Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBEK 19, m8. YOUR SICK CHILD IS CONSTIPATED! LOOK AT TONGUE Hurry, Mother! Remove poi sons from little stomach, liver, bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs" if cross, bilious or feverish. No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough laxative should al ways be the first treatment given. If your little one is out-of-sorts, half-sick, isn't resting, eating and acting naturally look, Mother! see if tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross, irritable, feverish, stom ach sour, breath bad or has stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a teasyoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated poison, un digested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels with out griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giv ing this harmless "fruit laxative," because it never fails to cleanse the little one's liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach and they dear ly love its pleasant taste. Full di rections for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Iieware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then see that it is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Adv. South Side WEST LAWN CEMETERY Beautiful, modern park plan ceme tery acceesible to Omaha's beat resi dence section. Family lots on partial payment at time of burial. Telephone Walnut 820 and Douglas 829. Our free automobile is at your service. WEST LAWN CEMETERY, 58th and Center. Office 15th & Harney. After each meal YOU e?t one ATOMIC XfbaVOUB STOMACH'S' SAKE) and get full food value and real stom ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart burn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS acidity food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the stomach sweet and pure. EATONICisthe best remedy and only costs cent or two a day to use it. You will be de lighted with results. Satisfaction guaranteed r money back. Please call and try it Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. 6 Busy Stores. Omaha. SATISFYING RELIEF FR0MLUMBAG0 Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth-giving, congestion scattering circulation-stimulating remedy penetrates without rubbing right to the aching spot and brings quick relief, surely, cleanly. A won derful help for external pains, sprains, strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today costs lit tle, means much. Ask your drug gist for it by name. Keep it handy for the whole family. The big bot tle is economy. Relief horn Eczema In Cuticura For skins that itch, burn, crust and scale. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Follow with a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment Use these super-creamy emollients for every-day toilet purposes and prevent such conditions. tsDpIs Isca trm y ttfcil. Addrvss post-tin): "Ctucara, Dpt- ssna." Sold everywhere. Soap Sc. Ointment 25 and 50c Tslcojn He. (when Writing to Our Advertisers I Mention Seeing It in Tbe Bee SOUTH SIDE MEN GIVE MONEY FOR SWEATER FUND Merchants Donate $110 to Members of High School Basket Ball Team; Not Asked Before. South Side business men have pledged $110 to the South High school fund for sweaters for mem bers of the school basket ball team. The students have contended that the business men of the Soutii Side have not supported the school athletes as the business men of Omaha have supported the Omaha High school athletics. The business men of the South Side said that they had not been asked before this year and that their willingness to stand back of the school was shown when $110 wag pledged without question for a sweater fund, and it was not eve nasked that the sweaters he purchased from South Side mer chants. During the Christmas vacation the students will try to bring the fund to $250. "I do not think this will be difficult to accomplish," said Principal . R. M. Marris, "because every one asked so far has given generously." The sweaters will be red with white "0"s, the school colors. Those receiving the sweaters are: Coach Patton. Wallace Hanner. .lames Fitter. Arthur Ti'terson. Arthur Hodgren. Mnthta Ooltz. Charles Wlelt. Clarence Anderson. Everett Chambers. Kay Card. Oorjto Morris. Rohert Mi-Neil. Jo Sn-parinuton. James Webber, .lark UlKgnns. David Broadwell. 151,000 Head of Hogs Reported on Big Five Markets Wednesday Hogs receipts on the five central markets continue exceptionally heavy. Wednesday morning 151,000 hogs were reported in yards of these markets. In Chicago 41,000 head were held over from the Tuesday re ceipts. Omaha's hold-overs num bered 3,396. Omaha yards received 19,500 head Wednesday and with the hold-overs offered 22,896 for sale. Coroner Jury Finds Rudolph Kroywetz Killed Accidentally A coroner's jury impaneled fol lowing the death of Rudolph Kroy wetz, 9-year-old boy who died of in juries after being struck by an auto mobile driven by J. E. Brown, 2320 South Thirty-second street, decided that the accident was unavoidable. The boy was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Kroywetz, 2510 L street. Funeral services were held in the Brewer chapel Wednesday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment was in the Jewish cemetery. Live Stock Exchange Now Has 745 Red Cross Members Receipts in the Red Cross Christ mas membership roll at the Live Stock exchange totaled $857 Wed nesday noon. The roll now has 633 $1 memberships and 112 $2 member ships. Twenty-eight rooms in the ex change reported 100 per cent. Smith Side Brevities Will buy liberty bonds. Room 1226. Woodman B!dg. Slack. 14 per ton. A. L. Bergqulat, Son & Co. Tel. South 62. Toya and useful gifts for everybody Koutsky-ravllk Co. Store open evenings. Cressey's Shoe Stora will be open eve nings, beginning Wednesday until Xmas. Holiday shoes and slippers of all kinds to suit every case. Cressey. Holiday Specials New grey and field mouse high cut shoes, with the Louis or Military heels, extra values. Cressey. J J. Smith, llvlns In 432 South Twenty fifth street, reported to the police that thieves entered his house and stole five $50 Liberty bonds. Why worry about the Christmas Gift Problem? Solve it for the year 1919 by Joining now the Economy Savings Club at the Live Stock National Bank, Cor. 24th and N Streets. A Christmas gift valued by young and old alike is money. Be prepared to pre sent this next Christmas by now joining the Economy Savings club at the Live Stock National bank, cor. 24th and N Sts. Louis Reddel, 1630 South Twenty.fourth street, was bruised about the body and head when he was struck by an automo. bile driven by Dan McLane, 4624 South Twenty-third street, Tuesday morning at Twenty-sixth and O streets. ANOTHER DEMON STRATION OF OUR 1IG BUYING POWER The Union Outfitting Co., 16th and Jackson Sts. A Big Purchase of Hirfh Grade Electric Iror.s On Special Sale Cne Day Only Saturday, Dec. 21. This fortunate purchase of High Grade Electric Irons has arrived and will be put on special sale for one day only, Saturday, Dec. 21. Each and every Iron is beautifully nickel plated and very highly pol ished. They have the detach able switch plug and six feet of cord complete with con necting plug. Although there is a large quantity of these irons we would advise that you take no chances and come early, and as always, you make your own terms. Briej City News Have Root Print It Beacou Press. 25 Per nt Discount on electric Carey Cleaning Co. Web. 392 Xcw Congressman Visits Onmlia Congressman-elect Evans of the Third district, who defeated Pan Stephens, was in the city Wednesday and called on friends at the city hall. Transfer Man 111 with Fin Elmer Kpstein of the Omaha Transfer company is seriously ill with influ enza at Lord Lister hospital. His wife, Clara, died a week ago of the same illness. Has Piece of Gimmn Helmet Frank Koaeh of the I'nlon Pacific is in receipt of an ornament from the helmet of a German officer. It was sent by one of the company boys now in France and was picked up on a battlefield. The presump tion is that the officer who wore the helmet from which the ornament was taken is dead. Near the center and through one of the wings of the eaglo there Is a jagged hole, evi dently cut by a piece of shrapnel. Fine nrcpiaoe goods at cundenand's. Jury Disagrees Over Action Against City Police Following Raid A jury in Judge Wakeley's court has been discharged after deliberat ing 24 hours without an agreement in the case of Edna E. Nicholson, 267 Harney street, against W. G. Russell, H. A. Cunningham, Charles M. Chapman and M. E. Anderson of the police department. Mrs. Nicholson sued for $5,000 damages following a visit of the po lice morals squad to her home at 10:30 p. m., August 25, 1917. More Nurses Are Needed in Influenza Epidemic Officials of the Chamber of Com merce are making an effort to have several more Omaha nurses released from Camp Dodge, la., to assist dur ing the influenza epidemic here. The four nurses who have already been secured are doing wonderful work under the direction of Miss McCabe of the Visiting Nurses' association. These nurses are going from house to house where there are influenza patients usually following the doc tor an hour or so to see that his instructions are being carried out. In this way they can look after many patients. Shortage of Christmas Trees is Due to Forest Fires Omaha's supply of Christmas trees is about 10,000 short this year. The shortage cannot be charged to the war, but instead, mainly to the fact that last fall forest fires destroyed a large acreage of Minnesota timber from which Christmas trees are cut. South Side Obituaries. MRS, WII.HELMA. HEMPEU aged 70 year, died in her home, 1220 Arthur street, Wednesday of pneumonia. She Is survived by two sons and'flve daughters. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock In St. Johns Lutheran church and burial will be In Laurel Hill cemetery. The funeral of Louis F. Hump!, who died Tuesday, will be held In the rest dunce, 3713 South Twenty.third street, and the Church of Assumption Friday morning at S o'clock. Interment will be in St. Marys cemetery. BONDS SHOULD BE APPROVED BY POUODGES Law Should Be Enacted Re straining Irresponsible Per sons from Serving as Sureties in Court. District court judges believe that the legislature should enact a law which will restrain irresponsible per sons from serving as sureities on ap peal bonds and her white husband The hearing of various cases of violation of the prohibitory law, ap pealed from the police court, has emphasized the need of legislation. An examination of the cases re cently called for trial or on the docket, show that a colored woman who works in a Farnam street res taurant signed 25 police court ap peal bonds and her white husband .igned 20 bonds, all for persons con victed in police court on charges of violating the liquor laws. Many of these sureties are exempt from liability. Lawyer Arranged Bondsmen. A man who was sentenced to 90 days in district court, after the hear ing of an appealed case from police court, stated that he paid his attor ney $40 after the police court hear ing. He stated that the lawyer ex plained that he would arrange for a bondsman for him; that "there would be nothing to it" in district court and that he need not appear. A capias was issued for his appear ance. -..Ufit STOMACH UPSET? Pape's Diapepsin at once ends sourness, gas, acidity, indigestion. When meals upset you and you belch gas, acids and undigested food. When you have lumps of in digestion pain or any distress in stomach you can get relief instant ly No waiting! As soon as you eat a tablet of Pape's Diapepsin all the indigestion pain stops. Gases, acidity, heart burn, flatulence and dyspepsia van ish. Pape's Diapepsin tablets cost very little at drug stores. Adv. Omaha's Popular Priced Shoe Store Styles that are newest are always found first at the SHOE MARKET And they are all for less than $10.00 the pair Nothing could be more use ful and really appreciated than a pair of these Boots as a Christmas gift. If you are not certain as to ize or width- buy a Shoe Market Gift Certifi cate. ' EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Brown Military Boot, 9-inch top, winged tip; a most re markable Special Value $6.75 No Charges No Deliveries No Discounts Open Evenings Until 8 P. l. Till Titian. I 16th and Harney New Conant Hotel Bldg. Edgar A. Guest It is the human note in Mr. Guest's verse that endears him to readers everywhere. His lines sing themselves; they have a sim plicity and heart appeal that goes "home." The genial, homely phil osophy of Mr. Guest's verse has made him the most widely read poet in America. Three Volumes of Verse by Edgar A. Guest fry . Over Here A Heap o' Livin Just Folks Uniform Binding Cloth, each $1.25 Khaki edition, boxed and ready . for mailing, each. . . .1.25 Red Morocco, each . . . .2.00 Burgess-Mash Company everybody STORE" Ess-ta to Vfie Ciristmas Store for 6veryodtf Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1918- -STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY- -Phone Douglas 2100 Five Shopping Days then Christmas MY ! How time flies. So many things have happened in the past few weeks, time passed so quick ly, before one realized it. Now everything m ust be done in the five remaining days. That's why we have lengthened the time the best we could by keeping the STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS. But if it's possible Shop in the Early Morning Hours of the Day Gifts that Men Like Conveniently Arranged ior Easy Selection, North Aisle at Harney Street Door PRACTICAL, useful gifts the sort that every man will appreciate, here in better range of selec tion than vou're likelv to find elsewhere, and risrhtlv priced, too. tf -f ' i Men's Neckwear, $1.50 to $30 Fine high grade silk neck wear, representing the finest qualities. A wonderful assort ment of fine scarfs in heavy rich silks and satins, beautiful designs and colorings, $1.50 to $3.50. Men's Fine Scarfs, 50c to $1.00 Silk four-in-hands, embrac ing all the newest designs and patterns. An almost endless variety of hundreds of beauti ful scarfs assembled here for your inspection. All scarfs made to our own speci fications, insuring your satisfaction. Silk Shirts, $7.50 to $10.00 Finest qualities of beautiful silk crepes, empire silks, broadcloth and tub silks, rich and exclusive patterns. .X .1 A m j- mr fin Alt Wlv iuen s cruris, $i.ou w $o.uu AW) "Star" and "Beau Brummel" shirts ffc&YMft in a vast assortment of fine madras, percales, silk mixtures and fiber silks, in either soft or stiff cuff styles. 1 l vl rs 11 3. -41 Men's Gloves, $2.00 to $5.00 Men's street gloves in genuine gray mochas, gray suedes, gray and tan capes, washable chamois, ivory eape and buckskin, either unlined or lined with fur, silk, wool or fleece. Men's Handkerchiefs Men's plain, all linen handkerchiefs, at 25c and 35c. Men's extra quality, plain, all linen handkerchiefs, at 50c, 75c and $1.00. M e n's initial handker chiefs, box of six, at $1.00 and $1.50 box. Men's linen initial hand kerchiefs, 35c each, box of six, $2.00. Men's extra quality linen initial handkerchiefs, 50c each, or box of six, at $3.00. tlfV Men's Hose Interwoven and Holeproof hosiery for men in every desir able color and grade, also many styles of beautiful and striking novelty hose in fancy stripes and checked effects. Men's lisle hose, 25c to 40c. Pure thread silk hose, 50c to $2. Fine cashmere hose. 40c to $1.50 Burgcti-Nath Co. Main Floor Silk Pajamas, $5.00 to $15 Men's pure silk and fiber silk pajamas in plain shades of pink, blue, tan and white, also many beautiful striped ef fects, $5.00 to $15.00. , Also a big selection of popular priced pajamas in fine madras, poplin, oxford and mercerized materials, priced $2.00 to $5.00. Men's Silk Mufflers, $1.00 to $10.00 Men's silk mufflers In either plain silks or knitted styles. From the plain col or silks in black, pearl and white to the many beautiful high colored effects and novel stripings. Finest quali ties of imported Swiss reef ers, rich colorings and beau tiful texture. All French Ivory Toilet Pieces Will be Engraved Free of Charge AS a special feature of this very uncommon offering, we will engrave each piece free of charge. ' Buffer, large size, remov able chamois, heavy back, 75c to $1.50. French Ivory Clocks, several styles, every clock guaranteed, $3.95. Trayt, heavy quality French ivory, 75c to $1.25. Jewel Boxes, various styles, at 75c. Talcum Holders, at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Perfume Bottles, fancy shape, ground glass stopper, $1.25. Perfume Sets, triangular bot tles, French ivory case, $2.95. Powder and Puff Boxes, round, 65c to $1.25. French Ivory Combs, at 44c. Pin Cushions, blue, green and purple velvet, 75c. Special! Manicure pieces, includ ing files, cuticle knife, but ton hooks, etc., each, 25c Round Mirrors, heavy French ivory, $2.95. Hair Brushes, solid back, ex tra heavy quality, at $3.25 to $3.75. 5-Piece French Ivory Manicure Sets at $1.25 including buffers, nail files, cuticle knife, button hook and ivory stick, for $1.25. French Ivory Hair Brushes About V2 Price One big lot of high grade solid back French ivory hair brushes, assorted styles. Very special at about price. Burgeu-Nath Co. Main Floor Make His Gift a Practical One- A House Coat A gift of this sort is al ways acceptable and certain to be appreciated. Every man likes to slip into a com fortable house coat after dinner and enjoy his paper and pipe. Our holiday stock of men's house coats is very extensive, embracing a wide range of styles, coloring and mate rials. There is really nothing ycu could give a man that would be more practical or appre ciated. Price range, $5.00 to $30.00. Fourth Floor i ' Blanket Robes Many beautiful color ef fects, a large assortment of models, colors and prices to choose from, garments that are splendidly primmed and tailored throughout. Priced at $4.45 to $18.00. Men's Lounging Robes Fine brocaded silks, silk poplin, corduroys and fancy silk mixtures. Rich and won derful colorings are to be had in this assortment. Ranging in price from $16.50 to $40.00. Burgei-Nah Co. Main Floor Practical Gift Suggestions for the Home That the Entire Family Will Enjoy T NDIVIDUAL pieces that lend so much to the arti stic setting of the home, articles that will appeal to -L every one who enjoys a beautifully arranged a nd attractive home. Decorative Furniture Very fine pieces, each piece a replica of the antique. In cluding Day Beds, mahogany with mulberry velvet cover ing, $98.75. f Blue tapestry covering, $100.00. Telephone Stand Chinese lacquer telephone stand, book cover, phone shield and number book and bench, $40.00. Lamps Copper lamp with silk shade, combination rose and jade Georgette covering and antique lace with combination fringe in colorings or shade, $55.00. Chinese Pottery In a variety of odd, unique designs and color ings, 50c to $20.00. Candlesticks Polychromic and old English brasses, and Jap anese lacquer, $2.50 to $125.00 each. , Gray Enameled Day Bed Decorated, one chair and rocker to match, $137.50. One Arm Chair Needle point tapestry, $35.00. Sewing Baskets Colonial Sewing Tables, ma hogany, $8.95. Foot Stools Mahogany foot stool, tapes try covering, $9.00. Book Stand Mahogany book stand, $10.00. Writing Desk Queen Anne writing desk, mahogany, low body style, $100. Pair 12 Tables Mahogany, can be used as small tables or ends of daven ports, $18.00 each. Side Chair Rush seat mahogany side chair, old English style, $26.00. Arm Chair Tapestry covered arm chair, reproduction of the George Washington chair, $85.00. Kidney Sofa Small Kidney sofa, covered in brown denim, all hair filling, $110.00. Cigarette Boxes For living room table, poly chrome and gold, size 4x10, reproduction of Spanish jewel cases, $11.00 to $16.50. Chinese Feather Fans Hand decorated, $5.00. Old Colonial Set Old Colonial set, consisting of 7-fpot settee, one arm chair, one sicle chair. The set, $112.00. Mirrors Chinese Embroid ered Fans With antique pieces of em broidery, eleven inch circle with old silver and black handles with tassel end, $4.00 to $6.00 each. Table Covers Chinese embroidery and many old brocades, made to order. Odd Pillows Taffeta, satins to order. Venetian flower bowl, $5.00. Burfeii-Nah Co. Third Floor Large assortment in gold, silver polychrome, $5.00 to $150.00. Cords and Tassels In all colors, for pictures and mirrors, 75c, $1.50, $3.25. Andirons Fire sets and fire screens, kets, $4.50. Book Ends Gothic polychrome, $9.00 a pair. Chinese images, bronze and metallic $9.00 a pair. willow-wood bas- plate,