Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1918, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
London, Dec. 18 Christmas shop
ping in London is exceeding all
previous records. In some of the
great commercial establishments ad
mission to stores of would-be pur
chasers has been regulated, owing
to the large crowds.
The general holidays are to be on
a more extensive scale than ever, be
fore. A large number of wartime
restrictions have been removed and
many of the food orders modified.
All soldiers in England are to have
12 days leave of absence.
Washington, Dec. 18. Democratic
Leader Kitchin, at the request of
members, outlined to the house to
day the program for a holiday re
. cess. ' He said at tomorrow's session
adjournment will be taken until next
Monday. A three-dhy recess for
Christmas will begin Tuesday, he
said, with only a formal "no bus
iness" session being held on the fol
lowing' Friday, when adjournment
will be taken until December 30.
Washington, Dec. 18. Paid em
ployes of all state, county and local
food administrators will be dis
charged January 1 and all activities
requiring paid staffs, including the
work of sugar equalization board,
will be discontinued on that date,
it was announced today by the food
administration. Voluntary workers
and the various food administrators
will remain until the national food
administration is dissolved as a gov
ernmental agency by President Wil
son. The work at the food administra
tion office here is gradually being
brought to an end.
The boards administering the mill
ing regulations and for co-ordination
of purchases for the allies for en
forcement and for distribution, it
was announced today will be con
tinued pending instructions from
Administrator Hoover, following
his conference with President Wil
son in Paris.
Washington, Dec. 18. In intro
ducing today" a bill to make it un
lawful to display the red flag in the
United States, Senator New of In
diana, republican, said "the red flag
movement in this country is nothing
less than sacrilege upon the scared
memory ot our hoys wno nave given
their all- on the battlefields cf
1 it
New York, Dec. 18. Thousands
of crippled soldiers will be offered
employment making toys, it was an
nounced today at the annua! conven
tion of the toy manufacturers of
Material yih.jvhich, toys
made will be sent to soldiers who
are unable to leave their homes.
The work was declared to be light
and interesting and the need great
in order to fill the demand in this
Mrs. Clara Bonham of Coun
cil Bluffs Hears from Boys;
James Promoted to
Rank of Captain.
Mrs. Clara Bonham, 215 West
Washington street, Council Bluffs,
tv! o has four stalwart sons in mil
itary service, is the proudest and
liapp:est mother in Council Bluffs.
Every one of her boys is coming
back to her without a blemish, and
all have distinguished themselves.
A letter received yesterday from
her son, Jamci, modestly announced
that he had received his full com
mission of captain. He was a ser
geant when he left Council Bluffs
with company L boys, was promoted
to secomj and first lieutenantcy for
meritorious action in the field, and
now, after being twice cited for
bravery- and efficiency in action, has
had fuller recognition of his qual
ities as a leader of men by getting
the next higher office. At an earlj
stage of the battle of the Marne
Lieutenant Bonham plunged through
the river and led a battalion of Iowa
boys against a horde of Huns that
outnumbered them 10 to one, and
turned the tide of battle in his favor.
vvneii-iiicy wcic nussiug wc mti
the water was being churned into
foam by machine gun bullets fired
at close range from the opposite
bank. Lieutenant Bonham set the
example to his fellows by constantly
diving as they waded and swam to
the hostile shore and thus escaped
annihilation. Newspaper correspon
dents cabled a column story about
the exploit.
Mrs. Bonham does not know
v 1 1 '11 1 1 .
wnen ner ovys win uc nuuic, uui
she has heard from all of them since
the war ended and is confident they
will all come back safely.
Chicago Air Mail Service
x Gets Off to Poor' Start
Chictgo, Dec. 18. An aerial mail
service between New York and Chi
cago began at 7:20 a. m. today when
Pilot Leon D. Smith took to the air
at Belmont park. Long Island, his
biplane carrying 400 pounds of mail.
According to schedule he was to
have transferred his mail pouches
to another machine at Bellefonte,
Pa., but he met with delays and was
forced to land and the mail he car
ried was sent to Cleveland by a
Postoffice officials tsaid that it
would take several days before the
service was running on regular
VOL 48 NO. 158.
E.t.rad stetsd-elsM autttr Mar W. 1906. it
Onitia P. 0. usoV act tf Marck 3. I7
By Mall (I yaar). Dally. $4.U: Suafay. 12.50:
pally aad Sua.. U.H; outilda Nab. aoitaga antra
Unsettled Thursday with
rain or snow in east or cen
tral portions; Friday fair.
Thermometer Kraillnf:
5 a. m .18 I p. m 40
B a. m 88 . m 40
7 a. in .....848 p. in ...40
8 a. in SJ 4 p. in 41
0 a. m Sti S p. m 41
10 a. in 8" 6 p. ni 41
11 a. ni 3d 7 p. ni 42
l'i in 3H n p. m 43
ran if mm mm
. S. NAVY!
Year Before Normal Times;
McKel vie Talks Co-Operation
Disappointment Over Failure
of Enemy to Come Out and
Fight Voiced by Head
of Grand Fleet.
.London, Dec. 18. The American
battleship squadron attached to the
British grand fleet displayed a spirit
of true comradeship throughout its
period of service, declared Admiral
Sir David Beatty, the commander-in-chief
of the grand fleet, in a fare
well address on board the U. S. S.
New. York the day the squadron
was detached from the grand fleet.
All hands had been called to muster
on the forecastle to$liear Admiral
Speaks on New York.
After thanking the American of
ficers and men for their co-operation,
Sir David remarked that both
the British and the Americans were
disappointed at not having been
able to meet the German fleet. He
declared that the day the German,
fleet surrendered was "a pitiful day
to "stfe. - Sir Davfd' said lie had al
ways had misgivings that the Ger
mans would never come out for a
finish fight and these misgivings had
been strengthened by the coming
of the American squadron.
"I could not let the Sixth battle
squadron go without coming on
board the New York and saying
something of what I feel at this
moment of your departure," said
Sir David.
Showed True Comradeship.
"The support which you have
shown is that of true comradeship,
and in time of stress that is worth
a very great deal. As somebody
said the other day: 'The fighting
now is over and the talking now is
going to begin.' Therefore, I do not
want to keep you here any longer,
but want to congratulate you for
having been present upon a day un
surpassed in the naval annals of
the world."
Secretary Daniels Tells Gov
ernors Peace Conditions
May Be Long Ways Off;
Must Keep Navy.
Annapolis, Dec. 18. War govern
of the states, before adjourning their
annual conference tonight, inspected
the new superdreadnought, Missis
sippi, anchored in Chesapeake bay.
They made the trip to the big craft
as guests of Secretary Daniels on the
presidential yacht Mayflower. Ear
lier in the day the governors heard
addresses by Mr. Daniels and Secre
tary Lane, who praised President
Wilson for going to Europe.
At the suggestion of Gov. Miliken
of Maine, the executives agreed to
discuss with their respective con
gressional delegations the question
of reimbursement by the federal
government of colleges and univer
sities which suffered heavy loss by
discontinuance of student army
training courses.
Too Many Social Affairs.
Many of the governors expressed !
disappointment that social attairs on
the program had prevented adequate
discussion during the conference of
practical matters of state legislation
and administration.
Alaska will be the meeting place
for another conference of the gov
ernors next summer providing one
half of them can attend, and Thomas
Ruggs, jr., today obtained the prom
ise from Secretary Daniels to pro
vide a ship for the trip. Selection
of the meeting place for the next
annual conference was left to a com
mittee which is to choose either
Alaska or Utah.
A year, possibly two years, will be
required before the nation can re
turn to normal peace conditions
and "we will be fortunate if condi
iions abroad make demobilization
possible at so- early a date." said
Secretary Daniels in his formal ad
dress. Iowa Governor Talks.
The navy,' said the secretary, must
be, increased and strengthened to
enable the United States to con
tribute as many units as any other
nation to an international police
force, but, he added: "I look to
see the peace conference put an end
to competitive big navy building."
Governor-elect J. B. A. Robertson
of Oklahoma expressed the opinion
that the trend of returning soldiers
would be toward cities and that
"not more than 7 per cent of the
men who left the farm will return.'
Gov. W. L. Harding of Iowa also
urged co-operation for marketing.
The "food gambler" must be abol
ished, he said, and an efficient sys
tem of gathering information" on the
production of foodstuffs developed
to guide farmers in determining
when to buy and when to sell.
Governor-Elect of Nebraska
Delivers Address Before
Conference in Balti
more, Md.
Annapolis, Md., Dec. 18. Speak
ing before tb-j conference of gov
ernors here today, Governor-elect
Samuel R. McKelvie of Nebraska
urged farmers to form co-operative
organizations for purchasing and
marketing and for solicitation of
loans at low interest rates.
Co-operation among farmers, he
said, is the safest solution of most
of the rural ecnomic ills.
Mr. McKelvie advocated a gradu
ated tax on land and strict land
lease laws providing for proper cul
tivation and rotation of crops and
shelter for live stock and grain as
the best means of dealing with the
absentee landlord situation.
"Prevention of land monopoly,
adequate land lease laws, rural
school development, proper farm
marketing facilities, formation of
rural credit societies and efficient
administration are the main factors
for consideration in a state agricul
tural policy," said Governor-elect
' Better Control of Land.
"Agriculture is the basis of in
dustry in- Nebraska and factors
which promote agricultural develop
ment radiate for the common good.
Nebraska's remarkable development
in her young life has come about
in spite of a lack of any well-defined
state policy. To correct the mis
takes made in the past and to guide
us in future development are the
two most important needs to be met
by law," the speaker asserted.
"Of the various factors mentioned
for consideration, the ownership and
control of land," Mr. McKelvie said,
"is the foremost corrective- question.
Land policies have been abused. In
order to encourage rapid settlement
in the past, land policies were
shaped which made it easy for all
to obtain a title to land. The home
stead laws, and land grants to rail
roads are examples of the system
followed. Today the most serious
abuse of land is its use for selfish,
speculative or private interests.
Non-Resident Ownership an Evil.
"In Nebraska there are large
tracts owned and controlled by non
residents; practically 50 per cent of
the farmers in the state are tenants.
Mr. McKelvie believes that land
ownership should contemplete home
building, but tenantry discourages
it. Therefore non-resident land
ownership is an evil. Although the
speaker thought it would be a mis
take to apply fully the revolution
ary processes of the single tax as a
solution of the land problem, he
suggested that this problem can be
(Continued on rage Two, Column One.)
Federal Reserve Board An
nounces System by Which
It Hopes to Preserve Sta
bilitay Following War.
Washington, Dec. 18. A new era
in American finance "replete with
new and momentous problems de
manding no less serious considera
tion than those of war," is predict
ed in the December bulletin of the
federal reserve board, made public
Rationing of the financial resourc
es of the country during the transi
tion period not widely differing from
that required when the nation was
at war; aid to foreign governments
through the medium of the banks,
in addition to that which may be re
quired from the American govern
ment; prevention of inflation; limita
tion of industry to "those lines
which may properly be called es
sential," and methods for absorp
tion of war loans were some of the
suggestions made for securing a
sound economic basis for the fu
ture. French People Amazed
at President Wilson's
Disregard of Convention
Paris, Dec. 18. President Wil
son's disregard of convention in
going about the streets unattended
and in using only army automo
biles continues to cause surprise
among the French people. In most
instances the president travels in
cognito, but the populace has no
trouble in identifying him.
One of the matters discussed by
the president today was his pro
posed visit to the devastated regy
ions and battlefields. The presi
dent is said to be viewing the trip
with much expectancy.
Poilu, Minus Feet,
Pushed in Chair by
One-Armed. German
Coblenz, Dec. 18. A concert
every afternoon by an American
army band in the plaza in front
of the government building here,
which is occupied as headquarters
by the Third armyy, is a feature
of the daily life of Coblenz.
There is a hospital nearby
from which recovering soldiers
of different nationalities stroll
to hear the concerts.
Among the auditors at the con
cert Monday was a Frenchman
who had lost both feet as a re
sult of wounds. He was in a roll
ing chair, which was pushed by
a German with one arm.
Berlin, Dec. 18. An indication of
the feeling prevading the congress of
soldiers' and workmen's councils
was given at the session today when
turbulent scenes followed an attack
on Premier Ebert by George Lede
bour, a radical and a leader of the
independent socialists. Ledebour ac
cused Ebert of further counterrevo
lutionary plans and called him a
"shameful smirch on the govern
ment." There were loud protests from all
parts of the chamber and the chair
man called Ledebour to order.
Some delegates demanded that
Ledebour be deprived of the privi
lege of the floor. An uproar for IS
minutes ensued, after which Lede
bour was permitted to continue, but
was warned against slanderous ut
terances. War Minister Resigns.
Copenhagen, Dec. 18. Herr
Landsberg, secretary of publicity in
the German government, has an
nounced that General Schuech, the
Prussian minister of war, had re
signed. ! -
Fortress of Ehrenbreitstein,
Opposite Coblenz, Being
Prepared for Occupation
by U. S. Troops.
Coblenz, Dec. 18. The German
fortress of Ehrenbreitstein, often
called the Gibraltar of the Rhine,
just across the river from Coblenz,
is being prepared for occupation by
the American troops.
Until December 9, the day after
the American advance guard ar
rived in Coblenz, the fortress was
occupied by several regiments of
Germans. Since then the fortress
has been cleaned thoroughly by
German soldiers, assisted by scores
of women.
The fortress and the grounds oc
cupy more than 100 acres on a
rocky promontory, which is 400 feet
above the river.
An American postoflice has been
established in Coblenz. Owing to
the recent fluctuation in the value
of the German mark, only French
and American money is accepted.
The official rate of exchange is 142
marks for 100 francs.
War Department Denies
Promotions to Officers
Washington, Dec. 18. Secretary
Baker said today that the War de
partment is pursuing a fixed policy
in denying all promotions to officers
on active service. .The blanket or
der of November 11, cutting off pro
motions both in the home forces
and overseas, he indicated, will not
be modified and the only way in
which officers who have been recom
mended for promotion can attain
the advanced rank is through the
inactive list of the officers' reserve
I Slav Nation's Pitiful Plight
j Due to Exhaustion from
I War, Says Envoy in
Appeal for Help.
New York, Dec. 18. Estimating
Russian casualties in the world war
at "not less than 8,000,000 men, of
whom 3,000,000 were killed and about
1.000,000 disabled for life," A. J.
Sack, director of the Russian infor
mation bureau, declared in an ad
dress before the Foreign Commerce
club here today that "Russia's pres
sent pitiful condition is due to her
exhaustion from war."
"She is lying in seas of blood and
tears." he continued "and further,
millions of her people are facing
death, this time from starvation.
About 20,000,000 Russians will die
this winter unless the allied coun
tries render the unfortunate country
immediate help on a generous scale.
Sacrifices Tremendous.
"Russia has sacrificed millions of
her sons and all her happiness to
make the triumph of the allied cause
possble and at this solemn moment
of victory the thought of the demo
cratic nations should be devoted to
Russia and they should not feel any
right to joy and happiness until Rus
sia is made again great, free and
"After the Bolshevist tyranny is
crushed and civic rights are re-established
the Russian people will
again call a constituent assembly on
the basis of universal, direct, equal
and secret suffrage, and the assem
bly will define the constitution of the
state and will solve Russia's main
social prtoblems."
Allies Thanked For Action.
Washington, Dec. 18. Formal
thanks of the all-Russian govern
ment at Omsk to the victorious as
sociated nations for their action in
requiring Germany to evacuate Rus
sian territory, is expressed in a
cablegram received at the Russian
embassy today from the acting min
ister of foreign affairs at Omsk for
transmission to the State depart
ment. After voicing regret that Russia
was uriable to continue in the war to
the end the cablegram says the
Omsk government will accept with
gratitude any assistance the allies
will give in the regeneration of Rus
sia and declares that Russia should
not and shall not remain in her
present state, which "threatens the
world with new and great commotions."
Wilson to Attend Reception
Given to Joffre by Institute
Paris, Dec. 18. President Wilson
had a talk today with Gabriel Hano
taux, formerly French foreign min
ister, regarding the arrangements
for the reception to be given by
the French institute tomorrow to
Marshal Joffre. President Wilson
will attend this function. He is a
foreign honorary member of the in
stitute. M. Hanotaux is Marshal
Joffre's sponsor before the body.
"We talked no politics," said M.
Hanotaux this afternoon. "I do not
meddle with politics any more."
American Warship to Join
British Fleet in Baltic
Paris, Dec. 18. An American war-
snip was oruerea roaay to xne nai
tic to participate with the British
fleet in reooeninar those waters, ore-
serving order and maintaining the
international character of the dem
onstration. Senate Votes for 10
Per Cent Tax on Profits
Made from Child Labor
Washington, Dec. 18. Adoption
of a committee amendment im
posing a 10 per cent tax on profits
from child labor products enter
ing interstate commerce was the
only action by the senate today on
the war revenue bill. The vote on
the amendment was 50 to 12 with
democrats casting all the negative
Debate on this contested pro
vision and two hours' unexpected
discussion of other subjects de
layed progress on the bill, but
leaders still hope for its passage
before next Monday with a view to
securing an extended recess over
the holidays.
The child labor amendment,
drafted Jointly by Senators Pom
erene of Ohio, Lenroot of Wis
consin and Kenyon of Iowa, is
designed to replace the child labor
law declared unconstitutional by
the supreme court. Senators
Hardwick of Georgia and Over
man of North Carolina led the
fight on it
U. S. Delegates Advocate
Sinking Enemy Warships
England Acquiesces in Plan
But Some Lesser Powers
May Demand Distri
bution of Prizes.
Paris, Dec. 18. The American
delegates to the peace congress have
resolved to advocate the sinking of
the surrendered enemy warships and
resist any proposition to distribute
them on the basis of naval losses.
This announcement is made by those
in close touch with the American
representatives, who it is added, feel
that such a position would result in
avoiding contention and materially
support President Wilson's declara
tion that the war was not based on
aggression or the acquisition of
England, through Sir Eric Geddes,
first lord of the admiralty, had pre
viously acquiesced in the American
plan to destroy the captured or sur
rendered warships, and it is declared,
will continue to support the United
States although it is expected sonic
of the lesser naval powers will de
mand that the prizes be distributed.
Indicator on Headquarters
Building Arouses Much In
terest; $30,000 Mark
Passed Wednesday.
A score of minor collisions and
wrecks and a few mud-bespattered
suits and coats are incidental to the
30,000 mark registered by the huge
thermometer outside Red Cross
A letter written from "Some
where in France," dated Oc
tober 29, to the division roaster
mechanic of the Union Pacific at
Grand Island, whom the writer
addresses as "Dear Bill." is a
strong endorsement to the Red
Cross. The letter is as follows:
"Bill, any time the Red Cross
tries to get anything, go as
strong as you can yourself and
urge your friends to do like
wise. That is the organization
that is really doing the good
and great work over here.
"The Red Cross workers are all
girls and young women of means
who have given up home and all
it implies to come over here and
do their bit, and they certainly
do it with a grace. Open day
and night and they never meet
nor leave a soldier except with a
smile, and while he is in the can
teen they try to fill his stomach
for him. If he has the money to
pay for it, all right, but if not,
he gets it just the same.
"They know no race, color or
creed and play no favorites and
there is not a man in the A. E. F.
that won't go to hell for them."
Christmas Roll Call membership
headquarters at Sixteenth and Far
nam, late Wednesday afternoon.
The mishaps occurred because
everyone in the vicinity was watch
ing a man on the top of the United
States National bank building as he
tried to manipulate the rope which
drew the indicator upward to the
desired goal, 40,000, instead of
watching their step or passing au
tomobiles. "If everybody is going to watch
the thermometer instead of looking
where they are going, you'll have
to change those figures in the wee,
small hours of the morning," the
traffic officer threatened.
Added thrills were registered
when the rope broke as the indicator
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Three.)
His Suggestion Is Welcomed
by British Government;
Will Make .Trip to
Rome in January.
London, Dec. 18. President Wil
son is expected in England Decem
ber. It is on the president's own sug
gestion that he is coming to Eng
land next week. A communication
to that effect was received by the
British government this morning. A
reply was sent to the president, wel
coming the suggestion.
As a result it will not be neces
sary for Premier Lloyd George and
Mr. Balfour to go to Paris, as it is
expected that the conferences be
tween the president and the Brit
ish statesmen preliminary to the
inter-allied conference in Paris can
be completed during the president's
stay here.
To Visit Italy in January.
Paris. Dec. 18. Unless the inter
view arranged between the president
and the Italian king tomorrow
causes a change in the program, the
president will visit Italy about the
middle of January.
The papal letter presented to
President Wilson today by Mon
signor Cerretti, the papal under-sec-
retry of state, pleaded for assis
tance on behalf of small oppressed
nationalities, especially Armenia and
Poland. The pone's letter also ex
pressed the hope of a just and dur
able peace being reached through
enlightened action.
Pope Benedict also spoke in be
half of the new countries arising
from the partition of the dual mon
archy, mentioning especially Bo
hemia. The pontiff asked President
Wilson to help those countries to
realize their ambitions regardless of
race and religion.
Marshal Foch Wears
Old Uniform in Call
on President Wilson
Paris, Dec". 18. All Paris was
talking todayof the call paid
President Wilson by Marshal
Foch yesterday. The great
strategist was expected to ap
pear in full diess uniform and
wearing his decorations. On the
contrary, he appeared in a much
vorn blue uniform, adorned oy
none of his decorations and wear
ing an old for.'.ge cap.
Marshal Foch told the presi
dent that his visit to Francs paid
thai country the greatest honor
Wilson Sees Reciprocal
Feeling in Eyes of French
President Delighted With His
Reception in Paris, He Says,
Because of Its Thought
ful Background. ,
Paris, Dec. 18. President Wilson
gave his personal impressions today
at a meeting with the representa
tives of the American press of his
experiences thus far in France. At
the same time announcement was
made that the members of the
American commission to negotiate
peace would meet daily with the
press. The president, in response
to a suggestion, said:
"I have been asked to say a few
words in regard to my reception
here. The reception was so tre
mendous that I do not know what
to say. I was delighted with it, but
I was delighted for a special rea
son, which is not personal.
"I was saying to several of our
French friends that I understood
it because I saw in the eyes of the
crowd just the feeling that I had
for them and was aware that it was
but a sort of reciprocal feeling. But
they moved me very much because
that, of course, meant more than
mere generous cordiality on the
part of these delightful people. It
meant a thoughtful background to
the thing which was very welcome,
and to come into that sort of feel
ing in this wonderfully beautiful
city made a combination of emo
tions that one would not have
more than once in a life time. This
is as well as I can put it, off hand."
The Bee Free Shoe Fund
"Heart of the World"
This coupon when accompanied by one paid ticket is good for an additional
reserved seat at any performance, matinee or evening, of this the 6th and last
week of "Hearts of the World" at the BRANDEIS THEATER.
Good in exchanft for either SOc, 78c, $1.00 or $1.50 Seats.
Delegates Expected to Enter
Conference in Spirit of Ac?
commodation; No One
Nation to Be Master. ;
By Associated Press.
Paris, Dec. 18. After four days
of gathering views of leaders in
France, President Wilson's closest
advisers say be has seen no reason
to change his belief that the founda
tion of a league of nations is in
separable from the actual peace
treaty itself.
These advisers say that the pres
ident in explaining his definition of
"the freedom of the seas," will re
assure Premier Lloyd George that
he has no intention of demanding a
reduction of the British navy to a
point involving the unsafely of the
empire, but will emphasize his feel
ing that the plan of a league will
strengthen the empire.
Friendly. Toward Italy.
King Victor Emmanuel, who is ex
pected to arrive on Thursday, al
ready has been fully advised of the
president's plans through conferenc
es with Count Di Cellere, Italian
ambassador to the United States, but
the president will take the oppor
tunity to make personal explana
tions to the king and also to make
clear Ins friendliness toward Italy.
The hope is expressed by those
surrounding the president that the
exchanges of views will clear away
all partial misunderstandings whuch
may exist in regard to Mr. Wilson's'
attitude and prepare the way for the
assemblage of the conference with
complexities removed, so that it will
be ready to deal with principles and
any outstanding differences of opin
ion that remain.
In all his conferences the president
has taken opportunity to impress
his views, it is said by those who
are authorized to speak for him,
that no one nation is entitled to as
sume the role of master, or dictate
representation of others.
Americans See Way Clearly.
There is some indication that
headway is being made in this di
rection and that the members of the
nierican mission are now seeing
their way clearly. All express the
conviction that delegates will enter
the conference in a spirit of accomo
dation. Some undercurrents are inter
preted as showing indications of re
gret because the acceptance of
President Wilson's points in a' gen
eral way prevented some nations
from achieving their own objects
which might have been gained if
Germany's collapse had been made
even more complete. In reply, it
has been made plain to those with
whom the president conferred that
the United States government does'
not consider the war a victory
of arms alone and that victory
would be incomplete without art or
ganization of nations to guarant.e
worm peace.
Statement by President. --
President Wilson this afternoon
. i-- rti .
"The Paris Edition of the Chicazo
Tribune this morning, in a dispatch
accredited to its correspondent at
Washington, declared that before
leaving for France I gave assurance
that I approved of a plan formulated
by the League to Enforce Peace.
This statement is entirely false.
"I ?.m, as everyone knows, not
(Continued on Paice Two, Column Two.)
Casualties in Air Raids
at Paris During Last 10
Months ofWar, 1,211
Paris, Dec. 18. Figures are no
made public for the first time re
garding the number of persons
killed during German air raids and
I .1- - I rrt
uyy me long-iange cannon, inese
statistics relate to the city of Paris
only and not to the suburbs.
In 1914, 45 bombs were dropped.
In 1915. 70 bombs. 62 of them on
March 0, fell on the citv. In 1916
the enemy employed 61 bombs
against Paris and in 1917. 11.
During the last 10 months of the
war there were 1,211 casualties from
396 bombs.
Airplanes and Zeppelins dropped
228 bombs August 6. killing two
persons and injuring 392. The long
range cannon fired 168 shells in
Paris, killing 190 and wounding 417.
On last Good Friday more than Iff
persons were killed. . .