Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Judge Advocate Gives Decision
Which Would Wipe Out
Guard Organization in
Federal Service.
Washington. Dec. 24. An opinion
of the judge advocate general's of
fice approved by the secretary of war
holds that officers and enlisted men
of the national guard will revert to
civilian status when discharged from
the federal service. The effect of the
ruling practically is to wipe out of
;xistence the national guard as it
was organized prior to the war.
The opinion was made public to
day by the War department.
General .March, chief of start, on
December 20 asked for an opinion
is to the status of members of the
national guard subsequent to their
discharge from the federal service.
His memorandum called attention to
i digest of an opinion of the judge
advocate general date January. 1918,
in which it was said that when the
guardsmen were "mustered out" of
!he federal service they would revert
io their militia status and also to
'heir status in the national guard.
General Ansell, in his decision,
pointed out that this opinion was
)ased upon muster out and not upon
Take Dual Oath.
. When federalization of the Na
tional Guard was enacted in the na
tional defense act of 1916, a dual
Dath of allegiance for the membeis
of that service was required, alleg
iance primarily to the federal gov
ernment and secondarily to the state
government being sworn by officers
and men alike. Every National
Guard unit in the country was re
quired to subscribe to this oath.
The language of the national de
"ense act, however, is specific in
stating that when the National
Guard draft has been applied by the
' president, the members of the guard
ire then discharged from the militia
of the country. The purpose aimed
t was to make the National Guard
after draft a force that could be
mployed outside the country, which
:ould not be done under the consti
tution while its members remained
n the militia.
This undoubtedly will be sought
nsistently, partly in the case of fam
ous guard organizations with treas
ured histories and traditions. There
las been, no announcement as yet of
;lie department's policy.
South Dakota Girl
Sends Present io
Lonely Soldier Boy
If Santa misses any lonely sol
dier today he may receive a
Christmas present from Ensign
Grantham of the Salvation Army,
who has received a box of goodies
from Miss Eva Lambert of Bones
field, S. D to be given to some
lonesome soldier. The box con
tains chocolates, dates, "rigs, and
handkerchiefs. If no one asks for
the gift, it will be sent to Fort
Omaha to be given to someone
who failed to receive a Christmas
(Continued From Page One.)
iug toward Denver tonight. All
transcontinental trains on the road
were going forward, including those
held at Dodge City and Syracuse,
Kan. A telephone message from di
visional headquarters at La Junt.i
said the storm in Kansas had abated,
the wind had diminished and it was
hoped normal service would be re
stored tomorrow.
Union Facific trains from Kansas
City still were tied up between Hu
go, Colo., and Ellis, Kan., according
to railroad information. Officials,
however said service would be re
sumed within a few hours. The main
line of the Union Pacific between
Omaha and Ogden is open and has
not been seriously affected by the
Pueblo Trainless.
Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 24. The first
train from the east to arrive in Pu
eblo since yesterday morning, got
into Pueblo shortly after 6 o'clock
this evening.
Funeral of Mrs. Squires
Will Be Held Next Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Ella J.
Squires will be held at the First
Congregational church, Nineteenth
and Davenport streets at 2 o'clock,
Friday afternoon, December 27, con
ducted by Rev. F. G. Smith, pastor,
assisted by Rev. T. J. Mackay of
All Saints church, Burial will be
at Prospect Hill cemetery.
Honorary pall bearers will be:
Ex-Senator Millard. George A.
Hoagland, J. A. Munroe, John
Urady, Luther Drake, C. E. Yost,
G. W. Megeath, M. T. Earlow,
Charles Kountze, John Wilbur.
Active Bearers.
Harry Tukey, Dr. Leroy Crummer,
Luther Kountze, Will Hoagland,
Ben Warren, Joseph Barker.
Declare French Order All
Males Not Residents of
Frankfort Before War
to Be Interned.
Copenhagen, Dec. 24. The French
troops of occupation have included
Nied, a suburb of Frankfort, in their
zone, and contrary to the promises
of Marshal Foch, the chairman of the
German armistice commission com
plains, the French commandant has
ordered all males who were not resi
dents before the war to be interned
The commandant's decree, ' j
complaint declares, concerns a large
number of railway officials and sev
eral hundred workmen in a great
locomotive factory which has been
doing work for the entente, it is de
clared, and now has been sht.t down.
The Berlin dispatch contains this
complaint and adds that the meas
ure prevents Germany from carry
ing out the delivery of locomotives
to the entente as had been agreed
upon and announces that the Ger
man armistice commission at Spa
has entered a protest.
Geo. E. White, Former
Teacher, of Anatolia
College, Visits Here
George E. White, Nebraska man
who was president of Anatolia col
lege, Marsovan, Turkey, until order
ed out by the Turks at the time
of the Armenian deportations,
August 10, 1915, was in Omaha
Tuesday night stopping over on his
way home to Hastings, Neb., for
"I am going back," said Dr. White,
who has been acting as executive
secretary for the Minneapolis branch
of the committee for the Armen
ian and Syrian relief.
"During the week of January 12
to 19 America will give $30,0000,000
to save starving women and chil
dren in Armenia. Nebraska's share
is $300,000. I understand, and
everybody knows this state will
raise its quota.
Cold Cauta Headache and Paint
Feverish Headaches and body pains caused
from a cold are soon relieved by taking
There's only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W.
GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c.
The House of Menagh
Year End Half Price Sale
Every Shopper Has Her Day
The Omaha Shopper Will Have a Week
December 26 to 31
Starting Thursday Morning at 8:30
When a Rare Choice Will Be Hers From Hundreds of Exquisitely Tailored Coats.
Coats jfii sL
. Suits jl'l 1 1 Vi JI"
I Gowns
y Price
y Price
!2 Price
At Exactly One-Half Price
The name Wooltex spells qual
ity; quality backed by the
guarantee that Wooltex gar
ments will keep their tailored
style through months of hard
service. This week you have
the chance to get absolutely
standard goods at H the stand
ard price.
Hundreds of Wooltex gar
ments in all the modish colors.
Choose yours early.
Suits heavy enough to wear
all winter, in all the best fab
rics and colors, with the furs
to complete your outfit, are in
this sale at the same sacrifice.
Every suit in the house will
have its price tag cut directly
in two, in our big V price sale.
One-Piece Gowns are apro
pos as never before at this
season of the year, for those of
you who have gone into winter
coats for good.
In this sale you will find
?owns of serge such a comfort
to slip into on these blowy, win
try mornings, and gowns of silk
and velvet that you needed for
dress-up, but couldn't afford,
before. Now just price.
$50'ltJI II
$75.oo MfPJ U
$iooi wkl
$125 XJ. ;
$150 '
(Continued From 1'age One.)
by wireless to the units of the navy
in all parts of the world a Christ
mas message reading as follows:
'''Voicing the sentiments of the
whole world, which is proud of the
achievements of the American navy,
I send Christmas greetings with con
gratulations upon high achievement.
All in the navy will celebrate this
Christmas with knowledge of the
appreciation of the American people
for the important part they bore in
bringing peace on earth this Christ
mas day.
Gratitude to Navy.
"The navy never so well deserved
the confidence of the people and it
never possessed it im so large a
measure. It is safely anchored in
the affections of all Americans.
This thought must give happiness to
all in the service. My good wishes
for a happy Christmas to all in the
navy and to all who are near and
dear to them."
Major General George Barnett,
commanding the marine corps, sent
the following message to every ma
rine station in this country and
"The major general commandant
desires to wish every officer and man
a merry Christmas and a happy new-
year and to thank one and all for a
year's hard work wonderfully well
Food Administrator Hoover, who
is in Europe arranging relief for the
peoples in the war-devastated coun
tries, cabled his greetings to all food
official and employes with a mes
sage to the Amercan people that
some task yet remains before us, as
Europe will be another six months
in recovering from its main food
New York, Dec. 24. Victory
Christmas preparations in New
York were completed tonight in a
cold rain which swept the streets
almost bare of belated shoppers, but
failed to dampen the ardor of the
city's millions for the celebration to
morrow of the first "Peace on
Earth" Christmas since 1913.
Most of the preparations centered
on events to make (the day memor
able for 100,000 soldiers and sailors
who, unable to get to their homes,
were expected to spend Christmas
The festivities started tonight
when several thousand soldiers and
sailors attended a "Khaki and Blue"
dance given in the 71st regiment
armory by the war camp community
service. They received homemade
fudge and Christinas cake from a
great Christmas tree, about which
the dance centered.
Nearly 10,000 wounded heroes
wen to sleep in debarkation hospi
tals confident that Santa Claus, in
the person of Red Cross workers
and others, would visit them during
the. night. Kniver, fountain pens,
cigarettes, candy and chewing gum
were among the items packed into
big stockings to be hung at the
head of every hospital bed. During
the night Christmas trees were to
be erected and decorated in every
By Associated Press.
Coblenz,. Monday, Dec. 23. Four
teen car loads of Christmas pac'-?ges
from the United States arrived here
today. These are for the divisions
of American troops along the line
and distribution will be started im
mediately by means of motor trucks
and the railroads. Hundreds of sol
diers have been pressed into service
to assist the civilian mail empioyts
during the Christmas rush.
Word reached the transportation
bureau of the Third army today that
more than 200 Knights of Columbus
and Y. M. C. A. entertainers are on
the way to the occupied territory by
special train to give entertainments
for the soldiers at various points on
Christmas eve and Christmas day.
To add to the cheer of the soldiers
on Christmas, orders have been is
sued that drills will be dispensed
with on Christmas, and for a week
there will be drills only in the morn
ing. With their afternoons free, the
soldiers are planning many sight
seeing trips.
Schiff Fails to Settle
Clothes Workers' Strike
New York. Dec. 24. The Amal
gamated Clothing Workers of Amer
ica yesterday refused he arbitration
proposal made by Jacob H. Schiff,
who is trying to adjust their differ
ences with members of the Men's
and Boys' Clothing Manufacturer's
association. They offered in turn to
submit the issues to a joint board to
determine questions for arbitration.
City Turned to Charnal Place
With One-Seventh of Pop
ulation Dead; Starva
tion Faces Living.
Papeete, Tahiti, Dec. 24. Influ
enza has turned the Island of Tahiti
into a charnel place. At the crest of
Papeete burn great pyres, with the
stark, sheet-covered bodies of many
natives waiting to be thrown into
the glowing ashes of those who have
been consumed by the flames.
The Associated Press correspond
ent has learned that fully one
seventh of the population of Papette
are dead. In almost every native
home families are with no medicine
and little attention, while the fever
consumes their lives. They beg in
vain for food.
Form Volunteer Corps.
Those Europeans and Americans
who escaped the disease formed a
volunteer corps to carry food -nd
medicine to the sick and to take
measures for the disposal of the
dead. But the situation grew enor
mously, and soon got out of hand.
The deaths became so numerous in
the past week that to bury the vic
tims was impossible. Only the pyre
was left.
The start of the epidemic has been
traced, to the arrival of a steamer
here on November 17 with many
cases on board.
Attempts to keep the epidemic
from spreading have failed. It has
now reached the Island of Moorea,
where there are no doctors, and is
exacting enormous toll there.
Death Trucks Rumble.
In Papeete the victims of the
plague are everywhere, surrounded
by the dying. Day and night trucks
rumble through the streets filled
with bodies for the constantly burn
ing pyres which seem never to want
for their human fuel.
The three doctors, authorities and
volunteer workers have as yet been
unable to control the epidemic. Two
public meetings and other gather
ings were held after the arrival of
the steamer. Quarantine regulations
proved unavailing.
Medical authorities here stated it
was the most widespread and de
structive epidemic in the history of
the islands.
Reports from other points say that
the mortality is appalling.
Commute Death Sentence
of Solders for Desertion
Washington, Dec. 24. Death sen
tences imposed by court-martial for
rlpsprfinn nnmi Rprrnit P. C T.anh
and Private George A. Jacobs, One
Hundred and Fiftieth infantry, were
commuted by President Wilson to
day to dishonorable discharge and
20 years' imprisonment at hard
labor. La ub was convicted at Camp
Dodge, Iowa., and Jacobs at Camp
sneiDy, Mississippi.
Reduced Dividends.
New York, Dec. 24. The Ana
conda Ccpper Mining company to
day declared a quarterly dividend of
$1.50, as compared with $2, which
has been the quarterly disburse
ment for some time. While no
reason for the reduction was an
nounced, it was attributed to the
uncertain state of the copper industry.
Adopt Suggestion of D. C.
Patterson That Secretary
Lane Be Urged to Send
Engineerto Nebraska.
An appeal will be made to Sec
retary of Interior Lane that govern
ment engineers make a survey of
me pos5ioiuues oi water power j
development in Nebraska at many
points from the Wyoming line to
Omaha as a result of a meeting of
the Omaha Real Estate board held
in the Chamber of Commerce Tues
day. The idea is that these projects
can be developed by the voting of
bonds by the cities and by districts
under the same law which created
the Omaha Water plant. In making
the suggestion D. C. Patterson offer
ed figures on the amount of eotl
consumed by the factories of Oma
ha in the development of power,
with at least ten difterent water
power sites in the state waiting de
velopment. The board O. K'd a nronosition to
accept Liberty bonds at their full
tace value in real estate transac
The matter of uniting the gov
ernments of Dougias county and
the City of Omaha, and working
out a system whereby city and coun
ty taxes be presented on the same
bill twice a year also was a topic
Leo Bozell, publicity director,
who attended the Christmas ban
quet of the real estate board of
Kansas City a few days ago, told
them of some ideas he picked up
there, and Allan Tukcy who recently
returned from the battle front in
France told something of his war
Mrs. S. P. Davidson Dies
in Kansas City Hospital
Twelve days after her marriage to
Judge Samuel P. Davidson of Te
cumseh, Neb.. Mrs. Samuel P. Dav
idson, formerly Mrs. John T. Wag
ner of 3862 Charles street, Omaha,
succumbed to diabetes, from which
she had been a sufferer for a number
of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were mar
ried December 12 at the home of
Mrs. Davidson in Omaha. Their
wedding trip took them to Kansas
City, where, Monday night, Mrs.
Davidson lapsed into an uncon
scious condition. Her death oc
curred Tuesday morning in a Kan
sas City hospital.
Mrs. Davidson leaves an only son,
Mr. Ray C. Wagner, an officer in
the Bankers' Reserve in Omaha, and
many warm friends in Omaha, where
she resided for many years.
The funeral will be held at the
late residence of the deceased, 3862
Charles street, Thursday, December
26, at 2 p. m. Rev. Dr. Jenks, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church,
will conduct the services. Interment
will be at Forest Lawn cemeterv.
French Schools Put at .
Disposal of U. S. Troops
Paris, Dec. 24. (Havas.) Secre
tary of War Liaker and General
Pershing have replied to offers
made by Andre Tardieti, head ot the
general commission for Franco
American war matters, to place at
the disposal of American soldien
French universities, libraries ant
technical schools. They expresi
thanks for the spirit which prompteo
the offer. Details of the propose
organization arc being consideied bj
a committee.
Four Bad Bandits Make
Big Haul of Diamonds
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 24. The
American Jewelry company was
robbed by four men early today of
$50,000 in diamonds and $850 in cash.
A clerk was forced to open the vault
containing the stock, knocked un
conscious with a gun butt and left
in the vault.
Wishing You
Merry Christmas
Belden & Co.
The Yetter
Wall Paper Co.
At Our New Location
12th and Harney
W7 Greetings (E p WILCOX & SONS
W Company fe W Fine Cut Flowers
VfTl ifCl I Al Corner Broadway and Scott Streets Jffr
Qpl Tel. Douglas 1241 jjf ?" 3?)
lrfL j
t r- r- r on r U MS A Merry Christmas and nM I
E. E. Bruce & Co.hj V A Happy New Year ffl 1
Wholesale Druggists King Joy Cafe