa
mous treatment at his expense. Afflicted
persons should avail themselves of thia
liberal offer at once as they may never.
have such an opportunity attain. Delays
are datiKcrous. (No death comes mors sud
denly than that from heart alisease.
Send for his Heart Book And Two-Pound
Free Treatment. Describe your disease.
Address,' Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. HF162
to 172 Franklin St., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. King's New Discovery used
since Grant was President )
Get a bottle today
It did it for yotur grandma, for
your father. For fifty years this
well-known cough and cold remedy
has kept an evergrowing army of
friends, young and old.
For half a century druggists ev-
prvwriprpv lia snld it. Put. n rinttlo
in your medicine cabinet. You may
need it in a hurry. Sold by drug- j
gists everywhere. 60c and .0.
Bowels Acting Properly? ,
They ought to, for trflstipation
makes the body retain waste mat
ters and impurities thr.t undermine '
the health and play havoc with the
entire system. Dr. King's New Life
Pills are rHiable and mild in action.
All druegists. 25c. Adv.
Unsightly pimpl?s and
blemishes on the face are
sure signs that the and
blood need the purifying
and strengthening action ot
Larveri Sale of Any Medicine in the World.
Sold everywhw. In Boxes, IQc 25c
Beautiful, modern ' park plefc eerne
tery accessible to Omaha' ttM' resi
dence section. Family lots on partial
payment at time of burial. Telephone
Walnut KitO and Douslas 829. Our free
automobile is at your service.
68th and Center. Office 15th