Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1918. WILLOTT GETS ENTIRE TERM ON APPOINTMENT fr' ' n . . .1. . in . r i uepuiy Attorney uenerai v , Rules Albion Man Entitled to Office Since Death o7- of Incumbent. if 5.1 ' if si- ;4i From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Dec. 12 (Special.) VVhar constitutes the constitutional provision "until his successor is elected and qualified," has been held by Deputy Attorney General Rowe to mean exactly what it says, and it that "elected and qualified" means lv antil a successor is elected and not !.k ippointed. The proposition conies up to the ittorney general s omce irom Boone county over the death of a candidate for re-election a few days before election, too late for the com mittee to nominate. .Sheriff Otto Anderson .entered the military service of the United States and the board of county com missioners appointed Capt. Frank F. Willott of Albion acting sheriff. Three days before election, after having been selected by the repub licans at the primary as a candidate for re-election, Sheriff Anderson iied in the service. The county board appointed Captain Willott to serve for : the remainder of Anderson's '.erm. Dead Man Elected. -Deputy Attorney General Rowe holds that as Willott was appointed to fill the Anderson term and that at Ahtierson would hold until a suc cessor was elected and as no suc cessor was elected, the term of Wil lott, would run until a successor is elected. Anderson, though dead, re ceived a majority over his demo cratic opponent. Mr. Rowe, how- i ft ever, suggests that Willott be re in qualified within the specified time, .iwnich is within 1U days or Decem- r ber 31. 1918. t ;The county board, which ap i. pointed Willott, is democratic and tne new Doara coming in is aiso democratic, while Willott is a re- " mihliran f nnfciriprahlp interest is taken in the matter for the reason I,, that Willott is the national guard ?"' officer who was let out as com- . mander of the Albion company of f.ii the Sixth regiment just before that ! regiment was sent to Camp Cody. " ' Shelved in Army. Willott was an old national guard K lie B company ai Aioion, oeing given tA Understand that his acre would I' flV e Dar 10 nis 8inK at the it , neaa 01 tne company, ne passeu 71 a nrst-ciass pnysicai examination (- 1 ' uric n.vnn hii! rnmniiectrn U'ltn. Kjrt K1IU WOa Ilia vUHllHUJivn ....... out tne matter Deing raisea. - Suddenly he was ordered to turn K over the command ot nis company Eto Victor Halligan of North Platte. Willott was very popular with his men and but for his pleadings that & they, accept the situation and stay j 4v by the company, most of them wou!d have quit. The only satisfac trrionvhir Was ever able to get was L that he was too old. After his com pany had gone he was importuned f to raise another for the fated Sev- enth, but refused. DANDRUFF H HAIR FALL OUT A tmall bottle of "Danderine" 1 keeps hair thick, strong, ,x beautiful. Qirls! fry this! Doubles beauty of your hair in a ) few moments. . I. j i But Twelve Democrats Are Sure of Seats in ' Coming Legislature Lincoln, Dec. 12. (Special.) Perhaps a baker's dozen, democrats will be all that will be found in the lower branch of the Nebraska legis lature when that body convenes Jan uary 7. It is now apparent that but 12 are sure of seats while up in the Fifty-fifth district it will take the of ficial count. This district is composed of Rock, Brown and Keya Paha counties and newspapers have been carrying the name of A. L. Moyer of Ainsworth, republican, as the successful candi date. A letter received in Lincoln states that the democratic candidate, A. 0. Smith, was elected by 11 ma jority. The votes of the two counties of Keya Paha and Rock show that Smith is ahead with Brown to hear from. Secretary of State Pool is expecting the official vote of Brown county soon. 'If Smith is elected the democrats will have 13 in the house and three in the senate, a total on joint ballot of 16. Bank Clerks III of Flu;' Directors Are in Charge Fullerton. Neb., Dec. 12 (Spe cial.) The Spanish influenza, which seemed to be practically stamped out when the local quarantine was lifted a week ago, has increased to such an extent that the board of health has again placed the ban upon all public gatherings. Dozens of new cases are reported each day, Mrs. Jackson, who came here from Wyoming very ill with pneumonia, has since died. Louis Hoppock, eld est son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hop pock, passed away. The entire working force at the First National bank is ill with the influenza. Ihe directors have taken charge of the bank and are administering the rou tine business as best they can. Falling Off in Death Rate Due to Spanish Influenza Lincoln, Dec. 12. (Special). The death rate because of the in fltienza is increasing in some por tions of the state though on re ports yesterday there is a falling off in fatalities as compared with late October and the early part of No vember, according to the state board of health. Two thousand five hun dred and ninety-five new cases were reported yesterday. The state board requests that all physicians desiring to go out in the work of looking after cases shall first communicate with the state board that the board may become familiar with all the work. ' Within ten minutes after an ap , plication of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not I Itch, but what will please you most t will be after a few weeks' use, when jrou see new hair, fine and downy ' it first yes but really new hair ... fro wing all over the scalp. ; A little Danderine immediately i ioubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle 1 and scraggy, just moisten a cloth . ' with Danderine and carefully draw Mt through your hair, taking one ? imall strand at a time. The effect t s amaiing your hair will be light, ' fluffy and wavy, and have an ap pearance of abundance; an incom f parable lustre, softness and luxuri- ' inGt a small bottle of Knowlton's : Danderine for a few cents at any 's irug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and ft as any that it has been neg lected or injured by careless treat mentthat's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if' you will just trv a little Danderine. Two Norfolk Soldiers Are Wounded in France Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) Official telegrams an nouncing the serious wounding in action of Privates Geo. H. Voss,' November 8, and Private Simon Brooks, November 10, in France was received by relatives Thursday. Pri vate Edward H. Voss is officially reported missing in action Novem ber 4. P. Chester Turechek, in the divi sional accounts department of the Northwestern railroad, died here Thursday morning of influenza. His wife and three children are critically ill with the same disease. He was 34 years old. New Food Commissioner Confers With Governor Lincoln, Dec. 12, (Special). Leo Stuhr, the new commissioner of the food, drag and dairy department of the state, is in the city conferr'lg with Governor McKelvie - over ap pointments of inspectors and the general work of the department Mr. Stuhr disposed of his .busi ness in Grand Island preparatory to entering the military service of the United States, but old Bill Hohen zollern "kameraded" before Mr. Stuhr had a chance to reach camp and so the state gets the opportuni ty of getting the' services of a mighty good man at the head of the food department. Fiancee of Fremont Man Killed in Torrington, Wyo. Fremont, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spe cial Telegram.) A telegram an nouncing that . Miss Sylvia Kelly, former student at Fremont college, was killed at Torrington, Wyo., was received in Fremont by the father of Bruce Dickerson, her fiance, now in the navy. Particulars were not given. Miss Kelly, after finishing a course at Fremont collefee, went to Torrington to take a position in a bank. Plans for her marriage to Mr. Dickerson after the war had been made. Dodge County Sheriff Gets Big Quantity of Joy Water Fremont, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) Twenty-one gallons of booze, shipped from Kansas City to a residence in the Crowell vicinity, were seized by Deputy Sheriff Lowry and Policeman Ed Brenner of Fremont at the Northwestern station at Crowell.' A warrant for the arrest of John Elsinger has been issued. Elsinger is believed to have Information as to the owners. It is believed fictitious names were used, as persons to whom the booze was shipped have not been located. Creston Business Man Dies Wednesday of Pneumonia Creston, Neb., Dec. 12 (Special Telegram.) Herman W. Luedke died last night of double pneumonia which originated with the influenza. He was vice-president of the Citi zens State bank and is also president of group two of the Nebraska Bank ers association. He is survived by his wife, three children, eight broth ers and four sisters. Mrs. Martha Hahn Dies; Had Lived in Fremont 35 Years JVemont, Neb., Dec 12. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Martha - Hahn, mother of County Treasurer Ernest Hahn, for over 35 years a resident of Fremont, died suddenly in her home here at the age of 75 years. Mrs. Hahn was a native of Germany and came to Fremont with her fam ily in 1881. Mr. Hahn died in 1889. Four sons and three daughters are the dose surviving xelath ? LIMITED TRAIN . LEAVES RAILS NEAR ALLIANCE Narrowly Misses Plunging Over High Embankment; Engineer and Firemen Slightly Injured. Alliance, Neb., Dec. 12. Burling ton passenger train No. 43, St. Louis to the coast, narrowly escaped plunging down a deep embankment near the city limits of Alliance late' today. The engine left the track 50 feet from the bridge over the embankment, finally falling on its side near the edge of the hollow. The engineer and fireman are repor ted to have escaped with slight in juries. No one else was hurt. Blame for the accident has not been definitely fixed, although it is generally attributed to an open switch. A more serious accident is said to have been averted by the presence of mind of the engineer in applying brakes. Holmesville Man Dies of Pneumonia Wednesday Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spe cial). George Harris, of Holmes ville, died Wednesday of he influ enza. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris of Holmes ville. He was 29 years of age and leaves a widow and one child three years of age. Mrs. Elizabeth Heckathorn, an old resident of Beatrice, died in Lincoln yesterday of pneumonia, aged 57 years. She is survived by four children. The remains were brought here today for burial.1 Announcement was received here yesterday of the marriage of Clif ford Young and Miss Helen Staehs, both of this city, which oc curred at Chicago on Tuesday. Mr. Young is in the aviation service at the Great Lakes, where the couple will reside until the latter is dis charged from the service. Two Relatives of Fremont Man Die in Week Overseas Fremont, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) Within a week after he received word that his brother. Ernest Nelson, had died of wounds in France, a telegram announcing that his brother-in-law, Private Arvid G. Holmburg, of Ideal, S. D., form erly of Fremont, had died of bron chial pneumonia in a military hos pital in France, was received by Water and Light Commissioner Harry Larson. Private Holmburg was 26 years of age and for a period made his home in Fremont, llis mother resides here. Private Holmburg went overseas in August. Report of Secretary of State Shows Increased Receipts Lincoln. Neb., Dec. 12. (Special) Secretary of State Pool is rather proud of the achievements in his of fice during two years as shown in his biennial report made to Gov ernor Neville. The secretary of state collected and turned into the treas ury during the two years just closed $350,448.29. In his biennial report filed in 1916 the secretary showed a total collection of $273,666.38. In the biennium ending November 30, 1914 the total collections amounted to $205,978.64. This shows an in crease of $67,687.7 in the years of 1915-16 over the years . of 1913-14 and a gain of $76,781.91 for the years of 1917-18 over the years of 1915-16. It might also be added that the ap propriation for the maintenance of the office for the biennium of 1913-14 and 1917-18 was the same but it was $500 less for the years of 1915-16. This does not include the auto mobile department in which the total receipts for the biennium amounted to $127,912.57. The ex penditures for the biennium amount ed to $105,768.96. leaving a net bal ance of $32,148.61. Fremont Woman Dies at Home of Mother in Omaha Fremont, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Charles Hauri gan, 24 years of age, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Eggers, in Omaha of influenza and pneumonia. Mrs. Haurigan was married to Mr. Haurigan in Fremont four years ago. Milner to Quit. London, Dec. 12. The Daily Ex press this morning says it under stands that Viscount Milner, the sec retary of state for war, is about to quit the government. WEST LAWN CEMETERY Beautiful, modern park plan ceme tery accesaible to Omaha's beet resi dence section. Family lots on partial payment at time of burial. Telephone Walnut 820 and Douglas 829. Our free automobile is at your service. WEST LAWN CEMETERY, 58th and Center. Office 15th A Harney. Shorthorn Cattle Bring . Average Price of $360 Each Fremont, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) The auction sale of shorthorn cattle of Peter Parkert, jr. of Hooper, amounted to a total of $17,000. The highest rrice paid for any animal was $1,000. The average price was $360. TEE superiority of Atwood Grapefruit is not an acci dent. From the first planting the Atwood Grapefruit Co. has sacrificed everything for QUALITY. An initial expense of hundreds of thousands of dollars was incurred, while everything that scientific cul ture and experience could suggest was done to produce QUALITY. Even then some trees at maturity bore simply good grapefruit, but not good enough for the Atwood Brand. These trees were cut down and replaced by superior va rieties. So through selection and cultivation;" has ': evofved the delicious ATWOOD GRAPE FRUIT "the Aristocrat of the Breakfast Table." Six Appropriate Gifts for Men Men's Shop Main Floor O UR MEN'S SH0P featur a stock of gifts that Y , man appreciates things he needs and likes. $2.00 Mufflers ' $1.59 " 'A group of fine cut silks and tubulars in plain col- priced.0irC StripeS' Eeversible style specially Phoejiix Silk Hose . The universal gift to men. All colors, all sizes lour man s size here in the color he prefers. 1 Pair 75c 2 Pair... $1.50 4 Pair... $3.00 Christmas box if desired. Men's Belts $1.00 and $2.00. ,t1umn' bu,ckles vhm metaL The kil that will not tarnish. Complete with belt, $1.00 blackbelt! So6' "" t0gCther W,tb 8 fiDe QUality Silk Pajamas $5.00 A limited quantity at this price. Silk in attractive patterns. Knitted Neckwear $1.25 Plain colors and stripes. A special for Friday. Men's Shirts . ' $4.85 and $5:85. " The always acceptable gift. Fiber silk in a variety of pretty colors and patterns. Excellent rearing quality,. Sfe Jhre of Specialty Jfiopb Milbank Board of Health Puts Ban on All Meetings Milbank, S. D., Dec. 12. (Spe cial) The t board of , health, as a precautionary measure, has decided to again call off all public meet ings in Millbank and put a ban on all gatherings excepting the schools, to aid in putting an end to the in fluenza epidemic here. For the present ;i least the schools will be permitted to run, with the provision that an examination of each pupil in the first four grades be made every morning. The ban includes the churches and Christmas exercises. Gregory Schools Closed Until After Christmas Gregory, S. 1)., Dec. 12. (Spe cial) Btcause of an increase in the number of influenza cases here and in this vicinity the hoard of edu cation has closed the public schools, and will keep them closed until the Monday following Christmas. A number of pupils came down with the disease while in school. Beatrice Has Good Chance to Land Y. M. C. A. Camp Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 12 (Special.) According to Secretary H. M. Garrett of the Y. M. C. A., Beatrice has a good chance of winning the three-cornered race with Norfolk and Columbus for a state camp site. The V. H. Wagner farm on the river four miles northwest of Be atrice has been tentatively chosen as a site for such camp if it is lo cated in Beatrice. The location is an ideal one as there is plenty of shade uid it is close to the Blu river. Numerous personal improve ments will be made on the ground! if the camp is established here Aside from the assembly hall and other buildings, a fine athletic field will be another feature. The camp will be in continuous operation dur ing .the, summer months each year. A committee from state headquar ters will be here Saturday to look over the proposition. Colds Cum Grip and Influent. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tibltti T. mov th cui. There I only on "Brorn Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature OB the box. 80c. MEM-Friday and Saturday- Sale of Men's Suits . Cheviots, Cassimeres, Vicunas, Worsteds, Blue Serge and Mixtures, Tailored in "Stein Block' "Sam Peck" and other rep resentative shops Unreservedly guaranteed Two Groups Including Suits up to $40 4 $17.75 and $23.75 Jllk 'AN EXTRAORDINARY EVENT with two purposes-to reduce our stock to norma! and ' to acquaint critical men with the quality of Benson & Thome's clothes. ' Our Men's Shop is a year-round organization as a result, we offer in Stein-Block and Sam Peck suits the finest suits obtainable for the price. All that you can get in the finest custom tailoring and then some. There are no better materials There can be no better tailoring. And the styles are the standard of the clothing industry. - These are not idle statements to mislead they are facts to lead you in the right direction. We can ve them. You can verify them for yourself at a cost of very little time and effort. The importance of this sail jh- sists i in the fact, that at the original price, these suits were from $3 to $5 under the pres-- day retail prices asked elsewhere for suits of the same character. For Semi-Dress, Business and Street Wear The Suits on Sale at $17.75 Were Regularly Up to $27.50 Snappy or conservative styles for Men and Young Men. Plain colors and smart mixtures, stripes and checks. All-wool cheviots and worsteds.' The Suits on Sale at $23.75 Were Regularly Up to $40.00 A double guarantee back of these suits "Stein Eloch," "Sam Peck" and the Benson & Thome. Newest conservative and form-fitting models in cheviots, cassi mers. All sizes regular, long and short. Until Saturday at 6 P.M. 'htm on i ovm MEN'S SHOP SIXTEENTH AND FARNAM - v.