THE OMAHA BEE Saturdays 1 is Gift Shopper THIS store is ready to serve you now, ready with great assort ments; it has planned for months to save -'you disappointment and delay. Shop in the morning hours if possible rmnn KB DAINTIEST OF GIFTS are the ribbon Vanity Bae, made of plain and fancy satin ribbons, in pretty pastel shades, containing powder' puff and mir ror from 29c to 50c. Ribbon Counter. GIFT SHOPPERS SETS THE PACE wis jrores FOB CROWING .OMAHA No matter in which section of the (tore you may be, .you will always see useful gift merchandise in great variety, of every kind and for every purpose. s Hosiery 2 Excellent Qualities irenerous bovine iving. Main Floor. 1 Children's Silk Lisle Hose, fine ribbed, good dye, colors black and tan, brown and white, at, 50c Children's Silk Hose, all ribbed, extra zood quality, m black and sizes, 6 1 ' at, pink, sky, white. All to 9, 1.25 to 2.25 Women's Thread Silk Hose, in col ors, also black and white, fashioned lisle tops, extra quality, 1.50 Women's Silk Hose, in Dlain and Vfancy, all styles and colors, fashioned jjlc seamless, a big lot, 1.00 In the Lehigh brand of Silk Hosiery we have a nice lot of embroidered clocks in shoe shades only, 2.00 LittleUseful Things to Gladden Hearts of Wee Tots For every one with a baby's name on her gift list, the Infants' rear Section holds a cheery welcome A wee tot beginning to hear of Santa Clans and "the little dimpled darling who has not seen Christmas yet" the Christmas shopping list, and in this season when practical gifts dainty as babyhood and costing only as much it is certain many such gifts will be chosen in the Infants' Wear Section, where scores of holiday treasures are now 7 of newly arrived ent Dresses rainent convents throughout r girls, shown for the first time. Wees 13.50 to 25.00 bn style, tailored of superior quality 1 the sleeves. Excellent Dress for any-other tailored styles. Floor INFANTS' VELVET BONNETS, trimmed in satin frills and ribbon rosettes; values up to $2.50, spe cial at 95c MADEIRA EMBROIDERED PIL LOW CASES in dainty designs of solid and eyelet effects; values, 2.98; special, 1.98 INFANTS' SHOES in wliite or black and combinations of white and black; sizes 0 to 3, 75c BOOTEES in crochet and knit, white, pink or blue, also combina tion of dainty shades; values to 75c; special, 49c INFANTS' WHITE DRESSES, made of allover embroidery, also trimmed with V yoke and em broidery edge or lace at bottom. Trimmed at neck and sleeves with dainty val edging; 1.98 value; special, 1.19 INFANTS' THUMB OR THUMB LESS MITTENS, all-wool trimmed with silk edging and dainty rib bon bows, 1 49c INFANTS' CASHMERE HOSE, sizes 4 to 6, 39c SWEATERS in white, trimmed with rose or Copen, rose trimmed with white; full fashioned knit, beautiful zephyr yarn; regular 5.98 values, 3.98 WARM OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS, in white, pink or blue, made on bands or yokes; regular 85c values, 59c INFANTS WOOL AND MER CERIZED MITTENS, 29c CHILDREN'S CAP AND SCARF SETS in plain colors or Scotch plaid effects; regular 2.98 values; special, 1.39 FLANNELETTE KIMONOS for infants, in white, trimmed wh pink or blue embroidery; regular 1.00 values; special, 75c Third Floor is often the most important names on as you wish to pay have precedence, being featured at special prices. INFANTS' EIDERDOWN COZY WRAPS in white, bound in pink or blue satin ribbon; a very prac tical garment; regular 6.98; spe cial, 5.00 INFANTS' LONG BEDFORD CORD COATS, trimmed with braid, good warm linings, large cape collar, 3.98 PILLOWS for the infant's bed or carriage, filled with soft quality floss, 39c SOFT WOOL BABY BLANKETS, scalloped or bound in satin ribbon, in white with border, or pink and blue figured effects. Specially priced at 1.95 INFANTS' LONG AND SHORT CASHMERE COATS, with large round collar, trimmed with braid and feather stitching; special, 5.98 INFANTS' SACQUES, knit ;and crochet sacques, trimmed with silk stitching and dainty ribbons; spe cial, i 1.69 These Special Price For Saturday Only A Noteworthy Sale of Petticoats Just in Time for Gift Choosing 250 High Grade Silk Petticoats $4-$5 Values Saturday at $3 i Ideal for Christmas gifts, made of heavy qual ity Taffeta Silk or Jersey Top, Silk Skirt with Taf-, feta or Messaline flounces, tucked pleated, ruffles, accordian pleated, all imaginable shades. ( One to a Customer. ' Saturday Only. Second Floor A Fortunate Purchase Brings These Hjirls' Warm Winter Coats In Sizes 6 to 16 Years The First of the New Arrivals are Priced At $15 Worth as High as 22.50 Coats of Velour, Velvet, Velour Plush, Kersey,' Silvertone, etc. De signed in becomingly youthful styles and trimmed with large handsome fur collars, belted or plain. All are ixcellently made, and some are lined throughout. They are to be had in the most favored shades of the sea son and come also in the flapper ages, 12, 14 and 16. Girls' Flapper Coats, Special, 25.00 New, smart models featuring large fur collars and come mostly in the high waisted full models. These are just the sort of coats young girls like. Second Floor Gifts Certain of Appreciation Are These -New Blouses that sound the season's favored mode motifs in sleeve, in neck and in all those-smaller details. Crepe de Chine Blouses in rose, maize, peach, white, flesh, navy, at 3.95 New Georgette Crepe Blouses in white, flesh, maize, at 4.95 to 8.95 New Beaded Models, Hand Embroidered Models, New Round Necks, New High Collar Models, in Pretty Xmas Boxes. SECOND FLOOR. Art and Needle Work , A Sale of salesmen's samples, hand embroidered models. Every piece at half price, which includes many attractive things suitable for Xmat giving. Embroidered Center Pieces, Pillow Covers, Infants' and Children's Dresses, Women's Night Gowns, Combinations, Pajamas, Billie Burkes, Dresser and Library Scarfs, also a wonderful lot of Embroidered Fancy Towels. Third Floor A Sale of Women's Winter Coats Exceptional Bargains In This Lot No. 1 Are Coats that offer excep tional value in attractive, stylish winter modes wide variety of models, colorings and cloths. Plushes Broadcloth Velours Silvertone Pom-Pom Kersey New shades of Pekin, navy, brown, taupe, black, Burgundy and green. Smart collars, cuffs and ornamental pockets of fur and plush. Lined, com fortable garments 28 .50 Attractively Stylish In This Lot No. 2 Are ' featured a variety of models from which to make your choice. Fancy collars of fur and plush, belted effects, pleats and fancy linings. Ma-, terials of Burella Kersey Plush Pom-Pom . Velour Tweeds Colors : Santiago, plum blues, Pekin and navy, taupe and spring green. Excellent fab rics,' thoroughly good work manship and splendid styles make these unusual values, at 18 .75 Second Floor Drug Section We Now Have Gillette Blades Lysol Antiseptic, 50c size at 29c landerine Hair tonic, 60c size, 39c Senna Leaves, large package for 5c White Pine Cough Syrup, 25c size, 19c Fletcher Castoria, 35c size at 24c Sal Hepatica, 60c size at 49c S. S. S. for the Wood, 1.10 size 89c Oriental Cream, 1.50 size at 89c Intra T??o Pftwrfpn t 33c tuce Kazor uiaaes, fits Gem or Ever Ready razors, six fof 22c Pinaud's Eli De Quinine, 75c size, at 59c Non - Spi, special, at 33c Brown's Camphor ated. Dentifrice, 25c size, at 18c Masatta Talcum Powder, special, at 14c Mary Garden Per fume, the oz., 1.50 2-Quart Maroon hot water bottle, at ' 59c Physician and Sur geon Soap, at 6c Essex Peroxide Soap, at 8c Kirk's Elder Flow er Soap, at., . 8c' Coco Castile Soap, at 8c ,3panish Castile I Soap, 20c bar 12c Your Money Will Find Its Greatest Buying Power In Our Boys' Clothing Section The standards of quality are repre sented at a high price ; that is the way to economize in clothing, good value is the only profitable quality. Note these special offerings for Saturday All Our 15.00, 16.50, 17.50 qual ity Suits, Priced 12.50 Two Pairs of Pants With All of Them. Many Pure All Wool. Every Suiljn this wonderful sale embraces every feature to be had in Suits of the highest possible tailoring. , Models and styles the very newest. Patterns and colors very smart and nobby. Grays, tans, brown, blues, greens, in snappy mixtures. Khaki and Blue Serges in plain colors. 500 Suits all told, in sizes 6 to 17 years. Boys' Mackeu Boys' 2.50 and 3.00 Corduroy Knickers 1.95 Our regular heavy velvet corduroys in dark drab shade. A few with double seats. Plenty of every size, 6 to 17 1 Af years. Satur- I MS day only, pr. aicsat$7.50to$15. Overcoats, 7Dto?25. Our Regular 1.50 Flannel Blouses Good, substantial, warm flannelette, made with open cuff sleeves. Sizes 9 to 16 years. Colors are khaki, light gray, olive drab and c tf dark gray. I Mil Special ' l,VU Our 3.00 All-Wool Jersey Sweaters College style with fancy stripe, fyody and sleeve. Come in cardinal and black, maroon and green, purple and gold, black and gold, black and cardinal. gf For ages 6 to I.MS 14 years. Silk Underwear for Gift Giving These fresh itocka have arrived just in time to (hare a place in these first-time-hown Christina assortment. They have a charm of newness, mingled with the distinction of more than ordinary quality. Women' Italian Silk Vest, regula tion shoulder Vests or bodice styles, with satin straps in pink or white; on sale, 2.50 Women' Italian Silk Envelope Chemise, and Union Suits, em broidered fronts or lace trimmed; regular 5.95 values; pink or white; on sale at 3.9s Women's Italian Silk Envelope Chemise, lace and ribbon trim ming, extra heavy quajity; pink or white; on sale, 1 5.95 Women' Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined or Silk Topped Lisle Body Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length; regular and extra sizes; on sale, 1-95 Women's Silk and Lisle, or Mer cerized Lisle Union Suits, in pink or white; low neck, sleeveless, ankle length; on sale, 2.95 Women' Lisle Vests, tailored band top or hand crochet yokes, in pink or white; regular' 85c, on sale at . 69c Third Floor J Children's Underwear I Third Floor Children' Fleece Lined Union Suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, in white or gray; sizes 2 to 12 years; regulaT 1.25, on sale, 98c Boys' and Girls' Heavy Fleece Lined Union Suits in pink or gray; nigh neck,' long sleeves, ankle length; sizes 2 to 16 years; on sale, 1.50 Children' Medium or Heavy Fleece Lined Vest,; high neck, long sleeves and pants to match; sizes 2 to 12 years; on sale at 50c Boy' and Girls' Wool Union Suits in white or gray; high neck, long sleeve, ankle length; sizes 10 to 18 -years; on sale, 2.95 An Unusual Display and Sale of High Grade Pictures Special at TV.OO A wonderful line of beautiful imported Pictures, s framed with exquisite taste. These dainty offerings were secured from the Art Craft Guild Shop, New York, who cater only to the best. m The Italian Rennaisance and French styles of framing predomi nate. s Everyone a wonderful 'value. Affording splendid opportunity to buy a lifelong lasting Christmas Gift. Picture Dept. Third Floor I I I $ X m m ' - - - - -v 4 r v.