Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    ,". . , . , , . , . .
7 irL, TnG
8 More Bgk
v''JIte ShoppingDays R&ft ,
Till Xmas P$t -
OLW Don't delay four shopping
'n any ln2er You will .have, bet- n Wi f
VvW tion now before the final rush. TxHf
fY ter atenton an tter selec- Y'$?fj
m am w i k m : m
I f'WJ fffore Open Till 9 O'clock Every Evening Until Xmas
: V N - i
I 1 1 i - SC. : : : : v
HERE in this great store are immense assortments of Christmas Merchandise, including almost everything for
everybody as well as hundreds of things for the home. And all are ready for instant selection all so attrac
tively displayed so well arranged, and so favorably priced, due to early preparations, that Christmas shopping can
be begun and completed here without once leaving this great domain. Let this store be of all the assistance it can
to you in . your Christmas shopping plans. y '
A beautiful line of boxes, filled with the finest
Chocolates, Bon Bona and Fruits, at 60e per lb.
to 1.00 and 1.2S per box.
2 pounds, 1.50
3 pounds, 2.50
5 pound, 4.00
All styles of fancy satin boxes to choose from
The Recognized Center for
Gifts to a Man
THERE is a certain assurance which accompanies
ft gift selected and sent from nhs Store for
Men," which men as well as women, will be glad
to have attached to their Christmas gifts. All
the small impersonal things, as well as the larger,
more intimately appreciated articles, like Loung
ing Robes end Shooting Coats, may be found fn
interesting assortment now.
2.00 Linen Dresser Sets, at 1.69
Neatly Boxed Ready for Gift Giving
Sets of one Scarf and Pin Cushion Top to match, embroidered in neat designs
scalloped edge, trimmed with ribbon, in pretty colorings of blue, pink or yellow, a
very acceptable gift. Special Monday only, set, 1.69
TABLE Cloths, made of fine ' c fPlIPli T
Quality Irish damask, all , - - HLJBf 1 U
very pretty patterns, m the
hemstitched or scalloped ends.
Each ... 2.98
LUNCH Cloths, made of a
fine embroidery cloth, trim
med with lace all around, and
lace insertion center, in the
round size. Special at 1.50
AMASK,-iull bleached Irish
linen in a range of beau
tiful patterns, 2 yards wide.
A Xmas special, per yard, 2.75
BEAUTIFUL filet lace Tea
Cloths, patterns copied
, from the Italian filet, in the 36
inch size. Monday only, each
Special Sale of Filet Lace Scarfs
Ideal for gift purposes, very elaborate designs, choice of 3 sizes
Size 18x36 f AO I Sixe ,18x45 Q (Q I Sixe 18x54
Inch. HS Inche. 0.90 lVi
Special at UJU Special at W I Special at
Main Floor.
and Jewelry
For Christmas
. Women's Bracelet Watches
Very small IOI2 . Ligne Ladies'
Bracelet Watch, 10-year gold filled
case, 7-jeweled movement, either
ribbon or gold flexible bracelet.
Special at 8.98
A smaller Ladies' Bracelet Watch, 9U-
ligne, IB-jewel nicker lever movement,
Guaranteed 20-year gold-filled case, plain
or engraved and either ribbon or a gold-
filled flexible bracelet, axcepnonai vaiuo
Men's Wrist
Men's 7-jewel nickel
lever movement, Radio
lite dial, nickel case, a
small, (rood lookincr
watch ,on a Kitchener
strap; regular
sale price,
, 6.98
Men's Elgin
15-jewel move
ment, guaran
teed, 12 -size,
open face, 20
year gold-filled
case. ' liegular
22.50 value; sale
otice, .500
v Jewelry Specials
Solid Gold Lavalliere, very pretty pen
dants on a solid gold chain. Special, 2.98
Solid Gold Brooches,
put up in satin-.,
lined case. Sale
price, 1.98
Solid Gold Knives,
set with small genu
ine chip diamonds,
bail for chain. Spe
cial at 4.80
Solid Gold Tie
Clasps, beautiful de
jigns, engraved and
engine .turned,, in
velvet-lined ease.
Special, ; . . 150
Solid Gold Earrings,
finest Oriental but
ton 'pearl. . Sals
price, 1.98
Mala Floor
Gloves .
for Women's Gifts
woman ever has too
many pairs of Gloves, and es
pecially when you buy Perrin's
Gloves you give a gift exquis
ite. Our stocks of
Perrin's Kid Gloves
are altogether 'complete in all
the wanted styles and colors.
We have plenty of
Browns and Grays,
in addition to a full 1 stock' of
Black and White,
as well as white Gloves- with
black backs and black Gloves
with white backs and various
other shades.
Naturally, all Perrin's Gloves
are guaranteed by the makers
and by us to be perfect.
They are priced as low and
in many instances lower than
ordinary Gloves, and while our
present supply lasts, we are of
fering them at
2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25
and 3.50 a Pair.
Main Floor
Mens i Sillc
. The Shirts we are offering
were purchased months ago,
insuring big value, good quality
sndelialBle workmanship. 11
At 7.50 to 12.50
We are showing fhirts from
the best makers, in beautiful
Hpsiima and colors and in silk
crepes. Jersey silks, silk broad
cloths and tnglisn muii suks.
Imported Silk Neckwear
at 1.50 and 1.98
Heavy silk taffeta and Italian
silks in narrow and wide flow
ing. 'ends.
Silk Four-in-hand
Scarfs at 1.00
In neat effects, in striped and
phun shades, also Persian de
signs in targe, iiowing enas.
Floor Men's Building
Santa Claus is here. Bring
the Little Folks to see him in his l:.ttle house.
It's only a few days before Christmas and every
thing is astir in Toyland even unto the smallest of baby
dolls and the biggest of automobiles. Those who have
some youngster's happiness at heart are going to choose
The Big Yankee Can
non that shoots the kaiser
is making an awful hit and
Mr. Kaiser goes kerplunk
when you shoot him with
one of these 9-inch pro
jectiles, price - 3.00
White Enameled Beds,
Dressers, Chiffoniers,
China Cabinets, . Chairs
and Bureaus, 1.50 to 15.00
The Erector Counter
still holds the attention of
the boys. Erector Sets
.; 1.00 to 25.00
. Children's Kindergarten
Beads 25c, 50c ansj 1.00
Color Cubes for making
designs, 25c, 50c and 1.00
, : - ,
Schenhat Big Jtfunting
Game, shoots rubber balls
at lions, tigers, etc., at 75c
. Wonder Blocks
Introducing Dickey Dees and
Dickey Dums, Daddy Deedle
Dum, Bennie Deedle Dam, Ma
Deedle Dam. The Dickey Dp es
snd Deedle Dums don't sit
around Snd suck their thumbs,
Na, Na, they give in. endless
measure the best and .biggest
sort of pleasure? Prices of
Deedle Dum Blocks 1.2S
Very Special!
Christmas Gift Offerings
Feature sales for Monday, in which
the quantities are limited as stated,
and on sale while the lots last.
250 Fancy
Direct Japan importations
finished in French bronze
on sale
At 98c
12 inches tall sell regu
larly at 2.00 an unusual
Christmas item early at
tendance vMonday is urged.
Main Flor.
Overseas and Knit Caps
30 Dozen While the Lot Lasts
mHE Overseas Caps'!
x are oi meuium
weight, regular khaki
cloth, regulation style;
sizes 6 to 7Vt, some
with finished bands that
will turn down over
the ears; values to 51. J
IV all the
Caps in
colors in good, heavy,
serviceable styles; col
ors both solid and com
bination; values to
Second Floor Millinery Department
About 400 Well Fitting
Silk Petticoats.
Made of excellent quality Taffeta S,ilk, Silk Jer
sey and Jersey tops on Messaline bottoms, etc.
At 9.00
.Values to 6.50 and a
great many worth con
siderably more. They
comprise, samples and
offerings from our own
s Choice of a variety of
pretty styles in vspous col
ors. On sale Monday, as long
af the lot lasts.
18-Piece Indian Cut-Out
On sale Monday as long
as the lot lasts.
Toy Dept. Downstair
We place on sale about 1,500
of these highly lithographic J
cut-oat outfits at a ridiculously
low price.
1 I X . V Basement " I -
n whim i m ii"in-Trn--Mn--iir i i -- i n -n urm 1 1 1
, ' Here js a cut-out outfit tha every child will find"
hours of pleasure in. This interesting and educa
tional cut-out gatne is equal to any 25c outfit.
v. Just as illustrated here, consists of 12-inch high
s Indian tepees, decorated beautifully, with three
wooden poles, 14 realistically colored Indians, 'ani
malsetc. Basement '
Women's Thread Silk Hose, 2.00
Stockings Unapproached in Beauty and Service Caving Quality
Every pair with wide lisle tops, full fashioned and
extra splicing in heels and toes, and lisle soles A wide
variety of hard-to-match shoe shades as well as black and
more staple colors.
WOMEN'S Silk Hose in
all colors and stripes,
fashioned and seamless. A
3plendid assortment and any
size wanted 1.00
WOMEN'S Lace Clocked
Hose, black, white,
gray, brown. These are all
silk with the lace Paris clock,
per pair at 1.95
1 Misses' and Children's Ribbed Silk Hosiery
in black, pink, sky and wmte ; all silk, heavy quality. The Own Osborne
Brand, no finer silk to be had for children
-At 79c, 1.5CU.95
OMEN'S Thread Silk
and Fiber Hose " in
grays, browns, champaign,
pink, black and white ; seam
less, spliced feet and garter
tops, per pair at 79c
OMEN'S All Over Lace
and Lace Boots, all
silk Hosiery in the much
wanted shades, at 3.75
Art Goods
A delightful line of silk
brocade and silk and gold
lace trimmed novelties
something different for
gifts i
Hair Pin Boxes, 2.75.
Larger Hair Pin Boxes,
Smelling Salts Bottles.
Pin Cushions, 1.75.
Powder Boxes, 5.00. '
Small Trays, 2.50.
Medium Trays, 3.50.
Large Trays, 4.75.
Handkerchief and Glove
Boxes, 6.50 Each.
Hand Mirrors, 7.50.
Boudoir Lamp, 9.00.
Brocade Picture Frames,
Handkerchief and i Glove
Boxes, 2.50.
Trays, 90c.
Smelling Salts, 1.25.
Pin Cushions, 1.00.
Powder Box, 2.75.
Hair Pin Boxes, 1.00.
Larger Hair Pin Boxes,
Third Floor.
: J,E
rVa rgstr ixmw-s
New Arrivals in Charming
5.95 to 15.00
There are many new styles among which are the J
a iv(tuvu muucii iiauu cmuiuiucicu 1 1 1 1 ii i rr i ?. ritw au
frill collars, new braided models. ' Jf
, err- -
They come in the new pastel colors, peacli tearose, fv
new green, maize, coral, flesh, white and overseas blue.
A Christmas Bo Given Upon Request
Second Floor
Make It an Electric Gift
Choosing From Our Varied Stocks
Practical electric articles for cooking, for house
work and personal usage being used more and more
11 i m mm
ana xney are sure to oe welcomed by every woman.
"Universal" Electric
Grills, round and oblong
patterns, . 7.00, 8.00 9.00
"Universal" Electric
Coffee Percolators, a vari
ety of sizes, priced up
from , 11.75
Electric Tea Samovars,
priced up from j 11.50
Electric Chafing Dishes,
priced ip from 12.00
"Universal" sElectric
irons 6.35
National Vacuum Elec
tric Washing Machines,
durable, light and easy to
handle. Has swinging
wringer, price 85.00
Torrington Electric Vac
uum Cleaners. The strong
suction gets the dust and a
real carpet sweeper brush
gets the surface threads,
priced 35.00
y If You Want to See
Mother's Best Smile,
Have a
in the kitchen when she
comes down Christmas morn
ing. A kitchen cabinet that
makes housework so much
easier and adds to the pleas
ure of getting those fine hol
iday meals for the family.
The very best Is sold at the
old price of . - 39.50
And there is a Napanee
priced as loW as 27.50
A Vietor
for Christmas x
A Big Gift at !
Little Expense
A demonstration will
prove to you what a big
gift the
Victrola -
will be for your family.
Our easy terms will
prove how little the ex
pense of getting one in
time for Christmas.
Pompeian Room
Blouses of Georgette Crepe f
Come to Freshen the Xmas Assortments jt
An exceptional collection of Blouses for Xmas gift ffC '
giving, which any particular woman can view with profit efi !
at these prices. '. ' ' 'j! ;