. THE QMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 15, 1918. 15 A AUTOMOBILES. AUTO EXCHANGE CO.. . 1011 FARNAM. For th rt of this month w arc going to offer our can at bargain prices In order to greatly reduce our stock y n iirei or In year. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT, r . . aiu.i m mm can Dave Deen com pletely overhauled and put In tooc? np mreugnoui an our own shops. They are all aa near mechanically Der- feet as Is poaslble to put them In. Nev er oetore nave we had euch a won. derful aasortment of food used cars. Hudson-Super-Six Cabriolet, like newt e aife 7-paasnger sedan, a very classy siosea car, reasonable, Packard Six Tour., newly painted, $750. Olds Touring, a dandy little car, f 550. Dodg Touring, newly painted, rood Urea, 1500 Saxon Six, nearly new $500 Saxon Six, 1116 model $400 Overland Roadster model T5-B $375 Overland Touring, electrlo lights and tarter $27$ tudebaker Cabriolet $I7 Maxwell 'Cabriolet $12$ tudebaker Roadster, 111$ Jlodel.Jlll ,lItrloi Touring $100 Ford Specials Ford Ford ltd an, equipped with eleotrio tarter, demountable rtm and lota of ther extras $$$$ 1115 $$71 $150 ..$150 AUTOMOBILES. COMMERCIAL GUIDE TTStffi PAP PADnATVC -nnunn, o representalive flf the hou.e. 0maha Grant .ix. mi '. Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the Jl,tttf list below. 434 Fora, im Jone six, 60 h. p., new c; 1.600 KNUDSEN AUTO CO., Doug. 6531. 1107 Farnam. Ford Touring, HIT. Ilk new Ford Boaastsr, ltll , Ford Touring, If II, Ford Roadster, ., Ford Touring, thoroughly over hauled, repainted and new top ..$150 Ford Touring Order la good runnnlng .$17$ If you are dissatisfied with your old sr, trad It to us for on yon can us. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., 1081 FARNAM. , , USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omsha. Neb. LATE .MODEL Ford founnff Car; de mountable riins; practically six new tires (all non-skid); chains; Klaxon horn; 18-Inch steering wheel; seat rov,era; full mohair top; spot light: clock; speedom eter; shock absorbers; tool box; full set tools. A Bargain. Call Mr. Campbell. Room 238. Sanford Hotel, Sunday. STEARNSNIGHf Seven-passenger STEARNS-KNIGHT with touring body and beautiful limou sine body made by Kimball. The entire outfit will be sold (or one-half the cost of the limousine body. Apply Fay Rogers. Supply Department, Woodmen of the World Phone loinrlas 5?n You can depend upon excellent service and values. Automobiles. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. 10th and How- ary. Doug. 3500. ord cars and repair. Authorixed agents for Ford cars. 11 ' INT Y R E -H A Y W A RD MOTOR-CO.. , :4:'7 Furnam. Douglas 2406. Stearns-Kntghtand Regal cars. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt. Tyler 61S. 100 per cent Ford aerv- ice to i' ord owners. Electrical Goods. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair worleMnd contracting com pany In the middle west. Hardware. AMERICAN STATE BANK, lsth and Far- num. jead Block Thone Tyler 80. I A.. Auto Painting. ROESSIO. W. F.. 144 S. 40th. Har. 1448 We make old autos look like new ones ckjk BALE. Two-ton truck; r.erfect con dition: priced right; reason for selling, moving away. Address Box Y-2C3 Oma ha Bee. ' AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia atorage batteries. Edwards 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. GLOBE VAN AND 8tORAGE6""wlfi store your auto. Rates for Ford cam, $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month. Douglas 4338. ONE 1917 Overland Touring car In per fect condition. Owner leaving Icty; no reasonable offer refused. Phone Harney 6067. FOR BALE On Ford touring car In good shape at reasonable price. Call Ben son 808J. Auto Repairs. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 1)0 S. 11th. D. 4881 Automile work. cyl. bor ing, pistons fitted, auto parts mad to order. BERTSCHY MFG. & ENGINEERING CO., S E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts., old parts made new, new parts mnde, Ino. D. 2552. Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO., 151$ Davenport , St. pnuglas 2914. Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS F., 231 S Harney. Doug las 2786, Satisfaction guaranteed. The best is none too good. Attorneys. FISHER. II.. 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg I. 19116 Attorney and counsellor at law. GRAY & BRUMBAUGH. 313-14 Omaha Nat Hank Bldg Red 3157 General prac tlce In state and federal courts. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE & AB STRACT CO.. 1714 Farnam St. Douglas 265. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED- -Anu. quick action; no delay. Auto Exchanee Cn lot . a. n . - , " V. BVtl. CADILLAC $1917 Model touring; a ba'r- sm lor quick sale; car at 6614 Flor ence Blvd. OOOD USED CARS. ' OUT L. SMITH, 16th and Farnsm Htm n.n-u. Xjaj. 1J I "' SPLENDID good Ford touring car; owner oanng eny; want offer. Call Harney 4501, WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1JP Farnam. Harney 414 QUALITY rrsirn r'ni VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., I4 LEAVENWORTH 8T. HAVE ten new S-passenger roadsters. resuiar price tuoo. sals price 1950. Call Tyler 1868. SCRIPPS-BOOTH demonstrator at hr. gain. Phone Tyler 1368. .S514 Farn.m FORD Coupe. 1917; excellent condition. Walnut 3888. KNOWLEDGE In the Valu of Used ear put u In l place where w can save yon money and glv yon mors valu In used cars then any on else. New 1(1$ Bulck Six Touring $1,450 New 1(18 Bulck Six Roadster 1,400 New 1(18 Oldsmobll Eight Tour ing V... New 1(1$ Chalmer Sedan , New 1(18 Maxwell, Touring. New 1(1( ChevenJlet . 1(17 Hudson Speedster 117 Hudson SurJjr-etg 1,100 1917 Liberty Six .1., (00 1917 Bulck Touring '1(17 Patterson Six 1(18 Overland Chummy 1(17 Overland Chummy...'....... 1(1$ Overland 81 Tires and Supplies. AUTO TIRES AND TUBES 3,500-Mile GUARANTEE ! ' We have a supply of good $.500 miles guaranteed auto tire for sale at ex tsemely low prices. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. Capitol Ave., 12tb to 13th St. Doug 2123 Snow White bakery. Mfra. of crackers, cakes and cookie. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Doug. 295. 14th and Jackson. FORD TRANSFERCO., 817 Douglas Tyler 8. "Always at your service.'1 at Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE, WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boiler tanks, smokestacks; oxy-acetylene weld. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N. St. Doug. 8903. W. W. Richardson, 11th Pres. Cash Registers. MOKR1L CASH AND CREDIT RlsiGlS- ISTER CO.. 219-221 City Nfit'l Bank Bldg. Douglat 4403. E. W. Hart, Pre. Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER WALL PAPER CO. 1414 Harney. Phone Douglas 930. Wall paper and In terior decorations. Wholesale and retail. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Chiropractors, 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental BIk. : new location, 494-496 Brandels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter D. 6T381. FORD SIZES 80x$, plain SOxlH, plain 10x3, non-skid .... $0x8 ft, non-skid .. 80x8 Gray Tub ... 80x3 H Oray Tub ,30x$ Red Tub .... 30x3 H Red Tub . ..$12.50, :.$16.40 ..$13.10 ..$16.80 ...$2.30 ...$2.65 ...$2.55 ...$3.15 I 1,400 1,400 (00 47$ 1,660 Th only plae In town whr you can buy an automobile with a THREE-DAT GUARANTEE. Tour money back If not xactly as REPRESENTED. AUTO CLEARING ' HOUSE. 1038 Farnam St. Cougla 818$. XM AS BARGAINS. Frsaent yourself with a used car for Christmas. Now 1 th Mm to buy. Price out tbl week to clean up our stock. Any Ford on our floor at In. vole. All our Ford ar 1(17 and 1(18 nodal and good a new. No' Junk; no rebuilt car, and remember they art ailing at COST TO US this week. Can with starter away under th money this week. Our turn ar cash. New Nash Tourlffg. Nw Chevrolet Touring $57$ 1(17 Dodge Touring, llkfntw 100 1(17 Bulck Six Roadster 710 KIT Chevrolet Touring, dandy. 800 1(17 Allen Touring, bargain at...... 425 1(17 Chalmers Six Roadater 600 1(17 Empire Chummy 450 1916 Maxwell Touring, A-l shap.. 220 191$ Bulck. C H. new tins 810 And many ether. Money back If not satisfied after 84 noun trial Open to day t to t. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 181$ Farnan Dougla $070. DART TRUCKS ONE, TWO AND THREE AND v ONE-HALF TON MODELS EQUIPPTSn WITH BUDA MOTORS AND TIMKKN AXLES AND BEAR. INGS; ALSO WORM DRIVE. W ar lllng out our truck itock at Wholeeale price. VICTOR MOTOR CO. Doug. 14$$. 851$ Farnam St SEETHE USED CARS AT - GUY L. SMITH'S TOTTRINO CARS AND SEDANS. ' HUDSON SUPER-SIX - v . Dodge . Maxwell v Stearns "iV Peerless - . 2563 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 1(70. BARGAINS IN USED CARS ; . McCaffrey Motor Co ; 15 th M Jack, rord Agent. ' P. tin. Can furnish you all other sizes, in both tires and tubes. FARMERS' UNION STATE EXCHANGE, 11TH ST. VIADUCT.' SAVE 40 PER CENT ON TOUR TIRES. HAVH THEM REBUILT. 8,00$ MIXES GUARANTEE. 30x8 .. lox$ H 33x4 ., Non Plain. Skid. ..$ 8.00 $10.00 .. 10.00 12.60 ., 1S.00 17.60 AGENTS WANTED. TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING. DOUGLAS TUIE VULCANIZING New Location, 2657 Farnam 8t. CO. TIRES ONE-HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED 8,000 MILES. X 7 6080xS $ $.$$. 83x34 10.26$tx4 11,7$ $8x4 11.5034x4 18.00 We furnish th old tires. Agent wanted. - 8 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT, 1516 Davenport Street BARGAINS IN USED TIRES 10x$ $6.60 30x3 $ 7.00 11x4 $9.00 34x4 $1100 Shipped subject to examination on deposit of $1. Save 15 to 60 per cent or, re built nd new tires. Write for price. OMAHA RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS. 181 Cuming. 2064 Farnam. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANT. 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 8S6. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BTRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO.. 9th and Howard Sts, Douglas 206, Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and stnple Dry Goods PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazlnea. We collect. We distribute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new home 11111 1112-1114 Dndye St. WRITE A SONG Any subject. I compose muslo and guarantee free publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin, 637 Reaper Block, Chicago. POULTRY AND PET STOCK HEALTHY HENS are producers and profit payers. Weak, sickly birds are a constant source of loss. Pratt's Poultry Regulator, the natural tonic and condi tioner, makes and keeps poultry healthy, makes hen lay. It Is especially help ful during this trying season of the year. Prevents roup and colds by oc casionally using Pratt's Roup Remedy. These troubles cut down egg production, reduce profits. Both preparations guar anteed satisfactory or money refunded. Sold by first-class dealers sverywhere. GOLDEN EGGS; GET THEM! ' Egg prices were never so high. Make your hens, every one, lay steadily now. Have plenty of eggs to eat and sell. Get your share of the golden harvest Pratt's Poultry Regulator "makes bens lay." Guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. Not a severe stimu lant, but a natural tonic and general conditioner. Begin using It today. Speed up Vour hens and get the profits while conditions are favorable. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere. WANTED Baby chicks, all breeds, for coming season; will take 10,000 or any ' part therof, per month. Give fullest particulars to T. J. 808 South Logan, Denver, iver, yolo. roup, lolds. FOR roup, tolds, oanker, sore head, bowel trouble, limber neck, etc., use Oer- moxone, always dependable. At any drug or seed stores. FINE male pups, 7 weeks old, cheap to good party. Walnut 2832. NEW TIRES ON SALE. FIRESTONE, CONGRESS, M'GRAW. LEE. FISK. WRITE TOR PRICES. MENTION SIZES. KRAMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. GAIN more nllle for leas money. Riv tread your tread-worn tire by O. and O. Tire Co, 141$ Leavenworth. Tyler li$l-W. BUT Lee puncture-projf pneumatic tire and eliminate your tire trouble. Powell 8upply Co., 1061 Farnam St USED tires, first-class condition, $5 to' $15. Sent on approvaL Duplex Tire Co.. 116 S. 17th St FORD light delivery. der; will sell cheap. good running H. 6785, FOR 8ALE Electric coupe In good con dltlon. Reasonable price.' Harney 106. Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS Wracked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators; New Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS, HIS Cuming. 21)64 Farnam. EXPERT radlatora, fenders and suto bodies; repairing at reasonable prices. Prompt attention given to garage work; ship your radiator direct to ua NEBRASKA 8ERVICB GARAGE. 1104 North 18th. 818 S. 19th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine, victor H. Roo. th Motorycl Man. 27ib and Leavenworth. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without . surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H Wray. SO Bee Bldg LIVE 'STOCK-oVEHICLES. For Sale. MILK GOATS A limited number of high grade Swiss goats for sale. To be fresh In spring, gentle, broken, to milk. Stamp for bill description. H. F. Bud, Long Pine. Neb. WILL SACRIFICE 6-year-old 3.000-podnd matched - team, also -heavy set double harness; urtable to car for them. il:t Mason street. Best Medicine for chickens, Germoxone, at most dealers, or 1116 Harney. PETERSON & MICIIELSON HARDWARE CO. THE, 4(16-18 S. 24th St., South Side. Phone South 171. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising HKNNINGSON ENUlNEERIGN CO.. 1122 Farnam. D. 829. Skilled municipal Im provement engineers; sewer, paving, elec. light, water works, appraisals, reports. XNDERSON & BEN.NETT424 "Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PA X TON -MITCHELL COT, 2iH Martha at Harney 1M1. Machine, gray iron, brass, bronze and aluminum castings. OLSEN & SCHLINGER, 7491. lnga. 1407 Jackson. D. Brass, b-onze and aluminum cast- Pm? Stores POPE DRUG CO.. 132 Farnam. D. 2672. Gen. At NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES, Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omaha, December 14, 1(1$. Receipts were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Official Monday 14.440 11.073 .Official Tuesday 11.711 26,829 Official Wednesday . (.49$ 19,760 Official Thursday ... $.17$ 16.S68 Official Friday 6.68$ Saturday estimate 600 Six day this week 45,014 Sam day last week 48.863 Sam days 3 wks ago 38.241 Same days 3 wgs ago $1,965 Same days year ago 36,818 12.281 7,300 (3,608 83,580 68.879 60,771 68,061 19.021 13,195 18.154 $.534 1,990 tV. 834 47,520 46,977 69,243 48,627 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, for 24 hours ending st 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Wabash 1 .. . .. Missouri Pacific 1 .. Union Pacific 2 10 C. & N. W., east 5 14 $ C. & N. W.. west 2 36 C St. P., M. & 0 3 C, B. & Q , east $ 3 C, B. & Q west 15 C. R. I. & P., east 12 C. R. I. & P.. wt 7 Chicago Great VVestern 2 1 Total Receipts 22 104 1 Hospitals. , FORD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglas" Tta Douglas 210. In charge of Dr. Michael J, Ford, surgeon-in-chlef. The most com. plete hospital In the west. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO.. McCague BIk., 15th and. Dodge. Douglas 654. Wholesale and retftll Ice. Ic: Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J L. Bnkcr, Pres. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS.. 12$ Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stocker & feeder our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenworth Harney 414 Lumbering Along." 'Just Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Douglas 6525. 1614 Cuming St Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter. nat'l Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D. 06(1 Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO.. Doug. 4750 1609H Farnam St. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER 1114 Howard St. Douglas 107$. Printer' supplies Physicians and Surgeqns. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WINDLH, Physician and Surgeon. 1120-21-32 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler t$l. CAMPBELL, DR S. M., Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1220 Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO., D. 3109. Rms. 336-87 Paxton BIk., 3d floor. Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and Far nam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and office furnltur. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301 Wllllas Ave. Webster 878. School Furniture and Supplies. V OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLT CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St. Dougla 1911, "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRlNTlNG,CO., 109-11 N. 18th. Douglas. 644. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO. 322 Be Bldg. Douglas 8647. Pne commercial printing. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER .SHEET METAL CO.. 108-10-18 s. loth St. Dougla cuz. skyngnta, tei ceilings and galvanlxed sheets. DISPOSITION. Morris & Co Swift & Co , Cudahy Perking Co , Armour & Co , Schwann & Co Morris from Stoux Falls Totsl , Hogs. ..1,660 ..1,717 ..1,621 ..1,612 ,. 608 , . 343 ..7.167 GRAIN MARKET - Omaha r4fcrtMH 11 Td 1 rnntimurl 1 Ihara I wheat arrival and a substantial run of corn uats receipt were light Receipts were 147 cara of wheat, 8$ car of corn, 87 cars of oats, 10 car of rye nd ST car nt ka.l.u Corn was In 'fair demand at a decline oi .c to dc. uats sold readily at price lc wii. itye was uncnanged and barley un changed to lc lower. Wheat was virtually unchanged. GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. :' OMAHA , Corn Oat , Rye Barley , Shipments Wheat Corn i . . Oats Rye Barley RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. .147 86 37 10 27 88 48 38 1 6 8( 78 24 '4 4 (2 28 3 10 1 75 100 $3 $ 15 4$ 23 Chicago Kansas City St. Louis Minneapolis , Duluth Winnipeg ... Wheat ...103 ...108 ...60 ...678 ...427 ...677 Corn. ' 133 2( , 52 Oats. 330 4 21 Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE 307-209 a. I7tn. Douglas ius. uince, typewriter, architects' and engineer' supplies. Loose-leaf devices. Undertakers. HULSE & RIEPEN, 701 S. 16th, D. 121$. Undertakers and embalmers. Personal attention given to all calls and funeral. HOFFMAN. LEO A., Cor 24th and Dodge. Douglas 3901. Expert In embalming and funeral directing. Prlvata chapel. HEAFEY & HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265. Undertakers and embalmer. CROSBY. WILLIS C. 2511-13 N. 24th St. Phone Webster 47. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. Phone 28tt0. Caterer to heat and cold. DROGE ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pearl St. BIRDS, living Harney C723. music boxes for Xmas. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, piano and note secur ity. $40. $ mo.. H goods, total. 18 60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 483 Security Bldg., 16th & Farnam Ty 669 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRT AND 1 1 L 07 LIBERTY BONDS O & 72 1 W. C FLATAU. EST 1893. 0 TH FLU SECURITY BI.DG TT (SO Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Dodg D. 6619 Est 18(1 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. FOR SALE! Saddle hur. has good dls position, also nice gait Will sell saddle I and bridle, also Phone Harney 206. FOR SALE At once; one cornfed '1st hog. M-Thet prlre. Colfat 24. FOR SALE Horse and wagon. $28; a bargain, Webster 321$ William Latowsky and wife to Bertha Llndstadt, Atlas St., 300 ft. east of 13th St., South Side, 36x120 , $ 1,200 Harry Batt and wife to Henry Mon sky. Dodge St., 46.85 ft. east of 35th Ave,, North Side, 47.85x 135 Occidental Building Sc Loan Ass n. to St. Philip Neri Church Cor poration, southwest cor. 31st and Morman Sts. 132x125 3,000 Edward P. Fitzwilllam and wife to John W. Paulsen, northeast cor. 29th and Jackson Sts., 60xS0 Stockton Heth to George L. Turner et al, Templeton Ave., 419 ft. east of 27th St., North Side, 50x 132 i George Ervin and wife to Agatha H. Homan, southwest cor. 27th and Blondo Sts., 47x85 Ray Rainbolt and wife to State Bank of Omaha, northwest cor. 24th and Bauman Ave., 51x120,. Carrol S. Rainbolt and wife to State Bank of Omaha, Florence Blvd., 142 tu north M Kansas Ave., West Side, 44xl5 John Nace to Charles Chrost, Wirt St., 60 ft. east of 40th St., South Side. S0xl20 Jeremiah A. Whalen and wife to Filadelfo Vacant!. 20th St., 99 ft. south of Grace St., East Side, 33x140 Jeremiah A. Whalen and wile to Alfio LaFerla, 20th St., 66 ft. south of Grace St., East Side, 33x140 Security Land Sc Improvement Co. to Sophia W. Petersen. 19th St. 80 ft south et Sahler St., West Side. 40x120 ; Lena Hlldbeandt to Katie Petersen, 21st St.,- 175 ft. north of M St., East Side, 25x130 Alfred Thomas and wife to William Lonergan, 33d St., 63 ft north of Harney St., East Side. 40x83.... Warren S. Frank and wife to Charles ' Smith, 29th St.. 59 ft south of Burdette St, West Side, 30x107 I 5,500 3.250 4,000 3.500 ,500 1.300 1,225 1,275 2.775 SCI) ,0oo Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14. Turpentine Dull, 64c; sales, none; receipts, 28 bbls.; shipments, 14 bbls. ; stock, 29,537 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales 870 bbls. I receipts, 266 bbls.; shipments, 20 bbls.; stock 71,486 bbls. ' Quote B, D, E, F. $12.50018.6$; G, $13.S2tt13.6S: H, $13.65; I, $13.80(912.(0; K. (15.75; M, $16.20; N, $16.25; G, $16.50; WW, $16.75. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts, 200 head; market nominal; steers, 89.00Q 18.00; cows and heifers, $6.50012.25; calves, 17.0014.00. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; market higher; top, $17.30; bulk. $17.00 17.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head; market nominal; lambs, $11.25016.00; ewes, $7.009.00. 4 CLOSE CEDAR BLUFFS Fremont, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special) Owing to the increase in the num ber of influenza cases at Cedar Bluffs the school board has decided to close the schools until after the holidays. Cattle Receipts this morning were light estlamted at 600 head, or 22 cars only. and several cara billed direct. Trade was nominally steady in all branches and closed firm and steady for the week on aU classes of beef steers. The range sea son 1 practically over, beat westerns sell Ing this week at $15.60. Good to eholce native ar quotable from $16.00, best heavy grades selling Uhls week at $17.15, with a few choice yearlings at $17.60 Butcher stock closed active and fully steady on good to medium kinds of cow and 25o to 60o higher on canners. Feed r have been strong all week and. close shsrply 60c to 76o higher. Quotation on, cattle: Cholc to prlmo beeves, $17.00018.00, good to choice beeves, $16.00 16.76: fair to good bseves. $13.00014.75; common to fair beeves, $9.00 11.75; good to choice yearlings, $15.60 17.00; fair to good yearlings. $12.0016.60; common to fair yearlings, $9.0012.00; choice to prim grass stsers, $15.0017.00 fair to good grass beeves, $13.0016.00; common to fair grass beeves, $9.0012.60 Mexican beeves, $8.00(910.00; good to choice heifers, $9.0012.50; good to choice cows, $9.00(911.75; fair to good cows, $7.75 09.00; common to fair cows. $6.007.50 prim feeders, $12.60 16.00; good to choice feeder, $10. 0012. 60; fair to good feed ers, $8. $010.60; common to fair feeders, 38.O0G7.6O; good to choice stockers, $9.50 uii.oo; utocK neiters, ss.DUffft.ou; stock cows, $8.00G$6.50; stock calves, $6.50 9.50 ; veal calves, $7.50013.50; bulls, (tags, ate. $7.00011.00. Hogs Receipts amounted to 103 load estimated at 7,800 head. The market this morning opened strong and active, growing better throughout after the opening until sale were 6010c higher than yesterday with occasional sale possibly 15c higher and clossd with- th advance fully lost Bulk of th sale I $17.00017.25 with a top of $17.3$. Trade has been draggy on th extreme close with heavy break on light weight hog nearly every day this week. Th market closs fully 15o lower than last Saturday. Sheep There were no fresh arrivals of sheep her today, receipts for the week totaling 56,894 head. The market most of the week has been rather slow and draggy affair, outside of Monday, when the top was $16.00, the best lambs have never gone above $14.(0. Th week la closing with bulk of sales at $14.40014.75. The fat lamb market 1 26035c lower than a week ago. Feeders have held up well st gen erally steady prices. Sheep a-e steady to strong for the week, a top was made on fat ewes on Wednesday at $9.25, most of the ewes sold from $8.0003.00. Year ling made a top on Monday of $11.25. Most of th wetber are selling from $10.00 010.50. Quotation on Sheep Lamb, good to choice, $14.60015.00; lambs, fair to good, $11.00014.50; amb feeders, $!. 50014. 26; yearlings, good to oholce, $10.60011.26: yearlings, fair to good, $9.0008.50; year ling feedors, $9.50010.00; wethers, fat, $10.00010.50; wether feeders, $8.60010.60; ewes, good to choice, $8.5009.40; ewe, fair to good, $7.0008.60; we feeders, $6.0006.75. .; Chicago Live Stock Chicago, Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts, 3. 000 head; compared with a wek ago, market for beef and butcher cattle was mostly r"(3)60c lower; for canners, about steady; for calves, $1.00 lower; for good weight feeders, steady to 25c lower;, for common stock, oft more. t Hog Receipt, 65,000 head; ' mancet mostly lOo lower, slaughter facilities over taxed and many thousand hogs going over without a bid; top, $17.70; bulk of sales, $17.85017.66. butchers. $17.60017.70; light, $16.86017.56'; packing, $16.76017.45; throwouts, $15.75016.75; pigs, good to choice, $14.00015.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, (,000 head; compared with a week ago, market for lambs mostly 3506Oo lower; for sheep and yearlings, weak to 25c lower. . Kansa City Live Stock. Ksnsss City, Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts. 300 head; market steady; steers, $18,000 20. CO; western, $12.00016.00; cows, $5.60 012.60; heifer, $7.00013.60; stockers,. $$.50014.25; bulls,$6.5O013.6O. Hog Receipts, 500 head; market lower; heavy, $18.10017.40; packer and butchers, $17.00017.40; lights, $16,750 17.25; pigs. $13.00014.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady; lamb. $11.50016.00; year ling, $10.50011.00; wether, $9.00010.50; twes, $8. 09.40. Corn No. $ white. 1 car, $1.42- ( cars (new), $1.41. No. 4 white. I car. $1.40. No. $ white, 2-5 car. $1.27. Sample while, 1 car (old), $1.37. No. 2 yellow. 1 car (new), $1.46. No. 3 yellow, 4 cars, $1.46; 1 car (old). $1.46; 1 car (new), $1.43; 2 cars, $1.43' No. 4 yellow, 5 cars. $1.41: 1 car (old and new), $1.40. No. $ yellow, 1 car,. $1.41 1 car, $1.39. Sample yellow, 3 cars (old)', $1.40. No. 2 mixed, 2 cars (new). $1.42; 2 cars, $1.41. No. 4 mixed, 2 csrs, $1.41; 3 cars (new), $1.40. Sample mixed, 1 car (new), $1.30. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car 72c; standard, 1 car 71?4c; No. 3 white, 12 cara 7H,c, 1 car, 71 c; No. 4 white, 2 cars 71 tic, 1 car 71Uc; sample white, 1 car 71c. Rye No. 2, 4 car $1.51; No. 2, 1 car 31.60H. 2 can $1.50. Barley No. 2, 1 car $1.00; No. 8, 1 ear (8c, 2 car (7c; No. 4, 8 car (7c; No, 1 feed, 1 car (6o; rejected, 1 oar (So. Wheat No. 1 hard. 4 car $2.20, 1 ear 12.191; No. 2 hard, T cara $119, 1 car 82.18HV 4 car $2.18,2 ear $2.16 (smutty); No. $ hard. S ctra $2.17. 1 car $2.15, 1 ear $2.14 (smutty), 1 car $3.13, i car $2.12 (smutty), 1 car $2.10 (smutty); No. 4 hard, 1 car $3.11 (amtty), 1 car $2.10 (smutty), 6 car 12.09 (smutty), 1 car $2.07, 1 car $2.06 (yellow), 1 car $2.03; No. 1 northern spring, 6 cars $3.19, 1 car $2.18 ft, 1 car $2.15 (smutty), V, car $2.10 (smutty); No. 2 northern spring, 3 cars $2.16, 1 car $3.1$ (smutty), 1 car $2.13 (smutty), 1 car $241 (smutty); No. 3 northern spring, 1 car $2.13, 1 car $2.12, 1 car $2.10 (amutty); No. 1 mixed, 1 car $2.18, 2 cars $2.16, IV, cars $2.14, 2 cars $2.10 (smutty); No. 2 mixed, 1 car $2.17, 2 cars $2.16, 2 cars $2.15 (smutty), 3 2-5 cars $2.11; No. 3 mixed, 2 cars $212, 1 car $2.12 (amutty), 24 cars $2.07, 1 car $1.97; No. 4 mixed, 1 car $2.10. 1 car $2.02 (smutty), 1 car $1.99; red durum, 1 car $2.11, 1 car $2.08; sample mixed, 1 car $2.09, 1 car $1.75 (smutty). Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Dec. 14. Pronounced weakness developed In the corn market today owing largely to the outlook for an Increase of receipts. The close was heavy, tMc to 3c lower, and with' January and May both $1.25 to $1.86. Oats finished 1 to 2c off and provisions down 60o to $1. Forecasts of cold, dry weather tended to stimulate selling, Inasmuch aa con tinued mild ' 'temperature and excessive dampness, have . been seriously retarding the crop movement. Reports that con gestion abroad would compel a readjust ment of th food administration shipping program were also Influential toward mak ing sentiment more bearish. There was an evident scarcity of new buying orders: at the same time, many holders who had profits to realize did not wish to take further chnces over Sunday. Under these circumstances values dropped rapidly, and at no time was there any Important reac tion. Oats shared this depression of corn. Furthermore, there were reports of re selling of cash oata by the government. Provisions fell with hogs and grain. Big receipts of hogs next week were expected, notwithstanding that killing facilities here were already overtaxed. Immense ship ments of meat and lard to the seaboard from Chicago seemed for the time being to have been overtaxed. Cash quotations: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.49; No. 4 yellow. $1.4001.43. Oats No. $ white. 73074Vc; standard, 7314 076c. - . Barley 90c 081.04. Seeds Timothy, $8.00011.00; clover, nominal. , .... Provision Pork, nominal; lard, I26.u; hlbs, nominal. . . Chicago closing Sflce. furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan atock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth street Oma ha FINANCIAL New York, Dec, 14. -Sentiment a ex pressed by traders wa bearish at the outset of today's brief and superficial stock market, coppers and rails, th latter mainly of th low grad variety, recording further Irregular losses. Utilities a represented by Mackay com panies. Twin City Transit and Brooklyn Transit also dropped on to three point with Pressed Steel Car and National Lead. In most tnstsnces, howsver. these losses were largely. If not wholly, retrieved be fore th strength of shippings, oils. Gen eral Electrlo, American Can and tobaccoa and motor, serving to effect a general readjustment of quotations at th firm close. Mercantile agencies reported conflicting conditions at leading csnters of trade, but the enormous gains shown In bank clear ings at Important reserve cities testified to th activity of holiday business. Feature of th local bank statement embraced a very moderate Increase In ac tual loana and discounts, an Increase of almost $6(.AO0.00O In net demand deposit and a decrease, of (30,750,000 In excess re serves, reducing the total excecss to (light ly less than $40,000,00. Bonds were itetdy on very limited deal ings, none of the Important dameatlo or foreign issue recording more than trivial changes. Total sales (par values) aggregated $4,376,000. Old United States bands wer unaltered on call during th week. Am. Beet Sugar. . American Can.. Am. Car A Fdry. Am. Locomotive Am. Smelt. A Ref, Am. Sugar Ref... Am. Tel. A Tel. Anaconda Copper Atchison AGAWISSL Bait. A Ohio Cal. Petroleum.. Canadian Pacific Central Leather.. Che. A Ohio.... C. M. A 8t. P.. Chicago. A North. C, R. L A P., e. Chlno Copper.... Colo. Fuel A Iron Corn. Fred. Ref. Cruclbl Steel.... Cuba Can Sugar Distiller' So.... Erie General Electrlo General Motor.. Ot North, pfd... G. North. Ar. c. Illinois Central.. Inspiration Cop... I. T. Mar. pfd... Inter. Nickel.... Inter. Paper Kennecott Copper Louis. A Nash... Maxwell Motors. . Mex. Petroleum.. Miami Copper... Missouri Pacific. Nevada Copper.. N. Y. Central N. T., N. II. ft II. Norfolk A West. Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .... Pittsburgh Coal.. Ray Con. Copper Reading Rep. Iron A Steel Shat Ariz. Copper Southern Pac South. Railway. . Studebaker Corp. Texas Co Union Pacific... U. 8. Ind. Alcohol IT. S. Steel Utah Copper Westing. Electric Beth, B Sales. High. Low 1,300, 3 63 2.800 46H 46s 300 86 86 300 3 63 3.400 824 $1 1,600 5,700 200 300 1,000 200 400 300 1.300 1,100 300 4,000 1,800 100 1,100 2,700 1,300 (00 200 200 103 64'i (3 110', 64 21 If. 9 $24 56 45, (( 26 37 , 89H 7H 714 to" its 161 12$ 102 64 U 93 110 63 21 159(4 62 66 K 44 (944 25H 2'A 3( 47 k" 18 141 12$ $00 $1 $1 800 11,400 700 300 1,800 8,300 300 4,600 600 2,700 1,700 47 114 22 31 24 46 113 82 31 34 163 161 24 23 26 25 19 18 76 764 34 34 36 3$ 46 46 1,100 200 600 22 21 1,400 84 83 800 75 74 200 1$ 16 6,(00 101 101 8.000 30 30 1,800 62 62 600 188 187 1,100 129 129 1,500 102 101 27,800 (6 (5 3,000 77 77 6,500 43 42 6,900 C6 66 Bid. 63 46 86 63 82 110 103 64 93 110 53 21 159 62 '4 66 46 (9 15 36 39 47H 67 Vs $0 49 18 161 12$ (6 31 (8 46 114 82 31 34 IK 29 163 24 2 19 7 34 106 (4 86 46 46 21 84 74 15 101 30 (2 188 129 102 95 77 43 66 Sioux City live Stock. Sioux 'City, Deo. 14. Cattle Receipt,, 600 head; market steady; beef steers, $8.00 015.5O;fat cows and heifers, $6.60010.50; canners, $5,0005.50; stockers and feeders, $7.00011.26; feeding cow and heifers, $5.5008.75. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady to 5o lower; light $15.75017. 15; mixed, $17.00017.20; heavy, $17.00017.26; bulk of sales. $170.8017.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 800 head; market steady. Own Your Home by January, 1st, 1919 By selection now you will save money. If you ar not ready to mov tenant ill undoubtedly b glad to remain until Spring, but buy now. Field Club District 934 So. 38th Ave., $4,500 Vry desirable (two-story), six-room house, practically new; oak floor and fin ish. Reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and rear entry on first floor. Three bedrooms, bath and heated sleeping porch second floor. Attic; full basement Price of $4,500 include giv ing house one coat of paint Easy pay ments. 24th and Ames District 2508 Templeton St. 7 rooms, all modern, 1 -story, bath on easy floor; fireplace. Good lot 50x134. Plenty of shade. South front, paved street $3,500.- $500 down, balance monthly. Kountze Place District 1457 Pinkney Street, $4,000 This house is desirable for six large rooms, a level lot and easy payment down. One block of Sherman Avenue. Two-atory, reception hall, rear entry and pantry. Sereened-Tn front porch; screens and storm windows. Fine basement, Balane like rent Walking Distance 2821 Davenport, $3,300 ,Six rooms, four room down and two room upstairs. 50x120 foot lot. All modern and ia good condition. Hot water heat About 1750 down, balane $27.60 per month. Clifton Hill District 4512 Decatur St., $4,500 ' Fiv rooms and 200x160 ft of ground. House is all modern and has hot water heat Garage. Several poultry houses, half block boulevard and one and one-half blocks of two car lines. Some young fruit $1,000 cash will handle. A fin place for poultry and garden. Near 24th and Cuming Sts. 2721 Caldwell, $2,250 C-room cottage, modern except heat, a! on on floor. Lot $5x180 feet House now vacant and In good condition. $25 down and $21 per month and you can "own your home" We will be glad to show you any of th above at any time. Seme vacant and you can be in your own home by Christmas. ire now HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1,709 1 6 1 4 Harney Street. n Phone Tyler 50. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. lYest'y. Corn - I Jan. 1.38 1.38 1.86 . l.SfH Feb. 1.36 1.37 1.84 1.34 1.87 Mch. 1.36 1.3 1.34 1.35 1.87 May 1.37 1.38 1.35 L35 1.38 Oat Jan. .73 .74 .72 ,72 .74 Feb. .73 .74 .72 .72 .74 Mch. .73 .74 .72 .72 .74 May .74 .74 .72 .73 .74 Pork Jan. 48.60 48.0 48.15 48.15 48.85 May 45.35 145.35 44.85 44.35 46.36 Lard 1 Jan. 25.80 126.90 25.60 28.60 28.00 May 26.67j25.65 25.3735.$725.82 Jan". 25.6225.62!26.22!25.2225.72 May 25.2226.2224.6724.$725.17 GRAIN REVIEW. Chicago, Dec. 14 (Grain Review) Corn has gone soaring thi week as a re sult mainly of official announcement that the 1918 crop would not be sufficient for home consumption, to say nothing of ex port demand. Prices this morning, com pared with a week ago. were $o to 70 up for corn; oat showed gain of lo to 202c, and provlalons were varying from 66c decline to 40e advance. Notwithstanding that th government crop report had been expected to show a material shrinkage In th estimated yield of corn the magnitude of the reduction came to the trade aa an unmlstakabl Jolt A wild stamped to buy followed and bul lish sentiment griw even after over-night reflection, especially on the part of pro ducers. Delay which th crop movement had encountered owing to continued rains and to unseasonably warm weather count ed also as a stimulus to buyer. On th other hand suggestions that abandonment of acreage had been over-estimated by the government failed to attract much no tice. Oat made relatively llghtly repons to the flurried action of corn. Th hug yield of oata officially confirmed aaemed to operate aa a powerful cheok. Food administration control of hog sup plies kept the provision market average of price about ev, despite record-breaking shipment to th seaboard. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Deo. 14. Barley $70(5. Rye No. 2. $1.5(01.$$. Bran $27 72. Corn $1.4301.45. Oats 690700. Flax $1.6102.53. St Loul Grain. St. Louis, Dee. 14. Corn December, $1.41 asked; January, $1.38 asked. Oats December, 75c asked; January, 73c asked. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, MO., Dso. 14. Corn De cember, $1.42; January, $1.41; March, $1.39;!. 40; May, $1.40. Xew York Cotton Fntur. New York, Dec. 14. Cotton future opened steady; December. 27.40c; January, 25.98c; March, 25.00c; May, 24.12c; July, 23.45c. Cotton future closed ateady; Decem ber, 27.72c; January, 34.40c; March, 2$.26c; May, 21.56c; July, 14.00c Evaporated Apple and Drier Fruit. Nw Xork, Dec 14. Evaporated Apples -Firm. Prune Scare. Apricots Firm., but Quiet. Fetches Nominal. Raisins Nominal, Unseed. Duluth, Minn., Dae. 14 Linseed $$ 51, New York Bonds. . S. 2s, reg 98 Gt. N. 1st 4s 91 r S. 28, coup. 98 I. C. ref. 4s 84 U 8. 3s, reg... 83 Int. M. M. 6s.. 101 O 8. 3s, coup. 83 K. C. 8. ref. 6s 86 U. S. Lib. 3s 97.80L. 4b N. un. 4s 89 U 8. 4s, reg..l06'M K T 1st 4s 68 If. S 4s, coup. 106 M. Pa. gen. 4s.. 64 Am. F. 8ec. 6s 99 Mont. Power 6s 92 Am T. & T. o 6s 96 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 100 Anglo-French 6s 96 N. Pacific 4s.. 87 Arm. & Co. 4s 87N. Pacific 3s.. 61 Atchison gen. 4s 86 'O. S. L. ref. 4s 87 B. & O. cv 4s 85 Pac. T. A T. 6s 95 Beth Steel ref 6s 88 Penn. con. 4s 98 Cen. Leather 6a 97 Penn. gen. 4s 93 Cen. Pacific 1st 83 Reading gen. 4s 89 C. & O. cv. 6s.. 878 L & 8 F a 6s 72 C B & Q Joint 4s 96 S. Pac. cv 6s.. 102 CMBPe4s 82 8. Railway 5s i. 96U C R I 4 P r 4s 75T. & P. 1st.... 90 C. 8. ref 4s 80L'nion Pacific 4s 89 D. & R. G. r 6s 69U. 8. Rubber 5a $7 D: of C 6s 1931 97 O. 8. Steel 6s... 100 Erie gen. 4s.. 89VVabash 1st 06 Gen. Elec. 6s.. 101French gvt 6 104 'i BWAsked. OMAHA PRODUCE 4c. 2c; No. 1, . No. 1 grade. 6 to $2.00. -California crate for FralU. Orange Naval orange, 176-200-218-260 $7.00; 160, $(.$0; 126-288, 14.00; lOO-Iti-80, $4.26. Lemons Sunklat, 300-360. $6.00; Re Ball. 360-3$0, $6.60. Lime Per basket, $1.7$ to $3 00. Orap Fruit Dr. Phillips, 54-61, $$.$0, Dr. Phillips, 96-80, $5.00. Batsumaa On. -half box, $5.00. Bananas 8c. .. .. Pears D'AnJous, $5 00; box. $2.S0. Apples No. 1 box Ben Davis, $3.0; x. tra fancy 8taymen wlnesaps, $3.00; fancy, $2.75, $3.00; choice Staymen wlnesaps. $3.7 extra fancy old fashioned wlnesap. $3.00: choice old fashioned wlnesap. $3.60; fancy old fashioned wlnesap. $2.75. Barrel Apples Baldwins. 2 grad A, per bbl.. $6.4)0; Russets, 2 grade A. pel bb)., $6.00; Ben Davis. No. 1 grade, per bbl., $7.0; Ben Davis. No. 1 grade, 6 bbl. lot, $6.78. Cranberries Box. ft. no. Vegetables, Onions Red, 2c; while. Potatoes No. 1. Ohlos. whits, lc; Nehrssks, V. 8. Ohio or white, $1. Sweet Potatoes arrlvsl. $6.60. Iceberg head lettuce, $1.00 to $1.85 per dozen, Iceberg head lettuce, $3.60 pot crate; leaf lettuce. 60c pt dozen; toma toes. $3.00 per lug.; cauliflower, $ t9 per crate; cauliflower, Colorado, 12o per pound; shallots, carrots, parsley, 75q per jr' dosen; beets, radishes, turnlrs. 7& per doten; artichokes, $1.50 per doxen; Brus sels sprouts, 18c per pound; spinach, ! per pound; peppers, $1.00 per basket; hot house cukes. $3.00 to 1 5. on per dosen; Cali fornia Jumbo celery, $1.25 per doien siiuash, 2c per pound: cabbsge. 3a p" pound; beets, turnips. carrMs. 2c per Jv pound: parsnips, 3c per pound; rulabage. 2c per pound. Nuts Diamond branded walnuts, Nrv f 8. S. ssck lots. 33c leas 37c; funry bllddcil walnuts, 38c leas 41c: medium Brazils, sack lots. 33c; filberts, 20c; almonds. 30c: P" csns, !Sc to 30c; black walnuts. 6c; mixed , nuts 28c. i Cider 14-gallon Michigan, $7.00 to $Ti per keg. Miscellaneous Cracker Jacks, checker? i and Chums, case, $6.60; one-half rsi-e. $2.85; shelled pop corn, 4 dosen 10-ouno rackages. $8.70; bulk. 18c. Thre II honey, 3 dosen 6-ounce Jar, 84.30; I deirn 16-ounc Jars. $5.40. Strained honey, I 60-pound cans, 30c psr pound. Peanut: Jumbo, raw, 20c per pound; roasted, titr per pound; No. 1. raw, 17c per p'-und. rqaated, 20o per pound. y. New York General. ' New York, Dec. 14. Spot wheat steady; No. 2 red, $2.34. track New York. Corn Spot, firm: No. 2 yellow. $1.89 H. and No. 2 white, $1.67. cost and freight' New York. Oats Spot easy; standard, 83 084. - " Lard Weak; mlddlewest, $26.10026.2,0. r; Chicago Produce. Chicago. Dec. 1 4. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Receipts, 633 scases; market un changed, i' j Potatoes Receipts, 60 cars; murket un changed. Poultry Alive, market unsettled; fowl. 1925o; sprlngf, 24c; turkeys, 29c. New York Produce. - New York, Dec. 14 Butler Market lr- f 4 regular; creamery hlifher than ; extras, 3 SStnOc; others, unchanged. Eggs Market stesdy; unchanged. . Cheese Steady; unchanged. Poultry Live, firm; fowls, 2530c;,plU T, roosters, 20c ; others, unchanged, ' ": i Kansa City I'roduce. " ' . Kansas City, Mo., Doc. 14. Butter, EgC and Poultry Unchanged. "; New York ( ottcn. ' New York, Dec. 14. Cotton closed a., steady at a net advance ot 30 to 67 point ' STOCKS & BONDS We Buy Liberty Bonds. r We Deal in Local Securities. " ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid?.: New York Money. New York, Dec. 14. Mercantile paper Unchanged, Sterling Day bills, unchanged; demand. $4.7565; cables, $4.76. Francs Demand, $5.45. cables. $5.45. Guilders Demand, 42c; cables, 42c. Llre Unchanged. Mexican dollars Unchanged. Ubertj' Bonds. New York, Dec. 14. Final prices or. Liberty bonds were: 2', 97.80; first con. vertlble 4's, 98.40; second 4's. 93.16. first 'onvertlble 4's, $5.96; third convertible 4's, 16.02; fourth 4's, $5.80. New York Coffee. Now York, Dec. 14. No fresh feature of Importance waa reported In the coffee situ ation today. Tha official 'cables showed generally firm market In Brazil with Rio reporting an advance of 125 rels, while Santo apota were 400 reia higher and Santo futures showed an advance of 126 to 150 rels. Receipts at the two Brazilian porta wer 35,000 and Jundlahy receipts 24. 000 bags. No Santos coffee were said to be offering on spot here and on offerings of mllds wer reported smaller, although a fair supply of buyers were noted In the street Price were entirely nominal. Cost and freight offers were reported about 40 point higher on an average with Santos 3a and 4s around 21.00c American credits. LIBERTY BONDS and Other High Grade Investments Bought and Sold v MACK'S ECMD HOUSE ' 1421 First Nat'l Bank Eldj. Omaha Hay. Receipt of both prairie hay and al falfa heavy; demand continues good; market firm and stesdy with no change In price. Oat and what straw Jn good demand and wanted. v Pralrl Hay Choice upland. $24.60; No 1. $22.50022.60; No. 2, $18.00020.00; No. 8, $11.00014.00. Choice midland: No. 1, $22.00023.00; No. 2, $18.00020.00. Low Und: No. 1. $16.00018.00; No. 2. $13,000 15.00: No. 2, $10.00012.00. Alfalfa Choice, $30.00031.00; No. 1. $28.00020.00. Standard, $27.00021.00; No. 2. $24.00026.60; No. 8, $21.00024.00. Straw Oat, $1.00012.00; wheat $9,000 10.00. Dry Good. New Tork, Dec. 14. Cotton goods and yarn released from government control ss of January 1, showed further signs to day ot ateady settlement In price. Wide Iterest 1 taken In a private auction ot wool goods next week. Home-Owner Loans Up to 60 per cent on residences less than five years o!d. Month-, ly payments. Special privileges and terms, also straight loans at semi-annual interest. PACKING GQ1HPANV pQ y irnv -. rff) BUTTEfT W ECGS TgI-Douglas I 1116 -1118 -Doudlas SI: is 1521 TEXTBOOK OF L7ALL STREET 7 4t, . ; mm Induding Historv N. Y. Stock Exchange w , History N. Y. Curb. How These Markets Differ. Art of Speculation for Profits. Augmenting One's Income. How to Open an Account, Methods of Trading. Dictionary of Wall Street limited Edition now ready for distribution. Copy Vn upon rwfwcvl UTVTOTMNT SECURITIES 20 Broad St., New York TelMthaaa Rectos 3101. DIRECT FRITATB WIRES Philadelphia Harrlsburg