w THE BEE: OMAA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1918. .7 Clearance of Silk Underwear Our entire stock of beau tiful Envelope Chemise Night Gowns Camisoles Bloomers Pajamas Negligees are offered during this Annual Clearance, at Wonderful Price Reductions Clearance of Petticoats A gorgeous array of Chif fon Taffeta Petticoats, deep flounces, wide range of styles, changeable and solid colors; regular $5.00 values, choice Annual Clearance of urhin Brothers 318-320 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET Clearance Think of it, clever styled Dresses at $14.00, and everyone who knows Orkin Bros. Dresses knows that they must be wonderful values; all wanted colors. Up' te $19-50 Drettet, choice during Clearance These Dresses of Jersey, Serge, Satin, Georgette, in charming effects of metallic braid and contrasting fab ric trimmed; every new color. Up to $35.00 Drettet, choice during Clearance Kid Velvets, Jerseys, Satins, Georg ette Combinations, Serge and Satin combinations, charming styles. Dress es for every type of wear, dozens of colors. Up to $45.00 Drettet, choice during Clearance k This will prove the dominant value group, the styles, the fabrics, the trimmings, the colorings, combine in their appeal for your ap proval; values are wonderful. Up to $65.00 Dr.tt.t, choice during Clearance You'll marvel at these stunning styles, such novel creations fash ioned from Tricolette, Satins, Tricotines, Charmeuse, Crepe Meteor nd Georgettes. Up to $79.50 Drettet, choice during Clearance. . . Beauty in the extreme is emphasized in each of these exclusive Gowns, richly Beaded, Braided and Embroidered; fabrics that ap "peal most strongly to those best versed in style. Up to $85.00 Dresses, choice during Clearance . t teu3l Clearance of w m I . I a omorroux ucccmvzv ID $19 A Y at S:'30 begins the great sale thousands of ujomen.eagerty await knowing that it never fails to be the greatest money saving opportunity of the year And this year,iith me gouerrv merit and trie press so empha sizing the necessity for say ing, the items in this advertise ment should lie read with special interest for every urinter garment in the store is off erecUt extreme reduction $24 $34 $44 $48 COAT Clever styled Coats of -Gunnyburl, Velours, Kersey Burellas and Novel ties; exceptionally attractive Coats because of their unusual good quali ties. Up to $37.50 Coats, choice dur ing Clearance One of the strongest groups In this entire Clearance. The values are, in deed, wonderful. Broadcloths, Vel ours, Plushes, in smartest styles 6f the day; all wanted colors. Up to $47.50 Coat, choice during Clear To the women who desire a coat of exceptional quality and especially distinctive style, this gToup of Silver tones, Velours, Pom Poms, Plushes, Suede Velours will surely appeal. Up to $59.50 Coatt, choice during Clearance These finer Broadcloths, Pom Poms, Suede Velours, Plushes, Vel vets, Burella Cloth, in most striking styles, richly lined, elaborately trimmed In contrasting furs. Up to $79.50 Coati, choice during Clearance This marvelous style assemblage involved in this sweeping Clearance affords the opportunity of the year to secure a Coat of unusual merit at a price ridiculously low. Up to $95.00 Coatt, choice dur ing Clearance , i These Motor, Evening and Theater Wraps and Coats, exclusive mod els, featuring Velvets, Bolivias, Silvertones, Suede Velours; wonder ful fur trimmings. Up to $145.00 Coatt, choice during Clearance... . $2.80 $18 li $24 1 $32 lU $42. $54 $78 aters Here's a Sweater-buying opportunity you can t af ford to pasi High collars, with large collars of con trasting Angora; regular $7.50 values; now U.90 One lot of splendid new style Sweaters fitted, roll collars pure worsted turquoise, rose, coral4 khaki regular $10.00 values, now $7.90 FURS All Furs Are In cluded at Enormous Reductions FURS $47.60 Poiret Fox Ball Muff $25.00 $50 Taupe Fox Animal Scarf $28.50 $59.50 Poiret A), A A Fox, Animal orJHjU.UU Cape style $35 Fine Red Fox Animal Scarf $39.50 Taupe Poiret or Black Wolf Cape o Animal Scarf. . $18.50 $20.00 $39.50 Natural Skunk Ball Muff $55 Black Fox Canteen Trim med Muff $17.50 $30.00 $825 Hudson Seal dQ Jf Coat, roll collar, Jhs!) deep cuff t w $235 $395 Natural 1 out Muskrat Coat, at $29.50 Wolf anddMt? 00 Raccoon Muff . .P VV Mm Cl&vfficvrffi sra-Ts Hundreds of smartly tailored skirts offered away below their real worth. Newest style ideas, all the favored skirt fabrics; novelties galore as well as plain colors. Up to $8.75 Up to $10.75 Up to $15.00 Skirts Skirts Skirts $4.40 $5.80 $7.90 b Clearance of SUITS Here is an opportunity to, get a Serge, Poplin, Velour or Gunnyburl Suit at a mere fraction of its real worth. Clever styles, all colors. Up to $35 Suits, choice during Clear ance Men's Wear Serges, Velours, Poiret Twills. Suits of exceptionally good style, 'richly lined, many are Ur trimmed. All wanted colon are in cluded. Up to $45 Suitt, choice dur ing Clearance Styles of the hour. Suits so thor oughly attractive, so splendidly tail ored, you'll find them difficult to re sist Finest of fabrics. Every wanted color. Up to $59.50 Suitt, choice during Clearance Poiret Twills, Velvets, Btoadclotha, Wool, Velours, Gabardines, Sil Tertonea and Fine Serges. Stunning styles, richly trimmed with Quality Furs. Up to $69.50 Suit, choice during Clearan This group consists of our very finest Suits. Styles that are ex clusive. Tastijy trimmed with Fine Furs. Distinctive, Dressy Suits, in richest of colors. Up to $89.50 Suitt, eholce during Clear ance s ''" 1 Annual Clearance of MILL Mm A Clearance Event that will long be re membered by Omaha wom en as the Greatest Cleanup of the Year. - Your unre stricted choice during this Greatest of all Clear ance events of $7.50, $10.50 and $20 Hats, at i 'in ' in iillb en n $1.00, $3.00 and li!l::liili:li:!ill.li Every New Winter Hat Every New Satin Hat Every New Fur Hat Every New Satin and Fur Hat All the New Model Hata From D. B. Fitki Chicago $5.95 Clearance f L8USES At this startling low price we offer a pretty collection of Jap Silk Blouses, smart tailored models, as well as fine voiles in a wide variety of pleasing styles. Values are extraordinary. $2.95 and $3.95 Bloutet during thit Clearance Georgettes and Crepe de Chines, In hosts of beautif ul new styles; White, Flesh and many colors. Embroidered and lace trimmed. This won derful value group will be instantly appealing. Up to $4.50 Bloutet, choice during Clearance $1.80 $2.20 Clever styled Georgette Crepe, Taffetas and Crepe de Chine Blouses, in White, Flesh and wanted suit shades. You will be greatly surprised at these remarkable values. Each blouse sale final. $5.95 add $6.60 Bloutet, choice during Clearance. . Here's Blouses which go at about half price. The styles are extremely pretty. Rich beaded and embroidered Georgettes in all wanted colors. Up to $9.75 Bloutet, choice during Clearance , -- . sV $3.30 $4.80 I IDE Y! T