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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1918)
8 THE OMAHA BEE .J HMAIMIMIMMl0IMMMljllllimljMI0llllt.IMjMll)tjMjalJtIJtljn SHE WAS PUZZLED over a long list that had many a masculine name on it. And then, rijht acrota the ttreet projected the friendly porte cochere of The Store for Men, as if to remind her that in' this great building devoted to men's apparel and accessories, aisles and counters flash their happy and practical suggestions. Certainly any woman can trust to selection of Christmas merchan dise herel 1M0S SETS THE PACE w iiiiiiill rJIC FOK CROWING . OMAHA IF IN DOUBT as to what the Christmas remembrance should be, why not give a Glove or Mer chandise Certificate? There would be the assurance that no mistake of choice would accompany your Christmas wishes. Mer chandise Certificates are for sale V the Exchange Desk, Second Floor, or Glove Certificates may be obtained in the Glove Section, First Floor. (mm mm For the Christrf NOW that there are only three Saturdays to Christmas the necessity of shopping now ' be comes more important. Resolve to select a part, at least, of your gifts Saturday. I The Remarkable Selling of Furs If Jewelry is on Your Xmas Gift List Then Our Big Jewelry Section, Where Reliability and Quality Are Standards, Will Prove Interesting Main Floor. which commenced Thursday and is still in progress, offers striking values in the very newest of high grade Fur Coats, Scarfs, Muffs, Coatees, etc. Second Floor The offerings comprise samples from a promi nent New York furrier and were purchased at 60c on the dollar and priced accordingly. Choice of Large Groups at These Prices 79.00, 55.00, 37.50, 8.50, 12.50, 22.00 and a great many individual high-grade single pieces as Coats, Shawls, etc. The opportunities of this sale are twofold to effect a substantial saving on furs for personal use and those desired for Christmas Gift-giving. Solid Gold Jewelry Solid Gold Scarf Pins, beau tiful designs set with genuine diamonds and put up in nice velvet case. Special, at 2.98 Beautiful Pendant Lavallieres, solid gold set with all color stones and pearls, heavy solid gold chain, soldered. Special, at 2.98 Solid Gold Tie Clasps in vel vet lined case. Special 1.50 Watches MEN'S WATCHES, 12 size, open face Sterling Silver case, 7-jewel standard or normal move ment; guaranteed. Price, 7.50 MEN'S 12 SIZE, OPEN FACE, Elgin movement, 15 jewel; guaranteed 20-year gold filled case; plain or engraved. Priced at , 15.00 MEN'S MILITARY WATCH ES, gunmetal case, solid brass movement. Radiolite dial; guaran teed; on Kitchener leather strap. Price 4.50 ' MEN'S MILITARY WRIST WATCH, 7-jewel nickel lever movement. Radiolite dial. Nickel case; a small, good looking watch on a Kitchener leather strap. Sale price, at 10.00 LADIES' BRACELET WATCHES, very small 10V2 ligne Ladies' Bracelet Watch, 10 year gold-filled case, either ribbon bracelet or gold-filled flexible brace let. Price 8.98 VERY SMALL 10 LIGNE 15-jewel lever nickel move ment, in 20-year gold-filled case, en graved or plain. Price 12.50 WTO) Useful Gifts of Sterling Silver MEN'S PENKNIVES, sterling silver hand engraved handles and fine steel blades. Special 1.00 S TERLING SHUTTLES, hand Special, at SILVER TATTING engraved designs. 50c STERLING SILVER PENCILS, in fancy case 50c STERLING SILVER HAND EN GRAVED LINGERIE CLASPS in satin lined case. Special, at 50c STERLING SILVER TEASPOONS and Souvenir Spoons, large, full size tea spoons. Special, each 69c THE LARGEST STOCK of fine French Ivory in Omaha and at wonder fully low prices. Sale of 1881 Rogers Silverware THESE goods are universally known as high grade silverware. The base metal is finest quality 18 nickel silver, the plating full A-l extra plate 212-oz. (50 dwt.) pure silver per gross teas, other pieces in proportion. This is 25 heavier than Standard plate and all goods are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction every way. Teaspoons 1.00 Dessert Spoons 1.79 Tablespoons 1.98 Sugar Spoons 39c Berry Spoons 1.15 Soup Spoons 1.98 Bouillon Spoons 1.98 Iced Teas 1.98 Cream Ladle 69c Orange Spoons 1.79 Gravy Ladle 79c Oyster Forks 1.69 Butter Kn;fe 39c Salad Forks 2.50 .. c j 1 no e Butter Spreaders 1.98 Pie Forks 2.50 Pickle Forks 59c Knives and Forks 3.98 Cold Meat Forks 69c Butter and Sugar 79c Salad Set 1.79 j Coffee Spoons 1.00 Solid Gold Jewelry Men's Cuff Links for both soft and stiff cuffs. Solid gold except post; in a velvet lined box. Special 2.50 Solid Gold Brooches, very pretty designs in stone set and plain lovers' knots and circle pins. All in nice satin lined cases. Special, at 1.98 Solid Gold Misses' Rings set with real coral cameo. Spe cial, at 2.98 Gold Filled Jewelry FINE GOLD FILLED LINKS in engraved and engine turned designs, both for soft and stiff cuffs. Put up in nice satin-lined case, spe cial, 1.00 TATTING SHUTTLES, finest gold filled, beautifully hand en graved; very special at 50c GENUINE CAMEO BROOCHES, large size and either brown or pink shell, and are mounted in beautifully hand-engraved gold-filled mountings; spe cial at 2.98 GOLD FILLED LINGERIE CLASPS, prettily engraved and engine-turned designs, come in a nice satin-lined case; special at 50c GOLD FILLED LAVALLIERES very pretty pendants on a fine gold-filled, soldered link chain; special, i.oo MEN'S SETS Watch chain and knife sets. Fine gold filled, Waldemar chain, soldered' links and a fine gold-filled Penknife in plain and engraved designs; comes put up in a nice velvet-lined case; sale P"ce, 2.98 Christma r ill .1 T? ?1Y ror ah tne raraiij and large assortments, at prices! for personal use as well as Gift Women's Fiber and Lisle Hose, in colors and black and white. All . seamless spliced heels, toes and soles. Extra special, pair, 59c Boys' and Girls' Ho siery, in all sizes, fine and medium ribbed, fast color, double heels and toes, ex cellent wearing, and special value at pair 33c Infants' Cashmere Hose in white, red, ,tan, black, sky, pink. .Worth 65c, priced, per pair 39cf Women'i Hand Embroidered a Lace Silk Hosiery, in all staple shaded in the McCallum, Aristo and other well known makes, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.75 I A complete showi Black Conx Approved and adopted bv nr the country. A new Dress i Ages 6 to 16 years A girlish, straight line, regulal serge, with embroidered emblems oi school or college wear, including rl Second Main Floor and kerchief- On Everyone's List for They Are Ideal Christmas Gifts "When in Doubt Send Handkerchiefs," is very good advice to follow when one is busy selecting appropriate gifts at this happy season. Everybody, men and women alike, appreciate handkerchiefs, especially when they are chosen with care from among such exquisite fancies as we are showing here. yovim i Main Floor J Choice of Immense Assortments and Our Prices Are Surprisingly Low 73 Ladies' Fancy Silk Crepe de Chine Handker chiefs, hemstitched borders, plain colors and novelty patterns, each, 19c Men' and Women's Pure Irish Linen Hand kerchiefs, excellent quality, regularize, hemstitched bor ders, each, 2Sc Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. Variety of styles, embroidery corner designs, Armenan lace edges, single and double" hemstitching. Three in box. Box," 1.00 Women's Initial Handkerchiefs. All hand embroiderey, neatly hemstitched, dainty corner designs, all letters, each, 50c t r n 'ma a m m Imported Madeira Hand Embroidered Hand 'kerchiefs. All pure linen. Eyelet embroidery corners, fine scalloped edges, all hand work, each, 69c, 1.00, 1.50 Women's Fancy Box Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy colored embroidery, open work and blind ef fects, hemstitched borders. 'Three in nice Xmas box. Box, 39c and 59c Men's Initial Handkerchiefs. Hemstitched borders, white and colored embroidery. Initial. Three in box, 50c; six in box, 1.00 Children's Box Handkerchiefs', with novelty corner pictures, plain and hemstitched, three in fancy Christmas box. Delight the Children. Box, 15c, 25c, 39c High Boots Of Black Suede Are New Very Popular Now, and featured at $12.00 A full line of sizes and widths of these much wanted black suede Boots, turn sole, long vamps, nine inches high, two and one-half-inch Louis heels. Extra value at the price. Women's Brown Kid Boots with cloth tops, nine inches high, welt soles, Louis heels, medium and narrow toe shape lasts; all sizes, 2 to 8, widths A A to D; regular val ue 10.00; pair, 8.50 Children's Good Wearing Shoes at Most Interesting Prices Sizes 7 to 8, Pair, 2.98 Sizes 8 to 11, Pair, 3.48 Sizes 11 y2 to 2, Pair, 3.98 Gun metal calf uppers, welt soles, lace and but ton, broad toe shapes, all sizes, from 7 to 2. Extraordinary value. Women can Buy a Goo Suit Here for $28 and $3! A price representing less than original cost. Due to the decisive price reductions which have been made on j.1 n..'j... in uiese amis, you'Ji probably not fully appreci ate the unusuainess of these offerings until you have seen them for yourself. Suits formerly marked up to $59 are now selling at $28 A wonderful selection in this group uraia, , velvet or rich Fur trim mings, also the plain, fine tailored designs; finest materials; all the de sirable shades of the season; sizes for women up to 48, and misses' sizes. Suits formerly marked up to $70 are now selling at $38 You'll surely have room in your wardrobe for one more at this low price. Velvet, Velour, Broadcloths, M'Cotines, and other fine fabrics; fine fur trimmings; all wanted shades and sizes. Second Floor k a y V I I I I II If 4 JL J AVictrola For Christmas Makes Everybody Happy - It solves the problem of what to give and will more than take the place of a host of lesser things. You Can Buy a Victrola On Our Easy Payment Plan. Gome in and see us , Victrolas $99 Kh 3r q n n nn Pompeun Room . l its ""Is 1 Toys That Bring Joy to the Little Ones Here is the largest display in town. Every kind of toy imaginable is here and one. may choose for children of every age. Here are a few popular playthings. r Rocking Horses o n swinging platform. All sizes, all prices, from 3.00 to 15.00 VINO Tinker Toy make happy boys. You can build hundreds of models with Tinker Toys. Extra! Big Dolls Hundreds of large Dolls, Sold ier, Sailor, Nurse and Clown Dolls. These are large and stand 20 inches tall. If we had bought them in a regular way. we would have to get 2.00 for them, but Saturday we will sll them, your choice At$l Sandy Andy, Dump ing Andy, S a n dy Crane and all the Sandy Andy , num bers, from 50c 1.25 V : What is home without a Drum and the ioy of seeing the boy on Christmas morn march ing the floor with a new Drum? Prices, 35c to ' 7.50 SANTA CLAUS IS HERE, TOO AND has a nice present for every little visitor coming with their parent or older brother or sister. See Santa Claus in his little house downstairs. Irish Mail will make the boy strong. Fine for leg and arm muscle, 3.50, 5.00 and 7.00 2 Armies CANNON AND AMMUNITION ftUWtn BWJTHt K Mexican Battle Game and dozens of the soldier games. Some with guns, some with cannon, some with as many as 100 soldiers. Prices, 25c to 2.50 Hudson Coasters. Have malleable iron wheels, are guaranteed to hold up 800 pounds. If you want a wagon boy-pro6f, buy a Hudson. Come in three sizes, and priced according to size at from 6.00 to 7.00 J Wool Sweaters Ideal for Women's Gifts 300 Fine Wool Slip Over Sweaters, Regu larly Sold for 4.50 Special 2.95 The ideal garment for this time of thtl year, slipover with sleeves, purled atK the waist, cuffs, breast pocket, in. all the popular shades, rose, peach, tur quoise, buff, sizes for women and misses. " - - . ; ; ; N , -