Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1918, Image 11

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    The OmAha Daily B
VOL. 48. NO. 160.
Eattrttf M COid-ll tatttw May 2S, 1 90S, tl
CRM. P. 0. t.r let ot stiroh sTll79
By Mali (I mD. Dally, 14.50: SnmUy, I2.H:
Dally and Sun.. $5.50: sutild Nth. SMtit (xtra
AT W. Carpenter Leaves Five
Thousand Dollars to Be Di
vided Among Men in
His Employ.
The will of Archie W. Carpenter,
who was treasurer of the Carpenter
Taper company,, has been filed in
probate court, together with an ap
plication by Myrtle T. Carpenter,
widow, that the instrument be pro
bated. By provisions of the will Mrs.
Carpenter and Isaac V. and George
C, brothers of the deceased, arc
named as executors and trustees
without bonds. The application for
probate places the value of the real
estate at $15,000 and the personal
property at $50,000.
Remembers Employes. j
Under date of February 11. 1916.
Mr. Carpenter's last will and tesra
inent provides that Mrs. Carpenier
shall receive the family residence
and site, garage and barn contents;
also one-third of the remainder of
the estate. The University of Oma
ha is to receive $5,000 and a simi'ar
amount is to be diveded among em
ployes of the Carpenter Paper com
pany who have been in the servce
more than five years, the bequest to
be diveded pro rata on salary basis
The $5,000 left to employes ot the
company shall include "others up to
the number of 10 who have at aiy
time been employed by the com
pany for five consecutive years a, d
who, in the judgment of my execu
tors, are especially worthy."
Children Get the Rest.
The children, Ruth. Gertrude,
Margaret and Archie V., jr., shall
receive share for share alike af'er
the payment and satisfaction of the
other bequests.
A special provision was made in
the will for distribution of any
amount more than $80,000 in the
event that the estate should be of a
value in excess of that amount.
A paragraph of the will provides
that the reference t$ the emp'oves
of the Carpenter Paper company
shall be engrossed and hung in the
offices of the company to encourage
thrift and loyalty.
Shafer Company Men Are
Holding Convention Here
The M. F. Shafer company has
called its salesmen in from the road
this week for a three-day conven
tion of addresses, talks and informal
discussions covering matters of in
terest to the salesmen and the bus
iness of the company in general.
, The special features of the con
vention is a series of talks by Presi
dent Shafer, C. L. Sykes, president
of the Omaha Ad-Selling league, and
the heads of the various depart
ments. Thursday afternoon's program
consisted of an exhibition of the
"Xew Line" of goods which the
company is putting on the market,
by Messrs Griffin and Brown, an
address on "Salesmanship" by Mr.
Sykes and a banquet at the Loyal
hotel. Friday morning. Miss Ander
son, office manager, talked on the
"Importance of Troperly Written
Orders," Mr. Koehler, credit man
ager, "How the Salesman Can
llelp," and a round table discussion
by the salesmen led by by Mr.
Miss Jessie Kruger, president of
the Omaha Young Women's He
brew association, was elected execu
tive secretary of the St. Louis Y. M.
H. A. She leaves Tuesday to assume
her new duties. Directors of. the
Missouri association met and were
impressed with Miss Kruger's abil
ity, when she attended the national
conference of Y. M. H. A. and kind
red associations there last year.
Several farewell parties are plan
ned in her honor.
Gold Star Families
to Honor Memory of
Their Soldier Dead
Several of the ladies of the Omaha
chapter of the Red Cross have de
vised a plan whereby the Gold Star
families of Omaha may also be re
membered at the Christmas time in
honor of the soldier who has lost
his life in the service.
It is requested by these ladies that
friends cf Gold Star families do son."
service to soldiers, in the name of
the Gold Star family and in honor of
their soldier dead.
Miss Kennedy of the Red Cross
in telling of the plan said: "If there
is anything you can do and would
like to do, for a soldier in remem
brance of soldier dead, whether it
is making soup, writing a Christmas
letter to a sick soldier, or helping
the sick family of a soldier, or what
ever you can best do, phone your
name, address and phone number
to R:d Cross headquarters in the
court house, Tyler 2721, or on Sun
day to Douglas 7.'13, Canteen head
quarters at the union station."
Miss Kennedy said that in making
any offering to a soldier in this way
a Christmas card should be enclosed,
saying "This offering is made in
remembrance of (name of dead sol
dier) who died for his country at
(name place of service when death
Woman Who Fell from Car
is in Critical Condition
Mrs. Meyer Brick, 314 South
Tenth street, is in a critical condi
tion at Wise Memorial hospital as
the result oUan accident last Friday
eveningl wheri she fell from a mov
ing street par on Sixteenth street,
between Farnam and Harney streets.
Aviator is Forced to Land in
Pennsylvania and Letters
Are Brought On by
v Train.
Mail carried by the government
airplanes over the new a'.r mail loute
trom Mew York to Chicago and
which will eventually Le extender
to Omaha has reached this c.ty. a
letter having been received by Ihe
b'ee.' The aviator left New Vcik in
n airplane Thursday morning and.
when an accident caused him ir.
alight in Pennsylvania altc a-iiorl
flight, the mail was hastened on bj
The airplane which made the first
night from New Vork to L'li'cago
was a Curtiss R-4, specially modi
fied. The one which flew from Chi
cago to New York was a DeHavil
and 4, as adapted to American uses.
Fach machine is capable of an ordi
nary speed of 135 miles an hour,
but as improvements are introduced
it is certain that the present nine
hour schedule (as against the 21
nour record offered by the fastest
mail trains) will be further lowered.
Is Novelty Now.
The departure and arrival of tne
nail airplanes are regarded now as
somewhat of a novelty, bi.t their ef
ficiency has been so well demon
strated, in the opinion of the Post
office department, that definite plans
are being made for extensions which
siiau ultimately cover continental
United States with a web of aerial
lines and eventually connect with
Alaska, the West In lies aud South
Omaha on the Route
Orville Wright. Glen H., Curtiss,
(ilenn Martin and other interna
tionally known aeronautical experts
have recently said that the commer
cial future of aviation depends on the
degree of safety provided. First in
the list of requirements comes an
?dequate landing field. Here is where
dependence is placed or; the initia
tive of cities.
The Chamber of Commerce is al
ready making preparation for plac
ing Omaha on the a'r route and to
eventually make it a center from
which will radiate branch lines ot
service. A large landing place will
be bought by the Chamber of Com
merce and business men are already
being solicited for funds for building
the hangar for housing the planes.
Relatives of Famous
Chief Shop in Omaha
Mrs. Theresa Nilton and Mrs.
Mary T. Mitchell, relatives of Logan
Fontenelle, famous chief of the
Omahas, came to Omaha from De
catur, Neb., Wednesday to do their
Christmas shopping. Mrs. Milton
is a grand-daughter of Logan Fon
tenelle for whom the Fontenelle ho
tel was named.
Private Fred McConnell
is Out of Hun Prison Camp
Fred R. McConnell has received
word from the War department at
Washington that his son, Private
Fred McConnell, who has been in
terned in a German prison camp at
Rastatt, iias been released and has
returned to France in good health.
No word had been received from him
for some time.
85c Ivory Manicure Files. 39
85c Ivory Cuticle Knives. 39
85c Ivory Button Hooks. .39
75c Ivory Combs, 8-inch. .39
60c Ivory Combs, men's. .29
$4.50 Ivory Hair Brushes, long
bristle, t $2.10
Ivory Clocks, guaranteed, each,
up from $2.50
Ivory Nail Buff ens 60tf
We have a complete line of
Ivory Trays, Hair Receivers,
Puff Boxes, Talcum Boxes, Per
fume Set? and many novelties,
at special prices.
Special Christmas Boxes,
from 19 to $3.00
50c Box Linen Stationery
for 25
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.. 34
$3.75 Horlick'a Malted Milk
for $2.90
$1.25 Pocket Knives 85
-lb. Peroxide Hydrogen, 6
1 Gallon Denatured Alcohol
for $1.10
and 0"Brien' Candy from
15 up to S6.00
We pack and ship without
charge to any destination.
$2.50 Houbigant's Ideal Ex
tract, per oz $1.69
$2.50 Mary Garden Extract,
per oz $1.79
1V4-0Z. Hudnut's Original Bot
tles, all odors 75
ZVa oz. Hudnut's Original Bot
tles, all odors $1.25
We have a complete stock of
Imported Perfumes, in bulk and
original packages, in Houbi
gant's, Coty's, Kerkoff and oth
ers, ranging in price from 65
to $16.00.
$1.00 Gem Safety Razors, 79
$5.00 Durham Duplex Razors,
at 89
$5.00 Gillette Razors. .$4.15
$5.00 Auto-Strop Razor $4.15
Tourist Bags in Leather and
Khaki, from 90 to $5.00
Note cut prices on popular
10c Black Ripe, box 50 $2.35
15c Mozart, 10 in box. .$1.00
10c Straight Tom Moore, Con
chas, box of 50 $3.50
15c Tom Moore, Club, box of
50 for $4.00
10c Burns, Invincible, box of
50 for $4.25
10c El Contento, box of 50
for $3.00
10c La Purencia, box of 50
for $3.50
15c Mozart, Magic, box of 50
for $4.1f
15c Preferencia, Club, box of
50 for $4.25
8c Preferencia, Opera, box of
50 for $3.00
15c Reio, Club, box of 50
for $5.25
The above is a sample of
Beaton's Box Prices. We have
100 other brands, all at special
$2.00 Beaton's Special Self
filler, at 98
Conklin and Waterman Self-filling
pens, tip from. . .$2.5t
15th and Farnam Streets.
WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas.
Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas
The Men's Gift Store Supreme
on n n in cm rt rnn Am m mm rm a t rni rrm a
WHAT a wonderful surprise for any man father,
husband, brother, son. Greater Nebraska over
coats offer every element of attractiveness that appeals
to men and young men. The most fashionable style,
the most representative models from America's great
est overcoat makers and values, super values of utmost
interest to all who seek supreme money's worth.
50c to $3.00
Wonderfully attractive
patterns and richest silks
combine to give our vast
neckwear display pre-eminence
in Omaha.
One Minute
Xmas Talk
The busy man's
Christmas time and
money saver is summed
up right here in five
Hundreds of beau
tiful wide flowing
end four-in-hand
Put up in hand'
some ho lid a
boxes, at
Silk Shirts
$5 to $9
"He" will be pleased with
one, two or more of our fine
Silk Shirts; wide range of
rich colorings. All sizes
Negligee Shirts, $1 to $4
Collar Attached, $1 to $3.50
Flannel Shirts, $2 to $8.50
Dress Shirts, at $2.50
Silk Muff lers
$1 to $3.50
The easy to give gift is
Silk Mufflers. You'll realize
that when you see our rich,
new patterns and modest
Jewelry Novelties, 50c to $4
Leather Belts, 50c to $1.50
Fancy Suspenders, at $1
Khaki Sets, 50c to $5
jf Greater Nebraska
r UR search of America re-
veals the fact that Greater
Nebraska's clothing stock
offers values that are, in many Sj?
instances, not to be duplicated at gj
our prices at wholesale for future g?
delivery. Gentlemen, here's the M
greatest demonstration of value J
preparedness in our history.
Ten Thousand
Winter Suits
$35 ,
$40, $45
Values that will not
equalled in many
months. A guaranteed
saving to you of 25
33 1-3 per cent.
Fur Caps
$5.00 to $30
The gift of lasting satis
faction a remembrance of
the first order. Largest se
lection of Fur Caps at low-est-in-the-city
Cloth Caps, at. $1.50 to $3
John B. Stetson Hats $5-$15
Umbrellas, Canes, $1.50-7.50
Traveling Goods
For Everybody
Greater Nebraska offers
unequaled values in high
grade luggage. No better
gift for man or woman.
Traveling Bags, $3.75 to $35
Suit Cases, $1.65 to $25 ,
Standard Trunks, $8 to $25
Wardrobe Trunks, $25 - $85
tf Boys' Mackinaws
$5 to $18
By all means gratify that
boy's wish for a Mackinaw.
What would please him
more? A better gift un
known. Boys' Overcoats, $7.50 $20
Boys' Warm Suits, $5 to $18
Children's Suits, $5 to $15
Boys' Corduroys, $7.50 - $10
OVERCOATS in hundreds upon hun
dreds of smart models. Semi-fitted,
double-breasted, great, roomy ulsters,
belt back ulsterettes, box coats, Chester
fields, utility coats, in every smart ma
terial from shaggy, fleecy weaves to
Isaac Carr genuine English Meltons.
Every color and effect. Every size and
SUITS for men returning to civilian pur
suits. Suits with the crack set up of
an officer's uniform. Suits that are mas
terfully tailored in every detail as only
our famous designers know how. Young
men's models, business and professional
men's suits. Special sizes for stouts,
shorts, tall, slim or extra Heavy men.
We've the right Xmas suit for you.
Warm Sweaters
For the Family
rom big, extra heavy
knitted Sweaters for men to
smart styles for women, our
stock is complete values
Men's Sweaters, $1.50 to $15
Jersey Sweaters, $2.50-$4.73
Women's Sweaters, $5.50 to
Boys Sweaters, $2 to $9.50
Men's Gloves
Ideal Gift
Every good glove idea
from all-fur wide gauntlet
styles to dress gloves. All
from reliable makers.
Fur Gloves, $7.50 to $12.00
Gauntlet, $4.50 to $15.00
Fur-Lined, $6.00 to $7.50
LineiTMittens, $1.50 to $4
Driving Gloves, $2.50 to $12
Street Gloves, $1.00 to $4
Fabric Gloves, $1 to $1.75
Boy Gloves, $1 to $8
The Very Finest Overcoats Made
$50 to $85
The masterpieces of the Overcoat world nothing to equal them. Pay double at your
tailor's if you wish, but don't expect such quality, fit, fabrics and character in over
coats as Greater Nebraska offers in finest g oods made. Dress coats, utility coats, burly
great coats. Scotch, Irish, English and finest American weaves.
Fur Overcoats
Fur Lined 0'coats
In all the world what gift
would please father or son
more than a Fur Overcoat
from Greater Nebraska?
Fur Overcoats, $65 to $150
Fur Collar O'coats, $35-$60
Fur Lined O'coats, $65-$150
Men's Mackinaws, $8.50-$20
Several thousand men's
and young meVs Winter
Suits and Overcoats. Ex
tra values at
$15, $20, $25
For the man looking to Jt
save $5 to $10 and secure
good reliable clothes.-
Men's Full Dress Suits, Dinner Coats and
Evening Dress Accessories
Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Entire Second Floor Main Building Annex and Fourth Floor
Warm Slippers
Men's, Women's
Visit our shoe section and
see many useful suggestions
for Xmas gifts.
Bath Slippers, 75c to $1.75
Felt Slippers, 85c to $2.25
Leather Slippers, 90c to $6
Pullman Slippers, at $2
Women's Slippers, 75c-$2.50
Children's Slippers, 75c to
Boys' Hi-Cut Shoes, $3.50-$6
Boys' Rubber Boots, at $3.50
Women's Handkerchief
Everybody says: " "The greatest values
in Omaha." You'll agree with this, and
save money. Attractively boxed, three
25c to $1.50
and six in box,
at ,
Women's Silk Hosiery
A clever assortment of Silk Hosiery al
ways finds a ready welcome. Here are
the most wanted
(1 cn$a en
styles and colors. VVV IU j&.JU