THE SEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER. 19. 1918. HUBBARD GAINS FIFTY POUNDS IN Mil MONTHS Had Almost Given Up Hope of Getting Well When He Bagan Taking Tanlac. "Well, sir, I don't know what the : ,,?ople will think when I tell them I have actually gained fifty pounds in a little les3 than three months ', by taking Tanlac, but it's the truth, I'v.nd I don't believe I could feel any I better than I do right now," said B. ,' P. Hubbard, foreman of the Amer ' jean Express Stables at Lincoln, Neb., and living at 1000 L Street, recently. ; "I had suffered from indigestion, nervousness and rheumatism until ! I had just about given up hope of ; ever getting well. My appetite left ! ma entirely and what little I did J cat seemed to do me harm instead ; of good. Gas would form on my stomach and almost cut off my J breath, and I had such awful smoth 1 cring spells at night that I could (hardly get any sleep. I was badly J constipated, had almost unbearable headaches and would get so dizzy at times that I would almost tumble 'over. I had rheumatic pains all ! over my body, couldn't raise my ' hands to brush my hair and my legs were so stiff and painful that I ! could hardly walk and my wife used J to have to help me in and out of the buggy. I had fallen off sev ', cnty pounds in weight and was just J a skeleton of what I was when my 'troubles began. ! "I was in miserable shape and do (what I would I got worse until I began taking Tanlac. One day I .'saw in the prtper where a man had ;been relieved of similar troubles to mine by taking Tanlac, so I got me 'a bottle at once and have never seen .anything like it.- In just a few days ;my appetite was so big that I could ! hardly eat enough and from that Itime on I have picked up in weight ;nnd strength rapidly. My stomach trouble, rheumatism and nervous ness are all gone. I don't have a jhcadachi nor a pain of any kind and I slocp good and feel fine all the ,'time. My wife has also taken Tan Iac with splendid results and we are 'glad of th chance to tell everybody 'about it." I Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all ;Sherman & McConncll Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy jnd West End Fharmacy under the personal direction of a special Tan lac representative. Also Porrest "and Meany Drug: Company in South p:nah3 and the leading druggist in rach city and town throughout the 'state- of Nebraska. Adv. WEST LAWN CEMETERY Beautiful, modern jark plan ceme tery accessible to Omaha' best resi dence nection. Family lots on partial payment at time of burial. Telephone Walnut XZO and Douclas X2'.l. Our (re automobile is at your utrvice. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. 56th and Center. Office 15th A Harney. m His RUPTURE I waa badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several year a;:o. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold nf something that quickly and complete ly cured me. Years have passed and the Rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, no Inst time, no trouble ! have nothing to sell, but will give full Information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you rrite to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 181-E Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. 1. Better cut out this notice and show It to any others who are ruptured you inay save a life or at least stop the mis rry ( rupture and the worry and danger f an- operation. Adv. Girls! Have f Beautiful Hair ! Like This Luatpaia Hair Soft Fluffy and Abun 1 daiat Easily Attained by Wonderful . ! Beautifler that Thousands x Praise. Women Delighted All Surprised by Quick ' Action of Parisian Sag. . Nowadays all up-to-date women want sadiant hair, so soft, fluffy and abundant that it fascinates and compels admiration. ' It's really a simple matter for any wom an to merit this praise since beautiful hair la only a matter of care. Whan your hair becomes faded, dry. streaked and scrapgly. when it falls out badly and new hair cannot grow, the roots must be vitalised and properly nourished. To do this quickly, safely and at little ex pense there is nothing so effective as Pa risian sage (liquid form) which you can get at Sherman & McConnell's and any drug or toilet counter. ? It's guaranteed to abolish dandruff, stop si-alp itch and falling hair, and promote a new growth or money refunded. It's in great demand by women of taste and cul ture because it makes the hair so soft, lus trous, easy to arrange attractively and appear much heavier than it really is. A massage with Parisian sage is a real delight asy to use, not sticky or greasy, and delicately perfumed an antiseptic li quid free from dangerous ingredients, and guaranteed not to color the hair or scalp. H you want good-looking hair and plenty tt it use Parisian sage. Don't delay be gin tonight a little attention now insures beautiful hair for years o come. Adv. INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH YANKS ARE MADE .OK NONET REFVNDEP ASK ANY DRUGGIST TO FEEL AT HOME BY GOBLENZ FOLK Early Attitude of Resentment is Giving Way to Friendli ness by. Germans in Occupied City. Coblenz, Dec 18. (By Associated Press.) Throughout the sector held by the Americans, the men have set tled down to what may be weeks of occupation. Hms and Nassau are two important towns which have fallen to the French who were sent into the American sector, but Xeu wied, a big industrial center, and all the other towns in the northern half of the sector are held by the Ameri cans. The Americans have followed th" policy which characterized their first days of occupation. They have promulgated no drastic rules to gov ern civil life and in every way have endeavored to make the inhabitants feel that they will not be molested as long as they do not interfere with the military duties. On the first Sunday the results of this policy were shown. , While the people of Coblenz were still some what resentful in their attitude, the residents of the smaller towns evinced none of this hostility. Dressed in their Sunday clothes the Germans attended church services and appeared surprised to find among the congregations in some of the places a few of the enlisted men. In the afternoon the children in the villages made love frankly to any of the soldiers who would permit 't, clambered over the trucks and de manded their turn to snuggle into the seats on the guns in the artillery parks. They were unreproved by their parents, who smiled their toler anre. The older among the men and women not only made no ob jections to billetings, as did many in Coblenz and Treves, but frequently showed a desire to make the men feel at home. Wherever bands were in action the people crowded the street corners to listen to the music, instead of hur rying to their homes, a situation that did r.ot exist when the invasL.i of German territory was begun two weeks ago. Applications for 'eave of absence are already largely on the increase, but it is noticeable that the men are not asking for permission to visit distant points, but merely to make excursions into the picturesque Rhine regions, where almost every valley 13 guarded by the ruins of a medieval castle. Three American Divisions Holding Coblentz Bridgehead American Armv of Occupation. Dec. 18. (By Associated Press.) l rom lett to right the first line American divisions in the Coblenz bridgehead area are the Second, 32d and the First divisions. The Second division occupies the right bank of the Rhine to Honnin gen with its headquarters at Hedes dorf. The 32d division line runs from Brietscheid, east to Hersch back, where the line extends south east through Alsbach to Sayn. which is the headquarters of the division. The First division is lo cated between the 3Jd and French headquarters at Montabaur. The dividing line of the French and American portions of the bridgehead is the Lahn river from the Rhine to the region of Ems. whence the line zig-zags northeast to the region of Maltneseicht, di rectly east of Montabaur. War-time Pictures YOU have made many pictures during these war times, which, from now on, will be historic. Perhaps it's the boy proudly marching away with his regiment, or home on leave; or patri otic parades and demon strations which have im pressed you, or it may be the "pictures from home" to him. What more fitting gift could you give than a se lection of such prints in one of our attractive al . bums? The Robert Dempster Co. EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1813 Farnam St. 308 South 15th St. American Casuaty List . .The following Nebraska men are named in the casualty list sent out by the government for Thursday morn ing, December 19: DIED OF WOUNDS. Corp. John R. White, Bethany, Neb. DIED OF ACCIDENT. Electrician J. H. McCulloch, 2616 Brown street, Omaha, Neb. Jasper A. Madsen, Heartwell, Neb. DIED OF DISEASE. Adam B. Young, superior. Neb. Albert F. Harrison, Indianola, Neb. Frederick Hynes, Crawford, Neb. Roy E. Ingraham, Stromsburg, Neb. Andrew Else Peterson, Utan, Neb. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Sergt. Fred E. Shockley, Arbor ville, Neb. Sam Peltz, 1514 Nineteenth street, Omaha, Neb. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDE TERMINED. David J. Delph, Red Cloud, Neb. Dewiett W. Keefe, York, Neb. George J. Rogge, Tamora, Neb. Dominico Dilugo, Lincoln, Neb. MISSING IN ACTION. Corp. John H. Goldner, Drexel Hotel. Omaha, Neb. Walter E. Blum, Rushville, Neb. The folliiui.-ig Iowa, South Itakota anil Wyoming men nre named in the casualty Hut Bent nut by the government for Thurs day moraine December 19: K1I.I.KI) IX ACTION'. Corporals t.lenn S. Calhoun, Bedford, la. Sam Means, Whitentone, S. I). I'rivates lien Kuufman, Lake I'arU, In. f l'rederlrk Soliauer, Sibley, S. 1). DIED OF WOI XDS. Trirate Paul Joe limning, C.renville, S. 1). l'IEI OK ACCIDENT. Trivate Ole S. Ilrattiet, I.emmon, S. V. DIED OK DISEASE. Privates Nick ZornhowtKy, Sicux City, la. Warren W. Hark. White, S. D. Frank Kurnl, Fairfax, la. Tehho 11. Knock, Lennox, S. I). Kd W. tlacnhsnn. Sloan, la. Timothy I.. O'Boyle, Vail, In. Vernon M. Staples, Clinton, la. Theoyhiel Tract, Hartwirk, In. l.nrln I.. Jenness, Ionia, la. Harry X. Owen, Iowa City, la. WOIXDED SEVERELY. Sergt. Bert C. Court, Cedar falls, la. Corp. Arthur W. tloehrlnic, Ottunvna. la. Mechanician Paul Jenson, Thermopolis, W yo. Privates Ilnyard A. Dodge, Webster City, In. Joseph Christensen. Forestburg, S. D. Claud R. Mcf lain, Scranton, la. Carl C. Coy. Arlington, S. I. Harold Christian Anderson, Mason X'lty, la. . Clarence F. (ilasgow, Cambridge, la. Harry D. Hunt, Cincinnati, la. Cinnard K. Liluequixt, Stanton, la. I.eo V. Moynihnn, Marengo. la. Elmer 1'. Hand, Laramie, Wyo. Oscar W. Paulson, Del Rapids. S. D. Harry Robertson, Sioux City. la. Raymond M. Schmide. Dubuque, la. Robert II. Seegrist, Lakeview, S. D. Owen T. Staley, Bonne. la. John Schroeder. Xew Hampton, "la, Archie Hildebrand. Fulton. 8. D. Mike Knokson. Williams, la. Claude J. Kruse, Manning. Ia. Robert K. Lemnr, Laramie, Wyo. WOIXDED: DEGREE tNDETERMlNED. Fred Baumgartner., la. Vincent J. Hogan. Farley. Ia. Lars C. V. Olson, Beresford, S. D. James W. Reese, Boone, la. Lloyd II. Seitcl. lake Andes, S. P. Clarence Sidwell. Moulton. Ia. Rudolph M. Stelnlicht. Mllhank, S. D. Ray W. White. Corwith, la. Harvey L. Liming, Staman, la. William H. Reutkemer, AllanUee, la. (.force Corded, Athelston, la. MISSING IN ACTION. Sergeants Carl A. Ifschult, Sloan, la. John M. MeCullough, Montpelier, ta. Corp. Riley D. Addison, I.eesvllle, Ia. Privates John Bnrtnan. Corsica, S. D. ieorge Schramm. Arthur, la. Alvin (iorence, Buffalo, S. P. Hans II. Hinrlchs, Oemanche, la. Charles J. l-ager, Adair, la. Edward Stamp, tiorwin, la. F.nrl C. Compton. Arthur. Ia. August F. Conle.v. Auburn, la. Roy E. Kiich. Williamsburg, la. John C. McOuire, Crystal Lake, Ia, Charley E. Xelson, Langford, S. D, Must Still Conserve Wheat, Says Federal Food Board New York. Dec. 18. The neces sity of continued conservation of wheat was emphasized today in a statement by the federal food board, which declared that despite restric tions imposed last spring, there was less than 10 days' supply of the product in American when the 1918 crop was harvested. The board asserted that the American public, by restricting its use of wheat early in 1918 to the barest necessities, enabled the gov ernment, with a surplus of only 20, 000.000 bushels, to distribute 141. 000.000 bushels among the allied nations. ( No Public Buildings. Washington, Dec. 18. There .will be no general public building next year. The house buildings commit tee so decided today on a tie vote. AWARD HERd MEDALS Distinguished service cross has been awarded by General Pershing to the following Iowa men for acts of extreme heroism as follows: Private (first class) Edwin D. Bramble. Headquarters company, 102d infantry, for extraordinary heroism in action at Marcheville, France, September 26, 1918. Private Bramble performed valuable service in maintaining communication by voluntarily repairing telephone lines under a violent artillery bombard ment. While so engaged he was seri ously wounded. Home address, John H. B. Bramble, father, Mapleton, la. CoronA The Ideal Gift Th Personal Writing Maehlnt. It will be appreciated by each mem ber of the household. Weighs but Six Pounds and gives the same satisfactory service. Supply limited on account Government orders. Corona Typewriter Agency Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St PEASANTS KILL IN UKRAINE TO TEAL ESTATES Owners of Property Are Com pelled to Flea by Conditions of Anarchy Which Are Prevailing. Warsaw, Dec. 18. (By Associa ted Press. 1 Every train arriving here is bringing the families of the Polish nobles, land owners and su gar manufacturers, refugees from Ukrainia and Lithuania, where bands o peasants are mas?acring and robbing. This is particularly :-ve of Ukrainia, from whicli place the Germans, are slowly departing. The correspondent talked with Count Roman Potocki, who was obliged to tlee from his estate ad joining that of the Countess Josef Gizycki, formerly Miss F.. M. Pat terson of Chicago in Volhynia. The rountess left at the beginning of the war. Count Totocki said: "Last year the peasants burned a.ul robbed but this year they are killing since they want the land. They noted that during the Ger man occupation the owners came Lack, and so now they intend to do .iway with the owners and do not ",-ish to destroy property, which they later expect to own. "It is necessary for the allies to enter the country to replace Oer- man troops, who have kept some form of order. The Austrians, hav ing sold their arms, left long ago Fighting for the possession of Ukrainia began weeks ago, the Skor- onadski regime neing opposed ny Pctoura, who is 40 years old and a former music hall dancer, lie was overthrown during German occupa tion of the country, but as the Ger- mans witncirew ne returned ana re established himself. He has formed a republic, but his domination of the peasant bands is loose." 400,000 Armenians Are Desperately in Need of Outside Aid Saloniki, Dec. 18. Charles A. Dana, former executive secretary of the Armenian and Syrian relief com Inittce at Rcirut and Constantinople, and William S. Nelson, former American vice consul at Tripoli, Syria, who have returned here from Syria,' declare that there is urgent need of relief among the survivors of the deported Armenians now in Asia Minor. Both men agree that out of the 2,000,000 Armenians deported by the Turks, 400,000 survived and say that not more than one-fourth of the Armenian population can survive until the next harvest unless there is outside help. Two Men Shot in Quarrel in Southern Pacific Office San Francisco, Dec. 18. . H. Hardy, chief freight agent of the Southern Pacific company here, and James Light, z friend, were shot and leriously wounded in the ofhees of William Servos, transcontinental freight inspector of the company here, early today during a quarrel they were alleged to have had with Servos. Servos was placed under arrest. The Abandoned Room By Wadsworth Camp CHAPTER XXIX. Dr. Groom is Surprised Katherine started impulsively for ward in an effort to stop him.Black burn waved her away. "You trying to scare me, Katy?" he asked suspiciously. "Evidently," Robinson commented to Graham, "Howells wasn't as dull as we thought him. Go on, Mr. Plackburn. Wry were you afraid of your grandson?" "Maybe he can tell you better than I can," the old man answered. ' Don't see any use raking up such things, anyway. Maybe I'd been pretty harsh with him. Anyway, I knew he hated the ground I walked on and would be filad enough to see me drop in my tracks." "That isn't so," Bobby said. "You keep quiet now. You al ways talked too much." So the old feeling survived. "Go on," Robinson urged. "I'd always been a hard worker," Blackburn whinedfi "and he was a waster. Naturally we didn't get along. I'd decided to make a new will, leaving m ymoney to the Bed ford Foundation, and I wrote him that, thinking it would bring him hot foot to mae it up with me. I'd bee nnervous ahout him before, be cause I didn't know what might come into his head when he was on these wild parties. So I'd spoken to Howells, thinking I'd trip him if he tried any funny business. When he didn't conic that night I got scared. II: knew I wouldn't make the new will until morning, and since I couldn't see any man throwing all that money away, I figured he'd guessed he couldn't turn me and wouldn't waste any time talking. "When you got a lot of money and a grnndson who hates you, you have to think aof such things. Suppose, I thought, he should come out here drunk when I was sound asleep. I knew he had a latch key, and he might sneak up to my room before I could even get to the tclepl. me. Or I was afraid he might hire some body. You can buy men for that sort of work in Xew York. I tell you the more I thought of it the more I was sure he'd do something. You'd understand if you lived in this lonely place with all that money and nobody you wanted to will it to. I nearly sent for Howells right then. But if nothing had happened I'd have looked a fool." "I wanted you to send for a man," Katherine cried. Bobby leaned against the wall, re peating to himself the words of Maria's note which accused him of having made the very threat his grandfather feared. "So," Blackburn rambled on, "I decided I wouldn't sleep in my room that night, and I picked out the least likely place for anybody to find me. I was more afraid of him than I was of the old room, but, as I've told you, the old room made me forget Master Robert." Robinson stepped to Bobby's side. "All along Howells was right. Tell me what you did with that evi dence." Bobby turned away. Katherine tried to laugh. Graham beckoned to Robinson. "What's the use of bothering with evidence against a suspected mur dered when the murdered man stands talking to you?" Robinson frowned helplessly. Parede sprang to his feet. "You're taking too much for granted, Graham. There was a murder. Blackburn was killed. We've as many witnesses to that fast as we have that he's come back. This man who talks with us, accus ing Bobby, may not stay. Have you thought of that? I have noticed something that makes me think it possible. I have been afraid to spea kof it. But it makes me hesi tate to say that this man is alive, as we understand life. ' We have to learn the nature of the forces we are dealing with, exactly how danger ous they are." They started at a sharp rap on the front door. "Now who?" the old man whined. "I wish you wouldn't look at me so. It makes me feel queer. You're all crazy." "It's probably Doctor Groom," Bobby said, and stepped to the door, opening it. It was Qroom. The huge man walked in, struggling out of his coat. At first the others screened Silas Blackburn from him, but lieyac knowledged their strained attitudes, the excitement thai, still animated Paredes' face. "What's the matter with you?" he asked. "Found something, Mr. Dis trict Attorney?" Robinson moved to one side, jerk ing his thumb at Silas Blackburn. Thecoat and hat slipped from D z tor Groom's hand. His mouth opened. His great body crept slow ly back until the shoulders rested against the wall. He placed the palms of his hands against the wall as if to push it away in order to ?s surc further retreat. Ahvavs the little, infused eyes remained fixed on the man who had been his friend. Such terror was chiefly arresting because of the great figure con quered by it. Blackburn thrust his pipe in his mouth. He laughed shakily. "That fellow Groom will have a stroke." The Doctor's gereting had the difficult quality of a masculine sob. "Silas Blackburn" "Who do you think?" the other whined. "You going to try to fright en me out of my skin, too? These people are trying to say I've been lying dead in the old room. Hoped you'd have enough sense to set them right and tell me what it's all about." The doctor straightened. "You did lie dead in the old room." His harsh, amazed tones held an unqualified conviction. "I saw you there. I helped the coroner make the examination. You had been dead for many hours. And I saw you bolted in your cofiin. I saw you buried in the graveyard you'd let go to pieces." The others had. as far as possible, recovered from the first shock, had done their best to fathom the mys tery, but Groom's fear increased. His reddish eyes trrew always more alarmed. Silas Blackburn turned with a quick, frightened gesture. facinng the fire. Pacdes drew a deep breath. "Now you'll see." he said. Doctor Groom shrank against the wall again. After a moment, with the motions of one drawn by an out side will, he approached the figure at the fireplace. Then Bobby savv.and he heard Katherine's choked scream. For now that his grandfather's back was turned there was plainly visible on the white of the collar, near the base of the brain, a scarlet stain. And the hair above it was matted. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) A BIG COLLECTION of Useful and Substantial Articles Suitable for Xmas Gifts now on Display at The 4. Plan of Huns for Great Air Attack on Paris Disclosed Paris, Dec. 18. (Havas.) In formation of a plan which it says the Germans had for a terrific air attack on Paris is printed by the Figaro. Their purpose, says the newspaper, was to use 35 airplanes, which were to drop 5,000 incendiary bombs containing chemicals which would cause fires of such a nature that pouring water on them would serve to feed the flames. A second squadron of 35 ma chines was to follow with ordiuary bombs to be dropped upon the fire fighters and the crowds revealed by the light of the burning buildings. Union Outfitting Co., 16th and Jackson Sis. A portion of our big main floor is now devoted to the display of hundreds of beau tiful things suitable for Xmas Gifts. A bipr assortment of Smoke Stands, Mahogany Nut Bowls, Brass Jardinieres, Electric Lamps, Pedestals, Tea Tables, and many other beautiful things too numerous to mention, and remember Santa Claus is here to greet the children and to each one will give a pretty present. What better GIFT could you make your family than a Stein way Piano It is the highest achievement possible in the piano world. No other piano can be compared to a STEINWAY others may try to Imi tate but no attempted copy is ever "as good" a3 the orig inal Trim miiQipinrm novsr hesitate in selecting one they know the STEINWAY stands alone at the head of all pianos. Owning a STEINWAY as sures you of the highest quality postible. Our stock is complete in all sizes of Uprights and Grands at prices and terms within reach of everyone. Come in, select yours today for Christmas giving. Steinway, Hardman, Emerson, Steger & Sons, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons, Schmoller & Mueller, Aeolian Pianolas and many other pianos of well known makes are found only-at SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 1311-13 Farnam PIANO Omaha, Neb. R2f CONSERVATION Don't conserve by cutting down your Christmas list, but by making purchases where your dollar will go the farthest. You Save Time and Money If You Patronize -THRIFT- Continue practicing thrift by se lecting articles of Jewelry gifts that will be kept, cherished and serve as constant reminders of the day and the giver. Strong, Forceful Men With Plenty of Iron In Their Blood These Are the Ones With the Power and Energy to Win "Many a capable man or woman falls just short of winning because they don't back up their mentality with the physical strength and energy which come from having plenty of iron in the blood," says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital. "Lack of iron in the blood not only makes a man a physical and mental weakling, nervous, irritable, easily fatigued, but it utterly robs him of that virile force, that stamina and strength oT will which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of life. It may also transform a beautiful, sweet-tempered woman into one who is cross, nervous and irritable. To help make strong, keen red-blooded Americans there is nothing in my experience which I have found so valuable as organic iron Nuxated Iron. It often increases the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, run-down people in two weeks' time." Nuxated Iron is now being used by over three million people an nually and it has been used and endorsed by such men as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury, and ex-Governor of Iowa; for mer United States Senator and Vice-Presidential nominee Charles A. Towne; U. S. Commissioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony Caminetti; also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washington.. and others. MANUFACTURERS' NOTE: Nuxated iron, which is recommended above, is not n secret remedy, hut one which is well known to drugirists everywhere. Unlike the older inorcanic iron products, it is easily assimi lated, does not injure the teeth, make them black nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee success ful and entirely satisfactory re suits to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed in this citv bv all Sherman & Mc- Connell Drug Stores and other druggists. For Red Blood, Strength and Endurance Established 1894. I have a successful treatment for Rupture with out resorting to a painful and uncertain surgi cal operation. 1 am the only reputable physi cian who will take such cases upon a guarantee to give satisfactory results. I have devoteJ more than 20 years to the exclusive treatment of Rup ture and have perfected the best treatment in existence today. I do not inject parat fine or wax, as it is dangerous. The advantages of my treatment are: No loss of time. No detention from business. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and no laying up in a hospital Call or write Dr. ray. 305 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. The Western Associated Jewelers GROUND FLOOR, OLD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 13th and Farnam Streets Away from the high rent district. Direct Buyers and Supply House for 200 Branch Stores. Goods retailed at less than present wholesale prices. $5.00 Gold Rings $1.50; $5 Value Lockets $1 ; $5 Value Stick Pins $1. Many other articles in proportion. See our line of Table Silver at $1 for choice. Full assortment Wrist Watches for Men and Women. Look over our offerings. Taking Machines Too Payment Plan or Cash OPEN EVENINGS BEATON DRUG CO., Omaha, Neb. I When Buying Advertised Goods Say You Kead of lhem in lhe bee The Morning Hours Are the Best ifa an old story, oft repeated the early morning hours are the best in which to do your Christmas shopping. And it is true. Because Stocks are newly replenished, complete and ready Sales people are unfatigued and ready Elevators are not crowded Aisles are not congested Delivery is certain We realize of course that a great amount of the Holiday buying, owing to lack of transportation facilities during the past week, will have to be crowded in the few remaining days. But those who begin shopping at 9 A. M. will accomplish more in one hour than they can in any two hours later. We request the co-operation of our patrons in this matter and strongly urge them for their own comfort and convenience to Shop Earlij in the Day Associated Retailers OF OMAHA