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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1918)
r THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; DECEMBER 8, 1918. S A J The Christmas Store Beautiful 14 More Shopping Days Till Xmas mHOUGHTFUL gift seekers are mak--- ing selections now that the most unusual articles will not all be selected when one comes to buy. l GLOVE BONDS When in doubt about the size or color, send aGlove Certificate; have the re cipient come in and make her own selec tion and be prtfperly fitted. Now ob tainable in our Glove Sesction, Main floor. D Mies Stores THE OLD JEST THAT a man can't wear his Christina cravats no longer holds if fminine purchasers visit the men's wear section and take advantage not only of their varied stock, but well informed sales service, which is capable of advising on mascu line preferences. J.JERE are Christmas stocks so immense and so boundless 'hi variety that one could hardly attempt at any one time to see everything gathered by this store that it might be of fullest pos sible helpfulness in the Christmas plans of its patrons. Yet every 9 single gift article beautiful, decorative, utilitarian, wearable, useable, acceptable for the home or the person was chosen with the ever-present consciousness that the name of Branaeis Stores shall always identify the gift worth while, irrespective of the par ticular form the gift may take. Useful Gift Gloves Especially -Perrin's Splendid Selection Perrin't Real Kid Glove, either over s e a m or pique sewn, light and me dium weight, wear. They come in black or white, white with black backs; also in the newest shades of brown and gray and other colors. They, will sell . while this stock lasts, at, pair 3.00 and 3.50 Others at 2.50 and 2.75 Main Floor for street or dress 1 r If Your List Reads .Kerchiefs Your Gift Will Be Unusual If Selected From Stocks Like These. Women's Madeira II a ndk erchiefs. Pure sheer linen, eyelet corner de signs and dainty scalloped edges, all hand work, in fancy Xmas box, 3 in box, 2.00,2.50 W o m e n't Initial Spanish Hand Em broidered Handkerchiefs; all pure linpn. initial hpnntif ullv pmhrniH- tx ered in floral corner designs. As- snrfprl nnttprnQ in papn hnv rinirtfrv Xmas box. Six in box, 4.50 a box. Main Floor , Pictures Life-Long Lasting Beautiful Hand-Painted Pastel, framed with artistic taste 1.98 Sepia Paints of "Old Matters," 16x20, framed in Walnut frame and mat, 2.98 Cupid Awake and Asleep, in. heart-shaped Walnut" framts, at, pair, ' 5.00 Exceptional "assortment of Framed Pictures, 50c, 1.00, 1.50 Third Floor. 6 The Kiddies Would Enjoy a Victrola For Christmas And they would enjoy it just as much every other day in the year which is more than ?an be said for most t h i n g s you could get for them. What's more, all thefamily would enjoy it all the time-so why de lay about getting one? See Us for Terms. j fa Very Appropriate Are Hosiery Offerings From Gift Givers in the or the Lace Hose, allover lace lace boot with plain top, all silk. These .come in the lace stripes or a fancy all over design and wanted colors. Women's Fine Quality Thread Silk Hose, excellent value.'pair at 2.00 Silk Lace pair, Hose, De Luxe, 3.75 Misses' Dainty Colored Thread Silk Hose, sizes 6 to 9, per pair, at 1.25 to 2.25 Felt Slippers Especially Noteworthy - Offerings Felt Slippers for-women and chil dren, in splendid assortment. Soft sole kinds for women, aW- 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75 Made of best quality felt with, soft padded soles, all the most wanted colors, all sizes. ' Felt Slippers for Misses and Children Fur trimmed and bootee styles, colors, blue and red, leather or soft padded soles, all sizes from 5 to 2. Triced 1.25 to 1.75 Main Floor. Bathrobes Of Beacon Robe Cloth Specially made for gifts. These bathrobes come in a selection of twenty different patterns. The colorings are a story in themselves. They seem to be even prettier than ever, and are so varied as to make it possible for the most fastidious to be satisfied. These robes for women are- 5.75 Second Floor Appropriate and Useful Lingerie Dainty and a gift to appeal to lovers of refined and simple garments. Most Everyone Buys Sweets Ideal gift boxes filled with choicest chocolates, packed in souvenir red wood boxes, priced at 65c, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.50 and 3.50 a box. A Favorite Gift Box is our Special 2-lb. fancy select assortment of ihoicest Chocolates, assorted with choicest bon bons and fruit, at a spe cial price, per box 1.50 Beautiful Fancy Boxed Candies, in i, 2, 3 and 5-pound bqxes,' all filled with fresh,' choice candy, at various prices. ' Main Floor Blouses for Gift-Giving A BIouss makes an ex cellent Chris t m a a gift. C h r is 0 m as box given upon request. In Georgette Crepe, Charmeusa Satin and Crepe de Chine 4.95 to 15.00 High Neck Models Hand Beaded " Models Lace Trimmed Models Frill and Fichu Blouses Semi - Tailored Blouses r in white, flesh and all suit shades. Night gowns and Billie Burkes of Crepe de Chine in white and flesh, effective yoke3 of Georgette and Val laces, attractively trimmed in ribbons and rosettes. Prices range 5.98, 8.98, 12.95, 19.98. Third Floor. I Wriy Not a Silk . Petticoat A fortunate trade trans action en ables us to offer these fine silk pet ticoats of taf feta silk QZjtJirJ: upooc. M Main 1 Floor 3.45 Splendid quality in changeable or plain shades, also silk Jersey and com bination of both, rich pleated, accor dion pleated, tucked and ruffled, deep flounces, in time for a Xmas gift. Jewelry Department suggestions for gifts for all the family. For Women Pearl Beads. Wrist Watches. Cameo Brooches. ' Sterling Silver Bar Pins, et with White Stones. Dinner Rings. Lavallieres Mesh Bags. Vanity Cases. Ivory Toilet Set. ' Sterling Silver Toilet Sets. Dorene Powder Boxes. Opera Glasses. Lorgnettes. For Men Scarf Pins. Signet Rings. ' Gold Knives. Waldamar Chains. Cigar Cases. Cigarette Cases. Sterling Belt Buckles. Soft Cuff Links of Gold and Sterling Silver. For Children Sterling Baby Rattles f Genuine Ivory Teething Rings Child's Cups. Child's Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon Napkin Holders. Bracelets., Locket and Chain. , Leather Bags in all colors, for the kiddies. Why Not Buy a Girl One of These New Wool Serge Dresses What an appreciated gift one of these lovely Dresses will make, and they can be purchased advantageously at these prices ' ' 1 - 3.50, 5.00 and 6.95 Splendid assortment, to choose from, practical for school or dress-up, attractive models, shown in the very newest styles in navy, brown, dark red, green; trimmed with buttons, pdekets, belts, also with contrasting colors. Embroidery designs.' Sizes 6 to 14. Girls' Rain Capes Vould make lovely Xmas gifts. Choose one of these priced 1.95 to 5.95. Rubberized rain capes with hood', guaranteed to shed water; poplins, sat een; colors, navy, red and tan; ages 4 to 14. , Also a complete line of Girls' Rain Coats for ages 6 to 16. Prices 3.95 to 15.00. They come in pop lin, Scotch tweed, or fancy silk. An Opportune Special Sale of Beautiful Filet L ace Scarfs Oblongs, Doilies and Cloths Copied from real high class filet laces and repre- senting Japanese, springtime and dancing'maids designs. Scarfs All-Over Lace, 1.50 Each Size 18x36 Sizel8x!5 Size 18x5 . Ovals for Chiffonieivand Dressing Table, 12x27 inch 9xl8-inch. Round centers 24 and 20-inch size, and chair tidies, in all-over lace. " Each 1.00 Also An , Exquisite Assortment of Pin Cushion Tops Tray Ovals, and N Hot Roll Holder 75c Each Jj'unch Cloths in 54-inch size, square or round de signs, each 6.98 Bread tray oVals with filet edge, each 39c Round Doilies 12-in. size, ea.,59c 6-in. size, ea., 29c To match. . Tea Cloths in 36, inch size, each 3.49 The Queens of Perfumes Those of the very acme of the perfumer's art. Those of delicate and lasting qualities, so much desired by genteel women. Those by Coty's, iiouoigant, Ko sine and Kerkoff, are popular fa vorites with peo ple of refinement. Toilet Good, Main Floor Wool Sweaters Ideal for Women's Gifts ' The ideal garment for thisNome of the year, slipover with sleeves, purled at the waist, cuffs, breast pocket, in all the popular shades, rose, peach, turquoise, buff; sizes for women and- misses, 2.95 For Monday Special 200 Wool Knitted ft AA Slip-Over Coats, S till 5.00 values, at A 'practical Xmas gift for everyday comfort, Heavy rope stitch pattern with deep sailor collar, breast pocket and deep purling at waist and cuffs; all desirable shades; all sizes. Special. Dainty Gifts of Underwear Women's Italian silk envelope chemise and union suits, daintily trimmed with touches of embroidery or lace, in pink or white, on sale 5.00 Women's Italian silk vesls, band tops, or ribbon shoulder straps in pink or white, on sale, , 2.50 Women's silk top union suits with lisle body, knee or ankle length, low neck, sleeveless, pink or white, on sale, 1.95 Third Floor. ' 1 1 ST f 1 Useful Gift Art Departm'tf The Art Department is showing many practical and attractive things for the home. Prominent are Tapestry Library Scarfs, Tapestry, and Sttk Pillows for the living room and more dainty ones of Silk and Brocade for the boudoir. Extra special are the tapestry and heavy poplin .pillow covers, v round and oblong; also library scarfs, worth much more. Only i 2.25 each. Lamps for the floor and lamps for the reading table, llahogany stands . and Silk shades. Hand painted baskets -for the sewing room to make mother's work easier. 9 6 Fur Sets for a Child's v' Merry Christmas T HE cute little white sets for the tots and the darker fur sets fash ioned more after sister's set for girls 6 to 14 years. Immediate choice of fers great advantages; prices range from 2.95, 3.95, 4.95 to 12.50 f Second Floor. 7 's$Jn g If You Have China ware on the List Ft7 V mil I M We are sure you will be interested in our displays. Large orders placed by us more than a" year ago enabfe us to display complete stocks at prices approximating the present wholesale cosfT Haviland Cfhina Din ner Set, 44 pieces, handsomely deco rated and treated with coin .gold, at 39.50 Dinner Set, white and gold, 44 pieces, fine domestic porcelain ware; unusual value at this low price, 9.85 Dinner Sets, white and gold, 100 pieces, fine domestic porce lain, 19.85 Dinner Sets, 100 p i e c e 9, Johnson Bros. English por celain, beautiful pink decorations, at 25.00 Haviland China Dinner Set, 44 pieces, Derby shape, white and gold, 48.50 English Bone China Service Plates 25 discount. Hand Decorated Plates, each. 50c 1 9 ' r Goblets, thistle-etched, the doz., ' B.00 Cut Glass Salts and Peppers, the pair, 1.25 Glass Casserole, fancy nickel-plated frames, 7- finch, . 3.98 8-inch, - V : ' 4.85 , Libbey Cut Glass Sugar and Cream Set, 5.00 Oven Glass, gift set, 11 .pieces, 4.85 Cut Glass Bugar and Cream Sets, 2.50 Cut Glass Candy Compote, . 75c Cut Glass Fancy Flower Baskets,,. 2.50 Cut Glass Candy Jars, covered, , 2.98 Useful Christmas Gifts for Little Toddlers . From 2 to 6 Years that will please their little hearts, for kiddies like pretty things as well as big sister and brother, so Why not make them happy and comfy with a dear little all-wool sweater, i in one, of the real baby', shades, at " 3.98 Or, one of those ador able quilted robes of silk, that look as though made for fairies, priced at 5.98 Then there are bonnets that make the we baby face look like a little - flower, either wool or silk, priced from 75c to 10.00 And there are more practical garments that are just as attractive for gifts, Buch as the warm,' cozy bathrobe in light or dark colors 1.19 to 3.98 And the quaint little bungalow aprons, just like mother's, at 1.50 Bring the Children to See Santa CHa us vand Toyland Here is the largest display in town. Every kind of -toy imaginable is here and one may choose for children of every age. Here are 'a few popular playthings. Sandy Andy, Dump ing Andy,' Sandy Crane and ell the Sandy Andy numbers, from v 50c to 1.25 Kindergarten Beads, box, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 Color Cubes for mak ing designs, 25c, 50c, $1 T Kiddo Kar Similar to Kiddie Kar. Made of good, service able material, 39c Monoplane Joy Toy Soaring Mon oplane. Will operr at a height of 150 feet and soar gracefully to earth, ' 50e Play Store Little Toy Town Groc ery Store with real groceries, i 35c W " " Every little girl wants a Piano. You will find very kind, Upright and Baby Grand, the prices 50c to 25.00 Game Mother Goose, 1 1 h a House that Jack Built, Game of A, B, ' C, Authors and many other games, 15c Checkers and Domi noes, 15c to 1.50 Children's Shoo Flies White and Dapple Gray Horses, some up holstered in leather ette; others fancy cre tonne, 1.50 to 5.00 Tinker Toys make happy boys. " You can build hundreds of models with Tin ker Toys.