"Itltl UMAHA, lttUKSDAI, imUOlBEK 19, 1918. D. OF H. AFFAIRS GIVEN AIRING AGAININ COURT ew Pixley Asks for Tempor ary Injunction and Return of Large Sum; Start ed in March. The affairs of the Degree of Hon or of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Nebraska were dragged into court again yesterday after noon when Lew Pixley filed a pe tition against the following state oncers: Mayme Hedrick Cleaver of Lincoln, grand chief of honor;Adelia i Harding, Emma Thorpe and Lena Herre, memhers of the finance com . mittee; Katie Schmitt, grand treas s nrer. The plaintiff prays for a temporary injunction to cause the defendants to refrain from allowing and paying grand lodge funds not authorized by the charter. The specific information alleges that the grand lodge officers issued warrants in the total amount of ' $1,375, and in connection with the affairs of Washington lodge No. 27 of Omaha. Mr. Pixley asks the court to require these grand lodge officers to return to the grand lodge fund the money alleged to have been illegally expended, and to be restrained from sVenidng any more money in connection with the litiga tion which arose from the fight which has been going on since last March. Suspend Washington Lodge.' The situation resolves itself into a factional fight which was given a i flying start on March 7, 1918. when Grand Chief or Honor Cleaver , caused a suspension of Washington lodge without warrant or authority, according to the Pixley petition. The petitioner further alleges that Mrs. Cleaver also removed the char ter of this lodge and required the transfer of $6,000 lodge funds to persons appointed by her, also en gaged attorneys to defend her in an action which has been pending in the district court of Douglas county for months. After the suspension of Washing ton lodge by Mrs. Cleaver, a local lodge known as No. 14 was started in Omaha by the Cleaver adherents who were opposed to. the "Kittie O'Brien" faction. Judge Troup has issued several rulings and orders in favor of Washington lodge mem bers who claimed that they went in- . to No. 14 under misrepresentations or misunderstandings. Yesterday afternoon Judge Troup Issued an order that J. M. Gilchrist should serve as a referee to adjust tha dispuated financial affairs be tween Washington lodge and No. 14. Circulate Letters. Circular letters issued by Wash ington lodge contain the following statement: "It is now a matter of common report and general noto- ; riety among our lodges that for some reason unknown to us. Wash- ..,, ington lodge No. 27 has incurred the sharp displeasure of the grand chief of honor and severe punishment has been inflicted upon all of its mem bers, be they guilty or innocent of any offense which would merit the criticism of anyone. It would re quire pages to recount the wrongs and injustices that the grand chief of honor has Inflicted upon us with out anv fault upon our part." On 'March 7. 1918, Washington lodge was the banner lodge of the Degree of Honor of Nebraska, with a membership of 734. Has Government a Right to Settle Case Out of Court? Attorneys Lambert, Shotwell and 'Shotwell, through a petition of in tervention filed Wednesday in dis trict court, raise the question of whether the government, while in charge of the railroads, can legally settle a judgment out of court with out the knowledge or consent of the attorneys of record and in disregard of lien rights. The case refers to a suit brought by John Griggs, colored, against the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way. The case was started before federal control of railroads. A judg ment for $2,500 was obtained in the lower court here and an appeal taken by the defendants to the state su preme court. The attorneys now intervening held lien against the judgment. While the case was pend ing in the supreme court the rail road people settled with Griggs out of court. Upon showing made by the present complaining attorneys, the supreme court sent the case back to the district court. Brandeis to Use Another . Floor for Store Purposes On account of the increased busi ness, the Brandeis Stores are re modeling the eighth floor, 132 by 264 square feet, of the Brandeis building, which after January 1 will be utilized for store room purposes, also the general offices which are Mv located on the third floor. An jfficer of the company said that it was a step in the direction of r; 1 modeling the entire Brandeis build ing fc vise of the Brandeis Stores as the business requires. In addition to their warehouse rooms in the power building i. has also been necessary to lease other warehouses about the city and by the appropriation of the upper floors of the Brandeis building for store purposes their stock can be concen trated. . Card for 160 Cattle, But Got No Money; Asks Divorce Estelle C. Morrow testified before" Judge Troup yesterday afternoon that she cared for 160 head of Cattle, which her husband sold without al lowing her any of the proceeds. She said she helped her husband prove up on a homestead and then he bestowed his attentions on other women. She was married to Charles H. Morrow May 25. 1910, at Hot Springs, Ark The judge allowed her I decree of divorce. Charles C. Barrett has filed a pe tition in district court, charging his wife, May Fannie, with cruelty. He asks fot; an absolute -decree and custody 'of two children, four and two vean old. TlASmSyGom FILMLAND THOTO 'PIAY OFFERING J FOR. TODAY " 0 MITCHELL LEWIS' first play under the Select banner will be given a private showing at the Strand theater Friday. "The Code of the Youkon" is the story which has been chosen for Lewis and in it the wisdom of keeping this star of northern character parts is clearly demonstrated from all re ports that come from points where the film has had a showing. The Select pictures office of this city request anyone interested in the film to communicate with their office. "Under Four Flags", the third and probably the greatest of th United States government's war films was given a showing to ex hibitors at the Brandeis this week. The film shows the many war scenes during the summer months on the many fronts where the allies were battling and in ..it are some of the finest specimens of motion picture photography and some of the most wonderful battle scenes ever produced. Anita Stewart's first film play in some years, "Virtuous Wives," is being given a private showing at the Kialto theater today. Anyone interested in the film is requested to inquire at the office of the First National for tickets. Metro presents Bert Lytell at the Empress in "Unexpected Places," one of the best pictures he has been featured in. Shown at this theater for three days beginning to day. "Surrender of the German Fleet" is an added attraction for the last half. Pearl Shepard has been engaged to head a company including Charles Richman, Leah Baird, Marie Shotwell, Jack McLean and William Bechtel in Ivan Abrahamson's next production. Florence Reed in "Today" will be the offering at the Rialto today and for the remainder of this week with a Lyons-Moran comedy and a news weekly completing the bill. Miss Reed's play is one of the most pre tentious parts in which she has ever appeared in a screen drama. It is a strong theme of a society woman who holds right and morality as On the Screen Today SIN BESSIE BARRISCALH In TWO OUN BETTY." RIALTO FLORENCE REED In "TO DAY." STRAND CONSTANCE TALMADOE In MRS. LEFFINOW ELL'S BOOTS." Ml SE ETHEL BARRYMORE In "OCR MRS M'CHESNEY." EMPRESS BERT LYTELL In "UN EXPECTED PLACES." BRANDEIS D. W. GRIFFITH'S I "HEARTS OF THE WORLD." LOTHROP 24th and Lothrop COR RINE GRIFFITH In "MISS AMBI TION." PATHS NEWS. BOl I.EVARD 33d and Leavenworth ELAINE HAMMERSMITH In "HER MAN." GRAND lth and Blnney BESSIE BARRISCALE In "ROSE O' PARA PISE." OBPHEVM South Side 24th and M MARGARITA FISHER In "MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING." greater than public opinion and good will of her associates. In the end she finds that the straighter path leads to a greater happiness. Bessie Barriscale, a very girlish figure attempts to disguise herself as an honest-to-goodness cowboy in "Two-Gun Betty" at the Sun today and the rest of the week. Her dis guise doesn't fool the cowboys a bit and they play all manner of jokes on her until Betty turns the tables on them by bringing in be hind her two big revolvers, a band of Mexican cattle thieves and half of the ranch's herds. Constance Talmadge, appearing in "Mrs. Lefringwell's Boots," has a charming story built upon the story of the purchase of two pairs of em broidered slippers. When hubby finds what he thinks are his wife's slippers drying before the fire in another house there are amusing complications almost tragic for the young wife. Miss Talmadge appears at her best in this sort of a farce drama. Manager Stolde of the Strand has a charming display of boots, such as figure in the play, made up by the Drexel Shoe com pany, in his lobby and the Drexel people have an interesting window displaybf the features of the play as a publicity stunt. Harry Carey's latest western drama is "Roped," a story of a young cow puncher who is finally caught in Cupid's lariat. MILITARY RANK FOR ARMY NURSE URGEDBYWOMEN Helen Hoy Greeley, New York Attorney, Talks to Work ers at Omaha Athletic Club. Military rank for army nurses is the movemeent presented to prom inent Omaha women Wednesday by Helen Hoy Greeley of New York, attorney for a committee of eastern women and nurses who, last March, were instrumental in introducing such a bill into congress. Mrs. Charles T. Kountze asked Omaha suffragists, nurses and Red Cross workers to luncheon at the Athletic club to meet Mrs. Greeley. "Army nurses are asking military rank for efficiency's sake, not for honor. They ask no increase in pay, none of the privileges accorded to officers, merely for a badge of rank which will insure the execution of her orders," said Mrs. Greeley. "The public regards the army nurse with such admiration and re spect it does not dream anyone could be contemptuous of her. They do not know she is frequently hu miliated by treatment from both superiors and subordinates and the efficiency of the whole nursing sys tem impaired by uncertainty of her position. "Her authority to give orders is continually disputed by enlisted men serving as orderlies. Friction and dangerous delays in the execu tion of orders result, having a bad effect on the welfore of wounded patients." Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska is chairman of the subcommittee on military affairs which has, so far, not reported the bill out of commit tee. Harriet Stanton Blatch and Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer of New York head a movement to bring influence to bear on the committer in order to get action in the present session of congress. TRUCK FACTORY NEEDED IN WEST, SAYS JULIAN Omaha as Center of Agricul tural Region is Ideal Loca tion to Manufacture Trucks and Bodies. "There is no better place in the world for' the manufacturing of au tomobile trucks, and truck bodies, than right here in Omaha," said J. M. Gillan of the industrial com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce, in speaking of the industrial oppor tunities presented to this city. "The business men of Omaha and vicinity are using a great many trucks. There are probably 25 dif ferent kinds sold here, from various parts of the country. One of the greatest difficulties is the securing of parts when a truck breaks down. We are buying thousands of trucks from little factories in the east in cities not to be compared with Oma ha. We need a good standard truck factory where all the parts can be secured promptly. "We also need a truck body fac tory. There are several small ones and they are doing a good business, but there are thousands of bodies being shipped in. There are a suf ficient number of men in Omaha with plenty of capital, and I would like to see some of them get to gether and organize a factory of this kind." Three Horse Sales a Year. Chicago, Dec. 18. The war being over, horse breeders and dealers be lieve that it will be profitable to hold three sales a year?in Chicago, as had been the practice. The pres ent sale with 400 horses offered, closes next Friday. Horsemen from all over the country are present. One of the top sales was that of Hal Day, an 11-year-old trotter, with record of 2:01. Adverse brought $1,050 and Eva Bingham $1,100. ' lhroig (Bombs! Our boys are show ing remarkable pro. ficiency in , hurling hand - grenades or bombs. Prom ear liest infancy oar boys learn well to "throw ball," and this stands them in good-hand in " throwing back" the Huh. The explosion takes place quickly, scat tering pain and destruction just like an uric acid explosion within the body. One day a man's all "O. K." next morning when he tries to get out of bed Oh, such paint Pain in the back (lumbago) or hips, shoulders, arms, legs or feet (rheumatism or gout). This rheu matism is the result of an uric-acid explosion within, probably following excessive use of meat or beer or over-exertion and over-heating. Swollen hands, ankles and feet are Sue to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Natu rally when, the kidneys are deranged the blood is filled with poisonous one add, which settles in the tissues of the feet, ankles, wrists or back as uratic salts; or under the eyes in bag like formations. It is just as necessary to keep the kidneys acting properly as to keep the bowels active to rid the body of poisons. Uric-acid poisoning and rheumatic pains can be conquered and expelled by taking a little " Anuric." This is the recent discovery of Dr. Pierce, and can De naa at all good drug stores. If you want a trial end 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. 4 OMAHA CANTEEN SAVES WOUNDED FROM FAMINE Provides Breakfast to Train load of Soldiers Who Arrive Here at Late Hour. How Omaha Red Cross canteen corps "saved the day" for a train load of wounded soldiers who passed through Omaha Monday, by providing a hurried breakfast be tween train stops, is the story that the boys are telling in the Letter man Reconstruction hospital in San Francisco today. The train carrying the wounded and breakfastless heroes arrived in Omaha two hours late at 11 a. m. Xo provision had been made by railroad authorities to feed them here and their train had no dining car service. Mrs. Luther Kountze and Mrs. L. J. Healey made an emergency call on the canteen established last week in the Union station; all the canteen girls "fell to," and in less time than it takes to tell, at least 10 coffee pots and sandwich baskets were put into action. Mrs. Kountze and Mrs. Healey wired to Chicago headquarters of the faulty arrangement by which, the boys had been permitted to wait so long for breakfast, in order to assure future trains from suf fering the same experience. Alamito Dairy Defendant in $25,000 Damage Suit Arthur H. Huston has filed a peti tion in district court on behalf of his daughter, Mildred. 5 years of age, asking damaees in the sum of $25,000 from the Alamito dairy. He also asks $1,000 on behalf of him self. He alleges in his petition that on October 12, Mildred and her sister, 3 years of age. were crossing the street at Twentieth and K streets, when Mildred was struck by an Alamito truck and sustained per manent injuries. He asks $1,000 for himself for money expended in doc tor bills and care. AT THE THEATERS PICHARD Carle has recently added new laurels to those al- ready garnered during his long career in the tendertoot, tne Mayor of Tokio," "The Storks," "The Maid and the Mummy," "Mary's Lamb." "Jumping Jupiter," "The Spring Chicken," "The Cohan Revue," and other big musical comedies. Mr. Carle will appear at the Brandeis theater for four nights and a special matinee on Christmas day, commencing next Sunday eve ning, in his latest and said to be his funniest musical cimftdy, "Furs and Frills." Classic dancing may be one of the most difficult of arts, but Albertina Rasch is so completely the mistress of its intricate technique that her in terpretations seem remarkably eacy. With her wonderfully trained ballet she is presenting the most charming dancing act that has been offered at the Orpheum theater. An amus ing sketch called "Shoes," is ef fectively played by Bayonne Whip ple and Walter Hudson. sYvette and Saranoff are violinists who score effectively. James J. Morton humorously announces all the acts on teh bill. In the films next week the surrender of the German fleet will be shown. Joliet Man Joins Forces of the M. F. Shafer Company Guy V. Bisland, formerly with the Gerlach-Barklow company, art calendar manufacturers of Joliet, 111., is now connected with the M. F. Shafer company, manufacturers of calendars, advertising specialties and printed matter of Omaha. For several months past Mr. Bils Iand has been employed in Y. M'. C. A. work, but now that the war is won he has again taken up the line of civilian work for which he is best qualified. Omaha Member of Marines Returns- to United States Word has been received that "Jack" Weed, a member of the Eighty-eighth- company, U. S. ma rines, has arrived in this country from France. Mr. Weed was form erly a toll circuit engineer in the traffic department of the Nebraska Telephone company. He made the return trip on a boat filled with wounded soldiers. Meeting of Nebraska Bar Association Postponed The meeting of the Nebraska State Bar association, which was to have held a meeting in the Fontenelle hotel, December 27 and 28, has been postponed on account of the epidemic of Spanish influenza. Announcements will be sent out to the members of the association when the new dates have been selected. Heading the bill for the last half of the week at the Empress is "The Rubeville Revue," a miniature mus ical comedy, with Charlie Jordan, George Offerman, Sara Marie, and a pretty girl chorus. "Nelson's Novelty" .with twenty little actors, will keep you amused. Fred Rogers presents a blackface singing and comedy number. Lite and Wright present comedy sketch. Tired shoppers are gladly avail ing themselves of the roomy, restful seats at the Gayety these afternoons where George P. Murphy, Primrose semon and the Burlesque Wonder Show are presenting a delightful entertainment this week. Do your shopping in the morning and your laughing in the afternoon. D. W. Griffith's "Hearts of the World" will conclude its fifth and final week at the Brandeis theater Saturday night. The splendid les son of heoric sacrifice and whole hearted devotion; the idpllic beauty of the love story; the wonderful scenes of battle and troop move ments; the artistically delightful musical setting and the splendid work of the actors, combined and correlated by the genius of the pro ducer, make this offering the most notable screen drama yet evolved. Harvey's Minstrels will conclude their engagement at the Boyd theat er with a matinee and an evening performance today. The company has been playing large audiences all week and really merits the attention it has had. Harry Lander started in New York this week his IS months' tour of the world. He has written a new peace song. Arthur Hopkins will shortly pro duce a comedy by Rita Wellman with Emily Stevens as the star. It is as yet unnamed. Bernard Granville, who has been at the front, is to return to the stage in a musical play called Call a Taxi," by Earl Carroll, which will be produced by A. H. Woods. "The Woman in Room 13," by Samuel Shipman and Max Marcin, which is to be produced by A. H. Woods the last of the month, has in its cast Lowell Sherman. John Mason, Gail Kane, Janet Beechcr i and Will Deming. SNOW BLANKET COVERS ENTIRE WEST NEBRASKA Wires Down to Northwestern Portion, Shutting Off Com munication; Average is Two to Four Inches. From central Nebraska west to the mountains the country is cov ered with snow to a depth of one to four inches and over most of the area snow was still falling Wednesday morning. This was the report coming to the railroads. At the offices of the Northwestern, nothing is known of conditions west of Long Pine. On the company's main line to the west a severe sleet storm continued Mondav nicht and Tuesday. At 1 o'clock Tuesday the telegraph lines went down and since then communication with the north western portion of the state and with Wyoming has been shut off. Similar conditions maintain along the Winner line, the wires being down somewhere in the vicinity of Bonesteel. All Monday night a heavy fall of snow was general over Wyoming and South Dakota. Along the Union Pacific the snow fall extends as far east as Grand Island, where it had attained a depth of two inches. West from Grand Island it was snowing out as far as Green River, the fall being four to six inches. The Burlington reports snow as far east as Hastings, with one io five inches farther west. There was four inches of snow in Denver and still snowing. Through central Nebraska there was a light drizzling rain all Tues day night. Temperatures over the state range from 24 to 40 degrees above zero. At no point is the snow drifting. R. C. Salvage Department Opens Record Exchange The salvage department of the Red Cross has recently instituted a "record exchange" in which by the payment of a 15-cent fee, old records may be exchanged for new. The toy department is1 also being well pat ronized. The department has for sale a collection of old mahogany, consisting of a settee and two chairs, three gas stoves and articles of fur niture of all kinds. Military Accorded The Most Joyful Christmas Since A. D. 1 will be that A. D. 1918. Christmas gifts should be personal and perma nent RYAN JEWELRY CO. Funeral is Bluffs Girl Who Gave Life in Navy A military funeral, as accorded the rank of first lieutenant, was ac corded ftliss Hortense E. Wind, Council Bluffs girl, who died in the naval hospital at Portsmouth, Va., where she was chief dietitian. Miss Wind was the first dietitian in the naval service and was the only dietitian in the hospital during the first influenza epidemic. Her ill ness is thought to have been brought on by overwork during the strenuous days of the siege of the epidemic. j The funeral services were held at ' the home of her parents in 738 1 Washington avenue. They were brief and impressive. j The cortege to the cemetery was j headed by the First Battalion band i from Camp Dodge, followed by a tiring squad from Fort Omaha. The j guard of honor was composed ot j sijf Council Bluffs sailors home on ' furlough. J Want Dry Law Enforced, j Washington, Dec. 18. Establish-, ment of a national commission to j enforce the nation-wide prohibition law when it becomes effective next July 1, was recommended in resolu tion adopted here today by the na tional temperance council. Amend ment of the law to make possession j of liquor illegal also was urged. IN THE DIVORCE COURT. Frank I.. Klrby has been allowed a de cree of divorce from Gertniile. whom he chared with, dlsertlon. The case went ' by default. i Will Broaden Scope of WnrV in Humane SnM0tl 1 1 V I l III I IUIIIUIIV wv.v. A meeting of the Nebraska Hu mane society was held m tne couri house Wednesday afternoon, at which time a number of new amend ments to the constitution were adopted. Most of these are for the: purpose of broadening the scope ol the work among the children. An increase in the number of trustees from 18 to 27 was authoriz ed. V. Bailey, the new executive officer of the society who came here from Minneapolis recently, will be in charge of the office, which will be opened in the city hall withiil a few days. I OH FRIDAY EVE., DEC. 20, AT 8 The Union Outfitting Co., 16th and Jackson Sts. Judge Day has ordered an annulment of the marriage relatione which existed between Norma and Nelson R. Hamilton. The wife alleged that ihe suffered acta of cruelty. Edna M. Luae mad ns appearance la response to summons In divorce action brought by Charlea E. Luse. The husband was granted a decree. Rarold V. Nleman was releaseed from the marital obligations which bound him to Clara V., whom ha charged with abandonment. A decree of divorce has been entered In favor of Rose E. Rhutt, who charged Theodore E. with extreme cruelty. Will Give Away Absolutely Free A Beautiful New Home Sewing Machine A representative from the New Home Sewing Machine factory is conducting the big special demonstration and sale which closes Friday evening, Dec. 20, When the New Home Machine will be given away. Full in formation as to how this beau tiful machine will be given away explained when you visit our store. Come and see the grand exhibition of beau tiful fancy pieces made on a New Home Machine. Come and hear the factory representa tive explain the many advant ages you will have in using a New Home, the world's great est Sewing machine. IS $8.70 PER TON mil Colds Cause Headaches and Pain. Feverish Headaches and body pains caused from a cold are soon relieved by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. There's only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on tha box. 80c. There's Money to be Saved By Attending the Big Annual JPvy 60 Doses, ! 30 Cents J I KJuroBtTASI Everv X S Household m SSt-Vh Should Have nnili X IK 4 j IJuniberTXrJ nylj! COUGHS COLDS (j IffH f SORE THROAT I JOJl X. quickly rellevsd by 1 I 8 .thls time-tested remedy f LHJ1I ft is sAs Prntaists VI g No Need to Pay More Money for Less Efficient Coal. Lump Egg Nut Sizes. Each Yard-screened. Carried in if you say so. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS CO. 3d Floor, Keeline Bid. Phone Tyler 2700 Spadra Grate and Petroleum Carbon on hand for immediate delivery. TBAdEK?RCOTU:5fPAT.TOrR SHOE 5 ALE! Shoes Being Sold at Cost and Below Cost We Do Shoe Repairing While You Wait A a: "Ms Until Christmas Store Will be Open until 9 p.m. Over 10,000 Pairs Must be Sold Shoes for Men and Women Shoes for Street, Dress and Work Shoes from $1 .95 to $9.95 - - - worth from$6 to $14 Walk-Over Boot Shop 317 South 16th Street 300 Pairs Women's Phoenix and Onyx Hosiery, discontinued numbers and shades, while t 1 1 Q they last i m Exquisite Lamps for Holiday Giving Nothing you could give would be more appropriate this Christmas than a . beautiful Electric Lamp. Electric Lamps are recommended not only for their decorative value, but also for their usefulness. A Wonderful Showing of the Latest Lamps is to be found in our display rooms parlor lamps, table lamps, floor lamps, reading lamps and boudoir lamps in an infinite range of prices and styles. Here you are certain to find something suit able no matter what your taste may be or what price you wish to pay. Come in while the selection is still large. Nebraska -Power Co. k "Your Elect ic Service Co. ipany" 15th and Farnam-Tel. Tyler Three-One-Hundred SOUTH SIDE ELECTRIC SHOP 2314 M St Phone South Three TJr