Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Btflisher Hints Freedom of
Seas Should Be for the
Members of League
of Nations.
Dewsbury. England, Wednesday,
Dec. 11. Viscount Grey, former
secretary of Itate for foreign affairs,
speaking here tonight, devoted a
part of his address to a discussion
of the freedom of the seas. He said
in part:
"This is a matter which, it is
feared, may create difficulties be
tween President Wilson and the
British government. I think it is
a great pity that so much has been
said about the freedom of the seas
without it being defined. It is true
there is considerable prejudice
against the phrase largely due to
the fact that it is believed to be a
German phrase. It is not German,
but American. It was made in the
Tanlac Restores Health After
Everything Else Had
"Yes, sir, I'm willing to go before
a Notary and take an oath that Tan
lac was the only thing that relieved
my troubles after I had tried all
kinds of medicines and treatments
without success," said C. C. Sprague,
who is well known for his interest in
entomology, being an authority on
the subject and having made one of
the largest collections of butterflies
from this and foreign countries ever
exhibited in the United States.
"My trouble started seven years
ago with acute indigestion," con
tinued Mr. Sprague, "and my stom
ach was in such a terrible condition
that everything I would eat fer
mented and bloated me up with gas
till I felt like I was going to choke
and I was in misery most all the
time. Then I suffered agonies from
' a pam in my uhck riK"- miusa my
kidneys, and my back became so
weak, and hurt me so much that I
I could hardly stand on my feet or i
even walk, and just had to quit
working. For two whole years I
was unable to do a lick of work,
then after being idle so long I just
ha"d to get at something, and at the
(im T started on Tanlac I would out
in a week or two then I would give
out and have to lay off for a while, j
, Everybody I consulted about myt
trouble disagreed as to the cause,
, some saying one thing and some an-
other, and although I spent over
$300.00 on medicines and treat
ments, trying everything I could
hear of, nothing did me a bit of
good, and I was as far from well as
"One day I read in the papers
where a party had been helped out
of troubles like mine by taking Tan
lac, so I decided to take one more
chance, and positively, I hadn't fin
ished my second bottle before I no
ticed a decided improvement. I felt
so encouraged that I kept it up till
I had taken six bottles and I now
feel as good as I ever did. I have
n spienuia appeuie anu my siomacn
: never gives me the least bit of trou
! ble, that awful misery is gone from
my back and I never have an ache
or pain of any kind. I never miss a
day from my work now on account
of sickness and I can get out in the
woods and fields following my hob
by collecting butterflies once more.
I am so enthusiastic about the way
Tanlac has fixed me up that I am
, constantly boosting it to all my
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores. . Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy under the
personal direction of a special Tan
lac representative. Also Fornest
and Meariy Drug Company in South
Omaha and the leading druggist in
each city and town throughout the
state of Nebraska. Adv.
United States ' and the Germans
adopted and used it for their own
purposes in a sense to which we
have never agreed. Hence its un
nonularity. But until President
Wilson defines it and comes to dis
cuss it with our government there
is no need to anticipate difficulty
about an agreement as to what it
"Freedom of the seas in times of
peace? If so, we agree. The United
States, I think, has some rule for
bidding foreign ships to carry goods
between the United States and the
Philippines. Some other countries
have rules of the same kind. We
never had a regulation like that. We
have been more completely for the
freedom of the seas in times of
peace than any other nation.
"If the question is one of the free
dom of the seas in time of war then
I would say this: The United States,
as we all most gratefully recognize,
has taken part in the last two years
of the war. Without the United
States we could not have had the
success the allies have now won. I
cannot emphasize that too much, nor
express too -much admiration of it.
But since the United States entered
the war she has not only acquiesced
but, I believe, most strongly co-operated
in carry out the blockade of
Germany. In the early stages of the
war the blockade was nt nearly
so complete, because the United
States raised many questions about
it, but in the later years of the con
flict the blockade was made com
plete with the co-operation of the
United States. Without that block
ade, success could not have been
won. Indeed, without the blockade
Germany might have won.
Nations League Involved.
"Suppose this situation should ex
ist again. It is impossible to suppose
that the United States would say
that the blockade which was so es
sential for success should not be
allowed. That would stultify every
thing America did in this war. It
would really be an insult to the
United States to suggest that she
would in the future advocate any
course in a war such as this incon
sistent with what she did in this
war. If this be so, we come to this,
that probably what was in President
Wilson's mind is that freedom of
the seas should be secured to any
nation observing the covenants of a
league of nations and should be de
nied to any nation breaking those
covenants. If that is so, then a
league of nations is the solution to
the whole question and cannot be
discussed apart from it.
"On these grounds, I believe there
may be a complete agreement be
tween the two countries only if a
league of nations is formed."
Public Mutt Be Careful to Avoid a
. , Second Epidemic. Easier to Pro
vent Than Cure. What to Do.
J "Encouraging reports of tht fewer eases
' of Influenxa in this vicinity should not
allow us to relax our vigilance or to be
come careless ia the belief that the dan
ger is all over," says a well known au
thority. With the coming of cold weath
er there is apt to be a return of this
frightful epidemic and its seriousness will
taken by the public, to prevent infection.
When the air ia full of influenxa germs,
you may be constantly breathing them in
to your nose and throat. But their danger
may be avoided and you may make your
self practically immune to infection if you
destroy the germ before it actually begins
work in your blood.
During the recent serious epidemic,
which hit Omaha so hard, most success
ful results wen obtained by many through
the simple breathing into the nose, throat
and lungs of the medicated air of oil of
Hyomei. Probably no better, safer or more
sensible precaution against Influenca,
Grippe, Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis or Ca
tarrh of the nose and throat could be em
ployed than to go now to the nearest drug
store and get a compete Hyomei outfit con
sisting of a bottle of the pure Oil of Hyo
mei and a litle vestpoeket hard rubber in
baling deviee into which a few drops of tha
til are poured.
Carry this Inhaler with you during the
day and each half hou- or so put it ia
your mouth and draw deep breaths of its
pure healing germicidal air into tha pas
sages of your nose, throat and lungs to de
stroy any germs that may have found
.lodgement there. This simple precaution
Hay save you a serious illness and the loss
of several weeks' work. It is pleasant to
use and not at all expensive as the in
haler will last lifetime and further sup
plies of the Oil of Hyomei can be had at
any drug store for a few cents.
Hundreds of people in this vicinity used
Hyomei in this way during the recent
crista and avoided danger. They should
Sot neglect it bow. for the danger is by no
Mean even Sherman A atcCennett Drug
Britain Welcomes Idea
of Large U. S. Sea Power
London, Dec. 12. The British
government has decided upon the
attitude it will adopt at the peace
conference regarding the freedom
of the seas, according tQ the Daily
Express today. The newspaper re
fers to the American naval program
as set forth by Secretary Daniels
and says:
"Official circles in London arc
completely satisfied with .this' and
with the grateful tributes to the
British navy by former President
Roosevelt. Admiral Sims and other
Americans. The British . govern
ment is ready to concede to the
United States the freest of all free
hands in naval development and it 1
welcomes the idea of the extension
of American sea power as one of the
best guarantees of the peace of the
world and of real freedom of the
"All we ask for the empire is
what we will willingly concede to
the United States freedom of ac
tion." 1 - -
Mme. Schwimmer Loses
Place as Ambassador
Berne, Dec. 12. (By. Associated
Press). Madame Rosiki Schwim
mer, who was one of the chief mem
bers of the Ford peace mission to
Europe and who had been hailed as
Hungary's first ambassador to Switz
erland, will be recalled by the Hun
garian government, it is .said. Mad
ame Schwimmer was not regularly
accredited to Switzerland, accord?
ing to Camille Decoppet, chief of
the military department of the re
public, who declared that her mis
sion was, only a provisional one,
Argentine Policemen Go on
Strike for Back Salary
Buenos Aires. Dec. 12. Rosario,
one of the principal ports in Argen
tina, is in the throes of a strike of
policemen and firemen, who quit
work owing to the fact that they
had not been paid their wages for
several months. A general strike
has beep called. The city is being
policed by federal troops, including
machine gun detachments. Two
persons were kiitea ana a score
wounded during a street fight be
tween policemen and soldiers.
Teuton Officers Maye Syste
matic Effort to Win Sup
port of Prisoners for
Hun Propaganda.
Paris, Dec. 12. (Havas.) When
it was evident that the end of the war
was near Germany made a sys
tematic canvass of French prisoners
of war in an effort to find men who
would plead the cause of "new Ger
many" in France, according to state
ments made by soldiers who have
returned from enemy prison camps.
This work began late in October,
but. the efforts of the Germans were
redoubled early in November, it is
said. The French prisoners were
told that the German socialists
wished nothing more than to live on
friendly terms with their French
comrades. German agents, said they
wanted to get-in touch with French
deputies, to announce the complete
triumph of socialistic ideas in Ger
many and to convince them of the
necessity of clearing up difficulties
between the two countries, the pris
oners say.
Appeals to Officer.
George Ledebour, the German
social democratic leader, asked a
subordinate French officer to im
press upon his comrades the im
portance of uniting the proletariat
of Germany and France and im
pressing the French government
with the plea that the armistice
terms be made less onerous, it is
said. Later another French officer
is reported to have been brought be
fore Dr. Eduard David, one of the
German secretaries of state, who re
ceived him cordially, and urged that
Germany must be fed and said there
was a necessity of mitigating the
terms of the armistice, especially as
to the clause calling for the delivery
of railway material.
Big Mass of Evidence
of German Propaganda
Ready for Disclosures
Washington, Dec. 12. Volumin
ous documents shedding light on
the German system for blowing up
munition factories and practicing
sabotage and espionage have been
assembled by the Department of
Justice in preparation for disclos
ures, it was said today, but officials
have not determined what portion
of these it would be wise to give
out, or when it might be done with
out interfering with activities of
government agents still in progress.
Files of the bureau of investiga
tion are said to contain hundreds of
names of German agents and Amer
icans with whom they had dealings
in gathering information about the
nation's war preparations, and con
cerning . Germany's enemies before
this country entered the war.
Woman Spiritualist,
Arrested, Vanishes as
Boasted- Could Do
Chicago, Dec. 12. Inspection of
windows and doors at the psycho
pathic hospital today failed to ac
count for the mysterious disappear
ance of Miss Madeline Leslies. Ar
rested during a seance of spiritual
ists, Miss Leslie was sent to the
hospital when she claimed to possess
the power to "vanish into thin air."
This she seemed to have done, hos
pital authorities said.
Veterans of World War
Form Service Society
New York, Dec. 12. The founda
ti i of a "war service society," com
posed of the men who served under
Vice Admiral Albert Gleaves in the
American convoy and transport ser
vice was ' laid here last night at a
dinner tendered the vice admiral by
his officers.
The proposed society, it is said,
will be the first patriotic organiza
tion to be formed by veterans of the
world war and Commander R. B.
Henderson, who sponsored the or
ganization, declared it was hoped
the organization eventually would
rank with the Sons of the Revolu
tion. Church Planning to Launch
World Wide Dry Campaign
Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 12. The
temperance committee of the Fed
eral Council of Churches of Christ
in America is making preparations
for a world-wide prohibition cam
paign, according to an announce
ment made here tonight at the
meeting of the executive committee
of the council.
A committee of survey will prob
ably be named tomorrow to proceed
to h-urope and organize the various
countries there, including Germany,
tor am uitant campaign.
v American
"Casualty List
'Tht following 'Nebraska men ar
nimtd in the casualty list sent out
bjr (hi government for Friday morn
ing, December 13:
William Sorg, Arthur, Neb.
Wallace D. Stoner, Angora, Neb.
Claire W. Schultt, O'Neill, Neb.
C6rp. Harry . ,C. , Maxwell, 3036
Cass street, Omaha, Neb.
Corp. Ervin Tharp, Alliance, Neb.
Charles B. Nabb, Nebraska City,
Henry C. Woods, Lincoln,
Sergt. Edward L. Baltzell, Lin
coln, Neb.
Edgar L. Carlsdn, Valentine, Neb.
Frank W. Dowdy, Grant, Neb.
Frank J. Knox, Aniley, Neb.
Corp.' Clinton McAuliffe, Chapel,
Raymond Custer, Enterprise, Neb.
Albert J. Lacey, Culbertson, Neb.
Allen Lingerfeltef, Plainview, Neb.
Albert Johnson, Arlington, Neb.
The following Iowa, South Dakota and
Wyoming men are named In the casualty
list liven oat by the government for Fri
day morning, December IS:
Senrt. Harold H. Mabee, Parker, 8. D.
Corp. Frank Marcneck, Mystic, Ia.
Carl Herman Kroneger, New Albln, Ia.
Fred Nlnke, Rockwell City, Ia.
Harry E. R. Otto, Mapleton, la.
Mathias Werner, Mclntyre, la.
Arthur Anderson, Patten, Ia.
liee Brannan, Birmingham. Ia.
Felix Rexvllle, Peever, S. D.
James C. Ware, Centervllle, la.
Leo. t. James, Burton, la.
Andrew W. Mar bach, Worthingion, la,
John H. Reylts, Hull, Ia.
fooia H. Thro, Dubuque, Ia.
Lt. George newel wood. Des Moines, la.
Sergt. Fred W. Lukrlti, Alta Vista, Ia.
Byron W. Hamilton, Fairfield, la.
Corp. Jerry A. Marek, Lake Preston,
S. D.
Corp. Roseoe R. Ylnyard, Ottamwa, la.
Corp. Charles T. Bower, Coon Rapids,
Corp. McKinley A. Jones. Mitchell, S. n,
Corp. Lloyd H. Tnssey, Shannon City, Ia.
Arthur A. Dope, Belle Plalne, la,
Dentrlelas Fnnnnotokls, Casper, Wyo.
William Rada, Bison. 8. D.
Carl J. Hokel, Huxley. Ia.
Jacob J. Henne, Eureka, 8. D.
John F. Kramer, Beacon, la.
Henry M. Pillish, Greene, Ia.
Robert H. Benner, Gray, 8. D.
Howard F. Taylor, Arlington. Ia.
Lawrence H. Tralnor, Waterloo, Ia.
Rolla D. Wilson. Awanka, 8. D.
Joseph A. Blum, Planktnton, 8. D.
Raleigh E. Miller, Conncil Bluffs, Ia.
Bernard H. 8choonhover, Grand Mound,
Ales M. Otteson. Slonx Rapids, Ia,
.Ieob Pfelffer, Herrod, 8. D.
Thomas Udagar, Edsom, S. D.
Rollle Cain, Newton, la.
Charles R. Callahan. Delmar. Ia.
Alfred G. Dahlin, Slsseton, Ia.
Eimer Ktmher, Deoorah, Ia.
Anton P. Chrlstenson, Flkhorn, Ia.
Roy L. Thomas, Lynn Grove, la.
Ernest Avery, Clarksville,' la.
Herman Iwen, Schleswlg, Ia.
John E. Phelps, Silver City, Ia.
Andrew C. Rejos, Cedar Falls. Is.
Gust A. Femberg, Frederics, Wye.
Berlin Gives Solemn Welcome
to Prussian Guards; Bands
Copenhagen, Dec. 12. Berlin's
welcome to the Prussian Guard of
Tuesday was solemn rather than tri
umphant, according to Berlin ad
vices received here. It was gener
ally observed the troops marched
under the German national colors
and that the bands played "Deutsch
land Uber Alles," and not revolu-'
tionary airs.
Brandenburg gate and the streets
through which the soldiers marched
were decorated with evergreens and
flags. ' The officers and men were
decorated with national rosettes of
flowers and wore their iron crosses.
The soldiers in the procession par
ticipated in the last battle of the
war and suffered tremendous losses,
some detachments being reduced to
almost the vanishing point, it is
said. The ranks, however, were
filled with men from other detach
ments. Many Are Injured.
Owing to the fact that no steps
to control traffic had been taken,
many persons were injured when
the vanguard of the troops passed
through Brandenburg gate. The
throngs for a time completely ar
rested the parade, and force had to
be used to open a passage for the
Frederich EberCthe premier, wel
comed the soldiers. He declared,
it is said, that a new government had
been established in Germany and
that the army would be its strongest
support. In behalf of the troops, a
sergeant replied to the effect that
the watchword nbw must be "quiet."
He said that the soldiers desired the
convening of the national assembly
at the earliest moment and did not
want to be led away from the "se
cure path- of quiet and order by
Dr. Karl Liebknecht or other dream
ers." Tremier Ebert's-speech to the
soldiers is reported as follows:
"Your deeds and sacrifices are un
exampled. No enemy overcame you.
Only when the preponderance of our
opponents in men and material grew
ever heavier, did we abandon the
"You endured indescribable suf
ferings, accomplished incomparable
deeds, and gave, year after year,
proofs of your unshakable courage.
You protected the home land from
invasion, sheltered your wives, chil
dren and parents from flames and
slaughter, and preserved the nations
workshops and fields from devasta
tion. "With deepest emotion the home
land thanks you. Yoi can return
with heads erect. Never have men
done or suffered more."
Rupprecht Planning
to Restore Bavaria to
Its Ruling House
Paris, Dec. 12. A dispatch to the
Temps from its Geneva correspon
dent says that a German newspaper
in Switzerland says Crown Prince
Rupprecht of Bavaria is preparing
lo attempt the restoration of the
house of Wittelsbach, the ruling
house of Bavaria.-
Hospital Ship Mercy Arrives
at New York. Bearing the
Heroes of Many Grim
New York, Dec. 12.-y-Borne on
stretchers or hobbling on crutches,
396 wounded soldiers, representing
almost as many units of the Ameri
can expeditionary forces, landed on
Yankee soil again today from the
United States hospital ship Mercy.
The vessel reached quarantine last
night from Bordeaux and docked
this forenoon.
There was scarcely a soldier
among them who did not have a
cheery countenance and a tale to
tell, proudly but modestly, of "how
we licked the Huns."
With his right arm gone and his
right leg paralyzed, Lt. A. P. Cono
ver of San Francisco, Company L,
59th regulars, "said:
"It happened July 29 at 8:30 a.
m. at Soissons. We had pushed
through the Germans for four miles.
Shrapnel and machine gun bullets
are what stopped me. But I em
braced the life of a soldier and all
that comes with it. This is just the
fortune of war."
"Nothing that any body can say
can convey an adequate conception
of the bravery of the marines," said
Lt.-Col. John A. Hughes of the
Sixth marines, who was woundec
twice in the leg and wears tht
French war medal and the D. S. C
'German prisoners told me that i.
was freely admitted by their officer!
that it was the marines that pref
vented the Germans from getting
to Paris. What did I get my deco
rations for? Well, I suppose J
did something or other, but I'll bt
blamed if I know what it was."
You Can't Brush Or
Wash Out Dandruff
"We are Ready for Duty
on the Play Line, Mother
The following Nebraska men are
named in the casualty list sent out
by the government for Thursday
afternoon, December 12:
Corp. Wm. C. Herman, Alliance,
Bugler Otto V. Johnson, Suther
land, Neb.
Cook Frank Greiner, Bloomfield,
Cook Harry E. Linder, 2914 W
street, Omaha, Neb.
Robert H, Jacks, Plattsmouth,
Conrad Schmer, Lincoln, Neb.
Owen Bennet, Ellsworth, Neb.
Grant Lovelady, Bermar, Neb.
John C. Wedlake, Beverly, Neb.
Roland D. Young, Wausa, Neb.
Arrin I. Gyllenstore, Wausa, Neb.
Wm. J. Kamper, Palmer, Neb;
Joseph C. McCraig, York, Neb.
Sergt. Alexander Pringle, Lincoln,
" Corp. Landy F. Hanners, Fair
bury, Neb.
Corp. Edward Brandt, Beatrice,
Corp. Albin O. Nystrom, Craig,
Lee Roy Thorp, Stanton, Neb.
Paul Virginia, South Nineteenth
street, Omaha, Neb.
Rollie Fulton, Campbell, Neb.
Hans Rasmussen, Maxwell, Neb.
yJohn Victor Altberg, Stromsburg,
Clyde H. Lunberry, Stamford,
The following Iowa, South Dakota and
Wyoming- men are named In the casualty
list sent out by the government for Thurs
day afternoon, December Its
Corp. Walter J. Llnehaa, Davenport, la.
Corp. Boss B. Stoddard, Westport, S. D.
Corp. Jesse C. 'Strong-, Mondamln, Ia.
Cook William S. Bowar, Faulkton, S. D.
Cook Charley N'lelson, Newell, Ia.
Cook Irvln A. GlngTlch, Wakoada, S. D.
Cook Henry W. Hutchinson, JoUey, la.
Cook Henry Miller, Audubon, Ia.
Took Claude C. Morris, Oakland, la.
Louis Radlof, Dubuque, Ia.
Louis E. Belnlg-, Portsmouth, Is.
Andrew Gortum, Albee, 8. D.
Homer 3. HaU, Charter Oak, la.
Peter A. Hanson, Soldier, Ia.
Harry A. Smock, Des Moines, Ia.
Markus Zimmerman, Aberdeen, S. D.
Corp. Gerrlt Tllstra, Hawarden, Ia.
Louis Lourlaun, Clorerly, Wyo.
Lloyd T. Smith, Defiance, Ia.
Walter L. Mabeus, Mt. Pleasant, la.
Ralph T. Aukersoa, Llghtcap, 8. D.
Mechanic Herbert R. Heideprelm, Custer.
John D. Kellerman, DeWItt, Ia.
Frank Anthony, Speck Ferry. Ia.
Ko F. Mahanke, Parkersbura-, Ia.
Clarence G. 8cott, Kanawah, Is.
Edward T. Olsen, Missouri Valley, la.
Sergt. Clarence E. Tripp, LeMars, la,
Sergt. Martin A. Riley. Custer. 8. D.
Sergt. Lotus N. Moberly, Cedar Rapids,
Corp. Richard H. Magor, Cheyenne, Wyo.
lorp. i naries i,. larison, ifoland, H. D.
Corp. Frank H. Loranien, Dexter, Is.
Vers V. Brown, Onara, Ia.
Wm. Williams. Hacking, Ia.
Benjamin F. Leonard, Elkador, la.
Harcey A. Thomas. Medlapolls, Is,
Carl C. Welsbrad, Des Moines, Is.
Frederick Hatcher, Logan, Ia.
Gns Pruter, West Side, Ia.
Patrick A. Walsh. Zwtngle, Is.
George Wlllard Summit, 8. D.
KniU Schuett, Ids Grove, Ia.
Harve Townsend, Manchester, 8. D.
Henry W. Ashum, Huron, S. D.
Arthur J. Hlxon, Vermillion, 8. D
Lloyd Johnson, Atlantic, la,
Willie R. Wllle, Waterloo, Is.
Edward Fuerllng, Farmersburf, la.
Fred Elijah, Mlneo, la.
Carl Vierow, Dundee, Is.
Stephen Barram, Rock Spring, Wyo.
BenJ. H. Drapean, Gregory, 8. D,
Oscar L. Elkins, West Bend, la.
Frank L. Walker, Burlington, Is
le Bails, Fairfield, Ia.
Calvin J. King-. Castana, Is.
Robert Knott, Exllne, Ia.
Frank 8. Mlttlestadt, Marshalltown, la.
The only sure way to get rid o;:
dandruff Is to dissolve it, then yot
destroyit entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquic
arvon; apply it at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalt
and rub it in gently with tha f ingei
tips. i
Do this tonight, and by morning
most if not all, of your dandruf f
will be gone, and three or four mort .
applications will completely dissolvt
and entirely destroy every singlt "',
sign and trace of it, no matter how
much dandruff you may have. '-
You will find, too, Uiat all itchinj
and digging of thesca!p will stop ai ,
once, and your hair will be fluffy J
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, anS
look and feel a hundred times bet
ter. I
You can get liquid arvon at anv
drug store. It is inexpensive anc
never fails to do the work. Adv.
When Itching Stops
TIiom nnn Rnfp riennndahls) trtta.t
ment that relieves Itching torture and
SKin lrniaiion bjiuubi uuutuuy sua
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 36c or M
bottle of zemo and apply it as direct
ed. Soon you will find that irrita
tions, pimples, blackheads, ecienaa
blotches, ringworm and similar skis
troubles- will disappear. J
A little semo, the penetrating, sat
Isfying liquid, la all that Is needed,
tor it banishes most skin eruptioni
makes the skin soft, smooth and
Tba a. W. Boa Oo.. Cleralaat, O.
O 3 O
TO MOTHERS! Keep your little pets physically fit, smiling, feeling
their best always, by giving Cascarets, the candy cathartic, occasionally.
Children love to take Cascarets. They are sweet caddy-like tablets,
but just wonderful to correct the little white tongue, feverish breath, sour
tomach'tnd colds. Cascarets gently "work" the bile, sour fermentations
and poisons from a child's tender stomach, liver and bowels without griping
or injury. Mothers who depend upon Cascarets as the children's laxative
lave trouble, worry and cost. Each 10 cent box of Cascarets contain;
directions and dose fgr kiddies aged one year old and upwards.
. ..; i
A wonderful Treatment for that genera
run-down, tired-out feeling of both mint
and body, indigestion, stomach disorders
constioation and biliousness. -
Nun-Tone is rich in blood-bulldim
power, nourishes the nerve eells, strength i
ens the nervous system. It tones up thJ
stomach, gives you a great appetite, gently
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels; hslpii
eliminate the poisonous wastes; drives oul
Malaria; puts fresh color in the cheek il
sparkle in the eyel , 1
It cost $1.00 lasts a whole month
Get a bottle Use it 20 days and If yeii
are not benefited, take the remainder o'l
the package back to tha druggist and ge-
your money back. For sale by SHERMAN
other good drug stores. Try it. Adv. j
f ry"wirertr. , i
"a-cols taunt" V r" i
In the war was to oust the Russian
commander at Harbin, Manchuria,
preventing Bolshevik control, one
year ago today, December 13, 1917.
Find a Bolshevik. .
Vftifc totem affaifuj lack.
reak a Cold
In Few Hours
First dose of "Papes Cold Compound" relieves the cold
and grippe miseryDon't stay stuffed up!
Relief comes instantly.
A dose taken every two hours un
til three doses are talcen will end
grippe misery and break up a severe
cold either in the head, chest, body
or limbs.
' It promptly opens clogged-up nos
trils and air passages in the head,
stops nasty discharge or nose run
ning, relieves sick headache, dull
ness, feverishness, sore throat,
sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blow
ing and snuffling! Ease your throb
bing head! . Nothing else in the
world gives such prompt relief as
"Pape's Cold Compound," which
costa only a few cents at any drug
store. It acts without assistance,
tastes nice, causes no inconvenience.
Be sure you get the genuine. Adv.
V; 'f
Thousands of satisfied customers are using Dietz No. 8 coal because it is economical coal y
to burn. '
The Dietz No. 8 lump or egg coal for Hot-Air Furnaces, Hot-Water Hter and Soft Coal
Heaters. The Dietz No. 8 nut coal for Cook S ":oves and Base-Burners. .
The following dealers can supply you NOW with Dietz No. 8 coal: (
A. I. Bergquist & Son. Farmers' Lumber Co. F. A. Marshall. Reynolds Coal Co.
Bowman-Kranz Lbr. Co. G. E. Harding Coal Co. P. Murphy. Rivett Lbr. & Coal Co.
Boyer-Van Kuran Lbr. & Harmon & Weeth. Omaha Lbr. & Coal Co. South Omaha Ice Co.
Coal Co. Havens Coal Co. Platner Lumber Co. Union Fuel Co. r
Broadwell-Roberts Co. E. E. Howell & Son. Platner Lbr. & Coal Co. Victor Whi' Coal Co.
Crosby-Kopietz-Casey Co. McCaffrey Brothers. Power-SIoup Coal Co.
Bluffs City Lbr.& Coal Co.
Carbon Coal Co.
Droge Elevator Co.
Farmers' Lumber Co.
Fenlon-Wickham Coal Co.
Krettick Brothers.
New Council Bluffs Coal
& Ice Co.
O'Neill Brothers.
Platner Lbr. & Coal Co.
Victor Jennings.
Western Fuel Co.
J. F. Turner Coal Co.
General Offices 14th Floor W. O. W. Building, Cmaha, Neb.
E. C. MATTOX, Dietz, Wyoming. F. RICHARDSON, General Sales Manager.