Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
.Story of Robbery by Germans
- Tells of Consistent Pillag
ing; Two Billion the
Amount of Loss.
Warsaw, Dec. 21 (By Associ
ated Press.) Poland was stripped of
all materials and machinery during
the German occupation which ended
November II. On that day a few
- thousand soldiers of the Polish le
Kiqjp, aided by the population of
t Wfrsaw, disarmed more than 20,000
German soldiers who had planned
a revolt aeainst their nvin nflirer
All food and all telephone wires
were removed by the Germans. AH
:-. industrial plants were robbed and
dismantled, with the result that Po
y land will have a hard job to start
- in again, even if financial and politi
cal conditions were of the best, ob
servers say. Discussing the eco
nomic situation in Poland. Stanislau
- Larlowski, director of the Commer
v cial bank of Warsaw, said to the cor
respondent today: .
; "It will take nearly $2,000,000,000
, to repair the damage done during
the German occupation aiid to pat
us on our feet properly and to de-
velop our great natural resources.
"At the present time the economic
. situation is confused because Rus
sian rubles, Austrian crowns and
German marks are in circulation.
The marks are a heritage of the Ger
man occupation."
Peru is Planning No
Competition With U. S.
Canal, Says Minister
Panama, Dec. 21. The plan
broached recently in Mexico for
'.closer commercial union among the
Latin-American countries by inten
sive use of the Tehultepec railway,
involving competition with the Pan
ama canal, has no official standing
in Peru, at least, it was declared to
day by Dr. Francisco Tudela Va-
, rela, the new Peruvian ambassador
to the United States, who is here on
f his way to take hi? post in Wash
ington. "The canal represents so many
advantages, economic and political,"
said the ambassador, "that any offi
cial action must favor the Panama
roufe in ; every way possible. Al
uy Peru has obtained great ad
vantages from the canal and she is
convinced that these will' grow
daily. ,
, "By looking at the geographical
situation' of Peru it is easy, to see
that the canal affords a direct route
for her td the eastern United States
: and Europe and it is unnecessary to
,; analyze in detail the advantages
of this ovef other routes." ; ;
Czecho-Slovaks Cut
German Bohemia Off
from German Austria
Prague,' Dec. 21. With the occu
pation of Eger and Reichenberg, the
Czecho-Slovaks seem to have all of
, German-Bohemia completely cut off
from German-Austria.
' German-Bohemia is unable to re
sist, since the Austrian army does
not exist
French Socialists Qui t
Committees in a
Paris. Dec. 21. Nine socialist
members of the Chamber of Depu
ties resigned from the army com
mittee of the chamber today be
cause Deputy-Rene Renault, presi
dent of the -committee, refused to
call Premier Clemenceau for an in
terpellation on demobilization of the
German army. Albert Thomas, for
mer minister of munitions, and
Pierre Renaudel, leader of the ma
jority socialists in the chamber, were
among those who refused to serve
longer on the committee.
t "
Storms on Atlantic Delay
Arrival of Ships in Port
Norfolk, Va., Dec. 21. The Ar
- gentine transport Chaco, three days
overdue fromj New York and for the
safety of which there had been fears
in shipping circles, reached Hamp
ton Roads today. The captain said
storms and dense fogs had forced
the vessel far off its course.
, The American motor schooner
Risor, out of ,New York, was report
ed eight days overdue today at
" Hampton '.Roads and is believed to
be delayed' by storms. ,
Palamo Member Cabinet
in San Salvador Quits
San Salvador, Dec. 21. Dr.
Thomas G. Palamo has resigned as
minister of finance and Jose . Suay,
who formerly held this portfolio,
has been nominated to succeed him.
The condition of President Melen
dez, who recently has been ill, has
so greatly improved that he has been
able to hold conferences with the
members of the cabinet.
Ex-Kaiser Recovers from
v Chit Dispatches State
. Amerongen, Holland, Dec. 21.
(By Associated Press.) Former
Emperor William, who had been ill
during all the present week, was
able to walk about the castle
grounds this morning. .
The ex-emperor appeared to have
recovered from his chill and, while
his ear affection still troubled him.
: it was understood to have been
greatly alleviated.
New Orleans Celebrating
S Twn Hundredths Birthday
! New Orleans. Dec. 21. The 200th
- anniversary .of the founding of this
' city by the French was celebrated
last night.' :v Expressions of good
' .ot;nn urr rvrhanirerf between citV
authorities and the , French consul
:? general. The ceremonies were tinder
V the, auspices of the Louisiana His
l torica! sodeX-VKu- 5 V
-'IMLJf YAL III ff I U A.P Y Xk A A i
1 1 .J I m I m mm x. m mm. mm. -v- m mmmm mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm- mmmmmm mr mm m mm m w ik mm
CWstmaiilY Spealding Jest '.Two Moire'. Bays', t mpkt All Shppimi
The Great Linen Store
The pride every housewife exhibits in her linen
chest ought to speak well for a Christmas-time
gift of linens. No store in Omaha is so favorably
known when it comes to linens, and of necessity
this reputation, so rightfully earned, is not being
allowed to suffer in our present displays.
These are favored for gift selections.
Hand embroidered and scalloped Madeira lunch
eon cloths, centerpieces, tablecloths, napkins and
doilies. Italian Mosaic tea napkins. Real filet and
hand-embroidered centerpieces, scarfs and doilies.
Hemstitched tea napkins of beautiful Irish linen.
.Table cloths and napkins of finest Irish and Scotch
linen damask. Irish linen huck towels. Linen pil
low cases, hand-embroidered in Ireland.
The Thompson-Belden store is prepared to
supply your every desire in fine linens.
The Sensible Gift
A Pair of Gloves.
I "
Milady of fashion finds many needs for glovesfor
every daytime and evening occasion which should
surely suggest that at Christmas time a pair or two
of really fine gloves will be very acceptable. The French
make the best kid gloves and the best of French gloves are
Trefousse. The fact that we have had their exclusive sale in
Omaha for years and years does not prejudice us io-the least.
Trefousse are everywhere recognized as par excellence.
First quality kid. in black, white and all fashionable
shades, the backs beautifully embroidered in self
and contrasting shades, sell for $2.75, $3 and $3.75 a pair.
A GLOVE CERTIFICATE entitles the holder to
havi the choice of kind and, color, besides the pleas
ure of a perfect fitting. Certificates are favored by many
who have found them entirely satisfactory.
Had You Thought
Of an Umbrella?
Well, perhaps you hadn't, but
the suggestion is too. good to
be overlooked. You are not
confined ta black for we are '
showing blue, green, brown,
purple, red and khaki quite a
variety, indeed. Attractive,
with short handles and silk
cords or' ivory rings for the
arm. Do you think of any
woman who wouldn't be de
lighted with such a gift?
Men's umbrellas, also. He usu
ally expects, one at Christmas,
at least men don't often pur
ohase for themselves and they
use-- them like! everyone else.
So your thoughtfulness will be
Undoubtedly to
and from these splendid selec
tions choosing will be an easy
matter. Pure thread silk hose,
in black, white, gray, navy, mid.
night blue and cordovan.
Clocked silk hose, hand em
broidered silk hose and silk hose
with lace inserts. Finest of
cashmere hose, lovely white
hose of silk and wool. Ribbed
silk and wool hose, in white and
black. Fine lisle hose fashioned
of English yarn. Out size hose
in lisle and silk, various styles
and qualities. Misses' hose of
silk, fine lisle or silk plaited
and for wee babies, hosiery of
lisle, cashmere, silk and wool
and fine thread silk.
Aren't your hosiery require
ments included?
For the Christmas Shopper
A collection of distinctive fabrics that is quite without
equal in Omaha. A dress pattern or a blouse length of
any Thompson-Belden silks will be a happy remembrance.
Satin de Lyon Rubaya Tricotine
Jersey Crepe BlacK bilks
Satin Raye Novelties
Moon-Glo Tub Silks
Crepe Meteor
Satin Meteor
Appropriately Boxed for Gift Purposes
s Hudson Seal Coats
Sumptuous fashions that deserve more
than a passing notice. They have been
selected with great care and represent
the finest attainments in Fur Coats of
Hudson Seal
$265, $290, $318 and $520
Unusual values i at these prices.
rnOD AY we'll all
take a rest in
preparation f o r
the two busy, hap
py days that re
main. This day be
tween will give us
all a chance to col
lect our thoughts
and make our fin
al plans.
THE Thompson
Belden Store
is a treasure house
of good, sensible
gift articles that
interest for more
than a passing mo
ment and express
in a concrete man
ner one's thought-
N view of exten
sive prepara
tions and with a
sincere desire to
be helpful we ask
you to see in per
son how much has
been accomplish
ed to make your
two days successful.
Open Evenings
Until 9 O'Clock
for the 7 convenience
of those who can
shop best then.
i i$
It's a Pleasure
to Shop Here
Broad aisles, plenty of
sunlight, courteous attention.
Give a Man Any of These
They Are Above Criticism
A lounging robe, beautifully made No mistake choosing linen hand-
and finished. Attractive patterns kerchiefs. We have imported all
and colors. No two alike and
every one exclusive with this
chouse, $6 to $25.
An initialed belt buckle that's a
pleasure to wear, $1.50 and $2.50.
of ours from Ireland to make cer
tain of the quality. Plain hem
stitched styles, embroidered ini
tials, hems done by hand, cross
barred effects and colored bor-
Safe to select any Thompson-Bel- " '"J "g Vldlu
den shirt, whether of silk, silk colors and fancies' 19c to '50-
Sripes6 M"SrSwi a lare stock of neckwear
Sove Manhattan EasT Ar- that even durinS these last days
rE vZr S Wiknn S I to in 2 before Christmas selections are
row, Earl and Wilson, $1.50 to $12. stm fine A surprisingly large
A plentiful supply of hose are' -variety at each of the following
due to arrive at Christmas. Most prices-50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50,
men expect them. Good hose from $3, $3.50 and $4.
Interwoven, Onyx and Wayne
Knit, in cotton, lisle, wool and Mufflers and gloves to keep him
silk, 40c to $3.50 the pair. warm and free from colds.
The Men's ShopTo the Left as You Enter.
Brassieres and Bandeaux
Make Dainty Gifts Indeed
Fashions of today, particularly
the sheer blouse, require the ad
dition of a lovely bandeau or a
brassiere to make them per
fectly harmonious.
The girlish bandeau is a pretty
model that gives the stylish flat
contour to the figure, covering
any break that may occur at the
top of the corset.
For, service and general satis
faction we highly recommend
Warner's bandeau and bras
sieres, as they are guaranteed
to wash well and keep their
shape. It's not necessary to
remove the boning. It's rust
proof, too.
Prices commence at 59c and
from that upwards, according
to the style.
Carte t Section Third Floor.
Silk Underwear is Delightful
No' argument could arise
as to its desirability at
Christmas time or any
other time. But, for the
benefit of those who have
the mistaken idea that
costs are prohibitive, we
Lovely vests of glove silk
with hand-embroidered
tops, $2.95.
Beautiful silk combination
suits trimmed with lace
and ribbons, $7.75.
Other styles of equal de
sirability at moderate
For the
Holiday Season
Comprehensive display of
smart models in brown
kid, gray kid, field mouse
brown and black kid. Our
showing of new lasts in all
of the above mentioned
leathers is very extensive
in shoes for street and
dress wear
Prices from
$10 to ?14
Christmas slippers for all
the family.
The best qualities, greatest assortments
and most reasonable prices-See for yourself
When there is an unusual variety of styles,
superior qualities' and more reasonable
prices, it's only natural that your selections
will be influenced for the better.
We have never before served such an enthu
siastic crowd of Christmas Shoppers as we
have this season in the handkerchief section,
but assortments are still wonderfully com
plete, in spite of heavy selling. You'll not
be disappointed.
Plain hemstitched Irish linens, initials, em
broidered corners and the loveliest of hand
embroidered styles from France, Spain and
the Madeiras.
You'll not object to the prices
. 9:
The Store for Blouses
No one could possibly realize until they had
viewed these Christmas groupings what
distinctive and varied blouses are shown for
gift purposes. In delicacy of fabric and
color, interesting detail of design and fine
ness of finish they offer a remembrance so
choice as to be irresistible. Come with any
price in mind and see how well the assort- '
ments are ready to meet with your every
demand ."
$5, $6.75, $8.50, $10.50 up to $39.50
Bedding of the Better Sort
Is Never Amiss at This Time
Wool blankets and wool mixed with cotton,
but we'll tell you honestly which is which;
Made of selected stock that has been thor-
oughly washed and scoured. Three-quarter
and double bed sizes in white and gray, plain
and broken plaids and blocked patterns in
various sizes, of all colors, superior quali
ties and all fast colors
$10, $12.50, $15, $16.50, $20'
and $25 a pair.
Soft down comforters with finest sateen coverings,
both sides alike. Other styles with single and
double borders $15, $16.50, $18 and $20 each.
Colonial patch work quilts with block patterns of
blue, pink, red and lavender. Made of the best
muslin and chambray. The designs are varied
and interesting, fully as quaint and attractive as
the old-time quilts of our grandmothers. Large
size, 80x90. Specially priced, $13.
The Art Needlework Section
Where last minute shoppers may choose a shopping
or a knitting bag, a delightful pillow, a table scarf,
a centerpiece, a work basket, a waste basket, any
kind of a basket, a mahogany tray, a candle shade,
a calendar to guide one through the new year. Space
forbids further mention of the diverse goodly things
found in this section. It's a haven for those whose
lists are not as yet entirely crossed off.
A Special Visit Tomorrow will
well repay you for the effort.
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