Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
9 Open Evenings Unti Christmas ! 46 Join the Red Cross Now ..W'.-f.-AvN Smart Vanity Bags A usetul Gift for the Ladies, at 29c and 50c. A WONDERFUL display of Bags, of heavy ribbons with shell and metal tops, these range in prices from 2.75 to 6.75 Main Floor "Tliimit nik. iMflllMfe. JlH' IUIIIIIL TH Is . PACE K2kWirif r ' Jm FOR CROWING OMAHA -li.ibin:-. Ribbons A WONDERFUL line of Rib bon for bags, camisoles, hair bows and snshes. Camisoles in light and dark colors, most attractive syles. At 1.50, 1.98 and up A Sale of Rich Cut Glass To Solve the Question for Many Gift Seekers Only 5 More Shopping Day 8 Before Christmas The Opportunity to Shop Early is Pastbut there is another way to help yourself and those who serve you I Shop early in the day. Avoid the big noon and afternoon crowds on cars and in stores. Morning shopping, especially now, is much more satisfying. Try it tomorrow. Cut Glass characterized by heavy cutting, rich engraving, iri descent and plain, including appropriate pieces for table, sideboard and mantel. Included in the assortment are Nappies, Spoon Trays, Sugar Trays, Bon Bon, Vases, Sugar and Cream Bowls, Celery Trays, Candy Trays, etc., in three lots and priced according to quality. Unusual value at each price 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 Main Floor Cut Glass Water Sets of Beautiful Design, with Fancy Plateau, 10.00 .5 Thread Silk Hosiery, pair $1.50 The Ideal of Usefulness in Holiday Gifts A splendid all pure thread Silk Hose, in fact, the very best of thread silk hose, made to sell at this price. Some silk to top with a double garter hem, others have lisle tops, very elastic and full sized, all fashioned with high spliced heels, toes and soles, in all the much wanted shades x Cordovan, Chestnut, Bronze, Navy, Brown, Seal Brown, Grays in All Shades, Champagne and Evening Shades. These Hose are of qualities you may be proud to eive to the most particular woman. Early purchases account for the greatness of value. Women's Silk Lace Clocked Hosiery in all the very latest styles and colors for afternoon and evening wear. Noth ing smarter at the present time than the allover lace, the lace clock, or the lace boot hose. Per pair 1.95 and 3.75 Misses' and Children's Hosiery Pure Thread Silk In heavy quality, fine ribbed, the Owen Osborne brand stamped on every pair. We have them in all the dainty colors for dainty children. The colors, pink, sky, white and black. Prices 79c, 1.50 and 1.95 Main Floor New Tailored Dresses Of Serge Unusually Smart PRACTICAL and dressy Utility Frocks of attractive Coat, Moyen age and fitted bodice styles; braiding, beading, smart sashes and cord belt add distinctive touches; navy and black predomi nating colors. Excellent values in the special group Thursday Evening Frocks ATTRACTIVE, dainty, new Evening Frocks for holiday social events. Fashioned of Tulle, Georgette and Satin, combined with silver lace, novelty girdles and sashes. New arrivals, at 29.75-39.00 I 55.00 I ' New Assortments in Coats Winter Coats, new stocks, excellent Christmas gifts that are practical and useful. Fur trimmed models in wide range of colors and cloths. Spe cial groups, ranged . 18.75 - 24.50 to 46.75 Second Floor Skating Sets IN all wool Scotch plaid and military stripes at 3.75 and 3.98, set of cap and scarf. GEORGETTE Col lars. A wonder ful assortment at 59c, 1.25 and up. Boudoir Caps A BEAUTIFUL line of Boudoir Caps in boxes; silk lace and rib bon creations. Very pretty and fluffy. Priced at 69c, 1.25, 1.50 to 2.25. Main Floor Gifts for the Toddler's Christmas A New Collection of Hand-Made Juvenile Wear Has Arrived in Time For Gift Choosers MX TIMELY shipment of hand- embroidered and entirely hand made garments. Frocks, Undergar ments, and Carriage aiid Crib Linens, has been newly received in the Infants' Wear Sec tion. You can immediately pic ture the little youngsters that you wish to remember in these innu merable dainty garments. Exquisite Linens for Baby's Crib and Carriage Hand-hemstitched or h an dj-embroidered Bed Sheets, 1.50 to 3.98 and Pil low Cases, 50c to 5.00 as well as Bibs, 25c to 3.98; Towels, 25c and Bonnet Ties, 1.25 are especially charming for gifts. For the Babies on Your List Little Slips for the wee baby in long dresses, entirely hand made, and prettily embroider ed, of sheer linen or bastite, range in price from 5.98 up to 15.00. Frocks for infants from six months to two years, made of fine lawn and bastite into the Bishop yoke style from 1.00 up. Long Skirts for infants, $1 up. Gifts of Furs What would delight a charming lit tle girl more than a muff and neck piece? The set pictured is of white coney fur with little spots of black fur, to look like ermine, 5.00. Second Floor There are many Bonnets trimmed with fur. The Car riage Robes of fur make gifts which any mother will love to receive, from 5.00 up. For Wee Toddlers Beautiful Frocks for young sters from two to six are artisti cally embroidered with scal lops and flowered sprays, and made into Empire and short waisted styles, 5.98 up. Furniture to Add Charm . to the Nursery Artistic pieces of Nursery Furni ture would make suitable gifts for youngsters and at the same time S lease, and be most useful to the other, v 3 Comb and Brush Sets, 1.50 up to 3.98 Battles, priced, 29c up to 1.00 Coat Hangers, priced, 79c and 89c Carriage Bows and Sets, from 1.98 to 2.98 Bootees, from 49c up to 1.50 Crocheted Sacques, priced from 1.50 to 2.98 Cashmere Sacques, priced from 1.00 to 5.98 Third Floor A Sample Line Sale AH the Leather Traveling Rolls, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Picture Frames, Poker Sets, Card Sets, Work Baskets, Medicine Cases, Etc., Samples from S. Langsdorf & Company, Spring and Crosby Sts., New York At About One-Half Regular Price Hand Bags and Pocket Books for women, every style and shape conceivable, come in real seal, real walrus, real Morocco leathers, also beautiful Bags in velvet and silk. Here are a few specials: Real Seal Hand Bags Leather-covered frame and silk-lined, inside purse and mirror. Special at 1.98 Real Morocco or Real Pin Seal Pocket Book, or Strap Back Purse, silk lined. Spe cial at v 1.98 Manicure Cases Satin lined, rolls up; with eight fittings, including Buf fer, Cuticle Knife, File, Hook, Tweezer, Scissors and Steel Cuticle Pusher, and Sand Board, in leather pocket. Very special at 1.98 Canteen Bags Come in heavy moire silk, patent leather or tooled leather in fancy designs, silk lined, with mirror and purse in side. Spec il at 5.98 French Ivory Goods and Clocks The largest and most complete stock of French Ivry goods in Omaha and many items through the entire line at wonderful savings. Lovely Frocks for Girls Ideal for Coming Holiday Wear p HARMING styles, shown in dainty shades and mate O rials, such as Georgette Crepe, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Chiffon, Organdies, Nets. Some are shown in light and dark shades. Come in ages 6 to 16 years. Youthfulness of these frocks are emphasized in their high-waisted effects, smart touches of hand work and their daintiness in trimming. Each garment nicely finished throughout. $10.00 to $2500 Second Floor Sale of Women's Bracelet Watches and Men's Watches No. B No. B V e r y small size lOi2-ligne, 7 jewel, lever, nickel movement in 20-year gold filled case ; either ribbon or flex ible gold filled brace- 10.98 let, No E No. D Very small size IOV2 li?ne, 15 jewel, lever, nickel movement, 20-year gold filled case, engraved or plain; either ribbon or flexible gold- filled brace let. 12.50 No. E Men's 12 size, open face, sterling silver case, 7 jewel, Standard or Normal movement, guaranteed 6.98 No. F Men's 12 size, open face, El gin moyement. 15-jewel, guaranteed 20-year' gold-filled case, plain or en graved, at 15.00 Ribbon Bracelet for Bracelet Watch, 1-10 gold, at 1.00 Main Floor No. C No. C Men's Mili tary Wrist Watches, 15-jewel,. nickel standard lever move ment, radiolite dial, Kitchener strap 6.98 If"9 y""' SrW No. F No. A No. A Very small IOV2 lig ne Ladies' Bracelet . Watch, 10-year gold-filled case,, either ribbon bracelet or gold-filled flexible bracelet, at 8.98 Men's Military Wrist Watch, 7-jewel nickel lever move ment, Radiolite dial, nickel case; a small, good looking Watch, on Kitchener strap, at 6.98 M e n's Military Watches, Radiolite dial, gun metal case, solid brass movement, guaranteed, on a Kitchener leather strap 3.50 Fill 'His' Little Heart With Joy Bring Him to Our Big Toy Section Everyone who has the happiness of some wee tot at heart should buy toys now stocks are fast becoming de pleted. ' Get Him a "Yankee Boy" Cannon for Christmas Over Two Feet Long, Beautifully Finished O ff in Red and Black Price, Complete OAJl Nothing will bring more fun to the little folks than this large, massive, finely designed "Yankee Boy" Cannon, firing at the notorious Hun. Come and see them now special demonstration, or better send your order at once. It is sure to please you. A masterpiece in toys, instructive and entertaining. Packed in strong box, with full instructions for setting up and operating. Get yours at once, our supply is limited. Downstair "Durham Duplex" Fireless Cooker QIURELY a more practi- Qcal and useful gift would be difficult to find for. any home. A more generally satisfactory cooker has not been made, all cooking ves sels are V ear-Lver Aluminum. The cook er itself is all metal, all inside being alumi num and outside is steel. One-hole cook er, price 13.50 and 15.00. Two-hole cook er, price, 23.50 "Polar" Sewing Machine Motors A good, serviceable article that renders satisfactory service on any make of machine, at 10.00 Extra attachments for making the sew ing machine motor into an electric fan, churn or mixer, polisher and grinder, or massage vibrator. Price, each, V50 Basement Very Special FOR Thursday selling, are the items fol lowing. They are only in quantities as stated and are on sale while the lot lasts. No Mail or Telephone Orders. 1200 Fancy White Aprons At21c Each EMBROIDERED and lace triir med in wide var iety of styles. All New, Fresh x Crisp and Clean Aprons Just the Apron for holiday use and gift giving. Values to 50c. On sale while the lot lasts, Thursday. Basement 560 Pairs Eiderdown Slumber Slippers The Practical Christmas Gift Regular $1.00 Values On Sale Thursday, While They Last 69c pair Colors are: Black, red, blue, pink and gray. Men's sizes, 6 to 12. Women's sizes, 3 to 8. These slippers are warm, com fortable, service able, well made and very at tractive, trimmed with a sateen rib bon bow. Basement Baby Blankets Only 600 in this lot THE genuine Beacon Baby Blankets, in colors of pink and blue in a choice variety of animal, nursery and kindergarten designs, neat ly whipped edges. Will make an ideal Christmas gift. Special at While the Lot Lasts Basement iiuaery uuu 55C Another Noteworthy Sale of Pictures Beautiful hand colored and sepia, French Photogravures, published by Goupil & Company of Paris, France, af- ter mezzotints by Valentine Green of Sir Joshua Reynolds and other famous art ists. These are handsomely framed and just the picture one wants for dining room and parlor; included are mirrors in embossed moulding frames. At 50c Each Choice of about 20 subjects, and the sale is limited to 350 pictures in all. The lot is on sale while it lasts. Right to limit the quantity sold to any one person, is reserved. At this ridiculously low price, early attendance is urged, to insure participation in the offer. Third Floor 478 Flash Lights In a Sale Thursday Complete with batteries and bulbs. The lot on sale while it lasts and con sists of the following: Small 2-Cell, Nickel-Plated Tubu lar Flashlights. Large 2-Cell, Nickel-Plated Tubu lar Flashlights. Large 3-Cell, Nickel-riated Tubu lar Flashlights. Main Floor J Choice At $1