Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Mmhmmwm ililM
Only 10 Christmas Shopping
Days Left
We are fast approaching probably the most
wonderful Christmas the world has ever seen.
A Christmas when everybody will surely want
to remember everybody else.
Have You Done Your Xmas Shopping?
Our great Basement Store will be of service
to thousands, who seek to adjust their expendi
ture so as to include every one on their Xmas
list, with something good and worth while, yet
not extravagantly costly.
These Sales for Friday
Children Enjoy
Our Playroom
While You Are
Certificates for
the Gifts at the
Exchange Desk
S3" i:":::Bjn8lt:i;::::f1SJ
The Green Room
Always Serves
Good Luncheons.
Morning Hours
Best for 'Shopping.
Extra Special!
Bungalow Style
The ever popular gift item for Christmas large as
sortments and unusually low prices in our, Downstairs Store.
4 Women's Fancy Embroid- ! Women's White and Col-
ered White and Colored Ef- ored Initial Handkerchiefs,
feet, 6 in fancy box, CO 6 in fancy box, rA
JJt at, box, OUl
at, box,
Women's Embroidered
White and Colored Ef
fects, 3 in fancy OQ
box, at, box, vjC
Women's Handker
chiefs, 3 and4 in Crt
fancy box, at, box, JUC
- Women's White Corded
Border Initial
Handkerchiefs, ea.,
Women's Fancy White
and Colored Initial Hand
kerchiefs, 6 in box,
Women's White Hand-
kerchiefs, 3 in OQ
fancy box, at, box, Jt
Children's Novelty
Handkerchiefs, 3 9C
in box, at, box, vdC
Women's Cotton Em
broidered and Initial
Handkerchiefs, in white
and colored effect,
at, each,
Men's Plain White anc? '
Corded Borders, good ;
size handker- 1 OX. j
chief, at, each luQ j
Men's Initial Handker j
chiefs, in white and col- j
ored initial, 6 in HC0 3
box, at, box, IvC j
Assortments and Prices to
Please Everybody
Women's Silk Fiber Hosiery, with
double soles and lisle garter 1 OP
tops, in colors, per pair, at, iLJ
Women's Silk Lisle, Double Soles
and Garter Top, in assorted 1 OQ
colon, 2 pair in box, at, box lLJ
Women's Lisle Black and White
Hosiery, 2 pair in box,
at, box,
Men's Fiber Silk Socks,
sorted colors, 2 pair in
box, at,
Men's Lisle Colored Socks,
put up 2 pair in box, at
Men's Wool Socks, in ox-
ford, black and natural, pair,
Children's Cotton, Lisle and Silk
Hosiery, in heavy, medium and fine-
ribbed Black Cat Brand,
at, pair,
. Sizes-10i2, 11, llia. at,
per pair
in as-
Beacon Bath Rob
Flannel, in a splen
did variety pretty
jacquard and Indian
designs for men's and
women's bath robes,
ST 65c
Imported and Domes
tic Kimono Crepa in
a wonderful assort
ment pretty Japanese
designs and color
ings, desirable just
now for kimonos,
dressing aacques,
etc., at, tiQg
a yard, JIC
Fancy Embroidered and Scalloped Pil
low Case, made of splendid quality
muslin, in assorted fancy designs, siie
45x36. Make an excellent Xmas gift.
Special at, pair 95c
36-Inch Percale
Dress, Wrapper and
Shirting, styles light
and dark colors; our
very best quality, at,
yard, 35 C
32-Inch Woven Shirt
ing .Madras, pretty
striped and jacquard
effects for men's and,
boys' shirts, etc., per
r1' 35c
Any these Rugs
. Can Be Purchased by Gift
Seekers Excellent ' Values, Too
30x60 Hit and Miss Rag
Rugs, special at, each
18x36 Wool Felt Rugs, in pretty col
orings, a useful Xmas gift, 1 OQ
at, each, iOV
27x54 Axminster Rugs, pretty de
signs, a gift tht would be " O AC
appreciated, at, each- LJu
36x72 Axminster Rugs, .worth up to
$6.98, a special offering, A AC
at, each, 4ww
Gift Ideas Hardware Dep't
Nut Bowls Casseroles
We have two very pretty patterns
we offer for Friday's sale, one a
rustic pattern with crack and
picks, 1.29. The other pattern, as
illustrated, s very finely, finished
bowl, with nickel-plated 1 QC
mounted cracker, at e7J
8-Incn Nickel-plated Casseroles,
with first grade brown 1 OA
and white inset, at ewl7
Aluminum Percolators
"Mirro" Aluminum Percolators,
Colonial pattern, , 2.49
Plain pattern Aluminum Perco
lator, 1.49
Food Choppers
Any size "New Standard" Food Choppers,
worth from 1.89 to 2.79, j
1.98 "Columbia" Food Choppers, 1 (?Q
special at
2.25 "Columbia" Food Choppers,- 1 "JQ
special at , ' 1 e I 7
Serving Trays
One lot of n-ihogany
finished serving trays
in a 'variety of pat
terns at 98c
Golden Rod
Borax Naphtha Washing Powder,
extra large package, per pkg..
(Limit 3 pkga. to a customer,
no phone orders)
White Borax Naphtha
Laundry Soap, bar .
(Limit 10 bars to a customer,
no phone orders)
Specials for Friday
Women's Silk Top, Lisle Body,
Pink and White Union "I 7ft
Suits, in fancy band top, 1,1 J
all sizes; at, each,
Women's Fancy Hand Crochet
2LV 50c "j 59c
Women's cotton, low neck, sleeve
less, ankle length,' medium weight
Union Suits in band top, in sizes
V' 1.50 1;8'9' 1.75
For Gift Giving
Boys' Black Part Leather Finished
Gloves, at, ( QC
pair, 7tJL
Women' Black Caihmerette
Gloves in sices 7 to
8, at, pair,
Ladies' Black Cotton
Gloves, at, pair,
Children's Wool Mittens in black
and assorted colors,
at, pair,
A Sale of 1400
Winter Coats
For Women and Misses at after Christmas
prices. Divided into 4 real bargain lots.
If you want a good coat for a very low
price, here is your chance to buy at clear-
ance sale prices. '
Excellent Plush Coats
' 25.00 for Fine Salt's Sealette Plush Coats,
many have big fur collars and cuffs. Plain
and fancy Coats, several styles, made to
sell for as much as 35.00.
Wonderful Coat Values at
17.95 for Women's and Misses' rightup-to-the-minute
style( long Coats. Made to cell
at 2&00 tn 30.00. Fine all satin lined,
Imperial plush, fine all wool, plain and
fancy cloth" Coats, many different styles,
sizes to fit most anyone. Fine Coats at cut
of the season prices. .
$15and$l 7.50 Winter Coats,
Hundreds of good practical styles, heavy
long winter Coats, for Women and Misses,
at this price; many are all lined, dozens
of styles, all new, upto-date Coats. Im
perial Plush Cloth Coats, with big fur col
lars, etc. Sizes to fit most anyone, one
style in extra sizes for stout women.
Think of it Women's Coats at
A lot of good Coats, for this small price,!
all good long coat styles, many different,
styles, all good, practical materials, some
are all lined, a few have large fur collars.
Materials are Zibeline, Chamois finished
Broadcloth, fancy mixtures and plaids,
fancy rough cloth, etc. Every Coat is worth
more wholesale than we are asking retail.
Just think, a good; warm winter Coat, up-to-date
style, only
Made of excellent quality per
cale; choice of two pretty
stvles: anrons
made to sell for C
1.25; on sale while
50- dozens ljist ;
See Santa Claus Friday
And His Wonderful Toyland Downstairs
American Flyer Trains
The train with a guaran
tee. Best American made
mechanism; highly decor
ated coaches, 1.25 to 7.00.
Lionel electric trains
bring joy to the boy.
6.00 to 25.00.
Hello Boys, Gilbert Toys.
There's hardly a boy in
America that hasn't heard
of Erector the toy-like
structural steel, which
builds sky scrapers,
bridges and engineering
models of all kinds, just
like workmen build the
real thing. Come to the
Erector counter and see
the models built by an
Omaha boy. Erector sets
sell from 1.00 to 25.00.
Errand Boy, Mes
senger Boy, Tit-tat-toe,
Yacht Race,
Base Ball and
many others, 25c
Fish Pond, Ping-Pong,
Hunting the Tiger,
and hundreds of Sol
dier and Board Games,
from 50c to 3.00
Carrom Boards that
you can play 57 games
with, for 3.50
Others up to
Shoo Flies
for the Baby
With two prettily
painted horses and
fancy upholstered
seat, 2.00 to 5.00
There is nothing more bene
ficial for the boy or girl than
a velocipede. Good sub
stantial velocipedes for the
little boy, 2.50. Others for
the older children, rubber
tires 5.00 to 10.00.
Self-steering and genuine
flexible Flyn sleds 1.50 to $8
Dolls and Dollies
You never saw so many in your life,
Boy Dolls and Girl Dolls, Baby Dolls and
Indian Dolls. Sanitary Rag Dolls that
you can wash, and Dolls made out of
dried apples. Schoinhut Dolls made of
wood. Horsman Gold Medal Dolls-
well j, you will just have to" see the Doll
Counter to believe it.
Useful Gifts for Boys
BOYS' SUITS Fancy Mixed Norfolk
Suits, belted models, in mixtures of gray, v
brown, green, and tan; 6 to 18-year sizes.
Priced at 6.75 and up to 12.95
Good Values
Boys' Overcoats
full belted and half
belted models, in plain col
ors, and fancy mixtures,
3 to 18 year sizes, priced
at 7.50 up to 14.95
Boys' Mackinaws
in plain colors and plaid ef
fects, 6 to 18-year sizes,-at,
6.50 9.75
Boys' Shirts
in fancy colored striped ef
fects, neckband styles, 12 to
14-year sizes, . OP
priced at OOC
Boys' Sweater Coats
have shawl collars and
double side pockets, in ox
ford grey and finely 1 j" A
knit, priced at l.DU
A Timely Sale of
High Cut Shoes
High top shoes fill all requirements for
outdoors and hard wear. The upper leather
is known as Brownstone Genuine Chrome
Tanned Glove Fitting. Dries soft after wet
ting. Two full soles and all leather.
Three Special Lots for
Friday and Saturday
LOT NO. 1 Men's High Cut, $5
1 4-inch, tan, double oak sole, blucher,
cut strap and buckle, sizes 6 to 11. Val
ues 7.00, Friday and Saturday C AA
only at this price, pair, UVV
LOT NO. 2 Boys' High Cut, 3.45
8 and 10-inch tan or black, two soles,
closed tongue, wide roomy last, strap
and buckle, sizes 1V to 5 ; O yJC
per pair, JtJ
Youths' High Cut 2.95
Same Shoe as Lot 2, ohly sizes
(1 to 2; at, per ng
Men's Shirts
Are splendid as gifts,
and choosing can be
economically done here.
Men's Shirts in a great as
sortment of patterns, high
grade in every detail, come
in fine Count percales soi-
sette and fancy madras, col
lar attached,!
or neck band
styles, sizes 14
to 17i2.
y mauras, cui-
Men's Hose
An assortment in colors of black,
white, tan, gray and some fancy,
put up 4 pair in a 1 ((
Christmas box, at UU
in large shawl
collar, V neck
and heavy
jumbo styles,
sizes for all.
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