m JLL Alii e Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Let This Be Your Christmas Guide TPt a JL C L 30 0 penuo r kt SAVE 25 to 50 on all Diamonds Wrist Watches Gold Jewelry Take the elevator to the sixth floor, where my inexpensive rent enables me to sell jewelry at 25 to 50 per cent below the prices asked by "ground floor" jewelers. We handle only the best makes of jewelry. W. C. FLATAU Established 1892 Sixth Floor Securities BIdg. Good Old "Santa" Says:- "Send Christmas Cards to all your friends this should he a sensible Christmas" A most complete stock of stationery, cards and Christ mas novelties. Omaha Stationery Co. 307 South Eighteenth street Make This a Candy Christmas Everyone appreciates a gift of candy. Ftfr mother, sweetheart or sister it has no rival in popularity at Christ mas time and it shares its "sweetness" with every member in the home. For a sensible Christmas buy Good Candy. Candy Land Walnut Room 1522 Farnam These are surely wonderful bar gains in Xmas slippers. Slippers-Slippers Slippers I'm gonna oe sore like heck, if I don't get a pair of slip pers for Christmas fort' Slippers ar th best rift that anyon can givs for Xma. They carry with them real cheer and at the aame time art Inexpensive. Put a slipper on that Xmas stocking. Men's Fine Kid Slippers, just like cut, 98c to $2.00 fllSsifP Comfy Felt Slipper, with fl heavy soft felt sole in all yJlP colors. Novelty Felt Slipper, with soft elk sole, like cut $1.29 Ladies' Felt Juliet Slippers in all colors, with fur trim med tops and leather soles $1.49 G. R. KINNEY SHOE CO., Inc. 207-09 N. 16th Street Old "Santa" Smiles when he thinks of those richest of all New England Fruit Cakes now' ready.- Full of rich fruits and whole nuts, and made as we know Fruit Cakes should be made. Also a complete line of home-made breads, pies, cakes, etc. everything for your Christmas table. Ortrnan's New England Bakery zE! I 218 North 16th Street Branch Stores Central Market, Hayden Bros. We have often been styled- store fonihe L. A reason m that we C( always carry , 80 13 w many clever Xmas W J novelties, together fiW with one of the best stationery stocks in the city. We in vite you to inspect our Christmas showing. Moyer Stationery Company ' 16J1 Farnam St 1 Do You Need Money for Christmas? Vhfmr-ir sliiNg Let Us Supply It IF YOU are a salaried man or woman and you have debts to pay coal to buy or if you are short of money with which to do what you wish in the Christmas sea son come to us we will lend it to you. m A V til ..y We-loan money to sal aried people at 8 per annum on the sole secur ity of character and earning capacity. UR system does not involve the many -embarrassing features of most loan associations we are here to help honest workinz neonle work out their financial difficulties. This is a bank operated $or theyse of the people the common people a place Where any upright, honest, salaried man or woman can obtain money totide them through a difficult period, and for this service we charge a moderate interest of only 8. 1 -Call and talk to us about it. Industrial Loan & Investment Co. 405 So. 15th St Omaha, Nebraska. Buy Me a "Tailor-Made" Shirt they wear better they fit better more economical Order' Now for Xmas A tailor-made shirt is just as distinctive as a tailor made suit. In the matter of fit of the neck band, the sleeve length, the general adaptability of the body, the materials, etc., TAILOR-MADE SHIRTS give aT degree of satisfaction not to be found in a ready made shirt. ALBERT CAHN ? ft iristmas Cards Our line is now Ready shop early OMAHA PRINTING CO. An Edison Phonograph will bring cheer . to your home 8aHitasfEXfi25 THERE ARE 1000 GOOD REASONS why you should buy a phonograph for your home this Christmas and of course it will be the best The New Edison "The Phonograph with a Soul" We invite your in spection. ROUSE'S Edison Parlors 1924 Farnam St v mi' 13 ' li ra 11 Ml J. M VI rl 11 4 Ml Pi: 13 4 m en m ri4 E IJW3C ir ie